Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Private Desertion and Direction

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi sat in the office chair, looking at the paperwork and reports that had come in these last few days, it seemed that he had a lot of work ahead of him. Most things had been normal for now, and nothing troubling until he came across one document, looking over the information he scanned it with his eyes before his lips curled into a disdained expression. It seemed that while everything seemed on the up and up, a fish had slipped through the net, this was not just any fish either, it was a considerable threat and he knew it.

"Summon Keniwa and Nao to my office, I need some answers from the two of them, me having to summon them, means that they forgot to let me know, or that they were doing their investigation work, I am not sure but we will find out when they arrive."

The door to his office shut as the receptionist bowed her head slightly, it was clear that his pleasant and happy mood had soured this morning, and instead, he found himself with another small problem in his place, the real question was how would he answer what had happened. He pulled himself up out of the chair and stood facing out to the world in front of him, looking out at the village and wondering.

"Things are shifting, something is coming and soon, the question is what is coming. Its like the calm before a storm these days, and when the lightning does strike we need to be ready"

[MFT: 261]
[Keniwa Summoned]
[Nao Summoned]

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
A poor shinobi found Nao sleeping at the couch in his office. Nao was asleep in his scrubs and doctors clothing as he was, for his idea, rudely woken up. The personal and keiji's harvestars knew by now how to wake him... Have at least coffee, so when he was woken up without coffee he was groggy and annoyed to say the least. "What... You woke me after a double shift." he commented as he sat up straight and got the summons to the Hokage office. "What does he want... I am busy as it is..." He growled as he would walk in the current clothing to the Hokage tower.

When he was walking towards the Tower he put on a smoke and undid the cap, he untied his hair and let it fall past his shoulders. It was a bit messy but right at the moment he did not bother with how he looked. A double shift because one of his medical chiefs never did bother to show up anymore. Never answered the door... Yet there was also a worry about where he could be and had already been looking around. The kid had real promise...

When he finally reached the tower he would put the cigarette out and walk inside, knocking on the door he would announce who he was. "Sazuki Nao, requesting to enter." once he got permission he would enter, bowing towards the Hokage he then would stand waiting for what would come. Not being too bothered to say much more as he didn't understand why he had been called.

[mft; 263]

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi sat in his office waiting for the summoned Sennin to turn up, it was clear that they had been summoned but the reason was not stated. That was his own decision to withhold the information at least, he wanted to discuss the situation first, as he waited patiently he poured himself a cup of tea from his desk placed the hot teapot down, and waited to see who would turn up first, as he heard the knock on the door his eyes moved up from the idol spinning of a spoon into the cup.

"Come in Nao and take a seat, seems that you are the first one to turn up we will just be waiting on Keniwa before I start, I would prefer both of you to be here for this conversation, however, I can understand the life of a Sennin does keep someone busy, you look like you could use a tea?"

As he gestured slightly for the seat to be taken, upon approaching the desk Nao saw a folder open, it seemed to have the Shinobi records of one of their own, upon seeing the name on the top and image it wouldn't bring any questions into Nao's mind this was in regards to Akira. Though it seemed that a red stamp had been put across his records, a label signifying him as being now considered a missing Shinobi of the village, a threat that had gone rouge, the Hokage wasn't sure if this was something that Nao knew or not.

[MFT: 255]

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
Hearing how he was allowed in, he would simply stand there waiting. Unsure of the nature of this summoning. After he sat down he started to skim the office a bit and saw a file... One that he strated to frown upon. ' That.. is Akira's file... Why does he..?'[ this tired brain did not yet put the 1+1 and heard the hokage ask a question. " Pardon me..? Oh right tea. Yes please." he commented before staring at the file. He started to get more and more questions and he did not understand as to why the child left. He never spoke about leaving and seemed quite happy with the place that he had inside the Byoin. He even had set up a new branch inside which was now left.

" Sorry if I speak out of term. What happened to Akira..?" He asked straight as he was worried that suspisions were answered soon enough.
Apr 4, 2023
OOC Rank
It was a long day, an extremely long one, he was still adjusting to no longer having his robotic augmentations in his body, and it left him feeling almost a little woozy instead of completely revitalised, he'd hope that it was just a healing process but the sweat which would never fail to leave his face would show his subconscious doubt. Either way a call from the Hokage meant serious business, it'd been quiet in some regards, and horrifically terrifying in others. Mitsuha... must be... he couldn't think about it, not right now. Perhaps that's what he'd even been called in for right now.

Making his way from the classrooms having to get another teacher to fill in for him he hurried over to the nearest open window and would gracefully leap out of it, moments before beginning to dart across the air with as much speed as possible, hoping to arrive at least somewhat on time. But upon climbing through and in to his own office and swiftly walking down the hallway it was clear that he was already late. Sennin Nao and the Hokage were already present and discussing business so embarrassing as it was he would knock gently on the door before opening it himself. Bowing as he did in the Hokage's presence he'd stutter as he spoke, "S-so sorry i'm late Hokage sama and Sennin Nao, I uhm hope I haven't missed too much." His eyes would glaze across the room but he would notice an open file with a somewhat familiar face upon it as he closed the door behind him and remained stood.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
