Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Open [Class] Clones, strategy, and tools of the Trade!

Akira Kazan

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
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This would be a first for Kazan. Never before had he even considered going to the academy and teaching students directly, but desperate times call for desperate measures. While he had no complaint about the quality of Genin produced from the school, he did feel they conditioned to be a little more aggressive than they need be. Even still, he couldn't argue with the results of the Academy and it's most prominent instructors. However, out of obligation he felt it necessary to at least attempt to reinforce some of the most simplest of basics. Arriving before the morning sun blessed the horizon with it's fiery hue, Kazan made his way past the obstacle courses and into the main hall of the school. Signing in to hold a class, or more so a lecture, he proceeded to a moderately sized room filled with several stadium like rows of seats. He didn't expect to fill the classroom with students eager to learn; in fact, he was hoping just one would show up.

The opportunity to pass on knowledge, and concepts, to even just one person would be enough to suffice. Walking up to a dry erase broad, he wrote the following in black. "Clones, Strategy, and Tools of the Trade". Underneath, he wrote 'lecturer, Akira Kazan. Jounin of The Hidden Cloud'. With that action, he walked to the opposite of the classroom from the door, still beside the dry erase board, and leaned against the wall with his arms crossed. Sitting down and waiting wasn't his style. As he closed his head, he heard the main bell chime throughout the school; alerting all students to start their day. Soon, hopefully, a student or two would show.

[Wc: 283][Topic Entered] [Marked For Training]

Yume Izanami

May 4, 2023
OOC Rank
Izanami would find herself standing at Aurora Eruditio. There's supposedly a class in session for both academy students and Genin, talking about strategies and how to utilize tools, something that could actually prove useful for someone such as herself. While she has awakened to having chakra, to further her blacksmithing skills, she has yet to expand much on her ninjutsu and genjutsu outside of her major, minor, and advanced affinities.

She would let out a sigh. Her own mind of coming up with strategies is pretty high for having a battle iq for a Genin, but it wouldn't hurt to expand upon it. She would have her headphones in as she walked into the classroom, her music not loud, so she could hear at least if someone tries to talk to her. She would wave at the teacher, some red haired guy, and silently take her seat, only taking off her headphones if she sees him start talking to her.

She was good with strategy, but has yet to produce a clone or go too much into using tools. Now poisons, that is something she knows. Having such a thing could prove to be an edge closer to her victory, seeming as poisons are genuinely looked over by a lot of people. Perhaps... She mulled over the thought of putting some of her training into learning more extensively about non-elemental ninjutsu. Now thinking back on it, non-elemental really seems like a base, or a foundation in which the other elements work off of. That, and it is the type of element that has the base form of a clone.

(class entered)


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As the sun began it's slow ascent for the day students began to trickle into the academy grounds but as they did the kids couldn't help but notice a small huddle of four people pressed up against the side of the gate almost if they were discussing a game plan. The first member of the huddle was a tall gaunt man, his thin almost noodle like arms currently clasped around a Samisen while his sickly features were set in a serious expression as he listened to the impassioned words of their leader. The next man was a large rotund individual who despite his weight seemed to have a muscular set of arms and a built up chest possibly suggesting they were a member of the Akimichi family. Tied to the back of the large mans belt was as large drum with thick red ropes tied around the base. The third member of this strange cadre of people was a much shorter man with a thick beard that ran down his chest in royal browns, scars permeated the visible parts of the mans face as he nodded at their fourth members words but despite his rough appearance he gently cared for the wooden clappers hanging from some string around his neck the instrument just moving on top his beard with every nod.

The three men were all adorned in similar red hakama the words Asakusa Theatre stitched proudly into the back as they intently listened to their leader a small eleven year old girl with purple hair dressed in some unusual clothes. Tying to ignore the strange group the students passing by gave them a wide birth as the four jumped to their fight with a cheer of "Fight on!" Before they marched into the school.

A bit of time later Akira would find his classroom door opened for the second time but before anything could be seen through the doorway a smoke bomb was thrown into the classroom obscuring the door as music issued forth from the hallway. "Rising with light of Amaterasu the dark clad hero reveals herself!" A figure slowly appeared from the dissipating smoke, standing with her legs spread apart while facing sideways to the classroom one hand being held above the girls head while the other was thrust out in front of her. "The dawn of a new legend, evil shall quail before me! For Tsunade of the thousands thunders has arrived!" As the introduced Tsunade spoke she had rise up into a crane stance with one foot raised from the floor before rapidly changed legs only to stop and crouch down to slam her hand into the floor before coming back up in a crouched pose a hand held at her hip while the other arm was placed diagonally up across her body in a typical power ranger pose. As she finished the music came to a stop followed by clapping as the smoke faded revealing Tsunade's bandmates standing at the door cheering the young miss on.
[Class Entered]

WC: 502
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Akira Kazan

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Oct 23, 2012
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It would take only a few minutes for a young woman wearing headphones to enter the classroom. His eyes would shift and focus on her, as she waved at him before sitting down. He'd reply with a nod, and just continue to wait a few more moments before starting. One student was more than enough for his cause to be justified, but he still had hope that others would join them shortly. After a few minutes, while standing in silence with a stoic like demeanor, he finally glanced at the classroom door opening once more. "Cool, so it's not just a solo attendan....." He thought as he saw a sudden burst of smoke fill the room, obscuring his view of the door and a large portion of the classroom. Instinctively, he uncrossed his arms and extended out his left arm, pointing in the direction of the smoke. His chakra began to rush throughout his arm, and into his hand, as it suddenly became visible; He was channeling his Wind Release throughout his hand, and extending his pointer finger out. In apperance, one could visibly see a wind current circulating from the tip of his finger, down to his elbow, wrapping around his limb like a vortex.

It was at this time that he heard music, causing one his brows to clench and the other to raise in confusion. Holding back his natural instincts, he watched as the smoke began to quickly fade exposing a figure of a young kid striking an odd pose. She would shout something about the light of Amaterasu, and apparently called herself Tsunade of a thousand thunders. Looking past her, as the sound of music faded into claps and applause, he leaned his head and shot out large burst of pressure. This burst of pressure would immediately bypass the young girl, and precede to smack the door shut while at the same time dispersing any leftover traces of smoke.

A soft smile would cross his face as he thought back to his days within the academy, while simultaneously deactivating his elemental channeling. This was a classic example of the dramatic theatrics that students would display from time to time, but in all the time he had spent at the academy, he had never once seen a Ninja with a entourage band. Whatever happened to being stealthy? "Please have a seat, Miss Tsunade." He'd softly say. There would be no sign of anger, annoyance, or any bad vibes whatsoever in his tone of voice or facial expressions. In fact, Kazan thought it was a pretty funny and unique way to make an entrance.

At this point, he'd walk over to the door and lock it for the remainder of the class. Looking at Izanami, he'd make head gestures towards his own ears as if he were removing something from them, as a way of politely asking her to remove them. After wards, he'd walk up to the dry erase board and stand beside it. Once everyone was ready, or at least appeared to be, he'd begin. "Good morning you two. My name is Akira Kazan, and I'd like to welcome you both to this class. In truth, it'll be more of a lecture or discussion. The academy's usual staff does a decent job of preparing our students for life as Genin, but a lot of people tend to disregard the basics of our craft. So today, I'm hosting this class as a way to introduce, or reintroduce, some core fundamentals that tend to get overlooked or completely forgotten about. Now, miss Tsunade has already introduced herself with her entertaining entrance, but what about you?" He'd say before asking Izanami to introduce herself.

Once she properly introduce herself, he'd continue. "How familiar are you two with the topic of todays class?" He'd ask, as he pointed up towards the dry erase board.

[Word Count: 600+]

Yume Izanami

May 4, 2023
OOC Rank
Izanami was unimpressed with the rather loud entrance the other girl had made. It was too showy for her. Aren't ninja supposed to be more secretive than that? She raised her eyebrows looking at the younger girl. Then again, she can't really say much on her part, she's only in it to help the citizens of Lightning Country. The whole making an entrance thing won't help her one bit. Her whole thing is just being able to contend with other ninja by solely focusing on her taijutsu with little to no work on anything else.

She would look over at the teacher who would be giving the lesson, whom asked her by using gestures, to remove her headphones. She reluctantly did so as she paid attention to the teacher. "I'm Yume Izanami. And as for todays topic. How I train usually falls under probably most of what you will be teaching. I'm not as strong suited with either ninjutsu or Genjutsu as I am with Taijutsu, but I make up for it with my ability to take my weapons to their absolute limits and use tools and poisons to even out the fight."

The young Genin would produce 4 summoning scrolls, each held a weapon that she herself has created and modified to best fit her needs in combat. Most of which make some rather interesting combinations,, but it is to keep her opponents on their toes as she is already fighting on a disadvantage. Despite her having an affinity with lightning and earth style techniques, she has yet to fully make use of the advanced element ninjutsu that she has access to, Gravity. She would sit back in her chair as she mulled over the thought.

Maybe she should start putting some more focus into her ninjutsu, who knows, it might actually help her out. Sighing to herself, she reminds herself that for right now, she has to put that on the back burner until she is done with this class.


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Tsunade had been expecting a few things with her super awesome spectacular entrance, applause, adulation maybe a standing ovation at her perfectly choregraphed routine. What she ended up getting however was a blast of wind shooting past her slamming the door closed and mostly likely sending her band tumbling back from the surprise of it not that it dampened Tsunade's spirits at all as she grinned excitedly at seeing a jutsu being used for the first time, stars already filling her eyes as she stared at her new sensei.

After a moment the teacher asked for Tsunade to take a seat which the girl happily nodded to but before she moved away from the door she quickly spun around to face it and began waving at the door while ignoring the fact her band most likely couldn't see her. "Bye Zoutetsu, Doutetsu and Soutetsu! I'll see you at the theatre later!" With Tsunade stepped away from the door with a large happy smile on her face before taking a seat at the front of the class obviously excited to be in class as she fidgeted in her seat.

"Good morning to you too Sensei and to you as well Izanami-chan. This is my first time in class but my papa has taught me our families Taijutsu style and......" Tsunade trailed off at the end of her sentence as she was hesitant to announce her bloodline abilities as her fathers family has severed their connection to the main family and introducing herself as Hyuuga Tsunade she ran the real risk of upsetting a main clan member for using their name. Instead she settled for taking glances at Izanami's scrolls wondering what weapon they contained or what she could do with something that could be squashed into a scroll like that.

WC: 298
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Akira Kazan

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Oct 23, 2012
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With a cheerful smile on his face, he listened to his two students. Izanami introduced herself and provided him a little bit of info about her fighting style and skillet, while Tsunade said goodbye to her friends and informed them about this being her first class. For Kazan, it was easy to mentally establish where Tsunede stood in terms of knowledge, but Izanami was a bit more complicated. "Ahhh." He said, as he watched Izanami lay out four summoning scrolls. "I wonder if she had a heads up, or if she's just that prepared?" He thought, as he nodded at her. "We'll, it seems both of you favor the Taijutsu discipline." He'd say, as he crossed his arms and raised his right hand up towards his chin.

"It's definitely formidable, and I honestly think it's one of the more versatile styles of combat." He'd softly say, as he'd turn his head and look up at the dry erase board. Something like this definitely fell under the broad scope of his class. With that, he'd uncross his arms and walk over to the desk in the center of the room. Rather than sitting down in a chair, he'd sit, or more so lean, onto the top of it while facing his two students. "Let's officially start the class. Our first topic will be tools of the trade." He'd say, confidentially as he reached behind his back and grabbed a summoning scroll of his own. Getting up from the desk, he'd unravel it, wave a hand sign with one hand, and turn towards the desk.

A sudden pop of white smoke would seemingly burst out of nowhere, only to quickly disperse; exposing several weapons, vials, various essential items. A single large shuriken, a Fuma Shuriken, several small shuriken, Senbon, Kunai, his signature sword, glaive, a pair of three pointed claws, and long Bo staff. "These a some basic, yet classic weapons and items that you'll commonly see throughout our world. Of course, there are some more modern style of weapons, but today we're just looking at basics." He'd announce, as he grabbed a couple vials filled with different colored liquids. Turning towards the duo, he'd walk over to Tsunade first and place a single vial down in front of her containing a colorless liquid. "This is a vial of poison called 'Truth Serum'. It's a consumable type." He'd say. He had specifically given her this one, due to the eccentric personality she had previously displayed. After that, he'd turn and walk to Izanami, only to place down a vial filled with a green tinted liquid in front of her. "And this vial contains a poison called 'Plexistim'. It's an Injury type." He'd tell them, as he looked at last remaining vial.

He'd hold it up, to where both Izanami and Tsunade could see. This vial, unlike the two he placed in front of the duo, would contain a blue powdery substance. "This vial contains a poisonous substance known as 'lullaby Powder'. It's an inhaled type." At this moment, if the two were paying attention they'd realize he just listed the three main types of poisons they'd probably come across. "The three main types of poisons are Consumables, Injury, and Inhaled. A consumable style poison must be consumed to take effect on an enemy. An injury style must be administered forcefully, by coating a weapon with it and striking an enemy for an example. And Finally, inhaled poisons just need to be inhaled. Throw it in an enemies face, or in a close quartered area to affect a group. I personally prefer injury type's of poisons, and I usually coat my blades with multiple types. Though, you don't have to have a bladed weapon to forcefully apply injury types. Anything that can deliver even a tiny scratch will do." He'd say, as he'd look about to make sure they were following him.

"Any questions so far?" He'd ask.

[WC: 651] [Marked for Training]

Yume Izanami

May 4, 2023
OOC Rank
Izanami would listen as the younger girl would speak before stopping herself. The Genin would raise an eyebrow at the pause but didn't push for clarifications. Turning her attention to Kazan as he spoke, he himself produced an array of weapons, along with three vials of some sort of liquid.

Izanami would raise her eyebrow again as the man passed around the vials to her and Tsunade, with only giving the name of the contents as he handed them out. Truth Serum, which was handed to Tsunade. Enough said about that. Prevents a person from lying, and often times can make a person say what's truly on their mind as an impulse. As for her, she was given Plexitism. From her understanding of how it works is the more chakra is used, the more backlash it does to a person. Definitely good to use for those that are going against people who use vast amounts of chakra. She looked at the vial that Kazan had himself. Lullaby powder. If she is going by what the name suggests, it puts the target to sleep. She wondered how good that can actually be since if in a situation where people are fighting, adrenaline will be at an all-time high, really helping a person focus and be awake.

She listened as he would go on and explain in broad terms the different types of poisons there are. "I'm more of a Black Lotus girl myself." She said, studying the vial of plexitism. She understood what poisons were and how to use such methods. So, she waited to see if Tsunade had any questions about the topic.


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Tsunade couldn't help the large grin that filled her face as Akira praised his students preferred combat styles while speaking about their versatility but the much desired praises didn't last for long as the teacher moved on to the meat of their lesson. The dark skinned girl watched with interest as Akira produced vials of some sort of liquid along with a variety of other weapons before he placed a vial down in front of the young girl letting the girl pick up the decoction and inquisitively inspect the serum inside. The revelation on what it was however made Tsunade rapidly pale as she changed her closed fist grip on the vial to a more ginger two fingered grip as if she was afraid the poison was gonna leap out of its container at her.

The poor girl only got paler as more poisons were brought out as well as their descriptions on how they could be used until finally Tsunade spoke up to her sensei. "Um Sensei isn't there any nicer ways of fighting people. This seems a bit mean and unfair to the other ninja." Sad blue but pupil less eyes looked up at Akari as the thought of poisoning someone on purpose seemed to genuinely upset the small girl and it only got worse as Izanami stated she preferred a different poison to be used on the person she would fighting. "But...but Izanami-chan poisoning someone seems so extreme and you can't take it back if you kill someone." Tsunade looked imploring between her sensei and fellow student as if asking if they really wanted to hurt people like that.


WC: 271
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Akira Kazan

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Oct 23, 2012
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The two had responded, though not as expected. Izanami showed previous knowledge about poisons and even went as far to mention her preferred type, which caused Kazan to smile in reaction. "Hmm. Interesting choice." He said in reply towards Izanami, wondering if this girl was simply making a statement or hinting at something inappropriate. Ignoring the thought, he turned his head towards Tsunade as she raised and interesting concern. Tsunade mentioned how you couldn't take back killing someone, which was kind of the point in doing so to begin with. Pausing for a brief moment, he carefully thought about what his next words would be before interjecting himself between Izanami and Tsunade. "Tsunade, death is an inevitability for Shinobi. Most of us will die at the hands of an enemy, some a comrade, and others in accidents. We must make tough decisions, while weighing the good and bad together. If you're not prepared to kill, you may watch your comrades die as a result of your inaction which is just as bad as killing them yourself." He'd say, with a pause before catching his breath.

This was a touchy subject and even thought he didn't believe in forcing his views upon others, he had to make a point. "By killing a single enemy, you have the potential to save a thousand lives. By showing mercy to a single enemy, you may inadvertently forfeit the lives of a thousands innocents." He'd say, as his voice seemed to echo throughout the room. This wasn't a class about ethics or moral decisions, but he needed the young girl to understand the cost of being a Shinobi. "Rather you kill or not, you must consider the potential outcome and live with your decision. I myself have taken the lives of more people than I care to count, though I am sure that number probably fails in comparison to others such as our beloved Raikage. But let's get back to the topic of our class." He'd say, as he raised his hand up to mouth and coughed into his fist.

Walking back down to his table, he looked at everything until he finally decided on the next thing to speak about. Ignoring all the weapons on the table for now, he turned back around to the two in attendance. "That's enough about poisons, let's talk about basic techniques such as Body Switch, Transformation, and Clones." He announced, while looking at Tsunade. Izanami was clearly more knowledge and skilled, so these basics were something she had probably already learned. However, if Tsunade didn't already know about it, this would open up more doors. "All three of these techniques are basic, though they can all save your life or help you succeed in even the most advanced of missions." He'd tell them, as he formed hand seals, performing his Steel Clone technique.

"This is a clone created using an advanced elemental release technique. Unlike Genjutsu, this is a physical clone capable of performing low tiered earth and metal ninjutsu techniques. You can use clone techniques to distract an enemy in order to make an escape. But that's not all. Physical clones like this one can help you out number an enemy, be used in conjunction with the body switch technique to switch positions with it when attacked and dodge without worry, or to just confuse them to make it harder for them to land an attack on you." He'd tell them, as he reached out and bumped fist with his clone. Looking back at them, he continued. "If you were to be under the guise of the transformation technique, this clone could be summoned already taking a different apperance as well. Which reminds me, the transformation technique is probably your most versatile technique known to any Shinobi." He said, giving praise to the transformation technique above the others.

Again, Izanami probably already knew this, but the purpose of this class was to reinforce the absolute basics. "The Transformation technique allows you to alter your apperance. It can be used for espionage, infiltration, and just about any form of deception. It's perfect for intel gathering, and can help you turn the tide of combat when outnumbered. Let's say you get attacked by two enemies at once. Consider this, transform into one of them, there by forcing the other to potentially attack their ally in order to hit you. Summoning clones while under the transformation technique can make it even harder to decipher real from the fake. Sure, the original will know you're the fake, but they'll most likely attack you anyway, so you should just focus on them in combat to further confuse the other enemy." He told them, wondering if this all made sense to them or not.

Kazan was definitely talking a lot, but he did say this this class was more of a lecture. Continuing on, he decided it was time to briefly speak about the body switch technique. "And finally, the Body Switch technique." He said, giving a brief pause. This technique was rather straight forward, so it didn't need some massive explanation. "When attacked, you can reflectively use this technique. It'll allow you to dodge an attack aimed at you by switching your current position with that of a Kawarimi Target. It can also be used with clones, forcing them to take the brunt of the attack in your place. It should go without saying, but this can help you avoid harm while allowing you to reevaluate your situation." He'd announce to them, finally stopping to take a breather.

While he waited to see their replies, or ask questions, he thought about what was next. He had already talked about clones, poisons, and basic techniques with strategies and ways to utilize them. Perhaps it was time to talk about some more advanced strategies and some unique skills the two of them would be capable of performing further down the road. Maybe a proper introduction to Advanced Elemental Ninjutsu and Genjutsu. It would be interesting to see how they'd react to such a thing, though he had no intention of harming them in any potential demonstrations. Still, the lecture was almost over so cramming in a ton of information at the end might not be ideal, but hopefully it would be enough to make them think beyond the basic principals of their techniques.

[Word Count: 1053] [Marked for Training]
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Yume Izanami

May 4, 2023
OOC Rank
Upon hearing what Tsunade had to say on the matter of poisons, Izanami would raise an eyebrow and look at her quizzically. Even while Kazan had given his wisdom on the matter, Izanami had to open her mouth, for better, or for worst.

"In this type of world of power means everything, some people can't make the cut, myself included. Tools are to be used to help even the playing field, yes, even poisons, as they can be such a turning point. Whilst other people can quite literally throw meteors at each other people, others have to think more carefully, and use everything in their arsenal if they want to compete with those that are leagues above them."

Kazan went on to talk about some basic fundamentals of ninjutsu. Great... Ninjutsu... She dreaded this part. Izanami barely made the cut of having chakra, and that is after the whole country awakened to having chakra. The best that she can do is mold her chakra to make her attacks, weapons, and armor more effective. But anything out of taijutsu just falls off drastically. She is convinced that after this class, she needs to take a look at herself and subject herself to some ninjutsu training for a while.

Yes, she knew all about transformation, clone techniques, and body switch, but that doesn't make her any stronger on the ninjutsu side of things. She would mull over her own thoughts as she waited and listened to see if Tsunade had anything on her mind as a question that could prove beneficial for both of them.


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Tsunade's sad blue eyes continued to shine up at Akira but their sensei was undeterred by the puppy dog eyes as he looked straight at Tsunade and honestly told her what being a shinobi entailed. Tsunade understood to an extent from the stories her farther told her that Shinobi walked hand in hand with death whether it was theirs or someone else's was always left to the ninja's skill and the hands in fate but it was an inexorable truth that many ninja never lived to an old ripe age. However Tsunade couldn't accept that way of the ninja and had long ago decided that she would not kill anyone who faced her and that she would always endeavour to save not only her comrades but also their enemies with the hope that one day their blood stained history will settle into a time of peace where hated no longer drove people to kill each other.

Looking down at her lap in contemplation Tsunade carefully considered her sensei's words and also the words of Izanami who expressed her desire for power despite the fact that she seemed to be unable to truly mould chakra in any meaningful way at the moment, forcing the girl to resort to poisons in order to match her more super human classmates. Thinking carefully on what was said Tsunade came to a decision with a small nod as a smile returned to her face.
"I understand what your trying to say sensei but I swore to become a hero who would save anyone I can. I won't kill but I won't disparage anyone that does instead I will work harder than anyone else. I'll become so fast and strong that I can defeat but not kill and reach anyone that needs my help. So don't worry sensei and Izanami-Chan no matter what happens the highspeed medic Tsunade will always be there to save you!" Tsunade expression grew in to a wide gin as she jabbed a thumb into her chest in order to emphasize her point not realising the foreshadowing she was giving on how she would develop later as her face landed on top of where one the eight hidden gates would be thought it would be years later when she would realise this as Tsunade settled down to let her sensei continue the class.

After that the lesson continued as normal as Akira went on to explain ninjutsu while demonstrating the steel clone technique unfortunately the clone ticket proved to be too interesting for Tsunade to listen to the other jutsu explanation as her sensei fist bumped real physical clone of himself. Amazed by the clone technique Tsunade attempted to copy the hand seals she had seen performed while trying to copy the way her sensei had moulded the chakra from the traces she had seen. Unfortunately for Tsunade the girl's immense talent came in to play allowing the girl to haphazardly change her chakra nature while finishing a shoddy version of Akira's Handseals. As Akira finished his explanation to Izanami he would suddenly a retching sound before a wet splat and if he looked over at Tsunade he would find her desk covered in blood, her face pale and a hand covered in green chakra currently clutching the girls chest as she breathed heavily. The state Tsunade was in wouldn't be fatal for the girl thankfully due to her own limited knowledge on medical Jutsu but she had put her self in this state by trying to mould chakra in a way her body couldn't even hope to manage not realising the technique she had been shown was at a way higher level than her own causing her chakra to backlash against her and inflict damage on her circulatory system. "I don't feel good." Tsunade said weakly as her breaths came out in rough huffs while her hand continued to glow with a green light against her chest.

WC: 655

Akira Kazan

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Oct 23, 2012
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Drama. While Izanami through her two cents into the discussion, Akira Kazan smiled at the thought of 'throwing' meteors. The young girl was creative with her choice of words, but she did have a point. "Meteors? Ah, so you've heard of the Sol Fire Tempest Technique? I can demonstrate it for you if you'd like, though it'd probably destroy the academy." He'd say, seemingly hinting at his mastery over some high level techniques. Continuing on, he listened to Tsunade make her bold statement about gaining strength strength not to kill, but in order to save others. She even told the two of them not to worry because she'd even save them one day if needed. It was an admirable sentiment, but it was unnecessary for Kazan at the very least. "If that is the path you've chosen to walk, Tsunade, then so be it." He said, accepting her resolve but not before adding in this last bit. "But I'd rather die in combat with my blade in my hand than to be saved." This statement wasn't a slight at Tsunade, but instead meant to provide some insight into the views of others.

After this, he'd finish his lecture just before suddenly hearing a strange sound, followed by the splatter of blood. Glancing over towards Tsunade, Kazan's eye brow raised as he noticed the blood, her apperance, and the suddenly green glow surrounding her hand against her chest. "That... makes no sense, I'd have noticed an intruder or an attack..." He thought, as his clone dispersed. Blinking, his crimson red Sharingan would activate; clearly visible for either of them to see. Approaching Tsunade, he'd glance her up and down, as as he raised his hands and quickly performed hands seals. A similar green glow would encase his hand. "Coagulation." He'd say, as he reached forward attempting to make contact with Tsunade. At the same time, his Sharingan would suddenly deactivate, causing his eyes to revert back to their natural orange tint. Kazan was no Medical Ninja, though he had dabbled in the most basic of techniques for the sake of self preservation.

"I don't quite understand what happened, but perhaps you should visit the hospital. Izanami, would you mind taking her? This class was meant as a lecture, and I've said enough for the day, so we can cut it short and pick up on more advanced strategies at a later date. I'll make sure to fill out the proper documents, but we'll consider this a pass based off attendance and participation." He stated, clearly. If Izanami and Tsunade were both fine with that, he'd wait until he saw his Medical Jutsu have a positive affect, but he would shortly leave the classroom after returning to his desk, repacking his things, and filling out a few pieces of paper.

[Pass] - Both of ya's ~

[OOC: As per the rules, 5 post with an accumulative 1000+ words each is all this takes. Can't very well continue with a student actively trying to kill themselves, but the lecture was made ~]
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Yume Izanami

May 4, 2023
OOC Rank
Izanami would roll her eyes at Tsunade's comment to be an all-true hero. This girl really has a hero complex, doesn't she? The Genin would think to herself. She would watch as the other girl would make handseals, copying that of Kazan's and then she...

"I think I'm going to throw up too. I shouldn't of looked that way. Eugh..." She commented. Her attention was then turned to Kazan as he asked her to take Tsunade to the hospital. A sigh of reluctance escaped her lips as she looked over at the other girl.

"Whatever you do. Don't puke up blood all over me. I don't think I'll ever get the smell out of my clothes if you do." She would drape one arm of the girl's over her shoulder as she would then make her exit with Tsunade in tow to the hospital.

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New Member
Sep 13, 2023
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C Rank
Tsunade just groaned in discomfort as Izanami draped one of Tsunade's arms over the other girls shoulder before helping her to her feet. Tsunade trying her best to help despite the pain in her chest while her hand conmtinued pumping healing chakra into her chest.

Tsunade simply give Izanami an apologetic looks as the girl complained about being puked on with blood but as their pair left Tsunade would say. "Thank you Izanami-chan." Following another bout of retching as the door closed behind the two most likely muffling any further complaints Izanami would have as Tsunade coughed up more blood.

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