Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Private Come Closer

Aria watched with stars in her eyes from her position on the floor as Keniwa converted his summon into a freaking blood sword and began slicing apart the demon only to end his combo with a stylish flourish with his back silhouetted in front of Aria as lightning dropped down behind his figure. "I'm fine, I think my hips broken so there's that. Remind me later to challenge you to no holding back fight after this though, That combo rocked!" Aria spoke, barely holding back a bloodthirsty grin to Keni as her body seemed to almost vibrate with excitement at the thought of challenging the Taijutsu user to a fight. Keiyaku soon burst back onto the scene while also bursting into flames which seemed to finish off the demon for the moment as it burst into pieces scattering debris around the area before said pieces began to gravitate back together again. "Damn that cinches it. It's made of chakra." Aria said with an annoyed growl as fights weren't very fun if the enemy couldn't even bleed. Keiyaku landed back beside Aria after his attack and offered her his shoulder which she begrudgingly accepted as she was hoisted up on to her feet with the Inuzuka taking most of the girls weight while her hip throbbed horribly making bile rise up the Senju's throat but fortunately she was able to swallow it back down. "Ha! Don't be an idiot Kei.... That things not gonna give us the time to recover even if Akio could fix my hip quick enough. This thing isn't just a dumb bag of rocks." Aria looked up at Keiyaku as she waited for his reply only for her attention to snap back to the demon as a wave of invisible chakra surged over them making Aria feel heavier for a moment as gravitation seemed to warp and wave as the beast raised it claw.

"Ha ha ha Well that's just not fair." Aria laughed mirthlessly as she watched the monster create what was looking to essentially be a meteor out of the debris and local landscape with the most likely intention to drop it on them to end this fight. 'No surviving that....Ugh this sucks if only we could get rid of all that chakra...…. Wait we could seal the chakra away! and I know just how to do it but...." Aria eyes drifted over to Akio as she took in the healthiest member of the group. 'Akio would be the best choice as he is a Senju and could supress the chakra but lately his balance of natural chakra has become too strong. He would end up smothering the monster and I wouldn't get a rematch with it.' Aria's gaze continued on until it landed on Keniwa. 'Keniwa has the body to contain the demon in a stable manner for me to fight later but his access to the gates would most likely mute the demon and make it next to impossible to get a fight that way. Not to mention that my rival currently seems to be melting. Which means the only option is....' Aria finally looked up at the boy carrying her as she weighed whether this would work or not before a bone chilling grin bloomed across her face as she settled into the idea easily.

"Yeah this could work..... Hey Kei I got an idea to beat this thing but it's gonna take me a couple of minutes to get ready and I'm gonna need your help. Yo Keni, Akio could you keep this thing's attention off me for a bit? I got an ace in the hole but it's gonna take some time set up." Without waiting for a response Aria jabbed Keiyaku in the side lightly in an effort to get him walking away from the battlefield a bit in order to set her plan in motion.
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"Thank you Aria. Stay on guard." The kyoujouran watches as Keiyaku finishes the demon with a flaming flurry of attacks, however his faced remains concentrated and serious, due to it's previous behaviour it's likely that it was going to be a repeat of earlier in the fight. He kept still in his zaiken stance keeping his legs sturdy, ready to launch him forward as his suspicions were true the group would gaze onwards as the unholy cacophony would reform in front of their very eyes. His jaw dropped as a gigantic meteor began to form above the squadron of shinobi, eyes twitching as their time would begin to run out, "So... This it it?" He'd say with a cold and sombre tone to the rest of them, dispersing nom with a quick handseal, as he would burn bright clenching his fists once more, his will hadn't been simmered yet his optimism was fading.

Putting his life in Aria's hand was an initially terrifying idea which would strike fear in pretty much anybody's heart, "Ace in the hole..." The group's hope of survival was ever fleeting so he didn't have much of a choice in determining what he'd do. 'Fight until the bitter end? Or lay down and die?' The answer was obvious. "Alright Aria. Our lives are in your hands. Let's do this, Akio!" Pressing his feet in to the ground he'd prepare for one last burst of energy, his whole body was boiling as smoke would be pouring off of his skin. The earth would smash as he flew forward leaving blazing imprints of his shoes, soaring towards the entity he'd grit his teeth and shout. "Come at us then! Give us everything you got!" Whilst a verbal taunt likely wouldn't work on such an enemy, it's attention was all he needed.

Clenching his fist to act as a mighty spear, his giant increase of power from the use of his cybernetics came with a hefty cost. In an instant without being able to react the bones in his legs would snap, as they became limp and would flail in the air whilst he would inch closer and closer. His steaming punch wouldn't miss it's mark as a bright flame would surround his right arm. He powered through the pain and smashed straight through it's torso keeping his arm impaled inside of the wreck taken form, tightly clenching on with everything he had left he'd use his left arm to pummel it up close and personal whilst hanging off of the rubble creating it's chest.
Despite the group and their summoned creatures laying devastating attack after attack upon the amalgamation of rock, wood, and debris, everything they did the creature quickly reverted with the strange gravitational powers it was using to repeatedly reconstitute its body. Beating this thing down might stun it temporarily, but it wasn't an answer, and the longer they took, the more at risk the survivors here were going to face. That's when Aria spoke up. "Don't be an idiot Kei.... That things not gonna give us the time to recover even if Akio could fix my hip quick enough..." Aria stated, clearly battling with the bones that were broken during the creature's counterattack. "...I got an ace in the hole but it's gonna take some time set up." Akio's stare fiercened, as he looked at his battered companion-in-arms. "Then Kazan and I will make the time to recover!" The Senju shouted with determination in his eyes, the markings on his dust and scratch-covered face transforming as he stepped into Archsage Mode. "Keiyaku, Keni, you guys gotta be the ones to keep this thing busy! I'll keep ya protected!" He added in a yell, acting quickly as he began forming hand seals to protect all three with invisible barriers of force.

Keniwa looked towards him with encouraging words and went off in a flurry that battered upon the creature's inorganic hide, smashing through the beast's form but leaving his legs broken in the process. "Kazan! Use Tidal Wall!" The adolescent archsage yelled to his chelonian companion. With a flash, two barriers were constructed simultaneously. One by Kazan, forming around Keniwa and the turtle, and another by Akio forming around himself and his sibling. "Don't worry. I'm not gonna let you fall!" Akio said, as though his words were written in stone. Despite attack after attack being launched at the barriers, the young Senju and his turtle companion reflexively built them back between each blow. They weren't concerned about the chakra the two were burning through, only in keeping their allies safe. Akio began healing Aria's hips, green energy encompassing his hands as he placed them at her sides. Meanwhile, the smoke that exhaled from Kazan's beak in long moustache-like trails also took on a glowing aura, cascading down around Keniwa's legs, seeping into them and repairing their structure. The two scrappers would certainly still be hurting, but they'd at least get back to being mobile. "I'll give you the time! Just do whatever ya need to put this thing down!" Akio yelled in a fierce growl as he poured chakra into barrier after barrier to protect Aria while she enacted the plan that she had in mind.
Hey, Kei, I got an idea to beat this thing but it's gonna take me a couple of minutes to get ready, and I'm gonna need your help. Yo, Keni, Akio, could you keep this thing's attention off me for a bit? I got an ace in the hole but it's gonna take some time set up.

Keiyaku looked at Aria, startled, as she said that, nudging him away so she could could enough space to do what she needed to do. He hadn't expected her to suddenly pull that out, and he wondered why it'd taken her this long to give it a shot. He felt his stomach plummet a few inches, thinking she might be preparing to use some kind of hidden talent that would cost her life. He wanted to say something, to refuse to let her, but that cold-blooded grin she flashed him pulled all remain warmth from his body and he suddenly found himself not wanting to look at her anymore. The Inuzuka turned around just in time to see two things happen in quick succession; Keniwa, despite shattering his legs, had latched onto the thing's chest, pummelling it to kingdom come. Akio meanwhile...

"Then Kazan and I will make the time to recover!"

His face was changing and a sense of power, of authority, radiated from him while he constructed two massive barriers along with his summoned partner.

The barrier was more than enough to withstand another wave of repulsive force slamming into it.

"And I can double that time!"

Keiyaku said in a bark-like exclamation, forming a rapid set of hand signs and raised his arms into the air. A massive, infernal wall of fire spring into life, far enough in front of the first two barriers so as to not interfere with them. Now with a few moments to spare, Keiyaku stepped back, going to see this plan of Aria's that she needed his help with. Not looking her in the eye, he offered his arms in a symbolic gesture to her, stretching them out.

"What do you need? Name it!"

The stone-clad werewolf, on the other hand, was still preparing its artificial asteroid strike. Though as Keni had latched onto it, pummelling its body apart, it was having to spend more time in chakra on keeping its body in one piece, so the slow germination of the stone orb above their heads slowed down considerably. It growled and snarled, swiping at the Kyoujouran as much as he could, but failed to pierce the boy's flesh as he moved out of the way. Even the creature's attempts to force the little runt off by non-physical means were proving fruitless, unable to divert chakra from its constant regeneration and the building of its final weapon. This meant that, combined with the barriers protecting the others, Keniwa was benefiting solely from the demon's attention.
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Aria and Kei quickly hobbled back from the battlefield only pausing for Akio to lay his hands on Aria for a moment allowing the girl some measure of relief from her broken hip but sadly not enough for the girl to move normally again without being in intense pain, as the pair continued on until they were a little ways away from the fighting. Looking back over her shoulder Aria saw the combat once again picking up as both Keniwa and Akio released a dazzling display of power in order to suppress the demon or at least keep it's focus while Aria focused her own chakra for a moment. "Heh Archsage Mode... Guess that explains all that natural power I sensed." As Aria commented on Akio's sage mode she lifted her hand up from its sign and in response a large square alter made of wood arose from the floor while roots pushed any debris out of the way with large twisting tendrils that then twisted into four pillars situated at each corner of the alter. Looking back to the Inuzuka under her arm as he affirmed his willingness to help Aria contemplated what to tell the boy about what they needed to do but from what she knew of Keiyaku he wasn't the type to sacrifice his body, in the manner that Aria needed so she would have to alter the truth in order to save the team. Taking a deep breath Aria walked the two of them to the centre of the large alter while talking at the same time.

"So for the past few months I've been studying sealing jutsu and I've found a way to harness natural energy into an attack that can suppress chakra by overloading the victim with natural chakra. However I need someone to act as the control base of the seal to control the chakra or the seal could explode. I'm gonna need you to act as the control system but don't worry if this goes well then the worst that is gonna happen is a bit of a headache." Aria put on a rushed tone and hoped the urgent situation would allow the gas lighting to go under Keiyaku's nose as Aria finished walking them to the centre of the platform where two stakes stood up from the ground. "Face the demon and kneel here....Yeah like that...Ok now put your wrist on the stakes with your palms facing down...Ok good." Aria quickly got Kei into position as he seemed more focused on the battle in the distance that was getting louder by the minute while the space in front of the alter was now shimmering with the pulsing chakra of a barrier most likely set up by her brother. Bracing herself for the pain Aria removed herself from Kei's support with a hiss as she hobbled in front of the kneeling boy as she checked his posture. After a moment the white haired girl finally felt satisfied as she stood over the canine boy with a grim expression. A pulse of chakra was Kei's only warning as the stakes suddenly exploded into growth encompassing the boy forearms completely and immobilising them while a third root grew from the floor in front of the restrained ninja and quickly wrapped around his throat, converting itself into a tight fitting collar that fully braced the boy to the spot while his feet seemed to sink into the alter itself. Once the boy was completely helpless Aria finally reached into a pouch and pulled out a small bottle of ink with a brush while the collar on Kei harshly forced him backwards until his belly was accessible and with a flick of her wrist Aria easily tore the shirt from her victim exposing bare skin. "Sorry about this but I'm on a time crunch so I can't be gentle here." Aria looked up again at the forming meteor before focusing on her work as the ink tipped brush gently danced over Kei's skin leaving behind a circular pattern with the kanji for the elements in smaller circles connecting to each other along the circle forming a interlocking pattern of lines.

It didn't take long for Aria to finish her design with shocking skill as she spun the brush around her fingers ridding it of the excess ink before returning the tool back to it's pouch while Aria poured the left over ink over the floor then tossing the bottle over her shoulder.
"Come on Aria, Come on Aria. You can do this." Slapping her cheeks to psych herself up as she walked around Kei, Aria prepared for the massive amount of pain she was gonna send through her hip with her next action. Standing behind Keiyaku Aria slammed her foot down on the floor sending out a wave of natural energy as she cried out in ensuing agony as the vestiges of her sage mode finally left her as the alter was filled with natural chakra. Getting control of herself as her chakra spread the ink on the floor, covering the entire alter in a mass of inscribed Kanji which to a normal person would simply look like a mass of squiggles but in reality was a very elaborate sealing matrix designed to capture chakra and seal it within an object. Once the seals were inscribed Aria began shifting through a long sequence of hand gestures causing seven large oni statues to raise from the ground. Four of the statues made themselves home in each corner of the alter before taking on a red, green, yellow and blue tone while the final statues took position with one standing over Kei while the other stood behind Aria, the first taking on a black coloration and it's mirror turning white. "Ok lets begin." Aria said as she began to build a tremendous amount of chakra causing it to become visible as it poured off her form in blue waves.
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Keiyaku found it difficult to tear his attention away from the battle; he had to put his faith in Aria now as opposed to his own actions. All he knew was that, no matter what he did, if this plan of hers fucked up, they were all dead. He watched as she used her Ninjutsu to create a wide wooden dais, onto which he helped her walk, listening to her explanation of the plan but failing to comprehend the majority of it. Some sort of sealing jutsu that allowed one to harness natural energy into a chakra disrupting burst, and he was to be the catalyst for it. He had to admit that he wasn't fond of the idea, being at the centre of some experimental jutsu, particularly one of Aria's, but their choices were few and they needed to finish this quickly.

"Eh... I'm not sure I totally understood but, alright, we gotta save ourselves, right?"

With much trepidation, he knelt between the wooden growths in the centre, placing his hands upon them. The last thing he expected was to be suddenly swallowed up to the forearms into them as they bound him there.

"H-Hey! What the..!"

Once again, he had to force himself to relax; maybe this was just part of the process, and the sooner he let it happen, the sooner they could go home in one piece. That was until the next part of the plan kicked in... He suddenly felt a choking force yank his neck back, bending his back into an extremely uncomfortable position. Fangs bared, he began to growl at Aria, struggling to get free, panic quickly overtaking all other rationality and logic.

"L-Let me go! C'mon! We ain't got time for this!"

Though it was wood that bound him there, it was remarkably strong, no doubt owing to the natural chakra that had created it. Immobile and helpless, he peered down as best he could to see Aria in front of him, beginning to tear through his vest, removing his body armour and exposing his battered flesh to the night air.

"Get... the fuck... off me!"

His brain was becoming so clouded with panic, both for feeling like he was in the dark as to what Aria was really planning, and also for the massive rocky orb that was going to imminently turn them into five pinkish stains on the dirt, that he barely had the mental bandwidth to register the fact the loony sage was painting some kind of pattern across his belly, and, shortly after, producing several ominous looking statues surrounding them.

"L-Loony sage.... wh-whatever this is.... I d-don't think I can do this," the Inuzuka stammered, genuine fear in every syllable.

Meanwhile, on the battlefield, the great stone creature was battering the multiple shields conjured by Akio and his partner, as well as Keiyaku; the shield of flames having been dispelled by now. Keni's furious pummeling of its body was keeping the asteroid from growing too quickly, but it was almost ready. They would have only a few minutes before this was all over, one way, or the other.
Viciously flashing around the beast his speed increased drastically as he was motivated by Akio's and Keiyaku's brave words and leadership. As an actual shinobi he still had a lot to learn, but his knowledge in hand to hand combat... Everything he'd trained for it was for here and now he had to buy as much time as he can. His bestfriend was putting everything he had in to protecting all of them at the same time, his actions were none other than heroic. Screams and curses would echo out away from the battlefield, he'd never heard such grueling cries of pain. However they were like an anthem which would play ceremoniously only pushing the Kyoujouran even further, swinging up on the monster's right arm he'd flip round smacking it in it's head with a sharp side kick. Landing on his right arm only to smash straight through with a blazing kick, moments before bouncing off of the ground flying forward with a searing fist only to be violently launched straight in to the surrounding wreckage.

A gush of smoke would arise from where he was sent, as with a battle cry like a jet he zoomed back in to the fight, the sky would get darker and darker with not long left before the result. As his rock like skin would met he could feel his heart racing hysterically. The bones in his body simultaneously breaking and being restored at the same time, he shouldn't be able to move with the blitzing speed that he did, it was only thanks to Akio. Instantly being rejuvenated by the mighty turtle contract, A flurry of firey fists would be sent forward at the unholy concoction with blistering pace. However the entity would repair it's own wounds even faster than the Senju, just battering the beast wouldn't prove enough, eventually it would overpower them as their chakra reserves grew low. "Akio! Kazan! I have an Idea! We could give this monster a taste of his own power! Could you help me generate enough force?!" Tightly clenching on to the bottom of the entity's rock leg, his fingers melting in to it's structure only tightening his grip he'd attempt to lift and begin spinning the large construct, however he couldn't do it alone.

None of them would have lived this long alone.

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Aria ignored Keiyaku's words as the white and black Oni started to glow with a strong blue light creating a pillar around them as the caster felt her chakra plummet lower than it had ever done so before but really it just excited Aria that she was getting pushed so far to use this jutsu, as she performed the last hand seal causing a Ying/Yang symbol to appear in the palm of her left hand. Takin a breath Aria looked over at the fight and saw Keniwa putting everything he had into a blinding assault which seemed to be slowing down the demons attack while it attack Akio's barrier. "There is no thinking now Keiyaku but for what it's worth I'm sorry about how much this is gonna hurt." As she said this Aria made a small flicking gesture to Kei with her finger causing the collar to drag him back up until his back was ramrod straight with Aria standing close behind him. Placing a hand over Keiyaku eyes to spare him this next sight, Aria brought her left arm over his shoulder with her palm facing his stomach as the markings on her hand began to slowly rotate, Suddenly the blue Oni statue burst into another pillar of light as it made a focusing seal with it's hands causing a small blue flame to appear on it's finger tips with the kanji for water inside the flame. Aria's index finger also created a flame on it's tip exactly the same way as the statue. This process repeated with each statue as the seals on the floor started glowing until Aria had a hand full of flame each flame the colour of the element they represented.

At this point the was seal as taking an enormous toll on Aria as her chakra was quickly running out to the point that she ended up coughing blood on to Kei shoulder as her hand began to shake from the strain of maintaining such a large seal but after a moment she finally felt she had gathered enough chakra as she contorted her hand into a claw as the Senju tensed her fingers.
"Clench your jaw." Was the only warning Keiyaku got about what was gonna happen next. "Sage Art Seven Guardian Locking Formation." Aria's hand slammed straight into Keiyaku's stomach with a massive amount of force as the flames seemed to allow Aria fingers to delve into the flesh without creating a wound but despite this the pain would be blindly intense as the feel of liquid metal burning it's way though Kei's core would fill the young boy. The seal painted on Kei's stomach deformed aligning itself to Aria's fingers as she seemed to grasp the seal like an actual physical object as she slowly twisted it to the open position, the seal hanging upside to how it was painted. "Ok demon lets see if you can escape this! Guardian capture formation" With surprising speed the statues leaped from their positions landing in front of the alter facing the demon in a half circle as they held their hands out in front of them before a small blue star of chakra began to form. It began to swell in size until the statues seemed to be containing a galaxy of swirling chakra in a massive orb before them before it finally surged out in pulse straight towards the demon. Akio and Keniwa would see a swirling wave of chakra coming straight at them before it would pass through them harmlessly, however when it hit the demon it seemed to slam into the creature mercilessly and began pushing the monster forcing it slowly back until finally something gave way as the light left the rocky eyes and the chakra inside was pushed out of the back of the wolf suspended helplessly inside a churning wave of chakra. Aria smiled at this as she chuckled. "Ha got you bastard! Now get in here. Guardian sealing formation!" Aria roared fiercely as she focused on her statues who almost seemed to roar themselves, they leaned back with silent snarls as if they were reeling the chakra back in. The wave quickly began to contract and then retract as it forced the chakra straight towards the statues who seemed to absorb the energy and then disperse into the seals inside the alter as sigils changed and began to glow with a malicious white light. "Now!" The symbols in the floor came to life and charged straight at Keiyaku, climbing up on to his flesh as they burned and sizzled with energy until finally not a inch of Kei's skin was unmarked. "Now to just close the...." Aria's eyes were lidded and heavy as her chakra hit dangerously low levels causing the skin under her lids to become dark as if she hadn't slept in weeks. Her vision swam and swayed and she struggled to turn her wrist to close the seal. "Dammit....!"

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Keiyaku watched, his chest rising and falling frantically as Aria worked around him, unable to alter the course of his destiny from this point on. The Inuzuka struggled and pulled and kicked, fighting for freedom, until-

"N-No, pl-please, I'm so- UGGHH!"

That was the last thing he expected; a set of fingers slammed into his stomach, but remained there this time, his teeth clenching almost to breaking point. Dazed and disoritented, having had the wind knocked out of him, he barely registered the actions of the Oni statues as they seemed to get themselves into different positions at Aria's behest. Taking leave of all rationale, the tired Inuzuka could only surmise she was doing this to get him to stop trying to break free. There wasn't even the energy to think anymore though, as a brand new sensation overwhelmed him, an ungodly agony such as he had not experienced in 15 years of life. It was as though his entire midriff was melting, the broad-side of white hot blades surely stripping off his flesh as Aria manipulated the pattern inked upon his body.

The Kyoujouran was doing an excellent job keeping the demon befuddled and distracted, swinging off parts of its body only to violently detach others, cuttin gthrough the rock as though it were butter. Everytime though, the severed piece was magnetised back to the whole. The great asteroid above their heads was almost at its peak size now, despite Akio and Keniwa's best machinations. The Senju's barriers had at least done their job guarding Aria as she worked on Keiyaku. The beast had finally had enough; he roared and a great gravitational shockwave blasted violently from its body, sending the Kyoujouran flying and laying waste to the barriers Akio had cast. Turning its attention to the sky, it raised its vast arm, preparing to slam the giant object into the ground. It happened in an instant. Before the beast had time to so much as twitch its finger, a great wave of chakra crashed into it. The force of it separated the spirit from its body; a great spectral werewolf, silvery but distinct, hung suspended in the air. The massive, rocky body from which it had just been evicted was already beginning to crumble to dust. Even the great stone orb threatening to crush them was beginning to slowly crumble, piece by piece as the influence of the beast's chakra was slowly removed from the world. The demon's contorted, hellish face was devoid of its triumphant grin now; the abyssal voids it had for eyes seemed to widen, abject fear plastered over its snout, an expression which said quite plainly that it had no idea what was happening to it. Triumph may have turned to fear, but soon, fear turned to fury. Its muzzle broke into a snarl, the gutteral noise lingering on the air with an ethereal echo. The silvery vapour was darkening and turning into an inky black oil, its eyes beginning to flash a sickly yellow. But it was too late now. The net had been cast.

"J-Just let me d-die already!"

Keiyaku stared uncomprehendingly in front of him, the feeling of flesh in flame now the focal point of his existence. His eyes alighted unseeingly upon the demon across the battlefield, its inky black form being dispersed by the net of chakra ensnaring it until it was nothing but a formless cloud. It was being reeled in now and absorbed into the many symbols lining the floor around the Inuzuka. If Keiyaku had thought he was in pain now, nothing could have prepared him for what he felt next. As the symbols comprising the sealing spell slid over his skin, they burned white-hot. The intensity was such that the word 'pain' had lost all meaning, no longer sufficient as a descriptor for the sensation. The Inuzuka howled, his vocal chords almost tearing until he could do nothing more than gurgle, unable to even breathe. As Keiyaku shrieked, his body was beginning to undergo changes; his fangs were lengthening, as were his claws. His eyes now bearing bright, piercing orange irises, the already slitted pupils seeming to contract even more. He couldn't think, he couldn't hear... he couldn't even see! His whole body was being compressed at the centre of some boundless black abyss; he was being squeezed as he was clutched in the claws of a gigantic, fanged beast. The thing had no face, but facial features were slowly forming, a muzzle growing, ears lengthening. And then it spoke. But it used Keiyaku's mouth. He could feel his jaw moving outside of his volition.

T̷̰̒r̸̘͠â̷̜ḫ̴͆a̷̝͌m̶̤̚ ̸̮̕t̷͙̃e̴̪͐ ̵̘̈́a̸̰͛d̷̖̔ ̴̧̽i̶͖̽n̷̫̅f̷̹̅e̸̜̍r̵̯͂ǹ̴̦ů̶̥m̵̩̆!̷

As it taunted the girl, the ground around them began to tremble, the wooden dais beginning to crack. Even the restraints holding Keiyaku in place were splintering apart. The thing had been sealed, but the seal was still wide open as was evident from the fact his skin was covered in the hundreds of inky symbols that comprised the spell. All this time, he was struggling and fighting against the bonds with a renewed vigour, drooling like a dog thirsting for food. Those eyes... to anyone who had known Keiyaku, there was nothing of the kind-hearted Inuzuka left behind them. Just hunger. The moment Keiyaku's arms were loose, the demon pounced/. It sliced into Aria's leg with claws the length of senbon, great blossoms of blood spurting forth. The sight of it... the splatter of warm, viscous life against his face... It seemed to do something to those eyes. Fangs engorged to an unnatural size were piercing Aria's flesh as she held onto the seal, sinking so deep that letting go was out of the question unless paid for with a sizeable tribute of flesh. But Aria held all the cards now; one little twist and this would all be over...
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Aria cried out as a newly upgraded claw from the Inuzuka sliced into her leg but managed to keep the presence of mind to hang on to her prisoner as Keiyaku seemingly began to mutate from all that demon chakra running through his body but before she could react and close the seal the demon seemed to pull a gambit move and sank it's teeth deep into the arm holding the seal with fangs much larger than what should have been possible from a human leaving Aria and the demon in a sort of stalemate like a dog playing tug of war with their owner. If she released the seal to save her arm then it would most likely get free and resume it's attack and Aria didn't have enough chakra to perform the sealing again any time soon. A delighted giggle spilled from the girl's lip as her grip tightened on the seal and if the demon looked at the Senju's face he would see an expression of absolute ecstasy as Aria's free hand shot up and grasped the demon's possessed throat with surprising strength. "Ha ha ha ha so great! Even now your fighting me Ha ha ha ha ha! As a reward for such exhilaration you can keep the arm.....But I'm taking you're chakra in return!!!"

Aria's eyes shone with madness and bloodlust as her hand spun to the right abruptly turning the seal to the close position as the sabre long teeth gouged it's away through muscle and bone rendering her arm useless. As the seal snapped closed the markings on Keiyaku's skin quickly surged over his flesh and headed straight to the seal on his stomach with the matrix absorbed all the markings building the the array until the chakra it contained was completely under supressed leaving unmarked skin except for Keiyaku's stomach which sported the seal itself for a few moments as it glowed in golden light before it too faded away into the boy's skin, hiding from the world the boy's new nature that Aria had cursed him with. Aria's blood splattered heavily onto the floor as she was freed from the demons grasp leaving her standing on a bloody half functioning leg that was already turning a bad shade of purple as the caustic chakra of a demon infected it while her arm hung limply at her side. Despite her condition Aria's stood there silently with a grin on her face but if anyone walked up to her they would find she had long lost consciousness and her body was simply supporting itself out of the unconscious will to not to lose to the demon in anyway.

[Aria unconsciousness awaiting transport to hospital topic]
Keiyaku could feel himself falling further into this boundless abyss. Moru was gone, Akio and Keni might be dead by now, Aria surely wasn't going to last much longer. He could feel his arms moving, his teeth sinking into something squishy, as though he were some kind of blind marionette having its strings pulled by a cosmic puppeteer, binding him with strings made of personified entropy. The taste of blood hit the back of his throat. He feared the worst.

Blood. Warm and thick. It was all the demon could think of now; he had taste buds! He had a nervous system He could feel the tremors of the quivering, giggling girl in front of him as she grew weaker. Mind clouded with nothing more than prolonging this sensation, his fangs dug deeper, refusing to let go, even as the girl grasped his throat. He... had a throat now... he could eat. That was a new feeling... He needed to keep slashing, keep clawing, feel the warm sensation of life leave via her open wounds. Her words were so much meaningless noise. But he should have listened. The seal clicked shut with a twitch of her wrist. A sound like a bomb exploding rent the air apart, a vast shocked wave bursting out of Keiyaku from all sides; Aria would feel a great chunk torn from her arm as she was propelled fifty feet across the battlefield. The demon had gotten its tribute of flesh in one last spiteful act of malice.

As the many symbols lining the demon's hijacked body flowed into the formula painted upon the stomach, its influence was scrubbed from the world completely. Keiyaku's eyes returned to normal at once, the colour fading from them once more. It was done. Silence fell over the scene. The seal glowed bright on his flesh, then turned back into an inert, black tattoo. Keiyaku was left standing there, eyes staring blankly into the distance, a chunk of flesh clutched in his teeth. Eyes rolling into the back of his head, he collapsed to the floor with a mundane finality.

[Keiyaku unconscious. Calling Asuka. Topic effectively left]
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She felt it first. Some type of disturbance. While she was doing some random paperwork Asuka she did feel some sort of disturbance. Maybe she was hearing random noises again. It was kind of the time where she would need to check on her brat. Wasn't looking forward to that particular conversation. But then she felt it again, more refined, as if the signal was gaining strength. Finally looking in the direction she got out from her office into the academy grounds. Tilting her head she looked at the horizon, over the wall. She felt it again, this time with more strength, it had meaning. Danger. Or rather, I'm in danger. But, how?

She could feel Asuka screaming at her, her head pounding. Danger feeling, danger danger, kids, necklace, death, danger, run run run. Words repeating inside her head. Not really any sense to them, she couldn't make out what the words actually meant. That is until a name came into her mind.


Her eyes instantly went wide. With such speed and awareness that it would've made anyone know something was up. She instantly dropped the paperwork and vanished from the office. She reappeared at the academy entrance. Seeing the alarms getting worse and worse inside her head mad her know that this wasn't going to be easy. She needed backup. While looking around for the source of the danger she figured out two things. One, it was far. Two, Otakameru was in her eye vision. Taking a deep breath she rushed towards him and gave him a warm, worried smile. Grabbing his arm she sighed. "I'm sorry. But it's an emergency." With that, they both disappeared.

Combining Tsukuyomi and Kamui Asuka's eyes where able to do some awesome stuff. Being the owner of her own dimension did come with its perks. How Asuka traves can be simplified in two aspects. One, her dimension mirrors the real world. Anything and everything she has seen is mapped in that dimension. Secondly, being the owner, she can travel at ludicrous speeds through it. Using her own map as a guideline to where she wants to end up. She could still try and teleport somewhere she wasn't been, but that would come with a risk of slamming into a wall at mach 10.

As Asuka and Otakameru basically rode her dimension out of the village Asuka took a deep breath. "One of my students has a necklace." She started to explain. As they kept going further and further into open country. "It lets me know whenever they are in danger.... and the thing just exploded." Her head kept pulsating as they got closer to the source. "Once we get in there. No matter what. Get everyone, shinobi or civilian to where I am... and don't waste your chakra.... gonna need it for the jump."

Taking a deep breath they reappeared somewhere in the wilderness. Crap. It wasn't on point. With a sigh she started jumping into the tree lines, going full speed across branches, rocks, even animals if it helped. Fortunately, it didn't take long to figure out where they were... the smoke, the earthquake crack. She could tell this wasn't going to be easy.

Her Sharingan activated as soon as she got to the scene. Her heart dropped. Not only did was everything around them damaged or destroyed but it wasn't just Aria. Other students where unconcious. As she ran forward her brain started to process the images even faster. Keiyaku, bleeding, no frontal injuries visually. New seal. Fuck. She didn't recognize it. Needed help with him, she could at least get him stable.

Asuka didn't recognize the other kid but she could tell his chest was a little caved in. Probably broken ribs. As long as they hadn't penetrated his lung he would last. But he needed to be moved quickly and carefully.

What she wasn't expecting was her pipsqueak. Aria. One step forward. Missing arm. Another step forward. Missing leg. One more. A hole in her chest. Missing lung. She was critical. Asuka basically slide herself towards her. One missing lung, needed replacement, lack of oxygen means death. fuck fuck fuck. Taking out a seals from her sleeve, quickly weaving them together. "Otakameru!" She screamed out. Pointing at the rest of those who were left. " Whoever is left! Get them over here! Anyone who can help do the same!" As she continued weaving the seals together, forming quite the unusual shape. Looking over at Aria she gave a nervous laugh. "Come on Pipsqueak. Don't leave me now. Not again." As the shape starting to take form, those familiar with the human Anatomy would realize that Asuka was creating a lung. "Almost done...." She looked over to her helper for a second "HURRY UP! We don't have long!" Finally finishing her artificial lung, she took a deep breath. "I'm sorry pipsqueak. Please hold on." As her hands got covered in blood, working on Arias chest she really hoped the girl wouldn't wake up. Connecting her artificial lung to the girls Larynk she immediately started pumping chakra into the seals. Air slowly pumping into the girls body. God damn it, what now?

As she quickly started doing hand seals she kept thinking on what to do next. How to help the rest of them. As her hand starting to heat up she placed it on Arias missing limbs. Cauterizing the wounds. She needed to do more. As the artificial lung continued working she moved to the next kid. Hopefully it would last. "Allright dog boy. Let's keep you stable." Searching through her sleeves she started taking out weird paper seals. They would hopefully keep whatever he had in him stable and dormant. Placing them across his body she waited. Finally realizing how late she actually was. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. She hadn't even taken over and her kids had already been hurt.

Once everyone was in the same place. Asuka started placing hands upon hands, shoulders on shoulders. "Any of you die.... I will kill you." She couldn't lose them. Who... who could she go to. "Take. Give me your chakra. I can't teleport all of them without help." She pleaded with the kid as she took a deep breath. Feeling her strength returning. Her nodes turning back to how she was on her prime. Maybe only having one mind isn't enough. Aria, Keyaku, Keniwa and Take. All of them. Vanished from the place. Turning into Asuka's dimension.

For others it would've been a moment. For Asuka, it was a lifetime. Transporting people and trapping them wasn't hard. Transporting them, more than one person at a time hadn't been done before and she could feel the strain on her body. "Come on come on come on." Blood dripped down her nose as she clinched her teeth. Finally reapearing. This time... on target.

"NAO!" She screamed out in the hospital lobby. keeping the kids together. "NAO! WE NEED YOU!"

[Topic Entered/Left]
[Went from outer fire to hospital]
[Used Otakameru as chakra battery basically]
None of them were at the Academy today… huh.

Maybe they were outside somewhere. Take considered going out, but maybe Mitsuha was nearby with another volume of that manga. Therefore, he simply awaited their return at the Academy grounds… that was, until Asuka appeared. This time, however, she didn’t just snatch him up out of nowhere like last time – although to a degree, it was still harrowing to have her appear out of nowhere like this.

… An… emergency? Since it was such, Take refrained from asking any questions and witnessed time and space warp all around him… uh, wait, how? Wait, was this the same thing that she used back then? It appeared as if they darted through the areas of Konoha, out of the village and through shrubbery in blinding speed. Only in the midst of it did Asuka explain the emergency- one of her students was in grave danger. Take didn’t know who she referred to, but he could tell from Asuka’s stressed expression that they had no time to waste. Better keep quiet and stick to his order.

It was hard to follow up with Asuka after they escaped whatever warping travel route that she had thrown them into. However, he felt something stab his nose upon approaching the area… the stench of blood. No, the stench of an incident, accompanied by faint, lingering remnants of a chakra very similar to his own. Something utterly accursed by nature…

And curse all of it. Take’s eyes widened, for a brief instant forgetting absolutely everything that Asuka had ordered him – he quickly flung his face away and reached out to Keiyaku first. He could pick the good boy up with one hand, powered by the surge of strength that travelled down his arms from the stress of it all, as if his entire body was starting to burn up… but he couldn’t use more chakra. And yet he raged.

Yes, rage. Rage bubbled up inside of him, but he kept quiet. He knew better than to scream this instant. He brought Keiyaku over to Asuka before he reached over to Akio, wanting to scream as he so clearly spotted the scenery further away where Asuka was. He saw her. He saw her injuries… don’t scream, don’t scream, don’t scream…

Snapped back to focus by Asuka’s yelling, Take brought Akio with him over to the redhead, and his face was whitening with fear. So much was happening all at once, but Asuka’s words still reached him… somehow. She wanted his chakra to teleport them all back. Aria… A-Aria… she’d been treated a bit… but she hadn’t woken up yet. She needed to return back to Konoha. He could hold onto that goal.

He went behind Asuka and rested both hands on her shoulders, making use of the Energy Transfer Jutsu to pump chakra into her from his own reserves. Albeit unintentional, small flamy lines did spread over Asuka’s shoulders from his Cursed Seal, but… his chakra, albeit red, didn’t harm her. It tasted differently from others’ chakra – like a chili kind of flavour.

His head was hurting… he barely noticed that Asuka had teleported them away. All he did was glare down at Aria’s still body, the world crumbling all around him…

[Topic Entered/Left]
[Went with Asuka all the way]
[Am battery <3]

Current Ninpocho Time:
