Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Dining And Dashing! (Open)

His cloak rustled upwards due to the downward fall of his body from a nearby rooftop, the cloak's length settling down as his knees braced during landing. Lifting his body up, the male glanced around the scene his pure white mask showcasing no visible eyes behind the mask, only blackness. His hood shifted upon his head as the anbu glanced around, adjusting his understanding of the situation a bit before beginning to walk towards the trio. He'd look around more for a few moments before crossing his arm simply and speaking rather calmly.

"Report on the full context of the situation starting with the girl, then the boy, then you...Rikudou."

He had overheard the male with the swirled eyes rant prior to him making his appearance fully known and knew from the report which flared over the headset's airwaves of the sitaution already. However that is not how he operated and would like to hear more from the horses mouths before carrying on with any other actions.
For a moment Chiyoko thought of calling Kubitsuki a stuttering moron, considering he was effectively trying to sell her down the damn river to cover for his own stupid-ass mistakes. He seemed to be tactless at best, "Bunch of excuses.<i></i>" she stated in an even manner though a tinge of aggravation whispered through her tone. For a moment she wished to have joined in the verbal lashing as well, but her petty thoughts ceased soon afterwards. Arguing with him was of no use, with all the ANBU about it seemed that she would only be further incriminating herself, so instead she sighed heavily avoiding further conversation with the man.

Soon after Kubitsuki's diatribe ended one of the ANBU seemed to close in asking for a recount of the situation which lead to a Five-Story monster roaming the street, and it seemed that she was going first. Our young woman briefly rubbed her temples, obviously displeased with the way the situation turned out, seemed every time she spoke with the ANBU they added a misdemeanor charge to her name, she was damn near twenty at this point. Once again she sighed eyeing the ANBU's weird mask, which made it seem as if he wasn't a person at all, some sort of inanimate figurine come to life just to pester her.

The Kunoichi thought of potentially covering for the older ninja who had just summoned a monster but quickly remember that just a few seconds ago he was more-or-less ratting her out, so it seemed she wouldn't be doing him any favors. Quickly and formally she began to explain the situation to the ANBU with the grace of someone who had been questioned by those pricks a hundred or so times "Kubitsuki, the one who summoned everything, asked if we wanted to play a game of chase the leader, we accepted. I took the initiative and took a short-cut through the back of that restaurant, where he employed a high ranking and potentially dangerous Jutsu in close vicinity of bystanders. At that point I felt he was taking the whole matter far too seriously, but I decided to press on with the game, which was admittedly stupid. It wasn't a good ten seconds later that he summoned the monsters. I immediately ended the chase and attempted to calm the situation, I assume the little one saw what was happening and called the Black Ops.<i></i>" she took a quick pause to catch her breath before continuing on, " The situation calmed down a bit, but when Osuteno pressed Kubitsuki on the matter he seemed to begin to get agitated and began stuttering, at that point he began to blame what happened on me. After that you showed up.<i></i>" her statement was fairly concise, the ANBU rarely enjoyed embellishments.
Osuteno looked at the ANBU who had approached them and nodded at his instructions. This game had not gone very well at all. He listened to Chiyoko's side of the story then told of his perspective, "We all decided to play a game of follow the leader where Kubitsuki-San and I chased Chiyoko-Senpai. When the other two ran into the restaurant, I thought it would be difficult to get around the people working inside without making a mess so I went over to try and slow her down at the opposite exit. I heard a lot of commotion coming from inside and something that sounded... electric? I'm not sure. When I hopped down I realized they had left from a different point and caught back up on their trail. I went back up on the roof and headed towards the front when I spotted the creature and monster-like figures blocking up the escape routes. There was genuine panic and I thought the situation got a bit out of hand..." Osu tapped his headset, "So I decided to call in and help insure that this was not mistaken for an attack on the village. I went to try and speak with Kubitsuki-San, as did Chiyoko-Senpai and he revised his actions and went about straightening out the situation." Osu looked about nervously. "And yes, as she said I sort of lost my composure for a moment and snapped at Kubitsuki-San after I found myself... vexed with his line of reasoning. But after speaking with both him and the giant, they made it clear that neither intended any harm." It was clear to Osu that next time they play anything it might be better to be farther away from the general populace... Was he forgetting something?

OOC: MFT, WC:293
Kubitsuki finally calmed down enough that the stuttering was under control. He took deep breaths every now and again, but he was in decent control. He spoke decided to tell this side of the story to the ANBU, "This all started when I was eating over in that Restaurant a few minutes ago, and Chiyoko decided to rush out of the building and not pay for her meal. I paid for her, chased after her, and we decided to play this game of chase the leader for simple prizes. If I won, she paid me back for both meals, if Osuteno won, he would get a new Kimono, and if the Mistress won, she would force me to bail out a meal with her. I accepted, and activated my Byakugan and decided to give her a head start since she was the leader. She told us when, and we chased after, with me going through the building and Osuteno going onto the roof. She shoved a man to the side, who was fortunate enough to catch his balance, and I formed a chakra receiver to stop the door from crashing against the tin building and cause any damage. I watched the entire room while chasing after her with my Byakugan, calculating a way to try and get her to stop but she decided to flip a chicken out of a chef's hands that I caught and gave back, before continuing my chase. I unleashed a Chidori Control to fire lots of tiny senbons, which were at a lowered output rate, to try and stop her legs from moving. My plan failed, and each of the senbons hit each other, causing a loud crackling electric noise to escape the building. From there I chased on to outside, where I decided that where someone would summon a contract, my friend might want to help me in the chase. I summoned the statue Omoidashimashita, who promptly yawned out these "monsters" but which were actually just his chakra. Another reason I summoned his was because Rikudo Sennins gain a power bonus while the giant one is there, so I was planning to feed off the surge and use it to my advantage. There, you were called, and she decided to yield. My way of life is considered to the average shinobi, flashy and over the top, but my beliefs are not so. There is no physical damage to anything, just more emotional or mental because GIANT FREAKING MONSTER DRAGON!" Kubitsuki twirled around once to emphasize his point, before waiting the response of the ANBU or eithe rof the two.

So everything had been played out byy the parties involved and the information given did equal both observations as well as known events. Beneath his mask his facial expression was bland to the individual testimonies given as he only cared about the legitimate facts. He'd place a palm against the side of his hood, next to his ear and mutter a few words which were promptly followed by the other three anbu members physically arriving as well.

"I do not operate based upon personal opinion, at the core you broke kumogakure laws in that in context you used an offensive jutsu against another civilian of kumogakure which is assault. The Anbu sennin will be notified of this and due to your use of kinjutsu so will the medical sennin. You will be taken to a secure location where both sennin will convene about your infractions. Is that understood?
Seemed that Kubitsuki would be taken in for questioning and would have to go about seeing the Medical-Sennin, it wasn't the best possible outcome for him, but had Osu not called in advance and warned the ANBU of the situation there more than likely would have been bloodshed, at least that was avoided. Her breathing became a bit shallower as it seemed the situation was coming to an end, hopefully she wouldn't be called into questioning as well, that was never fun. It wasn't like she could provide them with much more information anyway, she had recanted her portion truthfully and to the best of her ability, obviously avoiding all the unnecessary details that Kubitsuki had added in, the ANBU weren't too fond of extra shit to sift through in their reports, especially when none of it particularly mattered.

Coughing quietly she looked toward Osu, awaiting their hopeful dismissal from the issue. Of course she chose not to ask the ANBU in question if they could leave, that would be pressing her luck. Instead she mentally crossed her fingers and awaited his decision on whether they could leave or not. The whole situation was uncomfortable, she had in no way thought it could have possibly ended in the way it did, it was one thing to knock a few plates around and gaining the ire of a few city guards, but a giant summon, ANBU, and a potentially volatile situation were something entirely different. Not that it wasn't exciting, it was actually rather fun in a bad way. Still, it felt like she had enough excitement for one day. Perhaps the little one would take her up on the offer of a new Kimono if the ANBU let them leave, it would be a nice way to relieve a bit of the stress from the situation, and Nee-Chan probably wanted to converse about this crazy ass situation away from the ANBU as well.
Osuteno had not expected Kubitsuki to have an assault charge, of course he had not known about the Chidori either. This didn't sound very good for Kubitsuki, especially having to sit before two sennin. But there was not much Osu could say at this point. He had told his side of the story and the ANBU said he did not care about personal opinions. If he spoke up he just might get Kubitsuki into more trouble, or even get himself into trouble.He just stood there hoping the best for the man as the ANBU gathered around them. He noticed Chiyoko was staring at him and he was not quite sure why but the whole situation was getting a bit awkward to him. Making that call was the most reasonable course of action given the information available to him, but he still felt bad about the what might happen to Kubitsuki.​
Kubitsuki simply blinked somewhat amused by this situation, and just decided that it wasn't worth his time. He lifted up both of his gauntlets, slammed his hands together, and set out a wave of chakra over his fore arms that warped the chakra material together, giving him pseudo-hand cuffs. He looked up to the ANBU with his amber eyes, "...Shall we...?" He kept his jaw tight and shut, demanding himself to not speak a single word, expect for a single mumble under his breath. He snarled out, "...Not even a single one of my jutsu came within three inches of them..." He walked to Hosuto and the ANBU squad, his Tensenigan reverting back to a Byakugan.

The other Anbu would begin escorting the rikudou sennin away from the scene, leaving Hosuto behind with the two other's momentarily. He pulled up his right sleeve, planting his palm suddenly onto the ground. Symbols associated with summonings would spread outwards before a trail of smoke made it's sudden appearance. Quickly it would disperse leaving behind a small messenger bird which quickly flew and perched on Hosuto's forearm. He'd remove a piece of parchment from a belt pouch on his waistline before inscribing upon it a few choice words.

"To both the Medical Sennin and the Anbu Sennin....go."

The messenger animal would quickly fly off leaving only the three. He would turn and calmly point to both of them.

"Remember, do not stray far you two still may be taken in as witnesses. You'll be under surveillance until such a time is needed or has passed."

His body would then disappear in a sudden blur....

[Kubisuki i'll put up a thread in the Torre for you]
[Topic Left w/Kubisuki]
"Yeah, nothing quite like having the ANBU three inches away from your bung hole at any and all times.<i></i>" She replied to the ANBU that came to speak to the group, rolling her eyes and lightly clucking her tongue as she did. It was evident that she was thoroughly ready to leave the situation, and that's what she planned to do as soon as possible. The young woman wrapped her lanky limbs around the back of her head watching as the situation began to dissipate, her eyes finding their way over to Osu, "Think it's time I got out of here Nee-Chan, hit me up whenever you want to get that Kimono. I've got a good bit of money burning through my pocket.<i></i>" Wasn't like she had a whole lot else to do with her money, she was never one to buy new clothes at the drop of a hat, and she never really had an affinity for weapons. Meals were always free and she had ample lodgings, so what else was she going to spend her bands on? Probably a whole lot of nothing.

Quietly she began to trot off from the situation shouting out her goodbye to the others in the area, "See you crazy kids later. Well, hopefully not actually.<i></i>" and with her last statements it seemed she faded away into the distant crowd that still surrounded the area.

[Thread Exit]

Current Ninpocho Time:
