Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Collecting Homework [Tutor]


Active Ninja
Oct 28, 2012
Yomi remembered a random tidbit from a tutor session she had with Kaori a little while ago. She remembered that they never had followed up with each other regarding the topic and so it was the perfect time to do so. Well as perfect as it was going to get. Today, she decided to have the tutor session later in the evening instead of during the day when she was more likely to be called for some sort of emergency. Knowing her luck, someone would die from a ninja plague at the same time she mysteriously had a broken arm and her chakra was sealed off. Not that she was a pessimist, but, weird and crazy things always happened to her when she least expected it. Today, she hoped that the universe was a bit kinder to her patience lest she’d be force to curse it.

As usual, she sent Besito with the note requesting Kaori’s presence and waited for her to arrive. She also had some things to tell Kaori, but, the woman left it out of the note since it was supposed to be a surprise. She waited in her office and sipped on some coffee. Although it was evening, she still had one or two things that she wanted to get done before Asuka put out an all-points bulletin on her whereabouts. One would think that Ms. Hano was used to Yomi’s late nights and early mornings, but, she wasn’t. Or at least she played like she wasn’t in order to bother the hell out of Yomi and guilt trip her. It was probably the latter and the Goddess had no choice but to let her have that.

Anyway, when Kaori arrived, the Medical Sennin would ask her about that homework assignment she gave that one time.

[Topic Entered]
[WC: 300]
Oh, homework, you almost got me this time! Kaori had done some research on performing cardio-pulmonary resuscitation to bring someone back from the brink of death; even those that may have recently flat-lined. Contrary to popular belief, hammer-fisting someone's sternum won't bring them back to life due to the shock delivered to one's heart. She didn't get any actual practical application with the act of performing CPR, but she knows the theory behind it and what one had to do to successfully do it. The only thing that scared her about performing it, however, if done properly the person she was to revive will have a broken sternum or several broken ribs (or both). There were horror stories of the person performing CPR facing assault charges or even getting sued for saving another person's life due to the medical bill fixing the broken ribs; ungrateful bastards.

If anything, Kaori was a bit worried about today's assignment. With Daisy, she had inhaled a deadly poison, with Yomi she stabbed herself and also turned into a butterfly; learning absolutely zero medicine from that session, but she learned heaps about Yomi that day so it was still a learning experience. Hopefully, this time, things will go well and she performed a test on a dummy. It would feel weird for her to press her lips against Yomi's and put her hands upon her chest, even if the reason is purely professional in nature, it's just not something someone does on a daily basis; kiss a goddess. Kaori stood uncomfortably in the hallway leading towards Yomi's office and pantomimed the procedures of performing CPR. She held her hands, the right hand over her dominant left with her elbows straight and she pushed against the air. She used her body's weight instead of her shoulders or elbows like one would see in movies and other fiction; those buffoons do it wrong.

After she did that, she held up 3 fingers, specifying the amount of space from the bottom of the sternum that her palms would rest when she performs the compressions followed by 2 breaths. She softly chanted "30 and 2. 30 and 2. 30 and 2," to herself before taking a deep breath and balling her hand into a fist just below her chin to signify that she was confident with the answers and just needing some actual hands-on practice. She knocked on the door and walked into the room with a simple wave of her hand towards Yomi with a radiant smile upon her face. A question came out about the homework as Kaori just instantly, as if scripted, blurted out, "30 and 2!" she said as if instinct took over. She looked around for a moment and then closed the door before taking a seat at a chair opposite of Yomi's desk.​

WC: 469
WC Total: 469/1500 (1/5 posts)
Yomi looked up as Kaori had entered her office. Slightly puzzled at her 30 and 2 exclamation. She decided to brush it of and instead get down to business

"Before we begin the lesson today, I have some news." Yomi rubbed her right eye with her right hand before she continued. "You have been extremely studious and oddly patient with me while I run around like a decapitated chicken. As such, I have decided to give you your Genin exam in the coming weeks. To be honest, you have far exceeded the time when you should have gotten your exam, but, with all the things that have been happening, unfortunately, it had fallen to the wayside. But, I have not forgotten about it."

Yomi looked at Kaori and sat back in her chair.

"Make sure you brush up on how to do assessments, history gathering, and basic healing techniques as well as anything you think Daisy might do to you.Of course, recalling our lessons might be useful to you as well." Yomi threw the Daisy bit in for good measure, but, she had no real intention of letting Daisy be a proctor of this exam. Although, letting her concoct something for the express purpose of Kaori's exam might not be such a bad idea; Yomi would ponder it.

Truthfully, any exam Yomi wanted to give Kaori was a formality. Even during the very recent days of extremely low staff numbers, Kaori still wanted to learn and be a part of the team. That kind of dedication was rare, even if the girl had her own personal reasons for still wanting to be a Medic. Also, she was trust worthy, and, although the medical team were probably viewed as a non-threatening bunch, it was something particularly contradictory about every member of the branch, right up to the Hokage. They were all supposed to save the lives of the people but probably killed the most out of all the members of the village combined. Trust was what the Goddess valued the most in Kaori and since Kaori had gained it, there was a weight lifted off of Yomi's shoulders. They would truly be able to work together freely and whatever darkness that Kaori had within her, where she would call herself a monster, would not find a judge within these walls or within this branch. Everyone, so far as Yomi could tell, held something dark or sinister if they were a part of the Medical Branch.

"So, any questions about that? If not, please let me be your practice dummy." Yomi would wait for her to respond to the question, before she would lay down on the floor and pretend to need CPR. There were no practice dummies needed. She could control the scenario as she saw fit; Breathing, heart rate, temperature. There were some perks to being a Goddess after all.

[WC: 480]
[TWC: 780]
An exam! This made Kaori happy to hear. She hadn't had an exam in about 6 years since her last botched exam; the one that she was forcefully removed from. It was quite depressing that Shiori probably made Genin, if not Chuunin by this time; but at the same time, she was happy for him. She did, however, kind of hoped that she wouldn't have been left behind due to unforeseen circumstances. Perhaps it was the gods giving her a sign that it wasn't her time yet, perhaps it was just fate telling her that there were more things for her to accomplish instead of ascending in rank. Whatever it was, Kaori most certainly wasn't happy with the outcome at the time, but it did lead her to where she was now -- something she didn't regret as things turned out exactly as planned. Kaori only gave Yomi a pleasant smile while pressing her hands together, tilting her hands to one side. "Well, that's good to hear!" she said prematurely.

The general information on taking exams were given before Kaori instantly paused, not moving an inch at the mere mention of Daisy. Kaori felt a cold wind blow over her before her expression turned from pure delight to dread draped in happiness. The name Daisy still strikes fear into her heart. The same fan-girl she met during her phase of being completely enamored with Yume, not only as an idol but as a person, was the same person she associated with pure and unbridled evil. Her facade of keeping a smile while hiding utter fear cracked and some of her dread began to show on her face. Her eyebrows twitched and she began to subtly quake.

Thoughts of what Daisy's exam might be started to fly through her head.
Scenario 1
Kaori comes to the class and Daisy enters the classroom with a gas mask on. All of the doors and windows are locked air-tight and gas began to flood the room, causing Kaori to grow unconscious. She wakes up in a dungeon where she sees a screen with Daisy wearing a clown mask asking Kaori if she 'wanted to play a game' before seeing two bodies: 1 person that was still alive but bound to a table while the other was a cadaver strapped to a table next to him. The man that was still alive was struggling and screaming bloody murder. Both, the cadaver and the man strapped down, had stitches around their heads as if their skulls were opened up. The screen that Daisy was on told Kaori that she had been contracted a virus and the cure would be found in the brain; the part of the brain that controlled the emotion of fear. It would be Kaori's job to find that portion of the brain and find the cure within the heads of one of the two. She wasn't told which head had the cure, but knowing Daisy, the cure would be inside the head of the living man and that Kaori had to do precise brain-surgery to fish out the cure or the living man would die.
Scenario 2
Daisy would orchestrate an actual natural disaster in which Yomi and someone else that she cared about were gravely injured. Kaori would have to choose to heal one of them as a test of Kaori's ability to triage the injuries. While the two would both be in critical condition and only one of them could be saved. The pressure of triaging people she cared about and only having to choose one would be an absolute nightmare for Kaori.
Scenario 3
Daisy intentionally spreads a plague that causes a massive pandemic within the Fire Country, having implanted an immunity within Kaori. Kaori would need to find the cure for the plague only to find that her bone marrow contained a concentrated version of the cure and that she may risk becoming crippled for the rest of her life in order to extract enough bone marrow to create enough of the cure for the entirety of the country.

The thoughts of these scenarios sent chills up Kaori's spine. Kaori lowered her hands and shook her head a bit, trying to snap out of it. She might have been over-thinking it a little bit, but it didn't make her any less nervous about what was to come in her exam. As Kaori sorted out her thoughts, Yomi asked if there were any more questions before laying down on the ground; acting as Kaori's training dummy for the CPR. Kaori stared at Yomi with her mouth agape and her cheeks turning a deep crimson color. Her heart rate accelerated and her fingers started to become tingly. With all of the time she had spent with Yomi, a certain amount of affection had built up for the woman to the point that it became a form of unrequited love for the woman who ended up taking care of Kaori.
Kaori swallowed hard as she approached Yomi and sat upon her knees beside Yomi. She cleared her throat and began the procedure for CPR.

"Uhhh... heh... Well, i-in order to start C-C-CPR, one must see if the t-target is still breathing or have any b-blockage in their breathing," she said as she started to stumble upon her words. She turned to face Yomi face-to-face and turned her head towards Yomi's body, lowering her ear down to her mouth so she could hear the breathing. At the same time, she looked down Yomi's diaphragm to see if she could see movement. Usually when people breathe, their diaphragm moves up and down with every breath.​

WC: 933
WC Total: 1402/1500 (2/5 posts)
Yomi watched the wheels in Kaori's head churn at the mention of Daisy. Daisy was really sweet, but, Kaori had every right to be afraid of her. As mentioned earlier, everyone within the Medical Branch had a level of darkness to them that seemed to be a requirement in order to serve. Perhaps Yomi should facilitate a meeting once Kaori was officially a part of the branch between her and Yomi the First. They would have to work out something in order to work together successfully. As a matter of fact, if ANBU brought back Baba alive as requested, she'd then have to make sure he didn't do....suspicious things... and scare poor Kaori too. Yomi shook her head slightly at the thought. That was something for her to worry about much later.

The Medical Sennin rested upon the floor, in order to play the role of dummy.

"Tell me what you're doing as you do it. Do not worry, I will hear you and nothing terrible is going to happen." She would say this to reassure Kaori. It was funny how she would do that and still manage to literally do something to freak her out. The Goddess slowed her breathing to that where even she would have trouble knowing if a person was breathing based on just a cursory glance. As she laid still with her hands on her side and listen to the girl go through her explanation and motions, she thought about the time she lived back on the mountain.

On that mountain she often found herself laying in this exact position. Being fussed over by Asuka only after she was fussed over by Lord Kobayakawa. She didn't often think of him, but, when she did she would wonder what his life was like. He had never come for her, as she requested. Partially, out of respect, and partially out of fear, and perhaps out of love. Even in that twisted situation she guessed that he loved her like a daughter or a lover. He certainly taught her as one would expect to one to teach their child, but, his stares and his words was similar to that of those only shared between a man and his beloved. She couldn't be sure, but, the woman knew that he did love her in some capacity. Perhaps it was how much control he had over her that caused the confusion, after all, she was his prey that he stalked for a very long time. Still, even after all that, she still would consider him important to her, which is probably why he still lived. Why she didn't kill him before she departed.

Everything that she is was because of Lord K. He taught her to fight and how to survive and instilled in her the importance of family. Why, her whole reason for accepting the role of Medical Sennin was due in part to the fact that he always made sure they all had a home that was separate from what they did...all the wanton murder. Now, with a family of her own, she needed to provide a place for them, away from all the wanton murder. Did she even leave that life behind? With Kaori, who she considered a part of her family, and her romantic interest in the Hokage, that life certainly seemed so far off. But, her holy mission, was still important. How could she sit here, and live this "new life" when something greater than all of this was her true reason for existing?

Yomi wrestled with that often, especially when she stole looks at Umashi or saw Kaori's happy face. Asuka would bring it up from time to time, but even she was starting to relax on that a bit and seemed to smile more. This, coupled with the fact that Rei still hadn't come to her in some time, left Yomi perplexed. Sometimes she wondered if this was a gift granted to her by Rei, that is Yomi, who would allow her to know something a little different in this life. Rei even had lovers and perhaps a family. Was Rei truly malevolent in that case? Was Rei now benevolent? Was Rei too complex to even be measured by those lackluster words? Yomi would rather think of it as a punishment to live this life instead of be seated next to her Goddess and her friends, yet, she didn't truly know. But she couldn't fully believe in any one thing besides the fact that she was different ever since coming to Konoha.

[WC: 759]
[TWC: 1539]
As expected, Kaori was expected to dictate and verbalize everything she was to do to Yomi as she pantomimed the act of CPR on her. She explained verbally why she hovered her ear over Yomi's mouth and looked down at her body to see if there was a rise and lowering to show signs of breathing. Almost as if, on queue, the oscillation of her chest stopped causing Kaori to fly into a panic. She sat up and looked around. Panic began to settle in but after a deep breath, she placed the palm of her hand just above the sternum, placing her right hand over her left and laced her fingers together. "There doesn't seem to be any breathing nor a pulse so I place my hand just a couple fingers up from the peek of the sternum. I straighten my arms and I will begin compressions," she explained. She straightened out her arms and put all of her weight into each compression. Unlike what one would see in a show, she used her entire body weight with each compression and not just use strength from her elbows or shoulders.

She counted out each individual compression, keeping a constant 100 beats per minute tempo for the span of 30 beats. After performing the compressions, she turned to look back towards Yomi's face. "After completing the 30 compressions, it's time for 2 breaths. Before I can perform that, I'll need to make sure the head of the victim is proper," she said before removing her arms from her chest. Due to her ability to perform medicine, any bit of obscene groping she might have accidentally done went from perversion to professionalism. She didn't think anything of it and perished the thoughts outright. She re-adjusted her position to Yomi's head, placed a hand under her chin and gently pushed down upon her head to lift her head upward to clear a path. "Since you do not have a head injury, I chose the head-tilt chin-lift method rather than the umm.. other method," she said as she forgot the other method, which was safer for those with a neck injury.

She cleared her throat and used one hand to plug Yomi's nose. "Now I plugged your nose and I will have to put my mouth over yours to create a seal.
Once I do that, I breath air into your lungs for about 1 second. During this, I need to see if your chest rises to ensure that the air went into your lungs,
" she said this as her heart started to race. As much as she wanted to remain professional about this, she simply eyeballed Yomi's lips for a moment and then licked her own to make sure hers weren't chapped, causing any discomfort to Yomi. She swallowed hard and then pressed her lips against Yomi's and took a single breath, lasting a single second. She kept her peripheral vision in mind to see if she saw Yomi's chest rise.

She withdrew and took another breath back into Yomi's lungs before pulling back. She waited to see if Yomi was resuscitated before continuing on. She didn't want to perform CPR on a person that was brought back to life, it would cause unnecessary strain on the person (and would just seem a tad bit awkward). If Yomi didn't respond, Kaori would be forced to repeat the process again.​

WC: 565
WC Total: 1967/1500 (3/5 posts)
The words were like an echo that repeated through a cavern. Yomi could hear Kaori's explanation but to her ears it was on the third or perhaps fourth echo. She felt the chest compression fully, as she never turned off that sensation. She always wanted to be able to physically feel. While it didn't hurt, she would not shrink if it did. It was something that she welcomed as sometimes it was the only thing that was real to her. Masochism aside, Yomi opened her eyes as she felt Kaori's mouth against hers. It wasn't weird but, she couldn't help but think about their last lesson where she was sleeping half naked next to Kaori. Now here she was in a lip lock with the young kunoichi. Of course there was nothing sensual or sexual about it, but, the thought of how it could be viewed was one of the reasons why they always conducted these tutors in the privacy of her own office. No one came here and if they did it was not without an appointment. She even treated the Hokage and no one was the wiser until this day that she saved his life.

Without restarting a normal breathing pattern, she sat up and looked at the young girl.

"That was very good. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation is what it's officially called." Again she rubbed her right eye.

"At least you have been studying. I was really trying to figure out if you did what I asked. I need people who listen as much as I need people to support the hospital and village." She ran her hand through her blond hair and continued. "That's not to say I do not trust you, but, I don't want to seem like I give you special treatment because of our relationship. Should something happen to me and I cannot be here, I, and the Hokage, need to sure that this place is staffed with capable people." The woman folded her arms and finally returned her breathing and heart beat to a normal rate.

"Once your exam is complete, we'll be getting into field work, combat medicine, more practical applications. We'll spar, as you'll spar with the other members of the branch. We'll be working on our team work and our fighting capabilities in general." She thought back to Umashi's words when he too stated that he wanted to make sure she was capable as a Sennin in that regard. Although he teased her the whole way through, his logic was sound. "I, am not exempt, as I have been taking private lessons with the Hokage, who is still a member of this branch." Yomi looked at the girls horns and stared at them, in an absent minded way.

"Except for Daisy...she is restricted to the hospital. Although, her presence will be felt in these exercises so don't worry about that." Smiling she brought her gaze from the girls horns to her eyes.

[WC: 491]
[TWC: 2030]
After she finished her first round of CPR, Kaori waited for Yomi to react only for her to raise up like nothing happened. This caused Kaori to give a shocked expression because Yomi wasn't breathing only to pop up instantly as if nothing happened. Was this the power of a goddess or was Kaori just overthinking things once again? Clearing her throat, she shifted backwards away from Yomi as she rose from the dead like the Undertaker. She was praised for her efforts, which turned her look of surprise into a little grin across her face. She did do quite a bit of studying and tried her best to commit the information to memory. Thankfully, the information she ingested and practiced over and over again stuck with her.

Yomi went on a little spiel about being able to trust able-bodied and competent medical professionals. What she said sounded reasonable and didn't give Kaori any reason to be upset about it. While the two could be friendly out of the hospital, while in the hospital it is all about business. She knew that if she couldn't cut-the-mustard with her medical knowledge, she would be dead weight. It was Kaori's expectation of herself to maintain a level of competency to not only make Yomi proud but to do a good job at being a medic. Her main goal, however, is still pathology and developing medicine to cure the incurable and eradicate spread of virus and other infections. Being a good medic would be secondary to her goals and pursuits; she's just using being a med-nin as a means to an end.

Then Yomi outlined what will happen once she gains her medical license. She will be expected to learn, to fight, and to improve her teamwork. Kaori nodded in response to all of this as being things she would need help with. The only problem she now faced was the fact that she probably wouldn't have a single peer in the medical field and would most-likely be the absolute weakest out of the bunch. It wasn't until Yomi mentioned her 'private lessons' with Umashi did Kaori crawl over to her and nudge her with her elbow. A wink was given in Yomi's direction with a big, toothy grin upon her face. "Private lessons, huh?" she asked in a mischievous and playful manner, hinting at some other things.

"What kind of things does he teach you, huh? Biology, maybe?" she said ambiguously, hinting at other things that might not be very appropriate to talk about. "So? Tell me about it, hm? Was he rough? Was he gentle?" she said fully expecting to get walloped in response. Her teasing instantly got shafted at the mentioning of Daisy. Her train of thought shifted for a moment before shaking it off and returning to the banter. Kaori then moved her hands from 5 inches apart, looking towards Yomi for confirmation as she slowly moved her hands apart an inch at a time still looking at Yomi for confirmation. After reaching a certain point, Kaori stopped as that size is just comical and unrealistic.​

WC: 516
WC Total: 2483/1500 (4/5 posts)
Yomi eyed Kaori. She clearly set herself up for this line of questioning and yet she didn't see how the young girl could jump so far to the left to land where she did. After all, weren't these considered private lessons as well? Yomi and the Hokage had never been on a date, never done anything in a romantic sense, and he even left her during her birthday party. In what world was that considered a thing? Of course Kaori didn't know any of this and there was quite literally nothing to tell, but, she would play along. Kaori would find that Yomi was better at this game of suggestion than she was.

"Yes, he teaches me lots of things....Biochemistry for instance..." She reached out and traced a finger across Kaori's collar bone and down to where her cleavage would begin. "Like what chemical processes happen in ones brain when they feel pain or perhaps pleasure. Would we be able to manipulate that through drugs or other means in a battle?" Yomi placed her other hand on Kaori's thigh "Over-stimulation is a powerful tool when used correctly. Would you like to work on that with me? Since you seem to be interested in my, and the Hokage's work." Whatever the answer was, Yomi would continue on.

"Rough is relative, however, so I cannot truly say. What I think is too easy you may feel to be too much." She moved her hand slowly up the girls thigh before gripping it tightly. She was still tracing her finger across Kaori's chest before she slid that hand to the back of her neck and lightly gripped that as well.

"Was that too rough? Or did you like it?" The question was rhetorical, but, she was free to answer anyway she chose, if at all.

"And it is true, his presence is rather large," Noting how Kaori made that ridiculous sizing gesture with her hands. "...its how dark he can get that is extremely interesting." Yomi released Kaori from her clutches, satisfied with her last torment of Kaori for the night.

"That's what you wanted to know right?" Yomi blinked at her innocently. "I can't imagine you meant anything else." Yomi smiled and stood up and held out her hand to help Kaori up. "While I am tired, we both don't need to suffer. You should head home and get some rest. I'll be here, finishing up some things."

[WC: 406]
[TWC: 2436]
Leave it up to Yomi to redirect Kaori's banter back towards her. Kaori shivered at Yomi's touch before her finger made it to a place that made Kaori feel a bit uncomfortable, causing her to recoil a bit. Red color painted over her face as she turned her head and cleared her throat. She then felt a hand upon her thigh forcing her curl her back a bit. Maybe Kaori was the masochist in this instance, but she enjoyed the feeling that she felt until the back of her neck was grabbed and she was asked 'if this was too rough'. Then she was given the answer to the gesture of her hands with a rather cryptic answer that left Kaori with more questions than answers. Once she was released from Yomi's grip, she stood up and took a step back.

She laughed a bit, placing a hand upon the back of her head. Looks like her little interrogation gave her a bit more information than she bargained for. "Okay, okay, I get it," she said in an understanding tone, which insisting that Yomi stop what she was doing. She wasn't too unnerved about the situation as this was probably a way for Yomi to deflect the topic. Thankfully, Yomi was the one that ended the conversation and made the suggestion to go home. With a quick bow, Kaori turned and ran out of the office. Her heart was aflutter and her adrenaline ran high. After leaving the office and the hospital, Kaori stopped at the entrance of the hospital and started to fan herself off.

"She is such a meanie," Kaori said to herself.

~I didn't know you were a lesbian, Kaori! This is interesting news! <3~ a disembodied voice that only Kaori could hear spoke to her.

"Shut up! I'm NOT a lesbian!" she shouted out, causing several people near her to give Kaori a side-ways glance, causing her to crumble out of embarrassment. She made her body as small as she could with a slouch of her shoulders before clearing her throat audibly and rushing back towards the Shrine. She needed a cold shower.​

WC: 356
WC Total: 2839/1500 (5/5 posts)
[Topic Left]

Current Ninpocho Time:
