Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Combat lifesaver [tutor]

Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
War... war never changes. Like the changing of the seasons, a shinobi village at peace was destined for war and thus the vicious cycle continued. Amaya rested a top a tree's branch with her nicely toned legs dangling, rocking side to side like a reclusive child pondering alone on a swing. The tree hung just over the cliff's side as she took a moment to watch the neighboring trees sway with the brushing of the wind. Such lush thick trees were like blankets of green that stretched to the horizon. It was beautiful. The flock of birds in unique patterns continued their dance out into the distance. This was indeed the season of peace... but war was coming, and the shinobi of Leaf needed to be ready. Thats what today was about, readiness. Patiently, the elegant Kunochi of Leaf would wait for the shinobi who requested additional training. Her dark hair rising and falling with the heavy gust passings as her gaze remained occupied by the beauty of green nature. This is why they trained and why they fought to become shinobi. The preservation of all they hold dear.

[Tutor for Ziren]
[WC: 189/1500]

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
His sign posted up around the Village helped him get a teacher to tutor him. His tutor had wanted to meet him at the Forest of Death. Something he was fine with, considering how he usually went to train there on a daily basis, a lot of the times just improving his blood line and the powers of a dark sage.

Today, he wore black garbs, with blue jeans. He had made a different model of his metal arm, this one, a bit more dull than the other one, one that he had kept polished and shined. This metal arm, he made specifically to be able to take more than a couple hits. A little bit more resistant to the elements than the other metal arm, still a prototype, so he doesn't know how well it would fare in battle. That is his left arm, the metal arm. His bloodified eyes looked up at a woman, listening to her blood flow and trying to remember it.

He let out a slight cough to make himself known. "So, few things to know about me, so we could better understand each other, I am a Chigokai, who possess the powers of a dark sage. I consider myself a combat medic. And though I have never been in a war, I have seen my fair share of battles. I have fought and killed my own brother, who was at the time, stronger than me. I fought against the current Hokage, when he had similar powers as me, the dark sage powers. I fought against a former Leaf Ninja, acting as support for the Hokage at the time. And fought that same former Leaf Ninja again, alongside two Jounin level ninja and a fellow Genin level ninja, who I believe is a Jounin level now." He didn't mention the fact that he was in the ANBU before he turned Medical Ninja. That was information he will never be saying to others. Even now, he keeps his eyes on the secretive Branch, acting as the outsider who protects something that he was once part of.

"So with the current information, I hope it is enough for you to go off on, to tutor me with the best of your capabilities. My name is Ziren by the way."


Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
There was soothing melondy of dry leaves of yellow and brown and twigs crunching beneath his foot steps as he approached. Amaya would enjoy a bit more of her gazing out before slowly turning her eye to a man dressed in dark garbs with a prostatic arm. It was just before he'd cough to alert her and so she'd respond with a faint smile. She'd listen to what he had to say though she wasnt exactly following. Though she was expecting some sort of greeting instead she was recieving his biography. This wasn't bad though she had little idea as to what he was talking about. ...Chigokai? ...Dark Sage? Killed my own brother? So many questions plagued her as he continued talking but instead of inquiring, she'd nod quietly in a failing attempt to follow along.

"Well, that was certainly a lot to process. Nice to meet you Ziren. My name is Akira Amaya, Leaf jounin. Lets just jump right into the lesson plan shall we? I call this tutor session the combat livesaver and though an actual combat livesaver course is over a fourty hour block of instruction, we will simply target the basics or rather a small introductory to combat livesaver called Tactical combat casualty care or TCCC for short. TCCC can be divided into three phases. The first is care under fire; the second is tactical field care; the third is combat casualty evacuation care. For this session we will only go over the first, care under fire. So Ziren, can you tell me about care under fire?"

Her voice was abnormal. It was heavenly or spiritual in such a way that a slight echo would trail behind each sentence. She was still sitting in her tree and would give him the floor to respond. There wasn't a wrong answer to her question as this was the reason for today's training session. With nothing but a faint smile, she'd wait patiently.

[WC: 513/1500]

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
The Medical Ninja listened as the woman spoke, her experience was more than he has ever had, though he is just guessing, he feels that she wouldn't have taken up the job otherwise. Ziren has had a way of... Getting around. Sometimes good, sometimes bad. But now he's gotten better and learn to better himself as not just a shinobi, but also as a person.

When she had said that was a lot to process, he replied, "Sorry, still working on being social. I tend to jump straight to business sometimes."

And then she talked about what this lesson is. What it is called. Combat lifesaver. Kind of sounds like a tutor for combat medical ninja. Ziren, for example, is looking for that goal, to be one that people looks up to.

After that, she went over some things, phases, of the lesson. The first of which, was care under fire. And then she asked him what he thinks if what it meant. Ziren rubbed the bottom of his chin, like how so many others do when they think, of what he thinks it means.

"Care under fire. I presume, from just those three words, to be able to work on healing someone while there is a battle going on around me. To be able to treat their wounds under extreme pressure as such of others wanting me and my patients dead."


Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
The kunoci's dark curls would bounce with each nod she gave. With a faint smile she'd fasten her vambrace made of a unique metal blend that seem to refract light though they were not transparent. She'd then leap down to Ziren landing on all fours before slowing rising to stance. Her emerald gaze fell upon Ziren as she approached him.

"Indeed. Care under fire is rendered at the scene of the injury while you, the combat lifesaver and the casualty are still under effective hostile attack. In such a situation, you should perform the following in this order. Determine if casualty is alive or dead. Return offense as required before providing medical treatment. Provide medical assistance to the live casualty. But remember, reducing or eliminating enemy's advance may be more important to the casualty's survival than the treatment you can provide. Now let us begin the practical exercise of this session. I will be giving you pointers and blocks of info as we continue."

She'd point her finger behind Ziren. If he'd look, he'd find a dummy stuffed with compact straw just lying on the ground. It wore a headband however it had no insignia. Instead, written neatly upon it with a black sharpy read Leaf casualty. It's questionable just how long thats been sitting there or if it just appeared out of thin air but nevertheless it was there now.

"That there Ziren, is your casualty. Protect him using the principals discussed earlier. I'd like to see maximum effort. And by the way, you'll be protecting him from me. Time start now."

The kunochi with dark hair would give Ziren no time to prepare but instead her hands were going through an array of seals.

"Raiton, Thunderfist no jutsu."

She'd sprint pass Ziren, rushing straight for the leaf dummy causality.

[Wc: 301]
[WC: 814/1500]

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Ziren listened as the woman spoke. He was more or less, in point. Then she gave him some steps to follow. Check to see if patient is alive, fight the bad guys, and heal up the hurt friend. Got it. Then she said that sometimes focusing on the enemy is more important than healing the ally.

Then she had pointed a finger over at a dummy. And told him that he will have to protect it. And one last thing. He has to protect it from the woman.

As soon as she said that, she was in motion, but he was too. A ninja cannot be caught off guard with a simple trick like that. Zombies came out of the ground, but one took an actual form. A pale, black haired fellow looked around.

"Hey I'm alive! Wait... Ziren! You making me fight!"

"No time to explain Anyu! Just do the thing!" Ziren went through more hand seals, a whip made out of water came into his hands. He lashed it out. Not in hopes of it hitting his teacher, no. But instead get her focused on the water whip and the Zombies closing in on her, making her have to not have a direct path.

Shadows moved in the shade, closing in on the woman's shadow, from the Soul's own shadow.

Ziren didn't stop to watch it all play out after he lashed out with his water whip, but instead, ran close to his patient.

"Don't worry practice dummy, I'm here now."


Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Amaya would leap back from her intended direction. Unnatural beings were unearthing before her very eyes and blocking her persuit. Her emerald eyes would trace Ziren's foot steps as he dashed by. His creatures were like the walking dead. All but one seemed to lack any distinct features and fought savagely. They'd reach out and claw at her but to no avail. Instead a few would recieve a fist or knee to the face though nothing seemed to slow them. Amaya would find herself swating them away all while being pushed further from her target. Ziren then would swat at her using a whip made of water to further keep her at bay.

"Very good Ziren! There are many ways to provide tactical combat support while under attack. Suppress enemies advances. Use cover or concealment like smoke bombs or... zombies."

Amaya would notice something moving along the ground within the trees. "A shadow..." it seem to extend from the more life like zombie. Amaya didn't know what to make of it at first but thought it best to avoid whatever it was.

"Well played Ziren, well played. Though, we can't let it be that easy can we?"

Amaya would get a safe distance from the creatures before taking a kneeling position. She would then arch her back keeping one leg forward to allow her knee to touch her chest while the other stretched out behind her. Both arms were stretched before her. She'd slowly look up as the zombies fumbled her way, sinking her toes into the dirt.

"Humph, extreme taijutsu..."

Amaya would take off in a sprint toward Ziren. Each step seemed to quake the ground and leave large foot prints. She'd meet the zombies head on, plowing through them like bowling pins. The shadow would approach her though she'd respond with the summoning of clones. Four copies of Amaya would be closing in on Ziren fast. She'd smile faintly, interested in what he'd do now.

[Wc: 301]
[WC: 1141/1500]

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Once Ziren has reached his 'patient', he turned around to see what was happening. He managed to get there before the woman, his teacher, and seen that she was being pushed back by the zombies. She managed to dodge the shadow that came from Anyu, and retreated further back. He smiled a bit when she tried to put zombies in her sentence of using them for cover or concealment.

Then she said that she can't make it that easy for him, and that was when she came running full sprint at him, knocking his zombies o er as if they were nothing. And to make matters worst, she made clones, so there were four of her that be now has to deal with.

"The thing isn't working!" Anyu yelled out.

"Yeah I know, thanks for pointing out the obvious." Ziren said, forming his next set of handseals. The ground erupted in the area, crystals popped up from out of the ground and formed a maze like pattern. Crystalline passage. Everyone was separated, save for Ziren and his 'patient'. He made more hand seals and transformed into looking like the practice dummy, once more, of hand seals and three more practice dummies appeared, meaning there were five, only one was real.

Anyu looked around the crystal labyrinth in which he has found himself in. He could hear the zombies shuffling around here and there but can't really see anything. He sighed, and then formed his own handseals, using the extra shade that Ziren has made from the crystal maze to try and capture the woman or her clones.

Ziren and his clones stood still, mocking his patient to be not even moving at all. He added some chakra stings to the actual dummy and then performed one more set of hand seals, just for good luck, and because he can, the dummy, and the clones doing the exact same thing to make it look like they are all him. Once that was done, the arms, all of them, went back to where they were before. Five practice dummies just chilling in the middle of a crystal maze, inside a forest, nothing out of the ordinary here.


Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Though at top speed, the dark haired kunochi would dig her heels into the ground beneth her immediately upon the rising of walls before her. The ground would up root leaving a trail of debris as Amaya came to a full stop. Her eyes were like full moons anxiously searching about as large crystal like walls surrounded the area forming something of a labyrinth. She'd not only been cut off from her target but her clones were also separated. She'd look about in amazement as this jutsu was quite the sight. A crystal wonderland was more what it was like. The suns beautiful rays refracted causing a beautiful mystic and the crystal like walls were but fused with its surroundings in a lovely harmony. Near by bushes and shrubbery had been fully crystallized while taller trees were partly as some reached high and extended. It was a lovely blend. Amaya took sometime to run her fingers gently along the walls as she wonderd the maze. The crystal walls were a combination of smooth and jagged. It was a healthy and beautiful contradiction. In truth she was really enjoying her walk. It was probably the most pleasant game of hide and seek she'd ever played. She'd break from her tour upon running into one of her clones doing the exact samething. Both would notice the other at the exact same time before exchanging an embarrassing smile. The moment would only last but for a few seconds as the sound of paniced hustling could be heard from her rear. Both her and her clone would jump to see what was coming. Was it an attack? The two would ready themselves in case but would give a sigh of relief once they could make out it was but another clone hurrying their way. It would sprint pass leaving behind a word and only one...

Clone #2, "Run!"

Amaya would watch as her clone dashed by before quickly looking toward the direction from which it came. Perhaps it was curiosity. Perhaps it was a horde of undead fumbling about and rushing toward them. Without a thought Amaya too would take off in the opposite direction. It was like something from a shinobi horror film to see these creatures running over each other just to catch them. Her other clone would see the horde fast approaching and would panicly take off running as well. Given that they had no sense of direction in this maze and the speed of the zombies, Amaya could tell that it was only a matter of time before they were caught. She'd look back at her clone following behind her before raising an eyebrow. The clone would exchange a puzzled expression in return before its eye's widen at the sight of Amaya forming hand seals. The ground beneath the clone would soften into mud restricting her movements. She'd panic to drag across but the zombies would over run her until she was no longer visible.

Clone #1, "Whyyy~~" (poof!)

Amaya would continue on turning left then right then another. She hadn't a clue as to where she was headed but rushed onward all the same. Luckily she'd happen upon the dummy and... it's cousins? The dark kunochi would faintly smile at the sight before clapping her hands together.

"Ok Ziren, well done. It would seem to me that you understand quite well the basics of combat life saver, care under fire. I think this is a good stopping point for todays block of instructions wouldn't you say? Feel free to drop your jutsus and lets conduct a quick after action review or AAR for short. You can do so by answering these questions, what were we suppose to accomplish today? Did we accomplish this? What can I do as an instructor to improve the session or rather what are three improvements. And finally, what are three sustains?"

Nodding to Ziren was her signal to him to begin answering. She was very much intrigued to hear his input as she'd likely be teaching this again. The best critics are those involved after all.

[Wc: 682]
[WC: 1823/1500]

[Ooc: sry 4 the long wait been busy but wrapping this up.]

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Ziren would hear the scuffle of feet running this way and that, some panicked shouts, and then silence. After a minute has past, he found the person teaching him had stumbled upon him.

Once she started to talk, he dispelled all of his justsus, the crystals going back into the earth, his zombies too. His clones went poof, and he looked like himself again, as his transform justsu was done.

She then asked him some questions. The first, "We were accomplishing what it means to be a combat medic while on the battlefield, of knowing what to do in order to get to the patient and halt enemy forces while doing so."

The second question, "I say we did pretty good, as I did what I could to stop you from advancing, and you did what you could to counter what I did."

And the last question. Ziren tried to think of a reason. "I don't know. Maybe not hold back, because that's how the enemy will do, is not hold back. But then again, if we both did that, then there might be some craters in the Forest, so nevermind that." He laughed a little bit before having a straight face. "I'd say, keep doing what you are doing. You wouldn't be the rank that you are if your teachings were bad. A reason why you are a Jounin and I am a Chunin level. I actually liked the lesson that we did today."

He was truthful about it too. No real talk about him having to use his blood line powers, or people being interested or scared because of his blood line powers and only focusing on that. Just actual training of what he can do. Mainly what he has just done was a plan he has formulating in his brain when the time comes to either a spar, or a death battle, of having an idea of what to do in the heat of the moment when he has to improvise.

(It's ok, I understand life gets busy )

Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
The dark kunochi would nod to Zerin's responses. She'd fold her arms like a proud parent as he continued. He was a breath of fresh air. It had been awhile since she trained a high speed shinobi. He made her job more than pleasant but easy as well. The pep in her voice could not be contained as she was truely proud.

"It pleases me to here it. This concludes today's training session Zerin, good work."

With a bow the dark kunochi would take her leave, her path narrow. The cruching sounds of dry leaves and twigs beneath each step would slowly fade as she vanished into the distance. Today was successful. With the threat of war ever blossoming one could only hope for days like these...

[Tutor session complete]
[WC: 1823/1500]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
