Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Private Coming Home

Sazuki Tsuki

New Member
Mar 9, 2021
OOC Rank
Keiko let out a long sigh, rolling his shoulders back and closing his eyes to enjoy the full feeling that bathed him after his recent kill. Sadly, because he didn't need trouble with any higher ups, his offerings to Jashin were currently only animals. He left his massacre around the outskirts of the village, not one to clean up after himself. Jashin would appreciate the artistry of the blood coating the ground, he was sure.

Their progress in regards to the academy had been halted when Tsuki decided to run away from home for a second time. They hadn't discussed anything, but with Keiko's gradually growing bloodlust, he figured it was likely out of fear for his weaker hall's little “family.”

Tsuki had taken quite the stumble his third day out on his own, and Keiko left at the opportunity to snatch control of the body. His skin practically itched from how much he was craving a good time. Tsuki was quick to state some measly “rules” of not harming anyone from the village, so Keiko begrudgingly began his hunts beyond the walls. The animals weren't enough, though.

Tsuki had been quite quiet lately too. It was a bit of an adjustment, given their past few years of communication steadily growing. He wasn't upset by this, however. It was nice to not have a nagging voice in the back of his head.

With his counterpart's absence, Keiko decided a little fun wouldn't hurt anyone. He casually strolled through the gates of the clan house. His appearance had barely changed, minus an addition to his height and a bit more muscle on his bones. Tsuki had kept their hair short to keep it out of the way, and the stark white was ever present. It wasn't hard to inform the people he passed that he had returned and wished to speak to Nao.

I have to play this smart, since he already knows of my presence here.

Keiko plastered on the most genuine soft smile he could muster, a skill he had been practicing the past few years to be able to act under the guise of his other half, given Tsuki was easily liked by many and earned trust much quicker than Keiko would care to, if it weren't useful for undercover work.

WC: 383
Requesting Nao
Keiko thoughts

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
A quiet day today... That was for certain, the clanhouse looked almost abandoned if it wasn't for the male in the backyard practicing his shinobi skills. They were the most basic things... But he still had to keep them perfected. The kunai's hit dead center at this point and his ninjutsu was on point too. But when push came to shove... he still over exerted his body and gritted his teeth when he tried to make a new attack against a straw dummy. He would kneel to the ground and hold his ankle. Eyes focussed on the ground, blaming himself for this and taking a deep breath, before letting himself sit down on his behind.

The clouds would go over quite quickly as there was a bit of a wind... But he soon noticed a chakra presence to the house. As Keiko entered the place, it was quiet. No contracts were helping around today, no children were around, and certainly no adults inside. That was... until Nao went inside and greeted him. "Welcome home. Fancy a tea?" He always tried to keep it airy with the others. He could never force a way on someone, only help him guide him.

Sazuki Tsuki

New Member
Mar 9, 2021
OOC Rank
Keiko looked around as he wandered further in, surprised to see how empty the place had become in his absence. Lucky them, they escaped the carnage for now, he thought, fighting back a grin that would definitely give him away. Upon hearing his target speak, his eyes flickered over to Nao. “Tea would be amazing,” he spoke softly, looking down at the ground for a moment before glancing back up. “Where is everyone?” After all, if he could finish off Nao quickly after getting the information on the other clan’s whereabouts, he might have time before someone comes after him to wreak a little more havoc before disappearing.

He was glad he chose to wear Tsuki’s clothes today, Nao seemed to have his guard down so his plan was going smoothly so far. He walked his way over to where Nao was seated, looking down at the ankle that had hindered him so much he had to seat himself. Although injured prey was never as much fun, it was probably a good thing given their vast power difference at the moment. “You look a little beat up. Do you need some help around here? I wouldn’t mind cleaning up, especially since I owe you for the time I was gone.” He wouldn’t necessarily enjoy the work, but it might pass him a bit better. He fiddled with the glove on his hand, the weak weapon that Tsuki had gotten himself some time ago. It still fit well, thankfully, though Keiko definitely wanted to upgrade to some weapons that would do some real damage once he made back some funds. Or just steal when the shops closed down at night, depending on when he made his run.

WC: 286
Keiko speech
Keiko thoughts

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
Hearing that the young man wanted some tea, made him smile.. But also catch up a little but he couldn't really place it. 'I am not sure to who I am speaking.. Either Tsuki... or Keiko.. Doesn't matter anyways, they are home. He thought as he got up, clearly limping from the injury towards the inside where he started to make tea for the both of them. "Small or big cup?" He asked as he reached for the cupboard as the water would slowly start to boil. "As to where everyone is.. Uhm...' His face saddened a little. "I do not know. I haven't seen Keiji in forever... Not sure what is going on there, all the other kids I haven't seen either, none of them have been really coming home. So I do not know... Toshi, Hoshi, Keiji, Hikaru... Haven't seen any of them for... months?" He asked a bit out loud. "You just returned... But I am just glad you both are home. Stay for how long you would like... but promise me you send me a postcard or something sometime... A parent can get worried alright.?" He spoke and would then make the tea and place it down on the kitchen, unable to limp it to the couch to sit down there.

"If you would, I won't turn that offer down. The only thing I cannot do right now is dust off the high ridges. If you would help with that I would appreciate that... But first, how have you been?" And that was when he noticed the fiddle on the glove. "Not right anymore? You have grown a little after all... Want me to look at it? See if we can improve it together?" he asked and tried to be a supporting parent above anything.

Sazuki Tsuki

New Member
Mar 9, 2021
OOC Rank
Keiko followed along behind Nao, shifting on his toes a bit as he stood himself near the door. “Small is fine, thank you.” It was odd to be so…gentle with his responses, but he needed this to go until he could find the right moment to strike. He listened calmly as Nao began to explain his knowledge of everyone’s whereabouts. To hear that Nao’s own fiance was absent was a surprise, but then everyone else also having gone missing? Sounds like he wasn’t the only one that needed to get away, even if the reason behind his disappearance was a bit different. The way Nao spoke of Keiko’s own return struck a chord in him that he wasn’t expecting.

“I thought you’d be more upset about me just…showing up after being gone for so long.” His eyes drifted downwards again, though this time it was no act. He said he was glad we both came back. Both? Both doesn’t make sense. Tsuki is the likable one. Then Nao continued on with his answers, giving him a chore he could use some help with. At his mention of the glove on his hand, Keiko removed it and set it on the counter.

“The glove is fine. You…you said both, a minute ago. I thought Keiko was a danger? Do you really care for him the same amount?” he asked, his eyes flickering up. Keiko wasn’t used to people caring. It was annoying, weak. Keiko cared for no one, and he definitely didn’t care for Nao. So why would Nao care at all about him?

WC: 263
Keiko speech
Keiko thoughts

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
"If you meant I would run towards you, all sobbing and screaming your name. Clinging to you like you were dead moments ago... I am sorry kiddo, that isn't my style. And it would most likely make me less liked." He would laugh softly at the comical scene inside his head where he was all tsuuuuuukhiiiiii and all sobbing along. After the small chuckle, he would look towards the child with a warm smile and soft eyes. "No... I am happy you came home, relieved you still want to come here." He would speak as he started to lean on the kitchen table.

As he had mentioned the glove, he saw that Tsuki was removing it, taking a quick look over it. It did look like it was cared after and not being thrown away in a small corner. This made a small relief by Nao. He was listening towards Keiko and now knew... This was Keiko and not Tsuki, Tsuki never spoke about Keiko in that way and knew that... Even Keiko was just a child. One that was lost in this world and tried every way to survive. He kept silent for a moment after the child was done speaking. His gaze went towards the tea cups that he had filled in the meantime and placed down. The damp coming off was a clear indication that this tea was still hot.

"Of course..." Nao's voice started to crackle light and he tried to recover by coughing for a moment. "Of course you both matter." He spoke right after and couldn't help but fight the tears that were starting to form. Thinking how he was losing everything and everyone around him... To have one of his sons coming home, was a bit overwhelming for the man. His gaze went to the ceiling as he took a moment to recover once more. The gaze then went towards his knee before he made another attempt to talk to the kid. "You both matter, yes. Keiko might be more of a handful than Tsuki, but you are both so precious to this world, to me." He managed to not break right there. Yet he offered an arm like he usually did by Tsuki, trying to see if Keiko also took the bait.

Shaking his hand to get him closer... he attempted to get him into a hug, a gentle but real dad type of hug. I protect you from all the harm there is in the world. "I will always worry, you both are shinobi. You both serve to protect. Don't forget if you ever get tired of the world, come back to me anytime. I'm here, always here, waiting for you both. You don't have to look back. Keep moving forward, I'll always be one step behind you, supporting you. Sometimes it might be scary, not knowing what to do. but you're amazing. You both are amazing. You're both always doing your best." And with that, Keiko could feel a tear drop fall on his head from Nao. "Don't ever forget."

Sazuki Tsuki

New Member
Mar 9, 2021
OOC Rank
Hearing Nao confirm that he mattered just as equally as his counterpart shattered Keiko. Here he was, planning to murder someone who was holding him back, only to experience a genuine care he had never been shown by another person before. Their first interaction had set him on edge in the presence of Nao. He should've learned from that moment back then, that Nao was too kind for his own good. That he would become a weakness if Keiko got attached. His entire world felt like it was shattering to pieces right before his eyes.


Oh great. Sazuki is back now, right as he was losing his control over emotions he never knew he had before. Tears stung in Keiko's eyes, and he looked up as Nao stated he would always be there for them. He saw Nao's arm outstretched to them, and his feet moved despite his reluctance to give in to the nature of softness he had sworn would never be his to know.

Keiko rested his head on Nao's chest, closing his eyes and willing his weakened state to disappear. He couldn't be like this and still serve Jashin. Jashin wanted death, not love. He wanted pain, carnage, worship. Keiko felt as if he was about to explode, the tears dripping down his cheeks like water leaking through a crack in a dam.

You better take over before I rip his heart out straight through his chest.

It was an empty threat at this point, no matter how much Keiko wanted to follow through with it. This was more Tsuki's forte than his own. He couldn't take this gentleness.

The shift felt sudden, Keiko slinking away back into the darkness he felt he belonged to. His vision of the world around him faded, the warmth of Nao's hug leaving ghostly embers on his skin. He needed to kill, to show reverence to his god. Hopefully the repetitive carnage inside his own mind would suffice for now.

Tsuki felt a sob rack his chest as he felt the warmth surround him. His sob was painful, and he leaned further into the man who was the first to show him any sort of fatherly love and care. He couldn't speak, couldn't begin to form words in this state. He never knew that Keiko was hurting just as much as he was. He had feared him for so long, disappeared with the hope that no one would come to harm in his absence. It was irresponsible, that Tsuki knew. Even now, crying in the arms of the man he deemed his father, he knew that Keiko had different plans he was going to enact, and Tsuki was lucky he had woken up when he did.

"I'm sorry for leaving," he struggled to say through his tears. "I was scared, so scared. He got so restless, and I was afraid he would hurt someone. I think I hurt him though, without even realizing it." His words were jumbled mumbles through heaving breaths, but he felt like he needed help. Tsuki had spent a few years trying to grow closer with his other half, to reach an understanding and lead them towards a better path together. It felt now as if he didn't know Keiko at all. That all their talks and journeys meant nothing because Keiko had been lying the whole time, and Tsuki had believed it.

"He was planning to kill you," escaped his lips in a whisper. "But he forced me out instead. That has never happened before."

WC: 590
Tsuki speech
Tsuki thoughts
Keiko speech
Keiko thoughts

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
He started to hug the other gentle, warm and caring and eventually as Keiko started to sob more, attempted to pat and going through his hair. Slowly starting to rock as he was holding back tears himself. A part of him was relieved, a part of him was scared to the future, a part of him was proud and there were so many emotions at the same time going through that he barely dared to say anything right in that moment. Just let the kid have the moment for himself as he would know that he was finally home.

"What are you talking about..?" He would ask and listen to Tsuki replying that he was so scared... He knew now easily that this was the other side of him that had been taking over. "Hey hey... Don't worry... The truth is, I also sometimes want to run away, but if I do that. I'll end up deceiving everyone. Things happen for a reason, right? That is why, even if you go away for now, I wouldn't feel very sad. It's going to be a bit lonely But I hope you will think of me sometimes... and if it helps, I am sorry. Sorry that I couldn't be more for you. So please hate me, you shouldn't accept such a terrible person like me." He honestly felt terrible at a part that he did not do more for this child, that he felt like he failed the child in front of him. He was honest about the running away part sometimes tho. But that was also because sometimes it felt that he took a step forward, but then was dragged back a couple of miles. Yet a part of him also scolded himself already, he should be proud. Proud that this child came home as often a lot of children didn't return back home.

After a moment he would stop rocking and look towards Tsuki. "Do you want to do something together?" He would offer with a warm smile, he may still be wounded, mentally and physically, but he was still a parent. One that would go to any length for his kids.

Sazuki Tsuki

New Member
Mar 9, 2021
OOC Rank
Tsuki shook his head in the midst of his tears at Nao's reply. Tsuki could never hate the only real father figure he ever had. He couldn't stand the thought of something happening to Nao, let alone him being the cause of it. He leaned further into Nao's chest, thankful for the comforting rocking and warm embrace. He missed how safe this felt, how relaxing it was to know he didn't have to fear anything, despite his personal anxieties.

I know you're probably resting now...or taking out your emotions on memories. But if you can hear me...let's talk sometime. I want to apologize for some things.

He didn't hear a response from his other half, but he'd try again later just in case. When Nao pulled back a bit to look at him and ask a question, Tsuki sniffled and reached up to dry his tears with a hand. He saw the dark sleeve on his wrist, letting out a soft sigh. It already felt like too much to ask, but he didn't want to look down and see if there was any blood on this set of clothes. He was sure he would smell it if his nose wasn't stuffy from the tears.

"I don't know when he last showered...could I get cleaned up? Maybe change into something? I don't think I'll fit into any of the clothes we left behind though..." To even fit into these, clearly much larger than years ago when he left, meant they were likely stolen. He needed to find a job, earn some money. Go to some stores around town, buy new clothes, leave big tips in case they were the ones he stole from. Hopefully no one saw him, it would suck to get caught for something he couldn't even control-

His mind was wandering. Focus.

"But...yes, I'd like to do something. I missed it here." Tsuki took a shaky but deep breath, finally looking around the kitchen for a moment. Familiar, safe. It settled the nerves that were tight in his chest.

WC: 341
Tsuki speech
Tsuki thoughts

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
Hearing how the child wanted to clean himself up, he would snicker soft. "That is alright. After all..." He would think about the clothing problem. "What about we go to the main closet again, the one where we have all the spares. You pick something out there for now and tomorrow we go clothing shopping for you and Keiko?" He would comment and smile big to him. Hoping to keep Keiko this way also on a bit of a good side. "I should be doing better again tomorrow. So don't worry about that. The layout remained the same, just sorry if there is a little bit of dust in the children's bathroom. I haven't had the time to clean everything as I usually do." He wanted to tell him the truth, that what was lingering on his mind.

"I will make sure there will be dinner ready, so feel free to come back downstairs if you want." Tsuki and Keiko would learn that their room still was left the same as to when they left. Only thing that was different was the mini movements of cleaning that had regularly happened. As if he never would have given up that they had left and would come back.

[topic left unless stopped]

Sazuki Tsuki

New Member
Mar 9, 2021
OOC Rank
Tsuki could feel his shoulders relax a bit as Nao brought up the same closet idea he first had when Tsuki was left at his doorstep years ago. It was kinda funny to be back in the same situation again. A small smile lit his lips as he nodded his agreement. "Thank you, Nao," he said softly, clearing his throat a bit from the drainage his tears had caused. "I'll come back down for dinner, definitely."

Tsuki made his way through the house, having to think at a few turns here and there but mostly remembering the place he used to call home. It felt overwhelmingly comforting to be back after all these years. He found a comfy set of slightly oversized clothes, something he'd enjoy sleeping in to keep warm. His shower was quick and simple, and he dried his hair halfway before throwing his clothes on and returning downstairs to enjoy a nice meal with his fatherly figure.

Thank you...for letting me come home.

Topic left
Tsuki speech
Tsuki thoughts

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
