Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Damage done [TMM]

Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
The nights had gone by and each time the same outcome had been found, markings inside the walls of the academy. Statues and books destroyed and the hard work of many in the rebuilding had been scratched by such people showing dedication to the village. Those that wanted to present their time and effort in rebuilding things for a better future. Even having help from those that came by these things surroundings from other villages. It had been a long day of work and the academy stood tall once more a beacon for all those that came this way to a new generation.

Messages has been coming of the intruders that had been breaking in at night, damaging the property of the academy and now they had finally managed to get themselves some unwanted attention. The vandalism could only go on for so long before it would come to the attention of someone. Unfortunately during the day it has been someone who was good at hunting that would have been sent out. It was something willing to make sure that the job was done and that the task was completed. While normally it would not have come to an ANBU in Training this time it was different.

Yukio the one chosen for this mission had certain abilities that would be very key in this situation. He had been sent a letter as well as one of the new students that had been eyed by an ANBU recruiter, it was clear that they would be sending them together, but this would be the first true time that they ever fully managed to meet each other. It would be a live or lose situation in that split second, and it would be clear that team work was needed. With both having received messengers earlier in the day with instructions to meet at the Academy.

It would be night that they were due to meet, outside of the academy. In the dark that slumbered when most of leaf was sleeping this would be the time that the two members of the village would have to meet and must decide on what action would be needed to complete the goal of the mission that had been set out for them. But they were not alone in the academy, it seemed that a group of kids where the ones behind all this disruption as they allowed themselves to sneak in earlier during the day. It seemed that they were already hard at work inside of the building.

The gang that seemed to be causing trouble had a task to finish tonight, and it seemed that the two groups to clash would be inevitable situation that would happen. They were setting to a heading that would seem both of them collide in that situation. Knowing full well that the night would be creeping further in the question now was would those assigned to this task be able to complete it, or would the kids once more get away with causing problems for all inside of the Academy. For those that had been selected to join this mission a simple message was sent earlier. It was clear that this was important but there was no risk for true damage to take place.

Scattering feet and of course the sound of doors opening echoed around the grounds, some chattering and laughing as bangs and breaking of objects could be heard inside. It was clear that they were up to no good. The scene was set for the mission, the workers put to task and right now it came down to the actions of those involved.

- You can post in whatever order you want, it is 1 post for each of you then my go after that.
- Actions must be in a spoiler or they will not be counted
- Remember you must each hit 3000 words to gain rewards
- Good luck, lets have some fun
It was a surprise for Yukio to receive a mission of much greater ease than he had become accustom too, usually being sent outside the village to strike out at bandits and escort caravans against the many missing shinobi that would wander in the world outside the village walls. This would not be one of those mission being one of the much simpler task of stopping some vandals.

Though what made him tilt his head in curiosity was that he would be teamed up with an academy student during this mission. Seemed it was going to be a night of renewed and new experiences, he wondered what the kid would be like or what they were capable of. The fact they were being sent to work alongside a member of the ANBU branch could only mean that the branch saw potential in the young student.

As he sat across the way from the academy he waited for his teammate to arrive this did not however mean he sat idle waiting for whoever was doing this to cause more damage to the academy he too once called a place of his own to train and improve himself. If anything came to a shock to him it would be that in all the years he had been away from the academy those in the village had come to show disrespect for a place that produced the very people that protect the things, they hold dear.

With a sigh escaping his lips scratching the back of his head he would move from place to place using his visual prowess to look into the academy gathering information from every angle that he could before entering as the branch had taught him to do. If people though what they were doing was some kind of practical joke, he intended to send a wave of fear through them that would ensure nothing like this would ever come about again.

Of course, this was not a kill mission, such things would not come to pass under such circumstances for not everything he was sent out to do would be a battle to the death in the rain and mud. In a way this send a refreshing and relaxed feeling through him that he didn’t have to constantly look over his shoulder for a kunai ready to cut his throat at a moment’s notice.

“This kid better be quick the longer this takes the more chance we have of something going wrong inside this place, though I do question why I feel like I need to be so serious with these matters a D-rank mission is not something that fills the fire in the soul though seeing how the academy is teaching its students these days might.”

The thought was swift as he realised how much the academy had changed since his departure, he had not come to know the circumstances that had brought the academy to the ground, nor any of the new tutors, teachers and experiances the students would have here in the years to come.

Observing the academy through the windows using Byakugan to track down anyone inside.
This would be the first D-Rank mission that Yaboi would take part in. He had a general idea of what he was getting into, though he was not sure he was quite ready for what it would entail. The boy had set off from his home barefoot, rushing towards the school in the darkness of night. 'This will be good training for the tournament.' repeated the child in his head, trying to keep his mind off whatever nervousness he had before going into this mission. Yaboi knew he had to meet up with Yukio for this mission and not wanting to make his partner wait too long or even get ahead of him the boy picked up speed, breaking into a full sprint down the quiet streets of night time Konoha.

It wouldn't be long until Yaboi came upon the meeting point. 'Huh? Nobody is here..?' the boy thought, looking around. Yukio had been scouting the school with his visual prowess, moving place to place and Yaboi did not have a clue. The child let out a soft sigh, figuring the mission had begun in earnest without him or that he had simply arrived late. The boy came upon the school, the mission was against a few pranksters hitting the school on a nightly routine. Yaboi held great respect for learning and the time the teachers had put into the school and its students, so it was no wonder that Yaboi had felt upset about hearing about this mission. He slowly approached the main entrance to the academy and pressed his ear against the door to gather any information that he could about what was going on inside the building and what was beyond the door. Thanks to the boy's Kyoujouran blood however it would make gathering this information much easier, as Yaboi would passively feel the most subtle of vibrations with his Tremor Sense.

WC: 315

Using Tremor Sense to sense any subtle vibrations from the academy.
It seems that the kids were smarter than they first set out to be. Darkness was their friends as little light was shining through the windows the group continued to move with speed and purpose doing what they wanted to complete today, from the windows it seemed that three shadows passed in front of the Hyuuuga, though one of them stopped and looked out, unsure if he had made eye contact with the man that had been sent on this mission or if he was just checking to make sure no-one had spotted them that would be up to the interpretation of Yukio to see that one.

Voices and noises echoed through the empty corridors gone was the hustle and bustle that usually came with behind in this place during the day time, it was quiet and empty something spooky about it in that sense, as the group has split up it seemed that each one had been given a different task to complete during this night. And they were more than happy to get on with it with little objections. As smashing and breaking could be heard on one side on the other there was paper being torn up it seemed that the academy had become their outcry of anger or frustration which ever had a hold of this group.

As Yaboi would listened threw his own jutsu he would have noticed that it seemed that the group was larger than they first thought, from the numbers Yukio saw to the vibrations that came around it seemed that there was at least seven people moving inside of the building. Doing their tasks with brutal efficiency from behind allowed to practise it for so long. It came naturally to them now and the layout of the academy in the dark did little to put them off the task. The question on the mind of those two outside was what the correct course of action in this situation would be. Would they be able to capture all of them or would some run, it wasn’t granted yet?

As a few of the students huddled up nearer the entrance it seemed that these were the ones that had managed to complete the tasks that they had been set out to do. They confided with each other and then begun to mumble between themselves the words clear for them but unaidable for the two outside though parts of this conversation would have been picked up.

“We finished with the training room………………………… would be the class rooms on the left side of the building………………………ill send two into the teacher lounge that will teach them for what they did in class the other day.”

“I agree seems like its our time to get some payback for all that homework”

The group had a plan and they were now in the final stages of carrying it out with ease and efficiently. They would have to act quick to stop more damage being caused to the academy.

[TWC: 1,112/3,000]
Watching the perimeter of the academy had it perks seeing all who would come and go from the building gave him the advantage in knowing if any of them had already left the building which didn’t seem to be the case. Catching Yaboi in his vision he nodded in approval it his act of taking the initiative, moving to stand beside the young student looking down to him with a nod.

“So, you’re the one accompanying me in this mission, it should go smoothly enough if we can put our heads together and act with swift and decisive actions. I’ve seen them moving through the building from the outside through the windows if you have found anything it would be best to explain it as we move through the academy.”

He wasn’t one to waste time when out doing jobs for the village and this would be no different his movements were quick as were his thoughts on the situation as he moved into the academy through the doors. Whoever was in the academy would pay for any damages done, from their size it seemed like they were only students or people of very small stature. Either way at least he knew what he was dealing with as he strode through the hallways of the academy.

“Do not be afraid to speak your thoughts or give ideas during this mission, anything can be helpful even if it doesn’t seem to be at first however we should not speak in raised voices lest we give away the fact that we are here.”

It made sense to cover all areas even the basics, if they could get the jump on this group then it would make life so much easier than having to deal with stragglers. A chase was something that did not interest the ANBU and how far he was willing to go to resolve the problem kids or not was irrelevant. Should anyone get hurt during the mission however it would most likely be brought down on him like a ton of bricks in the aftermath something he would prefer to not have to deal with.

“Just remain cautious when making moves if you are able, we may be within the walls of the village but we never know what could happen here and a scrap with what is most likely children is not really what I have in mind, it would be more trouble than it’s worth dragging them out if they are kicking and screaming during the whole process.”

The school seemed so different in the dark, it wasn’t like being in the forests and fields outside of the village where there would be plenty of open space to use his eyes to their full potential the winding hallways and corridors of the academy were a hinderance to say the least and though he would be able to pick up anyone unlucky enough to cross his field of vision they would have to walk in front of his eyes.

[WC: 501]
Yaboi had his hand on the door, preparing himself mentally for possible confrontation. Though it was during this pause that Yukio had spotted Yaboi and made his approach "Oh. H-Hiya." the child spoke in a low voice, choosing to listen to his elder and follow his lead through the entrance to the academy. 'Strange eyes.. Which clan was that again?' he thought to himself as he kept his footsteps quiet and for once thanking himself for forgetting his sandals! Yaboi spoke in a low and hushed voice, having a vague understanding of the situation they were in and not wanting to drag the team down by getting caught so early on "Yes, senpai. I heard a few voices at the entrance, two were sent to the teacher's lounge and I think the rest were sent to the left side of the building towards the classrooms." the boy had continued to think back to what he had sensed and heard while creeping upon the entrance to the academy "Oh.. Also, its hard for me to explain but I feel there are a few of them. About six or seven maybe?" the boy admitted with a good bit of confidence.

Yaboi had played plenty of hide and seek with his friends, including his good buddy Ryo. While not the best at hiding in comparison to the other children, he was sharp when it came to finding those that were hiding. Did it come naturally to him, or was he just lucky? Yaboi could not answer that himself, he just always trusted his gut feeling and his head. "They are not wasting anytime either.. So that means they have this scheme planned out and understand the area, right?" the boy asked as a bit of confirmation on his thought process, "It might take them some time to get through the classrooms, so going for the two separated at the teacher's lounge might be a good start.. B-But if all the other kids are fast at their tasks we might not make it in time?" the boy professed his plan and his worry, stopping every so often to try and feel out his surroundings with his Tremor Sense to ensure there were no nearby stragglers or others. "I'll be cautious Senpai, this is my first big mission after all." he said with pride and a hint of nervousness. "What do you think we should do though?" the boy had finally asked, wanting to hear what Yukio thought.

WC: 413
TWC: 728

Using Tremor Sense passive!
It seemed that their talking had drawn some attention at that moment, it was clear that they had of course had a lot of work to do. The trashing of the academy was nearly completed, and the group begun to head to the centre of the academy, they were about to make their exit and it seemed that they were all happy with the damage that they had been doing to the academy in the dead of the night. It was a problem that everyone was suffering with as each day cleaners were required books needed to be replaced. Even the teachers were now getting frustrated with this entire situation and it just seemed to be getting worse.

As the group prepared themselves to leave this place, it was clear that they had a plan on getting out a well, though the two members of the Shinobi force that had been sent to find out what was going outside. As they allowed themselves to finally meet up there huddled a total of nine kids that had been part of what had happened this night inside of the Academy. As they allowed themselves to head out towards the door the boss of the group nodded, and the door opened straight away.

As the door opened without any warning the group of keeps were suddenly met with quite the fight. In the night sky the darkness that surrounded the group they were faced with a pair of glowing eyes and a kid that was leaning against the door. Without saying a single work, the kids instantly slammed the door shut and turned to each other. It seemed that they had not been expecting the additional company that was waiting for them at the door. In that split second, they turned to their leader looking for his advice on this matter and trying to make sense of the whole thing in a split second.


The Leader voice echoed through the opening of the halls it was clear that he had made his instructions, each of the students that had been part of this group did exactly as commanded. They sprinted through the halls of the academy some of them deciding to hide in certain places, others going for the back to try and make quick on their escape it was clear that they had not planned on being caught and right now they were trying to get away from this mess.

It was clear now that Yukio and Yaboi had their work set out for them as the group had stared out in a few seconds once the door had shut, each of them deciding to go at escape alone and not follow anyone. They had not managed to work as a team in this split-second decision, the leader had simply commanded that they made a run for it. Instantly they allowed themselves to open windows and jump onto the grass or hid in objects it was clear that they had come prepared in case that they need to make an escape or if they were caught up in that split second.

Yukio did not expect such luck to fall upon them his eyes meeting with those of the deviants who had been causing such a problem for the academy in recent days, his piercing glare staring down at them as they were foolish enough to not check who was on the other side of the door before opening it. Still it was a somewhat relieving experience to see it was just some kids trying to cause some problems rather than it being an experience Shinobi trying to steal information from leaf or sabotage the academy as a smile crossed the Hyuuga's face as he looked at them.

"Good evening, you appear to be lost perhaps we can help you find out where you are meant to be after a few quick questions?"

It was one of his more sarcastic tones but he would not receive an answer as they scattered in all directions, a heavy sigh escaping Yukio's lips it seemed they had the wish to make his life harder than it needed to be. Upon them feeling before him and Yaboi he tilted his head to the side to look at the young Student before he went to speak to him.

"Were going to have to cover two areas here, one watching the outside and one tracking down those who have remained inside and not yet managed to escape. Considering I can't see through walls my skills will be better suited to hunting down those who attempt to escape the building. if you feel you can't handle those remaining inside feel free to assist me in rounding them up as they try to leave. On the Brightside we know what they look like now so even if some escape they are in trouble. though I do not intend to let them escape, I would advise you cover your eyes for a moment."

With that he turned on his heels standing outside the academy once more leaving Yaboi inside to cover the interior of the academy as he brought his hands together forming a series of handseals with intent on making their lives easier and make it somewhat easier to see in the dark.

"Photon style Flashbang jutsu"

Upon his words a bright flash of blinding light shot up into the air before slowly burning out, that small moment of bright light allowed Yukio's eyes to pick up any who might attempt to flee the area the next series of handseals creating a clone beside him as they nodded to each other splitting off into separate directions to cover each side of the academy to subdue and carry back any kids unlucky enough to come across him in the dark.

If anything he was somewhat grateful for their sudden rush into the dark, considering his eyes far outclassed their own this would only make his life easier when it came to finding and tracking them down, remaining still a moment and focusing to extend his visual range to cover all exits.

Flashbang Jutsu to blind any who attempt to escape
Mirror clone covering the exterior with Yukio
Yukio using scan to pinpoint the students
Yaboi had been looking around to see who it was Yukio was trying to speak to, but to no avail as his eyes weren't quite adjusted to the darkness of night just yet. Assuming that Yukio was speaking to the troublesome youth that had been vandalizing the academy he balled his hands into a fist, frustrated that those that would damage the school so willingly would be so bold to try and make an escape instead of atoning for their wrong doings. Several thoughts had sprung up into his head as the young boy tried his best to predict the movements of the children involved, and using what words and movements he picked up on to further evaluate their possible routes of escape. Success did not come to those that waited however, it was those that took initiative and acted with their own will to see a situation resolved that received the best results. Yaboi was troubled however, it was entirely possible that he was close in age to these troublemakers and that maybe even one of them could be from a class he had taken. It was gut wrenching for him to think that his peers could act out in such a way on their path to become a shinobi, though it was the anger that had built up from the repeated actions of these individuals that bothered him most. How dare they lash out and damage the academy he enjoyed, break the rooms he and his friends learned in and destroy the hard work his teachers put in towards raising his generation of shinobi. A lack of discipline, bad habits and behavior the likes of which Yaboi could not truly grasp, having been living his life as it was a gift from his parents and proof of their existence in the world; their legacy.

The child of eight turned to his elder with a fire in his eyes and a passion to see this mission fulfilled to its utmost. He listened quietly to Yukio speak about the plan of splitting up and was quite accepting of it. This was the best choice to take care of business as it would make up for Yaboi's lack of experience and ability to cover so much ground in the current setting of night. "Good idea, senpai." the boy responded, blinking a few times at the suggestion to cover his eyes. He had to trust Yukio, and after the class with Mikasa-sensei the child was able to come to a conclusion quite easily without any thoughts of a shinobi betraying one over such a mission. Teamwork was essential and good teamwork requires trust. The boy brought his hands up and firmly closed his eyes as Yukio shot off a flashbang jutsu into the sky. 'No time to waste. I know what to do.' he said to himself and without wasting anymore time he entered the academy through the very same doors he had been leaning on earlier for intel. Stepping inside his place of learning, barefoot and with an objective his switch was flipped. This was real, it required real effort and quick actions. Yaboi focused on his senses, his toes curling after each quiet and slow steps into the hallway, using his Tremor Sense to its utmost capabilities that he could. If there was a subtle vibration, he would know and he would act. Willing and perhaps not entirely ready, he was prepared to do what a shinobi must do.

WC: 579
TWC: 1307

Using Tremor Sense inside school to detect subtle vibrations of the troublemakers.
It seemed that the kids where already aware of the trap that they were in, while on the run they had managed to improve their own skills and managed to learn from the situations that they had found themselves in. Their tactics of escaping from the situations that some would consider not correct was something that made them unique, it was a team play and each one had a roll to fill in that much was sure, while some bolted for the door was this just a distraction or was this a plan that they had to make sure it all went according to their own plan. That much was still up for debate and no-one was sure of it.

“Section three break round the back, two and one make sure we play the games that we prepared. Make sure you’re not stopped and make sure that the outside run is as quiet as possible I don’t want anyone being stopped for doing nothing. I want to make sure that everything is clean and smooth get out and make sure you are not stopped in the process. Remember you have tools so use them of course, and make sure that you get out of this mess as a team”

It seemed that they were more organised that it appeared, communications flickered between the group as three quarters of them where already heading outside into the night. Making sure that they were not followed and made there was into the night with ease, the doors opened from all directions of the Academy. It seemed that scouts had been set up to make sure that they looked at the surroundings. It was clear that they were trying to make a most of the run and get out of the situation that they had been stuck in.

In the darkness of the night, it seemed that smoke bombs where already being set off outside for them to make sure that they had an escape tactic. The hiss of gas that erupted from around was a clear indicator that they had some small tricks up their sleeves on the outside of the building. Though what was more important was that in this chaos the ones inside the academy where still moving through the building, it seemed that each of them had been given a location to head to in case anything like this happened. Though what would happen after they tried to become stopped was another matter completely.

“Quick break off here and head in the other direction, we are nearly at our locations do not get caught”

Instantly the boys where slamming threw doors on the inside, making their way through each of the buildings and pushing their way past whatever obstacle came their way. It seemed like doors where opening and closing quickly it seemed that they had each picked room to head into and where keeping to the plan. It was well prepared by each of them something that would be considered difficult at best, nearly impossible for a group of academy students.

Yukio sighed as he watched the students disperse, this was not how he wanted to spend a late night and chasing stragglers was not his forte if anything was going to be done it was going to have to be done quickly as the real Yukio brought his hands together cracking his neck as the light he realised combined with his eyes revealed where most of the students were fleeing to.

He called out into the dark hoping a few of them would see sense in their actions and turn back to face their punishment before making their lives any worse, at this point it was also partially to make their lives easier in these circumstances.

“You can come back now, or make it harder on yourselves. I would hope you have something resembling sense in those empty heads of yours”

He waited in that moment but wasn’t planning to hold out hope, they had all gone too far to even think about giving up now. If anything, Yukio couldn’t help but admire their persistence towards completing the more than likely pointless objective they had in mind. In the end he had to stop them here or it would become more of a hassle dealing with the extra paper work of them messing up the academy even more than they already had.

“Oh well, the hard way it is then guess I have no other choice. Hope it doesn’t cause too much pain otherwise that’s me in hot water”

Quickly forming a set of hand seals he recalled what would most likely be the most useful jutsu in his arsenal in this situation having frequent flashbacks of when his teacher had done the same to him during one of their long training sessions going completely off the basis that it hadn’t killed him when he was a student.

“Water Style: Grand waterfall jutsu”

Upon his words a great torrent of water flowed down the side of the academy chasing after the fleeing students, hopefully it would simply wash them away and leave them open for simply pick up. Any that were injured he would simply carry them to the medical centre to made sure they received proper care and treatment.

Meanwhile on the other side of the academy the clone tilted its head back seeing its original cutting loose to get the job done and done quickly. Coming to his feet he pondered for a moment, compared to Yukio the clones options were limited to say the least all its Jutsu were based around striking down the opposition not subduing them. But in those jutsu the answer lay, forming a whip of water in its hand the clone strikes out towards those fleeing on its side but does not aim to hit them, instead impacting the ground by their feet as both the clone and Yukio smirk.

“Do not make this any harder than it needs to be, you think that just because your students the Academy would not take this offence seriously. To all those who would try to flee outside I will be waiting, I will see where you run and I will catch you”
The troublemakers had no intentions of stopping and giving up now Yaboi thought as the children used a vast arsenal of tools in their plan to escape. 'In their situation it would be wise to setup traps along the way. Time is not on my side, brute force is needed.' the boy said to himself as he peered down a dark hallway. Exhaling softly the boy felt the vibrations of slamming doors like a ripple effect of a pebble dropping into a pond, whether they had a pattern to distract a shinobi with the noise of the doors it would matter not. The last few doors shutting would house the possible ruffians, and the pitter patter of feet would be evident to the Kyoujouran. Yaboi got into a stance for a full blown sprint to catch up to those that intended to hide under the commotion, then along came the crashing of waves? 'He might end up doing more damage to the academy than these kids!' the boy thought to himself before shaking his head, focusing on his objective. 'Stopping them is a priority, minimal damage would be good but.. I'll break a few doors to get my hands on them if I have to.' Yaboi came to a conclusion, sprinting down to track down the children hiding still within the school based off information gathered through the vibrations felt through Tremor Sense.

Wary of visible traps and determined steps Yaboi would break down key doors he believed would house the problem children using Janken. Yaboi assumed that behind every door he took down there might be a threat wishing to harm him much like an animal backed into a corner. A flight or fight instinct that most would have. With a kawarimi target at the ready and a mastery over the Body Switch technique Yaboi was prepared to avoid any initial threat to his person and make a judgement call on how to deal with it after understanding what situation he was in and if any troublemaker was even in the room to begin with. 'Bag em and gag em, right Ryo?'.

WC: 353
TWC: 1660

Using Janken to knock down doors of rooms that might hide the troublemakers! Body Switch at the ready to be used reflexively against initial threat. Tremor Sense passive for situational awareness!
It seemed that the trouble makers were constantly on the run, though the ones outside were having a harder time it was the ones inside that were making the most of their situation in the dark hallways and the rooms that had been closed for the night, it seemed that they had the chance to make a break for the freedom side of this instead of getting caught up in what seemed to be a hellish nightmare outside, though there was still work they had to do, as they knew full well that another person was still inside of the academy, their was one outside and one inside it seemed that there was still abilities that they had to sort out.

“Quick we can all make a break for it, I know some of us will probably get caught, but that is expected we came here enough times and know full well that we would probably be captured, the question is how many of us. I say we go for it”

It seemed that the plan was almost full proof they knew full well that they had to make a run for it, and right now they were in a situation that was not preferred but they would not simply call it quits and run away from the situation there. They had a plan and there was no way of getting around it, instantly the kids burst from the doors and instantly made heading every direction in front of Yaboi. They ran towards him, away from him and every direction you could think of. It was their way of getting out simply try and confuse their opponent with numbers and different direction. It was one of the oldest tactics in the book but the old ones were the best ones when it came to confusing your opponent.

Outside it was a completely different horror show they never expected the level of violence that had been aimed in their direction, while they figured the most to expect would be a telling off from the academy teachers they didn’t expect someone to be sent after them and someone with so much resolve. It seemed that they just ran out of luck and right now they were paying for that in their own pain and suffering, it was of course a completely different situation to the one they had thought of when they came out here tonight.

“We will get away from you, I know full well what you have been doing. We will get away with it and you know full well of this”

The boys were barraged most of them didn’t last long against the onslaught that came their way, there was no preparation. The power that was unleashed and so quickly as well was on the crazy side of what the Academy students were used to, it was clear that they knew that the pain was coming their way. Though they still had a lot to answer for, they still took the beating outside with a cry, most of them fell without saying a word.

[TWC: 2,659]
Watching his labour bear fruit a smirk crossed over Yukio's face as he stretched, he hadn't expected to use such powerful jutsu against a bunch of young students but at the end of the day he had done what was necessary to save any of them escaping and potentially coming back to do more damage to the academy later before they could be identified and brought in for punishment for their actions. Though this didn't mean there was no need for concern all things considered this might have been the easiest option but the best one, that was yet to be seen.

With all that was going on both in and out of the academy there wasn't much time to worry about what condition they would be in, this would have been so much easier had there only been one or two perpetrators but with so many of them trying to hide or flee being picky about how to deal with them was only going to overcomplicate the situation. First things first would be to identify the conditions of those who had been hit by his grand waterfall, this would decide if they could just go home and rest it off or if they needed more care to ensure they would be ok.

Making his move Yukio began to make quick steps towards the results, looking over the numerous Students as they cried out in pain, it reminded him of his academy days spent training with the ANBU branch around the village. Being hit with such attacks had become the norm back then and seeing how these students were reacting to the exact same attack it was pretty clear they spent more time messing around and wasting time than focusing on any real training which in all honestly was somewhat disappointing to the Hyuuga.

Crossing his arms in that moment he tilted his head back seeing his clone doing very much the same on the other side of the academy, gathering the stragglers and bringing them back to the entrance to the academy so they could have them all in one place to make their lives easier. With a sigh and a shrug Yukio walked up to the squirming students picking them up one up one and throwing them over his shoulders and holding them under his arms as he paced back to join his clone.

It was not the nicest way to leave them, being piled up slowly as the clone took a seat next to the sorry bunch huffing as it looked up to Yukio. it would have spoken to him but speaking to yourself, literally in these circumstances, was always the first sign of madness as it simply gestured to the interior of the academy and with a nod Yukio stepped in.

"Better see how the student is doing hopefully we can look at wrapping this up before any more try to make dumb moves, though at this point I would rather think of a reason as to why parents will be receiving soaked students this late at night. Safe to say it was a creative but destructive method of sorting this out."

Meanwhile the clone looked down to the bunch the closest one receiving a swift chop to the top if their head. Safe to say Yukio was unamused with this turn of events.

"You could all have made this so much easier but no instead you decided to make us put the effort in to make you all come back, all things considered I hope you realise how foolish you all were."

[WT: 2635]
Whether it be from lack of experience, the lack of extra hands or simply lack of ability it was unfortunate for Yaboi to be in the predicament he was in. With so many targets to try and grab, each running in different directions and truly running him through a loop. Getting close to grasping the clothes of one of the troublemakers was not enough, not with their tactics and numbers. He was powerless. Yaboi was frustrated as he did all he could physically to try and capture even just one of the troublemakers, but to no avail. He cursed his powerlessness in that situation, gritting his teeth and pounding a wall with the side of his fist 'Damn it! Not a single capture!'. He stood in place within that dark hallway, the echoes of screaming children caught in a waterfall jutsu or whatever horrors awaited them from Yukio on the outside. 'If only I was faster..' the boy repeated similar lines in his head as he slunk down low, sliding down against the wall and squatting like a grump. It was frustrating for the child to truly see what it was he lacked and on such an important mission to him aswell. Afterall, this was his first D rank mission. Though, maybe this was rushing things. He had few jutsu, only started at the academy a week or two prior. This was a learning experience, one he would not soon forget.

Yaboi sighed heavily, scratching the back of his shaved head as he rose from his spot and lingered down the hallway. Like echoes of the past, he saw Ryo and himself running down the hallway to get to class. Big smiles on their faces as they passed teacher and student alike, moving with purpose and conviction. Children though they may be, but they were promising shinobi that trained seriously and put every bit of effort the top brass would into their progression. Though this flashback, this illusion, faded. It revealed the dangers of the negligent and troublesome. Papers were thrown about the halls without a care, dirt and paint littering the hall with toxic messages and garbage. The same academy, two completely different circumstances. Yaboi thought back to the hooligans that caused such chaos and destruction of the hallway, maybe they lacked talent and were beaten down by the reality of what it meant to rise as a shinobi. Lazy and uncaring, troubles and home. Too many different circumstances for too many different children, some even his age. Yaboi pressed his hand against the graffiti, rubbing his painted fingers together as he looked back on his own fresh failure tonight 'Could I become like that? Am I already there?' the questions spun around in the lad's mind like a circus show. These were thoughts the boy didn't want to think about, it distracted him from his goal and only served to put him down. Yet, they were so real to him.

The hallway was so dark and foreign to him now that he was able to fully grasp the destruction and situation he found himself in. He would never want to end up like those that would spit upon the academy and fellow shinobi, it was his place of learning and the stepping stone to what he believed to be his big bright future on his own path to becoming what most kids dreamed of; a shinobi. Yaboi further progressed down the dark hallway until he came upon a familiar entrance to a classroom "Not here too.." he said aloud with sadness hinting in his voice. Yes, this classroom was all too familiar with the boy. It was in the very room in which he now peered into that he had his first big class, filled with new classmates and one familiar childhood friend. As if a light had flashed in the boys eyes he saw that very day clearly, as if time had been playing tricks on him and re-enacting that very day. Yaboi was running late for this class, his friend Ryo had told him to attend and he was more than eager to. He ran as fast as he could, hopping over every obstacle in his path and weaving through the crowded town and halls to make it just in time. Four students were seated and infront of them were precious looking flowers, though Yaboi could pay no mind to that as he was too worried about being late. He gave his formalities and apologized for his lateness, seating himself in an empty seat without a flower. It was then that the teacher, Tsukasa Mikasa, had announced to the children of varying ages that those that had smelled the flowers on her request were now poisoned. The shock and various outbursts from the children were a bit funny now that he looked back to it, but he still remembered the thick aura of seriousness and stress he felt when the responsibility of guessing the poisons was hoisted on his shoulders. Responsible for four students suffering from different poisons, responsible for their grade and they had to trust him; the late student. Always taught when faced with a wall a shinobi will use whatever is necessary to get passed it, so the boy knew he would witness a triumph of sorts for the youngest student in that class. Though, this was not a flashback it was an illusion brought forth by his fears and anxiety.

Yaboi did not help his classmates that day, instead he purposefully acted on malice and made wrong guesses without even consulting the other students. He wanted them to fail, it was their fault that they had trusted the teacher and were poisoned 'What kind of shinobi falls for such a lame trick! HaHa!' this fake Yaboi said aloud, leaving the classroom as his classmates were made to suffer the effects of the poison until it left their system. "No.. I did not do that!" Yaboi said to the empty classroom, his eyes clearing and the destroyed classroom had been before him. Desks turned over, books and garbage everywhere. It was a total mess. "Thats not what happened.." he would murmur, though as he turned to look down the hallway once more, he saw what he believed to be himself. His other self. The Yaboi that cared only for his own talents, the showoff and general troublemaker. He was with the group that had trashed the academy, and they ran passed him and disappeared much like the real students had done prior. Yaboi broke down to tears, falling to his knees and pounding at the cold floor beneath him. It was an eye opening experience, and if one didn't know any better it could even be called a trauma.

The boy took his time picking himself off the floor and wiping away his tears, it was if his shadow had grown darker that day. Though for a darker shadow to be cast, an even brighter light would be needed. This was the Will of Fire. With newfound determination and red eyes, Yaboi finally made his way out of the academy building to take a look at all the carnage that went on outside. He did not speak, he simply took in everything around him and like a sponge he absorbed it.

WC: 1218
TWC: 2878
It seemed that the students had gotten themselves into a situation that was not the best one in the world, those that had tried to make a break for it straight away and head outside already had been met with the hell that was the Anbu in Training that was on top of the roof. It was clear that they still had a lot of work to do but their nights of doing things with the Academy. They had run into deaths arms openly tonight, or at least that is what the expression was. Though it seemed that their fates sealed the academy had shown people the truth behind their nature.

Pain was wracking the kids that made it out side, all of them had seemed to make it outside though now most of them wished they never actually did make it outside, it seemed that they had a fate that was now punishing them for it. The water continued to pour down and the damage that had been done was still affecting the students that were there. It seemed that they had already suffered enough but the punishment that they had come under was of courses more to make up for the entire situation that could be expected.

Those that were inside of the academy that left had been caught, those that currently spent their time inside surrendered on their own behalf, it was clear that they did not want to face the punishment that awaited them outside. They needed to make sure that they got out of this situation and still swinging though right now it was one of those situations where anything goes. The three of them stood on the back-door entrance and knelt and just surrendered watching the bodies that were moving around slightly nearly passing out from the pain that they were under.

The ones outside shuffled on the ground still in pain, but now it was clear that they had lost the will to fight, to run. It was stripped from them and gone completely, they had become just the kids that they were, it seemed that excessive force had stopped them in their tracks in that split second. The mission was over.

[TWC: 3,032/3,000]
[OOC: Once you hit the 3,000 word limit rewards are already requested for you]
As he left the clone outside its duty was swiftly being done the student surrendering one by one as the clone glared down at them moving to take them away to the correct location for proper punishment, though whether that was really necessary after what had happened to them already was debatable and questionable at best. Though a good question going through the clone’s mind would be if it was a better idea to rinse them off with wind jutsu before returning them, deciding it would be against its better judgement lest it cause more damage.

Meanwhile within the academy itself Yukio strode the hallways and classrooms of the academy the mess that he was presented with being one that took away all regret of how he’d apprehended the sorry bunch of students. The big question on his mind however was where had Yaboi ended up, all things considered he hadn’t seen nor heard from the student since he’d left him to gather those who’d entered the academy but since then it had been strangely silent.

The more he saw of the academy the more his disgust grew making him think it wouldn’t be a bad idea to double back and give the students a piece of his mind however that was not his duty, nor would it be for the foreseeable future. It took some time, being focused on the condition the building was in made it take longer than it really should have to track down Yaboi considering they had moved in different directions Yukio looked down at the boy as he stepped outside.

“So, I can assume that with everything considered you were either quite as a mouse and taking them out one by one, or you had some issues with the mission at hand. Do not worry I am not judging you if you did however it is better if I know what happened to some extent. This was your first D-rank missions and a rather difficult one at that all things considered, you have many things going for you, taking the initiative, thinking through things before acting so you know what you can do before acting, and finally giving your opinion and ideas during this endeavour.”

He smiled nodding to Yaboi in acknowledgement of what he had done for the majority of the mission it was true that more training would be needed before he was ready to take a mission like this on again but at the same time he was showing potential to become a fine Shinobi of leaf already.

[WT: 1500+]
[Mission complete]
Yaboi shook his head to shake away some less than uplifting thoughts, turning his attention to Yukio. He chuckled quietly to hide his shame, "I have allot to learn Senpai. I did what I could with all the jutsu and tools at my disposal but, they were too prepared. The lot of them on the inside had rushed me and split off in every direction, I was not able to grab one." the boy admitted truthfully, pursing his lips in disappointment. "Thank you for everything Senpai, this mission has shown me allot. I'll definitely improve the next time you see me, I bet you won't even recognize me!" the boy announced with a big smile, resting his hands on his hips like a triumphant loser. Yaboi had compared his actions to those of Yukio's and saw just how big the gap between them was, but rather than dwelling on a failure he had looked forward to following his own shinobi way and becoming a fine shinobi of the hidden leaf.

WC: 178
TWC: 3048

[Mission Complete]

Current Ninpocho Time:
