Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Clear and run! x Open


New Member
Sep 12, 2023
And there it was, a day with wind, sun and rain all cylcing through. " I cannot make heads or tails of this weather! Can you Mitsu?" He capped out to his companion who stuck out his head in a motion to look at. As if it was saying that he wasn't even paying attention on which the kid would repeat himself once more. "one moment it ir aining, the ohter moment it is sunny, then there is wind sometimes mixed with one of the two. It is a odd day with weather... even in this forest there is not much to shetler from it... I thought honestly it would have been more fun out here then it would be in the house..." He spoke and would grab the companion out of his hoodie and placing it on the ground, it was so tiny, but so adorable if you asked Itsuki.

A moment later they were playig tag with the two of them, as an Inuzuka he was very outgoing, but at the same time he was really reserved to see what was going on and where. " A--- I almost had you there!" and there it was, the taunting flick with the tail of the little fox which annoyed Itsuki a whole lot. " I will get you!" and there he ran after the fox once more. Eventually eating the ground after a dive bomb in attempt to get on top of his companion. A low growl came from the child who started to wipe away the dirt on his face. ' That was unfiar... really unfair.." and again, the little fox sat in front of him, flicking their tails and looking over... he ventually gave in, petting the creature and looked around. " Sure is quiet here today huh...?

[mft: 301]


New Member
Sep 13, 2023
OOC Rank
D Rank
A gentle humming filled the air as Misaki gently padded her way through the forests an umbrella idling twirling over her shoulder as she walked elegantly around the boughs of the trees avoiding mud puddles as she went. There was no purpose as to why Misaki had come to the Nimbus Delectatio other than she had just wanted to explore the village she had only recently come to and the spirit of exploration was alive within the girl. Hoping over a rock the girls expression remained as ever an unchanging but pleasant smile making her almost seem like a doll with features frozen in to only one expression, even as she came across a boy wrestling with a fox causing her to stop and stare with the same expression as she came across the strange yet endearing scene.

As Misaki watched in silence she noted that the boy seemed a lot more bestial than the other people she had met in the village with slitted eyes of different colours and what appeared to be fangs poking from his lower lip and as she watched the him fight with what she assumed was his pet fox she found that she couldn't intrude on the scene for fear of ruining the cuteness at least until the boy looked up and around leaving Misaki standing there staring at him in the most awkward moment she had ever experienced as there eyes met. "Ugh Hi um I just got here and wasn't watching you... "

[Sorry for poor fist post]

WC: 250
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Ryuu Sumika

New Member
May 5, 2023
OOC Rank
The outdoors… it was rare for her to ever be in nature at all, for most of her life she had lived blindly in the confines of a large yet desolate orphanage. Times couldn’t have been less boring, with her previous hobby being the only thing that would keep her fit and fighting. A lot of her encounters had chipped away at her frail confinement of a mind, and in a search of curiosity she found herself here. Really she was still just exploring Kumogakure and everything it had to offer, it was the first time for her that she’d seen a lot of creatures and wildlife that reside here. Most of these birds she really didn’t care for, crows were a unique change of pace, with their larger stature and darker shade, yet sometimes they need to learn when to shut up. A singular E rank jutsu is all it took to dispose of one, if anything it could probably take two if aimed correctly.

Despite her outing taking a turn for hunting it wasn’t enough to satiate her wonder and intrigue of her surroundings. It was only when she heard an unfamiliar noise one which had not been mimicked anywhere else in this forest is when she became silent and on high alert. From the surrounding trees she would peer through the leaves and branches trying to catch a glimpse of what might have been transpiring, it was a young boy, taking something out of his bag? A small fox? Cute. Beginning to carefully make her way through the bramble trying her very hardest to avoid any mark of dirt, cuts to her clothes, and especially to her self. She intended on staying clean today. Catching a much closer look whilst still remaining hidden she followed the two as they ran throughout the forest, chasing and taunting each other. In actuality she was quite close to the two only separated by the shrubbery, they hadn’t seemed to notice her at all. It was then when another girl… quite similar to herself in appearance. Sharing her same white threads and shimmering eyes, a strange sight to be exact.

A slight annoyance at best, choosing to ignore the weird onlooker at returning to her own stalking prowess. Eventually the twos chase would come to a climax as the hairy boy suddenly planted himself in to the ground specks of mud spraying everywhere…. Everywhere. It took her a moment to realise the action that just had occurred as she peered down at her own completely white shirt. Which now one intruder of a brown spot would remain. In a hurried frantic attempt to get it off and restore her outfit to the glory it once was, the dirt would only smear and become even more obvious.


“How disgustingly boorish.” Instantly she would begin casting handseals, before pointing at the boy covered in filth. A mound of water erupting from the ground as it practically slashed towards him with breakneck speed.


New Member
Sep 12, 2023
"Ugh Hi um I just got here and wasn't watching you... " he blinked a time or two before replying towards the small female, which was bigger than that he was. "hmm.. wasn't watching huh... are you sure..? For someone who just arrived... you don't seem like." He would tilt his head and moments later.. he would be slashed partially at his clothing. As he had been shielding himself with his arms and attempted tail. A part of the fluff landed on the stomach area of the boy... and that made him mad. "Oi!" He shouted out to the girl, he was always taught to not hit a girl... But this was going to be self-defense. He got up on all fours and growled towards the female... so far he only knew one thing, uncalled for... with that. He instantly tried to get closer to her to attack her with a basic strike. " Like hell!" He said and would, if an next attack come, try to dodge that.

" Borish?! How booooorish you would be as a snob princess, we are kids. we are supposed to rummuck around, have fun and do all kinds of things! Like hell I am boorish, you are with being standing there so static. not to mention, who would be an idiot as to wear bright white clothing into a forrest on a rainy day huh..?" He said so many things without a second thought in the air, his companion even went towards him, sit down on the ground and sway its tail. Almost grinning in a sort too.

[mft; 265]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
