Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time: Saturday, 15. Mar, 04:02:53

Desperate Measures [Ritsuko]

Aug 24, 2012

The newly titled medical chief elegantly waltzes down the corridor, leather boots clacking against the tile flooring. Snug upon her shoulders an equal hue lab coat follows in her wake, “Who is on the agenda for the day?” she briskly inquires, leaning forward against the receptionist counter. “Morning, chief.” a raven hair male calls in passing, in turn a wave would be returned as the blurry figures address the kunoich in tone audible enough for Mikasa to make out. Pivoting her about on her heel, the platinum mane fans outwards as she strides down the hallways – a single digit prods against her earlobe. “Need get myself checked out, hardly could hear them.” she murmurs.

Peering downwards against a clipboard the medical chief crinkles her nose, “Ikou Ritsuko?” she asks rhetorically. “We don’t have any information on the visit? Is this a mistake?” the lass tilts her head, prodding her chin daintily with clipboard. “Curious, a surprise visit.” she comments, prospering a door on the wing ajar, “Status on the patient?” she inquires, awaiting for another faceless to produce a chart for her examination. Cautiously the woman studies the notes, “Increase the dosage, contact me if there are any further changes.”

Tsukasa Mikasa’s daily life certainly became far more complex, the additional task load wasn’t one where one could mentally prepare. The past few days with Yomi running the hospital were quite stressful, yet the kunoichi felt in time would she adapt to the workload. “Mental note, I also need to get my optics examined, they were so blurry.” she sighs, turning about the corner and heading once more to the receptionist counter.

The main tasks were to continue regular hospital operations, continue the growth of the branch with new recruits, and ultimately the aid in locating the Hokage. “Once Ikou Ritsuko arrives, please direct her to the first room on the left, 2A.” a warm grin appears on her features.

Ikou would find the room, upon arrival, no different than a regular doctor’s room; equipment to check vital signs, a scale to weigh the patient, and the typical chair plus flatbed combination. Taking a seat in a swiveling stool, the medical chief awaits to see what the issue was with the youth.​
It had gotten to be roughly three months after she had woken up from her three year nap where she had somehow been lost to time for three years not far from home. Though at this point in time, she had been having the odd past couple of weeks. As she made her way toward the hospital, the sensation she had been feeling getting worse and worse. The feeling she had been feeling was the feeling of extreme warmth around her stomach while her arms and legs were freezing. She did her best to make her way the hospital on time for her appointment. Her brown hair was up in her bun but it wasn't entirely that great, more so just a messy bun at the moment.

As she made her way through the village and ending up at the entrance to the hospital in no time, or what felt like no time. Upon entering, she'd notice that she was panting a bit before walking up to the receptionist. "M-My name's Ikou Ritsuko, I made an appointment for today." She would say, doing her best to hide her panting. She didn't even notice how much she had put into her walk there, or even how much energy was being wasted with how she was feeling.

"Ikou Ritsuko... Oh, yes. Please head to the first room on the left. Room 2A" The receptionist had said, with a bit of a smile to the young girl. The brown haired girl would nod, with a small smile and silently thank the woman before heading into the room that she had been directed to by the receptionist and noticing that the room was the same as what she had imagined as she hadn't really been to one in any sort of recent time. It didn't take long for her to notice that there was someone in there that was dressed as a doctor. "H-hello. I'm Ikou Ritsuko, I'm here for m-my appointment." She would say, as she slightly shivered. The entirety of her midsection was burning up while her extremities were freezing. "I-I'm sorry if I made you w-wait."


Raven hair and amber eyes met against that of her oceanic deep blue, “Right on time, I am Tsukasa Mikasa and you don’t have to be so nervous.” she murmurs gently, instinctively seeming to glide across the office, her ivory lab coat trailing behind. “I am a newly appointed medical chief, so you are in great care, I assure you.” she continues in a gentle tone, attempting to relax the young lass. Often at times one was quite frightened to stroll into medical offices for even the simplest of issues.

Regrettably the medical kunoichi wouldn’t take notice of the shivering and mistook the condition as nerves for a few more moments. “I am going to check your vitals, before we begin.” a pause, “Not to worry this a standard procedure.” she comments, propping herself upon a swiveling stool, rolling across the tile to close the distance between the pair. “Alright, I am going to begin with your breathing.” she explains, withdrawing a stethoscope from her endlessly deep pocket, placing the earpieces into place. After a few breaths of air onto the metal, would the woman lean closer to Ikou Ritsuko.

Carefully the digits of the kunoichi trail down the arm of the lass, taking notice of the chilled to the touch flesh. Admittedly the hospital was far cooler in temperature than most locations, but not to this degree and that had been quite peculiar. Immediately the kunoichi halts her current action, withdrawing a thermometer, an old fashion one which would pluck into the mouth of the youngster without any thought. “How have you been feeling as of late? Any odd you have noticed in regards do your body?” she inquires, fully prepared to interpret the muffled language masked by the measuring unit.

All the while her ungloved hand glides the stethoscope along the attire of the young woman, pressing down lightly to hear the rate of her heart. Another shocker would await, the difference in temperature was far too extreme to be brushed off as a clothing differential.​
The medic would introduce herself as Tsukasa Mikasa and told her that she didn't have to be nervous. She would watch as the woman glide across the office, and listen to the woman state that she had been recently been appointed as a Cheif, and was in great care. "Thank y-you." She'd say as the woman would soon state that she was going to check her vitals before she began, and that it was a standard procedure. Rolling toward her on a swivelling stool and the Medic chief would state that she was going to start with her breathing.

As the woman examined her breathing and her hand moving down her arm, she would stop at some point and draw a thermometer, one that was used orally. It was popped into her mouth which had almost startled her for the point as it had been a bit unexpectedly fast and without warning. The woman had then asked how she had been feeling, and if she had noticed anything lately in regards to her body. It took her a moment to think before speaking. "The past f-few weeks I haven't been feeling right. M-most of me has been cold but m-my stomach has been on fire. Some days it's not too hot, but others it f-feels like it's on f-fire." She'd state, still shivering every few moments as well as speaking her best with the thermometer still in her mouth.

She was hoping this Medic Chief could help her find out what was going on with her, since she didn't even tell her parents about what was going on as she didn't want to worry them.

Curiously the woman plops the thermometer from the mouth of Ikou, shaking the measuring device profusely, “Let us a take a look then, shall we?” she inquires, narrowing her eyes to take a gander. “Thirty-seven degrees Celsius, certainly fighting off a little something.” she murmurs, allowing herself a better hearing of the stethoscope results. In the end the ragged breathing of the child would result in quite the norm when it came to shivering. “Normally I would say your heart is racing due to sprinting into the room.” Mikasa answers truthfully, pushing back on the tile, allowing for the swivel stool to glide her across the room.

Silently the older woman scribbles onto a fresh chart, to be stored for later uses in the event Ikou Ritsuko returned for another reason. Stumped, the medical chief scoots across the room, the back of her pressing against the unexposed stomach of the lass, much to her surprise an odd warm versus the chills of her upper extremities. “Hmm . . .” another pause, “I am going to examine to see if your chakra coils are being affected. Have you been practicing jutsu as of late?” she inquires, searching for any type of lead.

Azure optics begin to swirl into that of a kaleidoscope, Chakra Sense. “Not to worry, I can’t view your chakra directly, but I am going to flow mine into yours to see what happens. A normal procedure.” she explains in a gentle tone. Tenderly the maiden grasps a hold of the child’s hand, streaming lights amount of teal chakra into the system of the academy students. This particular method was a bit cruder, but perhaps she would be able to force a reaction by jump starting a potential system. There was far too much to consider with not enough information, for now Mikasa would continue to experiment.​
The young woman watched as the Medical Chief shook the thermometer before examining it and stating that her temperature was a bit off. She would then state that she would think that her heart would be racing due to having sprinted to the room. "S-sorry about t-that." She'd say as Mikasa started to write on a fresh chart and would soon scoot across the room before speaking once more. Apparently the woman was going to go and examine to see if her chakra coils were being effected.

"I have been but it hasn't really been since this started." She'd say before the woman would speak again stating that she was going to flow some of her chakra into her to see what happened and that she wasn't able to see her chakra directly. The woman would grasp her hand and started to stream small amounts of chakra into her system. For a few moments it seemed as if it was going well but after a short while, a kinetic force had expelled itself from the hand that Mikasa was transferring chakra into and stumbled back from the force before stopping and falling to her knees. A dark silhouette could be seen by the Medic Chief as it looked as if it stood behind Ritsuko.

The feeling that the girl had been suffering from had seemingly just started to worsen several fold. Having both arms wrapped around her midsection as the heat eminated from her now and could even be felt by someone several feet away, as if it was a fire radiating heat. A few tears ran down her face as the heat was excruciating. The silhouette behind Ritsuko had a dim light emanating from its stomach. "W-what's going on?" She'd ask, looking up at Mikasa, slowly.

The unexpected often tended to appear in the most oddest of locations, this time happening to be within the Konohagakure Byoin. A surge of chakra forcefully exits the palm of the young lass and combating her own on a scale that Mikasa had not anticipated for. Unfortunately the stools wheels were quite abused as if from the constant screeching across the tile, resulting in the pair both toppling backwards. Luckily, while the landing had been far from beautiful, the medical chief would suffer any immediate damage from the shockwave. “Well, that was unexpected.” she rubs at the back of her platinum mane, applying pressure against the tile to hoist herself backup right, “Ikou-chan are you alr-“

Ikou Ritsuko had quite the unusual silhouette, “My, that escalated quite quickly.” she admits aloud, without meaning to – her childish portion showcasing itself in the worst of times. Initially the maiden found it difficult to assess the situation for she was unsure of what was unraveling before her very eyes. What had been the main factor of snapping back to reality had been that of Ikou’s tears, Mikasa calmly going through several of many possible explanations.

The hairs upon the rear of her neck stood on a standstill, her muscles tensing and fully alert. There was definitely a much bigger picture to view, admittedly she was unable to decipher the code. “Do not budge an inch.” She states calmly, at times her role called for being strong in the fiercest of foes. Her left index and middle finger point outwards, beginning to inmate a scarlet hue, One Elemental Sealing – Fire. “Judging from the situation, you are in luck on this day. The shockwave Kinesis? Perhaps explosive force via combustion?” she murmurs, “Ready for yourself, Ikou-chan.”

Pressing downwards against the tile, the medical chief lurches forward, the distance between the pair ceasing to exist. The scarlet lit digits press against her stomach, the same source which the silhouette kindled the embers. Would the technique even be successful? Difficult to determine, this case was a rarity – her mind still recycling through the various iterations she read through documentations. Only one certainty were for sure, Ikou never traveled alone.​
Time seemed to almost slow down to a crawl in Ritsuko's eyes. It had seemingly taken forever for Mikasa to say something and it was her telling her to not move an inch. It wasn't like she could really move more than her head at the current time. Apparently she was in luck this day, and had said something about kinesis or something about an explosive force by combustion, and even was told to ready herself. She would watch the woman move forward towards her, moving one of her hands towards her. It didn't take too long for the girl to feel the womans hand having made contact with her stomach which had caused the heat that had emitted from her to subside and warmth to return to her extremities.

The silhouette behind her had slowly dissipated once her body temperature had become regulated once again, though the pain she had felt from the heat becoming more and more too much for her to bare. While being able to actually think, outside of being in quite a bit of pain, as well as noticing the mouths on her palms acting slightly restless, though not showing themselves or making any sort of sounds. "W-what's going on with m-me?" She'd ask, tears still running down her face out of the pain she was experiencing, and the tears not being in quite the quantity anymore.
The seal in which she places upon the unfortunate lass would begin to heat the room up dramatically, the sheer force updraft enough to cause her eyewear to streak across the room. For the time being the medical chief had overcome the odds and suppressed the oddity of chakra within the young student. “I am not sure.” she admits, leaning forward to press her bare palm against the chest of the young woman, “Take deep breathes.” she murmurs in a kind tone, despite her appearance a bit unkempt due to the recent actions, her platinum mane wild. Teal chakra would begin to engulf Ikou, Angelic Blessing<i></i>.

In time her chakra signature would grow fainter upon the lass, though the steady stream of healing properties still circulating to ease the pain until the pair could figure out what the source of the effect truly were. “Are you still feeling unusual levels of heat?” she inquires, examining Ikou Ritsuko. Daintily the medical kunoichi lifts the right arm of the girl, lowering the appendage gently before doing the same with her left. Lightly her index finger comes to rest against her lower eyelids, tenderly wiping away the tears. “I need to know more details, tell me of what has been happening in your life lately. Perhaps we can find a trigger.” she murmurs, turning about to sit once more upon the swivel stool – unable to locate her spectacles.

Mikasa would begin to scoot about on the tile, halting before a file cabinet and pulling it ajar to begin searching through documentations left within the Byoin. Her initial reaction was to search through files relating to uncontrollable chakra, which had been the only obvious route to take at the moment. Hopefully, with time, Ritsuko would be able detail further about herself, as one would be able to take notice of faint droplets of perspiration running down her face; the technique being utilized took a high level of concentration and chakra to stream consistently.​
It would take what felt like minutes for Mikasa to tell her to take deep breaths, in which she would do so along with closing her eyes. She would feel something engulfing her body but would keep her eyes closed for the time being. Until the woman had spoken up, she had kept her eyes closed, and as she had been expected to reply, she would open them and look back up at the woman. "A little bit, but it's not as bad as it was before..." She would answer as the medic would lift her right arm before gently lowering it and doing the same with her left arm.

And here came the difficult part, as it had been a few months since she had woken up from whatever had put her into suspended sleep and how it had protected her for three years. She didn't know the reasoning, nor the explaination for it. She didn't even really like to talk about it with her parents as it had stripped time from her and the fact that she had lost so much time away from training and, more importantly, her family. "U-um, nothing's really happening in my life as of late. There was something a few months ago, but this didn't start happening until just a few weeks ago. I-it doesn't have anything to do with it." She'd say, shaking her head. She would stand up from sitting on the floor and would move to be sitting on something more appropriate than the floor itself.

This turn of events was probably tied to that exploration she had taken upon herself to take to get out of the rain, but she wouldn't admit to it very easily as she should have been smart and stayed towards the entrance of the cavern.
Lightly the medical chief wipes at her brow, removing the bits of perspiration rolling downwards. The continuous use of the advance healing technique was beginning to take its toll, however she would continue to push herself. “I am glad that is has subsided, to an extent.” she speaks in a gentle tone, still rummaging about through various files. Regrettably she would not locate any useful former files of symptoms the young girl exhibits. Scooting across the room, Mikasa halts in front of Ritsuko only to extend a single digit against her forehead, “Nothing at all?” she narrows her eyes.

At their current rate, the kunoichi wouldn’t be able to identify anything more than a monstrous heat signature that she sealed for an unknown amount of time. “A few months ago and a few weeks ago? Explain, please. Anything would be helpful.” she admits, rolling up the sleeves of the ivory coat. Her platinum locks beginning to stick against her forehead.

How to proceed? It would be difficult to continuously reapply a seal on a regular basis, perhaps some sort of special arrangement could be made. Based on the information Ritsuko would reveal would definitely play a factor into her decision.​
Ritsuko listened to the woman state that she was glad that the the heat that she was feeling had subsided for a bit. Mikasa had soon stopped in front of her and had extended a single finger against her forehead before she had stated a rhetorical question of being nothing having happened. The woman had asked her to explain what she had meant, but she shook her head before standing up. "I don't wanna talk about it." She said before she had started on her way out of the room. "I-I'm sorry, but another time Mikasa-san..." She would say before turning back to the door and moving quickly out of the room and subsequently out of the hospital.

[Topic Left]
Fatigue, her every bone felt the pressure of maintaining the advance technique on the lass, yet she were unaware. The seal upon Ritsuko would have to reapplied, from what she could gather, yet the youngster would enlighten the medic. Astonishingly the academy student darts away, swiftly exiting the facility and leaving the kunoichi dumbfounded. Clearly the young woman was not alright and needed medical treatment, Mikasa would have to look into the odd case at a later time. Tenderly her gloved hand wipes against her brow, removing the perspiration. “I am sorry as well.” she murmurs to no one in particular.

Tightening the ivory cloak about her, the medical chief settles down upon the desk, curling up on the table top. Drained, exhausted, and most of all perplexed, she closes her eyes for a brief moment of time for a nap to restore the chakra expended. Between her recent duties and treating the odd ball cases, such as Ritsuko, she found herself grasping at strays when it came to snoozing. Thirty minutes, that is all she would be allowed to rest, far more than the kunoichi anticipated for her next patient were to soon arrive.

“ . . . . You are working to hard.” a voice calls out, closing door and placing a do not disturb sign upon the latch. “No one is to bother her for the next few hours.” the voice calls out again. “She needs her rest.” he comments, shaking his head, raven locks gently swaying about, “Rest well, K-“

[OOC: Topic Left?]​

Current Ninpocho Time: Saturday, 15. Mar, 04:02:53
