As the roof began to collapse on the two Tatsuo instinctively covered himself over the elderly man, in an attempt to lighten the burden on his aging bones. Tatsuo closed his eyes and focused his chakra as he braced for impact, however he felt instantly drained but not in pain. It was dark now, and he felt tired. Is this what death is like? Tatsuo began to wonder if he had died, however he quickly snapped out of it as the old man he saved earlier grabbed at his wrist yanking him forward. "Where are we?!" Tatsuo then looked around, glimpses of light shown through this wooden dome that had surrounded the two. Where did it come from he wondered? Was it a piece of wood that just managed to fall into the right location? He then noticed at the base, it was literally growing out of the ground. Making a barrier between Tatsuo and the collapsing ceiling. He felt incredibly tired, but he had to get out of this before more debris would fall ontop of them. As he focused the wood retracted allowing a hole for Tatsuo to go out of. He scooped up the elderly man, Tatsuo placed his neck under his armpit for support. He then rushed out of the hole, through one of the broken windows in the hall. After placing down the elderly man gently, he went back to support his friend despite his fatigue. He could barely breath, what had he just done? Was it luck? He shook his head and ran back to join Akira in the fight.