Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Dimiterium Intel [Req. Raikage]

Tsuyoshi Junko

Active Member
May 5, 2013
Continuation from this topic: Here

After dropping his brother off at the Tsuyoshi Estate, Junko instructed his family to take some time to rest and begin preparation for Aiko’s funeral. Not long after, Junko found himself stepping into the center of Kumogakure, the Torre Celeste.

It was a blessing to be back home. Kumo’s chilling air was well missed. Unfortunately, he wouldn’t get the opportunity to bask in it just yet. Business had to be taken cared of with the new Raikage. Of all people, Kitsune was in charge. Junko wasn’t sure what to really think of it just yet.

Did Kitsune truly redeem herself from her past? . . .

Was she truly worthy of the title Raikage or was their just no other option seeing as Ayumu was gone? . . .

Regardless, it honestly didn’t matter to Junko as long as the village was taken care of and nothing corrupt was going on. Unlike when Junko was younger, powerless, and weak. . . he now possessed the strength to deal with Kitsune accordingly. Last time, her mistakes only cost her ranking. This time, her mistakes and betrayal could very well cost her . . . her life. Of course she was no stranger to dying, but I bet dying still hurt like a B***

Junko’s checkups with the village was confirmed after the ANBU personnel submitted everything necessary. Everything would check out fine, the Raikage’s secretary was already informed of Junko’s return with valuable Intel, and a meeting would already be set. After greeting the secretary, Junko was escorted to the Raikages office.

After being permitted to enter, Junko’s eyes would meet with the Duchess. “Greetings Kitsune-san, I hope all is well.” Junko said with a nod.

“I must say, it feels good to be home.”

Kagami Miro

May 28, 2019
OOC Rank

As of late Kumogakure has had a string of faces come and go. From new academy students up to old faces that have re emerged. Mirō had the luxury of tending to a multitude of these occurrences, unfortunately suspicion began to rise in her gut. The reappearance of Dimiterium poked its sappy nose into Kumo again. The threat of Dimiterium had expanded outward into other villages throughout the country. An old face that went by the name of Tsuyoshi Junko, returned with the body of his brother who had been killed by the material. Troubling to know that the Tenzouans began distributing the materia and already begun using it against fellow nin.

After leaving the gates Mirō made haste to the Raikage’s office. Bounding over rooftops shortened the time it took to reach her workplace. The audible sound of shinobi boots landing on the top of the concrete stairs gained the attention of the two main branch guards at the door. The golden one horn mask that adorned her face was enough clearance for the guards to open the door. “I have urgent news for the Raikage. If you would…” The guards eyed Mirō up, noticing the sigil on her hand followed by her headband that hung around her neck they looked at each other and nodded.

The doors had opened and quickly shut behind Mirō. Her red and grey jacket ruffled in the wind as Mirō approached the Raikage’s desk. “Sensei, I have unsettling news about Dimiterium.” Her wording made it clear who she actually was behind that mask. Kneeling down on one knee Mirō showed her Raikage respect. “A man and his family entered the village recently. The Tsuyoshi family…” Calling her prior would have given her information about who exactly entered but not who was covered in gauze. “On the leader's shoulder was a body. Apparently KIA from Dimiterium.” Trusting Junko’s word was akin to leaving a jewel thief in an unguarded bank. “My concern is his lack of ‘check-in’s’ with the village on top of how far the Dimiterium has spread to other villages and countries.” Mirō’s head tilted up to let her red hues witness the Raikage’s words. “Who knows if Dimiterium found its way into Ku-”

Her voice was silenced by the creak of the door opening. Her gaze falling back to the ground she was able to sense who entered by their chakra. Having felt it moments ago it was none other than Tsuyoshi Junko who made an appearance. Mirō rose to her feet, letting her right hand rest on her hip. What Mirō hadn’t said was her concern about Junko’s authority. From his words Kitsune was demoted by Junko, he wasn’t fond of her combat prowess. The room fell silent as both parties awaited the Raikage’s word. Junko’s presence didn’t sit right in her gut.

[Topic Entered]
[WC: 473]
[Mirō thinking.]
[Mirō talking.]

Shinrya Kitsune

11th Raikage
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Kitsune, ever dilligent, was as per usual sitting in her office. Some interesting intel had come in that she was in the process of decoding with the book that her prospective ANBU Sennin had brought in from the mission where Maru had erased a village from the map. It wasn’t a pleasant message she were getting to, and she grimaced. It would appear those religious fanatics have been bringing in material from all across the country. It would appear they’re gearing up for something big... But they’re just a small city state... They can’t possibly fund all of this on their own. Someone’s gotta be bankrolling them. But who... were the thoughts going through her mind.

As she sat in deep concentration over the letter and the door of her office opened and closed, with Miro stepping into the office in between those two events. As she spoke, Kitsune looked up and listened as Miro informed that the Tsuyoshi family had returned to Cloud. It had been quite a while since she had heard that name, and frankly, she’d have preferred it stay that way. Tsuyoshi Junko was a condescending man she couldn’t stand. Her eyes narrowed as Miro began informing about the Dimiterium.

”So... Junko’s back at the same time we’re having issues with the church, after having been missing in action, presumed dead, for five years.” she summarized and sighed ”Did you know, my dear pupil, that he once demoted me, a researcher, for lacking combat prowess? What kind of insane logic is it to demote a healer for being bad at damage? Good Raiden above, I cannot fathom what went through his head at the time. Anyway, come have a look at this.” she finished with a sigh and gestured to the translation so Miro could see the immediate concern. Miro was also concerned about if Dimiterium had entered Kumogakure, but didn’t get to finish her sentence, as just then Junko entered the room.

”It’s about time you came back. You were presumed dead, missing in action.” she stated sternly, ”Five whole years since you were last in contact with Kumogakure, despite mandatory yearly check-ins. I can’t wait to hear what you’ve been up to this whole time, former Sennin Tsuyoshi Junko.” she finished, closing the translation book and folding up the intel so it couldn’t be read, and finally folding her hands on top of the documents on the table.

[MFT; WC: 404]

Tsuyoshi Junko

Active Member
May 5, 2013
”It’s about time you came back. You were presumed dead, missing in action.”

Shaking his head, Junko could read straight through Kitsunes bull *** and fake demeanor. It was definitely a step in the wrong direction and proving to Junko that Kitsune probably hadn’t changed at all.

. . .Perhaps she was still the same . . . spineless, weak, and would betray Kumogakure in a moment’s notice. . . Only time would tell though. So far, she was definitely moving in the wrong direction with Junko. In the wrong direction during the wrong time as Junko had a dead brother waiting to be buried.

”Five whole years since you were last in contact with Kumogakure, despite mandatory yearly check-ins. I can’t wait to hear what you’ve been up to this whole time, former Sennin Tsuyoshi Junko.”

“Yearly check-ins were done, yet I was presumed dead despite of them?” Junko said raising a brow and noticing her emphasis on “former sennin”.

In all honesty, her statement made no sense and a genin with basic analytical skills would probably find something odd about it. Anbu personnel was fully aware that Junko was alive and the information would’ve definitely been given if a search party was ever dispatched.

Why? Because ANBU would’ve informed the dispatchers that Junko was alive and that the search wasn’t needed. Neither Ayumu or Kitsune made the call. Furthermore, upon seeing Junko. . . the proper response would’ve been “oh wow, you’re alive?”

Not, “it’s about time you came back.”

Perhaps kitsune knew Junko was alive all along and wanted to keep Junko out of the picture. Or perhaps Kitsune simply wanted to bask in the opportunity to keep Junko demoted as payback for Junko demoting her long ago. Nevertheless, Kitsune was caught in a lie. And lying about something so small at that.

The question now was, what type of liar was she? Perhaps she was the type to say “just joking”.

Junko’s cold charcoal eyes sat on the woman and then to the Anbu guard. Could this ANBU be trusted? Would she notice the flaw in kitsunes statement as well? Or perhaps the ANBU was close to kitsune and kitsune could do no wrong?

One thing was for sure, the Anbu before him must’ve had some tie into the dimiterium investigation or some knowledge on it. After all, why was she here? Especially after she directed Junko to come here. A trip he was going to make even if she didn’t direct him to.

All these things were being analyzed in mere seconds and Junko wanted to play his cards right. If he took the low road, Kumogakure would likely lose a Raikage and Anbu personnel.

Taking the high road, they’d both live and Kumogakure could fight an upcoming issue that could likely turn shinobi extinct if not handled soon.

“After the final round of the tournament in Tea Country, my children were abducted by an organization called the Tenouzan Church. They placed hand-cuffs created from dimiterium on my children and they were rendered powerless against it.” Junko said with with a slight pause.

“Luckily, my brother Aiko found and exchanged himself for my children. Like his master Raikage Hayata Shin, Aiko was a man of peace and sent a message through my son to let me know the dangers that could come from Dimiterum. So, as medical sennin I made a choice.” Junko said still holding his cold gaze.

“I decided to run a covert mission. Aiko would gather intel on the organization and negotiate for peace from the inside while I did recon from outside the organization. We needed as much information as possible. We found trade routes set for Kumogakure, Konoha, and it’ll likely spread to Suna in due time.” Junko said with a sigh.

“We even found that the church’s were getting funding from criminal organizations which allowed the church’s impact to spread and increase. The church supplied the dimiterium, common criminals received tools to fight shinobi, and the church got paid in the process.”

“Worst of all, they built a prototype fighting glove with the ability to cool dimiterum’s overheating flaw and to permanently destroy a persons ability to chakra. Aiko was a victim and they killed my brother.”
Junkosaid clenching a fist.

“I managed to beat the individual in combat that wielded the glove, but I fear that they may make adjustments to the prototype to make it a range weapon. Meaning, they could be positioned on a roof and take a shot that’ll destroy one’s access to chakra and turn a shinobi into nothing more than a common man or woman.” Junko said pulling out a black scroll from his inner jacket pocket. Within the scroll contained all the information Junko had covered along with a summoning seal that would bring forth the glove he mentioned.

“I was told at the gate that dimiterum was already being investigated, what intel do you have so far? And what’s the current status of dealings when it comes to dimiterum?” Junko said stepping forward and placing the scroll on kitsunes desk.

Kagami Miro

May 28, 2019
OOC Rank

Mirō never could doubt her gut. Junko’s words were true about demoting the Raikage and mocking her combat prowess. Subtly shaking her head side to side, her combat abilities mean nothing. Anbu and Main Branch Jounin will be the blade that strikes for the Raikage. She remains the most talented medical professional in all of Kumogakure.

As words were exchanged the tension in the room tightened to a knot. Mirō picked up on Junko’s words that he claimed yearly check ins. Recalling him saying he made contacts with Anbu personnel but none were delivered for fear of endangering the Raikage. “At the gate you mentioned the ANBU couldn’t deliver the check in’s. If your information proved its importance you should have sent them to check in.” Mirō shook her head, what made it hard was to presume he was dead. Five years… no contact… Mirō would consider that MIA. Regardless, despite no Anbu Sennin intel that vital would need to be delivered immediately. It was a lie from Junko, and hate for him by the Raikage that laid the tension on thick.

Those red hues inspected Junko as he talked. The mission she and a few other ninja went on played in the back of her mind like a broken record. The seriousness of the situation kept her busy ever since that day. As she thought, the church was pushing the material nationwide. With that ability to seize chakra, ninja could go extinct. ‘Massive enemy factions would emerge…’ Sucking her teeth, if they didn’t cut this predicament in the throat soon Kumo will be no more.

That said, Junko’s words confirmed all her suspicions, making it hard not to believe a word of it. It was her duty to look out for Kumogakure to save those who saved her, no matter the cost. Red hues cut to her Sensei and back to Junko. She watched him move to the desk and place the black scroll down. Mirō had no intention to speak of the intel, even to a well rounded monster that demoted the Raikage. Where it was being contained, in the Sileo Tempestas. Kept far away from chakra users in below freezing temperatures.

It wasn’t her call to reveal such information to him. “Raikage, If I may.” Mirō’s head turned towards her. “Disciplinary actions for withholding information should be discussed….” Pausing for a moment, “But we should weigh that in with the information we just got. The information he shared resembles my thoughts on the matter.” Honesty coated her words, “Those church cultists are developing and moving quickly.” Trying to push for an alignment, Mirō awaited the Raikage’s input.

[Mirō thinking.]
[Mirō talking.]

Tsuyoshi Junko

Active Member
May 5, 2013
“At the gate you mentioned the ANBU couldn’t deliver the check in’s. If your information proved its importance you should have sent them to check in.”

“Raikage, If I may.”

“Disciplinary actions for withholding information should be discussed….”

“But we should weigh that in with the information we just got.

Raising a brow, Junko could tell where the ANBU’s head was. She ignored the lie that came straight from kitsunes mouth and focused more on the punishment of Junko instead of the big issue at hand. In a single instance, Junko knew that the ANBU before him couldn’t be trusted.

“Correction” Junko said before things got out of hand.

“At the gates I said my contacts were with the ANBU personnel that escorted me back. I sent them messages, but they were not to send anything back or push any information forward as it could endanger kumogakure.

Meaning, no return messages were to be sent back to me and any information pertaining to Dimiterium was to be pushed forward. Why? Because I was handling the situation involving Dimiterium myself. Furthermore, this would’ve been known if a dispatch party was ever issued. How? Because ANBU would’ve informed the dispatchers that Junko was alive and that the search wasn’t needed. Apparently, neither Ayumu or Kitsune made that call. Who knows, maybe someone wanted me to be presumed dead with no confirmation.”

Taking the scroll back, Junko took two steps back. Perhaps Kitsune herself had connections to the tenouzan church and had Junko targeted. As of now, things were very suspicious. How did kitsune become Raikage anyway? Where was Ayumu?

“When greeting someone presumed dead. . . It’s about time you came back wouldn’t be the proper greeting. Instead, the greeting would consist of being more surprised.”

Junko was taking the high road, but apparently things were turning in a different direction.

Shinrya Kitsune

11th Raikage
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Kitsune sighed and shook her head. ”Seeing as you insist on feigning ignorance. Fine. Lets take it from the top, shall we?” she said in a sharp tone, raising her voice ever so slightly as she was now thoroughly annoyed, ”The checkins aren’t with any outside personnel, it’s with the village. You failed to perform those. That’s why you were considered missing in action. As for what Ayumu would or would not have done, I don’t care. He vanished into thin air, leaving behind a giant mess that I had to fix, including a diplomatic crisis with Konohagakure.”

She continued in the same sharp tone, ”Now I don’t know whether or not to trust those ANBU operatives you brought with you to the gates, I’ll leave that up to Alpha to decide. We’ve had to deal with a bunch of other things so there weren’t personnel to spare for sending a search party after a few people. And as for the greeting, I know you well enough to presume that you’re one tough cookie to take down, and it’d be HIGHLY unlikely for you to actually die in combat because you’re frankly quite the combat maniac. It’d take more than an insane cult to get you into a coffin, of that I’m entirely certain.”

”Quite honestly, you should’ve brought the intel in instead of trying to fix it yourself. The church of Tenouza is a larger foe than a single man can handle. As you’ve been gone a while, you’re unaware of what’s been going on around here, but I’ll tell you. We got reports of the church hunting down chakra users in the entire country, with no effort from the Shogun to stop it. We identified a village they had been using as a forward base. I sent a strike team to obtain dimiterium equipment and they succeeded. Sadly, their storehouses with the stuff got overloaded with chakra and it caused the village to explode.”

It was quite the mouthful to take it, but Kitsune wasn’t done yet. ”That being said, Alpha evacuated everyone from the village, and only church people got caught in the blast. But it underscored just how dangerous that stuff is. We’ve been doing some intel gathering of our own since then, including obtaining copies of the communications. Sadly said communication is encrypted and we’re working on breaking it.” she finished and folded her hands. ”With the intel you just provided, and what we’ve observed ourselves, it’s become quite clear that actions need to be taken, and that the Church of Tenouza needs to be erased from the surface of the planet. Covertly, of course.”

Once again she sighed, as this was all quite taxing mentally. Dealing with Junko on top of the entire church situation was a pain. It was, as she said, very clear that the Church needed to be erased. But who was funding them? It couldn’t only be criminals. There was more to it. And why had the Shogun done absolutely nothing to stop the incursion of fanatic zealots? Was he involved in it as well, or was it just a political stalemate that held him in check?

Tsuyoshi Junko

Active Member
May 5, 2013
As Kitsune spoke, she mentioned that check-ins weren’t with outside personnel. Which was true and if investigations were done, they’d find out that everything Junko said was true and with personnel inside kumogakure. Everything would line up and he’d be in the clear.

Continuing, Kitsune also mentioned that Ayumu was MIA as well and that she’d never believe Junko would be killed due to his combat skills. Her words seemed passionate and true, but Junko honestly didn’t know what to believe. If she really believed that without a doubt, why allow him to be pronounced dead? Old timers always said that there were three sides to a story. “His side, her side, and the truth.” If Junko was to ever know the truth, he’d have to find it out for himself.

Fortunately for the situation though, Kitsune focused on the one thing that truly mattered involving the meeting. Dimiterum and the Tenouzan church organization.

“We got reports of the church hunting down chakra users in the entire country, with no effort from the Shogun to stop it. We identified a village they had been using as a forward base. I sent a strike team to obtain dimiterium equipment and they succeeded. Sadly, their storehouses with the stuff got overloaded with chakra and it caused the village to explode.”

”That being said, Alpha evacuated everyone from the village, and only church people got caught in the blast. But it underscored just how dangerous that stuff is. We’ve been doing some intel gathering of our own since then, including obtaining copies of the communications. Sadly said communication is encrypted and we’re working on breaking it.” she finished and folded her hands. ”With the intel you just provided, and what we’ve observed ourselves, it’s become quite clear that actions need to be taken, and that the Church of Tenouza needs to be erased from the surface of the planet. Covertly, of course.”

“I couldn’t agree more with you. I’ve now returned and more than willing to assist in the covert operations to come. How would you both like to move forward?”
Junko said looking at alpha as well. It was apparent that alpha had some skill to be able to evacuate a village from a dimiterum explosion. Those explosions were usually no joke and Alpha saved them all . . .


From this point on, if I’m ever away from my character; it is to be stated that they’re continuing normally in the village in whatever position they hold. Continuing normally consists of:

  • Missions
  • Hospital work
  • Tsuyoshi estate/Orphanage work
My character is never to be stated “Missing/Presumed dead/etc]

Kagami Miro

May 28, 2019
OOC Rank

This back and forth all came down to misinformation that stemmed from both parties. Tsuyoshi took it upon himself to attack the Dimiterium crisis without knowing Kumo was already investigating the situation. A measly message between the Raikage and Junko could’ve perhaps saved his brother, if Ayumu hadn’t been missing and Junko was not overly cautious. ‘Tch…’

Mirō couldn’t help but shake her head side to side. The lack of forward momentum years ago would’ve made this situation an inkling in comparison to other issues. Suspicion arose in her heart when Junko took back the black scroll. ‘No trust in the village that brought him up. No trust in the Raikage either.’ It must be the work of old age. Old shinobi, powerful but nature takes the mind in the shadows. ‘Senile or suspicious…’ A voice invaded her mind, ‘Suspicious. You’re not reading his heart when you look into his eyes.’ Mirō didn’t respond. Naibu was older than both Kitsune and Junko combined, safe to say her ability to read people never faded within her soul.

Being complimented by the Raikage was an honor however Mirō couldn’t shake the recurring thought of the Shogen remaining quiet. Her duty that had been passed down from her ANBU Master Umashi to her was to protect Kumogakure and those who reside in it. Did the Shogun have an alternate plan?

“I couldn’t agree more with you. I’ve now returned and more than willing to assist in the covert operations to come. How would you both like to move forward?”

Mirō chimed in, “We need to begin with decrypting the copies we retrieved. ANBU are working diligently with the Raikage on this matter. What bothers me the most is the underlying causes that we can’t see.” Hidden ties. Mirō had severed a lot of them during a mission regarding slavers. Nobles and scholars, popes and high ranking officials, dabbling in the trade of humans. Luckily, any ties to her or the village have not been sewn. “Raikage, do you believe the Shogun is testing Kumogakure? His silence speaks volumes not only for him but for the other lords too. You don’t think he wants the era of ninja to go extinct…”

That stench of possibility left a bad taste in her mouth. The benefits of Dimiterium against chakra users would shift the traditional dynamic Mirō had come to love and learn. Ninja are tools to seek to keep balance in the village. It was what she was taught.

[WC: 420]
[Mirō thinking.]
[Mirō talking.]
[Naibu (Contract Summon) speaking to Mirō.]

Shinrya Kitsune

11th Raikage
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
As it seemed like Junko wanted to assist in the investigation into the dimiterium case, Kitsune raised an eyebrow practically imperceptibly, a fraction of a millimeter, as it still seemed too good to be true. In more modern parlance, or as the kids say: “Junko sus” – Regardless, she’d work him to the bone with tasks in other to eradicate this threat to Kumogakure. As for what he was to be put to work doing, well that’d have to wait for the time being. First the intel needed decoding, and once a target was found, Miro would be bringing people along to ‘take care of business’ as it were.

”You’re right Alpha. The underlying causes are the real troubling factor here. Why are they moving now? And who is protecting them?” Kitsune wondered out loud, as it was extremely unlikely that a citystate whose sole purpose was to peddle a religion had come up with the idea on their own, or maybe they had and they had dirt on someone with a lot of funds. Kitsune figured if that was the case, then the reason they hadn’t come to her would be the fact that they had nothing on her, AND that she saved their pope from the Kingslayers many years ago.

Hm. Was it even the same pope they had now? Come to think of it, a change had happened not too long ago. Right around the time they began their zealous extermination of chakra users... Maybe the new pope found some dirt on some rich person and pressured them into bankrolling their dimiterium mishaps... Kitsune mulled the options over in her head for a minute or so before opening her mouth to speak. ”Well. Hm. A thought occurred to me just now. The Church began their crusade shortly after the change in Popes. And if the Shogun is being entirely silent on the matter, along with his vassals, myself not included of course, then perhaps the church has some dirt on them, and are forcing their cooperation.”

Or maybe the Shogun is really the mastermind of it all Kitsune thought to herself, but refrained from voicing it aloud. She remembered that the throne the Shogun sits upon is made of dimiterium, and that most of the locks in the palace were of the same material. Even the ceremonial sword the Shogun used in ceremonies involving vassals and other important matters of state was coated in the stuff. Regardless of it all, it was a lead that would have to be investigated, but she wouldn’t leave it to someone else. She’d have to go check that out herself, given her status as a vassal due to the two provinces she controlled.

”And no, Alpha, I do not think that. The Shogun used to work in the medical branch alongside myself and others. Heh. I even saved his life once. And the lives of several others, including the last Pope of the church. Before they were chakra hating monsters. But after the false accusation of regicide against myself and Masao. Now that was a crazy time, where the enemies were skilled shinobi. The good ol’ days, if you will.” she said, with a very slight smile, remembering how she had escaped the prison of Naraka up north in the frozen wasteland with Masao, getting rescued halfway across the ice by Ayumu and his underlings. That was so long ago now though...

Kagami Miro

May 28, 2019
OOC Rank
Kitsune’s words resonated inside of her. If the Shogun was saved by her there would be no reason for him to turn on Kumogakure. All the possibilities left Mirō puzzled. “I’m curious to know how well the church performs in combat with their weapons.” Her head turned to look at Junko. “You said you fought them and retrieved their weaponry. With as much praise as the Raikage has given you there should be no deaths with you around.” Junko's demeanor spoke for itself in that area. The ability to expand his chakra to suppress other ninja including main branchers and herself was a feat to behold. There would be casualties if he decided to side with the church.

Unlikely. The death of his brother must’ve cemented that hatred of the church into his soul. At that moment Mirō remembered a small note she herself deciphered. Slowly a scarred hand slid into her inside jacket pocket. Searching around Mirō pulled out a strange missive.

“We have decoded a small portion of text that was in the hands of a high priest.” A black nail snuck underneath the fold to reveal the contents. Underneath the strange text was japanese handwriting she had written. It revealed suspicious actions of a spy that infiltrated a distant compound, with a plan to dispose of him. Continuing, the missive gave information that the ANBU were able to use to locate a few compounds that interacted with one another within the last few years. One church compound popped up particularly close to Kumogakure and another within the Spine of the World.

‘If dimiterium found its way into Kumogakure the cargo would likely enter through Cronopolis and subtly distribute itself until they were ready to strike.’ Mirō thought to herself. She would have to station the ANBU around the village, the lack thereof. What stood out to Mirō was who sent the message to the high priest. It was stamped with a familiar sigil she had seen in the Seki District. People around there had their fingers in everything.

Processing the sigil Mirō tried to determine the possibility of a central figure that was controlling the Tenzouans and the spread of Dimiterium. Mirō mulled over the possibilities of a Lord or pope funding the entire charade. But what could she do? Send a team to the Spine? Form an ANBU group to spy on certain individuals inside the village? The possibilities were endless and it wracked her brain. One thing was obvious… The evidence of the church wanting to dispose of a spy may have been related to Junko’s brother. Red hues drifted over to Junko’s hardened eyes. A worthy ally in a fight against the Tenzouans… A connection between the death of his brother and a surrounding Kumogakure lord would get anyone to seek revenge. Any form of combat would fit nicely into his hands, Mirō wanted to use that to her advantage.

Spinning the decorative missive in her hand her skin peeled off into a sheet of paper making an extra identical copy. Placing the original in front of her Raikage and after, she would extend the paper copy she made to Junko. “There were details of a murder in some wayward outskirts of a ninja. Rumor has it that there are signs of movement near Kumogakure and towards the Spine of the World.”

Taking her previous stance she turned to face Kitsune. “I suggest, Raikage, that we spy on our powerful Lords. It’s dire that we don’t get caught and ruin our ties with them. From the peculiar sigil… I want to say a singular group or lord is controlling the Tenzouans movements. Junko could head to the Spine of the World… There could be answers to their advancement in weaponry and more information about who’s funding them.” Her hand fell from her hip. The stress of the situation slowly began to seep into her. An attempt was made to give herself the look of confidence behind her stance. “Unless you have any other suggestions. If you could speak with the Shogun to try to dig up anything from him it would benefit us greatly.” She would be lying if she thought she wasn’t intimidated by the older shinobi’s outlook on a young minded one like herself.

[Mirō thinking.]
[Mirō talking.]

Tsuyoshi Junko

Active Member
May 5, 2013
Listening, Alpha mentioned that the first order of business involved decryption, something Junko had no experience in and wouldn’t be much help. Continuing to listen, Alpha and Kitsune brought up some interesting points.

Was the shogun testing kumogakure?. . .

. . . Perhaps someone had dirt on the shogun

Despite Kitsune removing the Shogun off the table as a potential threat, Junko would still keep him in mind. His silence alone was enough for Junko to be suspicious until proven otherwise. In all honesty, Junko was suspicious of everything at the moment. So much had changed, so much had happened during his time away, and much more was to come.

“I’m curious to know how well the church performs in combat with their weapons.”
“You said you fought them and retrieved their weaponry. With as much praise as the Raikage has given you there should be no deaths with you around.”

“They’re not ninja’s. I feel a solid C-ranking shinobi could do the job normally, but with dimiterum in play things could get more difficult. Especially if your battle style heavily relies on chakra. Personally, I rely more on physical destructive power rather than ninjutsu or genjutsu. Striking in the right places allows me to break through their defenses”

“Some of them are a bit more honed in skill(core abilities). They probably can compete with someone B-rank of above, especially if they finish the prototype. If someone heavily relies on ninjutsu, I’d focus on jutsu with a fire affinity. The consumption of chakra and the additional heat will cause dimiterum to overheat even more quickly. Be careful of course, you wouldn’t want to level a village.”
Junko said as Alpha handed him a missive peeled from her skin.

Reading the contents of the missive as the conversation continued, Junko could tell that they would all have their work cut out for them. It didn’t matter though, he was going to do his part to bring the entire operation to an end. His brother’s death wouldn’t be in vain.

“Alpha makes some great points. If I am sent to the spine of the world, will a team accompany me? In addition, I think it would be good if we were to bring in individuals that have lost their access to chakra and have medical personnel examine them. Perhaps we can find a way to reverse it. Especially through the bloodline anatomy department.” Junko said thinking of the bloodline anatomy department he had formed as medical sennin. He himself had the ability to take away or give bloodlines and kinjutsus. Perhaps he could restore a person’s access to chakra too if he looked into it.

Moving forward once again, Junko placed the black scroll on kitsunes desk. He already had his copy and could refer back to it whenever he wanted.

. . . Meanwhile . . .

Little would the individuals in the meeting know, people were beginning to congregate in the streets of Torre celeste outside the office building.

WC: 499

Shinrya Kitsune

11th Raikage
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Kitsune folded her hands again and looked at Junko. The mission she was going to give him wasn’t going to be easy, but she knew he could handle it. ”I cannot give you a team to do the mission with, however, it’ll be an infiltration task. But it’ll require actual communication with the ANBU branch here in Kumogakure. We need you to go to Raiden’s Eye, and infiltrate the cathedral the Church has built there. I’m surprised they got permission to do so considering the common religion in Lightning isn’t theirs, but they did. Once you’ve infiltrated the cathedral, we need you to obtain as much intelligence as possible, including their movements.” she said.

It would definitely be a difficult task, but Kitsune knew Junko was capable of doing it ”As for resources to perform the mission, you’ll be given a fake civilian identity, allowing you to go undercover at said cathedral. You’ll also be given a missive to give to the bishop, it’ll allow you to work at said cathedral doing miscellaneous tasks, so you can gather intel we can use against the church. It’s a vital task, and I’m entrusting it to you.” she said, bringing up the documents required for said mission, and handing them to Junko.

”Meanwhile. Alpha. I need you to run the taskforce on gathering the intel required. Put out feelers and figure out what the various nobles of the country are up to. Leave the Shogun to me. Given our past history, I’m sure I can figure something out.” she said and leaned back in her chair, shifting her sitting position as she weighed some heavy options in her mind. Alright. Decision was made. ”Junko, I should inform you that the personnel you had at the bloodline anatomy department were caught stealing organs from the vault, and summarily dealt with. Others work there now.” she said and leaned forward a bit.

”Next, I have decided your rank, after being gone for 5 years without any word to the village, is going to be Chuunin. If you wish to become a mednin once more, please demonstrate your skills haven’t rusted by taking the exams again.” she said in a firm, but not hostile tone, ”Lastly. Alpha. As of this moment, you’re officially the ANBU Sennin of Kumogakure. You both have your orders, and are dismissed.” she finished, ending the meeting.

. . . Meanwhile . . .

Little would the individuals in the now ended meeting know that the people had been congregating due to a salesman handing out fliers, and have since dispersed back to their usual daily lives, going to work and whatnot.

[MFT; WC: 443]
[Miro promoted to ANBU Sennin]
[Junko set to Chuunin rank]

Kagami Miro

May 28, 2019
OOC Rank
From his word it was clear to see the level of intelligence and combat prowess Junko possessed. Acknowledging the church's skill with and without weapons, and taking note of more skilled members provided her with greater detail on the Tenzouans, but also solidifying her thoughts for the next mission at hand.

Her Raikage took the words right out of her mouth, but for different reasons. Kitsune showed signs that she wasn’t fond of Junko. Mirō on the hand believed in Junko’s abilities and decided before that the mission should be solo. Adding on that her squad and the ANBU altogether were missing people.

Quickly after she was assigned the task of investigating nobles and their movements throughout kumogakure. The subject entirely seemed out of her power, that was until her Raikage promoted her to Anbu Sennin. Duty struck her heart like a chord. Anbu Sennin, and the fate of Kumogakure resting in her hands. Her responsibilities grew within an instant but Mirō wasn’t nervous. Her duty to serve Kumogakure for the next generation was an honor and her next leap in life could continue.

‘Anbu Sennin. Now what can we get ourselves into’.
Naibu invaded her headspace. “It is an honor, Raikage. As for the mission, I’ll begin investigation within the village. The sigils appearing is no coincidence." A thought emerged from her head. Those who led the Tenzouans are probably the same pigs that trade slaves. Visible disgust appeared on her masked face. ‘Two birds with one stone.’ Naibu chimed in once more. Mirō turned to face Junko, “I’ll be having an Anbu operative relay messages to you and I during your mission to Raiden’s eye. I hope your mission is successful, Tsuyoshi Junko.” With a final glance at Junko and a nod to Kitsune the new ANBU Sennin made her way out the door. An anbu appearing beside her right past the shut door. Relaying minor mission details to them to make preparations for the next task at hand.

[Mirō thinking.]
[Mirō talking.]
[Naibu thinking.]
[Topic left unless stopped.]

Tsuyoshi Junko

Active Member
May 5, 2013
Listening to kitsune, Junko raised a brow. Shaking his head, he could tell that power had obviously gone to her head. It was obvious that she was simply bitter from being demoted in the past and was once again lying. Junko didn’t trust her at all and would conduct his own investigations properly.

”I kept in contact with the village as stated earlier. And all documents and tracking can be found accordingly.” Junko said shaking his head. If alpha was to look into it, She’d find that everything Junko stated would be true and in compliance to kumogakure laws and standards.

”With that being said, I’ll also look into the incident involving the bloodline anatomy department.” Junko said before turning his back to kitsune. Unlike kitsune, he wasn’t one for titles and rank. Rank didn’t matter to Junko. The only thing that mattered to him was his strength and desire to protect the village. The two things kitsune likely didn’t possess.

When given the opportunity to protect the village, she betrayed it. She also betrayed it because she didn’t possess the strength. Without those two things, what business would someone have being Raikage? Kitsune was pathetic.

Nodding to Alpha as she made her leave, Junko couldn’t help but continue to think.

”if she truly believed that I was alive the entire time. . . I would’ve never been declared dead. After all, why declare a man dead if you believe he was alive?” Junko thought before opening the office door. If kitsune . . . knew Junko like she said she did, then she would know to tread carefully. . .

Exiting the raikage office and walking through the halls Junko began to think of his next moves. ”Looks like I’ve returned and will have to take care of dimiterum and much more.” Junko thought exiting the building.

Upon exiting, Junko witnessed a large crowd that flooded the streets. Eyes opening wide, Junko was in complete shock as he seen his children, wife, medical personnel, and the people of the village cheering.

“Medical Sennin Tsuyoshi Junko Has RETURNED!!!!” The crowd chanted.

The people had fliers in their hand. Apparently, Junko’s wife let out that Junko had returned and once the local salesmen learned of the news, they did everything in their power to get the word out. Citizens traveled from far and near to welcome Junko home.

“Welcome home!!!”

Running up to him were two young children that grabbed his hands and motioned for him to come. Pulling him along, Junko had somewhat a look of nervousness. As he drew closer to the crowd, he was slowly lifted and quickly tossed up.

“Welcome home Medical Sennin Tsuyoshi Junko!”

“Congratulations on your performance in the tournament!!”


Junko had began to laugh. It was probably the first laugh he had since his brothers death. It was an honor to be loved, honored, and respected by the village. One thing was apparent, no matter what kitsune declared, he’d always be medical sennin and a leader in the village.


  • Note 1: If no Rp has been done before the creation of this topic involving individuals of the bloodline anatomy department stealing organs, it will be found that Kitsune was lying in this topic via a IC investigation

  • Note 2: As stated above, if any investigation occurs involving Junko’s “check in’s”, it is to be stated that everything came back good and pass all requirements. Seeing as check in’s aren’t required to be rp’d out, it goes based off my stated rp’s.

  • Note 3: With no grounds for the necessary demotion in place via note 2 and the investigation of note 1, Demotion will be voided seeing as there are no grounds for it.

[Snapshot Jutsu Used]

[Topic Left]

Shinrya Kitsune

11th Raikage
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Before Junko could head out the door to the exactly zero people waiting for him outside, Kitsune stopped him, and Miro. ”Actually, before you go. There’s one small thing. You won’t be looking into the incident. Other, more qualified people are already taking care of that.” she said, gesturing towards Miro, indicating that the ANBU were handling it. ”If you still insist on pursuing the investigation, you’ll be found in disobedience of a direct order, and punished accordingly.” she stated in a factual, yet cold, manner. Fortunately, the subsequent medical sennins after Junko’s vanishing act had been cooperative. Kitsune gestured for Alpha to stay behind, in case Junko were to try something foolish.

It would appear that Junko insisted on being a pain in the rear of literally everybody, and that was one thing that Kitsune didn’t need at the moment, so one misstep from Junko, one act of disobedience, and he’d be done for in Kumogakure. Sure, he had some reputation, but he hadn’t been seen for five years, and basically nobody remembered him anymore. His era as medical sennin was over, as was his time as a so-called “leader” in the village. He was a rank-and-file Chuunin now, regardless of whatever his lofty thoughts might consider himself to be, and only by obeying orders, and performing well would that change.

Outside the Torre Celeste, there were no more people present than on any usual day, as it was literally any usual day, so they were going about their lives. No big welcome home, no factually erroneous title mentioning, nothing. Nobody was there for Junko, as they were blissfully unaware of his return, and demotion to Chuunin.

[Stopping Miro and Junko from leaving]
[Not allowing Snapshot to be used, as permission is required]
[Note 1 response: Irrelevant. And Junko wouldn’t be able to find out regardless. He doesn’t have the access or resources.]
[Note 2 response: Nobody in Kumogakure has received a check-in from Junko. Period.]
[Note 3 response: You can’t declare a demotion void. Literally within the Kage’s power to do so at any time, for any reason.]


The Unfortunate Overlord
Staff member
Oct 25, 2012
OOC Rank
This thread is being locked!
Until we can discuss certain OOC claims and reports that has been sent to the Administration team. Please be advised.
No one has officially left this thread, we'll try to be quick.


Staff member
Feb 21, 2013
Admin has reviewed this thread as well as the discord logs provided. We do not believe this to constitute harassment on either side, but we have found both sides to have "godmodded" in their last posts. Junko has ignored Kitsune's post, and used a large scale of village NPCs (the crowd). Kitsune has then ignored Junko's post, and removed said crowd. Furthermore, it is requested of both of you that you keep the OOC out of your IC RPs. This is first warning for both of you. Admin link. Therefore the last post from Junko's and Kitsune's are voided.

In additional to this, while inactive, Junko was replaced as Medicial Sennin by another PC here. The position has also had 2 NPC holders, separate to this. While Junko was a Medical Sennin before going inactive around January in 2019, since then IC events have occurred while he was inactive, and thus cannot be retconned away simply because he as returned to activity. While we understand it is frustrating to lose your position, unfortunately that is the price of going inactive and returning. As Kitsune is the Raikage, it is within his position's authority to demote and promote other shinobi.

On the last note, use of the ANBU Technique Snapshot is not considered godmodding, and may be used by any participant in a thread with or without the other participant's consent.

Tsuyoshi Junko

Active Member
May 5, 2013
Listening to kitsune, Junko raised a brow. Shaking his head, he could tell that power had obviously gone to her head. It was obvious that she was simply bitter from being demoted in the past and was once again lying. Junko didn’t trust her at all and would conduct his own investigations properly.

”Understood.” Junko said

”I kept in contact with the village as stated earlier. And all documents and tracking can be found accordingly.” Junko thought shaking his head. If alpha was to look into it, She’d find that everything involving Junko check in’s would be in compliance to kumogakure laws and standards. He was sennin, so he renewed his own passport and took all the necessary steps. Despite all this though, he was still being persecuted.

Unlike kitsune, he wasn’t one for titles and rank. Rank didn’t matter to Junko. The only thing that mattered to him was his strength and desire to protect the village. The two things kitsune likely didn’t possess.

When given the opportunity to protect the village, she betrayed it. She also betrayed it because she didn’t possess the strength. Without those two things, what business would someone have being Raikage? Kitsune was pathetic.

Nodding to Alpha as she made her leave, Junko couldn’t help but continue to think.

”if she truly believed that I was alive the entire time. . . I would’ve never been declared dead. After all, why declare a man dead if you believe he was alive?” Junko thought before opening the office door. If kitsune . . . knew Junko like she said she did, then she would know to tread carefully. . .

Exiting the raikage office and walking through the halls Junko began to think of his next moves. ”Looks like I’ve returned and will have to take care of dimiterum and much more.” Junko thought exiting the building.

OOC: After this entire situation, I realize that I’ve been completely misunderstood as I was attempting to prevent chaos and attempting to act ahead of it. Instead I was perceived as demanding, hateful, and mixing OOC and IC.

For any further communication that is needed from me involving everything, I request that we speak via voice chat on Discord because a lot of confusion is going on.

[Snapshot Jutsu Used]

[Topic Left]

Shinrya Kitsune

11th Raikage
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Kitsune shook her head at the rather brazen display of disobedience. Given that he was a subordinate in a military, it didn’t matter whether or not he liked ranks or titles. They were part of the command structure, and if you couldn’t respect that, you had no business being part of the upper echelons of it. And, according to Junko’s own words, he had kept in contact with ANBU operatives in the field that had been forbidden from sending word back to Kumogakure, meaning no report ever reached the village. And he hadn’t been Sennin for a long time, so his passport renewals were technically document forgery, but Kitsune was going to let that one slide for now.

One gesture from Kitsune told Alpha to stay behind while Junko walked out, and after he had left, Kitsune looked at her new ANBU Sennin ”Make sure he keeps his nose out of things below his paygrade.” she said and sighed ”The hospital doesn’t report to him anymore, and he had no say over what they do. Ensure the Sennin is aware of his return and that he’s no longer affiliated with the branch. She’ll know what to do.” It was quite the headache that Junko seemed to have misunderstood things.

It wasn’t Kitsune that had marked him as “missing in action; presumed dead”. Why would she? Like she’d said to Junko earlier, she knew he could hold his own in a fight if it was necessary. No, the declaration was made prior to her ascension to Raikage. It’d definitely come back and haunt her that she hadn’t been a bit more specific in her words. Oh well, what happened, happened. Nothing to do about that other than move on and hope for the best. Regardless, Kitsune now had a bit more intel on the dimiterium case. And a ticking timebomb roaming the streets…

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
