Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Private [Class] First day in the Branch

May 7, 2023
Akira walked into the hospital once more, trying to get his bearings on what was going but he would go with the flow for now, as he allowed himself to walk up the steps, the morning sky was only just settling for Akira but he knew that the request was for 9:00 am. That being said he was early as he made his way through the corridors of the Hospital he started and look at the wards to get a general idea of how busy the place would be, and it seemed his conclusion was right, this place frankly never slept.

As he made his way to the office of the Sennin, it seemed that quite a few offices had their lights off, bar the one of the Sennin, that was something that he considered slightly strange, as he headed up to the door he had only just been at the day before, he allowed his hand to come out and wrack a knuckle against the door before turning the handle, he looks like his normal self as he entered into the room. He would make eye contact with the Sennin, though the morning may not have been kind to anyone in this place.

"Morning Sennin, I came a little early at 8:55am, but I am here and willing to see what the day brings us, what did you have in mind, I do have some basic medical skills, I spent the night at the library learning what I could, however, my key abilities seem to work with the mind."

He was at least truthful he had really spent most of the night at the Konoha Library and studied the very basics of medicine to at least make him not completely useless in this situation and with his work today

[Topic Entered]
[TWC: 302/1,500]
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Just when the young child entered, a big yawn was coming from the man behind the desk. After that yawn, he would wave so that he could close the door too. "Good morning, feel free to take a seat... Coffee?" Nao was a bit on auto-pilot right at the moment. He had been called out of bed three hours earlier and had an emergency dealt with. No rest for the wicked, but it did make Nao obviously tired since he was short on staff too...

After the coffee, he went over the words the child spoke and nodded a few times. "Alright, alright... So... I will need you to go through the regular medical world too and not just brain and talk parts. However, as you get further in the branch we can certainly look at making it their own branch and department. That is entirely up to you with how quick or slow you progress." he would speak and sit down on the couch too with the coffee in his hand, head leaning back. He never really bothered what other people would think of him seeing like this. Everyone could easily know this was no easy branch either.

"Since you have been learning in the library about a thing or two... Before we go in and do a patient who is quite stubborn... Let's do two textbook wounds, I want to know how you address the victim, how and what you will use for the wounds, and if needed which actions afterward. "

"Case 1... You arrive at a scene, it is dark outside and there aren't any people around. You see a guy laying on the road and once you get to him, he doesn't reply at first, after a second or 3 he finally replies. What are the basic first aid steps you give and what do you do?"

He would listen before asking case 2 directly after.
"Case 2... A girl comes to you in the guard tower, yes we help with those too on occasions these days, her hand is bleeding and by cleaning the wound you notice it is a laceration. How do you treat this."
Akira grabbed a seat and grabbed the coffee that was offered to him, in the morning he wasn't going to really argue about that at all, after all, caffeine right now wouldn't go a miss for him, as he listened to the Sennin speaking and trying to understand the situation that was going to be presented to him, he wondered about the first situation, given that it was dark and that the man was in the road, though he was slow to reply, it would indicate either a head injury or drunk either possibility was honestly realistic, as he pondered for a few minutes thinking to the best cause of actions.

"I would approach, but not move the man, as I cannot asses the straight away the injury, the movement could damage the brain or spine and on the road, I need to consider those options a possibility. I would need to check for a pulse, first of all, to try and see what is happening with their body, and from that check breathing, as they have shown they are going into a slow response, that would allow me to then see how alert they are, and request assistance as well. I would try to gauge the man's pain level, or see if he can respond to that, with that in mind if the pain is causing the issue, first I would apply Anesthetic Infusion to dull this or look for any instant bleeding and try and use Coagulation to stem it for now, to not allow the patient to bleed out. After either of these, the main goal is to stabilize for transfer, with assistance from other Medics and a Stretcher, it would be imperative to transfer the man without any movement to the neck or head and transport him to the hospital, the clear next step is a full diagnostic, and find the injury and assist with the repair, all while keeping the patient conscious."

He considered the first question answered at least to the best of his abilities and understood that the man was probably a serious injury one that needed to be stabilized, and the rest would require the hospital facilities in order to maintain and heal the man from that point. And then came the second question, he allowed himself a pause as he sipped from his coffee, it seemed that his interest in the dead and living alike was coming together, the answers flowing from him naturally.

"This would depend on if the cut is a separation or just a clean cut, first I would want to sterilize the wound, this type is prone to infection, and as such Isoprophic Alcohol Solution would be best, failing that just alcohol itself, followed by Coagulation, this is just to stem the bleeding at that point, though saying that the patient is a girl, and the stitching of the wound together would I am sure to be painful for her and in the area its located, so I would use Anesthetic Infusion focusing on it to numb the area, and allowing me to carry out the stitching of the wound to allow for healing naturally to take place."

He wondered if the answers she gave were along the lines that were being looked for, but he knew that he would soon find out.

[TWC: 858/1,500]
[Posts: 2/5]
Nao was trying to see how far along medically he was, along with the problem solving. The kid knew that he wasn't a real Medical ninja yet... so he was glad to see that he didn't think too complicated.
"Those were good answers, just don't forget that if you have a headset, you can always call in seniors too." He spoke and would take the last of his coffee and once more stretch out. "This is a case file of one of our patiens" he spoke and showed it to him. The file was about a female around the age of 60 but seemed to have dimentia. A lot of notes of caretakers were in there about how some people were accepted one day, the other wasnt. That sometimes she had seen people as her husband, son or grandchild.

"I want you to go to the room, have a regular check up, but also give her, her medication. It won't be that easy, but seeing how you are also interested in the mind... it can be a good look to see how you will aproach this."

[Ooc: you are free to rp how the woman reacts, or leave that up to me. ]
Akira allowed himself to reach out and accept the file that was given to him, as he opened the documents and allowed his eyes to scan across them. As he flipped slowly over the pages and allowed himself to sip on the coffee that was provided to him, he nodded a few times to himself, as he read the notes, never speaking out aloud until he had the complete picture inside of his mind, after all there was no point rushing into something that he honestly wasn't sure about, as he finished the folder and closed it he nodded to himself.

"Difficult one, however from what the book told me, and I may be mistaken but dementia isn't curable, we can look to offset the symptoms, and try and temporarily improve things, but it will never be a fixed case and not something that will get better. It's all about boosting the levels of chemical messenger involved in memory and judgment, a short answer to a long problem, a shame really for this patient. However I believe that I would need someone to prescribe, as a Medic in Training, I would request either a prescription of Donepezil or Galantamine, whichever is in stock, as I don't want to affect our stock levels?"

As he stood up he would allow Nao to follow him after all he would be the one judging the actions that he took with this patient, and wanted to make sure that everything he did was above board. As the two walked the corridors to a private room, he checked the sign and front of the folder, it seemed that this was the right lady, knocking on the door, he waited for approval before stepping in, his face shifting to an almost awkward smile, after all, it wasn't in him to smile much.

"Good morning, I am Yamamoto Akira, one of the Medical Shinobi that has been given your case to check in this morning, I just want to do a couple of checks, and see how we are doing. As well as medication to assist you."

Walking over to the end of the bed, he quickly grabbed the chart, not allowing the lady the chance to dismiss him from the room and stating his intentions clearly, as he read the notes from the night before he spoke to the lady.

"So how are we feeling today? Any aches and pains, anything new we should know about? Oh and while we are at it, can you confirm the date and the Hokage for me as well please?"

[TWC: 1,288/1,500]
[Post: 3/5]
Nao smiled as he spoke about the medicine... it seemed like he did pass that test as he looked at the single paper that prescribed all her meds in the past and which were on refill. "You seem to have more knowledge than the basic medical in training.. keep this up." he would start and look towards the kid that started to get through the hallway to the designated room.

The old lady looked at the young male and as he introduced himself... The old lady went the other way. "I am sorry... But you are my grandson, are you trying to trick me?" She asked and smiled softly and politely. "oooh, everything is fine deary! As usual, there is never anyone around to talk with!" She said that despite that there were always people around the place, sometimes even events where they would all get brought to the main area to play games with each other. "Oooh, you know me my dear,only my hip as usual. That join never really wants to do what I want to do. But I can tell you that winter really did start and it is aching back up again!" From the records you could remember that she had a metal hip, not a cobalt one to poison the blood when it would down. But it was from only three years ago.

Nao would sit next to the doorway and the old lady finally recognized him as the doctor. "Ohh, that is my doctor, my sweet grandchild." She would embark and Nao would smile. "I ain't interrupting your time with him, please don't worry." She went on about how her night was, what she dreamed about... That was when she heard about him and the day and everything. "Isn't it December 12th? And I believe Asuka-chan was made that a few days ago." She would think and just shook her head. "I am not so sure about it anymore. Today's paper will tell me the time nad all, if you could grab it I can see it." She would point to the paper on her bedside table.
Akira listened to the woman speaking as he knew that in this situation he should never claim to be her grandchild, though it would get them more access to information, it would be a clear violation of the code. As he walked around the room to the paper, seeing the date and knowing a different Hokage had set in, he didn't let any expression except a pleasant one come from him, as he looked to the lady and nodded, and handed her the paper, it would confuse her but he understood that part and knew full well that it was to be expected.

"Time flys around here, I myself can barely keep track of the day, however, I do want to just go for a few little exercises and see if we can do them today, these are tests that we would use and I am sure you expect them from any doctor so please follow my instructions and we can just get out of your way as quick as possible"

He did have some expectations he wanted to put in place since his first visit, but that was best discussed outside of the hearing of the old lady, for now, he would make sure that the information he gave her, was nothing more than simple tasks at best really. The first was a grip test, giving the lady his thumbs to squeeze as hard as she could on him, the second was a simple 400-meter walk test, and the final one was a Short Physical Performance Battery. All common tests with those older generations but would give him a full understanding of her abilities and capabilities all at the same time and to make sure there was nothing wrong with the lady bar the dimension that was already setting on old age.

[TWC: 1,591/1,500]
[Post: 4/5]
Through out all the tests that Akira did, the old lady was going through them quite well. You could see her hip was giving a bit as she reached the end of the 400 meters, but she walked it all without any support. This made Nao think of a support to use but was curious as to how Akira would tackle this problem. She was quite shipper for her age, except the dementia going for her. At the end she had a clear moment. "You.. are not my grandchild... Sorry." She spoke before being interrupted by something outside that had caught her attention... On which Nao would just wave Akira over that they would just leave after he would write stuff down.

"I have to say, you did all that remarkleble... Keep this up and you will kick it far." He spoke and would look towards the young blackhaired before smiling warm to him. "Please leave a report on my desk before tomorrow night, also place in your branch preference... Despite us looking in that to the future, I am curious to see the path you will walk." he would speak with a twinkle in his eyes.
Akira walked back over to Nao after the summon, it seemed that he had been given a passing mark or at least hoped he had at that moment, he pondered on what else could be waiting for him but listened to the words and nodded to her, instead he decided to make sure the report founds its way to her desk that evening once the day was over, leaving the lamp on at his desk he looked down at the notes he had taken, before making them into a clear sentence on what work he would recommend to be carried out.

Dear Sennin,

After today I would recommend that with the test her age shows that movement though not difficult we should look to give her the aid of a walking stick, this will allow for balance with her talking, as well as maintain the prescription that we have currently given her, I would recommend that she has care given at least twice a day. And would say that this should be maintained permanently moving forward, though she is able to carry out most tasks this may change in time.

I would also recommend from a mental point of view, a one-hour-a-day session with someone, talking and maintaining focus of the mind, as well as allowing her to speak plainly and cleanly in a non-judgmental environment and this will see a reduced in the feeling of loneliness as well.

As for branches, I would consider going into Medical Research out of the two branches, that being said I do think there is room to expand the mental health side of things and look at the options here when you do see fit.

I hope this is as per your request.

Kind regards
Yamamoto Akira

With that he sent the letter off for the night before turning in himself, he considered today to be a good situation and hoped he left a first impression on the Sennin.

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[Letter Sent]

Current Ninpocho Time:
