Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Consequences of Being out of Control...?[PVT]


Active Ninja
Oct 28, 2012
In the distance a great blast could be heard. She didn't bother to look up from her paper work and instead sent a Nurse to find out what was going on. The Nurse came back to inform her that there was smoke coming from her other office. Yomi eyed the nurse and let out a feint sigh. She hoped that the assassins had come for the Hokage again rather then what she knew deep down was the case. Yes, assassins would have been better. At least Umashi would get out of that ordeal alive. She just left that place in one piece not 20 minutes earlier. She stood up and pulled on her lab coat. She hoped Takeshi didn't kill her newest recruit.

[Topic Entered]
[People allowed in the Topic:
Reoku, Takeshi, Umashi]
Takeshi entered threw the front door with the naked boy, he didn’t see any point clothing him, his dignity was the last thing he cared about form the lesson he would be teaching him. As he looked to the nearest bed that seemed to be in the corridor, he threw the boy onto it. Though KOed his body was clearly in a bad shape, but that was the consequence of fighting. His back scared and showing the clan symbol he looked to the nearest nurse at that moment. Simply sighing as he tired to form words.

“You should probably go and get Yomi, tell her Reoku came in a………..intresting shape”

He decided to leave it at that, though the newest medical recruit was still alive, the insult had gone answered, and everything was taken care of. He went to turn around but sighed to himself, his hand coming up to his head in a second, whipping blood free across his face as he forgot about the situation of the other mans back.

I should probably stay, Yomi will want to know what happened. And she deserves an answer that much is to say the least. Hell I didn’t think the kid would go all out, but at least he was stopped.

[Topic Entered with Reoku]
( topic entered ) via takeshi

Reoku was still fighting but he was in his mind as felt he was robbed of his dignity, looking abroad at the battlefield Reoku was surprised but same time scared that he took it too far, he let his power go wild and village paid the price

"Moans" while semi conscious but in far to much pain to know for sure
Having completely wanted to enjoy his evening, after dropping the paperwork off at Takeshi's desk, Umashi had gone back to his room which was completely transformed what what he normally allowed people to see. The lights dim and music playing on an old record player of his, he closed the door behind him as he started to dance and sing to the lyrics that spoke to his mood. Dancing over to his desk, Umashi kept his foot light as he pulled out a bottle from the deepest parts of a drawer in his desk.

Dusting it off, smiled as he mouthed the name of a Kirigakurian brand that one could no longer obtain without paying a heft price. Finding a glass, Umashi closed his eyes for a moment and let the groove of the music fill his bones. He was in a blissful place when suddenly the whole of the building began to shake. Turning around to look out the window, Umashi was greeted with the sight of a large meteor hurtling towards the building. The large rock brightening the sky, Umashi cursed under his breathe and opened the bottle, taking a swig of it straight to the head, he closed the bottle and inhaled deeply.

With the bright meteor close to impact, Umashi exhaled and with doing so, a wave of shadow chakra emanated from his body and filled the room, blocking out the small sun and casting the room in darkness. When at last the dust had settled, the Hokage emerged from his dimension of shadows and looked around at the rubble. In a matter of speaking, Umashi was pissed, and the only thing that managed to turn his frown upside down even momentarily was the fact that he could look across the expanse of rubble and see that at least the Library was still standing. Not even bothering to change his clothes, Umashi's vision began to blur as he rushed off towards the hospital.

Umashi's anger was rising and with only the record that he'd been playing and the bottle that he'd been intending to enjoy on his person, he no doubt looked to be quite the angry shinobi man as he stormed into the hospital and followed the commotion clear up where the the naked "Pinkie" lay and where Takeshi stood.
"I've got questions, you've got answers, and my buzz was officially killed a few minutes ago, so somebody give me some answers or I swear to all things sacred that there will be a whole hallway of patients in sixty seconds . . ." Bottle in one hand, and his record in the other, Umashi was trying to keep his anger in check but some people were prone to push his buttons.

OOC: Record that was being played was September by Earth, Wind and Fire, lol (In the spoiler). Umashi is dressed just as he was in the previous topic, a black gi open to reveal a matching shirt with "M.E.D.I.C." written on it in large letters. He used a mastered Shadow Dimension jutsu to shield himself and the things in his office from the blast but is present in this topic with a rare Kiri brand of liquor in one hand and a record (for a record player) in the other hand.
Shadow Dimension - Shadow Void Jutsu
The ultimate technique of the Nara clan. This jutsu draws forth all shadows in the area to the user, then begin to form a black dome that rapidly expands to cover the area. This dome creates a haven for the Nara, and a hellish realm of shadows for any deemed as the Nara's enemy. Completely Isolated from the outside world, this nearly impenetrable void essentially seals off those within from any allies they may have had, instead trapping them in a world of malicious shades which obey the Nara's wishes.

[ooc: Topic continued from here]

Yomi was already making her way downstairs in anticipation of Reoku and Takeshi, or at the very least Reoku so the ANBU Sennin didn’t have to wait long. Upon her arrival, the Hokage had made his way there too. He had been drinking and this incident clearly killed his vibe. She would be mad if the hospital was reduced to rubble as well. This evening was really weird and annoying all things considered.

A nurse wheeled Reoku past her and she leaned over to tell her to place him in the nearest available room to get to get started on checking his vitals and for her to heal him. His moaning was a good sign that there wasn’t anything that she couldn’t fix going on with him. Without the story, she didn't know whether she should feel pity or annoyed at him. She'd let the Sennin tell her his side.

Umashi demanded an explanation from Takeshi which was fair. What he wasn’t going to do was threaten all his people. That would just give her more work should he act upon it.

"Hokage-sama..." Eyeing his bottle, she wondered if he should be seen in public with that. Rumors befalling the Hokage were not something he could afford based on recent attacks on his character. He should at the very least put it out of view. Yomi interjected, wanting to know what the Uchiha did to her patient and why.

“Takeshi, wouldn’t you say that this was excessive? Was there a need for this?” The woman spoke in her even tone, a marked difference between her and the Hokage. She was sure if she had his fellow ANBU locked in a room with Daisy and Baba being experimented upon, he would storm into her office without a thought or a kind word. So she would get his explanation and decide from there if it was reasonable.
Like a good medic, Yomi waltzed in and alerted Umashi to the rather interesting predicament that he'd find himself in by only a look at the important bits. Getting the hint, Umashi called for a small shadow pocket dimension and stashed his evening fun there for him to grab it later. Getting back to the moment though, with another pair of eyes on the situation, Umashi's temper cooled as he repeated himself in a more collected tone. "Somebody just please tell me what happened. One minute I was enjoying my evening with some good music and a drink and the next moment I was trying to avoid death from above. The whole of the Emerald Isles are a crater and our students no longer have any classrooms to attend. The only thing left standing was the library and it's clearly a miracle that that happened." Rubbing at the back of his neck, he could feel a tension headache coming soon but he sighed and pressed past it.

Running the numbers quickly in his head, Umashi knew pretty well that the money needed to rebuild would be a bill that he definitely didn't want to foot, but with the hike in insurance premiums soon to come, the money was going to have to come from somewhere.
"That's prime real-estate and it'll cost millions to rebuild. That's millions as in the tax hikes will probably affect our economy for the rest of the year and the rebuilding effort will have to involve people who probably won't be able to afford to make ends meet if they suddenly can't afford to pay their rent due to money hungry vultures taking advantage of the situation." Umashi could hear the sighing of his secretary now when she reported to work in the morning. The accountants would definitely be very busy for the foreseeable future. "Yomi, please send out E.M.T.'s to make sure that there were no casualties. At this late an hour, nobody should have been there besides us and the Academy was closed for Summer Vacation but you never know." Lives were the most important thing but in a world of shinobi, where every other person could shoot fireballs and walk on water, the odds of a casualty count was low for buildings that should have been very empty.

OOC: Stashed the booze and record in the shadow dimension
Takeshi allowed a sigh to come to his lips as he looked at the Hokage and Yomi. It was clear that he may have overkilled things but hell a roof could have been fixed as he looked towards Reoku and back to Umashi. He always seemed to be in the worst of situations, why couldn’t it be a nice meal. Maybe even a nice movie, something that didn’t always involve doom and gloom at that moment in time, forcing himself back up to his full height he decided to try and explain the situation in the best possible way.

"I went to teach him some manners, not gonna lie went a bit over the top. Next thing I know Reoku tries to spark up, and apparently we had a gas leak. Just managed to get us both out of there....The Uchiha idea what happened there, maybe it was glass?"

Takeshi sighed as he looked around, knowing full well that most people would have been away he could recover quickly and decided to press the issue about the clean up more. As he looked over to Umashi and Yomi he spoke to the point and direct.

“I already sent out a messanger, we will be waking up builders and starting reconstruction in the morning, the gas leak issue probably was old pipes. So I suggested renovation, obviously for me going overboard the Uchiha clan will put up half the front of the cost for the mansion, the rest will be on insurance. Same deal with the academy half from the clan, I will also owe you both a favour to be called in anytime as I started the downhill roll to the explosion taking place. Mad that one spark made it go bang like that, but better than someone dying from gas inhilation…..Imagen if it was an innocent secretary alone at night, but at least it wasn’t”

Takeshi side stepped the whole incident and just focused on the fact injury was nothing, and that everyone would be working on fixing it, he had already set that into the picture. The last bit was down to the boy there as he looked to Reoku then back to Yomi.

“He needs to control himself, he tried to go full Jin in my office, I suggest he gets trained on control. Next time he won’t come out alive, that little scar could be a reminder to him”

Takeshi awaited any formal slap down, he expected a few punches maybe a outburst at the least, but knew full well he would take it without saying a word.
The edges of Umashi's face began to lift up into a smile not because he was happy but because he was nervous about what he might next do. However, thinking on the moment and the ramifications of going full nuclear, Umashi paused and slowed his anger. Blinking, he let his eyes rest closed as he sighed and continued on, opening his eyes with a renewed sense of calm. At least Takeshi was taking responsibility where it mattered, with his money, although Umashi would have to stop him short of calling the builders. "Not so fast on the builders part . . . if there was a gas leak then we definitely need to check the land around the site and get to work on schematics before we clean up the rubble. I'll approach the village council about rebuilding in a way that hopefully prevents such accidents in the future. While you go hunting for Baba, I'll make sure that we get your ward some training."

Leaning in the general direction of the fallen "Pinkie", Umashi shook his head with a disapproving whistle escaping from his lips. Takeshi was definitely reaching with the whole "It wasn't me!" branding that had happened to the kid, but Umashi wasn't going to press the issue any further. The village could do with some healing while Takeshi was away hunting for nukes and with no office, the many might as well do some good and bring the village some extra income from the bounties that he'd encounter. "Yeah, might strange how close that scare looks to your clan symbol but I digress. He'll be put on the registry for this, and since he just so happens to be sporting an Uchiha tattoo . . . the Uchiha can also pay for any expenses incurred while keeping him in line." Smirking, the Hokage called the Sennin out on his B.S. story in a way that wouldn't overly rob him of his dignity. What happened afterwards was all on Takeshi though. There'd be an investigation because Umashi couldn't have been the only person to see the meteor but with only two persons having been in the room, there weren't exactly too many people running in with the inside scoop either.
The Medical Sennin listened to Takeshi’s words and the Hokage’s response before she would give her curt reply.

“So, branding him, was your response to a kid who said they wanted help controlling their explosive nature, after you watched his clothes burn up in front of you? ” Yomi looked at him and then to Umashi before walking off to do what the Hokage had asked her, lest, she’d say some very unbecoming things. This was the second-time Takeshi did something she did not like and it was painting a very interesting picture of him.

She dispatched what EMT’s she could muster to deal with the potential crisis. Umashi would not be leaving to look at any rubble until she had and accurate count of who was in trouble and determined she didn’t need his assistance. As Co-Medical Sennin, this required his attention first. Of course, that wouldn’t stop him from sneaking away while she was otherwise occupied.

Highly annoyed she went to check on her first patient of what was going to be a long ass night.

She eyed his chart briefly and pursed her lips together. She would bring him back to consciousness to get his side of the story. Nobody was around for her to fake the usage of hand seals, so she didn’t bother.

A feint green aura enveloped her patient as she slowly brought him back to conscious in the same way she did for the Hokage. Only this time, the stakes weren’t nearly as high. Yomi looked at Reoku and shook her head and hoped that when he finally came too, he wouldn’t say something to make her immediately regret waking him up. Once he did awaken he would note that he had on an oxygen mask and receiving IV fluids.

[Ooc: Reoku is no longer unconscious, via the med-jutsu Resuscitate. And note that since Yomi’s Med-Jutsus are Goddess given she doesn’t need hand seals to use them during RP’s]
Reoku woke up slowly as the world around him began to retake shape and color, though he knew at first that he wasn't dead.. it didn't stop him from thinking it.. 'I'm not Dead.. Well crap..' As the realization set in that he in fact was going to have to deal with consequences of his actions, looking around Reoku quickly saw Yomi and Umashi there standing but through the crowd Takeshi was also spotted, and in a knee jerk reaction Reoku flinched and fell off to cold floor dragging sheet with him still attached to Oxygen mask and IV still attached.

"Crap, that hurt... " Landing on his elbow "I just realized I left my keys at the Mansion, I got to get them so. ugh.. yeah.. excuse me." Reoku said as he turned on his heel dragging the IV pole and oxygen mask with him in a desperate panic to leave the room that Takeshi was in, there was no measure to ensure him and Takeshi would get into it again.

As Reoku quickly passed two windows, something caught his attention, looking out he saw what looked like a fiery inferno and smoke off in distance, the after glow of super heated stone and metal, it was a war zone.. 'Oh no! Did.. I Do this?' Reoku thought as he held his hands over his ears as they began to ring from blood pressure beginning to spike a loud ringing sound in his ears effectively making him deaf to his surroundings... Eyes bloodshot, and hands shaking, Reoku started trembling... "I'm never going to use that power again." saying to himself though he could not hear it. 'Damn it, This is why I wanted help in the FIRST PLACE.' Turning his head towards Takeshi an immense hatred burned inside Reoku, one that would pierce the soul. 'Just how many did I kill, All cause that idiot provoked me.' he thought as he could not shift the blame, this was Reokus fault.. but not his alone.
Takeshi allowed a small nod to come to the Hokage, listening to his words he knew that right now he had other things to worry about, but damage had been done as he turned to look at Reoku a small sigh came to his lips. It seemed that he didn’t learn, but what could you expect from someone who was so careless with the use of his own powers. Takeshi once more turned to Yomi, he allowed a nod to come her way recognising her own words before he decided to speak to the group once more.

“Seems like he has been accepted as a Uchiha, in this case I accept responsibility for him Umashi, see that when he is better transfer him to the Uchiha household. He will find a bed and some cloths there for him. As for the expenses incurred to the Clan in teaching him to control his powers….”

Takeshi paused for a second, it seemed that he was massively out of pocket today, the clan rebuilding and now this financial burden had been slammed on them, well he wasn’t going to have much luck getting out of that situation any time soon, even he could tell that one.

“Acceptable, we will pay for his training, he has some promise, let’s see it blossom. I accept these terms Umashi, what other choice do I really have.”

Takeshi knew right now Umashi would hold him to charge if it was needed, and he didn’t want the Hokage right now on his back when he had other work that needed to be done. Sensing the glare that was coming his way he shrugged it off quickly and turned back to Yomi.

“You know Yomi, I apologize we keep meeting on such bad terms, trust me when I say this will not happen again.”

Takeshi figured he had covered most bases, well expect one, as he turned his head slightly to return the gaze from Reoku, he allowed a pause to come to his words before speaking. All in the room would be able to hear the address from the Sennin, he hoped Reoku would take it as the gesture of help it was meant to be.

“You need to learn to control that Jinchuuriki under control, if you can’t do that more damage and danger will come in the future, control is key. Apparently you are the second one now that I have fought who has tried to give into the power that comes with it. When you go to the Uchiha house hold, ask around for the mistress of the house, she will get that control to a level you can understand. It seemed that even with your teaching you have a lot to learn.”

Takeshi glanced out the window looking to where Reoku had been glancing, as he turned himself away from the window for a few seconds he spoke the next part of this towards Reoku, and the latter part was aimed at Umashi.

“Learn, grow, you have potential, accept the offer the Uchiha clan is making here, and don’t waste it. Now Umashi as for your last request, since I have you here, and well you now have no office until renovation is completed. Total death count is zero. It was to late I hope for anyone to be there. But my question since it involves a member of the Medical branch. Baba, want him brought back Alive or Dead. I will be taking with me two members of the ANBU, which do you prefer.”

Takeshi waited for the answer to come back before he spoke wondering what the outcome would be. Baba was a missing Ninja of this village, and it was something he had to get fixed.
Yomi took deep breaths in attempt to calm down. She, being the calm one out of the four of them, was starting to get annoyed. If they thought she was dry now, they really didn't want to see her upset. Reoku was busy running about with a concussion, Takeshi was still apologizing, and Umashi maybe was intoxicated and discussing money.This was not how she imagined anything going tonight. Yomi suddenly had a thought.

"Since you're all here. I'm going to leave Umashi in charge and he can take care of the patients. I am going to go with the EMT's. Takeshi can either take Reoku or leave him here, but, if he leaves against medical advice, I can't say it will end well." Yomi looked at all of them before turning on her heel to leave. It was obvious that nothing of note was going to get done while they stood here together.

Noticing the way that Yomi had abandoned him to running the show, Umashi shook his head as Takeshi spoke to him from Reoku's room. Finding it a bother to yell as this time of hour, Umashi walked towards the boys room and answered Takeshi's question. "We'd preferably like him alive. it's far too common that we go after our nuke-nin guns-a-blazing and kill them without getting precious info out of them. I need that intel, but if worse comes to worse, do as you must. That being said though, don't overstep the sovereignty of another shinobi nation and definitely don't do anything stupid around Kumogakure's sphere of influence. You pull off an ill advised stunt there and I'll disavow you without hesitation. Hopefully my intentions are clear." Umashi was seriously hoping that Takeshi would really get the point on this one. Unfortunately Takeshi had an issue with being subtle in his approach of perceived threats. Clearly with the way that Yomi walked off, she was pissed, and in order to not have another Yuuto situation, Umashi would have to smooth things over with her. Excusing himself was the room with Takeshi and Reoku, Umashi backed away and headed off to pick up the tab on doing the nightly rounds at the hospital.

OOC: Topic left unless stopped.
The Ringing had finally subsided around time Umashi was finishing his statement to Takeshi, Reoku looked at he felt liquid draining out of his ear, putting a tissue he noticed a considerable amount of blood, thinking quick Reoku plugged it up with some tissue until it felt like his hearing returned 'Man he really screwed me up...' he thought as Reoku walked over to the dresser in his room that contained scrubs, putting on pants and shirt, Reoku took the oxygen mask off, and slowly withdrew the IV from his arm, looking at the carnage out the window, Reoku looked at Takeshi and with a calm expression.

"SO WHAT NOW..." Reoku said very loudly as he still did not grasp his hearing loss earlier lowering his pitch and clearing his other ear of waxed blood, he continued "Ugh damn ears... I'll be fine, Brisnger provides me with a subtle healing factor so I can be sure I'll survive the night, but earlier you spoke to me I only heard bits and pieces of it, something about training me and, me being a Uchiha... how is that gonna work, I mean I do not have a Sharingan like you appear to have"

Looking at the floor scratching back of his neck with his right arm... "And.. I guess an apology is in order, honestly I didnt expect that to happen, or my combat instincts to be so...well... destructive... thats on me." taking a deep breath Reoku finished "I am sorry.." choosing to end it there Reoku looked at Takeshi in the eye and waited for he was going to do.
Takeshi watched as two out of the four left for other tasks to be completed, he knew that he was in the same situation. Needing to leave soon but unable to until he had managed to answer the questions that Reoku was pointing out. Takeshi considered it for a few seconds, the question was a fair one and with that it did deserve an answer to say the least.

“You seem to have been………..dumped on me would be the better turn of phrase, and with that it means that you are now my responsibility”

Takeshi turned to look out the window for a bit as he pondered the question, he wanted to answer it the best way and with that came some expectation of course. But like anything the Uchiha would try and get threw it the best of his ability.

“You will be under the supervision of the Uchiha clan, feel free to move to the clan house if you so wish. Use the library well and talk to the members of the family you may find some useful information out. For that time, you are under my roof you need to understand your actions now reflect this clan, everything you say or do. I will not accept your apologie. Your actions will speak louder than words, do work, help people and prove yourself by the time I get back to the village. Until then consider yourself a Uchiha. Study and prove yourself worthy of it”

Takeshi finished his words as he spoke before turning on his heel and walking out of the room. He had a task to complete and he wasn’t about to be stopped for it by anyone, that much he was sure of. Right now, he had to get back to the grind.

[Topic Left]
'Uchiha Reoku, heh that'll be interesting' He thought as Reoku sat there pondering his situation, looking at Takeshi leave he stayed quiet and observed his surroundings, 'This all started when I wanted to become a more, capable shinobi.. and instead I am now tutored by two more influential people in the village... not bad'

Walking over Reoku picked up a study book and begun reading basics on medicine as he was going to be there for a while might as well do some light reading...


It was nearly a week gone by and Reoku was being discharged as his body was back to normal thank in part to hospital and other to his healing factor, it was that time to go home, and see what it was going to offer him.

[Topic Left]

Current Ninpocho Time:
