An exam! This made Kaori happy to hear. She hadn't had an exam in about 6 years since her last botched exam; the one that she was forcefully removed from. It was quite depressing that Shiori probably made Genin, if not Chuunin by this time; but at the same time, she was happy for him. She did, however, kind of hoped that she wouldn't have been left behind due to unforeseen circumstances. Perhaps it was the gods giving her a sign that it wasn't her time yet, perhaps it was just fate telling her that there were more things for her to accomplish instead of ascending in rank. Whatever it was, Kaori most certainly wasn't happy with the outcome at the time, but it did lead her to where she was now -- something she didn't regret as things turned out exactly as planned. Kaori only gave Yomi a pleasant smile while pressing her hands together, tilting her hands to one side. "
Well, that's good to hear!" she said prematurely.
The general information on taking exams were given before Kaori instantly paused, not moving an inch at the mere mention of Daisy. Kaori felt a cold wind blow over her before her expression turned from pure delight to dread draped in happiness. The name Daisy still strikes fear into her heart. The same fan-girl she met during her phase of being completely enamored with Yume, not only as an idol but as a person, was the same person she associated with pure and unbridled evil. Her facade of keeping a smile while hiding utter fear cracked and some of her dread began to show on her face. Her eyebrows twitched and she began to subtly quake.
Thoughts of what Daisy's exam might be started to fly through her head.
Scenario 1
Kaori comes to the class and Daisy enters the classroom with a gas mask on. All of the doors and windows are locked air-tight and gas began to flood the room, causing Kaori to grow unconscious. She wakes up in a dungeon where she sees a screen with Daisy wearing a clown mask asking Kaori if she 'wanted to play a game' before seeing two bodies: 1 person that was still alive but bound to a table while the other was a cadaver strapped to a table next to him. The man that was still alive was struggling and screaming bloody murder. Both, the cadaver and the man strapped down, had stitches around their heads as if their skulls were opened up. The screen that Daisy was on told Kaori that she had been contracted a virus and the cure would be found in the brain; the part of the brain that controlled the emotion of fear. It would be Kaori's job to find that portion of the brain and find the cure within the heads of one of the two. She wasn't told which head had the cure, but knowing Daisy, the cure would be inside the head of the living man and that Kaori had to do precise brain-surgery to fish out the cure or the living man would die.
Scenario 2
Daisy would orchestrate an actual natural disaster in which Yomi and someone else that she cared about were gravely injured. Kaori would have to choose to heal one of them as a test of Kaori's ability to triage the injuries. While the two would both be in critical condition and only one of them could be saved. The pressure of triaging people she cared about and only having to choose one would be an absolute nightmare for Kaori.
Scenario 3
Daisy intentionally spreads a plague that causes a massive pandemic within the Fire Country, having implanted an immunity within Kaori. Kaori would need to find the cure for the plague only to find that her bone marrow contained a concentrated version of the cure and that she may risk becoming crippled for the rest of her life in order to extract enough bone marrow to create enough of the cure for the entirety of the country.

The thoughts of these scenarios sent chills up Kaori's spine. Kaori lowered her hands and shook her head a bit, trying to snap out of it. She might have been over-thinking it a little bit, but it didn't make her any less nervous about what was to come in her exam. As Kaori sorted out her thoughts, Yomi asked if there were any more questions before laying down on the ground; acting as Kaori's training dummy for the CPR. Kaori stared at Yomi with her mouth agape and her cheeks turning a deep crimson color. Her heart rate accelerated and her fingers started to become tingly. With all of the time she had spent with Yomi, a certain amount of affection had built up for the woman to the point that it became a form of unrequited love for the woman who ended up taking care of Kaori.
Kaori swallowed hard as she approached Yomi and sat upon her knees beside Yomi. She cleared her throat and began the procedure for CPR.
Uhhh... heh... Well, i-in order to start C-C-CPR, one must see if the t-target is still breathing or have any b-blockage in their breathing," she said as she started to stumble upon her words. She turned to face Yomi face-to-face and turned her head towards Yomi's body, lowering her ear down to her mouth so she could hear the breathing. At the same time, she looked down Yomi's diaphragm to see if she could see movement. Usually when people breathe, their diaphragm moves up and down with every breath.