Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Death System

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Ninpocho Admin

Staff member
Jan 15, 2013
The end is an important part of any story. While no one likes to think about the end, especially when it feels like the conclusion is out of their hands, it is a vital part of your character's story.
Ninpocho Chronicles has a battle system that encourages PVP and is based in a world with very real and lethal dangers for its inhabitants. To that end, we have a system for handling death in moderated combat.

  • Each character has a "Lives" currency. This goes up by 1 each time they suffer a Forced Kill, and forces it to a Victim's Choice - Live. Once you hit your limit, you can no longer enact this option.
    • Your maximum lives goes down as your OOC rank goes up.
      • Characters at B-Rank and below have infinite lives and do not get tracked.
      • A-Rank characters can spend up to 3 lives.
      • S-Rank characters can spend up to 2 lives.
    • There is no way to recover spent lives.
    • Lives carry over between retiring/unretiring a character.
    • Each new character, be it from CC or OCR, starts with 0 lives spent.
  • Topics where a Forced Kill is used gain a 24 hour timer after the mod's end, allowing a Mednin with Battlefield Medicine to join the thread and use their ability to change Forced Kill into Victim's Choice - Live.
    • This stops a player's Lives count from going up.
  • When a battle ends in a Forced Kill, all participants are on a 30 day cooldown. During this time, they cannot Force Kill another player or be Force Killed themselves.
    • This applies even if a Mednin undoes the Forced Kill in the initial battle.
  • Topics started prior to a Player successfully completing a Forced Entry cannot have a Forced Kill outcome if that player joins the topic.
  • Topics started prior to a Player entering the same country cannot have a Forced Kill outcome if that player joins the topic.

In addition to being posted in the OCR forum, here are the outcomes of modded combat:

Modded Combat Outcomes
  • [The Victor's Choice]: You can either impose the Decision of the Vanquished, impose a Forced Kill, or you can Spare your foe
    • [Spare]: You are sparing your opponent and inflicting no further trauma on them
    • ]Forced Kill]: You end the life of this character.
    • [Victim's Choice]: The winner gives the victim(s) the option to choose whether to live or die and lose the character.
      • Loser(s) of modded combat can either choose Live or Die under the Decision of the Vanquished
Spare: You show benevolence, and spare your foe.
  • The spared may continue the use of this character.
  • They do not lose any stats.
Forced Kill: You have bested your opponent, and determine to end their life.
  • Those force killed my not continue use of this character.
  • They do not lose any stats.
Victim's Choice - Live: You have fallen in battle but have chosen to continue your character's story. This comes with a price, however...
  • You may continue the use of this character.
  • You lose 10% of your current stats.
    • Can mitigate stat loss with a recovery thread of 1500 words started within 7 days of the bmod situation ending.
      • After 7 days, stats can only be recovered via training.
    • Can mitigate stat loss with The Immortality ASP card; players allowed to instantly negate the stat loss without recovery thread.
Victim's Choice - Die: You have decided that death is a fitting end to this character due to the outcome of this battle. Once dead, a character can no longer return, and you will need to make an OCR for a new character
  • Stats - You lose nothing/maintain your current stats transitioning into OCR'ed new character
  • Retire? - No
  • Unretire - No
  • NPC Conversion? - No
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Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
