Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Destruction from On High [Forced Entry]

Ryuu Tama

Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
The skies over Kumogakure seemed more…“weathery,” than normal. Darkened hues of blue and black that rolled with arcs of purple lightning shocked the landscape with painted colors. It was an ominous weather pattern for sure, but, nothing that the mountain village hadn’t seen before. This was a home of the Blizzard Bandits, after all, a place that routinely saw their home covered completely in snow save the hidden village nestled within the mighty peaks that protected it; with the only reasoning be a mix of shinobi arts and science.

It was that latter that intrigued Tama. Within the few months spent inside of Lightning’s borders enjoying a newfound freedom, he learned that a majority of the cutting edge technology resided within the shinobi village itself. Mind, he had found quite a bit just laying around the countryside that was already being planned into his latest experimental blueprints…but the cutting edge stuff; that was in Kumogakure. There was even rumors of a sharingan that was purely mechanical! Just getting his hands on even a scrap of that information could explode potential projects he had back in the wings for decades.

So he spent the rest of the last thirty days in Lightning finding a way to break into Kumogakure. Finding blueprints, layouts, where stuff might be kept and stored away…and finding all, of that information sorely lacking. Despite being the only shinobi village in the world that acted as the capital of their nation, it was impossible to get in, or out, without proper identification. Something mad man didn’t even have for his own country. He considered flying in, but - airships. Tunneling? Nah, apparently someone named Miro ruined that with a mining project using the local prisoners of war. Water wasn’t close enough to pirate his way in, and well…maybe a disguise as a merchant would have worked?

Nah, too vain.

Golden, lightning struck near the gates. Once, twice, and then a third time with the flashes of brilliance set to stun his opponents and make them quake in their sandals. On waves of electromagnetic energy and wind the scientist decended from the rolling storm above with his arms spread out in a t-pose. From his mouth words echoed against the walls of Kumogakure’s mighty defense,

"Simmer does the light of life before rising to the heavens in a cleansing conflagration of divine benevolence…"

…and a gigantic bolt of lightning struck down near the guards post as a warning of the scientist’s powers should they decide to stand before the Sunan Hybrid wielding full Ancient power in a mortal form. Since there was no easy path within, he decided to take a hard one. Up front and personal. It wasn’t the first time the mad scientist chose a painful advance towards his future, and this wouldn’t be the last either.

[Force Entry - 30 Mins]
"Trying to just brute force your way in?" A voice seemingly behind Tama. Yuna is a master of stealth and she has been one of the main people to regularly check the gates at random intervals so that none are really able to find an exact schedule that she has.

Today, like any other day, she was in her anbu gear, a plain white mask to make her indistinguishable with other anbu. The Sennin was ready for a fight since this guy wanted to flaunt his existence to the guards. She merely tapped her headphones as she talked to the intruder, letting the people on the receiving end of the bed set know what's going on.

"I don't know who you might be, but I will not stand idly by as you do as you please."

You will not- YOU. Who the hell are you?” The Hybrid spun around, his feet shuffling the ground’s snow as he did so as he gently floated before the ANBU sennin. “Nobody, that’s who. Soon to be a tragic lost…” The Ryuu’s eyes sparked up as bolts of lightning spewed from the corners like a plasma globe. With a wave of his hand he moved away from Yuna to get some distance and push his back towards the gates as he continued to advance towards the Village.

There is a curiosity your land has I must learn! The things I’ve seen, the thinks I’ve heard! I’m on the verge of a breakthrough dear death-dealer, and I cannot have you or these wayward lackeys imposing upon my study! So I insist with great imprudence that you vamoose with speed; forthwith!

Another wave of his hand and the storms above struck lightning on either side of the mountain pass where Yuna stood. Stones and weighty snow flew from the bolts towards the Sennin as both a warning and a challenge to his authority. This was Him. That It Boy. The scourge of the Ryuu clan. His long blond hair and strange words rang out, as his time-altered chakra began to fill the area. There was a 0.3 chance a shinobi turned down a fight they willingly walked into, and Tama’s senses were already pinging. There was a clear threat before him with a wave of murderous intent that reminded him immediately of the Deep Hybrid that had once been his senior in Suna medicine…

This could get sticky.

[Calling B-Mod, yo]
You have found a battle mod!

Good morning/afternoon/evening to you all! I'll be your battle moderator for this battle. If you happen to have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask them. You can contact me either through NC or through Discord. Yet please keep in mind with my work I can react at odd times and vary in time.​

  • Send, in a PM on NC, not discord, your actions, and all your battle information: Stats, class, abilities, jutsu, items, weapons, etc.
    • When sending this information, I would prefer to have hyperlinked stuff or regular links. This greatly decreases the time it takes for a moderator to mod as it cuts down on searching.
    • Do NOT just link your dojo, your profile, or anything. I want that information in my DM box.
  • Rolls are in Discord -> Bmod-rolling. This is an open channel for you all to see.
  • [strike[UBR rules apply, meaning you have 48 hours to post and send actions.[/strike] Nulling this due to IRL stuffs from both sides. giving this 4 days from posting.
Please be clear on your actions and conditionals, even when stating what you're maintaining.

As there are multiple people in this fight, you will need to specify who your allies and enemies are in your opening actions.

This way I don't have to do any guesswork and you don't get upset if an item is modded the way you didn't wish.
I am human, meaning mistakes can happen; feel free to point these out!
Let's enjoy!​
"You're Nobody? An interesting name, for an uninteresting person trying to invade into Cloud territory." Yuna would speak. And in turn, she would listen to what he would have to say about her stopping him. "When will you people ever learn? All it takes is to play nice and ask to come in and none of this would have happened."

She ignored the storms and only merely walked out of the way of the falling debris as she advanced towards him. She noted that there seemed to be a bend of reality or spacetime itself in the area, something that she assumes is the deed of this guys doing. She'll have to go all out for this fight. Readying herself, she took a deep breath and charged forward.

(Actions sent)
"Me? No, no no. You, mam. I'm non-other than the magnificent Ryuu Tama; greatest of them all. Herald of the Solar Courts, The Perfect Being, The Oncoming Storm....the...Doctor of..Deat-"
"Wait. Really? You haven't heard of me? AT ALL? I thought there was a little smidgen of Ryuu left up here that my Dad didn't manage to find. Or did that lovely little kidnappy program do it for him?" the Hybrid said with a clear sneer in his tone. The dunes weren't perfect, but no one kidnapped him, to turn him into the monster he was today. No siree, that came naturally!
"No matter, you'll see in a minute...maybe I'll get another name..."

The scientist's body quickly lowered itself down from the air to land on the ground and with whip-snap speed lifted both of his arms with his hands outstretched as if he was about to grab something despite the distance he had from Yuna that she was quickly starting to close. A golden aura that shook the sky slivered over his fingers until they covered his hands. Gripping reality itself like it was a cloth he twisted both hands towards each other.

"Think fast!

(Actions Sent)
HP: 39600 36600 - 733 - 733 = 35.134
CP: 36000 - 2290 - 4000 = 29.710

AP: 10 (11 next round)

Status: Stunned, numb.
HP: 36000
CP: 45000 - 2025 - 4000 = 38.975
Natural Energy: 11.250 - 820 = 10.430
AP: 10 (11 next round)

Status: Bleed rank 1
JormungandrShizukanaryūō (?)
HP: 33000
CP: 27000

AP: 5 (6 next round)

HP: 33000
CP: 30000 - 2750 = 28250

AP: 5 (6 next round)


What happened?
0.00 Seconds: Yuna enters divinity's edge style.

0.00 Seconds: Yuna enters combat assassin Style.

0.25 Seconds Tama uses World Standstill.

time...still happening? said:
2.50 Seconds Tama uses Contract Summon.

2.50 Seconds: Tama enters Sage mode.

3.00 Seconds: Tama enters Lightning Chakra Style - Surge.

0.75 Seconds: Tama enters Santaru Clan Style - Gathering Storms.

2.00 seconds: Yuna gains genetic implant effects.
- 4 HP Mod. New HP 36600

2.50 Seconds: Tama uses the Ampt field against Yuna.
» [ 37 vs. 34 ] Hits.
» Yuna is now stunned
» Yuna is now numbed.

3.50 Seconds: Yuna uses Blood Break against Tama. Tama used Delay reflexively 10 Seconds delayed.
» [ 49 vs. 36 ] Hits. 2310Dmg.
» Tama is bound.
» Bleed rank 1.

5.00 seconds: Shizukanaryūō uses Perfect Rasengan against Yuna.
» 33 vs 38 MISS
» 31 vs 26 hits (733 Dmg)
Yuna rolls 46, and is saved.
» 30 vs 27 Hits (733 Dmg)
Yuna, Rolls 4. Hits. 1% Max Cp damage per round for the remainder of the battle. (360 CP dmg per round)
» 29 vs 30 Partial -> Miss
» 32 vs 35 Miss
» 26 vs. 41 Miss

8.50 Seconds: Yuna Summons her contract.

9.00 Seconds Yuna equips Crimson

Tama your conditional couldn't go off due to not enough AP.

Yuna your contract didn't have time to perform.

As always, I am human. If you want something, please DM me. I'm sorry if I read it and forgot to respond. Kindly remind me.
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Yuna wasted no time preparing herself for the fight. Her powers activated and part of her inactive powers have awakened. She then focused on the genetic implant that she has saved for certain situations if they call for such needs. Just then, she was shocked, physically rather than figuratively. Well... also figuratively as she had heard what the intruder had called himself. Ryu Tama. The given name meant little to her, but the family name... Her eyes behind the mask narrowed as she focused on the intruder, glad that her mask hid her facial features. He also knew about the program that was used up until a few years ago. This intruder's father was here in Cloud. Ryu Tama...

She focused on binding the intruder with her signature jutsu from her bloodline. For a second, it looked like it hit, but... reality seemed to warp around Tama and he was fine afterwards. She scowled to herself, having to deal with someone of this caliber. The man's summon came out and attacked her with a perfected rasengan, which she managed to dodge out of most of the attacks, but still... She felt part of her chakra was severed. This guy surely is going to be a pain in the ass. Blood came out of her hand and dripped onto the ground before poofing smoke filled the area. A giant snake, easily the size of the gates appeared by her side. The rest of her blood that came out of her hand formed into a red sword and solidified.

"So tell me. Why are you here Tama?" She said. She already found out this this guy is someone who loves talking, might as well see how much he is willing to talk about. "Surely it isn't worth your life over."

(actions sent)
The sound of a locking mechanism snapping into place echoed at deafening decibels throughout the mountain pass; though only Tama could hear it.

Time froze completely. His chakra poured into the little tear of reality he controlled twisted into a locking seal would last for a scant three seconds. A fleeting moment for most people, but a hundred lifetimes for shinobi combatants. Quickly reaching into his lab coat, Tama produced a scroll and a small vial of blood. His thumb slid over the lock on the scroll as he drew it out, flinging it open before him with one hand as he uncorked the vial of blood with the thumb of his other. A quick flick of his wrist caused the blood to fling across the Ninjutsu scrawl placed upon the scroll. It caused the words written down to glow a soft red as he held the paper before him and recited the chant:

Guiding light, shed your magic power from above! Suffering spirits, walk the endless road to eternity! O’ Heavenly Body, shine down on bloody impurity! I beseech thee! Shizukanaryūō!

The scroll glowed a golden light that would blind most humanoids before expanding into the frozen world with the size of a decent-yield explosion. At the last moment it imploded into a dense ball of purple light with six hummingbird wings fluttering from it. A jingle of crystals filled the air as it moved towards the summoner, the arms of the Kami summoned crossed in exasperation though no one could see it beyond the awesome purple light it gave off.

Me,” Tama retorted with a snicker as his body began to glow in the same purple color. His physiology changed in an instant from Hybrid to Ancient as he opened a synergetic bond between himself and the holy creature. It amplified his chakra to an otherworldly level, allowing him to directly tap into his latent genes, by design, and activate a sort of Sage Mode that was unique to the mad scientist.

Time started once more. Yuna was no where to be seen at first so his hands slipped together to form seals before exerting a stormy cloud over the field of the canyon. It hit him immediately after though, that power she exerted touched Tama with overt familiarity. His blood felt like it was starting to freeze, with a nice icy chill that covered his flesh.
Ah…this jutsu. That brings back memories…

Had this been Tama from nearly a hundred years ago, it would have been over right there for him. Back in his youth he faced off against a certain assassin of the Uzumoreru Clan, a family of killers related to the Chigokai who used unique interpretations of that infamous Blood Jutsu. Back then it had froze him completely, leaving him at the mercy of the so-called Assassin King. Today, he had a control over time that would have made his youthful self unstoppable.
Nope,” he said simply before flickering out of an image of himself freezing up and falling over. It faded away into the air. Not quite a Substitution Jutsu, but, quite similar. A problem to deal with soon instead of immediatly.

The fey creature he commanded leaped into action shortly after, a ball of powerful ninjutsu aimed at their opponent that looked comically larger than the fairy itself as they dove in towards Yuna. Some attacks hit, some didn’t, but the result was acceptable. As the scientist prepped his next move he was thrown off slightly by a talkative ANBU.

Why was he here?

Stagnation,” was his reply. “I’ve languished in the desert and tapped the sources most primal there as far as I can handle. The pain, sacrifice, and suffering I’ve put into perfecting my power looks silly compared to your country’s advancements. Your village has a particular refined use of electrical energy to power technology that was strange to me not but a week ago! If I could access that knowledge, I could advance my own magnum opus by hundreds of years and without sacrificing countless souls to the task! It’s just more economical!

[Actions Sent]
HP: 35.134 +1.098 - 1.729 - 1.358 - 1.667 + 1.335 = 32.803
CP: 29.710 - 562 - 1.080 - 2.460 - 81 = 25.527

AP: 11 (10 next round)

HP: 36000 new hp ( I got lazy) 27.570
CP: 38.975
Natural Energy: 10.430 - 980 - 264 - 264- 264 - 607 = 8.051
AP: 11 (10 next round)

Status: Bleed rank 1, sealed
HP: 33000
CP: 27000

AP: 6 (6 next round)

HP: 33000
CP: 28250

AP: 6 (6 next round)

Status: Bound
What happened?
0.00 Passive healing by Yuna. +1098Hp.

1.11 second: Yuna vanishes.

1,52 seconds Tama uses Updraft. Blind shot against Yuna.
[32 vs. 36] Tama does not hit Yuna.
[ 44 vs. 40 ] Jormunganda is airborne for 5 seconds.

2.50 seconds: Yuna isn't stunned or numb anymore. The AMP effect is gone.

3.00 seconds: Yuna stealth check.
[ 36 Vs. 21 ] Tama is unaware.
[ 20 vs. 24 ] Shiukanarayatoa huppelehup. Is aware. (I am so going to shorten that o.<)

3,33 seconds Tama triggers Epoch. Attempts to attack Yuna.
Blind shot check [ 31vs. 24] Checks out.
Tama uses Thunderclap against Yuna.
[ 36 vs. 43] Miss
[ 47 vs. 38] Crit hits. 494 dmg
[ 37 vs. 26] Hits. 247 dmg.
[ 32 vs. 29 ] Hits 247 dmg.
[ 47 vs 30 ] Hits 247 dmg.
[ 37 vs. 32 ] hits. 247 dmg.
[ 40 vs. 25 ] Hits. 247 dmg.
Total dmg: 1.729 (Tama heals 172)
Tama combos into Thunderclap against Yuna.
[ 37 vs. 38 ] 50% dmg due to Storm technique 1 rank higher. 123 dmg
[ 44 vs. 36 ] Hits. 247 dmg.
[ 34 vs. 24 ] Hits 247 dmg.
[ 34 vs. 23 ] Hits. 247 dmg.
[ 38 vs. 29 ] Hits. 247 dmg.
[ 47 vs. 40 ] Hits. 247 dmg.
[ 30 vs. 41 ] Miss.
Total dmg: 1.358 (Tama heals 135)
Tama combos into Thunderclap against Yuna using Combo Master.
[ 40 vs. 36 ] hits. 247 dmg.
[ 43 vs. 30 ] hits. 247 dmg.
[ 46 Vs. 27 ] Hits 247 dmg.
[ 35 vs. 32 ] Hits. 247 dmg.
[ 35 vs. 35 ] 75% dmg. dmg due to Storm Technique 1 rank higher. 185 dmg
[ 47 vs. 39 ] Hits. 247 dmg.
[ 45 vs. 29 ] Hits. 247 dmg.
Total dmg: 1.667 (Tama heals 166)

3,57 seconds: Yuna uses a Million stabs against Tama and Shizukanaryūō. Tama used Delay reflexively 20 Seconds delayed.
Yuna vs. tama. Stealth advantage.
[34 vs. 41] Miss
[52 vs. 27] Crit hits. Called shot roll 2. Legs. his legs are now sprained. Bleed Rank 2. 634 dmg
[51 vs. 28] Hit 327 dmg
[39 vs. 31] Hit 327dmg
[40 vs. 34] Hit 327dmg
[41 vs. 41] Hit 327dmg
[42 vs. 27] Hit 327dmg
[35 vs. 34] Hit 0 dmg Partial hits treated 1 rank lower.
Total dmg. 2.903 (10% = 290CP dmg)
Bleed dmg R2. 720

Yuna vs. Shizu
[ 33 vs. 31 ] Hits. 310 dmg
[ 49 vs. 25 ] Hits 310 dmg
[ 50 vs. 28 ] Hits 310 dmg
[ 33 vs. 28 ] Hits 310 dmg
[ 51 vs. 31 ] Crit hits. Called shot roll 2. Legs. his legs are now sprained. Bleed Rank 1. 634 dmg
[ 50 vs. 21 ] Hits 310 dmg
[ 49 vs. 23 ] Hits 310 dmg
[ 40 vs. 37 ] Hits 310 dmg
Total dmg. 2804 (10% = 280CP dmg)
Bleed dmg. R1. 330

3,33 seconds: Jormunda attempts to use Rain Dance.
[ 22 vs. 40 ] Fails.

3.50 Seconds: Yuna uses Blood Break against Tama. Tama used Delay reflexively 10 Seconds delayed.
» [ 49 vs. 36 ] Hits. 2310Dmg.
» Tama is bound.
» Bleed rank 1. 360dmg

3,57 seconds Yuna uses a Smoke bomb through initiative.

4,16 seconds Kami uses Medical Ward [Mastered] on Tama.

4,56 Tama uses Volt Charge against himself. No longer bound. 1080dmg.

5,84 seconds Yuna uses Leech Seal against Tama.
[ 50 vs. 28 ] Crit hits. 0 dmg.

7,91 Seconds. Jormungandr uses serpent's grasp on Shizukanaryūō
[ 27 vs. 23 ] Hits.

8,57 Yseconds una uses Water shark bomb against Tama.
[ 36 vs. 43 ] Miss
[ 44 vs. 30 ] Hits. 1.057 dmg
Rolled 41: Failed.
[ 44 vs. 34 ] hits. 1.057 dmg
Rolled 50: failed.
[ 38 vs. 29 ] Hits. 1.057 dmg
Rolled 54 Failed.
[ 38 vs. 27 ] Hits. 1.057 dmg
Rolled: 18 failed.
Total dmg. 4.228
CP dmg taken by tama. 422

9,47 seconds: Yuna uses Pressurized Mist against Tama.
[ 35 vs. 30 ] Hits.
Rolled 23: Failed.
Cp dmg taken by tama. 30
I hate you both...

Timing combo: D-Rank Ninjutsu: 1.5 AP unless noted. When Combo-ing actions, the second Technique is modded at half the AP timing. Due to no armor, time is adjusted further. Making it a 0s combo.

As always, I am human. If you want something, please DM me. I'm sorry if I read it and forgot to respond. Kindly remind me.

- healing factor Yuna,
- Seal on Tama,
- Yuna blood break heal.
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Tama blinked. Yuna was gone.

Well now, that’s just rude. Ask a question and then just, up and vanish while I’m replying! Damn ego tactics working against me every time…

The infamous desert sage’s eyes darted back and forth around the mountain crag path. For all intents and purposes there was no shinobi that he could detect - and that was saying something. He had a certain sixth sense for picking up the aura of hiding people but, clearly this ANBU was up on her game when it came to using stealth. Drawing power from the storm he had gathered towards Kumogakure, with a wave of his hand, a powerful gust blew through the valley. Loose bits of the gates flew off, rocks were sent sailing beyond the peaks, but Yuna seemed entirely unaffected. The floating fairy bubble buzzing around the blond’s head sighed and gave it a good look too before frowning. He pointed in Yuna’s general direction, his senses slightly sharper.

She’s over there, doofus.
Ah! Good show, Shibby!
Tama’s left hand quickly extended towards the stealth fighter’s location. Long fingers clawed down into the air like it was grabbing a knob once again, and he twisted it to the left. The other shinobi’s perception of time would slow, making her movements like molasses for the next two seconds.
Tonitru!” the scientist called with an excited cry. Following his proclamation in some strange language, a clap of thunder would boom right behind Yuna with a force more powerful than just your average Lightning Jutsu the technique was based off of. With the strength of an actual Storm behind the ninjutsu, it elevated the power and force in which the Thunderclap would strike, forcing his opponent out of her little hiding spot before slamming her in every direction with forceful bursts of electrified sound waves.

Not yet! Tonitru, Tonitru!

Tama wasn’t using the traditional handseals to cast his ninjutsu. Instead it appeared his tongue could speak an Ancient language that gave him the ability to simply speak these spells into existance, his chakra in his body moving quickly to his tongue and throat to echo power into those words that then shaped them into the technique. Those three repeated phrases that caused mini sonic booms all around Yuna would strike her body no less than nineteen times.

He couldn’t help but be amazed by her stalwart strength though, despite his distaste for women in general. The Kumo Warrior, despite being literally thunder clapped 19 times, moved with speeds he couldn’t follow to stab his body no less than six times. Tama felt the icy-hot blade pierce his flesh repeatedly, but if he actually felt any of the pain his face didn’t show it as he turned a creepy grin towards her and snapped his finger. The wounds vanished. When her serpent tried to take control of the stormy atmosphere above and turn the stormy clouds to rain, Tama simply frowned at it. The clouds, that is. They obeyed and did not rain.

You know, I think we got off on the wrong foot here. You see, I only wanted to steal some high-class technological junk and abscond back home! Surely it would be better for your nation to simply allow me to do that rather than risk my wra-

His body froze mid monologue before falling over onto his face; breaking his nose. He couldn’t move a muscle, the familiar Chigokai technique once again used while he was trying to talk. It appeared that Yuna had about the same amount of manners as the Uzumoreru. Which was none. That being said, Tama wasn’t angry. He was just disappointed. In himself. It was his fault for forgetting how messing with time worked and that this was an inevitable outcome to throwing attacks into the near future. As if to add insult to injury, his Kami flew down and ascribed a seal on the back of his neck without actually helping before flying back off.

Now, that, pissed him off.

His entire body became roiled with an electrical current that shook the ground immediately around him, turning his blood into pure electricity, and thus uncontrollable for Yuna, to break free of that malevolent ninjutsu. As he shifted his hands underneath him to stand back up, Yuna also flashed by and slapped him on the back with her own seal. He flipped over quick as he could, but she was already out of revenge slapping distance. A large torrent of water quickly began to fill the area as shark fins popped up.

Oh hey, I've seen this movie-

The water sharks began to maul him. He didn't scream in pain so much as he did string a sentence together filled with nothing but slurs and swears the entire time he was being thrashed.

[Actions Sent]
Yuna would move silently as the nearly giant man had looked around, wondering where she had went. Gusts of wind filled the Mountain pass as she seen her snake being tossed up into the air. Yes, a forty-foot-tall snake, in the air. But she had little mind to pay attention to Jourmungandr as she rushed in to launch an attack only to be bombarded by multiple attacks at once. Fazed, she shook her head and charged back in to strike, her genetic implant allowing her to attack Tama and his contract... Only... She felt a little bit weird as the attack seemed to have nearly ceased to exist. She can't find the right words to express what had happened, other than it did.

Jourmungandr was providing support to at least turn the tides into her favor but alas, his call for normal rain rather than a full on storm had failed. But then the strangest thing had happened. She felt a surge of power from herself as she seen Tama going into a monologue before freezing in place and falling down. She had learned a valuable piece of information, but she doesn't know the extents of it so far, so for right now, she'll just have to wait and see. Regaining her composure in a fraction of a second, she threw a smoke bomb down next to her and Tama as she ran towards him and placed a seal on his back and leapt out of the way.

Forming more handseals, Yuna would make sharks appear and crash into the man repeatedly. She was starting to get the picture of where this guy was from. Herald of Solar Courts... Did she read something like that? Doctor of death sounds like a close associate of Akkuma, probably somebody that is right up his alley. It wasn't until he had said desert a while ago that Yuna was finally starting to piece it all together. The fact that this guy towers over even the average sized man by at least two feet. Something inhuman... "First you threaten me and the ninja of Cloud. Now you're talking about stealing our technology. You really are something aren't you? Hybrid?" Yuna was really going out on a limb here, but she had a lot of information laid out to her already. Her visitation to Sand and talks with Raizo before he had disappeared had informed her of Ancients and Hybrids, the original reason as to why she and Miro had visited Sand. The past was due to a mercenary under the guise that they are an Ancient, attacked both Cloud and Leaf, pinning the blame on Sand's Ancients and Hybrids.

Was this a copycat case? Or is this the real deal this time? Either way, Yuna has to survive the encounter first. She formed more handseals and breathed out mist that had hit Tama.

(actions sent)
HP: 32.803 + 1098 +450 - 1.153 - 732 - 1.153 - 2.731 = 28.582 + 208 = 28.790
CP: 25.527 + 506 - 504 = 25.525 - 208 = 25.317
Temp Cp; ?? - 2.200 - 1.832 (These 2 totals at 4.032) =
AP: 10 ( 10 next round)

Status: Bleed R2.
HP: 27.570 - 900 = 26.670
Temp Hp; 7920 - 360 - 2.903 = 4.657

CP: 38.975 - 1012 = 37.963
Natural Energy: 8.051 - 2025 - 3.267 - 216 - 216 - 216 - 280 - 819 = 1.012
AP: 10 ( next round)

Maintains: updraft, Living Storm
Status: Bleed rank 1, sealed, Sprained legs.
HP: 33000 – 1.214- 1.214 - 1.214 - 2875 = 26.483
CP: 27000 - 600 -540 = 25.860

AP: 6 ( 7 next round)

HP: 33000 - 2804 = 30.196
CP: 28250 - 280 - 300 = 27.670

AP: 6 ( 7 next round)

Status: Bleed Rank 1, Sprained legs,
What happened?
0.00 seconds Yuna passive healing; +1098hp.
0.00 seconds Tama bleeding rank 1. - 360hp.
0.00 seconds Jorgumond drops Serpents Grasp.
0.00 seconds Leech seal check; [ 45 vs. 32 ] hits. For Tama -900 - Hp 1012 Cp For yuna: +450 hp +506CP

0.75 seconds Tama uses World standstill.
World standstill said:
2.25 seconds. Tama uses Living Storm.
Tama gains + 7920 temp. hp.

2.75 seconds Tama equips Thunder Bagua.
1.50 seconds updraft is maintained, check against Yuna and Jorgumanda.
Tama vs. Yuna [ 37 vs. 39 ] miss
Tama vs Jormun contract [ 47 vs. 28 ] Hits. The contract is airborne for 5 seconds.

1,66 seconds Shizukanari uses Coagulation against Tama.
Tama's bleed was reduced by 2.

1.75 seconds Tama uses a Lightning strike against Yuna and the contract Jorguman.
Tama vs. Yuna [ 43 vs. 39 ] Hits. 1.153 dmg
Tama vs. Contract [ 36 vs. 23 ] Hits 1.214 dmg

2.00 seconds Tama combos into a Lightning strike against Yuna.
Tama vs. Yuna [ 38 vs. 43 ] Miss.
Tama vs. Contract. [ 42 vs. 22 ] hits. 1.214 dmg

2.00 seconds Yuna uses Anti-Gravity on themself.

2.00 seconds Yuna uses Red Thaumatugry - Rupture.
Yuna's Bleed rank increased by +2.
Yuna takes direct damage of bleed rank - 732 hp.
Yuna's temporary chakra = CP.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WAITING ON METSU ANSWER BEFORE I CAN EDIT IN THE TEMP. CHAKRA.
if 4. 36000 : 100 x 3 = 1080 x 4 = 4320 temp cp. If 3. 36000 : 100 x 3 = 1080 x 3 = 3.240 Temp cp.

2.25 seconds Tama combos into a Lightning strike against Yuna.
Tama vs. Yuna [ 46 vs. 31 ] hits. 1.153 dmg
Tama vs. Contract. [ 34 vs. 29 ] hits. 1.214 dmg

4,16 seconds Jorgumand uses genjutsu against Tama.
[ 31 vs. 32 ] Miss

4.75 seconds Tama uses a Gigavolt cannon against Yuna.
Tama vs. Yuna [ 41 vs. 31 ] hits. 2.731 dmg.
31% of Paralysis, Yuna rolled 17 hits.
24 % of disruption. Yuna rolled 45 miss.
Tama vs. Contract [ 42 vs. 32 ] Hits 2875dmg.
31% of Paralysis, contract rolled 67 miss.
24 % of disruption. The contract rolled 14 hits. There is nothing to dispel on random maintenance. No effect.

6.00 seconds Yuna uses Perfected Rasengan against Tama. Yeeted 20 seconds into the future.
Roll for paralysis; Yuna rolled 36. Failed.
Roll for auto dodge. Tama rolled 27 failed.
Yuna vs. Tama [ 49 vs. 38 ] hits. 7.425dmg.
Secondary effect: Tama rolled 21. Hits. +15% CP costs the entire battle.

3,57 seconds: Yuna uses a Million stabs against Tama and Shizukanaryūō.
Yuna vs. Tama. Stealth advantage.
[34 vs. 41] Miss
[52 vs. 27] Crit hits. Called shot roll 2. Legs. his legs are now sprained. Bleed Rank 2. Bleed rank 1. 360 dmg
[51 vs. 28] Hit 327 dmg
[39 vs. 31] Hit 327dmg
[40 vs. 34] Hit 327dmg
[41 vs. 41] Hit 327dmg
[42 vs. 27] Hit 327dmg
[35 vs. 34] Hit 0 dmg Partial hits treated 1 rank lower.
Total dmg. 2.903 (10% = 290CP dmg)
Bleed dmg R2. 360

Yuna vs. Shizu
[ 33 vs. 31 ] Hits. 310 dmg
[ 49 vs. 25 ] Hits 310 dmg
[ 50 vs. 28 ] Hits 310 dmg
[ 33 vs. 28 ] Hits 310 dmg
[ 51 vs. 31 ] Crit hits. Called shot roll 2. Legs. his legs are now sprained. Bleed Rank 1. 634 dmg
[ 50 vs. 21 ] Hits 310 dmg
[ 49 vs. 23 ] Hits 310 dmg
[ 40 vs. 37 ] Hits 310 dmg
Total dmg. 2804 (10% = 280CP dmg)
Bleed dmg. R1. 330

8,33 seconds Jorgumand uses Leak against Shizukanari.
[ 29 vs. 37 ] miss.

9.00 Seconds Yuna uses Blood break against Tama.
[ 45 vs/. 48 ] Miss

10.00 seconds Yuna coats her weapon.

10 seconds Yuna used the special action Quick Healer. - 208 cp + 208 hp.
World standstill said:
As always, I am human. If you want something, please DM me. I'm sorry if I read it and forgot to respond. Kindly remind me.

Yuna your first action was still on cooldown. "Requires a 15-second cooldown after use." Also, you never mentioned if you did or didn't maintain a jutsu on either action sending.
And so it begins again. Yuna took on the onslaught of combo attacks in the form of lightning jutsus, but she held fast. She took advantage of her own knowledge of jutsus and casted antigravity on herself to boost herself. Along with that, she would go on to use her innate Chigokai abilities to draw in more chakra to herself, thanks to the converted blood jutsus that she had used earlier. She released a deadly attack in the form of a Perfected Rasen-tsunami.

And to her prediction, he sent it away. Just as she anticipated that he would. By now, she's starting to get a grasp of his powers and how he uses them. It is basically to delay the attack so that he may plan ahead for its return. Smart, as long as your opponent doesn't catch on. Which means... That she'll have to hit him even harder along with give him more choices. Eventually, it will come down to what he thinks he can live with and what he doesn't think he can live with.

(actions sent)

It rang across the mountain pass as the madman continued to keep juggling a giant snake who was doing everything in its power to keep the scientist/fairy duo down. It even managed to grip Shizi once, but his small size continued to pay dividends in escaping. The ball of light floated near Tama and gently healed his bleeding wounds back down to a manageable level, chastening him the entire time he continued the mad laughter. The Kami contract just wasn;t having it, already pissed it had to do battle against the forces of Kumogakure, but Tama? He was having a blast.

"Wow, you guys really know how to take a hit! Ya know, back home, only the Toraono had that kind of stalwart ability! Survival is the name of the game out there, but them big boys could take a punch and just...keep rolling. Not unlike yourself! I can't recall the last time someone has managed to stand up against me this long! Guess I'll give it my all then!"

He snapped his fingers, freezing time once more. Extending his hands to the sky he called down lightning to strike his body but it froze within his bubble of stopped time just a foot away from hitting his palms. Reaching up, the scientist gripped the lighting bolts, put them together, and pushed it into his chest. Power began to radiate from his form in a way that echoed through time itself, shaking the foundation of the Dragon Tooth Pass. His body grew in size, if that could be imagined, and he gained a golden aura that replaced his flesh. A thunder cloud became his armor. From his hand a lightning bolt formed to be held like a sword. Time started again.

Immediately his new form struck Yuna with the lightning blade, followed up by another attack that displayed expert swordsmanship that came from multiple lifetimes. It almost felt like his swordplay was as fluid as eating breakfast. He watched his opponent take flight to try and escape his awesome form, and...make herself bleed? No idea what that was about. Another smack with the lightning blade! His brain felt like something tickled it, but quickly stopped. He then held the blade aloft, turning it quickly into a cannon of energy to bear down upon the ANBU soldier - surprised that she burst through it with a ball of swirling power.

Nope that into the future.

Hubris finally came back in the form of multiple stab wounds that cut past his cloud armor because it was an attack that had hit he yeeted into the future, but when all was said and done, Tama seemed entirely indifferent to his new wounds. He could feel the Chigokai messing with his blood again, but was unsuccessful in controlling him once more. He laughed again, his blade swinging back again for another attack.

"I feel amazing!" his voice booms.

[Actions sent]
HP: 28.790 +1098 - 732 = 29.156
CP: 25.317 - 5000 - 1470 + 1950 = 20.797
AP: 10 ( next round)

Status: Bleed R2.
HP: 26.670 -360 - 1000 -5.447 + 4550 = 24.413
Temp Hp; 4.657 - 11.104 = -5.447
Barrier HP 1350 - 2350 = -1000

CP: 37.963 - 1.534 - 2101 = 34.328
Natural Energy: 1.012 - 567 - 2.101 = -1.534 going to CP.
AP: 10 ( next round)

Maintains: Living Storm
Status: Bleed rank 1, sealed, Sprained legs.
HP: 26.483
CP: 25.860 - 820 - 5000 - 820 - 990 = 18.230

AP: 7 ( next round)

HP: 30.196 - 360 = 30.556
CP: 27.670 - 2750 = 24.920

AP: 7 ( next round)

Status: Bleed Rank 1, Sprained legs,
What happened?
0.00 seconds Yuna passive healing; +1098hp.
0.00 seconds Tama bleeding rank 1. - 360hp.
0.00 seconds Tama's contract bleeding rank 1. - 360hp.
0.00 Seconds Yuna bleeding rank 2. -732hp

1.75 seconds Tama uses Inner Earth Reflection Lure.
[ 18 vs 24] Tama is not in stealth.
1350 HP of Barrier

2.8 seconds Jorgumandr uses Mist of deceit against Tama.
[ 31 vs 27 ] Hits
+21% on self-hit by Tama.
+25% CP costs on their actions.

4.00 seconds Yuna casts Untisted Helix on herself.

4.28 seconds Kami casts Regeneration against Tama.
+4.550 hp at the end of the round.

4.50 seconds Tama uses body bind.
[ 31 vs 41 ] Fails
No longer in sage mode.

6.3 seconds Jorgumandr uses Torrential vortex against Tama.
36 vs. 30 Hits. 2350dmg
Barrier broken 2350 - 1350 = 1000 dmg left.
It needs 28% to bleed, Tama rolled 71.

7.00 seconds Yuna uses Energy Transfer on Jourmungandr.
1500 + 2400 = 3900 : 2 = 1950CP gained.

7.25 Tama uses Body Bind.
[ 35 vs. 35] Tie. UBR rules tie = user wins. Yuna is bound.

9.50 seconds Yuna tries to get out of a bind.
Yuna needs to roll 15%, Yuna rolled 10. She is directly unbound.

9.9 seconds Jorgumondr uses a Water shark bomb against Tama.
[ 37 vs. 24 ] Hits 2.887dmg
[ 31 vs. 31 ] 50% 1.443dmg
[ 29 vs. 35 ] Miss
[ 42 vs. 32 ] Crit hit. 5774dmg
[ 29 vs. 34 ] Miss.

8% for crush effect, Tama rolled 20, 51, 91.

Notes: Yuna, you did not have the AP or the time for your last action.
I didn't calculate the affinities anymore or the seal as you guys change it into regular RP.
As per usual, it was hubris that lead to the Ryuu’s undoing.

Perhaps not the kind of hubris one might expect though. As far as combat had gone, the two shinobi were of equal measure. Where Yuna had a complete powerhouse of ninjutsu at their disposal that could easily keep up with the mad scientist’s own repertoire; Tama had the annoying ability to contort Time. Getting past someone who could manipulate the fabric of time itself was a tall order, and one that kept seeing the ANBU’s best attack delayed and avoided. It had also been so long since the man had fought anyone that even remotely gave him a run for his money that he was high on battle sauce. He was getting to the point in a fight where he wanted to actually mess with his opponent, strategy right out the window.

Speaking a strange word, his body sunk into the ground. Believing himself hidden he waited for Yuna to begin panicking, but instead, she laid down a thick cover of mist that blinded his, eyesight. Sensing immediately that he was underestimating the female, Tama started to backtrack when he felt the ANBU’s power spike suddenly.

Ah beans, she was holding back.
You deserve every bit of this, you dumb-ass,” quipped the holy fairy as they writ a seal on the back of his neck that sank into the flesh to begin repairing the minute damage Yuna had already caused. So, he tried focusing the power of his Ancient linage towards his eyes, to impart a large dose of fear into the mortal to keep them still. Of course, there was no doing these things when he couldn’t see the opponent.

Then, two very bad things happened right at the same time. The first was Tama losing his glow. That ethereal shimmer in his image suddenly slipped away and the mortal casing caged down on his soul like a clamp. Suddenly needing to breathe again, the scientist popped his head out of the hole to see a tornado of fluids being shot at him from a giant snake in the sky.
Uh…nope!” Tama quipped before moving to directly move Time in his favor once more. As he gripped the air to slow time down again, a hand suddenly caught his wrist. The scientist’s heart sank like a lead weight in the ocean. He turned his face towards that which could touch him in the moments between waking and stopped time to see the grotesque and twisted face of FATE herself.

I̷̢̟̫͚̟̩̪͖̦̩̿̀̈́̾͌̀̾͒̔͐̊̕͝͝͠ͅ ̷̨̡̻̝̙͍͒F̵̧̧͙̲͓̯̠̤̻̯̖̠͇͆ͅO̸͕̺͇̤̻̜̳̙̰̥͍̍̊̀͋̉̉͊̄̅͜͠U̴̱͐Ņ̸̡̹͈͓͓͙̯̠̖̞̯̀̀͛̄̃̄̈́͛̊̀̆͆̌͠D̶͔͓̜̣̬̤͍͎̘̺̦̬̮̱͛ ̴̢̨̨̟̼͇͚̫̱͔̗͈̲̿̀́̓̃͊ͅY̴̢̘̫̳̘̼͗̈́̉̅̈̌̽͂͋̃͆̿͝O̴̢͉͓͓͋̈̓̊̋̂Ư̶̝͉̌̓̂̈́͂̀̈́̉͐́!̸̺̠̃̌̓̃̃͗̒̎̂͘͝!̴̨̢̤̠̥̱͙͔̪̼͓͓̤̗̑̄́

There it was. The very thing Tama had carefully controlled his use of time powers for. See, unlike most Temporal Striders, the blond’s use over time control had very little to do with his chakra at all. He was a man who had broken his own timeline so many times that his very soul had stepped right outside of the world’s existence even as his corporal form pushed on. So instead of slowing a simple pocket of time in the world down, which always catches back up with normal time in a few days, Tama was stepping out. He would turn his corporal form towards his soul, and merge the two on the outside of the world’s timestream. The caveat of such a strong power was that there was a thing out there that monitored Time/Space with undue diligence. Every time a mortal managed to break their bonds and step into Her realm, she would crush them to dust and sent them flying through the cosmos as nothing. Tama had ran from this very creature now for far longer than he’d care to admit, and it was the one thing really holding him back. Now that She had finally found him, there was only two options: merge back into full mortality, which meant excising his Ancient blood from his DNA…or be removed from reality.

Of course, he chose the selfish option.

Power was power. So long as he continued to live he’d find a way to restore his strength in one form or another. Of course the daunting aspect of being mortal again struck such a fear inside…but then he remembered; his rival had also chosen mortality. Freely. Wanted, it. If the Uzu had no fear of mortality then why should he?
Sure, ya found me! But you know, I’m one slippery sonovabitch!

Tama jabbed his thumb into his chest and dragged it down until it was in the direct center of his coil. The Kami he was keeping in the mortal realm with chakra poofed instantly without realizing why. On the very tip of that thumb, and in the very center of his chakra coil were two microscopic seals. The rings of coil leading towards the center each had seals on them that served as “locks;” in case he got drunk and melancholic. It did tend to happen a lot. When the two seals merged a gigantic bolt of lightning shocked out from the earth around Tama and shot into the sky, releasing the Ancient energy back into nature as he returned to a mortal form. He felt heavy. His labcoat felt like a weighted blanket and not in the good way.

Time had started up again, and the roar of a torrent of water came spiraling at him.
Oh, right. Well…damn.

Quick as he could the scientist tried to grab the earth and raise it to defend him only to recall that, oh yeah, elemental powers were gone, and got shanked by the vortex. Sucking him up into it he felt the pressure of water and pain in ways he hadn’t in ages. With sheer will he managed to swim out and land on the ground, only then to catch Yuna in her prime form and himself in…whatever humans passed for these days. Drawing on the last vestiges of power he could still muster, once more, Tama glared the power of the Ancient into Yuna to giver one a moment of pause. In that single moment Tama could stand, place a seal to stop her movements long enough for him to get outta dodge, and call it a loss. But he forgot about that giant snake. Right before he could touch Yuna he felt it glaring daggers from behind, and turned to see the big boy showing fang. With, perhaps something of an autistic moment, Tama reached up and gently patted the snake on the snoot.

It was met with a torrent of shark-shaped water bombs.

Both legs, his left arm, and most of the left side of his rib cage were shattered in the initial impact. Pain shot through his body with such a shock all he could do was the most human thing possible: black out. His body was thrown against the mountain pass and there it slid down into an unconscious sitting position.
Yuna decided now is the time her to go all out. She now has a handle of how Tama uses his powers, to a somewhat predictable way. Anything that he poses as a high danger to him, he makes it disappear into the future. An annoying thing to deal with, but it only means that she'll just have to hit him with everything that she's got.

When he went into the ground, Yuna was still able to pinpoint where he was due to his blood flow. It really helped out since, being a large person, much larger than the regular man, she found where he was immediately. "Jourmungandr!" She yelled.

"I know! I know!" The snake would release his own chakra that would target Tama. A second and a half would pass as Yuna would unleash her full potential. Seeming as she is fighting someone who had control over time, she broke her own limits of her genetic implant and focused on controlling space itself, or rather the space that she would occupy.

And aura would surround her, not just of chakra, but also of space dilation, similar to Tama's time dilation techniques. The only problem with doing such a thing is that it eats up a lot of her chakra. She felt a familiar chakra try to force its way into her to stop her movements, a technique that she has mastered herself. But she kept moving as if nothing had happened. Her snake contract is now picking up the pace of the battle, seemingly pissed off at the intruder for keep throwing him up into the air. A vortex would slam into Tama hard. Yuna would take this time to try and recover some of her chakra that she had lost, she took some from Jourmungandr. "Thanks." She muttered. Her snake contract would only make slithering sound as it mainly focused on letting out a barrage of attacks on Tama.

But before Yuna could move to finish the first part of her plan, she felt Tama's chakra enter her again, this time, she couldn't and was bound. She watched on as Jourmungandr would unleash his own set of water shark bomb at Tama, and seen the man fly and crash into the mountain pass. Just then, she had control of her body movements again as she rushed to strike him down where he stood. But... He didn't stand back up. Her blood red sword stopped only inches away from his neck as she stopped the killing blow from happening. Theoretically, she could just kill him now and be done with it. However, her thoughts ran back to what she learned in this fight. This man is from Sand. Even though it is clear he tried to invade in his own interests, she doesn't know if he was potentially coerced into doing it or if he was crazy enough to be a lone operator. How he talked and how he looks, she can only assume from her talks with Raizo and her investigation in Sand that Tama is potentially a Hybrid. And then there's his name... Ryu Tama...

Unknowing to her, Yuna's eyes finally changed to show the Sharingan. It isn't because of this sole event happening, no. But rather everything that had piled on for her to try and work through, of her saving face, finally toppled over on her. It just so happened that this connection back to Sand, a place that had given her a lot of stress, finally awoken something within her. Multiple other anbu agents landed beside Yuna as they looked at her. "Geez, you both were monsters out on the battlefield. Are you okay Sennin-sama... Mir-?" The Anbu agent almost let slip the wrong name as he had seen the sharingan, a staple that was part of her predecessor. Kagami Miro... That's another old wound. Her predecessor up and retired, but not before disgracing the branch with having illegal operations such as slave labor.

"Prep him for interrogation. Bring him to Tarterian Specus." She gestured to Tama as she ordered some agents to prep him to go there. They were quick to throw a chakra collar on his neck to suppress his chakra so that he can't fight his way out, at least, not fight his way out accurately. Obviously, they'll have to put him in a cart or something, seemingly as the intruders legs and left arm are broken beyond a regular ninja's help. True, a medical ninja can help out, but right now, she'd rather not waste resources on someone who had attacked Cloud with the intention of stealing their technology. Yuna would then look over at the other anbu agents who were awaiting orders. "Find Byako, and have him go to Tarterian Specus. This will be his first real job as intelligence sub branch Anbu captain." She looked to another, "Find Kitsune-sama and request for her presence in Tarterian Specus as soon as she can, tell her that we have a prisoner that might hold some interesting history, along with a possible connection to Rei." She then looked at the final anbu agent. "Scour the Village, look for Ryu Rei, former Main Branch Sennin.Tell her that she is needed at Tarterian Specus to help questioning a prisoner. If you can't, then find a man that has white hair bearing a Leaf headband, he's the best bet that we have of finding her."

With that, she would accompany the team that has Tama as they go to the prison.

(Topic left, taking Tama to Tarterian Specus)
He felt nothing laying there in complete void. For the first time in a very long time, the man was absolutely knocked out. The jolt to his system of losing both his Hybrid powers and the Temporal had turned the scientist very weak. In no way had he planned for this, but perhaps in a way - it would be for the best. Suna was very hands-off with Tama due to his history with them, which lead to the man getting away with more than he really ought to. Did he therapy? Or did he need a goal to actually sink his teeth into? Kumogakure had just reeled in a major source of Sunagakure’s power. One of the three major medical experts of the dunes, the giant blond had a lot of knowledge that Kumo could add to their own…if they could get it out of him.

[Topic Left /w Yuna. On-wards! To jail!]

Current Ninpocho Time:
