Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Confessions and Inquiries [Private]

Oct 22, 2012
Sora walked slowly up to the hospital dressed in his finest robes; embroidered golds and jade onto a black satin cloth, representing his clan, over a standard white kimono, symbolizing youth and purity. He had a thin strip of the same black satin wrapped around his eyes, and, probably for the first time in several years, had done his hair, in an attempt to calm his raven mane. He held behind his back a small bouquet he had picked from his families hanging gardens; a small mixture of fuchsias and begonias, scattered around three pristine tiger lilies. "What am I even doing..." He muttered to himself in a flurry of panic, doubt, and excitement, He promised to meet with Sensei and tell her the truth about his eyes, and his condition, but he never really thought it through completely. In the end, he somehow found himself here, dressed finely and groomed appropriately, with a handful of flowers, and a weak and weary smile.

Walking through the from door, Sora's sonar ability was assaulted by the thousands of different hospital noises, from footsteps of newly polished flooring, to the echo of every word spoken, reverberating off of the bare and smooth walls, to even the PA system calling for a doctor to meet someone in "Oncology", whatever the hell that was. Activating a small amount of chakra, Sora focused his new abilities int his minds eye, sensing the exact shape and location of every person nearby (Eagle Vision). The people in here seemed to be mostly untrained citizens of Konoha, and not shinobi, although the more injured ones definitely radiated more chakra and chakra control then the other, more sickly sounding patients.

Walking sheepishly up to the front desk clerk, Sora bowed, flowers still behind his back, "Pardon, ma'am, is Mikasa Sensei available? I had an... informal meeting with her."
Events of late begin manifest the toll on the Medical Sennin, the village populace exceedingly active as of late. Ironically enough Mikasa had been called as the Oncologist to attend to the details pertaining an Inuzuka's canine companion, fearful of a less than pleasant diagnosis. Fortunately the pooch suffering from an infected wound that bubbled into a similar lump that often frightens even the fiercest of warriors; creating an incision to drain was all that was required. After an hour or so, the kunoichi departs from the wing on receiving an indication she were required at the front entrance, having a guest of some sort!

Bewildered, Mikasa marches forward to the rhythm of her own drum, rounding the corner to fixate her gaze on a strapping young lad. Midnight hues lacking the luminous orb decorate the frame of the visitor, gold and jade occupy the outer layer of the gentle white kimono. Neat raven locks throw her off the initial trail, especially considering the cloth guising the gaze of the visitor in question, "Does the Daimyō have a son?" the maiden inquires in curious tone, although a light whisper to the faceless secretary. Another serious of whispers would ensue, of course Sora more than capable of hearing due to his enhanced hearing. The conversation would revolve around his lavish attire and charming demeanor.

Luckily, Mikasa was fantastic with recognizing facing and skilled with names, "Ah!" a gasp escape her lips followed by a chuckle, "Sora-kun, I hardly recognized you. I was soon to fetch you a grand chair to settle on." she admits with a light grin, though her oceanic gaze settles on the cloth covering his own. Her suspicions in the previous learning session confirming itself, wearing eye wear to seemingly not requiring the tool any longer set off an alarm. "I heard you are soon to take your Genin exam, time sure does pass by!" she comments, extending her hand to pat on the shoulder of the lad, "I must admit I am envious of your hair, puts mine to shame." another more audible fit of laughter.

"Now then, you wished to speak to me?"
"Does the Daimyō have a son?"

The tone was faint, spoken from a short distance off, yet Sora found himself smirking and slightly flustered regardless. Mikasa was close and he could hear her steps resounding over the noise of the hospital. He was elated as he sensed her chakra getting closer, and probably would have remained so for a time longer, had the receptionist not whispered so loudly. "Madame, the child here says he is here to meet with you." excuse you! I'm thirteen! Sora mentally huffed about this "kid" nonsense, but was quickly remedied by the continued comments of his attire, even if the front desk girl had a tone usually reserved for saying things like, "Awe, look how cute he is!".

"Sora-kun, I hardly recognized you. I was soon to fetch you a grand chair to settle on."

Sora's smirk widened into a grin, the pink hue still gracing his cheeks with the hints of embarrassment slowly leaving his visage. Jokingly, he bowed extravagantly low. "And I would gladly claim such a throne." He chuckled to himself, "These are just my clans robes. I thought I'd try to-" He paused. saying "impress you sounded significantly more ridiculous in his head now than it did moments ago, so he quickly deviated, "Show them off, just so my clan gets the recognition it once held." Smooth... Mikasa asked about why he had come, and immediately his mind blanked and went to the flowers. In the mental panic, his body simply reacted, and he pulled them out in front of him, suddenly realizing he wasn't entirely sure if the colors went well together, since all he could sense was the vague shape of the flowers, and he was now handing her a small bouquet of flowers that may or may not look horribly mismatched, and again, his body simply reacted, as he turned a deep red, blurting out. "I-I-I brought these for you! T-They're from my families ga-garden! I thought they might l-l-look good in your office or so-something!" Sora heard the front desk employee giggle to herself as she worked, clearly overhearing everything, which didn't help the lads condition in the least bit. "I was just wondering if I could talk to you about Kekke Genkai and the different types. I felt like as a Sannin, you'd be able to assist me in learning about them..."

WC: 394
Curiously the kunoichi's hands extend outwards to accept the bouquet of flora, a series of mismatched colors attempt to mesh together; however through the grace of a higher calling the center piece a preferred. Plucking the ivory lily free from its brethren, a tender grin surfaces on her features, "You are certainly resourceful, were you aware lilies are my favorite breed of flowers?" faintly the fragrance wafts under the nostrils of the rosy teenager, "You have my thanks, flowers bring joy to others, makes the Konoha Byoin seem less draft." tender vocals escape her lips, the bouquet clutched tightly against her chest. Ironic, the first male in recent memory to bring her a gift had been a promising academy student.

"Indeed they will look wonderful, I am envious of your families garden." shifting her attention to the faceless receptionist, Mikasa's head tilts. Sora had always been a bit shy towards the Medical Sennin, potentially not used to speaking with an older woman outside of his direct family. Never the least, to view the young man no longer sulking was a refreshing sight to behold. "In the last class we were in, you seemed deep within thought, I am glad to see your spirits have lifted." pivoting about she strolls forward with one final glance towards the giggling medical receptionist.

"Kekke Genkai? I can offer you what knowledge I possess." Mikasa begins in a faint hum, "Although you may find there are a few I am uncertain with. Let us hope it is not one of them!" she chuckles, rounding the corner, not wishing to be rude and glance back at the academy student to ensure his safe passage. Fortunately the duo wouldn't have to traverse far, entering a fragrant office, an open window gives way to soft zephyr and directly below a series of flowers she grew personally. Lavender and Honey Suckles mix in an intriguing symphony.

Settling into a seat, another is presented before him, "Alright, let us begin prodding my mind."
"...were you aware lilies are my favorite breed of flowers?"

Score! Sora felt himself puff up with pride a little at this revelation, excited that his guess turned out to be a good one. Her gentle energy was a beautiful relaxing contrast from his usual interactions with Yasu or his sisters. "It really is a lovely garden; bathed in colors and aromas, it bursts into life a second time when the vegetables along the back walls ripen." Sora's mind wandered to the sweet apples that he'd be experiencing in full effect in but a few more months. Mikasa mentioned his demeanor in his last class, as Sora fdgeted a bit on the spot. "Yea, it's been rough, but I've had help from my friends. That's part of the reason I've come as well." Sora's mind wandered to his moment with Yasu, when he'd come over and shown his true nature for the first time. Lost to his thoughts, he almost missed Mikasa wandering off towards what he assumed was her office, had the faint scent of the lily started to be replaced with the sterile scent of hospital hallways.

Lifting his head as if looking at the ceiling, and stretching his senses, he saw Mikasa's chakra, and turned to follow. Entering the cozy room, Sora felt his surroundings, noting that the echo of footsteps was dulled, suggesting something on the floor or walls that was not a smooth flat surface. Maybe a rug? He thought to himself. However, before an inquiry could be made, he heard and felt a light breeze caress his whole being, and the fresh smell of flowers filled him with memories of summertime. With a light whistle on the wind, Sora saw the shapes of all the things in the room, and noted the beautiful flora that dotted the office. "It's beautiful in here." He muttered to himself, unaware that Mikasa might have heard it or not.

"Alright, let us begin prodding my mind."

Sora focused once more, and was elated by her speech, however this time he bowed quickly. "Firstly, I'd like to apologize. both for arriving unannounced, and also for the dishonesty I displayed in our recent classes together." Standing back up, Sora pulled down his cloth visor, a small not of nausea in the pits of his stomach as he was greeted by nothing, as if the black cloth was still there. His eyes, still gold in color, though slightly foggy now, stared blankly through Sensei as he spoke. "My clan is the Naragaki. We are an offshoot branch of the Nara, though as a dishonored clan from the start, we were never acknowledged until we adopted a new surname, when mixing our blood with a dishonored member of the Hashigaki. As time passed, the latter clans history became obscured, and even the Nara was lost for a time when the gangs ran the leaf so many years ago." Sora paused to put his wrapping back. I don't know if I'll ever get used to that... He continued, "I was hoping you could tell me something about the Hashigaki that isn't twisted by my families odd and scattered legacy. In our clan records, those that showed signs of Nara bloodline abilities were ranked in high esteem, and usually elevated to clan leader, regardless of where they were in line to become successor, whereas those that became more Hashigaki were deemed near useless, and their abilities ignored, or suppressed. Most gave up on becoming ninja at all..."
Unfortunately Mikasa was not well versed with the numerous clans inhabiting the land of Konohagakure; in fact the medical kunoichi only knowing a few outside of the common - Nara being a common. Settling comfortably into the armchair, she leans forward to listen to the brief tale of the promising academy student, "I mean no disrespect, Sora-kun, I fail to understand clans tight clamps on pure blood statuses." she begins with a frown, "My brother a Nara himself and his mother a Haku. Initially he was considered a disgrace, but he broke free from the chains holding him from a destiny only known to him." a momentary pause, "As you can tell, I am neither Nara nor Haku and by definition a disgrace as well. However, I believe intermingling creates more unique individuals. Would I have been happier if I were similar to the mother or the brother? I do not believe so, for I am unique in my own way and that is what creates Tsukasa Mikasa."

Apologetically the maiden chuckles, getting a bit carried away in a tale that hardly held relevance, yet mysteriously did unknownst to her. Tenderly her fingertips waltz on the rosewood desk, appreciating one who understood the beauty of creating a serene environment. Ironically it took one who was unable to view the realm they tread within through alternate methods, "In regards to your initial statement, I should be the one who should be apologizing. Foremost, for rambling and second for not taking action when I sensed something amiss." Mikasa murmurs, chalking the initial thought to teenager growing pains; a fools thought.

Replaying the words of his tale she remains silent for a few moments, allowing for the words to settle. "Hashigaki? I've only had the pleasure of meeting a handful, but one comes to mind. A woman that captured my brothers heart, as much as it pains me to admit so, the kunoichi was the epitome of perfection as one can hope to become. Strong willed, stubborn, cunning, loyal, strength rivaling even the greatest of her country." in that moment does the Sennin catch herself rambling as if she were the one in held prisoner by the emotion of love, "Apologies once again, ancient history!" she laughs kindheartedly, "Any who! She had difficulties with vision, relying on her voice to act as a sonar. Those who possess the trait do so and have divine vocals, would you sing for me?" she inquires in a wisp, "I would very much so enjoy that before continuing."

Would Naragaki Sora be able to be capable or fall flat? No pun intended.

A moment of enlightenment settled on her, Nara and Hashigaki becoming Naragaki - truly an odd clan. At the thought she smiles gently.

[OOC: Apologies, my computer went off the deep end, currently on a temporary while I Frankenstein another creation!]​
Sora's disappointment was almost palpable, as he sighed. Dead end there, I guess... he thought, scratching his cheek. "Yea, I'm told the Hashigaki are a rarity around her in general, not just in my clan..." Sensei gave a brief recounting of herself and her family, which made Sora relax. She seemed more approachable to him now, and saw her on friendly terms. She then apologized back to Sora for things she deemed worthy of such behavior, and Sora chuckled. "Guess we both could've done more, huh." What happened next threw the young shinobi-to-be for a loop.

"Hashigaki? I've only had the pleasure of meeting a handful, but one comes to mind. A woman... She had difficulties with vision, relying on her voice to act as a sonar. Those who possess the trait do so and have divine vocals, would you sing for me? I would very much so enjoy that before continuing."

I have gifted vocals?! That's super cool! Sora had never thought to experiment with his own voice, but since he did know how to sing... "I'll do my best, Sensei. I only know a few songs, though." focusing his chakra to his throat, Sora took a deep breath, and began it sing.

(Song Sora Sings)

His voice resonated, almost like a small echo was being made from nothing, as the lyrics and the breeze blended in the air, creating a newfound serenity. He was almost impressed himself. Upon finishing, he sighed gently, and refocused his chakra to sense the rooms surrounding. "How was that?"

[OOC: No stress. Im stuck using my phone right now, so I get it.]
There were numerous genetic traits within the village of Konohagakure that were absent, in fact Mikasa had yet to meet one with her own unique characteristics. Unsurprisingly, the Hidden Leaf Village consist a majority of Uchiha. Dismissing the notion she leans forward, eyes coming to a close as the Sennin's thoughts flutter upwards on the wings of a dream - swaying on the zephyrs of the clear azure sky above. Brilliant vocals resound within the office, fortunately those in the garden able to bask in the glory of the Hashigaki's melodic tones.

Goosebumps prickle the surface of her forearms, demanding for total attention; however the maiden combats the sensation as if begging to indulge in the alluring vocals. Instinctively she leans back into the armchair, a calm grin spreads across her features and the steady heartbeat flutters ever so slightly. How long ago the academy student finished his performance, she knew not, for Mikasa had embarked on a journey to a far away destination. The serenity of it all causes her imagination to go wild, a plethora of flora appear in thought, a younger version of herself frolicking forward with arms outstretched to capture the flowers will to embark with her towards an unknown.

Unfortunately the imagery ceases, viewing the actual world felt a bit unsettling - a stray set of tears traverse the tender flesh beneath her eyes to be captured by an index. "Magnificent..." she whispers, "An item you wish you could capture in a bottle, but understand that it is not meant to be contained." the Sennin murmurs. Leaning forward once more she smiles gingerly, "You have a wonderful gift, Sora-kun. I am sure you will change the lives of many through voice alone." pausing for a moment she clears her throat, "I feel as if mine has, even in the slightest amounts, through one hearing. I was fortunate enough to hopefully be your first."
Sora blushed slightly and scratched at his cheek nervously. "yea, I d-don't sing... very often." Sora felt flush, but also exhilarated. On the one hand, thanks to Sensei, he'd learned something new about his bloodline, albeit a small something. On the other hand, he couldn't remember hearing Mikasa Sensei sound so happy about anything. "I might more often now, though. Thanks, Sensei."

As he stood their, another question popped into Sora's mind, and he felt a guilty burning in the pit of his chest. should I ask? Is it even my place to pry? Sora fidgeted slightly, and decided to vocalize his thoughts. "Sensei, one more question." Sora paused, unsure how to phrase the question delicately. Might as well just ask... "What do you know of Ghost Walkers?"
Sora's melodic tones continue to resonate within the soul of the Medical Sennin, a lingering sensation of familiarity that she were unable to identify. Delicately the kunoichi's digits streamline through her platinum locks, "Is that so? I personally can't carry a tune, but I would be quite upset if I were to be unable to hear you once more." she admits with a lingering grin. In the midst of thought does she pinpoint the various arrays of notions hazing the original intent of the visitation, not being for the benefit of herself.

Clearing her throat, Mikasa leans forward to deliver the information that academy student sought after, "Unfortunately I have little to no knowledge outside of obvious facts in records." she admits with faint chuckle, "My apologies, there are some items in which I have yet to study. Konohagakure is mainly of Uchiha heritage these days, after all." the Sennin summarizes. Not wishing to end on a low note, she gestures towards her armband, clacking her index against the medal several times in order for the blind youth to identify what she were to discuss. "How long do you plan on waiting to take your Genin exam, Naragaki Sora-kun?" she inquires with a strong hint of curiosity.

Would his words of wishing to venture down the path she paves still hold?​
Yea, I've definitely noticed that... Sora thought in regards to the city being primarily Uchiha, when not that many centuries ago, they were far and few between, according to the older records, at least. "It's no worries, Sensei. Perhaps I'll have better luck with the library." Sora chuckled slightly to himself, scratching the back of his head, "I was honestly hoping to avoid going there, to tell you the truth. I tend to... draw attention in a place filled with books." Sora then heard a sharp "tink" of metal being tapped. iron? maybe. thin metal. a strip not too wide... Sora then heard her inquiry and recognized Mikasa's headband as the source. He smirked lightly, looking down. "I've been looking into it. Yasu and I were planning to wait for Akuma to be ready, but he seems to have other pursuits in mind, so we might have to continue without him." Even though he'd only known his friend for a short time, the thought of their paths diverging this soon was enough to bring a sharp pain to his chest.

Sora regained himself and bowed. "I should be going, Sensei. I didn't mean to take up so much of your time." Turning to leave, Sora struggled to contain a mischievous grin. Pausing in his step, he turned back to Mikasa and smiled. "Just one more thing before I leave, Sensei. Think of it as a parting gift." With that, Sora sang once more, but with more confidence and passion. His chakra swirled passed his vocal chords, and filled the air.

(Song Sora Sings)

Melodic and peaceful, Sora spun a small note of springtime love and innocence into his voice, relinquishing a small amount of his personal feelings, and letting his emotions fill the ears of all who could hear him. briefly, Sora even forgot that the window was open, and allowed himself to be heard across the open walkways outside the hospital offices. As he drew to a close, he took a deep breath, and smiled, bowing once more. "Thank you for your time, Sensei."

[Topic Left Unless Stopped]
Inquisitively Mikasa aims an unseen expression towards Sora, "I'll begin studying the topic you have interest in during my free time as well." she replies in a brisk tone. The meeting between the two nearing a closure, a sorrowful vocals indicate she had tread on thin ice, "At times we walk different paths to converge once more at a later time." the Sennin explains, a bit optimistic on her portion. Never the least prior to extending her hand outwards to shake firmly with the Hashigaki is she met with a present once more.

Mikasa felt her spirit leave her body, lingering near the open window before rocketing upwards into the great beyond. The stars above directly before her fingertips, the blinding radiance of sunlight no longer imposing - her outstretched hand glides an outline along the underside of the sphere. Fortunately Sora would not be able to view her widening grin or the pure appearance of peace he eased on her soul. Each note a symphony of brilliant colors, swirling together to produce those her eyes had never had the privilege of understanding. Time began to lose meaning once more and the words of his thanks snapping her back to reality, "Y-you're welcome.." she murmurs absent minded.

Coming to a stand she turns about to witness a few of the residents at her window, in a similar trance. "Oi, Mika-chan, I've never seen that expression on your face before."[/color] an older retired shinobi comments, "Shush! I don't blame her, I was nearly brought to tears myself." an aging kunoichi spats, flicking the forehead of the male. "Tch tch tch!" he protects in slight pain, his ear grasped as the older woman shoos away the crowd from her windows edge, "Sometimes you have to snag them up when they are young. Isn't that right, Mikasa-san?"

A long pause, "Would be nice." she responds instinctively. Another pause, shaking her head, "Not what I meant." a roar of laughter escapes the residents as they return to their daily activities.

[OOC: Topic Left]​

Current Ninpocho Time:
