Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time: Saturday, 15. Mar, 05:54:15

Private [Class] Waterwalking 101.

Straight at the moment a student launched himself, the clones were too slow to see where they exactly went. One clone would go after the child to see if they needed medical care or anything. "Are you alright?" He asked the student which was on the ground.

"I'm worried that I'm not good enough... I've already failed once at protecting my friends, and now I can't even do something as simple as walk on water. I feel as though I should just give up on being a shinobi and find a safer job instead, so that I don't risk anyone's lives with my incompetence. All I can smell is the stench of blood, pouring from my body as I feel my arm cut off again and again. I hear the screams of all the innocent people that were there, watching as we fell to the enemy."
Nao would tilt his head softly to the side before speaking up again. "I don't think anyone is thinking that. I have seen the state everyone was in, even requested all your documents, from the group. It seemed that this was no simple feat you guys have done for mere Students. I think it is amazing that you all came back alive... and if it helps, I can create amazing prostethics, so you have a functioning arm. You may not always agree with the arm in question, and it may not handle all weathers as great. But it is still something?"

Seeing how too Hideyoshi was now standing, he would look towards keni with a slight sorry face. He knew he couldn't really help him unless he decided to stay.

"All of you have been standing successfully on the waters, now you may stay and attempt my next challange, or I hope you sign up for my next class where we will further this practice along. Feel free to leave and call it a success otherwise."

OOC said:
Akimichi Hideyoshi 2 / 3 One more strike and you failed the class; despite the 5/5 1500 wc!
Kiriyomi 1 / 3

Different dice rolls!! For those who failed; t!dice 1d20
1 is a fail. You don't even stand on the water for 2 seconds and you go under. You used too little chakra!
2 - 4 You managed to stand but fail after. Naruto canon; You either drop in the water or launch yourself. Use a t!dice 1d2 1 is launch 2 is a swim lesson.
5 - 6 You managed to stand still, but ankles under the water point.
7 - 20 You managed to keep standing this turn!!

As soon as your char has been able to hit the minimum requirement: " You managed to stand still, but ankles underwater." You cleared the class if you made it through the 5/5 1500 wc.

For those wanted the more advanced class; feel free to stay around; it will be turned to a general RP with the 5 day rule timers.

Rules said:
Rules said:
  • If a topic is not posted in by a user for more than 5 days, that person is considered to be no longer in the topic unless the player(s) in the topic wish to skip the user's turn until he/she has returned.
  • If a topic is not posted in by a user for more than 5 days and there is only 2 users, the other player may leave the topic without being stopped at any time.
  • If a player has died, he/she may continue RP'ing in topics after his/her death with that character that he/she was active in prior to their death as long as EVERY member in the thread consents.
Kiriyomi stands there and listens to what Nao says to him. "I don't think anyone is thinking that. I have seen the state everyone was in, even requested all your documents, from the group. It seemed that this was no simple feat you guys have done for mere Students. I think it is amazing that you all came back alive... and if it helps, I can create amazing prostethics, so you have a functioning arm. You may not always agree with the arm in question, and it may not handle all weathers as great. But it is still something?"

He smiles softly as he releases his Kikai, and they swarm over the stump of his arm and begin to form a wobbly sort of prosthetic. "I appreciate the offer, but I think that I have that figured out for myself. If I decide that I need something sturdier or this doesn't work out for me, I will be sure to come and see you, Sensei. As for that swimming lesson, I would greatly appreciate that after class is over." Kiri looks around to see who else is going to stay behind to get further instruction from Nao, as he feels the need to perfect his ability to stand on water because it would prove to be beneficial to him in the future. He knows that he wouldn't be lucky enough to get away with rudimentary skills in this area, because there was no guarantee that he wouldn't have to do this in the future. He wouldn't settle for any less than being able to move around on the unstable surface before going home. If he had to stay here the rest of the day, he would as he was bound and determined to master this skill.

[WC: 296 - Post 5/5 - Total WC: 2105]
As Hideyoshi stood amidst the waters, with his eyes close, his mind focused solely on one task – to remain standing on the surface. The ripples gently lapped against his legs, challenging his balance with each passing moment. As he concentrated he could hear teacher Nao in the back saying. But Hideyoshi was determined, his unwavering resolve fueled by thoughts of his beloved family.

In his mind's eye, he conjured images of his parents, their unwavering support and guidance throughout his life. Their love had always been his anchor, a constant source of strength and inspiration. He thought of his father's wise words, reminding him to embrace challenges with unwavering determination, just as he was doing now.

His thoughts then drifted to his mother, her nurturing presence always encouraging him to reach for the stars. She had instilled in him the belief that anything was possible with hard work and dedication. Her unwavering faith in his abilities echoed in his mind, pushing him to go beyond his limits.

As the water around his feet continued to sway, Hideyoshi summoned the memories of his siblings. Their unwavering bond, forged through countless shared moments of laughter and support, fueled his determination. They had always stood by his side, cheering him on and celebrating his victories. The thought of making them proud pushed him to persevere.

As he stood there, the embodiment of perseverance and familial love, Hideyoshi couldn't help but feel a surge of gratitude. Gratitude for the family that had shaped him, for their unwavering belief in him, and for the opportunity to face this challenge head-on.

Time passes and he manages to finish the class standing with his ankles underwater. Hideyoshi's emotions are clear in his face, happiness, he smiles as he leaves the water and hears teacher Nao saying
"All of you have been standing successfully on the waters, now you may stay and attempt my next challange, or I hope you sign up for my next class where we will further this practice along. Feel free to leave and call it a success otherwise." Hideyoshi responds ''Thank you so much for the class teacher Nao! It was a pleasure having you as my teacher!'' he says it as he bows. He then turns to Keniwa, Akio and Kiriyomi and says ''It was a pleasure having you guys as classmates as well, I hope to see you guys more often! See you guys later!'' As he waves to them. He then grabs his backpack and starts to head toward his house, thinking 'I can't wait to see my family' as he smiles and leaves the training grounds.

WC: 445
470 + 625 + 636 + 534 + 445 / 1500

Post 5/5
Akio smiled heartily as the remainder of the group seemed to have gotten the hang of standing on the water, but just like Kiriyomi, he wanted to get even better, especially after his embarrassing performance at the start of the class. He'd made focusing on his chakra control and ninjutsu a point in his training, and had been pretty sure of his abilities coming into today's instruction, but flying nearly a hundred feet into the air was not exactly his idea of mastery, even if he did manage to get the hang of it after the fact.

As Sennin Nao asked if any would take up his trial to continue with more advanced instruction, Akio smiled brightly and yelled out, "I accept the challenge Nao-sama! I wanna learn everything I can!" Waving goodbye to Hideyoshi, Akio said. "See ya Hideyoshi! You did awesome! I'm sure your grampa will be proud of that!" Akio had remembered what the young Akimichi told him about his grandfather's stern temperament, and hoped that as he continued to flourish as a young shinobi-to-be that he'd eventually find the same support that he received from Grandpa Itsuki.

He then looked over at Kiriyomi, who also seemed to want to stay after class for some additional instruction and perhaps a swimming lesson. The boy had formed a full arm out of his kikai colony. "That's awesome Kiri!! You guys are so coordinated! One day I wanna have a bond as strong as yours and your insect buddies." He said with jubilance, before continuing. "Do Kohara and fam like the water?" He asked with genuine curiosity as he slowly walked across the water towards his friend.

Finally, he turned to Keni, who had gotten the hang of things as well after his impromptu flight into the trees. "And how 'bout you Keni? Ya gonna stay after class too?" In this moment, with the first kids he'd met in school back around him, it dawned on the sunny young Senju. He'd never considered himself to be good at meeting people or making friends as a child, but now he had several, and they were bonds that he cherished. He let his characteristic bright smile wash over his face, closing his eyes with contentedness as he stood atop the water.

[MFT .:. WC: 377 .:. Post 5/5 .:. Total WC: 2363/1500]
Keniwa stumbled back upwards as Akio helped him get his feet on the ground, he looked at Akio with a smirk and a raised eyebrow almost twitching, "You really caught me off guard with that cannonball..." Before chuckling to himself, usually such an insane launch would have looked stupid and he would have been ridiculed for it, but he was surrounded by friends all around in this moment, he shrugged off any sense of pain or injury and smiled as he walked back after Akio had ran to get in to the water. Although this doesn't mean he won't get Akio back, he was sure to treat him with a similar joke somewhere down the line, but right now he had to support his friends.

He eagerly watched from the sidelines as all of his friends would stand on the water one after another and almost cheered them on with a fist pump, "Amazing work you guys." A true genuine smile would radiate off his face, possibly catching some people off guard, in this moment Keniwa felt happy and free. "See you Hideyoshi!" he would say before turning over to Akio to answer his question. "Yes but most likely for a different reason than to you." Sitting down in wait for the time to ask Nao, for after meeting one of his contracts it gave him an abstract yet not so farfetched idea.

WC: 233
233+437+398+490+340= 1898/1500

Post 5/5
To all those that did stay; Nao would smile. "Glad to see most of you all decided to stick around. "Please don't be alarmed." A slight smirk got off him as he started to move his hands. More than one hand seal was formed. All the past clones started to disappear. "Alright then... Then I will do a set of clones... Elemental Clone.." With a few hand signs Nao made 3 other clones, the clones started to form from out of the water, giving them a water element to them. How fitting. "Alright... This is how we are going to do it... These clones only have a fracture of my real power... I will trigger an earthquake once more but all of my clones will target you with Kunai's." His eyes went sharp toward each student remaining.

One clone nodded and started to walk towards the Senju to stand in front. Another clone started to stretch out and start to walk toward Keniwa. "Now please do not hold this against me..." Said the clone as he started to pat the back of his head. The third clone picked up the Kunai out of the pocket and smile. "Let's see what you can do." Said the last one. All three started to pick a kunai so that they could block it if needed, that was if they were able to hit them at all...

Alright, so, to keep this an 'RP-modded-part'. I want each of you to do 3 rolls in the Discord server Ninpocho -> Bot-fun. I will get this by Rank going.
Each clone has 5 points. Each 1 hit is a 1 point. You guys get to roll 3x per post. Beating the clone will result in (near) mastery of this water walking. It will be up to you guys to showcase how to RP. The near in-between brackets to leave it up to you guys.

Each of you need to make 3 dice rolls. The roll is the following
/r 1d100
. It will look as the following:
SidekickBOTToday at 6:42 PM
@• Owly • Nao • Rookie Sennin: 1d100 = (46) = 46

This roll resulted in me as 46 meaning It would be a blocked action. The clone doesn't take any damage.

You get 3 attempts per post, those 3 give a bit of knowledge about how your post should go against the clone!

Senju Akio said:
Dice results:
Hit = below 20 = 2 health points
Partial hit = 21 - 40 = 1 health points
Block = 41 - 60 = 0 health points
Miss = 71 - 100 = 0 health points
Kyoujouran Keniwa said:
Hit = below 20 = 2 health points
Partial hit = 21 - 40 = 1 health points
Block = 41 - 60 = 0 health points
Miss = 71 - 100 = 0 health points
Kiriyomi said:
Hit = below 20 = 2 health points
Partial hit = 21 - 40 = 1 health points
Block = 41 - 60 = 0 health points
Miss = 71 - 100 = 0 health points

Besides that you roll another t!dice 1d100, to see if you stay standing while fighting and standing on top of earthquake water.
1 - 90 you keep standing.
91 - 100 you sink in the water.
You can directly get on top and keep going. This Is what you roll after the 3 rolls with the clone.
These will shift each topic for each person differently. so please tag me if I miss something.
"Alright... This is how we are going to do it... These clones only have a fracture of my real power... I will trigger an earthquake once more but all of my clones will target you with Kunai's." Kiriyomi's eyes go wide as the clone of Nao steps up before him, Kunai brandished. Glancing down at his feet, he wondered how exactly he was going to handle this development. His best offense would require him to use chakra for his techniques, but at the same time he had to ensure that there was enough chakra circulating to keep him afloat. Taking a deep breath, Kiri closes his eyes and centers himself. There's no place for doubts on the battlefield, and he had to treat this as such.

Making a few handseals, Kiri quickly summons two illusory clones. Sending them darting forward towards the clone, he rushes in from behind them, reaching into his shirt to allow one of his ants to crawl up onto his forearm. The clones rush straight through Nao, allowing him to duck down and slash forward with his leaf cutter ant, slicing into the clone's leg. Turning around and flinging his arm out, Kiri sends his flying ant Kohara towards the clone's arm. Unfortunately his aim is off as he slips a little, losing his balance on the water. Kohara flies wide, narrowly avoiding the blade of the kunai. Gritting his teeth, Kiri decides on a different approach. Lifting his hand up and stabilizing his arm with his Kikai prosthetic, Kiri emits a Water Gun at the clone. The force of the jutsu causes him to slide backwards along the water, but he manages a direct hit on the clone. Surprisingly, despite using a few jutsu, Kiri manages to stay on his feet while the water shifts underneath his feet. He smiles proudly at Nao, silently thanking him for the lesson and allowing him to build up confidence in his abilities again.

MFT: 325
It seemed the three who stayed after class would have a far more advanced test after all, with Sennin Nao summoning three clones, one for each of them to make their attempts against. And as the medical leader of Leaf shook the water with the force of an earthquake, the test began quickly. Akio summoned his inner control, managing to stay atop the quaking water's surface as he began forming hand seals. Looking over as Kiriyomi began his assault, it seemed the two had similar ideas, his friend forming clones to distract the targets while he rushed in to initiate an attack with his insect companions. "Two can play at that game Sennin Nao!"

Akio said as the water before him began to shape and form into a near-identical copy of himself. If one's eyes were quick, they would notice that the moment it materialized it seemed to be made of wood rather than water, before it took the shape of a near-perfect copy of Akio himself. Running along the water's surface he wove in and out with his doppelganger, trying to fool the clone of Nao with the pattern so that he didn't know which was the real him. Then, just as the clone version crossed in front of his path to block his view, Akio quickly formed the hand seals for the earth-based technique Stone Bullet.

He yelled out his attempt as he burst out from behind the clone. "Earth Style: Wood Release! Wood Bullet Jutsu!" He exclaimed as he formed the last hand seal, which looked a lot like him pointing his index fingers like a gun. Three bullets of wood formed at the end of his extended pointer fingers then shot out with extreme speed toward the clone that had been assigned to him. The first grazed past the clone's face, leaving a small cut along its cheek, the second missed just wide, and the clone was quick enough to react to have blocked the final bullet as it sped towards his torso, deflecting it away with his kunai. All the while, Akio had managed to maintain his balance on the surface of the water. It seemed the lesson was truly sinking in.

[MFT .:. 365 Words]
Keniwa quickly could understand in which what this exercise truly had turned out to be, as the clones of water which resembled their current teacher began to form of the surface of the basin. The eager Kyoujouran who had shaken off any previous pain leaps on top landing straight on to the surface of the water to join his two friends in the true test of will and power. He stood strong as the water rippled and whilst a clone of Nao would begin to close in on him to his left and right he could see as Akio and Kiriyomi both would use their specialities to combat against the Naos.

Whilst Keniwa could not turn the tide with numbers he had something which would prove invaluable to helping him defeat this figment of water. His sheer strength would have to help him win this fight, he would enter a defensive stance raising his fist outwards towards the clone with his legs positioned similar to a sumo. Allowing the the clone to draw closer to him as soon as they were close enough, dashing across the water. 'Scissors..' Keniwa would swipe his hand attempting to slice through the Clone. However he was easily parried by the clone's kunai, however he quickly followed up as he would jump upwards, 'Paper..' sending an open palm aiming straight to the embodiments face. Yet the figure of liquid would use a high kick to deflect Keniwa's arm.

Finally Keniwa catching the clone off guard with their leg in the air, waiting for the true moment to strike would let out "Rock!" Striking the clone in the stomach, as he fell back on to the surface, with a rocky fist sending them a few feet back as he would prepare himself to continue the assault. Not even aware that he had been maintaining concentration of standing on the water the entire time.

The clone at Kiri felt the cut on his leg, trying to stand differently he did manage to let the next attack fully miss him, but then he was sprayed with water. Water on water... how funny. He was again soaked wet and he did let the sigh as his white clothing now revealed the black shinobi clothing underneath. " Water with water on white clothing.. very funny." The clone spoke.

The clone at Keni didn't appriciate the rock paper scissor game... on which he would grin. This clone really did display some of the meaner side of Nao. "I will make you pay for that..." He sounded and made a gritting teeth moment. Nao himself stood on the sideline watching each part of him careuflly. He himself didn't like that clone. " Kunai only!" Nao called out to the clone who rolled it's eyes. " aware of that! They are just kids!" A sigh or relief was given through Nao.

The clone with Akio seemed to have the best time. The first grazed him and the rest seemed to miss. " You are like a stormtrooper... they also miss most of the time. Sometimes they get a lucky shot." This was seeminly the most laid back of them all.

Now... it was their turn to strike back.

The clone with Kiri started to charge in, yet not at it's strongest. After all it was still just a child, but the clone was suprised that the child managed to block his kunai in time. " Oho- Guess we got a smarty pants here." He replied trying to taunt the child to attack once more. After all the clone was wounded and water seeped out of the wounds.
the clone by Keni threw the kunai up and caught it. " Let me return the favor." he spoke and as he caught the kunai came charging in. The kunai itself only scratched the child and an annoyed click sounded from him.
the third clone at Akio simply walked over and tried to get a sneak strike out, but that didn't work out at all. He fully missed and knowing Nao himself.. "oi oi... just once, we attack once where they get three chances!" The clone crossed his arms as he looked to the child. The real Nao would smile apologic to Akio as he was at least in time before the clone went again.

" One more round, c' mon you guys can do it!"

NGL, I loved the way you guys described everything! Keep it up! As soon as your clone is dead. You can choose to help another party member or leave it be to fend for themsels.

Nao rolled: (All clones attack once!) said:
Hit = below 20
Partial hit = 21 - 40
Block = 41 - 60
Miss = 61 - 100

Akio: 62 Miss
Keni: 34 Partial hit
Kiri: 58 Blocked
Each of you need to make 3 dice rolls. The roll is the following
/r 1d100
. It will look as the following:
SidekickBOTToday at 6:42 PM
@• Owly • Nao • Rookie Sennin: 1d100 = (46) = 46

This roll resulted in me as 46 meaning It would be a blocked action. The clone doesn't take any damage.

You get 3 attempts per post, those 3 give a bit of knowledge about how your post should go against the clone!

Senju Akio said:
Clone health remaining: 4
Hit = below 40 = 2 health points
Partial hit = 41 - 60 = 1 health points
Block = 61 - 80 = 0 health points
Miss = 81 - 100 = 0 health points
Kyoujouran Keniwa said:
Clone health remaining: 1
Hit = below 60 = 2 health points
Partial hit = 61 - 80 = 1 health points
Block = 81 - 90 = 0 health points
Miss = 91 - 100 = 0 health points
Kiriyomi said:
Clone health remaining: 1
Hit = below 60 = 2 health points
Partial hit = 61 - 80 = 1 health points
Block = 81 - 90 = 0 health points
Miss = 91 - 100 = 0 health points

Besides that you roll another t!dice 1d100, to see if you stay standing while fighting and standing on top of earthquake water.
1 - 90 you keep standing.
91 - 100 you sink in the water.
You can directly get on top and keep going. This Is what you roll after the 3 rolls with the clone.
These will shift each topic for each person differently. so please tag me if I miss something.
Kiri chuckles to himself as the Nao clone looks down at their clothing, sighing and commenting on how "funny" it was that he had used water to splash their white clothes. It was rather funny, he thought, especially given that the clone was made of water. However, he didn't forget that he was in combat at the moment and prepared himself for the retaliation that was sure to come. As he expected, the clone lunged towards him with the kunai extended towards Kiri's chest. Lifting his Kikai arm, the insects split down the middle and he swings the arm towards Nao. The prosthetic reforms around Nao's forearm, stopping the kunai just inches from Kiriyomi's chest as he smirks up at his sensei. "Sorry teach, it's not going to be that easy."

Kiri kicks the clone in the chest away from himself, while also slashing out with his leaf cutter and once more across the chest, watching in surprise as the blow lands and the clone melts away to the water below them once again. Kohara flies back over to the boy as he looks to the others still fighting their clones, and he makes a quick decision. Keniwa seems to be handling his clone just fine, so Kiri dashes over to assist Akio. Sending the flying ant forward once more, he hopes to land another hit against the clone. Unfortunately, the water is still rippling underneath their feet and sprays up, blinding the ant. Kohara dodges to the side, completely missing the clone. Kiri grits his teeth and lifts his hand to use another Water Gun, but infuses too much chakra into his hands and doesn't notice that his feet slip under the water. As he releases the jutsu, Kiri tilts back from the force, and ends up propelling himself to the bottom of the basin. As his back smacks into the hard ground, he gasps and swallows a lungful of water. Darkness quickly washes over his vision, as he lifts a hand once more towards the surface, watching the light slowly fade away. Damnit... I thought that I had it this time. I don't think that Sensei is going to be able to reach me in time, though. I wish I could apologize to Oka-san for my attitude lately... She doesn't deserve treatment like that. I should have been nic-
As the clones struck back, Akio's feet nimbly shifted off the surface of the water and he moved his flow of chakra to his hands to land on the surface in a combination of a roll and a cartwheel to avoid the incoming attack. As he rolled he formed his hands into the shape of the gun once again and fired off another wooden bullet towards the Sennin's clone, hitting it squarely in the chest this time. However, as he shot yet another arboreal projectile, the clone's speed was too quick and he sliced the bullet straight in half with the kunai he was holding, 'causing the wooden pellet to split in two and miss on both sides of him at once.

The challenge brought a smile to Akio's face, especially as he saw Kiriyomi finishing off his of the three clones. Jumping into the air and sending chakra to his knees, feet, and hand, Akio slammed a hand down onto the surface of the water and let his chakra flow through it. "Earth Style: Wood Release. Bamboo Spires!" The jubilant boy called out as he performed his own unique wood version of the Sinkhole Fist jutsu, causing three sharply pointed reeds of bamboo to shoot up from the base of the pool, up through the water, and towards Nao's clone. The first one grazed the doppelganger's leg, almost dispersing it, but the clone moved quickly, managing to avoid the second and third bamboo spire as they erupted from the surface of the water. Akio looked over at the real Nao confidently. "That guy's not gonna last much longer!" He said with a charismatic smile.

However, that look of positive confidence faded as he watched Kiriyomi throw a couple of attacks out then lose his footing on the shaky water then propel himself down to the pool's floor. This caused Akio's concentration to lapse as well, and he sunk into the quaking liquid. Seeing his friend descending to the depths, Akio did not give even a single second's thought toward his clone that remained atop the water, and instead acted quickly. Rather than returning to the surface, he formed hand seals for a water jutsu of his own, pointed his hands the opposite way similarly to what he saw Kiri do, and propelled himself deeper into the pool in the direction of his sinking friend. The Senju boy had always been a strong swimmer, and he grabbed his Aburame companion by the waist and hurriedly paddled his way back towards the surface at the edge of the pool, making sure the insect-lover could get a grip on it before asking, "You okay Kiri!!? Ya had me scared!" All the while, he notably paid no attention to the clone he had left behind.
Everything seemed to be going as it was needed to go. THey were getting the hang of certain things but just as he took his eyes off them for a single moment. One of them went down. The clone had spoofed, so right now there was a clone less already. but even the other clones weren’t able to react as fast as Akio did.

Each clone halted their movements and as soon as Akio got Kiri up, Each clone got to the side and helped to get them both on top of the water again, Nao actually let the water harden as soon as they were out and it now had turned ot ice. “I think tihs today is enough…” He spoke with a soft tune as he too was a bit shocked about how close they were about losing someone. “Kiri… I would ike you to get accessed back in the Byoin, I rather not have you dry drowning on me. It’s a phenomenon where people drown hours after a water accident.” he spoke serious and didn’t leave the child any option right now.

“And kiri… you will get your floaties. You have my word on that.” He chuckled as he would try to take them both, or kiri alone, tot he byoin.

[Everyone passed]
[topic left unless stopped]
Akio breathed a heavy sigh of relief as he saw his friend safely back at the surface, but his expression was once again painted with worry as Nao-sennin explained that Kiri wasn't out of the woods quite yet. Despite him spending a lot of time brushing up on his medical knowledge, the Senju boy had never heard of dry drowning, and the idea of losing Kiriyomi caused his eyebrows to furrow with anxiety. "Sennin Nao? Can I come with you? I wanna make sure that Kiri is okay... Plus, it'd be a good way for me to learn too!" The boy asked innocently, his face still contorted into a frown he tried to hide so as to not spread his worry to his Aburame friend. The boy waved a goodbye to Keniwa as he turned in the direction of the hospital. Assuming he'd be allowed along, Akio followed Nao and Kiriyomi out of the makeshift pool area and towards the Byoin for another of many lessons he'd have to learn if he wanted to be a great Med-nin someday.

[Topic Left Unless Stopped]
Kiriyomi's vision goes dark as he lays against the bottom of the pool, his thoughts trailing off as his life slowly fades away. Suddenly he feels himself being pulled upward, and the water breaks around him as he is quickly pulled up onto solid ground. Or so he thought. Suddenly the water beneath him freezes, and the cold shocks Kiri back to consciousness as he gasps and begins to vomit water all over the ice. Glancing over, he notices that Akio is also soaked, and realizes that his friend dove down to the bottom of the pool to save his life. Shaking uncontrollably, Kiri looks up at Nao with fear in his eyes. The young Aburame had even more fear of the water than he did before, despite passing the class. The joke about receiving floaties goes by without even a chuckle from the boy, who just stares down at the ice as if it were going to melt at any moment and he would fall back through. When Akio offered to join them on their trip to the Byoin, Kiri would look pleadingly at Nao as the two boys stand up. Leaning heavily on his friend, the two boys follow along behind Nao and head off to the hospital, where Kiri is to be monitored for at least the next few hours.

[Topic Left Unless Stopped]
Keniwa would keep sharp on his toes dodging and reflecting the water clone's attacks. His training on the water had become like second nature as he would fight against the figments of water. Slamming his fist again in to the clone he could see it's form was shaky and it wouldn't be much longer till it was going down. However he could see Kiriyomi be submerged in to the water his form falling and darkening as he sunk further downwards in to the depths. Although he could see Akio quickly propel him self under the water almost mimicking a dolphin as he grabbed Kiriyomi and zoomed straight back upwards paddling him to the shore. He hadn't even moved as he watched it happen, it was a pathetic showcasing from the Kyoujouran as he had yet again failed the Aburame.

As Nao and Akio would care for Kiriyomi and take him away to the Byoin he was left there with his own guilt sitting still on the water as he head with droop downwards.

[Topic Left]

Current Ninpocho Time: Saturday, 15. Mar, 05:54:15
