“Again, Susumu.”
The Shinrya garden was in full bloom this season. The shrubbery filled the world with life, drinking up the warm weather and sun that often evaded the cold land of Kumogakure. A few gardeners dotted the area, trimming hedges and plucking herbs for the Lady of the house. Amongst the greenery, a woman and her son practiced taijutsu, the boy panting heavily as he stood up from the most recent attack that laid him out on the garden lawn. “But Moooom, we’ve been at this for over an hour,” Susumu protested as he resumed his fighting stance.
Kahako smirked as she made a preemptive move towards her son, immediately putting him on the defense, “And we’ll be at it an hour still until your father comes.” Susumu quick-stepped to the right to avoid Kahako’s punches, using his small stature to weave through her defense and tried with a feint to push her off balance. Kahako leapt to the side, switching to a defensive stance, and observing her son’s tactics to later tell him where his openings lie.
The boy used the moment to lay out a flurrying set of punches and kicks in rapid succession each being blocked in equal measure. Seeing another opening, Susumu spun for a low kick, nicking Kahako just hard enough to give him the edge he needed for another close encounter. “Got cha!” he yelled in triumph as he leapt for a high kick.
Kahako smiled once more as she grabbed his foot and used her current momentum to the ground to send them both tumbling. Susumu grunted in pain, landing hard on his stomach, but he didn’t waste a second rolling over. Unfortunately for him, his mother needed less than a second, and before he could get up, green eyes shined merrily into his own as he felt cold steel rest just under his chin.
“No fair, you said no weapons!” He pouted, thoroughly frustrated that his mom bested him so quickly with a simple ‘kunai to the neck’ cheat.
“All’s fair in love and war, sweetie,” Kahako cooed teasingly, kissing him lightly on the forehead, and chuckling when her son’s brow furrowed further in frustration. He hated it when she teased him. Absolutely hated it. But he was too adorable when angry, and she took entirely too much pleasure in riling him up.
“Gross! Get off me! You know... my friends’ moms are kind and gentle and sweet when they kiss them. They don’t throw their kids on the ground or hold dangerous knives to their neck like you do,” he spat, swiping Kahako’s kunai arm away, struggling to get out from under her. However, Kahako wasn’t done with him yet, tossing her kunai away before assailing the boy with tickles.
“Oh? Is that so? Are these the same friends I saw you beat in Taijutsu class the other day? If so, I believe I miiiiight be the better mother,” she jested over his giggling screams of protest.
The moment lasted a few minutes more, before it was cut short when Kahako suddenly stopped and lowered her arms. She felt it, that small itch in the back of her mind that she just couldn’t scratch. She was trying to get out again.
Susumu panted, thoroughly exhausted, but when he glared back at his mother to retort, the anger receded from his expression. She had that zoned out look again. He wiggled out from under her, and helped her into a more comfortable sitting position. It lasted for a couple minutes before the mood around his mom changed entirely. Though he couldn’t quite understand what was going on with her, he knew the person he looked at currently wasn’t his mom. The look she gave him now screamed timid. Mom was soft-spoken, but ‘timid’ wasn’t a word to describe her.
“Sukino?” Susumu mumbled out. At that moment, the Jounin guard who always followed his mom stepped from the shadows. Kahako nodded. “Hello, young Susumu-sama,” came an entirely different voice from his mom’s mouth. “I… I hope you are doing well?”
“Fine,” he muttered before standing up and grabbing the bokken he left off to the side. He slid into the stance his father taught him and began to practice his swings. It was useless to try to spar with Sukino. She didn’t know the ways of a shinobi. It was... weird when it happened because his mom knew so much. Watching her try to throw a punch was... really weird.
Sukino frowned, saddened that such a wonderful and rare moment for the two was ruined. Quietly, she shifted into another position, looking out into the pond to distract her mind. Anywhere besides the forms of Kahako’s son. For what could the woman do or say to put the boy at ease when the body of his mother was currently controlled by a stranger?
[spoilername="OOC"]Note that only leaders of the village and Shinrya Kitsune know the truth about what's going on with Kahako. Everyone else was under the assumption that she stepped down as Sennin due to an illness.
Edit 1: Changed for better pictures[/spoilername]