The newly titled medical chief elegantly waltzes down the corridor, leather boots clacking against the tile flooring. Snug upon her shoulders an equal hue lab coat follows in her wake, “Who is on the agenda for the day?” she briskly inquires, leaning forward against the receptionist counter. “Morning, chief.” a raven hair male calls in passing, in turn a wave would be returned as the blurry figures address the kunoich in tone audible enough for Mikasa to make out. Pivoting her about on her heel, the platinum mane fans outwards as she strides down the hallways – a single digit prods against her earlobe. “Need get myself checked out, hardly could hear them.” she murmurs.
Peering downwards against a clipboard the medical chief crinkles her nose, “Ikou Ritsuko?” she asks rhetorically. “We don’t have any information on the visit? Is this a mistake?” the lass tilts her head, prodding her chin daintily with clipboard. “Curious, a surprise visit.” she comments, prospering a door on the wing ajar, “Status on the patient?” she inquires, awaiting for another faceless to produce a chart for her examination. Cautiously the woman studies the notes, “Increase the dosage, contact me if there are any further changes.”
Tsukasa Mikasa’s daily life certainly became far more complex, the additional task load wasn’t one where one could mentally prepare. The past few days with Yomi running the hospital were quite stressful, yet the kunoichi felt in time would she adapt to the workload. “Mental note, I also need to get my optics examined, they were so blurry.” she sighs, turning about the corner and heading once more to the receptionist counter.
The main tasks were to continue regular hospital operations, continue the growth of the branch with new recruits, and ultimately the aid in locating the Hokage. “Once Ikou Ritsuko arrives, please direct her to the first room on the left, 2A.” a warm grin appears on her features.
Ikou would find the room, upon arrival, no different than a regular doctor’s room; equipment to check vital signs, a scale to weigh the patient, and the typical chair plus flatbed combination. Taking a seat in a swiveling stool, the medical chief awaits to see what the issue was with the youth.