Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Dancing in the Rain [Open]

Tsukasa Mikasa

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2012
Trudging along the boundary between Red Oak and White Oak, the medical sennin keeps a low profile, her usual attire discarded. On further inspection the kunoichi's hair flowed outwards, frazzled by the stray zephyrs streaking through the alley ways. Overcast above threaten to release droplets onto the terra blow, in response ocean hues cast upwards to scowl against the endless sea of grey, "If you would be so kind to wait until I reach home, I would very much so appreciate it." she murmurs towards the sky above, almost a plead. A thin jacket is fastened, an underlining flora pattern shirt is hidden, stained jeans worn in color jeans showcase dirt stains. Mikasa's footwear containing traces of soil, flaking off on the cobblestone paths.

Against her better wishes, a violent downpour spreads across a majority of the Oak District, her pace quickening in attempt to find refuge under any over lining structure. "No such luck?" she inquires rhetorically, the droplets of rain oddly frigid considering the time of the year and in turn cause goosebumps to surface on the rear of her neck. Potentially due to fatigue, her gaze flickers hastily to observe the surroundings as if a frightened animal; when not the case what so ever.

Discovering an underpass, a petite bridge, she races forward to discover the path beneath providing no dry haven. Chuckling at her luck for the day, she leans her head back to press against the bricks, loose strands of hair catching and an annoying tug. Mikasa's apartment was another thirty minutes by walking, yet she had gone out to aid in restoring vegetation in the fields on the outskirts of Konoha. Suyashi had been left in charge for the day, allowing her to exert herself with water and earth based techniques to restore irrigation channels. The only remaining issue was that her remaining chakra scare.

A low grumble emits from her midsection, "So much for high hopes for the remainder of the day." she chuckles gently, the rain sure to muffle her vocals.​
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
That was if the person listening in wasn't trying too hard...

Timing is everything.

"Oh I don't know. Rain tends to wash away the bad, and kinda gives the world a new chance for a brighter day", a cheerful voice intoned nearby. A young man, white of hair and red of eye, would join Mikasa underneath the overpass, running to get out of the rain. Looking akin to a drowned rat, Migoya scanned the clouds that covered the Oak district with wide crimson eyes. "Well that came on quickly", he chuckled to nobody in particular.

Wearing standard Chunnin attire, covered by what appeared to be a brown open-fronted robe, Migoya looked - well - muddy. It was clear that he had just been somewhere where there was a lot of dirt, and by the beautiful red flowers sticking out of an old satchel at his side, it would not take a genius to figure out what he had been doing. A small wooden puppet head seemed to poke its way out of the back of the hood of Migoya's robe, as if trying to stay out of the rain.

Turning to face the woman Migoya's eyes briefly opened in surprise. "M..Mikasa-sama! My apologies for not recognizing you..." As if I didn't know the leadership of Konoha...especially when they are not trying to be recognized. Where did she get those clothes from... . "I... I hope you didn't get too wet. It wouldn't look very good if the head of the Medical Branch got a cold now would it?", he grinned. Suddenly, as if realizing his manners, Migoya gave a short bow towards the Sennin, looking rather sheepish.

"Oh... err. Migoya is my name. Chuunin - not that its important... Looks like we are going to be stuck here for a while - do you like mandarins? I just picked some fresh ones - would you like to share?", he said, looking again at the sky and then bringing his gaze back to Mikasa. His smile was warm and kind, a bit of sunshine on a cloudy day.

[Topic Entered]

Motomiya Jo

New Member
May 3, 2018
Kazuma was coming out of the bakery when the first of raindrops began to fall. He looked up at the rain and felt a mixed set of emotions. The first was happiness, because it meant he could stay inside and read some more books on muscles and maybe start on the book his teacher gave him Guide to Herbology – Hyutta Shin. He had been meaning to begin reading it in hopes of understanding some of the medicine described in his other books.

The second was sadness. He had just began to learn self defense in the form of taijutsu, and he wanted to get some practice in before dinner. He had already made a training dummy out of sticks and straw that was pretty lifelike considering the materials. He could still practice, but his mother would complain about him getting sick the entire time.

The rain also reminded him of his father, and that just further soured his mood. His father couldn't leave the house on rainy days on account of his illness, and just sat inside looking out at the rain with a glum expression. The house was depressing on those rainy days. Shaking himself out of his stupor Kazuma painted on a fake smile and a cheery attitude. That’s what his teacher Migoya taught him. Everyone wears masks. We use them to protect ourselves and those around us. The fake smile slowly bled into a real one at the memory of the class, and he kept the cheery attitude in the back of his mind. He can show a mask to the world, provided he could cry in private.

With the forced cheer into his step Kazuma did his best to cover the bag he was carrying with his body. A paper bag with a loaf of bread his mother sent him out to get for dinner. On his back was his normal backpack with the books and scrolls he always had with him. He wasn’t too worried about the backpack, as it was one his father had before he had to retire as a ninja. It was patched up and waterproof, or at least was rainproof so his books were kept dry. He bent over the paper bag with the bread and headed into the rain towards the bridge that would take him home. As he walked he noticed a familiar white set of hair in the rain. It was dirty, but there's couldn't be many with that kind of hair. Is that Migoya sensei? He changed his course towards the proverbial beacon in the storm.

[Topic Entered]

Tsukasa Mikasa

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2012
Cheerful vocals echo beneath the underpass, rather as best one could possibly hope for against the torrential downpour. Brilliant snowfall locks of a lighter hue than her own and crimson optics catch against her own ocean, ivory flesh leave her to believe one of two possibilities. Migoya either an odd Uchiha or the rarity known as an albino, however the notion of a unique Uchiha cast to the side at the lack of Sharingan patterns. Neither was an genetic trait she held distaste for, merely her curiosities often got the better of her, "If I were to catch a cold, I am confident that there is one with the capabilities of patching me up." she replies with a faint chuckle, mostly at the drenched rat appearance of the shinobi.

The medical sennin's palm streaks through her locks, evenly down the middle catching tuffs of platinum locks between slightly parted digits to smooth down, to make herself a bit more presentable. "It would appear, Migoya-san, that you and I are two peas in the same pod." she comments, eyeing the ruby flowers in his satchel, also not missing the puppet peaking through the rear of his hood. In turn she bows respectfully at their meeting, "I appreciate your usage of honorifics, Migoya-san, but 'sama' is wasted on someone such as myself. After all." a brief pause as the maiden gestures between their ragged forms, "I spot no difference."

On the notion of food she sheepishly rubs the rear of her neck, slipping her hand behind the matted locks clinging for dear life against her flesh, "I would be honored to do so. Unfortunately I am unable to offer similar hospitality." the kunoichi replies in a sheepish tone. Looming in the distance another catches her attention, dark chestnut locks detailed with silver shine peek her interest further. Ducking her head out into the storm, thunder crackling in the backdrop, wafer vocals combat against the roar of nature, "You'll join us, won't you stranger-kun?" retreating as swiftly as she appeared, her back presses against the cobblestone underside, "The more the merrier, no?" she comments, beginning to appear far more livelier - giving off a distinctive aura of warmth to match the sunshine on the cloudy day grin.​
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
He noted that the Sennin was relaxed, comfortable - which spoke to her strength. The rains continued to fall, providing a picturesque backdrop to this strange meeting of 'peas in a pod'.

Migoya gave a small chuckle as Mikasa spoke to him of honourifics. "Clothes not the Sennin make. Ive met Kenshin-sama, and well... you know what I mean! But, as you wish."

It was then that Migoya spotted a familiar figure - the young boy he had tutored in 'masking' himself - Kazuma. The boy looked miserable and wet, covering a small bag. Mikasa kindly offered him an opportunity to join them. Sennin are certainly different from my day... they wouldn't even acknowledge an academy student. Good - they are learning.

“Theres plenty of bridge for everyone! Kazuma-kun – nice to see you again. Oh – san, this is Hogosuru Kazuma, one of my students at the academy. Id watch out for him – he wants your job!”, he added with mirth. Motioning towards Mikasa, Migoya continued. “Kazuma, its my pleasure to introduce Tsukasa Mikasa, Sennin of the Medical Branch. You want to be the best medical ninja – this is the example you need to follow”.

Watching the boy approach, Migoya reached into his knapsack and pulled out an old towel, somewhat dirty, but enough to help the boy dry off. Perhaps Migoya saw a bit of his younger self in the lad – either way his concern for the boy was uncharacteristic. He was getting soft in his old age.

It was then that something unexpected happened. The small wooden puppet that until now had merely poked his head out from Migoya’s robe, clambered onto his shoulder and leaped onto Kazuma, holding a small mandarine. Although the boy was smaller, Mikki seemed to be able to land perfectly on the child’s shoulder.

Migoya glanced over to Kazuma, his brow furrowed for a split second as if surprised. Mikki certainly knows how to pick them…. “Neat trick huh”, Migoya said quickly in an effort to explain the puppet. “Enjoy the mandarine”.

Turning back to the Sennin, Migoya grinned. “Tricks for the kids”, he shrugged as he passed another of the succulent mandarins over to Mikasa. “I cultivate these in my garden back home. Honey Murcotts they call them – extra sweet”. Pulling out a kunai, Migoya turned it over in his hand, again offering it to Mikasa to use to cut the mandarin.

He looked into those blue eyes – she was indeed beautiful, intelligent and strong – all things he had been told but it was evident to him now as she stood before him. Get your head in the game fool.

“Speaking of cultivation, I couldn’t help but notice the efforts outside of the village. Important work indeed. I recently went to a local shop here in Oak District, run by a wonderful lady named Momoka. She has such a variety of flora that I think could be very helpful to your efforts, and the medical field. She also had a wonderful jutsu that could rapidly germinate plants!”

Migoya nodded along with his words, giving them purpose.

“I am hoping to, soon, travel around the lands during this respite of peace and look for new plants, new techniques. I'd love to have your support in organising permanent trade of flora between the villages! Imagine that!”

Migoya, using his fingernail, opened up his own mandarin, its fresh aroma now filling the air as it intermingled with the fresh smell of fallen rain. “Maybe Cloud-country will have some plants that love this kind of weather”, he added with a grin, as he too started to lean against the cobblestone of the bridge, looking as if he was relaxing.

“Hows your mandarine Kazuma-kun?”, he said, turning once again to look on the boy.

Motomiya Jo

New Member
May 3, 2018
Kazuma hesitate din the rain a moment as a lady's words drifted over the pouring rain. His mother told him never to accept the kindness of strangers, especially if they lead you to a quiet place out of the way. He was training to be a ninja, but he had no illusions to how skilled he would be against someone bigger than himself. But his worry melted when he heard Migoya's voice right after, and he hurried under the relative dryness of the bridge.

Once he realized it really was his teacher with a slightly younger woman. She was pretty for an older woman than Kazuma, with hair as white as Migoya's and interesting eyes. He couldn't tell much of them in the rain, but they appeared to have a reflective quality to them. Similar to a cat, but a little more muted in the dim skies.

Taking the towel Kazuma heard Migoya do the introductions. His face blushed bright red at the mention of 'taking her job', and he performed a hasty bow to hide it. "N-nice to meat you ma'am. My name is Kazuma, and I'm studying to become a strong medical ninja." He straightened from his bow and nearly jumped as a small figure leaped from Migoya to him.

After his initial surprise Kazuma realized it was the little puppet that Migoya sensei had when teaching his class. The little wooden puppet offered him an mandarin, which the young ninja took hesitantly. He thought he could tell by the slight hitch in Migoya's voice that this was not planned, but thought it was a trick of the rain. He began to peel the miniature orange while keeping the puppet in the corner of his eye. Something felt off about the little figurine.

Tsukasa Mikasa

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2012
A delicate aura of warmth radiates outwards, a mere few feet, but enough to cover the proximity within the underpass, "Is that so? I look forward to that day, Kazuma-kun." she murmurs gently, extending her hand outwards to hopefully grasp the academy students. "While I await for the day you leave me no choice in surrendering the position, I'll do my utmost to ensure the Medical Branch continues provide equal opportunity." the Sennin speaks in her dove tone, a faint echo resonates against the droplets of water.

Curiously her optics focus on the movements of the puppet in comparison to Migoya's hands, a flash of brief Crimson (eyes) attempt to analyze the situation. Mikasa was a puppet user who retired from the usage on reaching the ranks of Medical Chief, long ago it seemed; however she were unable to find visible chakra threads. "A good trick indeed." she responds in a cheer disposition, alas her eyes speaking of a different tale. The snow kissed shinobi and the kuncoichi's eyes meet one another's once more, Mikasa's hand stretches outwards to grasp a hold of the delectable and conveniently provided steel tool.

Expertly the kunai waltzes in between her sole gloved digits, surface cuts of a surgeon give away the validity of her medical profession, the outer layer of skin secreting the juices within. Mikasa was a sucker for sweet tasting food, in fact they were her favorites and often times she could be found drinking orange juice to subside the cravings. Not wasting any additional time, her teeth sink into the Honey Murcotts, the bountiful flavor meeting her taste buds. A pause ensues, perhaps she appeared stunned as a thin trail edges from the corner of her lips - her tongue swift to lap it back. "If you are not swift Kazuma-kun, I won't be able to hold back and may take yours." she jests, but in a sense serious.

Quietly she enjoys the treat, doing her utmost to take as miniature of samplings as possible to extend the session. "I am a bit of a botanist myself, flowers have many potential uses and we are only allowed so much variety within Hi no Kuni. Presented correctly, I would love to see a different influx come into the village, brilliant idea!" she comments contently, turning her attention to the academy student, "What makes you wish to become a Medical Shinobi, Kazuma-kun?" the sennin inquires, attempting to pry into his mind a bit.

[OOC: Apologies on the wait, head of my work division has been in town all week!]​
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Migoya, an expert in hiding his true intent, saw the tell – the simple hardness around those beautiful eyes as Mikki lept that Mikasa knew something.

She knows… she knows something isn’t quite right. Perhaps I underestimated this one.

Migoya watched as delicate hands manipulated the kunai as surely as any scalpel – again a sure sign of capability, and gave a wide smile as the Sennin partook of his gift. She indicated a possible interest in his idea of the establishment of a wider trade network for plants – exactly what Migoya wanted. The best cover stories always contained a real purpose, and this one was perfect.

“Once I am out and about, I’ll put something more concrete together for you Mikasa. I appreciate the interest. Perhaps some Medical shinobi would like to accompany me when the time comes to foster even better relations?”, he said with a polite grin, his voice sounding enthusiastic in tone.

He watched carefully as Mikasa's gaze fell to the young Kazuma, and she posed a pertinent question. Migoya reflected on the time he was asked that same question by a rather annoying Hyuuga med-nin. Because I want to help people the most.

How times changed a person.

“After young Kazuma-kun answers, Mikasa, I would be grateful if you could let him know what sort of things you believe my young student here needs to learn to become a fine medical shinobi? What have you yourself learned – probably the hard way – that could, well, help him out?”

[OOC: No worries at all!]

Motomiya Jo

New Member
May 3, 2018
Kazuma was distracted by the moving puppet that he almost didn't catch Mikasa teasing that she would take the fruit. Once it registered he cupped his hand around the peeled mandarin protectively. He didn't even get a chance to taste it. When he realized the older woman wasn't actually going to take it he relaxed and ate a piece. It was quite good.

When the medical shinobi asked her next question Kazuma shut down. Even though he used a mask like Migoya taught him; this was one thing that he couldn't hide. His hand holding the next bit of fruit dropped slightly as he bowed his head. "My father....was Kaguya Isamu." The pain of saying those words caused him to pause before continuing. "He was the one that contracted the bone disease Osteomyelitis 12 years ago."

It was one of the worst cases of the disease in the history of shinobi medicine. For normal patients it could be contained and treated relatively easily. For one of the Kaguya bloodline it was far more deadly. His father couldn't heal on his own, and had to rely on a mixture Kazuma's mother made in order to keep him alive. However it also messed with his father's chakra control, and he had to retire at an early age from being a ninja. He still lived, but not even the mixture could stop the disease completely. It was a week before Kazuma left to start his classes at the academy when his father died. Less than a month ago.

His head still bowed Kazuma took a deep breath to hold back his tears. "I-I want to become a strong medical shinobi so I can find a way to stop diseases like that. I-I don't want anyone to hurt like my father did." He turned his head away to hide his tears in the rain. Lifting his hand he forced himself to eat the fruit. It tasted a little bitter now, but he tried to paste on the happy mask he had on earlier. He didn't know if he was doing it right when he looked at the other two.

Tsukasa Mikasa

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2012
Each individual held reasons for achieving there dreams tightly knit against there heart; however the medical kunoichi never fathomed the heart felt response Kazuma issued. Naturally the Sennin does the first natural instinct that comes across, tenderly her digits streak through the locks of the academy student, latching down to rustle the messy nest of hair. "A noble goal." she begins in a faint tone, pausing to reconstruct her sentence - not wishing to belittle. "I apologize, noble doesn't quite do your goal justice. Admirable and a mentality that you posses is one I wish others had more of." Mikasa reduxs herself. "If you continue to bear your passion the same as you do on your heart, then I am sure you will see the seed you are planting blossom." she finishes, withdrawing her hand to press gently into the shoulder of the lad.

Aiming a meek grin towards Migoya, her slick platinum locks sway briefly, returning to clutching at the rear of her neck, "When I was a youth, I was adopted by during the Samurai regime to medical users and brought to Hi no Kuni." Mikasa begins, "I was taught the basics, we mended those we came across wounded regardless of which faction they belonged to." the Sennin wasn't going to drag on her story into too much detail, a tale for another time. "My adopted father taught me an important item that I never appreciated until his death bed. One that I wouldn't have appreciated prior to his passing." the maiden takes a brief pause to collect her thoughts, her digits sinking into the delectable to indulge in another share.

If Mikasa was capable of reading surface thoughts, then in this moment there would be an agreement between the two parties, the fruit tasted bitter; however in the final instance there was an intoxicating flavor once more. "Each moment in our life, no matter the longevity, houses an importance whether we acknowledge so or not. As a medical shinobi or kunoichi we house a heavy and noble burden. We do our utmost to preserve the happiness and well beings of others. Kazuma-kun, we are one of the few factors that are capable of fixing the broken and allowing another day of importance." satisfied with her response, a thin smile is aimed towards the crimson eyed Chuunin, an apology for seemingly ignoring his proposal for the moment.
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
I knew something was wrong…

The young Academy Student finally explained the angst and pain he tried to hide behind his eyes. Migoya knew those eyes far too well, having obtained a pair of them himself at a young age. It had taken many years to hide them behind eyes of sarcasm, hatred, and coldness.

The puppet seemed to move closer, a small wooden arm touching the back of his head just as Mikasa tousled his hair.

His eyes looked over Mikasa, particularly the magnificent platinum hair as she stated part of her history. Migoya remembered, all too well, the devastation of the wars and part of him wished he had escaped with the other med-nin. No – captivity was his reward for staying behind to help the needy.

What could be misconstrued as a moment of longing was felt in one of Migoya’s hearts as he recalled the comradery, the purpose of working with others in pursuit of simply aiding others. There were no need of deceitful tactics, lies, subterfuge and the like. No – being a med-nin was simple in the way that you were simply that, a med-nin. Well… for the most part.

That pull again… these Sennin… effective, if misguided by those above.

It was then that Migoya knelt in front of Kazuma, making sure that their eyes were at the same height as his crimson orbs, so full of pain, stared deeply into his. His voice was... kind, yet carried with it a weight of importance, as if what he was saying was vital.

“Kazuma. I have yet to find a powerful medical shinobi or kunoichi who has not suffered pain and loss. Both of those are the best teachers unfortunately, as they give us drive and meaning. Use that pain, use that loss to temper your abilities. When you throw a kunai, or wield a scalpel, remember who you do it for. Then, young Gakusei, you will make your father proud.”

Migoya turned his head up and offered a small smile back to Mikasa. Sometimes business could be put aside for the greater good, not often, but sometimes.

“Perhaps, Mikasa, we could introduce young Kazuma to a med-nin to continue his training? One of your best perhaps… he certainly deserves it.”

Motomiya Jo

New Member
May 3, 2018
Kazuma gave a slight shake of his head, as if trying to shake away the emotions from his mind. This time he managed to hide the pain behind the mask of a smile and looked at the two gratefully. He felt that neither of them could know the pain that he felt, but they could understand it. Both looked like they’ve had their own share of pain and loss. But did that mean he may have to deal with the same once he became a medical ninja. The thought gave him a slight shiver.

Looking down he noticed he still held the paper bag with the bread inside. He mentally chided himself on the lapse and almost darted into the rain. With an effort he retrained himself and gave the to older shinobi a bow. ”I’m sorry, but I need to go. My mom is wanting this bread for dinner.” He waited long enough for the miniature puppet to return to Migoya sensei, and then turned to bolt into the downpour. His mother wouldn’t like him getting wet, but if he could keep the bread dry then he might be forgiven.

[Topic Left]

Tsukasa Mikasa

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2012
Slicking her platinum locks back, the Medical Sennin glances between Migoya and Kazuma upon listening to the proposal. "Miyoga-san is correct, scars never fade. There is not a single path in life that is not ridden with bumps." Mikasa murmurs, "However that doesn't mean we can't aid one another through our own trials and tribulations." she confirms as a means to respond to the ivory flesh shinobi. In summary, the kunoichi was more than willing to accommodate the request. Prior to continuing with her next statement, the youth is swift to vanish into the thick rain to deliver a morsel to his parental figure.

In that moment was the harsh reality abundant, a young man struggling to eat comfortably within a semi-stable village; however one could very well argue there was bountiful stability. Extending her gloved hand outwards, the leather beginning to absorb the frigid droplets, "Can one truly be titled as a Sennin when we allow tragedies to befall on very own people?" she inquires aloud, a hint of sadness in her normal cheerful vocals. Retracting her hand, Mikasa's opposing rubs tenderly against the moistened material, "There is much work to be done, Migoya-san. I close my eyes and I can see the world that's waiting up for me - that I call my own." pausing momentarily she locks her gaze against his crimson, "Wouldn't it be far more better to live in a world we can design? I believe being a leader is realizing the dreams of millions and those million dreams forged into the world we wish to create."

Perhaps Mikasa was vague, a bit nutty, however it was gut wrenching to know that academy students desperate to find proper meals. Those running amuck and causing minor causalities due to rebellious attitudes. Minor misdemeanors would eventually escalate to major. "The village we live in has become one of fist and words are beginning to have less meaning. I wish to amend this."

Allowing a wisp to escape her lips she leans her head back against the cobble stone once more. Potentially their conversation was at an ends or . . . a beginning?​
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Migoya stood up, Mikki clambering back onto his shoulder as Kazuma made his apologies, and quickly left. Clearly the words he had spoken embarrassed the young boy, as well as his sudden revelation. Poor boy - he was now part of the cruel, cruel world.

Watching the boy leave, the pair stood in silence for a second before Mikasa spoke of the responsibility of Sennin. Migoya continued to stare out towards where Kazuma had run, his voice staying somewhat caring, yet carrying a measure of resignation.

“I have met Sennin who would pride themselves on causing such tribulation Mikasa - the title does not give you the responsibility to solve the world's problems, nor could you if it did.”

It was a simple truth, harsh but sometimes a reminder about the negative aspects of life were needed. Mikasa then spoke of leadership - a wise woman indeed, if not too caring. Each person had a vision of what they would do if they were in charge. Migoya, as if forgetting the fact he was speaking with one of the village leadership, spoke in response.

“I dont disagree, but to me leadership is providing a goal, a vision, and helping those around you see that vision, and their part in it. Konohagakure… it is a place where the dreams of the few override the need for people to see how they belong. We currently float by, challenging nothing, changing nothing, learning nothing, but making enemies of those who should be friends. Our academy students dishonour our Hokage and seek dark paths, not knowing where it will lead them.”

“It is because we feel we do not belong, that we do not matter.” Migoya continued to stare out into the rain, watching as the ground took on its sheen.

“I have seen our village through war and peace, but the simple fact remains we are a village of shinobi. Our skills are forged during conflict, be it on a small scale or large. Until such time as we no longer train to fight, we will fight. It is our nature, for good or ill.”

“The question is, how do you lead, nay control, a group of warriors, especially during times of peace?”

He now turned to look at Mikasa directly. His face was full of concern, his crimson orbs staring deeply into Mikasa’s, as he spoke concerning words.

“You cause a war.”

WC: 395

Tsukasa Mikasa

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2012
Miyoga's perception of the world was a tad bit different than the Medical Sennin's; however that is what the realm they dwell within unique. "It is an unfortunate state of affairs that our students disrespect the leader of our village." the kunoichi begins in a gentle tone, "That is an item that only Uchiha Takeshi-san can amend on his own accord." Mikasa summarizes, although her tone was genuine her eyes spoke of an entirely different tale.

Continuing to partake in indulging herself on the sweet nectar, the Medical Sennin weighs in on her opinion on the other matter, "When one is lead to a darker path, I believe it is the fault of those leading the village. Myself included. This doesn't equate to no one snuffing the flames before spreading further." the maiden eludes towards without giving much detail. "You are correct, it is in our nature to seek further power, to test our might and stand atop of the mountain of triumph. There is not a single soul within the village who would be content with merely farming for the remainder of there days." Mikasa further agrees while joining in the observation of the tears of nature staining the cobblestone pathways.

Silently her digits extend from the safety of the shelter allow raindrops to litter her digits prior to greeting the crimson optics of the Chuunin, "Causing a war?" she inquires with equal concern, "I am unsure where you are heading with this part of the conversation. Although I will say this before you respond, at times the most important war is the one we fight within our own home." she murmurs, withdrawing the palm of her hand to the recesses of the overpass. There was a single item neither had to speak of and that were that particular was required before the worse would befall on them.​
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
His eyes stared at the Sennin, seemingly reading things in her words and her expressions that only a person trained in finding the finer details could muster. Her eyes told a different story than those she spoke, but it was not animosity they spoke. No - she seemed to shoulder a burden that was not hers, and blamed herself for matters she genuinely had no control over.

Migoya nodded, his eyes falling on the darkened rain clouds. "Darkness in and of itself is not a bad thing, for rain must fall sometimes, and night is as important as the day. Even if that darkness allows us to be grateful for the light. Each person has both, and must choose the path they are made for - but if we push too hard one way or the other..." We get our academy students.. He left the sentence unsaid as he put another part of his mandarine into his mouth.

Miogoya's opinion of the Medical Sennin grew, simply from the actions she was taking. She seemed to enjoy the simple flow of the rain as it fell on her fingertips, playing with her hair - all actions that denoted someone at ease with themselves and capable of enjoying the simple parts of life. Among the general population that was a rare ability - amongst shinobi even more so. The peacefulness of that small display was disrupted as he uttered the words he knew would cause concern.

Migoya took a deep breath in, looking quickly around in case someone was listening in. The pair seemed alone, their words muffled by the rain. "Mikasa-sama - you have the ear of the Hokage. I tried to warn him but... in any event, this possible invasion by Frost village. We need more information... the excuses the others have provided for this conflict seem... childish. Think... if you wished to weaken your opponents what do you do? You cause conflict between them. Who better to antagonize against us than an independent shinobi village? Some simple raids on their borders, blaming Konoha shinobi and boom - instant conflict."

The small puppet clambered from Migoya's shoulder into the hood of his robe. "Not all the Samurai were accounted for... and the Daimyo... so many questions left unanswered, and we are blind."

Migoya seemed to shake his head for a second. "I apologise for being so blunt Mikasa-sama. Just... if you see the Hokage, please get him to see the wider picture. He will listen to you."

He placed another piece of mandarine into his mouth as he leant on the opposite side of the arch of the underpass from Mikasa, looking out onto the wet cobblestones.

"So many wounds to heal, and never enough bandages."

Tsukasa Mikasa

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2012
A faint grin stretches across her features, "Migoya-san, I believe I insisted you drop the honorific with me." a brief chuckle escapes her lips as she grows a tad bit jealous of the sweet nectar he continued to produce from the depths of the cloak. Truthfully, the Sennin agreed wholeheartedly with the ivory flesh shinobi, "I concur, even in the brightest of lights shadows still remain. I believe we both can agree that finding a balance is difficult to achieve if we lack the role models in our life." she murmurs, eluding to the same thought as he.

Stretching her digits outward, she playfully grasps a hold of the mandarin, nearly plopping it from the mouth of the Chuunin. "Believe me, I agree. Foremost we have no knowledge if a Village Hidden in the Frost actually exists or a cover up title for a mere petite group of outlaws slinging mud to boast their appearance." she begins, "We have convinced to send scouting parties to gather information, there were a few of us strongly for this decision and I shocked the action not taken immediately. Tactical advantages hold far more merit than brute strength in my eyes - to out maneuver a muscle head is not difficult and then there punches fall short they have nothing left and our left defenseless." One could guess those she may be referring to, however Mikasa did not wish to openly express any potential 'distrust'.

"The village I am proud to be of is one that uses their wits to gain advantages and it would appear you do as well, Migoya-san. My only question for you is that you teach medical classes, but insist there is not enough bandages to cover the wounds of this world. I will not disagree nor agree, but isn't it worth a try?" Taking a bite of the stolen fruit, she beams with a faint warmth, the sweet nectar being lapped up as it attempts to cascade down from her pursed lips.

"I would enjoy us to journeying together. You need permissions to begin your trade route and I can aid you in obtaining so." the medical head pauses momentarily once more, "Join the medical branch and let us together create many bandages." Truth to be told, the Sennin cares not for any alternative motives that may behind the supposed trade route, but if the safety for the village was not compromised she cares not. One could dare say the offer was a juicy as the fruit in her very hand.

Another bite is taken.​
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Why the hells is she not the Hokage? She actually listens, and sees things from all the different points of view. Indeed, perhaps this village would be different with an inspirational rather than repressive Hokage. Continuing to lean against the stone wall, Migoya listened intently, his eyes seemingly drawing in all the information as he nodded.

“Absolutely - too many see the fist as more powerful than the brain, and tend to flex that far too often.”
A small smile played on Migoya’s features, as if understanding the sly rebuke towards certain individuals and thanking her for it. “It is good that something is being done. I just hope it is not too little too late.”

If they had listened to me, rather than scolding me perhaps we could actually mount a proper defence…

Then an offer was made, something Migoya completely was not expecting. His face, normally unreadable, took on a measure of shock, causing him to turn away quickly to look out at the rain clouds. A moment of heavy silence followed. Clearly the Myakashi was thinking through this offer seriously. Migoya began, not looking at Mikasa but speaking out into the rainfall.

“What you offer is far more tempting to me than you realise, Mikasa. The opportunity to once again do that which I have always loved doing, and to travel… but, if I am frank… I don’t know how to say this, and I want to be honest…”.
Migoya looked uncomfortable, as if taking off several layers of deceit to speak the truth - the very uncomfortable truth.

“Many years ago, I was a medical shinobi. A chief in fact, just before the war. Things were different back then - it was easier to focus. When most of the shinobi were given the order to evacuate when the Samurai breached the walls, I stayed behind to help some members of my assigned squad. It… it did not go well.”

He could still feel the beating heart of one of his squadmates, a young Genin, in his chest constantly, a very real reminder of that traumatic event.

“Suffice it to say, I survived and it hasn’t been easy. To feel like you didn’t do enough, that people would be alive if you had just been quicker, or smarter. I am sure all med-nin have felt that way, but I… I couldn't not handle it after losing… everyone I cared about. So I resigned my post, turning to what was easier… clan matters. Being tough. Arrogant. Pushing people away so you don’t have to deal with them. Making people hate you because it meant that they would underestimate you. And it worked.”

A deep breath was exhaled as the palid man turned to look Mikasa in the eye.

“I… I am not a good man. I've made decisions that have protected my family, and this village, from harm but could bring dishonour to your branch if they were made public. I say this only because it is clear to me that you deserve your position - and I do not want to tarnish that. I am not ashamed of what I have had to do, but that is my burden alone.”

Always alone.

Migoya looked genuinely sad as he uttered the last statement, as if knowing that he was throwing something valuable away. “I understand if you offer is withdrawn, and I won’t lose any respect for you if that is the case. I just couldn't, in good faith, accept your offer without you knowing the truth.”

Tsukasa Mikasa

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2012
The Medical Sennin politely listens to each detail the ivory hue shinobi speaks, linger on each word as if as savory as the mandarin she treats herself to. No matter the individual, each member of Konohagakure struggled to bury the past, struggling to gasp for air underneath the never ending icy ocean. Extending her digits towards the pouring rain, she allows the moisture to cling to her flesh, maneuvering her index to wipe against the underside of the Chuunin, "Do you understand what this signifies, Miyoga-san?" she inquires in a delicate tone. Prior to any proper response could be formulated, her finger traverses to the opposing underlying skin, damping his cheeks once more.

A strand of droplets slither and zig zagging about, on a course only which the water itself could only determine. "These are the tears you fail to release. Strength it not defined by the tears we are able to build within our bodies, but by the actions we take." Reenacting the scene, Mikasa does the same to herself, their eyes greeting one another's once more, "These are for all the times in my life I failed to take action. The moments I hesitated to stand and do justice, the justice I believe in. These represent all the moments I may falter in the future, but they will not defy me and I believe you are the same, Migoya-san." Not wishing to wipe away the moisture, her gaze is tender, "I am not a good woman, I let children slip through my hand against my better judgement. I allowed death at our doorstep and have had to discover myself time after time. There is no reality in which we are not without imperfections." the Sennin whispers.

Inhaling gently, she extends her nongloved hand outwards, wishing to grasp a hold of his own if he were willing, "If you felt so strongly, you wouldn't seek to speak with a leader of a village. You wouldn't teach the generation gunning to take your place and lay out bread crumb trails for them to follow. There is still a part of you that wishes to be that Medical Chief. Let us rebuild ourselves, together. For the sake of this land, for Konohagakure. I can not promise your return to rank, but I will etch a path for you to create."

Firmly she stares into the crimson optics of the shinobi, "You are without sin in my eyes. My offer remains, as we must do what we feel is best and I expect nothing less for one protecting what they feel is precious." a brief pause ensues, "After all, it isn't fun to dance alone in the rain. So won't you join me for one final waltz?"
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Normally the paled skin man would flinch at the touch of anyone, more-so of someone that he had just really met. Her hands let the rain fall on his cheeks in place of tears that rarely flowed. He had wondered if since his transformation he could even cry. The moisture of the water as it cascaded down flawless white skin brought back feelings he had almost forgotten about.

She was manipulating him, naturally, but sometimes it was nice to be the one getting manipulated rather than the other way around. And her touch… it was something that had not happened in some time. Migoya’s face was impassive as he took in all the emotions that were running through his mind and body, as if getting overloaded with senses. Her words were wise - far wiser than he had suspected initially but they rang true. His own clan were people who had dark pasts, usually inflicted on them, and yet he judged himself far more harshly than he did others.

Her words also rang true to the Myakashi, and as she wet her own cheeks to demonstrate their similarities, Migoya finally responded with several small nods of both appreciation and understanding. Sometimes it took another person to say things to you that you often would say to others to guide them - it was easier to talk than listen. But now he listened.

Part of him smirked at her words - the same he had uttered to recruits for the Myakashi clan - ‘paths’. Purpose. Bait on a hook, but bait that few would refuse if given by someone who could actually do what was promised. Yes, he would not have ‘rank’ per se, but he would be back doing what he was best at - probably the best in the village apart from the woman in front of him. Perhaps…

Her hand was put forward.

She understands… clan, village, family… duty. That it is not about blind loyalty to rank, but the Will of Fire - protecting the younger generation and instilling them the simple truth that, despite the shadows or light within, all have a place and a purpose for the village. If only Nitish had been shown that, instead of being told what he was not…

Migoya paused, his eyes drifting from the beautiful orbs in front of him to the outstretched hand. He found his own raising up to clasp Mikasa’s, the heat from his palm in stark contrast to the coolness of the rain. He gave the Medical Sennin an honest smile, the pale face actually showing a measure of genuine warmth, sunlight amidst the rain, as he nodded acceptance to her deal.

“You lead.”

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
