Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Cirrus Business [Open]

Okada Kaji

Active Member
Apr 6, 2014
OOC Rank
After a night of so many wins, losses, and emptied flagons of ale, Kaji awoke on a new morning. He was alone in his room, still at the inn where his party settled down for the evening, and felt fortunate that he made his way back to the cozy bed he rented. The gleam of sunlight shining through the window awoke him from beneath a blanket of warm pelts. It was a matter of good fortune, or so he figured as this new land was particularly unforgiving. After a good night's rest, Kaji returned to preparing for matters at hand and set his mind on the itinerary for the day. According to the Hokage, they were to have a day to rest at their port of call in Cirrus. Kaji intended to use the day for a bit of exploring, perhaps a hike in the mountains, or some fishing on the pier. However, before taking advantage of the leisure of a well deserved day off, Kaji thought to update the Hidden Cloud on their journey, given they would be arriving soon. With any luck, they might send an emissary to receive his party and guide them through the slough of natural defenses protecting the mountains their village was wedged within.

Pacing down the stairway from the Inn's second floor, Kaji arrived wearing his full wardrobe and welcomed the sight before him. The hearth was still warm, and the inn's chef prepared a bountiful breakfast. Kaji took a seat at the main dining table and welcomed himself to a few danishes and a mug of warm coffee. He unfurled a parchment scroll and began drafting a letter, acting as a negotiator for their party in order to smoothen their journey in the coming days. In the small strip, he foretold the coming of their party and sent a request for a guide.

Once the letter was written, Kaji ventured out to a courier post within the Port of Cirrus, and paid a few more gold pieces to hire a courier falcon's relay of the message to the Village Hidden in the Clouds. After the brief exchange, Kaji departed from the courier's office and watched as the red falcon with the Leaf's Message take flight.

- Kaji has entered the thread. Party Members welcome to join.
- Setting: Morning after arrival in Port Cirrus.
- Kaji has sent a courier falcon to Cloud, requesting a shinobi guide.


Active Member
May 24, 2015
"Hey Kaji, sir. What are you up to this early in the morning?" Most of the crew still asleep in the cramp quarters the Kage got them. You would think he would have been able to afford a room for everyone. Maybe she just learned a new thing about her chief, he was stingy. And he smelled, might have been the boy? It was certainly one of the three, unless..ew. The room smelled. Either way, it was what was requested of her so be it. she would get her answer if she stood downwind from any of them when they left.

The hokage gave them the day to do what they pleased, and she would take advantage of such, but she wanted to meet with some of her companions. She was under the understanding that this was an S rank mission, her second? Or maybe it was her first? Sara wasn't sure, but she knew that it was important, as it didn't get any more cloak and dagger than S Ranked Missions. She would treat like any other mission though. And the most important part to her was to get to know your allies, then your surroundings. The first part was the easiest, and most important.

Okada Kaji

Active Member
Apr 6, 2014
OOC Rank
The sun was still hanging low in the early morning hours as Kaji returned to the inn where he and his companions stayed the night. And as Kaji made himself comfortable within this home away from home, he revealed the leatherbound book he always carried about and opened it after finding a seat by a cooking spit. Revealing a pen, the adventurer began to make a few personal notes about his experiences in the Land of Lightning.

The dancing candle-lights illuminated whoever stirred within the calm inn at this hour, and Kaji came to notice as another member of his party, Sara, had also met her fill of the congested room upstairs. She approached him casually yet curiously, probably spying his moment of reprieve as something intriguing. She then respectfully engaged him in conversation, almost catching him off-guard with her mannerisms.

“Ah, good morning, Sara,” Spoken with subtle charm, Kaji welcomed his young comrade to join him in the nearby seat in front of the warm fire, using a pointing hand gesture to suggest as much. “Oh nothing much; I have never been a heavy sleeper” he admitted modestly, meaning to suggest that he simply couldn’t continue to slumber. “I take it you’ve also had your fill of the constant snoring?” Attempting to find a common ground with the young comrade came easily to Kaji as he wondered if she had a similar experience to his own, sleeping almost restlessly in the crowded room.

And as Kaji sought a replying tale from the girl, he considered subtle elements of her accent, which seemed familiar to his own. He did not make the connection previously, but now he was sure. “Hmm” he sighed and postured his hand against his chin, “Sara, you are one well-traveled kid, aren’t you?” Kaji wasn’t speculating, no, he was sure that he knew the child from somewhere in his past, though the significance of their connection remained unknown. “Have you ever been to the Maruishi, and the Village Hidden in the Stone?”


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Entering the conversation right at the part about snoring, Umashi instantly went on the defensive. "I only snore when I'm extra tired, I swear!" Umashi probably would have held his hands up in protest if he didn't have a slice of toast and mug of green tea in his hands. Holding back a bit of a smirk, he sat down at a small table near the fire, pulled out a paperback book from his pocket and began to read it. It wasn't that he completely not interested in hearing what Sara had to say but more about the fact that he didn't think about those odd facts about his team before he assembled them. The last time that he'd been in the Lightning Country he'd been a Sennin of Iwa, now he was the Hokage again, surely somebody else would pick up on that fact on the Kumogakure side.

Turning a page he took a bite of his toast and a sip of tea. For a certain fact sipping on tea when one had nothing to say was probably the best thing to be doing at the moment. They'd probably need to get going soon enough as it was. Umashi was starting to feel a bit antsy about staying in one place without working on the objective but what he didn’t want to do was alert somebody in the wrong fashion and have an international scandal spring up. Sipping more of his tea and leaning back in his chair he settled in to the book. Apparently the male protagonist was actually the twin brother of the female protagonist and if the rumors served him correctly, they were both the children of the main antagonist. Weird, very, very, very, weird, but Umashi wasn’t going to put the book down until he’d read every line.


Active Member
May 24, 2015
Sara thought back to the other nights during the trip, "Not used to rugging it, sir? I have heard of some amazing revolutions of house forming or shelter building among some 'travelers'." She might learn to regret that question. Insinuating perhaps that he was getting to used to the quishyness of being hokage.

The young girl extended the words travelers. She wasn't sure since prior the hokage said they should be wary of letting others know that they were shinobi. She was finding it difficult to get used to working around such. She had gotten some training about such during the ANBU sessions back in stone, but this entire trip seemed to be bordering between secrecy and openness. As Kaji asked his question, she wiggled in her chair. "That was home. Also where I studied medicine with my father. Though I felt the need, 'push', to go out onto my own." Sara turned to the Hokage whom was deep in his book. "How about you two? I remember hearing your name from time to time. A medical practitioner as well, sir? How about you (kaji)."

Okada Kaji

Active Member
Apr 6, 2014
OOC Rank
Before long, Kaji’s company by the fireside expanded as Umashi emerged as well. The energy of life and good times within the inn grew as he joined them, as did the soft laughter between them. Equally welcoming the coming of their leader, Kaji offered a nodding salutation, but quietly listened to Sara’s remarks. Confirming his belief, Sara recounted the days of her past, studying her chosen craft from her kin in Iwagakure. Like himself and Sara, Umashi was a known resident of the Stone, though the Hokage was, in fact, a native of the Fire Country-- or so Kaji thought.

“I knew I recognized you,” Kaji admitted to the girl, “from the Academy. Though, I must admit my memory is a bit hazy when it comes to the classes I’ve taught.” It felt as if that were years ago, far into their past lives as members of the stone. Feeling a new layer to his sense of camaraderie with his companions, Kaji found comfort in sharing histories with them, as former allies united again under the banner of the Hidden Leaf. As Sara noted, she and Umashi both had ties to Stone’s community of medics. “Seems you both have answered a higher calling by bringing your healing talents back to the Leaf” he admitted evenly, considering how the war-torn Fire Country was benefiting greatly from their presence. “Truly noble deeds.”

But then, Kaji attempted to explain his doings as well but felt a knot in his throat when he attempted to discuss his own past. “I have always ran with the ANBU… it’s just my calling. Though, I’ve been trying to handle things a bit differently since transferring to Konohagakure.”

A moment later, Kaji folded his book shut, and thought to update the others on his previous actions that morning. “Also, I should mention that I took care of sending a courier bird to the office of the Raikage with an update on our whereabouts,” Kaji admitted matter-of-factly, emphasizing the update towards Umashi, but not excluding Sara. “I told them that we should arrive tomorrow, and I have requested they send us a guide for touring and diplomatic matters... hopefully they won’t be necessary, but we could use a local voice of reason in the event we experience some poor fortune during this visit.”

- EDIT: fixed an incorrect narration.


Active Member
Jan 26, 2017
Tatsuo made his way downstairs, the look of determination was apparent on his face. He had been hyping himself up all morning to confront the Hokage, he thought he finally had a way to get out of class and he was sure it'd work. Tatsuo was wearing a white tshirt over a pair of black gym shorts, his hair was a mess, it seemed he crawled right out of bed and came downstairs. Before even attempting to grab food, despite the dull grumbling in his stomach he made his way over to Umashi. "I have a good reason to not go to school." he said crossing his arms, smirking confidently as he awaited Umashi's response. "One that even you can't deny!" he said short moments after. However as soon as he said that, his confidence began to degrade, what if he angered Umashi and now he wouldn't let Tatsuo have a chance to get out of class. Tatsuo began to falter a bit, his determined face slowly retreating as he awaited Umashi's response.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Noble, a higher calling, bringing his talents back home? For a fact Umashi did enjoy being back but it didn't come without some sort of history behind it. Putting his book face down, Umashi took a break from reading to look over to the fire as he spoke. "It's true, I was a medic back in Iwa, but it was hardly my first profession. Heck, it was really a favor to the Tsuchikage! I was actually born a slave on board a pirate ves- . . ." His sentence trailed off as he noticed Tatsuo coming to join the group and he in that moment decided that some harsh realities of the world were a little real for the soon to be present audience.

Opting to go with the "G" rated version that all ears could enjoy, Umashi greeted the excuse making kid with a smile.
"And that's how even though I grew up with the scariest seafaring scalawags of the sea, I still got a basic academy education!" If Umashi was a parent then he'd probably be horrible at raising kids. Thanking Kaji for his due diligence with getting them safe passage, Umashi also dignified Tatsuo by giving him one shot to get it. "Thank you Kaji, and as for you Mr. Man . . . you've got two minutes to give me even half a reason to change up your mission and my mind." Turning his chair to be level with the kid, Umashi leaned back and waited for a good one.


Active Member
May 24, 2015
It was all going out the window. Any prying ears nearby would know that at least 2 of them were shinobi, and that would be enough to her to suspect that the others were too, though perhaps they were young enough to have them think that they were just an odd family bunch of shinobi for hire maybe? Though... did he say ANBU? Wait, "Are you..oh, I didn't recognize you at all. You taught that one.." Her words quieted, as she looked around almost letting the cat out of the bag. Though present company probably knew it anyways. "I remember you now." What the hell right. Maybe the Kage didn't know and it would impress him? "You were the teacher for that one ..A.. AN.." She just couldn't get herself to say it. The training told her to never say such in any manner. She felt she had to correct it for anyone that might be listening, "That I helped in.." YA, that should push any suspect of her..

Tatsuo showed up as the Kage was giving his history, though he stopped short as he saw him. Seeming to change what he was going to say. The younger lass wondered what he was trying to hide from the boy, though, she had seen more then he as a medic. Anything he would have said would most certainly equate to her own sad story, though one she would most certainly never find out about?

Tatsuo was very against going to the academy, though he seemed more energetic about it this time, having been reluctant to actual talk to the group the last few days. She listened to see what he was wanting to do in place of. He was still a mystery to her, except for the few things she saw of him when she was at the clinic with him, though nothing unusual was shown there except a overprotective parent, not so much different then her own mother. As far as she was concerned, he was only infiltrating the academy for surveillance. He was most likely an ANBU member going in to spy.

'Wait...what did he say about that message thingy to Kumogakure?' The words roaming in the back of her mind.

Okada Kaji

Active Member
Apr 6, 2014
OOC Rank
All was well as the trio of shinobi shared a little about their pasts, enjoying each other's company and the modest hospitality of the Port Cirrus Inn. In these early morning hours, the inn was nearly free of other patrons, as the boisterous sailors from last night returned to sea, and the other tenants continued on their journeys. With the exception of the small staff which came and went, only the three shinobi were to be found by the fireside. The little bit of conversation they managed brought them closer together as comrades and jogged the memories of Kaji and Sara. Together, they once encountered a rampaging, metal-skinned vagrant who unleashed terrible rhymes and caused a ruckus in their hometown.

Just as the story-swapping was getting good and Umashi was on the verge of telling the beginnings of quite a tale, the stairs creaked with the sound of Tatsuo coming down. The Hokage changed pace in the presence of the boy; it seemed that Kaji and Sara would have to wait until another day to learn the Hokage’s true story.

Tatsuo childishly inserting his ambitions to avoid an education, and wasted no time in opposing the plan with one of his own, however, exactly what that plan entailed remained an insipid mystery. Kaji had other interests on his mind, though, and stretched his long legs closer to the cooking spit for one last moment of comforting warmth. With the minutes ticking away in this single promised day-off, he yearned for adventure and considered the many places he could go for the occasion.

“So, everyone,” casually, Kaji bade his comrades, “I believe we have a whole day to seize out there... isn't that right?” As he recalled it, Umashi did grant them a day off before continuing to The Hidden Cloud. “The sun is still on the rise, and I’m planning on seeing what kind of game these mountains have to offer.” He tapped his fingers against the emerald-laden pommel of the blade at his side. “Any plans set for the day, mates?” Curiously, the hunter considered the medic, the Hokage, and the student.

- Ready to proceed out this thread, and into collaborating with the cloud nin, whenever.
- The Cloud Guides are on their way here: Escort Team, Assemble.
- Perhaps we could fast-forward this thread to the next day at the end of this round of posts... Maybe bring in the Cloud Escort nin, and exit headed for the gates. Let's expedite things and get to the good stuff!


Active Member
Jan 26, 2017
"I only have to go to class because i'm a student, right?" he said the confidence reemerging in his smirk. From somewhere within his shorts he retrieved a official looking form, albeit wrinkled. It was titled Leaf Graduation Requirements on further inspection it would show that Tatsuo had finished all of his class and jutsu requirements. "I don't have to go to school if i'm a Genin right?" he said confirming his own thoughts. "So I want to take my Genin exam, that way I will be an official ninja of the Leaf when we get to the Cloud, instead of a student." Tatsuo would then place the form on the table, next to their plates.

He stepped back, crossing his arms. Tatsuo wasn't sure if it'd work, but he gave it his best shot. It was his only real chance of convincing Umashi to not make him go to class. He couldn't go to class as a Genin, he thought, or at least he hoped. What if Genin's had to go to more class. He slowly felt an intense feeling of dread, what if being a Ninja just continued to result in more class? Maybe he'd have to open up a restaurant. Either way he looked to the table, going to grab one of the bread rolls on the table and gingerly taking a bite before awaiting Umashi's response.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Hearing the kid out, Umashi smirked nervously before he broke out into a smile and nodded. Holding his hand up to keep the kid from saying to much more, Umashi finally caved in to the kids desires. "It has been settled. I guess that I can approve of you getting a rank up on the merit of sheer persistence. Congratulations!" Clapping his hands just once, Umashi stopped short of drawing too much attention to himself as he leaned back in his chair and took a sip of his tea. Running a few quick numbers through his head, Umashi closed his eyes and started doing basic math.

It probably looked a bit odd but setting his tea down he opened his eyes and nodded his head as if affirming something to himself.
"Alas, there are levels to this . . . ranking thing. Your new assignment is to be Sara's understudy and learn the arts of the medicine." Glancing around is if surprised himself, Umashi gave a sly grin as he continued to speak. "I guess that more congratulations are in order on your appointment to be a medic in training!" This time he didn't clap and instead went back to reading his book. Sometimes being the Hokage could be such the fun game. From this point forward there would be no arguing heard for the boy though, Umashi would leave it up to Sara to tell him if he truly worked out in the end.

OOC: Tatsuo promoted to MiT. Topic left unless stopped (for the other topic).

Okada Kaji

Active Member
Apr 6, 2014
OOC Rank
Kaji observed the exchange between Umashi and Tatsuo as if it were a play, and laughed as the student was promoted to a medic in training on the spot! It wasn’t quite what Tatsuo was expecting, in fact, he didn’t seem too excited about that, either. At least with the cleric shinobi, he’d have medical aid if wound up in trouble during the journey. Good ole Kaji felt he understood some of the Hokage’s intentions in that moment, though only time would tell for certain.

Surprise or not, Tatsuo’s sudden jump into the shinobi ranks was a cause for celebration, and Kaji awarded the boy and applause with a little hooray in there to boot. “Congratulations, kid,” Kaji bellowed. The spry vet then arose from his seat and went for his travel pack sitting in the corner near the entrance of the inn. Kaji withdrew a long, dark blue bandanna, which had a steel plate with the sigil of the hidden leaf engraved on it. In his former days of teaching at the academy, Kaji used to enjoy these moments often. “Welcome to the pros,” he added as he approached the pupil.

“And this is for you.” Kaji offered Tatsuo his head protector, and once the graduate took the gift, Kaji began to make his way out the door, on his way to a side-adventure. “Alright you guys, I’m going up to Momento Deo this afternoon to see what kind of game I can find on the tundra. ‘Should be back this evening, but don’t wait up for supper.”

- WC: 258
- Kaji has left the thread unless stopped.
- Continued in Explorers of the Dale


Active Member
May 24, 2015
Sara was shocked, shocked to say the least. This boy was really, truely only a student. "He...wha...ah wait." 'Did...did the Hokage give her her first student?' She laughed a moment later, a half of a laugh, almost silent but obvious with her big smile.

After he got his headband, Sara looked over as Kaji was getting ready to go. "Well..that, just happened." She whispered just under her normal volume. She looked at the boy, trying to figure out where she would start, but it might have been best to let it sink in. "Congratulations. Also, welcome to team..." She looked at Umashi, trying to think of a name her would be group but got nothing. "The Team! I guess I am your new master. Well, lets leave it at that for now." Again the last part was quieted "Hope you have some skills at medicine, as this will be a field experience session, I suppose. And with my luck, a high pressured situation to come...Well, anyways. Lets check what you know tomorrow, for now, enjoy the moment!" It was a truly horrifying message to leave him with. Sara turned around, completely boggled by what just happened and headed up to the room. She needed some distance to think about what just happened. Possibly to freak out, she was to sure just yet as she headed up the stairs.


Active Member
Jan 26, 2017
Honestly, Tatsuo was a bit disappointed, that was it? He was expecting some awesome exam where he'd have to do something cool. Why'd he waste all his time in class if the Hokage was just going to give him a position, a medic at that, Tatsuo didn't know how to apply a bandage, much less actually heal anyone. Every time Tatsuo spoke to the Hokage he seemed to just make his life worse, maybe that was the Hokage's job, just to make people's lives worse. Tatsuo shrugged, letting out a sigh he'd already protested all the way up here and he didn't really have it in him to continue fighting. When Kaji handed him a headband he took it, trying to feign being excited as much as possible, mostly likely failing in front of the observant ninjas in front of him. This whole trip seemed to be pretty terrible and Sara's speech didn't instill him with much confidence, maybe he should retire from being a ninja. He could open a restaurant or something. After the short celebrations, he said "I-uh, I think i'm gonna go get some sleep. I'm all uh.. ninja'd out I guess." he would say taking the headband and heading upstairs. "Good night."

[Topic Left Unless Stopped]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
