Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Private [Class] Waterwalking 101.

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
OOC said:
Student capacity:
1. @Kyoujouran Keniwa
2. @Senju Akio
3. @Kiriyomi
4. @Akimichi Hideyoshi

Regular topic rules apply along with;
5 posts totals 1500 wordcounter minimum.
Missing to post within the 72 hour timelimit will result in a strike.
3 strikes you are out.
There will be no post order, however after senei post, you all have 72 hours. You dont need to wait on one another, you just post once.
The last time he had done this type of class... He had flooded the academy a little bit, big time. He remembered how he had to help and pay for the repairs. Despite being a sennin, he didn't live in a huge luxury, he didn't do that as he paid for his clan, the Byoin and all. He kept his own savings minimum as he wanted to provide for each child he took care of.
This time he would do it a little differently, he first created the same old thing. A basin, but higher this time around. He just made a few signs. 'Earth Style Jutsu: Earthslide Wall!' and with that, the ground started to shift, high dense walls were made and Nao soon would walk the sides to reach the top. They were 2 meters in height. "Now let's hope they can swim." A smile formed on his lips as he was reminded of how he himself had learned how to swim in the same class. The memories of being a drowned rat came to him again. The size of the walls was about the size of a small pool. Just big enough to make sure people would see it.

"Now... To fill this up." 'Water Style: Rain Dance Jutsu!' A few more hand signs were made and soon there was a controlled cloud over the area that needed to fill up. "Pfwaah..." He would say once it was done and the water was crystal clear to see the bottom. "I guess this would mean the waiting time has started... Let's wait for them to join the grounds." With that, he jumped off the ledge straight down and started to grab a cigarette out of the packet from his sennin coat. Put one up and sat down on the ground, he didn't mind being one of the odd teachers around. He always was running around, handling things, and sometimes did a ton more work then he was actually hired for. But at the end of the day, it did always bring a smile to his face.

Jutsu used:
Earthslide Wall: Mastered
Rain Dance: Mastered

348 / 1500


Apr 2, 2023
OOC Rank
Kiriyomi sighs as he gets dressed, struggling to pull his shorts on and button them. He is still adjusting to only having one arm, despite all the best efforts from the staff at the Byoin. As the memories of that day start to rise up, he quickly shoves them down and shakes his head. "Don't think about that... Nothing good will come from it. Just focus on the day ahead of you and be glad that Oka-san is even letting you continue your journey to being a shinobi after everything that happened. This is your first day back at classes, so make a good impression. Don't let anyone push you around." Slipping on the new pair of sandals that his mother had bought him, Kiri steps out of the house and into the bright afternoon and takes a deep breath. After having been stuck in a hospital room and here at the house, it was nice to be able to go outside once more. Kohara flies down from the roof of the house and lands on his shoulder.

"Everything looks clear, I don't see anyone around. Remember to keep your eyes peeled, don't let anyone sneak up on you. I know that you've secretly been practicing at night when Oka-san goes to bed, but don't push yourself too hard. If you need to take a break during class, just let the sensei know and I'm sure they will understand. What happened had to have reached their ears, so I'm sure that there will be no problems getting any accommodations that you might need." Kiriyomi angrily swats at the fly, already tired of the doting. He didn't need someone constantly making sure that he wasn't going to break or fall apart. He was going to be a shinobi, and accidents happened. He just had to move on and live his life.

Making his way towards the academy, Kiri quickly notices something out of place. There was some sort of earthen wall out back that hadn't been there before. Surely there must be some time to check it out before class, right? Taking care that he avoided as many people as possible, he quickly makes his way towards the basin and comes across Nao sitting on the ground. "Oh, it's you. I don't need someone constantly checking on me. I told the nurse at the hospital that I was fine, and that I didn't need to come back for another checkup. So if you would kindly leave me alone, I'm here for a class." Unbeknownst to Kiri that Nao was actually his sensei for the day. The boy hadn't taken the time to read the details of the class being given, simply being excited to be able to attend school once again.

[WC: 458/1500 - Post 1/5]
Apr 4, 2023
OOC Rank
Keniwa was excitedly getting ready for his class today, not only was he going to learn about how to walk on water, but he also was going to be there with his friends. Hideyoshi and Akio, yet he couldn't help but think to himself about Kiriyomi. 'I wonder how he's doing after everything that's happened... it must be tough on him. Perhaps today will help... yet him and Akio..' A puzzled expression would cloud over his face as he would sit on his bed and think. He could hear the front door slam shut as his dad left the house, usually it would make him jump in fear and shock, yet after the mission he paid no attention to his father in that regard. Keniwa reached for his bag before quickly being distracted by his mother "Keni! Come eat breakfast before it gets cold!" Koharu opened Keniwa's door and pouted at him before strictly pointing towards the dining room. "Now mister. Can't be going to school on an empty stomach now can we?" She softly smiled as Keni as she slightly chuckled. "Um No mother i'll be right there." Leaving his bag on the floor he rushed in to the dining room. His favourite! Eggs and Bacon. Erratically chowing down on breakfast in a hurry he then made his way to class without a moment to lose.

Keniwa was in a great mood the longer he spent at the academy the more he enjoyed it, his strength had increased drastically yet his chakra was still quite brittle. Upon reaching the academy he could see a large earthen wall which protruded from behind the academy building. 'What is this doing here? Was there a battle that took place?' Upon reaching it he had noticed Kiri and his sensei. "Hello Kiriyomi, how are you feeling for the class? And more importantly how is your arm doing?" Keniwa would gaze up at the large Basin created 'I suppose this might be used in todays class.. yet it's so.. daunting.' He then remembered he had no greeted his sensei and felt foolish at the thought of it. "And Hello Sensei thank you for teaching us today." He makes a small bow before Nao, he largely respected him because of his work as a mednin he had seen first hand how adept he was at his job. 'It's no wonder he's a Sennin.'

WC: 398/1500 Post 1/5

Akimichi Hideyoshi

New Member
Apr 8, 2023
Hideyoshi woke up at the crack of dawn, feeling the adrenaline rush through his veins. The water walking class with his new sensei, Nao, was finally here, and he couldn't wait to embark on this new journey of becoming a ninja. With his excitement at an all-time high, he quickly packed his bento box for the day and eagerly chatted with his parents about his class. They were proud of him for following his dreams and encouraged him to give it his all.

As he made his way to the training grounds, he couldn't help but feel a little nervous. What if he wasn't good enough? What if he fell off the water? But he pushed those thoughts aside and focused on his goal. He had always dreamed of becoming a ninja, and he wasn't going to let his fears get in the way.

As he arrived at the training grounds, he saw Kiriyomi and Keniwa engaged in conversation. However, his eyes immediately went to Kiriyomi's arm, or rather, what was left of it. He thought, 'Are those bugs? What happened to his arm?' Hideyoshi was taken aback by this strange sight and couldn't help but wonder how it had happened. He wanted to ask but didn't want to offend or hurt Kiriyomi, so he put on a brave face and approached the duo.

"Hey guys!" he exclaimed, trying to sound as cheerful as possible. "Are you excited for the class? I can't wait for it!" His smile didn't quite reach his eyes as he felt a sense of unease about Kiriyomi's arm.

As he turned to look at Nao, he felt a sense of awe wash over him. Nao was a renowned mednin, and Hideyoshi had heard countless stories of his skills and expertise. Seeing him in person was a dream come true. He watched as Keniwa bowed down to Nao and say "Hello sensei, thank you for teaching us today.", and quickly followed suit saying "Thank you so much for having us as your students!", bowing down as well, grateful for this opportunity.

As he took in the surroundings, he couldn't help but notice the high, dense walls that surrounded them. He imagined that Nao had created them using his earth-style jutsu. They were about two meters high and looked imposing. But Hideyoshi knew that they would be perfect for the water walking class. He couldn't wait to start and put his skills to the test.

He smiled to himself, feeling a sense of determination rising within him. Even though he wasn't the most agile or skilled ninja, he was going to give it his all. He knew that he couldn't fail if he put in the effort and dedication required. With that thought in mind, he eagerly awaited the start of the class, ready to embark on this new adventure.

WC: 470/1500 Post 1/5

Senju Akio

New Member
Mar 28, 2023
OOC Rank
Akio's characteristic smile shone like the sunny sky that lay overhead as he strolled through the streets of Konohagakure towards the outdoor area that his upcoming lesson in water walking was to be held, looking up at the nearly cloudless sky. Nearly cloudless, but not completely. A strangely unnatural cloud caught his eye, causing his sandy brown eyebrow to quirk up with curiosity. Many likely wouldn't have noticed a tiny cloud on a sunny day, but the young Senju was keenly aware of the nature around him. It fascinated the boy and he tended to pay close attention, and something about this particular cloud was a little too low, a little too perfectly round, not to mention it was raining when the rest of the day was otherwise sunny. This strange sight put a hop into Akio's step as he hurried the rest of the way towards the makeshift swimming-pool-sized ring of earth that Sennin Nao had created to host the day's lesson.

As he approached the outdoor 'classroom', Akio noticed that the other three students for the water walking lesson had already arrived. His good friend Keni as well as the upbeat Akimichi clansman he'd met at lunch at the academy were gathered around and already talking to the class' sensei, both bowing as they spoke with the Medical Branch's Sennin and expressed gratitude. He was about to wave his hand and call out with his characteristic joviality when he saw Kiriyomi standing there as well. His mind couldn't help but flash back to the awful day that they'd last seen each other. It wrenched his heart to think about the pain that his first and best friend at the academy must have been in, his natural empathy causing his brow to pinch ever so slightly. However, he cleared that look of worry from his face as he finally neared the gathering group. That's when he finally got close enough to notice that Kiriyomi's sleeve was empty. The boy was missing an arm.

Thoughts of the kind of loss that his friend was dealing with shot through him and made his stomach sting, but Akio didn't wince. Instead, he put on the bright smile that he'd become known for, ran forward, and hugged his friend before releasing him with a genuine grin. "Kiri!! It's been way~ too long! I missed you a ton! Are you excited for today's lesson!?" The sunny Senju asked with a smile, not even taking a second glance towards the empty sleeve that was tied up. Akio could be airheaded at times, but he also had been looked at as different by his clan for so long that he knew sometimes the best thing is to feel like everything is normal and just know you're loved. "And Hey Kohara! I've missed you~ too!" He added jubilantly, his eyes locking on Kiri's plucky little formic friend before finally turning towards the other students and his teacher. "Hey Keni! Hey Hideyoshi!" He said in greeting, that same bright smile on his face, then nodded his head in a shallow but respectful bow toward his future branch leader. "Hi Sensei Nao!" His smile only now faded into a shallower grin, his cheeks reddening slightly as he realized he hadn't exactly been acting like a model student. However, he wouldn't let it dampen his spirits. Instead, Akio just raised a hand behind his head, scratching the back of his sandy blonde hair as he donned his best 'innocent' smile and said, "Sorry I'm the last one here! I'm ready to learn!"

[WC: 590 .:. Post 1/5 .:. Total WC: 590/1500]
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Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
"Oh, it's you. I don't need someone constantly checking on me. I told the nurse at the hospital that I was fine, and that I didn't need to come back for another checkup. So if you would kindly leave me alone, I'm here for a class." That.. was how he was greeted by the first student. He remained silent and didn't really knowledge the child so far. He was going to see when the coin dropped and the child noticed he was the teacher today rather then checking up.

"And Hello Sensei thank you for teaching us today." He would nod in return as he started to adjust himself with the wind so that the two children at this point didn't got the smoke into their face. "Morning to you too, Keniwa." He said after and would wait for the rest to turn up, which wasn't long and the next one was already standing. "Hello sensei, thank you for teaching us today.Thank you so much for having us as your students!'' These students at least held respect unlike the first one, he was honestly a bit impressed that it was still around. Then the last one seemed to be dripping in and they all seemed to be complete. He would turn the cigarette bud in between his fingers so that it turned empty and he could place the bud inside the package snce more. This way he didn't litter it everywhere.

"Good morning, Keniwa, Hideyoshi, Akio and Kiriyomi. Besides.. you best show up to the check up, unless you want me to come to you. Because either way you need to follow up..." He simply said to the stubborn academy student. "Now then, as you all know I am Sazuki Nao, Medical Sennin and I will be teaching you today how to balance your chakra to stand on top of the water... Water walking is harder then tree walking or wall walking." Which he demonstrated by standin gon the side of the basin. "For you all, I have a little stairs so please don't worry to get on top... Now how do you all think you are going to be able to walk on water?" He spoke and went up the basin meanwhile, standing on top lowering the stairs for the children to use and join on top where he started to stand on the water itself. Right now it was calm...

403 + 348 / 1500


Apr 2, 2023
OOC Rank
Kiriyomi stands there, face red with embarrassment, as the other students arrive and greet Nao as their sensei. How was Kiri supposed to know that? He had just signed up for the first class that was available, and didn't read any of the specifics. Perhaps in his rush to get back to learning, he had missed a few important details. He knew that Sennin Nao was involved with more than just the Byoin, but why would someone so busy take the time to come and teach a few academy students? Surely he had something better to do than be here.

As Kiri tries to think of how to backpedal on his rather rude introduction, the other students greet him. He obviously recognizes Keniwa, after their various interactions together they had become more friendly towards one another. After the mission, however, he had done his best to avoid the other boy. Not that he blamed Keniwa for the injury he sustained; he just found it easier to avoid being hurt if you didn't let anyone close to you. "Hello Kiriyomi, how are you feeling for the class? And more importantly how is your arm doing?" Kiri stares blankly ahead and simply grunts, not quite answering the questions. Truthfully, he was a little nervous about the class. His balance had been a little off ever since the incident, and that was one of the reasons he had signed up. He needed to learn how to adjust his weight to accommodate for the missing limb, until he could perfect his attempts at using his Kikai to form a prosthetic. At the thought of that, a small stream of insects trickle up over his collar and down his arm, attempting to form up around the stump where his sleeve is folded and pinned.

"Hey guys! Are you excited for the class? I can't wait for it!" Kiri just glances over at Hideyoshi, completely oblivious to the boy's fake smile. He couldn't really be bothered to make conversation or acknowledge someone that he had only met briefly once before. Hideyoshi was nice enough, but Kiri's mind was just too preoccupied with other thoughts to spare one for the Akimichi. As he was turning back towards Nao, a bright head of blond hair came bounding up and hugged him, catching him off guard.

"Kiri!! It's been way~ too long! I missed you a ton! Are you excited for today's lesson!?" Kiriyomi stands there, shock written across his face, as he just stares at Akio. How could he be so chipper and friendly towards him after their last encounter? Before he could say anything, Akio turned to Kohara and greeted him as well, followed by the other students and their sensei. Kiri turned to Nao as he began to address them, telling Kiri that he had better check in unless he wanted to be found by the Sennin. The thought of that blanched all color from his face, and he took a small step backwards.

"For you all, I have a little stairs so please don't worry to get on top... Now how do you all think you are going to be able to walk on water?"

Kiri stands there and stares at the stairs, tempted to instead walk up the side of the basin instead just to prove a point. After a moment, he walks over to the ladder and climbs to the top, staring down at the smooth glass-like surface of the water before him. If he wasn't nervous before, he certainly was now. His parents had never taught him to swim, so hopefully he could balance on the water easily enough otherwise this would be a very uncomfortable lesson. "Well, obviously we have to infuse chakra into our feet to balance on the water. The same as we would any other surface, like a tree or a wall as you have already said. But, since the water is likely to be moving because of the pressure that we apply to it, we will likely have to circulate the chakra to try to balance on an unstable surface?"

[WC: 680 - Total WC: 1138/1500 - Post 2/5]
Apr 4, 2023
OOC Rank
Responding to Hideyoshi "Yeah it'll be interesting to learn how to easily stand on water I've always fell through when i've tried." Keniwa would then stealthily side step over to Hideyoshi quickly and quietly whisper in to his ear, "It's probably not best to mention it. He's going through a lot." He'd give Hideyoshi a quick nod with an equally fast small smile. He stood next to him as Akio almost tackled Kiri with a large hug whilst he greeted him and Kohara. 'Im so sorry for Akio.. I'll get Nao sensei as soon as Kiri throws the first punch' Although Akio managed to greet Hideyoshi and Keniwa without retaining any injuries prior, he cheerfully yet awkwardly , still slightly in shock, waved at Akio. "H-hey akio..." Yet he was then interrupted by Nao sensei beginning the lesson.

"Good morning, Keniwa, Hideyoshi, Akio and Kiriyomi." He kind of tuned out when Nao slightly scolded Kiriyomi and tuned back in after he finished, intent on starting the lesson. "Now then, as you all know I am Sazuki Nao, Medical Sennin and I will be teaching you today how to balance your chakra to stand on top of the water... Water walking is harder then tree walking or wall walking."
'He was right, the use of balancing my chakra on water never worked and I would never even last more than a second on water, it's ripples would throw off my balance instantaneously.' "For you all, I have a little stairs so please don't worry to get on top... Now how do you all think you are going to be able to walk on water?"

Keniwa watches as Nao walks up the side of the basin and Kiri begins to take the stairs. He heard Kiri's answer as he walked, and thought about his. "Well, obviously we have to infuse chakra into our feet to balance on the water. The same as we would any other surface, like a tree or a wall as you have already said. But, since the water is likely to be moving because of the pressure that we apply to it, we will likely have to circulate the chakra to try to balance on an unstable surface?" 'Thats a good idea and probably right but...' Keniwa attuned chakra to his finger tips and soles of his feets as he climbed the basin on all fours, he wasn't confident enough to just use his feet but that didn't stop him from hurrying to the top. "Perhaps Sensei you could use chakra to manipulate the water? Which may allow you to stand on water as a platform?"

WC:437 + 398 / 1500
Post 2/5
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Senju Akio

New Member
Mar 28, 2023
OOC Rank
Akio was slightly surprised by Kiriyomi's shocked expression, but paid it no mind. He knew full well that his friend had been through a lot lately and he was not about to pry into the probably literally gory details. He smiled towards Keni as the Kyoujouran returned his greeting with a perplexed look that the young Senju couldn't quite place a finger on. As Keni responded to the cheerful Hideyoshi, mentioning how he was always falling through the water when he tried to walk on it, Akio let out a childlike laugh and replied with a great big smile. "That's 'cause you're like a rock Keni! Ya gotta be wavy like a lilypad!" The sunny Senju said, then proceeded to do a little dance waving his arms and legs in a loose and comical way.

Finn Wavy Arms.gif

Akio then quickly collected himself as he listened to Sennin Nao as he officially began the class. "Now then, as you all know I am Sazuki Nao, Medical Sennin and I will be teaching you today how to balance your chakra to stand on top of the water... Water walking is harder then tree walking or wall walking." He'd started, explaining the basics. Akio had become extremely adept at gliding through the treetops, bounding from limb to limb. Heck, he had practically made the forests of the village his second home. But using those same techniques on water was something he had not yet had an enormous amount of practice with.

"For you all, I have a little stairs so please don't worry to get on top... Now how do you all think you are going to be able to walk on water?" The professor had asked. His formic-friended buddy had answered both quickly and astutely. He was smart as ever, and Akio knew that he was right. After all, the way he got so good at zooming from branch to branch was by using that same sort of balance. Keni added his theories as well, then Akio finally spoke up. "I think Kiri's right! It's all about feelin' the surface out. If ya lean your chakra too far forward or don't disperse it right against whatever surface you're tryin' to cling to, you'll slip right off!" It wasn't exactly the most scientific of explanations, but the young nature-lover had always been more of an instinctual learner than a cerebral one.

"Like this!" He said with a jubilant tone as he ran up the side of the wall that Sennin Nao had created, hopping atop it with relative ease. "But I definitely get why it'd be tougher when you're on a surface that doesn't stay still!" Akio called down, proudly standing at the top of the wall as he awaited the instructor's next question or instruction. He hadn't been asked to do so, but to him it seemed like good practice, since both wall-running and water-walking employed the same types of chakra use. Plus, Grandpa Itsuki always said it helps to warm up when you're trying something new or difficult, and Akio tried his best to always listen to his grandfather's guidance.

[MFT .:. WC: 515 .:. Post 2/5 .:. Total WC: 1005/1500]
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Akimichi Hideyoshi

New Member
Apr 8, 2023
Before class started, Hideyoshi was chatting with Keniwa when he saw Akio arriving and greeting everyone, saying "Hey Keni! Hey Hideyoshi!" Hideyoshi smiled and said, "Hey Akio!" smiling back at him. Hideyoshi also noticed that Kiriyomi was looking at him with a serious look. Hideyoshi realized that he was quite serious and bothered by something that happened to him. Hideyoshi reacted to this by simply nodding his head at him and continuing to smile.

As he did this, Keniwa said, "Yeah it'll be interesting to learn how to easily stand on water. I've always fallen through when I've tried." Hideyoshi replied, "Honestly, I'm a little nervous because I've always had a bit of difficulty controlling my chakra, but if I don't try, I won't succeed, right?" As he spoke, Keniwa secretly approached him and after he finished speaking, he said, "It's probably not best to mention it. He's going through a lot." Hideyoshi understood the message, he thought, 'He's right, better leave him alone for now' and looked at Keniwa and nodded, smiling, and then heard the teacher saying, "Good morning, Keniwa, Hideyoshi, Akio, and Kiriyomi." Hideyoshi was happy and excited and thought, 'It's starting, stay calm, Hideyoshi, everything will be fine!' as the teacher continued saying "Now then, as you all know I am Sazuki Nao, Medical Sennin and I will be teaching you today how to balance your chakra to stand on top of the water... Water walking is harder than tree walking or wall walking."

As Nao spoke, Hideyoshi's eyes shone with admiration, but soon the shine disappeared as he thought, 'The last time I tried, I simply fell into the water without even being able to stand up, will I be able to do it this time? What if I fall, will they laugh at me?' He slapped himself and thought, 'Even if I don't succeed, I have to keep trying, failure leads to improvement and improvement leads to success! I just can't give up!' The teacher continued speaking, saying, "For you all, I have a little stairs so please don't worry to get on top... Now how do you all think you are going to be able to walk on water?"

Hideyoshi waited for everyone to climb up the stairs and then heard everyone giving their opinions, such as Kiriyomi saying, "Well, obviously we have to infuse chakra into our feet to balance on the water. The same as we would any other surface, like a tree or a wall as you have already said. But, since the water is likely to be moving because of the pressure that we apply to it, we will likely have to circulate the chakra to try to balance on an unstable surface?" Then Keniwa responded, "Perhaps Sensei you could use chakra to manipulate the water? Which may allow you to stand on water as a platform?" Along with Keniwa's response, Akio replied, "I think Kiri's right! It's all about feeling the surface out. If you lean your chakra too far forward or don't disperse it right against whatever surface you're trying to cling to, you'll slip right off!" Hideyoshi, even though he was a little nervous, responded, "Um... Maybe we need to maintain a steady flow of chakra to our feet and distribute it evenly to stay afloat?" he says, but then thinks to himself, 'They seem to know what they're saying. I feel foolish in their presence. Should I have just agreed with what they said?' He looks around nervously, fearing that someone might make fun of him. Then, he looks at the teacher and waits for a response, eager to know who is right and to put the exercise into practice, despite feeling nervous.

WC: 470 + 625 / 1500

Post 2/5

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
Seeing Kiriyomi slowly start to get red to his face; Nao knew that he already knew they had made a mistake. Which was good enough for him. ' He must be self-reflecting at this point...'

Looking at Akio already up on the walls, he would smile softly towards him and nod. At least this one already was confident enough in tree walking to walk up this stone wall. Imagine if they did and blew a hole because of misplaced chakra... That would be another school clean day. 'I still need to think of a way to clean the water out after...'

He first decided to address Keniwa, since they thought he was manipulating the water. "Even though I have a high affinity in all lines of chakra... I am unable to do such a thing without having a continuous line of jutsu... And using a genjutsu on you all would be rather unfair. If you want you can all try to cancel it out, but I promise you there ain't a genjutsu around for me to hide behind. Otherwise, there would be no water.." He spoke as he is bent down, scoop up some water and drink from it, leaving a little dripping on his hand as he let it rest beside his body again. "This is just plain old water, and I just keep standing on it."

"You are all right.. so let me explain in detail. Waterwalking is a training method that is often used to gain better chakra control. To do this, the ninja has to be emitting a constant stream of chakra from the bottom of their feet and using the repellent force to walk across the water's surface. This technique is more difficult to master than the Tree Climbing Practice because the amount of chakra that needs to be emitted changes constantly. The more you train this technique, the more you reach a state where you stand on water without even noticing it or basically even trying... Such.. as me at this point.."
He spoke while looking down, he actually didn't really notice it at all. But when he spoke about it it made him realize that again.

A few hand seals were made and two clones of Nao appeared. "Please safe them if it goes wrong.." Nao said simply as he didn't get to know if they could or couldn't swim. But that wasn't the only thing that could happen with this.. People were also often known to projectile themselves away as too much chakra thus force was applied. It wasn't a great mindset to use a scraper to get a kid off the ground again. Flat as a pancake... pancake. That would be a good lunch idea. 'You are teaching, not thinking of food now... Sheesh. I somewhat start to resemble my kids.' He would side-eye the sky before looking at each student.

"Despite knowing the way the tree walks... Akio. please do take the water walking seriously... The reason I created clones is that my teacher never did. For me, it was swimming, or... actually learning to swim or die."
He would let that sink in for them before going along. "We will start off simple; just regular standing still water. Only moved by the weight you all place down. As soon as you keep standing still for 2 minutes... You made it through my class of regular water walking. If you really want to see if you mastered it; you are to stick around, and I will throw in some more fun things. After that, you fully made it through my class and are on your way to doing it subconsciously. The next class I will do are for those who already mastered regular water walking."

He would stand to the side to give a sign that they were now ready to try it out.

Can... you please use a different hue of purple? This made it very hard to read for me.. ^^;;

Oookay! You can now all start to roll a dice.
The command to use in the discord chatbot will be;
t!dice 1d20
Everything between 1 - 8 is a fail. You don't even stand on the water for 2 seconds and you go under. You used too little chakra!
9 - 14 You managed to stand but fail after. Naruto canon; You either drop in the water or launch yourself. Use a t!dice 1d2 1 is launch 2 is a swim lesson too.
15 - 17 You managed to stand still, but ankles under the water point.
19 - 20 What are you doing in my class; go shoo! XD (jk jk) You managed to keep standing this turn.

If you hesitate on how to; let me know. =)
Designed a discord channel for it; "Bot-Fun"
Please start it off with: "Rolling for Waterwalking class" In a new message you do the t!dice command. After all the dice throws, you end with: "End of Rolling for the class"
Following that I can also easily spot back to see if you didn't cheat your way :p Only the first dice count! And it shows others you are done rolling dice.

And if you want; I allow you all to use Clone Nao in order to save your char if they can't swim or launch themselves too far. I don't want deaths yet...

You are all free to leave as soon as you hit 5/5 1500wc and finished the regular water walking. But feel free to stay after that too; Nao will throw in jutsu and you are to attack the clones then after that after his second part of explaining

Edit; arc asked x amount of tries per post. 3 attempts can be made in a single post. =)
Last edited:
Apr 4, 2023
OOC Rank
Keniwa listened intently as Nao explained how his answer was wrong, it was a long shot but he wouldn't have known if he hadn't asked. He gazed down from the top of the basin only realising now how high up they are looking around at his other peers he would see everyone preparing to jump. Akio's dance moves were certainly... unique, he couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of his movements, 'How could he move his arms like tha-' His train of thought had been cut off by Nao's reprimanding. "Despite knowing the way the tree walks... Akio. please do take the water walking seriously..." Keniwa quickly fell in line not wanting to be scolded as well, as Nao created 2 clones and said something to the both of them yet he couldn't quite make it out.

'Akio and Kiriyomi must be experts at this, their chakra control is far superior to mine... and well against Hideyoshi it's just unfair. Come on Keni you've climbed many a wall just...' Keniwa thought to himself remembering the nature in which he found some peace of mind in, the birds chirping and the sounds of the leaves rustling, their natural order was in a way somewhat similar to the water before him. Still yet constantly moving. 'Akio always remains joyful and in touch with nature... well usually... it's rare to catch him angry. I have to be like him!' "We will start off simple; just regular standing still water. Only moved by the weight you all place down. As soon as you keep standing still for 2 minutes... You made it through my class of regular water walking. If you really want to see if you mastered it; you are to stick around, and I will throw in some more fun things. After that, you fully made it through my class and are on your way to doing it subconsciously. The next class I will do are for those who already mastered regular water walking."

Keniwa shifts towards the others with a unflinching look all over his face. "A simple basin won't scare me. Im going to jump." He cautiously stepped towards the edge gazing one last time down at the water before making his way to the other side, crouching and placing his hands in front of him, fingers on the ground and one leg behind the other. Boosting him self forward in a quick flash he swiftly leaps off of the edge falling whilst applying an array of chakra to his feet. His feet meet the water as he squats soon after standing up almost perfectly on the water, chakra coursing throughout the soles of his feet, still in shock he barely moves but gazes up at Hideyoshi and the others. "Hideyoshi! I made it! Come join me!" Staring down at his feet as in amazement he smiles, it was most likely the largest smile he had done in a while.

WC: 490
437+398+490 /1500
Post 3/5

Senju Akio

New Member
Mar 28, 2023
OOC Rank
Akio had heard his teacher's remark about staying serious, but today was a day that he was overflowing with energy. He'd practiced water walking on his own a few times, and did pretty well with Grandpa Itsuki's calm and assured demeanor there to keep him focused and able to maintain that delicate control. However here, around his friends, being taught by his future branch leader, and certainly not least of all on the first day that he'd seen Kiri since the funeral... Akio felt something that he seldom did. Nervousness. Normally, he would've been the first to jump in, eager to show off his talent at chakra control, which he'd trained more than any of the other students in the class up until this point, but considering the circumstances, today he decided to see how things went.

The young Senju's sturdy Kyoujouran friend, Keniwa, was the first to step up and give it his shot, and to Akio's amazement he did fantastically, standing upon the water's surface with what seemed like relative ease. "Nice job Keni!! Way to be wavy!" Akio said. Seeing his friend succeed gave him the little boost he needed to give it a shot himself. However, just before walking out onto the surface of the pool he looked back down towards Nao and Kiriyomi. 'Calm... Not too much...' He thought to himself, not wanting to send himself careening out of the pool entirely. Unfortunately for Akio, channeling too little chakra into his feet was equally problematic. He took a couple steps out, then almost immediately started sinking down into the water. 'Come on... Calm... You got this...' He thought to himself. Using a subtler and more toned down version of one of his standard water jutsus, and trying to keep calm and low-key in comparison to his natural state, Akio brought himself back up to the surface. Unfortunately, his nerves wouldn't allow him to get it right for a second time, and once again he was only able to stay afloat for a few seconds before descending beneath the water's surface. (3).gif
Swimming to the edge this time, Akio's brow furrowed. He was frustrated with how much more difficult it was to perform this time, especially when in front of his friends and one of the shinobi he respected most in the village. "Alright. Rock it is then." The boy said to himself, then jumped into the pool the way Keniwa just had, pushing an enormous amount of chakra into his feet rather than the subtle flow that was necessary to maintain a good surface. He stayed afloat alright, but only for a few seconds before letting out a yell as the overwhelming chakra exploded from the soles of his feet. Within seconds he was sent literally flying, not left, not right, not out of the pool, but straight up into the air. Akio's eyes went wide as he realized how high up he was. He wasn't the brightest student around, being more of an instinctual learner, but he'd belly flopped enough times to know that it was going to hurt if he hit the water flat. Quickly forming hand seals for the Earthen Coating jutsu, chakra formed around Akio's skin in the shape of stone, making him far heavier, denser, and larger than he usually was. "Incomiiiiing! Cannonballlll!" Akio yelled as he wrapped his arms around his legs and careened down towards the rest of his classmates. With a loud crash he slammed down into the water, making an enormous splash that sent water flying in every direction and might as well have emptied half the pool's contents, doubtlessly soaking everyone nearby. Luckily, the sunny Senju was a fantastic swimmer, and just as quickly as he had descended he'd released the jutsu and popped right back up to the surface. Looking around at the results of his ninja-powered cannonball, he simply scratched the back of his sopping blonde hair and gave a red cheeked smile as he said, "Sorry!!"

[WC: 670 .:. Post 3/5 .:. Total WC: 1675/1500]
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Akimichi Hideyoshi

New Member
Apr 8, 2023
Hideyoshi listens carefully as Professor Nao explains, and he thinks to himself, 'I understand, so I have to constantly emit chakra to my foot and use the repelling force to walk on water. But can I do it?' Hideyoshi ponders and thinks, 'We're lucky to have Nao as our teacher. Nao's previous teacher seemed really mean. I think I would have died in his class. But we have Nao. How lucky are we!!' He then notices that Keniwa seems excited to try, and Akio is even dancing, showing his confidence. Hideyoshi thinks, 'Kiriyomi and Akio are the ones with the greatest ability to succeed, but from Keniwa's determined face, I believe he will also succeed.'

While everyone seems to be getting ready, the professor says, "We will start off simple, just standing still on the water, only moved by the weight you all place down. As soon as you keep standing still for two minutes, you've made it through my class of regular water walking. If you really want to see if you've mastered it, stick around, and I'll throw in some more fun things. After that, you'll have fully made it through my class and be on your way to doing it subconsciously. The next class I'll do is for those who have already mastered regular water walking."

Hideyoshi freezes for a second and thinks, 'Two minutes?! I couldn't even do it for 10 seconds. This will be challenging, but I can do it! Think positively, Hideyoshi!' While he is thinking, Keniwa says, "A simple basin won't scare me. I'm going to jump." Hideyoshi smiles and says, "That's right, Keniwa. You can do it!" Hideyoshi then watches Keniwa jump and becomes apprehensive, wondering if Keniwa will succeed or not. But Keniwa does it; he stands on the water and says to Hideyoshi, "Hideyoshi! I made it! Come join me!" Hideyoshi says, "Wow, good job, Keniwa!! I-I'm coming!" He speaks while trembling, and then Akio says, "Nice job, Keni! Way to be wavy!" Hideyoshi smiles at Akio, and then he slowly approaches the edge, closes his eyes, and starts taking deep breaths, thinking, 'You have to prove that you can do it, show that you're better than they think. You can do it, you can do it!'

Hideyoshi prepares to jump when suddenly Akio runs quickly and jumps into the pool, passing in front of him. Hideyoshi watches Akio stand in the water, and he says, "Nice Akio! Great jo-" as Akio gets flung upwards and suddenly get an rock armor and says "Incomiiiiing! Cannonballlll!" and splash the water all around, launching Keniwa in the process and making Hideyoshi all wet due to the water splash, then Akio says to Keniwa, "Sorry!" Hideyoshi can't help but laugh. He slowly stops laughing and begins to concentrate on his breathing again, closes his eyes, and this time he stops trembling. He seems calm and fully concentrated. He thinks, 'Just jump and focus your chakra on your foot, and everything will be fine. Stay focused.'
He then prepares to jump, using his formidable strength and shouting loudly. As he falls, still with his eyes closed, he thinks, 'Stay focused' and feels his chakra flowing to his feet. He opens his eyes and, as if stepping in mud, he manages to stand up, but with his entire foot in the water. He looks down at his feet and notices that he is doing it, then looks at Keniwa and Akio first and says, "I did it!!" He gives a big smile of happiness and looks back towards Professor Nao and Kiriyomi, giving a thumbs up. He doesn't stop concentrating, trying to stay on his feet the whole time.

Is this purple better? If not let me know that I'll keep trying to get a good one ;D

WC: 636
470 + 625 + 636 / 1500

Post 3/5
Last edited:


Apr 2, 2023
OOC Rank
Kiriyomi stands at the edge of the basin, staring down into the clear water at his feet. He had never learned how to swim, and was actually quite fearful of how deep this was. He assumed that they would be training in a more shallow area, not a massive basin that their sensei had made. Keniwa just jumps straight in, surprising Kiri with how quickly he balances on the water. Clearly it can't be that hard, then. As he goes to take a step forward, Akio is the next to take a chance. His friend slips below the surface a couple of times before managing to stand atop it, and Kiri smiles. Suddenly the Senju boy is shot into the air and comes crashing back down, splashing a large amount of water out of the basin and soaking those standing on the edge. This causes his confidence to waver a bit; Akio was an expert when it came to tree climbing, this surely couldn't be that much different?

As Hideyoshi steps forward and balances on the water's surface, Kiri realizes he's the last one to try. Taking a deep breath, he steps forward and sends his chakra down into his feet. His feet connect with the water, and a smirk starts to settle on his face before his feet slowly slip into the water. Panic grips his mind, as he loses control of his charka and sinks like a stone. Reaching one hand up towards the surface of the water, he falls slowly towards the bottom of the basin. Is this really it? Is this how I'm going to die? Drowning during a basic class at the academy? I guess I wasn't good enough to be a shinobi after all...

As he begins to close his eyes and settle into the cold embrace of the water, a hand plunges down and grabs his collar, dragging him back to the surface. One of Nao's clones had rescued him from the water, and was holding him steady as he tried to push chakra back into the bottom of his feet. As the clone set him down and his feet slipped under again, Kiri's shoulders sink in disappointment and he stares down at the water to avoid looking at any of his classmates.

[WC: 379 - Post 3/5 - Total WC: 1517/1500]

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
Now it was time to see how everyone was going to stand on water. The first one going to stand on top of it; seemed to be Keniwa. He seemed to talk big, but he saw easily how he stepped on the water. Really careful and curious to see what would happen. The first one seemed to be standing still just fine, while he nodded happily. " Good job on that." He commented and would watch the next one.
This was going to be Akio, who... did seem to be the better one. A clone got closer after the first dip in the waters. "Easy going, that was too little. Try a little more." the clone spoke to the child as he kept near. Again he went through the water and he would look to the child. Puzzled as to what advice he could give the young child. "Want to try a hand otherwise first?" But before he could finish his sentence, he saw the child going up. ' Too much' all the Nao's thought the same, but everyone followed the child with their eyes to see what would happen. Everyone... Everyone got splashed.


Soaked.. .Nao was Soaked to the bone and a lot of water had been gone out of the basin. Through the white clothing Nao wear on top, you could see his regular shinobi clothing under it. And the muscles shimmering through. "And here I had hoped to stay dry..." He sighed while laughing after, offering a hand to the young shinobi."
The clone got close before crouching down to the eye height of the child while Nao focussed on the new one. " So this time you did a little too much, try to little and you fell through. Try to find that sweet middle spot to keep standing. It is difficult, don't worry." He tried to encourage the child and this clone stayed near him.

hideyoshi seemed to be already standing ankle deep in the water before standing correct. "That is the way. Just a little practice and you too will keep standing still!"
It was good that there was a clone around, becuase one clone had to go fishing for a student. Kiriyomi. Nao closed in too after the clone pulled him out the water. After he tried to place him down the feet slipped under. The clone would keep holding him until he told he was fine again.
"breathe in, breathe out..." Nao spoke to try to calm him down. " Talk to me... what is going on in your head... What do you feel, what do you smell and what do you hear?" Nao asked to ground the student as quick as possible, not leaving him too long in the panicked state.
" I can see you are unable to swim... if you want I can teach you that no problem, but for now I will leave my clone near you so you won't drown. We won't let you drown, I promise you that. You will end up above water before you reach the bottom." He tried to encourage the child.
" Take a deep breath, start to focus again on the chakra. Try to guide that through your legs, to your feet and to the soles." He tried to step by step guide him through.

"Everyone, please try again for those who failed, those who made it. Try to move a little around until you become unsure.

((Ooc)) said:
hideyoshi; that purple is awesome, thank you! a whole lot better to read.
Awesome going!!

Akimichi Hideyoshi 1 / 3
Kiriyomi 1 / 3

Different dice rolls!! For those who failed; t!dice 1d20
Everything between 1 - 3 is a fail. You don't even stand on the water for 2 seconds and you go under. You used too little chakra!
4 - 6 You managed to stand but fail after. Naruto canon; You either drop in the water or launch yourself. Use a t!dice 1d2 1 is launch 2 is a swim lesson too.
7 - 12 You managed to stand still, but ankles under the water point.
13 - 20 You managed to keep standing this turn!!

For those who made it; you roll a t!dice 1d100
1 - 5 You fell through, roll with the above rolls.
6 - 10 You kept standing for 1 minute.
11 - 20 You kept standing for 2 minutes.
21 - 30 You kept standing for 3 minutes.
31 - 40 You kept standing for 4 minutes.
41 - 50 You kept standing for remainder off the class on calm water.
51 - 90 You kept standing for remainder off the class on wobble water.
91 - 100 You manage to keep standing and walking a little on calm water.
*You can also roll this as soon as you pass the check above everything from 9 and up. This part is just an extra for your own Rp words and flare. You already passed the regular part of this class.

If you hesitate on how to; let me know. =)

And if you want; I allow you all to use Clone Nao in order to save your char if they can't swim or launch themselves too far. I don't want deaths yet...

You are all free to leave as soon as you hit 5/5 1500wc and finished the regular water walking. But feel free to stay after that too; Nao will throw in jutsu and you are to attack the clones then after that after his second part of explainingl.

3 attempts can be made in a single post. =)
1967 / 1500
Apr 4, 2023
OOC Rank
Keniwa stood on the still surface he was slightly surprised yet full of joy at the same time, he watched as Kiriyomi and Hideyoshi neared the edge of the basin he expected one of those two to jump, especially since he had heard Hideyoshi's response to Keniwa's success. "Wow, good job, Keniwa!! I-I'm coming!" However soon after he heard his friend Akio say "Nice job, Keni! Way to be wavy!" Just before Akio would begin taking short steps in to the water. 'Ah I knew Akio would be able to do it!' However he watched watch as he sinked with a slight frown on his face, upon his second try Keni would have the same reaction. "Akio is everything okay?" Keni would concernedly asked whilst he would watch as Akio swam to the edge. Yet Akio carried a firm aura around him as he walked back out in to the basin yet unlike sinking he practically flew up in to the air, 'Mother.' Keniwa thought staring upwards, with rock like armour forming around his Akio's body before he came crashing down in to the water.

The massive flux of water centering around Akio's landing point was far too great for Keniwa to be able to control himself on for the first time, placing as much chakra as he could on the soles of his feet to try maintain some form of balance yet this was a useless endeavour.
"Woah Woaah Wooooaaaah!!!" Keniwa was flung in to the air as he was drenched, the mix of Akio's blast and his own chakra sent him hurdling towards the trees. 'Tetsukawa!' Keni activated his tetsukawa seconds before crashing in the top of a tree, before falling in to a branch with his gut taking a blow, finally landing with a "Umfph!" on the ground. He hadn't kept up with the events happening as this transpired and was left in pain on the ground, his tetsukawa had taken the brunt of the blow and the rest of his body was forced to suffer.

WC: 340
Post 4/5


Apr 2, 2023
OOC Rank
Kiriyomi listens to Nao as he takes a deep breath, focusing on what is around him. " Talk to me... what is going on in your head... What do you feel, what do you smell and what do you hear?"

"I'm worried that I'm not good enough... I've already failed once at protecting my friends, and now I can't even do something as simple as walk on water. I feel as though I should just give up on being a shinobi and find a safer job instead, so that I don't risk anyone's lives with my incompetence. All I can smell is the stench of blood, pouring from my body as I feel my arm cut off again and again. I hear the screams of all the innocent people that were there, watching as we fell to the enemy."

This is the first time that he's admitted any of this aloud, and it shakes Kiriyomi to the core. It's true though; he is worried that his path as a shinobi is over before it began. Who would want to be paired up with a failure such as him? Anyone with sense would run as far from him as they possibly could. As these thoughts swirl around in his head, the familiar anger settles over his thoughts and he steels himself. No. He won't let that happen, he is going to prove everyone wrong. He will seek out those who took his arm and bring them to justice, along with his father's killer. He refused to let something as simple as standing on water defeat him. Focusing his chakra again, Kiri would take a step away from Nao and stand on the water, feeling it lap at his ankles but he would remain steady.

[WC: 292 - Post 4/5 - Total WC: 1809/1500]

Senju Akio

New Member
Mar 28, 2023
OOC Rank
As the wave that Akio had created rippled wildly through the water and struck Keni's feet, sending him flying as well, the usually cheerful Senju's eyes went wide with worry. He immediately swam to the pool's edge just in time to watch his Kyoujouran friend slam down through the trees. Rushing over towards him, Akio was relieved to see that the sturdy student had emerged relatively unscathed. Reaching a hand down with a smile, he offered Keni some help back to his feet and said, "Glad you're ok!" He wasn't about to admit it, but something about watching his friend comically fly through the air just like he had instilled the young boy with a newfound sense of relaxation.

He didn't have to worry about being perfect. Nobody had been so far, but everyone seemed to be getting it in their own ways. He looked over at his one-armed friend, hearing him react to his previous close call before Nao's clone had rescued him from the depths, and couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness. "You can do this Kiri! I believe in you!" He exclaimed, not focusing on the negative, but instead showing his faith in his friend. Summoning up some fresh resolve himself, Akio ran up the basin's wall once more and stepped out onto the water. This time, unlike his first attempts, was perfect. He managed to line up the chakra on the soles of his feet with the rippling water, his energy as wavy as a lilypad, just as he'd said before. His characteristic bright smile appeared on Akio's face as he looked over towards Hideyoshi and Kiri who were also getting the hang of things. "Nice job Kiri!! And you too Hideyoshi! We're figurin' it out!" He said with jubilance, before continuing as he looked over at Sennin Nao with that same huge grin. "How's this!?"

WC: 311 .:. Post 4/5 .:. Total WC: 1986]
Last edited:

Akimichi Hideyoshi

New Member
Apr 8, 2023
As Hideyoshi continued to concentrate and stay focused, he heard Keniwa screaming "Woah Woaah Wooooaaaah!!!"as he was sent flying and going into the direction of the trees, he then thinks 'He will be fine, I'm pretty sure' and kept felling a surge of determination flowing through him. Despite the wobbling water beneath his feet, he refused to let it deter him. His chakra flowed steadily, grounding him and giving him the strength to remain standing.

Suddenly, Kiriyomi jumps and he seemed to be able to keep standing but then he slowly started to go deeper into the water and Hideyoshi thinks 'If he can swim it will be fine.. But also he only have one arm now..' some seconds pass and he only goes deeper, Hideyoshi starts to panick and almost lost his concentration as he thought 'I need to help him', Hideyoshi was about to jump when one of the teacher's clones appeared and grabbed Kiriyomi and managed to get him to safety. Hideyoshi was now relieved and he now could once again concentrate.

With every passing moment, Hideyoshi could sense his control improving. He could feel his muscles adjusting and his balance becoming more stable. The initial challenge of standing up with his entire foot submerged in the water had transformed into a personal triumph.

Eyes open and filled with determination, Hideyoshi glanced down at his feet. He couldn't help but notice his progress, the visible proof of his accomplishment. As he looked around he this time saw Akio also standing in the water this time, as he said "Nice job Kiri!! And you too Hideyoshi! We're figurin' it out!" Hideyoshi then reponds witha smile in his face ''Thanks Akio, you too!! Yea, this is amazing!'' A surge of pride washed over him, filling him with a sense of achievement. He knew he had made significant strides in his training.

Hideyoshi then hears his teacher saying "That is the way. Just a little practice and you too will keep standing still!". He smiles and thinks 'I can't believe I'm really doing it!!' he then smiples as he conveyed his joy and gratitude to his instructor. His guidance and expertise had pushed him to push himself further than he thought possible in his conditions.

Despite his accomplishment, Hideyoshi knew that the journey was far from over. He maintained his concentration, determined to stay on his feet for the remainder of the class. Every wobble and movement of the water challenged him, but he was resolute in his pursuit of mastery.

As Hideyoshi stood strong, he felt a sense of unity within himself. The integration of his mind and body became more evident. The physical act of remaining upright in the wobbling water mirrored the strength he had developed within. He was a testament to the power of perseverance and the rewards it could bring.

In that moment, Hideyoshi knew that this experience would serve as a reminder of his capabilities and the potential for growth that lay within him. He would carry this triumph with him, fueling his determination to conquer future challenges and strive for even greater heights. He then thinks 'Mom, Father, I'm capable of doing this!'

WC: 534
470 + 625 + 636 + 534 / 1500

Post 4/5

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
