Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Private [Class] One hit isn't enough!

Like most things, the fear of what was being asked proved to be more of a frightening possibility than the actual thing itself. Sharks were some of the most feared hunters known to mankind. For most people, the only rational thought that came up concerning that fear was the fact that sharks just simply didn't exist on land and as long as a person stayed on land and didn't venture out into the sea then they would be fine, or so most people thought. Far more imposing than a shark, normally, was the fact that bears were a thing. Bears, unlike sharks, could naturally be both on land and at sea, and if a bear got a hold of a person, there was usually no escape. Having powerful arms and probably equally strong jaws ripped lesser creatures to pieces, Jinzo realized that the shark probably wasn't all that scary at all. After all, what did a shark know about climbing trees or hiding in caves. There were probably a host of things that a shark, even while enabled to "swim" on land, just probably didn't consider and so, as the precious moments continued to edge on into forever, Jinzo calculated a plan to not only outrace the shark but to out smart it. This shark, while mean and imposing, was nothing like a bear and if Jinzo could come up with a plan to escape a bear then he could certainly come up with a plan to beat a shark. All that said, Jinzo now needed to think of this shark as a dumb bear. What sort of things would work, making himself look bigger? Probably, messing with the sharks sense of smell? Surely. If he cut his hand, then he could probably split the smell of his blood across a larger area. After that, he could probably heal the wound to cut off the bleeding. The plan in place, now all he needed was for Keni to stop waiting and finally release the beast.
As the two boys both dashed off in opposite directions, the one who smelt the nicest was his initial target. Chasing after the young tsuchimikado, drool would exude from his mouth as his little legs dashed towards his next snack. It'd been a while since he was allowed to chase after a target and he certainly wasn't going to waste this opportunity he had, almost being able to taste Hayashi's legs as he would begin biting the air between the two, reaching out as much as he possibly could. Right as he was finally about to sink his teeth in... he disappeared?! No... his smell lingered it just remained above him, with breakneck speed he began to dash up the tree ignoring Hayashi's remarks with a devilish grin forming on his face, alongside all of his pearly whites. Chomping straight through the twig he took a running chakra enhanced leap straight towards his target, blood spurting from Hayashi's leg as he finally got the sustenance he desired. Hanging from his leg for a mere moment he knew that he'd definitely managed to cause enough injury that he'd likely be able to move on.

Releasing his grip he fell back to the ground taking off again following Jinzo's faint scent. "No. Not pity. Not pity at all." There was no easy way to put this but it was clear that somehow Otakemaru had also suffered from some kind of pain. The breaking of a nose always means that one has went through some sort of trial, the face is usually what everyone goes to protect, if those defences are breached... well... he knew all to well what the answer was. "Otakemaru, if you have truly felt such pain before, there's no need for it to happen again. You are here today, in that moment it might have felt like hell. But you are here. We both are. I don't know your past. But an injury like that means you have at least suffered a little. Without ever experiencing pain, we'll never be able to truly grow and overcome it." It was hard to find the right thing to say, so he paused for a moment as he looked up towards the sky above them, mostly blue yet a few clouds would remain one which barely covered the sun. "It's only human you hesitated. You know what it feels like, that sort of kindness is priceless. Just remember where you put it when dealing with a foe compared to a friend. You've passed this class Otakemaru, and I have no doubt the others will to. I'm glad you stayed." At the very least he could at least treat his friend with a warm smile.

His nose never failed him and it was clear, he'd come face to face with Jinzo after speeding through the forest. His face slightly dropping in a clear panic however as his vision averted to a small bag which was only a few metres behind the boy. Suddenly his eyes locked with Jinzo's as he prepared himself to pounce once again.
Hayashi had underestimated the gymnastic ability of the little shark, maybe his own comments on the creatures heft had gone to his head. Whatever the reason he was now faced with the animal being far closer to his delicious leg than he had foreseen and he let out a deep sigh. The shark sank its teeth deep into his left leg until they met bone, hanging there for a few seconds as a 5 kilogram weight intent on really dragging it out. It then fell to the ground and swiftly made off the same way that they had arrived leaving Hayashi reeling in pain. In a state of shock he clumsily clambered out from the tree and fell onto his hands and knees. He took a deep breath and almost immediately emptied the contents of his stomach onto the forest floor.

For Hayashi it appeared that incredibly painful experiences come like busses... There had been none for a very long time and now all of a sudden two had come at once. Each one worse than the next, he just hoped the the next person to attack him would do him the common courtesy of missing.

The pain was indescribable and he couldn't muster a scream nor any intelligible sound other than the mindless blubbering huffs and puffs he made trying to collect himself on the forest floor. After a few seconds that felt like an eternity he realised that he had to go after Nom in case Jinzo hadn't yet made it back with that bag! Pulling himself up and applying a medical jutsu before lumbering upwards and making his way out of the woods back the way he had came, complaining all the way...

"Pissing shitting bloody shark!" he grumbled through gritted teeth, "You know what, I have a sneaking suspicion that the next time Keniwa pops down to Pankesus pastry for a snack he's going to be violently ill!" After what felt like an eternity of grumbling and whingeing he arrived back on the open plain where he could see Jinzo about to be harassed by that pesky pint sized fish! He set off as fast as his legs could carry him. "Take the bag and get out of here!" he shouted before fixing his sights on the shark. "I am going to tear you limb from obese limb! You hear meeee!!!?" He screamed as he dived to rugby tackle Nom.

[WC: 399]
[Post 5/5]
If everything was quiet other than Keni talking then that could only mostly mean that Jinzo was next up. Either way, he wasn't keen on sticking around to find out just how quickly a shark could take him out. With his plan set, he started to take off when the thought occurred to him that he wasn't actually bleeding currently. Sure, he had been punched in the nose but there was no blood, and if sharks could smell blood better than anything else then all he had to do was to blend in in a more natural land dwelling way than to try to confuse the shark. How good was a sharks vision? Wasn't it less than their ability to smell blood? Why cut himself if he wasn't already bleeding? Not that it would be real blood, just the synthetic stuff, but whatever the reason, Keni had managed to overplay his hand, or that's what Jinzo surmised. He could continue running or he could stand up for himself and pull just the sort of move that Keni would have done, and had done. Stopping, he turned back around and walked back to Keni and the shark. "I'm not going to run anymore." While in his head he imagined that he was shaking in his boots, in reality his words came off as calmly stoic. If there was one thing that Jinzo knew that he needed to do, it was to stop running and to start doing, beginning with this test of sorts. He was capable of far more than he could imagine, if he could actually get out of his own way.
And so he waited, waited for an uncomfortably long time to be waiting. Was Keni sizing him up or had the boy lost his train of thought? Perhaps it was the bravado that Jinzo was showing or the fact that the lesson had gone so far left. Either way, Jinzo was firm in what he believed to be right. Keni was going to learn that Jinzo wasn't some sort of pushover but whenever he learned, Jinzo was going to set the matter straight right now and today. Giving a bit of a taunt, Jinzo smirked, "What's wrong, the shark got your tongue?" It was probably best not to taunt the guy with the pet shark, which made Jinzo realize that it was probably about time that he actually seek out a contract. He had spent so much time learning the arts that he was sure that he had missed the lesson on summoning contracts. Nao certainly had shown him how advantageous it could be to have a familiar handy. Definitely in a situation like this, if he had his own contract then he could equally flex as his strong minded friend. Nevertheless, he certainly wasn't going to get a contract right now and he definitely wasn't going to try and convince the shark before him that he should leave the service of Keni and join him. Wasn't that the whole point of contracts, to actually sign something and make it a legitimate partnership? He would have to do further research in the future.

OOC: I totally needed a training post.
WC = 2415
With all of his attention lying directly on Jinzo his electroreception helped him to sense things around him yet, the sudden rush of power resonating from Keniwa as the chuunin listened to Jinzo's determination shining through, it laid a smile across his face, the kyoujouran looked down as he snickered to himself. This blinded Nom's concentration on everything around him, applying the perfect chance for Hayashi to tackle the small yet feisty contract, as the two slid in to the forest surrounding this decently sized clearing, scrambling with a vengeance Nom bit down on Hayashi's finger taking the opportunity to jump out of the blond haired boy's arms and on to the side of a tree, snarling at his opponent in front of him. "Keni likes you, so I won't bite too hard eheheheheh!" Launching himself hurdling towards Hayashi's chest it was up to him whether he'd fight if he wanted to protect himself.

Keniwa stood face to face with Jinzo, he couldn't help but see fractions of himself in the younger shinobi, standing head strong and ready to fight even if it wasn't a fight he could win. "You know Jinzo, you two have passed as well. Your spirits' really are shining bright, I saw you looking at Nom earlier and your mention of him... I thought to myself I wouldn't need such a thing... but they are great allies. Hayashi has one to you know, it's one that allows you to become one your strength growing exponentially. Let's find that one, not just any but the greatest. But they aren't toys to mess around with... The first contract I met I thought would kill me. Show me your talent. Let's spar." Leaping in to the air his heel raised, his skin hardening and increasing it's strength, it rose above his head before he brought it down in a quick motion towards Jinzo's neck with breakneck speed, he was ready to be attacked, but was jinzo ready to strike?

OOC: Jinzo, Otakemaru and Hayashi please collect class rewards
35 ASP x2 due to voting rewards.
"You know Jinzo, you two have passed as well. Your spirits' really are shining bright, I saw you looking at Nom earlier and your mention of him... I thought to myself I wouldn't need such a thing... but they are great allies. Hayashi has one to you know, it's one that allows you to become one your strength growing exponentially. Let's find that one, not just any but the greatest. But they aren't toys to mess around with... The first contract I met I thought would kill me. Show me your talent. Let's spar." Whew, so he had managed to make it out of the whole ordeal alive. Or so he thought, sure enough, as was Keni's fashion, the boy leaped into the air, completely on the offensive and by all accounts, with his aim squarely on Jinzo. "What?" Managing only to get out a single question, Jinzo's instincts kicked into overdrive as he spun his body on pure instinct and attempted to deflect the attack away. Though he wasn't physically stronger than Keni, with the way in which Keni was directing his strike, he didn't necessarily need to be. If he could just strike at the right time then he would be able to hopefully throw the boy off balance enough to give himself some breathing room. With no time to spare, Jinzo used all the strength that he had to force his legs to move and in that moment his weight shifted to his other leg and with enough momentum, he moved his body one way and then the next, avoiding the direct hit and allowing his body to be an unmovable wall to push Keni off balance. There would be other times for victory, but for now, he was just glad that he didn't get knocked out.

OOC: Topic left unless stopped and leaving the results of the spar up in the air. Haha!

Current Ninpocho Time:
