Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Disgruntled employees pt.1 [Medic exam]


Nov 17, 2012
OOC: The format is inspired from Takaki Masao’s rp style, he was a great rper. I apologize for the long wait. I would have had this up months ago, but my file corrupted and I lost the will to write it over again. I remade the outline. This will be a rather slow topic as I don't have internet in the home and use a library computer after work. You can expect maybe two posts a day if I'm lucky. To offset this, I'll make semi-long posts, like 600-750 WC.

Important message regarding your exam:
  • First and foremost, you’re going to do fine.
  • This exam is not determined by your stats or the number of jutsus you know. It’s about your ability to roleplay as a medic, staying true to your character alignment and character development if any, using your critical thinking skills.
  • This exam will focus on your mastered fields like biology and first aid. Yes, there was a reason I wanted you to focus on your fields.
  • Lastly, there is no posting order. Just post before I do.
  • The reward for the successful completion of this exam is one promotion inside the Medical branch ranks.

    Note: After receiving a pm, I've decided to open up the exam a bit in an attempt to recruit new members.

    The promotion is as follows:
  • From non-medical branch member to MiT (This means regardless of ninja rank, if you're not originally from the medic branch then you'll start as a MiT)
  • From MiT to Med-nin
  • From Med-nin to Chief


Aesculapium, Medical Sennin’s Office

...1400 hours

Kumogakure no sato, the shinobi civilization hidden deep within the mountain range. For those lucky enough to visit, they would find an amazing city full of helpful and diligent individuals among the crowds of people. The rising sun was a beautiful sight to see. The way it painted the sky in a lovely pinkish, orange would bring inspiration to any aspiring artist, but that was not the only thing of beauty to behold. It was during mornings like this that one could truly observe nature. In a nearby tree waited an eager sparrow (Daisuke) which had recently reached the highest nest on the tree (sennin). In fact, the tree was home to many sparrows (medics). The tree (medic branch) in which the bird had made its home was now under attack. The decaying roots within the ground where being consumed unnecessarily and this began to make the tree unstable. Natural, the sparrow understood that earthworms ( disgruntled employee # 1 & 2 ) ate the nutrients in soil and decaying roots, but it was there over consumption that had disrupted the natural order of things. The sparrow was not unreasonable. If it had not been for the worm’s disloyalty, then the sparrow would not have eaten them, after all they are all apart of the ecosystem in a sense.

Normally the worms, which hide their true intentions underneath the surface, would every now and again, expose their true nature briefly before returning the the depths of the ground. Given that it had rained the night before, there were at least two worms that had crawled out of the ground in search of moisture. They became greedy and had left themselves exposed for too long, allowing the early bird to spot them and deal with them according. Needless to say, the filthy worms which honestly believe they could go undetected and continue with their stealthy acts are often picked from the ground and devoured ruthlessly. Isn’t nature beautiful? Daisuke believed so, for he was the early bird and the time had come to devour the filthy worms who had dared to deceive him.


The day had finally come for Daisuke to cement his position as the new sennin of the medical branch. Kaguya Daisuke was a tall, toned, dark brown man with a slim yet muscular physique. He styled his shoulder length snow white hair slicked back with shaven cheeks and a neatly trimmed tuft tip goatee. After spending so much time with his various animal companions in the beast realms, Daisuke has developed feral facial features like pricked ears and rather sharp cuspids. He possesses crimson red ripple patterned eyes, small cheek dimples when he smirks, a small thin diagonal scar through his right eyebrow, and a long very thin diagonal scar across his face extending from the upper right corner of his forehead to his lower left cheek. Due to his parent’s death, Daisuke decided to follow a customary tradition in the Kaguyan bloodline and preserve his family lineage through a marking ritual. Daisuke’s forearms have been marked extensively, from wrist to elbow, in an intricate tribal tattoo design using the primate, canine, and feline beast symbols to represent strength, honor, and courage respectively. Other tribal tattoos include the following: a wolf on the left shoulder, a tiger on the right shoulder, a sun (solar curse seal) on the left pectoral muscle, a crescent moon (lunar seal) on the right pectoral muscle, and a cloud (heaven seal) above the others on his chest. When working, he maintains a professional appearance by wrapping his arms, from his knuckles to his elbows, in bandages.

Over the short period of time that he had been appointed, Daisuke became aware of several things that had begun to occur in the medic branch due to Kushin’s absence. He first took notice just a few days before his celebration party. Apparently, Daisuke's persona or demeanor had been taken as a weakness rather than a simple personality trait. While he could be reasoned and negotiated with, Daisuke would not allow himself to be bullied or blackmailed, nor would he allow such actions to occur under his supervision. Kushin left the position to Daisuke for a reason and he had no intention of disappointing his former boss.

The day of reckoning was upon all those who would dare to undermine the sennin and boy was there a shit storm brewing. The bone head had fabricated a list of people who thought it prudent to perform some of the following actions: making several unauthorized deposits of research funds into their personal accounts, resubmitting previously rejected unethical proposals under the assumption that the new guy would not notice, and certain individuals demanding that their hands be heavily greased on a monthly basis in exchange for their silence regarding any unethically experiments that might have been conducted in the past. Daisuke made a mental note to deal with these people during his celebration party and he intended to do so today. His message, for those filthy worms who would attempt to destroy the very foundation of the medical branch through bribery, deception, unethical research experiments, extortion, and blackmail, would be heard loud and clear.

Aburame Fuji was a twenty eight year old long time medical chief, but was not very well known for his research. Head of the biology department, he mastered the field but never made any breakthroughs nor did he really attempt to do so. He enjoyed complacency. In fact, he spent a majority of his time requesting reasonable research proposals and then embezzle the funds to support his luxurious lifestyle. Selfish, spoiled, having little respect for human life, performing white collar crimes without remorse and engaging in secret unethical experiments on a regular basis, Aburame Fuji is a waste of true potential. If he only followed the rules, it’d be him up for the role of sennin instead of Daisuke.
Name: Midori
Clan: Uchiha
Occupation: Personal Assistant

Age: 18
Gender: Female
Height: 5' 5"
Weight: 120 lbs
Dominant hand: Left

Hair Color: Orange
Eye Color: orange (ripple pattern)
Alignment: Neutral​

Good afternoon Midori-san, I have a plethora of requests regarding the current head of biology. First, please bring me the recent evidence found against Fuji-san regarding his creative accounting of medical research funds. Second, arrange for his termination papers. Finally, please call the head of biology, Aburame Fuji, to my office please. ”, Daisuke requested. Midori confirmed his requests and did as she was asked without question. Daisuke waited his office straightening up his desk. He wanted to look professional and serious. His natural laid back persona would not cut it here. He needed to show authority and make an example of these worms that dared to call themselves men.

A few minutes later, Midori arrived with the evidence, which the bone head read thoroughly, and the termination papers which Daisuke had to fill out. As usual, Daisuke had two paths stationed in his office in case of emergency,but they were both in a state of transformation. They each rested on one of the couches in his office, both transformed into flies. Who would suspect two harmless bugs to be Daisuke’s bodyguards.

Enter Aburame Fuji...


Hello, Daisuke-sama. I hope you are well. You wanted to see me sir?”, he asked.

Yes come in please. Fuji-san, please have a seat. I won’t beat around the bush. I’ve called you here because I‘m aware that you have made very small, but numerous contributions to the biology department in understanding the human body. It is for this reason that I will give you a second chance. Admit all your past transgressions to me at this very moment and I may show mercy.” he said, short sweet and to the point. Fuji’s only chance was to confess.

Sir, I don’t know what you’re talking about. I haven’t done anything worth admitting.” he said, choosing to lie right to Daisuke’s face. In truth, Fuji had very little respect for Daisuke. Unlike Kushin, he found the bone head to be...well a bone head. Inexperienced, weak minded, easily manipulated, these were the words Fuji would use to describe Daisuke. Perhaps Daisuke was overly positive and goofy at times, but that was something he did to lower everyone’s guard. By underestimating him, people would find it hard to believe how strong he truly was in both mind and body.

Fuji-san! I’m trying to help you. Please, do not take my kindness for weakness. Many foes have made that mistake, and many who opposed me have fallen. This is your last chance. Come clean and I’ll show mercy. You’ll be demoted back to MiT obviously, you’ll be on probation for a minimum of three years, most if not all of your privileges and perks will be revoked, but you’ll still have a job and not be in prison, assuming you help us recover all the money you stole.”, he said in a serious tone. Daisuke’s facial expression was blank. No sign of anger, sadness, nor compassion. This was business. Fuji was a brilliant man, but lazy and off kilter. Daisuke did not want to lose someone such as him, but he would if need be.

Sir, I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m not sure how you came to this conclusion, but it makes perfect sense. Someone with your level of incompetence might have just jumped the gun. It can’t be helped. You were thrust into the position without being vetted properly. It’s only natural that you wanna prove yourself capable. So you make up a few stories, yell at some people and suddenly you’re Mr. tough guy. Well, you’re barking up the wrong tree bitch. How about this, you sit here and look pretty in your cute office playing childish games while the real medics do their jobs.”, he said smugly before standing up. Daisuke stayed seated behind his desk, allowing Fuji to believe he was intimidated.

Don’t you ever call me up here and question my work again. Pencil pusher.” he said feeling satisfied and prepared to walk out of the door. It seemed the rumors were true regarding his temperament and intimidation tactics. It was clear that he would not leave yet as he wanted to confirm Daisuke’s supposed submission to Fuji’s will. Fuji's hubris was truly astounding. He was in for a rude awakening.

Daisuke sighed at that moment while face palming momentarily. It became clear that he was being too nice and that Fuji believed he had gotten away with what he had done. What was worse was that he believed Daisuke was too weak to actually follow through with his threats. If there was one thing Daisuke could not stand, it was arrogance. No more!

Unfortunately, it has come to my attention that you have made some very questionable investments with your funding and by questionable, I mean I have concrete evidence that you have been siphoning off your research funding into a secret bank account. I had a forensic accountant look through your accounts. They are experienced auditors, accountants, and investigators of legal and financial documents that are hired to look into possible suspicions of fraudulent activity within a company. It seems that you have been spending the hospital’s money on hot tubs, bigger apartments, better interior decorating, etc. Well, I like to hire the best, just like you.” he said in a professional manner, pausing momentarily to let it sink into Fuji’s head.

I have a copy of the financial reports here. Even worse, you’ve resubmitted several previously rejected proposals that were deemed unethical. This is how you get your money, correct? Submitting several small proposals, getting the funding and then siphon it from various sources as you see fit. That's how you stayed under the radar for so long, right? I also understand that you’ve been secretly conducting said rejected experiments. Bribing security guards as well. I warned you not to lie to me.”, Daisuke said.


Excuse me! Do you know who I am?! Who the fuck do you think you are making such accusations! You might be the sennin in title, but only in title! People don’t respect you! You’re just a replacement because you’ve been here long enough. Don’t get it twisted around here! It’s none of your goddamn business what I do with my funding or how I run my department! You fucking pussy. What are you doing to do to me, huh?! What you think you’re tough? You’re lucky I don’t beat your ass then pass you on to a cell block so they can literally rip your ass apart. You’re no leader, you’re a bitch ninja!” Fuji yelled as he stood up from his chair and slowly reaching into his back pocket. One of Daisuke’s paths could see Fuji’s movements. The rinnegan’s power of shared vision had its benefits after all.

Aburame Fuji-san! That is enough. I gave you a chance to come clean, but you chose to spit in my face! You chose to lie straight to my face, then insult and disrespect me. Your time at this hospital has come to an end. The proper authorities have been informed of your activities. You’re lucky I don’t cut you down where you stand. You are a horrible medic, but don’t worry, I’m sure someone like yourself will make an excellent prison bitch. A filthy worm like you will get passed around more times than a STD in a whore house by tomorrow morning.” Daisuke stated. He was growing tired of Fuji’s disrespectful tone. Perhaps from Fuji’s perspective, he felt that Daisuke’s offer was a joke and too demeaning to accept. If that was in fact the case, then what was Daisuke to do? Fuji stole funds and bribed guards so that he could conduct unethical and dangerous experiments. He had no choice in the matter.

You son of a bitch! You think you can stop me? I’m on the verge Why the hell would I told you my plans? This isn’t over you piece of shit. You have no idea of what I’m capable of.”, Fuji said before spitting at Daisuke’s face, then lunging at him with a kunai knife. Simultaneously as the spit landed on Daisuke’s left cheek, a disruption chakra blade was held against Fuji’s throat from behind by one of the paths who had dropped their transformation jutsu. The other of Daisuke’s paths had stopped and disarmed the kunai knife that Fuji was grasping. "Great minds think alike. There's black lotus poisoning on the blade. I should know, I use this poison as well." he added.

Daisuke was not a man quick to violence, but the act of spitting on his face as well as an assassination attempt resonated with him on an emotional level. He grabbed a napkin and applied some sanitation gel to it before he wiped away the spit from his left cheek. He then looked up in to Fuji’s eyes and took a deep breath while Fuji looked at him with disdain before speaking again.

You think I’m afraid of you. I read your file. You've barely done any real missions and spend most of your time pushing papers. You have not made nearly as many contributions to the medical field as I have. You’re nothing! You don’t even have the balls to do anything to me.” Fuji stated. Daisuke allowed his path’s grip to loosen up and removed the blade from Fuji’s throat before speaking again.


You are correct, Fuji-san. I have pushed papers a long time, but I’m still a ninja. This is not how a civilized man should behave. I apologize for losing my head in this meeting, Fuji-san. I’m also sorry that you had to lose yours. Goodbye.”, Daisuke said before his path sliced off Fuji’s head with one clean swipe while showing no hesitation or remorse. A tiny bit of blood landed on Daisuke's face from the swipe and once again he needed to wipe his face with sanitation gel. He sighed as the body hit the floor while Fuji’s head was being held up by a path. He thought himself a savage then, but what he saw next made him thirst for blood. Fuji’s body and head suddenly began to crumble apart and turn to dust, pouring to the ground. Possessing a strong earth affinity as well, Daisuke identified the jutsu his witnessed.

Earth style, elemental clone. The bastard was too much of a coward to come here himself. No, he showed no fear. What was he planning?” he asked himself aloud before requesting Midori to file a report stating that Aburame Fuji was missing and then to bring him a broom and dustpan. “Bastard. Using a clone and distributing your chakra evenly so that my rinnegan would be less likely to notice. It’s my own fault for trying to be civil about the situation. Kushin-sama, what would you have done? Would you have struck him down as soon as he entered your office? Would you give hospital security a kill on sight order? Would you have hunted him down yourself? Probably so. Then so shall I.”, he continued. While he preferred not to succumb to his Kaguyan basic instincts, in this matter he had no other choice.

An hospital wide announcement and memo was sent out labeling Aburame Fuji, now the former head of biology, a wanted man. Unlike his predecessor, Daisuke felt it was only fair to keep the staff in the loop regarding the situation. He made a few of Fuji’s transgressions known like Fuji’s attempt to pull a kunai on Daisuke, the bribery and the unethical experiments. He did so to keep Fuji from trying to manipulate his former colleagues, turning them against the sennin. After all, how easy would that be? Someone young and “inexperienced” becoming drunk with power and is so insecure that he refuses to let anyone who stands up to him, live. Especially given his Kaguyan nature and that he’s a battle hardened ninja, it might not have been that hard to believe for some people. Their former leader was of a slightly similar nature as the bone head. He would leave out the embezzlement charge until the money was recovered. The last thing he needed was the staff getting ideas about their paychecks.

Later reports from security would confirm that the real Aburame Fuji had been packing up what he deemed necessary for his unethical experiment back in his office prior to his meeting with Daisuke, then left the hospital with his supplies just a little after Daisuke’s meeting began.

Six months later...

Enter: Junko (optional: whoever else)

OOC: Exam confirmation list

Tsuyoshi Junko

Active Member
May 5, 2013
Tsuyoshi Junko said:
RolePlay said:
Working diligently, Junko seemed to stay on the move since his sensei's medical celebration. Always working and studying to improve himself, on, and off the field. After all, Junko was still trying to make his way up in the ranks. Becoming brighter and stronger by the day, Junko was not only thirsting for knowledge, but wisdom as well.

Six months ago, Junko received word that an individual had attempted to assassinate his sensei, the medical Sennin. Prior to the assassination attempt, the individual had been doing underhanded operations that hurt the medical branch. It was set in stone for Aburame Fuji, he would die. Junko would seek to it himself and take any punishment given. He had not only disrespected him, but his loved one, and the village. Junko was raised by the village, and knowing someone set out to hurt it was just unacceptable.

"Well, you've been mighty quiet lately."

"I have this feeling, today's going to be a long day."

"Aren't they always with you? You barely sleep."

"Sleep, is for the weak."

It was true. Junko rarely had a goodnights sleep. His mind rarely rested, always thinking, analyzing, worrying, and developing ideas. Especially with the last several days. After reading a series of procedures for amputation, Junko continually thought about the deveatating lifestyles of individuals living without limbs.</COLOR>
<COLOR color="grey">

Wearing his white dress shirt covered by his black vest, black pants, black leather boots, and black over jacket. Junko was set, placing his legendary katana to his side as he exhaled smoke through his nose. Taking in the nicotine, the young Seikon exited his ravishing apartment.

"Time to pay sensei a visit."

"The holder of that scum Gantetsu?"


The sun was beginning to burst through the clouds as the miniature sun rays made Junko squint. The air was cool, and the scenery was calm as Junko made his way towards the hospital. "Daisuke should be in knowing him. If not, a path should be around." Junko thought, looking into the morning sky.

Arriving to the hospital, Junko entered, catching chills as the cold air hit his face. Looking into the lobby, things didn't seem to busy. Most of the individuals probably only needed some basic medication, nothing too drastic.

"Hey Junko, how you?" the receptionist said as Junko walked up.

"Hello, I'm doing alright. How about yourself?"

"Same here. Can't wait till my brake."

"hehe, Understandable, is Daisuke in?"

"Should be. Just go ahead back."

"Alright." Junko said making his way to Daisukes office. With two knocks, Junko entered with a warm smirk. "How's my favorite Sennin?"

Topic Entered


Nov 17, 2012
OOC: I wanna give others a chance to post in before we begin.

Resting in his chair, Daisuke reflected on the morning. Another day closer to a paycheck was his philosophy. While he did not mean to, like many medics he had become desensitized with his patients. It was only nature after a while and he had been with the medical branch for a few years now. Several events had occurred since Fuji’s departure, some of which were good for business. On the upside, many staff members took him much more seriously, although he did find their whispers of Kushin-like behavior unfavorable. Other members showed Daisuke enough respect to admit to their crimes in person in hopes of receiving mercy, which they did. Still, he had enemies which he still needed to face. Since their dispute, Fuji has not so much as poke his head out of hiding nor had he made a sound louder than an ant’s fart.

He would pay dearly, but not for his attempt on Daisuke’s life. Against both his bloodline impulsives and his better judgement, Daisuke could toss the attempt aside, but screwing the hospital out of its funding just so Fuji could live the high life was something the sennin could not so easily forgive. Kumogakure’s populous depends on the Aesculapium to provide the best healthcare possible, which can only be done when there’s enough money to pay salaries, fulfill requests for more medicine, order better medical equipment, and provide benefits as well as paid overtime when the hospital is short staffed. He sat up in his chair placing both hands over his face and sighing heavily.

Despite Fuji and the other sources of stress in his life Daisuke had one thing he could be proud of, the new free clinic. The topic of healthcare was so important to him that he issued a proposal that resulted in an uphill battle. Who knew not everyone was on board with universal healthcare? Other major countries seemed to manage it just fine. Regardless, the clinic was four stories tall and a marvel to witness. It had been open for a month or so now and he could not be happier. This happiness would not last forever. In fact it would not last for another few hours. Choosing to pass the time, he decided to start reading his mail. Most of which were bills and proposals, but that was one letter that disturbed the sennin. It was a letter with no scent nor return address. The content of the letter was the most disturbing part, but he would not have a chance to read it just yet.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door and he had put the letter in a door. Midori, Daisuke’s assistant, had the day off so he took to managing his own clerical duties. The temporary assistant was not of much use to him, but he would let her stay. “Come in!”, he said sitting up straight. He tried to look as professional as possible. Upon seeing his student he smiled and said, “Hey, Junko! Come on in, man. It’s great to see you. I’m fine for now. This job can be very difficult. How about you? Still studying your ass off for your upcoming exam?” he asked. Unbeknownst to the sennin, memos were sent to members of his inner circle like Kahako and Keiji the night before. Just as odd, flyers of open recruitment were mailed out days ago with his office designated for the event. For what reason was this all occurring? For what reason were these people meant to gather in Daisuke's office. Given his nature, Daisuke would not be one to turn anyone away, scheduled visit or not. The poor fool.

MFT WC: 530

Tsuyoshi Junko

Active Member
May 5, 2013
Tsuyoshi Junko said:
RolePlay said:
Visiting his sensei, Junko always felt at home. At home within a home that brung peace and serenity to Junko's mind. Knowing that someone attempted to ruin Junko's happy place only brung rage, and a hint of frustration.

“Hey, Junko! Come on in, man. It’s great to see you. I’m fine for now. This job can be very difficult. How about you? Still studying your ass off for your upcoming exam?”

"You know me so well. Trying to break out of studying though. Like you said, only novice study sensei. I find myself doing a lot more things lately." Junko said, making himself comfortable as usual. Daisukes office wasn't much different, but Junko couldn't help to think, "Does he still have his basement?" as he made his way to the pantry. grabbing the legendary pack of chocolate chip cookies, Junko took a seat at his favorite spot, The couch.

"I couldn't help but notice, Midori's beautiful face wasn't at the front desk." Junko said slouching a bit, getting more into his laid back manner as he set his katana to the side. Pulling out a mini bottle of sterilization gel, Junko applied some to his hands. Rubbing his hands vigorously, letting alcohol fill his nose. "Ya know, Midori is a nice girl. Young, beautiful, intelligent." Junko said, pausing not to get too ahead of himself. Opening the pack of cookies, the fresh scent of chocolate overwhelmed the alcohol. "Hmm, I wonder if she's talking to anyone." Junko said before eating a cookie whole. Loud crunching could be heard as the deliciousness exploded throughout Junko's mouth.

"Ummm, yummy. Well, I stopped by the new clinic a few times after its grand opening. I must say, the place is extravagant." Junko said. The
Marvelous four story building still shined bright in Junkos ongoing thoughts. "Ah! Sensei! How's your eternal guess by the way?" Junko said patting his stomach, referring to Gantetsu.


Nov 17, 2012
OOC: I’ll give people the weekend to post in since I know there are some people who’re still interested. On monday, Aug.4th we begin and stragglers can post in during the following round. I’ll post it in the village discussion board as well. The more people, the higher chance of success.

It was always good to have Junko around as it helped put Daisuke’s mind at ease. Perhaps it was because Junko was family in Daisuke’s eyes aside from his contract creatures. Whatever the reason Daisuke would never turn Junko away. He made himself comfortable, something Daisuke didn’t have to suggest anymore and lord knows he didn’t mind at all. Upon hearing a question about Midori he answered. Little did they know that someone was listening in on their conversation.

Oh she has been on vacation for the last week so I hired a temporary assistant until her return. And I don’t think she’s involved with anyone else. Why, you got a crush? I could put in a good word for you if you want?” he said teasingly. It was good to see Junko taking an interest in a possible romance, although Daisuke could have mistaken Junko supposed romance side for his lustful side. It was not uncommon for a man to have those desires and while Daisuke never really agreed with the ‘hit it and quit it’ mindset, he did not condemn it either.

The free clinic was next on their discussion list and he was thrilled about it. It brought relief to his mind knowing that low income family could still receive the proper care they needed without fear of entering into a crippling debt. Daisuke’s philosophy was simple, harm these in need when possible. It was the reason he became a medic, to save lives and promote good health rather than slay enemies and promote destruction.

"Yeah, you like it. It was a struggle to obtain, but we did it. Now people can get the assistance they need. As for Gantetsu, he’s pissed that you’re here. He doesn’t like Mazoku’s presence in the office or anywhere really. I just told him to shut it and to get used to you being around. Is Mazoku giving you any trouble?" he asked. While originally concerned about having demonic spirits within them both, it was clear that these two were nothing more than an energy source for Junko and Daisuke respectively.

Tsuyoshi Junko

Active Member
May 5, 2013
Tsuyoshi Junko said:
RolePlay said:
“Oh she has been on vacation for the last week so I hired a temporary assistant until her return. And I don’t think she’s involved with anyone else. Why, you got a crush? I could put in a good word for you if you want?”

Junko smirked as Daisuke teased him. Midori was quite interesting, but Junko would have to get to know her outside of work. Too bad he wasn't on vacation with her, it would've been some good bonding time. Tapping his chin a bit as he thought about her, Junko came to an conclusion. "Yea, do me that favor sensei. Tell her Junko said heeeeeeyyy!" Junko said teasingly, but with meaning. It would be marvelous for the MiT to begin slowing things down, romance wise.

"Yeah, you like it. It was a struggle to obtain, but we did it. Now people can get the assistance they need. As for Gantetsu, he’s pissed that you’re here. He doesn’t like Mazoku’s presence in the office or anywhere really. I just told him to shut it and to get used to you being around. Is Mazoku giving you any trouble?"

"Yes, I do like it. As for should I put it." Junko said with a long pause. "Hahaha, a pain in the ass! he's always talking, as usual, but he's coming around." Junko said laughing. "I have a great grasp on his power when it comes to controlling it." Junko said with a nod as he crunched another cookie.


Nov 17, 2012
OOC: The post was getting way too long so I broke it down somewhat. Keiji and Kahako are confirmed to enter. The exam will begin in my next post.

That’s great. Good to know. Hey wait a second? I thought you hit it off with that waitress girl a while back. Remember the girl that was kinda sweet on you? What ever happened to her? What was her name? Yeah, Karin the waitress!” he asked curiously. Daisuke was not a judgmental man and believed that people were free to do as they wished as long as no one was getting hurt. It was for this reason that he did not lecture the young player on his way with women. If he still had Karin on his stable of ladies then that was his business. He would wait for a response from his lecherous student if there was one.

Karin the waitress

Daisuke was relived to here that Mazoku, while troublesome, was under his complete control. Once upon a time he feared that he had pushed Junko too hard during their training and in turn provoked a savage nature from his student. The mountain range was no place for a child at that time. In fact there were plenty of other places Junko could have nurtured his relentless fighting abilities while remaining in the comforting bosom of kumogakure. Junko had taught Daisuke much about himself and made him reflect on what kind of man he wanted to be. He was not as ruthless as his predecessor nor did he possess a strong analytical nature, but he had tried to make Kushin provide of him. Since his appointment, he had been asked how he planned to run his administration. This position was as political as it was medical, which Daisuke already knew, but the reality was more overwhelming than he initially realized. Now with this new clinic in place, Daisuke had cemented his position as a sennin, making a decent contribution to the medical branch.
Meanwhile, as Junko and Daisuke conversed…

Unbeknownst to either Daisuke or Junko, the temporary assistant had been using the intercom to listen in on their conversation through her earpiece. It was genius really, to play the role of a dull temp with very little social skills. It made her invisible in a way. She was someone that not many people would notice nor suspect of anything. Even Daisuke had underestimated her and that would prove nearly fatal for him. Sitting at her desk, she continued to remain busy, but underneath her exterior were malice and a desire for blood. Daisuke was careless. In the short amount of time she had been temping for Midori, she logged Daisuke‘s down to the very last minutes. She knew his schedule and exactly where he was a majority of the time. She also possessed knowledge of what was most important to him profession-wise. The clinic he had strived to make a reality was next to be targeted, but first a certain man needed to be out of the picture. The temp assistant placed down her writing utensils and took a deep breath before standing up and peeking into the hallway. Seeing as Daisuke had his paths, there was not much security needed on that floor.

Returning inside the office, she enabled the security system which locked down the door leading into the hallway. The only way out of her office was to enter the sennin’s. The excitement in her gut began to manifest itself through physical conditions. The adrenaline in her body began to spread from her brain to her feet and hands. The time had finally come and the sennin would get what was coming to him. The power of the rinnegan was formidable indeed, but after logging his movements for so long she began to suspect a single weakness. There was a main body which housed most of his power. She believed if that body was damaged then perhaps the other paths would follow suit. It was not unreasonable to come to such a conclusion, which prompted her to retrieve a rather large package from behind her desk. Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

Pardon me, Daisuke-sama! I have a package for you!” she announced with a hint of urgency. Daisuke gave her permission to enter and the package was placed on his desk. Upon seeing how large it was, he stood up wondering what was inside it. She returned to the door and stood there waiting to see her dream become a reality. He made a few inquiries regarding the package’s point of origin, its deliverer, and its continents. The temp was truly prepared, having an answer for every question he had. Daisuke exhaled looking at Junko. He gave a facial expression of apologize for having to interrupt their discussion. This however was his life now. Everyone’s urgency was expected to be treated as his emergency. Being the lazy bastard he was, Daisuke created a bone dagger to cut open the top of the box, rather than reach for a letter opener like a normal person. It was then that time seemed to slow down a bit, at least in his perspective. From the corner of his eye, he noticed two odd occurrences. First was the devilish smirk on his temp assistant’s face and second was the fluctuation of chakra forming around her body. The rinnegan could then see the truth.


The release of a transformation jutsu. And her chakra coils…a shadow clone!”, he thought as he opened up the package. Suddenly a surge of chakra created a chain reaction within the box. Looking down, Daisuke’s eyes widened larger than that of a giant. Within the box were a large amount of explosive notes, practically undetectable to his rinnegan eyes given his distraction and the fact that they were on a suspended time delay. He would turn around to toss the large near the closest window while ordering Junko to hit the floor. In that moment, the temp took her true form as Fuji’s shadow clone and dispersed. No doubt to transfer what the clone had witnessed to the real perpetrator. The parcel broke through the window in time, but Daisuke was still within the blast radius. When it exploded in midair, the flames scorched the outside of Daisuke’s office building and had enough force to send him flying back first into the wall near his office door. The shockwave was massive in force that several office windows were blown out as a result. Burned but alive, Daisuke fell flat on to the floor. The pain was immense, but he could manage such a thing; especially with such a skilled medic nearby to help treat him.

Fuji you bastard! In front of my student! Junko, you okay?!” he said before placing his head on the floor. He would need rest and time to recover from what had occurred. Unfortunately, like before Fuji didn’t leave a trace of himself. He was a cold calculating bastard. He was slowly buying his time waiting for the right moment. It took half a year just for him to rear his ugly head and this was the result of his attack. Daisuke knew his attack was only the beginning. He also knew that it would be a while before his return. For now, Daisuke would notify the proper authorities at a later time. He needed treatment now. There would be no doubt that others would come to investigate the loud explosion in the mean time.

Tsuyoshi Junko

Active Member
May 5, 2013
Tsuyoshi Junko said:
RolePlay said:
"That’s great. Good to know. Hey wait a second? I thought you hit it off with that waitress girl a while back. Remember the girl that was kinda sweet on you? What ever happened to her? What was her name? Yeah, Karin the waitress!”

Junko paused for quite a while. His mind thinking back on the wild night. "Karin.... Karin... Hmmm. AH!" Junko thought with a snap of his fingers. How could he forget, she was sexy with curves of a goddess. He messed up badly that night, becoming intoxicated changed the night. "I never called her come to think about it. Got more into work and training afterwards. " Junko said shaking his head a bit. It was odd that Junko didn't remember to give her a call. After all, they had hit it off. "Ya know what, imma give her a call today. Hold off on putting in that word for me." Junko said with a smile.

Between work, missions, and preparing for his exam, Junko was left with way less down time. Only as of recently he had extra time to enjoy himself. So now, he could find a real potential romance and Karin might just be the one.

“Pardon me, Daisuke-sama! I have a package for you!”

Finishing off his last bit of cookies, A knock interrupted the conversation. It seemed urgent, and caused Junko to straighten up his posture. Their was no telling what the receptionist was bringing in. Looking at Daisuke, he could tell it would be a minute. "555-4321 or was it.. 554-5321?" Junko thought trying to remember Karin's number. Pulling out his head set, he turned a small dial seven times, inserting the first set of numbers he thought of. Their was no telling if she would even talk to him, but he had to try. For a minute, Junko could only hear static, but with a quick adjustment, everything became clear. "Hello..." Junko said speaking into the mic, but not too loud to interrupt Daisukes business.


Hearing the soft sweet voice, Junko's stomach flipped instantly. His eyes widened a bit from the shock. With a gulp, he continued. "Karin?"

"Yes, and you are?"



"Yes, we met at the black Lotus Hotel sometime way back."

"Oh My Fucking gosh!! Junko! Why has it taken so long for you to give me a call you jerk!"

"Hehe.. Uhhh... A lot has been going on, but I want to meet up."

"Do you think it's that easy? "

Shaking his head a bit, Junko looked up. "Why the hell is she smiling?" Junko thought looking at the receptionist devilish grin. Listening to Karin still talk, Junko couldn't help, but raise a brow. Looking at Daisuke, his eyes widened as everything instantly clicked. Watching Daisuke throw the package out the nearest window, Junko instantly grabbed his blade.

"Junko, Hit the FLOOR!!"

Diving, using his Seikon speed, Junko appeared behind the revealed fuji, crouched to the ground in a sweeping position. Attempting to sweep the feet, Fuji's clone dispersed. As the packaged exploded, it sent an immense shockwave, blowing Junko through the door, tumbling in the hall way. Reality seemed to shake, Junko's eyes blurred as a buzzing ring could be heard in his head.

"Junko? Are you alright!? What's going on?"

Switching off his mic, Junko stood to his feet. "Sensei!!" Junko said rushing into the room. Checking his breathing and Seeing his sensei's burns, he knew he had to get to work quickly. Luckily for Junko, time was always his friend. Beginning a series of long hand signs with lightning speed, Winds began to accumulate as a black vortex ripped open within the office. "I'll take care of you sensei." Junko said, carrying him inside the void. (Assuming I Have Permission)

The Jutsu Junko used was one of his own. It allowed him to bypass the reality of time. Being a Seikon, Junko refused to let reality bind him to anything. Junko stood with his sensei over his shoulder in a pure white dimension. Closing his eyes, Junko searched through his memory with accuracy. The white void faded, revealing one of the best medical shower rooms remembered. It was quite spacious, but seemed like a normal step in shower. Placing Daisuke in and running the cool water, Junko hands illuminated with a firry green glow. As Daisuke soaked, Junko coated his body with the medical ninjutsu.

After Finishing his work, Daisuke would find himself in an all white void with Junko sitting at his side once he awoke. What seemed like 8 to 9hours, was only a few minutes(4-6) outside the void. They had all the time they needed.

CRPJ: Reality Void
Allows the user to bend reality into a separate void, creating a small vortex the user and other people can step into. The void's time greatly differs from normal reality. Hours of time can pass within the void while only minutes have passed in the original reality. The user is able to create a duplicate of any 10x10x10 meter (after which the scenery fades to white) space from their memory to their best of their knowledge. Items or people (with their cooperation) currently being touched can also be brought into the void. Wherever the void was created for entering is the same place the void will reappear for the user's exit.

The dimension created gives the user a replica of a duplicate of any 10x10x10 (after which the scenery fades to white) meter space from their memory to the best of their knowledge. (For example, if he duplicates a library he visited the books' pages will be blank unless he read the books).
Time functions differently in the alternate dimension. At B-rank 2 hours in the dimension pass while 10 minutes pass in ours. At A-Rank, 8 hours for 10 minutes. A S-rank, 12 hours for 10 minutes.
The user can bring inanimate objects or people (with their permission, as dragging someone into another reality requires their full cooperation) they are touching at the time into the void with them. People can leave at any time, as they are drawn naturally to their home dimension unless they cooperate with the user.
The user can't just think up items to bring into existence inside. Only items and people brought via the method or items present in the user's memory will be present.
While in the void, time passes normally for the user so in the example given the user will age the specified hours when only 10 minutes have passed for everyone else.
Travelling to another dimension is a massive undertaking. After using this ability the user requires 3 days before they are able to do it again. (To prevent chaining together visits to extend total time.)
Requires a long chain of handseals resulting in a total prep time of 30 seconds to perform. If anything disrupts the user's concentration, the ability fails. (Preventing it from being used in battle.)

Shinrya Kahako

Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
[spoilername="OOC"]This post occurs in the 5-10 minutes that Junko and Daisuke are missing. Despite the current picture, Kahako's weapons are just her gloves and boots[/spoilername]

“What on earth?” Kahako said, startled after the walls rattle from floor to floor and her office window shattered. The small book she had been writing in only minutes before slipped from her desk. Standing, she quickly walked out of the room, prepared for what could only be considered a battle brewing on the floor above hers.

Using chakra, she was up the stairwell and on the floor of Daisuke’s office in minutes. There was a crazy plumage of black smoke coming from what remained of her sennin’s office. “Daisuke-sama!” Kahako yelled before entering the wreckage. Only to dismayingly find no one there. “This is Higa Kahako from the Sentou Henkan reporting to all medical staff.” Kahako said through her headset when she found no body and didn’t hear a response, “A code red emergency has occurred. The entire hospital needs to go on lock down. Nobody leaves the hospital, nobody enters. I repeat this is…” She wasn’t entirely certain if she had the authority to call a hospital-wide shut down, but with the very apparent and possibly successful attempt on Daisuke-sama’s life, she had to take action to try and stop the person responsible.

But another issue rose in the few seconds Kahako had. She couldn’t scan the room quickly enough for clues before the murderer got away. “Dammit,” she cursed softly after she pulled her hand away from the intercom button on her ear, knowing that there would be no one else better at spotting something out of the ordinary. “Keiji-kun,” she said urgently after pressing the button again. “I hope to our beloved Raiden-sama that you have your headset on, because I need you in the Sennin’s office NOW.”


The Unfortunate Overlord
Staff member
Oct 25, 2012
OOC Rank
"Bang!" ... "Boom!" ... "Crash!" ... "Pew, pew, pew, pew!"
"Haha! Learn it!" ... "Yeah!" ... "Suckers!"
Those were the words echoing the hallways of the upper most rooms, up in the attic of the main Aesculapium wing. With the help of scrolls, a bit of ingenuity, and major muscle he had successfully moved a large arcade machin up into the room.. Keiji didn't have an office yet, he didn't feel like he needed one, not yet, his responsibilities were loosely and easy to handle the business that the Harvesters had to take care of, handled themselves, all they had required was an archive to place all of their documents and files, a safe, and a break room when not doing surgeries and other tasks. He had decided to spend his time where people so rarely came around that all the corners of the rooms were littered with spider webs and everything was dusty and seemed aged beyond recognition.

It had only been a few weeks since he was first given the task of taking over the Harvesters, the task had gone smoothly and easy, no one had objected to him taking over, at least not to his face. The teams had handled themselves for a time without a leader and they seemed to take care of themselves fine without any immediate intervention, so he was spending his downtime away from everyone, maybe hanging out with his own team members once or twice a month, but mostly, he would be up there, playing video games. At least for this week.

It was only between the loud electronic noises from the machine that he suddenly heard a window crash. The room he had invaded wasn't too far off Daisuke's office, practically right above, maybe one or two floors above. A second later a massive explosion came and shuddered the entire building, his feet jumped several inches above the floor which his chair tumble to the side, making him lose his balance.
With his head in the dust on the floor he quickly realized what had transpired, an explosion coming from right below, and he knew only two people in the entire Branch that would be deemed worthy of such an attack and one of them he always knew where was. So he jumped up to his feet, and begin running out of the room, into the hallway and over to the hidden side stairs which was the only way up there, in mid flight down the first set of stairs his earpiece buzzed and the easily recognized voice of Ka-ha-ko-tan It made him smile whenever he remembered her reactions to him saying it began shouting words of code red emergency, and the hospital being on lock down. A shiver ran down his spine as he imagined what could possibly call for such drastic action. After running down the last flight of stairs and then running off to the main stairs that lead to all floors he had managed to jump down to the floor where the Sennin's office was settled until his earpiece buzzed again.
Her first words was his name, but before he could manage to react and response she continued, like a ranting carnivorous bird waiting for her pray to fall silently to begin devouring. He stood silently until she had stopped talking, then waited a second or two. Then responded with an emanated calm and collected voice, trying to make sense of the situation.

"... Yes? Where do you need me?" He didn't want to say anything further until she responded, but as he turned his gaze to the hallway he saw the smoke emerging from Daisuke's office. Assuming the worst, he bolted towards it without hesitation and stood by the entrance, and began taking steps into the burnt and charcoaled office, the door being obviously exploded off it's hinges from pressure. The massive bolted iron door meant to keep the Sennin safe didn't do it's job he thought to himself as his eyes gazed at the surroundings.

(He hasn't reached the main office so he and Kahako hasn't seen each other yet)
(I apologize for the delay, it took me a bit longer than I had anticipated to get back into the flow of things. But I think I'm back properly now.)


Nov 17, 2012
Sorry guys, I had to help my family pack for Florida. I'm staying behind. Also, the students (at the last minute mind you) pmed me to drop out of the exam so it’s just you guys know. The set up is complete. Sorry for the long post, but I didn't want to waste anymore time on the set up. You all came here for an exam after all. I'll give you guys two or three days, then I'll post the beginning of the exam. Prepare for a quarantine mission. Think rage zombies and L.A. Noir type detective work.


Apartment D-3, Rusty Nail Apartment Complex
Cronopolis, The Village Built on Clouds
…0430 hours

Three months after his original disappearance...

Since his failed attempt on the medic sennin, Fuji had been in hiding. During his employment, Fuji took full advantage of the perks that went along with his position. The level of access granted to medical chiefs included the most deadly substances for experimentation, the most sophisticated laboratory equipment to date, clearance to nearly all levels of their respective departments, hospital archives, history of research proposals, staff work schedules, etc. Over the years, Fuji slowly but surely stole research laboratory equipment and had it stored in a rundown, low-rental apartment building whose facilities and maintenance barely met minimum standards until he had a full on laboratory.

The rusty nail complex was in fact the perfect place for him to hide out. For someone who chose to live a luxurious lifestyle on the tax payer’s dime, one might find it strange that someone with extensive illegal funds would decide to live in such a tarnished place. The answer was simple really. Occham’s razor: a rule in science and philosophy stating that entities should not be multiplied needlessly. This rule is interpreted to mean that the simplest of two or more competing theories is preferable. In other words, the simplest answer is usually correct. Fuji was hiding in plain sight. The anbu would have captured him if he attempted to leave the village and he was too prideful to allow Daisuke to run him out of town.


In his 450 square foot studio apartment, there he sat. It seemed fitting for a dirty medic like Fuji to live amongst such filth. Fuji’s apartment was truly atrocious. Outside the house's roof would be green with moss. The windows were dark grey with dirt while ivy clung to the outer walls. Around it was unkempt undergrowth, as if the complex had grown up from the very earth. Faded blue lead paint covered the walls while the flaking speckles lined the floor like dust. The rotting wooden furniture legs had spots of lichen growing on them while the curtains hang limp and moth-eaten. They were streaks all across the walls as mold from the damp nights and previous water damage began to seep in. The place felt heavy; Heavy with expectation and foreboding, waiting for one more lifeform to creak across the worn wooden floorboards and renovate it. Currently, it possessed an empty feeling and sad little windows that looked outward at passersby like eyes begging to be lived in; to be revived once more.

Various take out containers and expired beverage bottles littered the floor. Weeks worth of dirty laundry were piled high and the stench of male body odor, from the armpits to his nether region, polluted the air. Any rational person could tell that these were signs of one important fact. Clear indicators that the fugitive had not left his apartment in months. When he disappeared, he managed to take several dangerous chemicals with him. To make matters, one would need only observe the variety of lab rats he had in his position. Dozens of medium-sized, long-tailed rodents bred and kept alive for the sole purpose of scientific research. Amongst the rat cages lied several containers holding gruesomely disfigured corpses of the unfortunate creatures. No doubt their deaths were brought on by a deadly combination concocted by none other than Fuji. For seven weeks, he racked his brain while he tested out several combinations of chemicals in an attempt to create nearly unstoppable disease. He studied the chemical substances he stole, wrote out the equations accurately, studied the symptoms he wanted to introduce into the human body diligently, then mixed the bacterias and viruses accordingly.

Microscopes were used and blood samples were examined, germs were mixed and injected into the rodents without remorse, rodents became sick and rabid, observations were carefully documented. The scientific method was being followed like followers reading scriptures from a holy tome filled with sacred writings. While already a threat, what made him truly deadly was that besides his rodents, he had his kikai insects. Kikai insects were the special ability of the Aburame clan. They were a species of rather deadly insects that possessed the ability to eat chakra from all forms of life. To truly beat the disease he hoped to create, Fuji began to inject himself with a very small sample of the finished product. Those not familiar with modern medicine might have thought Fuji’s actions to be suicidal, but to those who were familiar, it spelled disaster. He simply inoculated himself, then frantically swallowed every anti-bacterial, anti-viral, and anti-fungal medication he could get his hands on. In order to force his kikai insects as well as his immune system to become invulnerable to the disease, which he promptly named ‘BP-V2’.


Finally! All data seems to indicate that its finally ready.”, he said with a satisfied smile on his face. The disease, while immune to it, did cause some acne and paleness in his skin. Hair loss, hallucinations, fits of rage, increased irritably, and red irises were additional side effects of the disease, but there was a cure hidden in plain sight. Fuji, once a proud member of the medical corps, had fallen so far that he was nearly unrecognizable, both physically and mentally. His drive, his reason for keeping the disease contained was so that no one could foil his plot. Revenge, it was his reason for creating such a vial sickness, the reason he worked so diligently while testing his concoctions on his furry subjects, the reason people could possibly die...or at the very least pass out for a few minutes.

Daisuke, you bastard! It’s your fault. I had everything I ever wanted after Kushin left. Now look what I’ve had to resort to just to survive.” he said, waiting for a response. Suddenly, the sennin was there. Strong, tall, and formidable looking. Somehow, during the experiments, Fuji had begun to hallucinate Daisuke’s image and voice taunting him. Such a thing was not completely shocking given the disease’s effects on him as well as the lack of social interaction. He rose up in anger, grabbing a beaker off the burner to toss at the ghost in his room. The adrenaline produced in his body at a rapid rate then. It was unforeseen, but the fugitive did not seem to mind at the time. His frustration and anger only strengthened his resolve to get his vengeance. It was then that the ghost began to communicate with him.

Hahahahahahaha! Oh, how the mighty have fallen. What’s the matter, coward? I thought you were the big man, the alpha and omega.” the image teased. It was clear as day to Fuji that his was hallucinating and yet, he just couldn’t resist engaging the apparition. The disease what not all that contributed to his ill mind, however. He was addicted to a substance yet known at the time. There was another criminal hiding within the walls of the Aesculapium, but that was a tale for another time. For now, Fuji continued to encourage his hallucinations.

Shut the hell up you foul creature! I had everything before you came along, but I will turn everything you love into dust. I read about your clinic. Free health care for the poor, pathetic! You could have turned it into a very expensive clinic reserved only for the most wealthy people with drug addictions, like me! You can’t be left in charge, the hospital will go bankrupt. But I’ll make you pay dearly. Your clinic will fall into ruin, your hospital will turn into ash, and when this city loses faith in you, I’ll be there. A cure for a huge pay day, and I’m not talking about candy bars here!” he ranted. Suddenly, there was a thump on the floor below him. Apparently a neighbor thought his yelling was not appropriate during the early morning hour. Fuji responded by stomping on his floor, refusing to show any decency it seemed. It would be another few months before he dared to poke his head out of hiding, but when he did he knew he would need a huge distraction to keep everyone busy. Misdirection was his tactic and he would surely succeed.

Temporary assistant’s house
Near A Sordid Avenue, Susukino District
…06000 hours

Arriving toward his destination, Fuji’s heart began to beat faster and faster. He knew it was time to begin. He was no fool however, knowing better than to simply rush into battle. Since his completion of the disease in his apartment, he had been surveying the clinic as well as Daisuke’s temporary assistant from afar. Being a former chief, he knew what people had which shift and what temp agency Daisuke was likely to hire from. Daisuke was a creature of habit and while he did try to conceal his movements, Fuji did have help on the inside. It was a person who had their shady dealings much like Fuji and refused to allow Daisuke to turn their plans for expansion.

Finding the temp assistant was easy enough with the intel he gained. He followed her that morning as she did her shopping, then waited for the optimum time to pounce. As she exited the store, she made her way down the not very busy street to her home. She entered and headed straight for the kitchen only to find a sickly man waiting. Before she could scream or run, Fuji’s left hand was at her throat crushing it severely. A crazed look in his eye filled the temp assistant with even more fear. She struggled for her life knowing in her heart that if she did not do so, then she would be killed and possibly even violated. The only question was whether it would occur pre or post-mortem. She scratched at his neck and bit down on his left hand, but she was no match for him. She was not a shinobi in body, but she did have the heart of one.

Fuji found her desperate attempts amusing, so amusing in fact that he turn slammed her head against a wall, then knocked off everything on the kitchen counter using his right hand and slammed her on top of it. Blood dripped profusely onto the floor, but he did not care. He made his inquires about her position as Daisuke’s assistant and her security clearance, but snapping her neck. What he choose to do next was too vail to describe. It was something no people should ever have to endure and so he showed her mercy by death in a twisted sense, prior to performing the disgusting act. Though she was dead at the time, Fuji viewed his dry spell at its end. He did so not out of a lustful desire, but of a desire for control.

Since his failed assassination attempt, Fuji has been on the run with no feeling of control nor superiority. Once a chief, now reduced to a lowly peasant. His money was frozen in the account thanks to a forensic accountant. Lastly, any other accounts he had were being watched carefully by the Anbu black ops. Fuji knew that if even a single yen was spent, the Anbu would be on him like white on rice. It was for this reason that he needed to gain back his control; his superiority. As weak in the knees as he was after the act, he knew covering up his tracks despite his feeling of euphoria. He partly burned the body, though DNA evidence still remained intact, and secured her identity card and her security key before leaving quickly to execute the next part of his plan. Fuji truly was a miserably sick bastard and misery only loved the company it created and kept.

Moving through the shadows in a transformation jutsu, Fuji went on to purchase a large number of explosive notes on one side of town, then transformed again to purchase a large parcel at a mail office. Trekking through the streets of Kumo once again did nothing for his hardened heart. Seeing the children playing, the pregnant women with their loving husbands, the friendly shopkeepers, all did nothing to deter him from what he planned to do next. One by one, everything seemed to fall into place. With the exception of his actions towards the temp assistant, he had been very careful up to that point.

A few hours later...

Earlier that morning prior to the bombing
Daisuke’s newly established Free clinic, Aesculapium
…0600 hours

He waited until he reached a relatively safe location, then placed his large parcel down and opened it. He then charged the explosive notes on remote detonation and lined the inside of the large parcel with them. The final touch was placing a chemically based explosive inside amongst the e-notes to finish the job. It was rigged to explode once the box was fully opened. It contained enough of an explosive punch that it could shake a building down to its very foundation, but not enough to severely weaken or destroy the building. He looked around in paranoia. The last thing he needed was to have his plans foiled by a nosy passerby. Once t was complete, then sealed the large parcel and rested a bit. He would need to replenish his chakra in order for his plan to succeed. An hour later, he started up again. He created a shadow clone and transformed it’s appearance so that like was nearly undetectable by sight only. Fuji was well aware that Daisuke was not so paranoid that he would use sensory ninja as security guards. If he had, then they would have known that the temp’s chakra signature was completely off.

With the transformation complete, the first clone picked up the I.D. card, the security keycard, and the large parcel before making its way into the assistant's office. The foliage and early morning hour seemed to favor Fuji. “It’s almost time. His temp is replaced and now his clinic is next.”, he muttered to himself. Performing a Kikai bug clone jutsu, Fuji was partial ready to begin his revenge scheme. He ordered his bug clone to to revert back into a swarm then fly towards the wall tower on top of the free clinic. After all, most people might have mistaken them for a swarm of bees. Landing on top of the roof, then swarm regrouped to form the bug clone. The benefit of the Aburame was that they could control their bugs through mental communication. With a hive mind, Fuji commanded the bug clone to climb the water tower.

The clone ran forward, jumped up, and ran up the side of the tower with much ease. Fuji’s jaw clenched when he ordered the bug clone to pierce open the top of the water tower and contaminate its contains. With a quick stab from a kunai knife, the bug clone dispersed back into a swarm and entered the tower. Using an Aburame clan technique, Poison Disperse - Kikai Toxin Jutsu, the swarm of kikai insects went to their death as each and everyone of them dove into the water and released their chakra infused toxins. There was a slight difference in their particular toxin however. These kikai were exposed to and carried Fuji’s concocted disease. The water source had now been utterly poisoned, but not completely beyond repair.

Crouching back to the ground, he dashed off towards the back of the clinic and ran up the side of the building. Upon reaching the top, he looked around for any security cameras and disabled them. Fuji did this blatantly to lure up a security guard or two to the rooftop. From his perspective, what was a better disguise than a person who already existed, worked at the clinic, and had authority. It took a few minutes, but two arrived nonetheless. As the guards closed and locked the door behind him, Fuji thought it best to attack from behind to avoid the guard calling for reinforcements. Aguri searched to the left while his partner, security officer Akana, searched to the right.

Both security guards wore white long sleeve shirts tucked into their black slacks. They wore badges over their hearts, black hard bottomed shoes, a shoulder radio on there right shoulders, and utility belts holding flashlights, mace, stun grenades, soldier pills, oil flasks, acid vials, a pack of matches, handcuffs, security I.D. cards, and skeleton keys. Fuji hung over the side of the building to avoid detection and sent his Nano-parasitic Insect to infect the second guard on the roof. Within moments, guard Akana was bitten by a nano-sized kikai insect before it buried deep into her body. From there it would slowly release it’s chakra infused toxins along with Fuji’s disease.

Oi, Aguri-san! I think the cameras are just on the fritz again. Come on let’s go.” Akana suggested. In all honestly, she was just tired of her job. It was easy money, but it lacked any excitement. Little did she know what was in store for her as well as her partner.

What, come on... stay! You never know what come happen!” he suggested. He loved his job and was the kind of guy who looked for trouble where ever you could. The two security guards were on opposite ends of the spectrum. Gender, religious beliefs, their feelings towards their jobs, they were different in almost every way and yet they got along so well.

Whatever, I’m leaving. See you later.” she said scratching at the left side of her neck, where the carotid artery was located. She swiped her card and propped the door open. She later determined that it was a false alarm and returned to the security desk in the clinic lobby. Guard Aguri, on the other hand, chose to stay a bit longer and attempt to get the security cameras online again. It was almost too easy for Fuji. Aguri searched for a few more minutes before Fuji pounced on him.


Making quick work of them and smashing his radio, Fuji knelt down and performed the summoning jutsu. With the cameras disabled, Akana along with the other guards could not see that Fuji summoned thirteen rabid diseased rats. He made his way over towards the stairwell which was already open and looked for a structural weakness for his nano kikai infested rats to exploit. Once he found a spot, he simply made a moderate sized hole in the wall and sent in his rats. From there he simply let the rats’ instinct take over. After all, rats were no strangers to infesting buildings and used the inner walls and ventilation systems to move around. The last step was to dispose of the guard Aguri permanently.

Coming to, Aguri quickly jumped up as Fuji approached from behind. Drawing his kunai knife, Fuji lunged at Aguri like a wild animal. No doubt the disease was affecting his fighting capabilities. Aguri managed to gain some distance between Fuji and himself. He reached for his shoulder radio only to realize it was smashed to bits and pieces. He stood still in confusion watching as Fuji began to yell at thin air. His confusion turned into conviction as he grabbed some acid vials and tossed them at Fuji. The psychotic bastard charged right into them and subsequently had his body badly burned.

The acid begin to burn through Fuji’s attire as well as his skin, then Aguri witnessed something truly horrible. His disgusted for what he saw caused him to toss an oil flask at Fuji while he rolled on the ground screaming in agony. Aguri could not believe what he was about to do, but after seeing what he saw, he felt as though he had no choice. Fuji tried to stand up and fight for his life, but the oil was just too slippery and covering his self in oil from his failed attempts to escape it only made it worse. Aguri took a deep breath before lighting a match and tossing it into the oil. Aguri could hear then were the screams; the horrifying agonizing screams.

Never experiencing something like that before, he could not help but vomit somewhat. It was natural really. Aguri recognized Fuji from the wanted posters and so he lit the match. Dropping to all fours, he continued to vomit until he could not hear the screams any more. It was then that one last nano bug left from Fuji’s body and entered Aguri’s carotid artery and released its poison and disease. The flames and acid destroyed everything. Only ash was left behind. Just then a shadow approached Aguri from behind. There was evil and murderous intent in the air just then. Moments later ‘Aguri’, if that was his real name, managed to stand up as the flames died out and run back into the building, locking the door behind him. All that was left on the rooftop was a burned corpse with its teeth destroyed beyond repair by the acid vials.

It was then that the glass from the medic sennin’s office shattered immensely. The shock wave would blow out several windows around it Daisuke’s office while the hospital and the clinic buildings shook a little.

*End of Flashback*

*Present time*


Junko? Are you okay? Where are we?” he said weakly within the void. He believed himself to be in bad shape, but his wounds were not as severe as he remembered. No doubt it was Junko who protected him. Daisuke’s heart was filled with gratitude and pride for JUnko, but upon remembering what occurred those positive feelings shifted towards bloodlust for Fuji’s head and then worry for every else’s sake.

Junko, we need to get back to the others!” he said.

Tsuyoshi Junko

Active Member
May 5, 2013
Tsuyoshi Junko said:
RolePlay said:
“Junko? Are you okay? Where are we?”

Looking at Daisuke, Junko had no words. Silence was heavy, anger, frustration, and Mazoku's chakra could be felt growing. Cracking through Junkos soul as He gritted his teeth.

"Im going to destroy that bastard."


"Limb by limb! Piece by piece! One way or another, Fuji will be no more!"

"This Daisuke guy..just wont die."

“Junko, we need to get back to the others!”

Putting a cig between his lips, Junko nodded. His eyes turned cold, frozen with pain as his mind constantly replayed what just happen. Striking a match and setting a blaze to his cigarette, nicotine filled Junkos lungs as he snapped his fingers together. The snap sounded off like thunder in the blank void. A thin horizontal line of chakra would become visible as winds like a storm would be felt rushing in. The illuminating chakra began to thicken as it expanded vertically like a normal doorway. Blowing a cloud of smoke, Junko nodded. Walking towards the blinding doorway, the two shinobi would simply phase through it without a problem. Arriving on the other side, Junko squinted as his eyes adjusted to the wrecked scenery. Smoke filled the office as Junko steps sounded off with a crunch. shattered glass covered the floor as the air filled with chaos.

Looking through the smoke, a dark haired individual could be seen. Raising his blade, Junko Remained silent, awaiting for the smoke to fully clear. With his mind now on red alert and his temper at its all time high, no one was safe.


Shinrya Kahako

Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
If there was one thing Kahako could count on, it would always be the infuriating lack of emotion in the tone of Keiji’s voice. Something about it always rubbed her the wrong way. Maybe it was her lack of being able to read his intention. Maybe she felt like he didn’t care about anything. No matter how annoying it was, she greatly appreciated the ever calm voice that responded to her. Here eye twitched, she already told him where he was needed. “Follow the smell of fire and smoke. I’m pretty sure you’ll find me there—“

She saw two figures emerge from the other side of the room and cut her transmission. Just as her form was obscured from them, they were from her. If this was whoever attacked her Sennin, then she would rein vengeance upon them. But however alerted and angered Kahako was, she was still cautious. There was a small hope that one of those bodies was Daisuke.
Immediately, water from the exposed pipes was called to her. “Daisuke-sama?” she called out hesitantly, watching as one of the bodies lifted its arm, possibly pulling out a weapon. Not taking any chances, Kahako reacted. Getting low, she launched herself forward at a surprising pace before leaping from the smoke. Her arm already drew back and laced with a punch that was infused with the cutting pressure of her chakra and water jutsu. It was a disabling move, meant to upset her opponent’s balance than hurt. She had no intention of harming the people before her, but she also didn’t wish to be jumped when the smoke cleared.

So she took the initiative, and swung her arm forward with every intention of hitting the armed individual square in the jaw.
[spoilername="OOC"]Kahako's Weapon 'Kahako's Favored Gloves' has ignition. She is throwing a basic attack on Junko.[/spoilername]


The Unfortunate Overlord
Staff member
Oct 25, 2012
OOC Rank
Taking a few steps more he assessed his surroundings closely, seeing that the entire office of Daisuke's assistant was no more. The body of the assistant was nowhere to see either. At least not at first glance.

His eyes glanced at the open way into the main office of Daisuke where the smoke filled the entire room, and was slowly dissipating. The smell of burnt and charred wood and plastic pervaded the air, the strength of the smell was almost dulling his senses. "Hey! Is anyone in there?" he paused a few seconds. "Kahako-san?" he saw a dark silhouette of someone suddenly vanishing again further into the smoke with a flash.

This is stupid.. he thought to himself as he activated his Byakugan and quickly noticed 3 figures in total, their chakras clearly of Shinobi origin, he recognized one as being Kahako another was probably that of Daisuke, his signature clearly revealed that he was weakened but far from broken. The last, he presumed was Junko, he hadn't seen his signature much, and from what he knew of the kiddo he had clearly gotten stronger..

He saw that Kahako had moved towards Junko who seemed to be raising a sword, presumably at Kahako. "STOP! JUNKO! KAHAKO!" He shouted as he started running towards them intending to stop up right in front of Daisuke standing next Junko, he didn't expect it would help the situation calm down, but he hoped that it would, if anything catch them both in their actions and realize what they were about to do.

He was wearing his usual white training outfit underneath his lab coat, his eyes were fully activated, revealing the bulky and pulsing chakra veins around his eyes. His dreadlocks were dark black, darker and thicker than usual, his muscles were bulkier than before as well, but it wasn't as visible as the rest of his unnatural changes. Only Daisuke had witnessed these physical changes that had occurred since his Contract Search.


Nov 17, 2012
OOC: Keep this in mind.

Important message regarding your exam:
  • First and foremost, you’re going to do fine.
  • This exam is not determined by your stats or the number of jutsus you know. It’s about your ability to roleplay as a medic, staying true to your character alignment and character development if any, using your critical thinking skills.
  • This exam will focus on your mastered fields like biology and first aid. Yes, there was a reason I wanted you to focus on your fields.
  • Lastly, there is no posting order. Just post before I do.
  • The reward for the successful completion of this exam is one promotion inside the Medical branch ranks.

    Note: After receiving a pm, I've decided to open up the exam a bit in an attempt to recruit new members.

    The promotion is as follows:
  • From non-medical branch member to MiT (This means regardless of ninja rank, if you're not originally from the medic branch then you'll start as a MiT)
  • From MiT to Med-nin
  • From Med-nin to Chief

IC: Leaving Junko’s impressive jutsu, Daisuke and his student returned to what used to be Daisuke’s office. Although the bomb was out the window when it detonated, the damage was severe enough to flip over his desk, burn his couches, heavily scorch the walls, fill the air with smoke and cover his shelves and file cabinets in a black substance usually found in chimneys. He was in disbelief momentarily. Suddenly Junko raised his blade as a dark silhouette of someone approached them. His rinnegan was instantly able to tell that Kahako was in the room.

Before he could speak, he heard his name called out and recognized her voice. Keiji’s voice was heard next and he too darted towards the duo in an attempt to stop them. Coming to their senses they stopped themselves before it was too late. Appearing before Daisuke, it was easy to see that Keiji had changed a bit. While he wore his usual outfit, his muscle mass as well as the length of his hair had grown. Even the veins from his eyes and his dreadlocks were bulkier and thicker than before.

Ah...Keiji, you look way different from before. did you do something new? You look stronger and more mature than you did before.” he commented. It seemed life had been passing Daisuke by as three members of his inner circle had grown stronger without even realizing it. They matured, not only physically but mentally as well. The most notable changes were Keiji in his appearance, Kahako in her leadership skills, and Junko in his medical abilities. These people who his support system and he was going to need them later on.

Realized the smoke was a huge problem, He slowly walked over to the entrance of his office and performed the pressure palm jutsu (link) which blew all of the smoke and dust out of the window. He did this to clear the room. He had just been bombed and did not want his team clashing due to misunderstandings. The rudimentary jutsu proved too much for him. Junko’s healing skills were excellent but bed rest was nature’s cure as well. Feeling dizzy, he leaned against the door frame and contacted the head of security using his head set. Daisuke ordered an immediate lock down of the hospital only to be told that it had already been done on the order of Higa Kahako. The sennin smiled and nodded to show his appreciation.

Thank you all for coming to my aide, but the noncombatant staff and the patient’s safety comes first. Search the hospital for any other suspicious packages just laying around. We cannot have this happen again. Junko, that means you too. I’ll get myself checked out immediately to ensure there is no internal bleeding.” he ordered. He would hear any objections. Time was of the essence and the bastard was getting away.

While the hospital is being searched
Daisuke’s newly established Free clinic, Aesculapium
…1500 hours

While Daisuke’s inner circle were given orders to search the hospital, Fuji was bringing about the near end of the free clinic. Within the clinic, Fuji disgusted as security guard Aguri made his way down the staircase and entered the fourth floor. The door located furthest down the hallway was the security room. The room consisted of surveillance equipment which monitored nearly the entire clinic’s interior, a control panel which controls the access to various rooms as well as fire sprinklers, ventilation, and many other functions. Fuji knew all too well that if his plan was to succeed then he would have to take control of that room. With a sinister smile on his face, he used his security card to enter the room and found four other security guards inside. The only guard missing was Akana and that was a godsend. Fuji wasted little time socializing in disgust while covertly sending hs nano insects into the guard’s carotid arteries. The poor bastards simply thought mosquitoes were biting them and Fuji was all too pleased to play along.


The kikai insects poison began to poison the guards from within while Fuji watched the patients drink the clear, though polluted water. His nano kikai insect poison was colorless, tasteless, and odorless. It was these traits that made it so deadly. The last step was pretty simple. He stood up straight and extended his arms outward allowing his averaged sized insects to swarm out of his body and enter the vents. They flew to the optimum center where nearly air the air passed through and swarm that area of the vents. each insect stuck itself to the size of the inner vent and released a nearly continuous stream of colorless odorless poison containing an airborne version of the virus. Since it was an airborne version of the virus, it was not as potent. In fact, initial expose was not harmful at all, but prolonged exposure, say at least three or more days, was a whole other story.

Seating back in his chair, Fuji could only laugh at the fools on the monitor. The staff and in-patients that stayed there overnight constantly where the ones that were truly at risk. That, combined with the infected rats which burrowed through the walls of the clinic mean near destruction for all that were involved. The average added up to around fifty people who were truly at risk. For the next few days while disgusted as Aguri, Fuji would leave and bring back boxes containing his other devices to cement his position in the security room.

Weeks worth of rations, stealing a majority of the antibacterial, anti-fungal, and antiviral medication for himself at night, and even going as far as to weld the security door shut so that no one might enter. He also used his bug clones to impersonate the other four guards after they died from extreme levels of exposure. Akana was thankfully on sick leave while this was occurring. The infection spread slowly at first so as to go unnoticed, but as the days went on many began to notice the symptoms and eventually had to declare a lock down of the clinic.

One week later...


Daisuke’s preoccupation with the hospital staff’s safety meant he paid little attention to the clinic. When he was informed of the situation he felt like a fool. An unknown illness spreading in his free clinic with evidence suggesting that it began mysteriously after the bombing attempt a week prior. It was all so clear to him just then.Fuji had exploited Daisuke’s compassion for his fellow man. The bombing was nothing more than a diversion; something to keep Daisuke so worried about the hospital and its staff that he would not give a damn about a few people calling out sick from the clinic’s staff. Sitting in his old office, he felt like a fool. He had not even been sennin for a year and this went and happened. He began to replay his last face to face encounter with Fuji before his defection from the medical branch, then thought about what Kushin would have done.

He had grown impatient after the first three days, immediately ordering a quarantine of the entire clinic and instructing other hospital staff to round up any and all people who had been exposed to the virus. He would not wait for test results to tell him what he believed to know already. There was a virus running rampant in his clinic. He knew there was not time for pitying himself when people’s lives were on the line. Outline the clinic, tents littered the nearby field with out patients who were being examined. Many hospital staff members were glad to assist in checking in with out patients as they were much less likely to be infected and contagious, but no one wanted to enter the building and find out what set off this near outbreak. Even Daisuke could not blame them. This mess was his fault; his boulder to carry; his burden to bare. Surely the Raikage would have his head on a platter for this and Daisuke would serve up his head without much of a fight. Although he was not sure about Kitsune’s ambitions, he would not be surprised if she would accept as his replacement.

His old office was known to his inner circle which included but was not limited to Kahako, Keiji, and of course, Junko. He send for them on this day along with a memo for a certain new recruit as he trusted them the most. They were there for him when the bomb went off, they were there for him when he was promoted to sennin, and they were there for him when his parents died. These individuals were close to Daisuke even if they didn’t feel the same way about him. He left his office and, made his way to the tents in the field as he believed that was were he could be of optimum use.

For the last few days he had each of them searching the hospital for any remaining detonation devices and helping him secure the hospital, but this would prove to be a difficult assignment. Packages were sent to them all containing biohazard suits oxygen tanks, a gas mask, medical tools, various medicines, a very large first aid kit (able to treat 12 people at most), a biology kit, and many other useful items one might need for what they were about to do along with a letter. Some might have thought his letter sappy and he didn’t care. Daisuke wanted results and he would resort to any measures he deemed necessary to accomplish that goal.

Each letter read as follows:
To whom this may concern,

I humbly ask for your assistance. As you are aware, a virus has run rampant within the walls of the clinic. I am assembling and charging my most trusted group of medics as well as any other volunteers with this assignment. Your mission objective, should you choose to accept it, is to investigate and eliminate the cause of this near outbreak. It should be noted that we need samples of the following: water, stool, skin, hair, blood, a human cadaver that has been exposed for at least a week, and a three rat cadavers. Other tasks include providing first aid to any person injuried, purifying the water system and air ventilation system, both of which are located in the basement of the building.

Also, you will need to locate any and all possible research notes and test samples within the building. You are authorized to kill any patient that threatens your wellbeing, compromises the mission, or tries to escape the clinic. You will receive outside support for any and all equipment you need. Feel free to bring any weapons, items, or creatures of your choosing if you feel it will improve your chances of completing the mission. In your package, you will find all that you need to complete this mission including crossbows for long range stealth attacks. Some of these people are beyond help and may have possibly mutated while inside.

Be aware that the virus has affected the minds of those inside with hallucinations, delusions of grandeur, and violent outbursts. Outer security cameras have been disabled giving those inside a limited scope of what is occurring outside.

God bless you and your service to Kumogakure no sato.
Mood Music (Link) - “28 days later theme song”​

Security room, 4th floor
Daisuke’s Free clinic, Aesculapium
…1500 hours

The clinic housed in a ruin at this point in time. The hallways were littered with papers and trash, the research laboratories were in shambles, glass from broken beakers covers the floors, select walls were covered in distress signals, which were written in the blood of those patients under hallucination. The polluted air was foul with the recent smell of ammonia, a substance added into the clinic’s water supply to keep everyone from drinking it. Such was the process when dealing with odorless agents. Give it an odor and you were one step closer to identifying and containing it.

Fuji, still held up tight in his heavily secured security room still had control over some of the building security systems after the power was cut out. Daisuke and his great idea for storing several back up generators in the building (Sarcasm). The entire building was covered in a protective plastic barrier accompanied by a chakra barrier to help prevent escape. Within the lobby alone were at least ten patients who were denied access to the outside world. They laid in wait hoping to someone to save them from their horrible fate. From the electric fences hung signs similar to those posted around the perimeter of the quarantined building warning everyone to stay out.

Many beds and rooms were occupied with the sick, all of which were heavily infected with the virus. Like Fuji, the physical conditions grew worse by the day. loss of hair, pale skin, bed sores, etc. It was going to take a miracle to pull this off and a miracle was what he sent for. He waited patiently under everyone arrived and decided it best to skip the pleasantries. He spoken with confidence and authority, something he didn’t normally do.

Thank you all for coming. You read my letter, you have the equipment. I, along with the rest of the staff will be working out here to create a fast acting cure in water as well as airborne forms. I will remain in contact the entire time. Split up into groups to cover more ground if you all deem it necessary. However, there is safety in numbers especially with some many different things crawling around in there. Junko, I’m entrusting you with the leadership of this mission. However, I want you to heed your peer’s advice. Keiji and Kahako have already proven that they can lead a team." he stated. Daisuke knew all too well how ready Junko was for a chance to prove himself. Once a head strong little fool, Junko had become a mature and diligent man. Each member standing before the sennin was thought to be a shining star in his eyes at one point of another and this was their chance to separate themselves from the the rest.

"It is for this reason that you all will receive a battlefield promotion of one rank upward following the completion of this mission. That means that Kahako and Keiji will be picking out their own offices as chiefs have the right to do. Prove to me that you are ready for leadership and you too will join them in that title one day, Junko. If there are any questions, speak now! If not... then suit up and move out. May Raiden be with you all.” he instructed before pausing to answer any and all questions they might have had. His intent was not to intimidate, but rather to motive them. Daisuke had the utmost faith in their skills and abilities, but how would they work as a team.

It was no secret that Keiji and Kahako had some kind of rivalry between them and both were in the medical program long before Junko arrived. Would they have a problem working under their junior? Would the students of the former medical sennin and the current chief of surgery be able to put they differences aside to save lives? Would Junko rise to the challenge or succumb to the pressure of being a leader? Only time would tell these things. By all appearances he seemed more concerned with his staff outside of the building, but in truth Daisuke feared for their well being. Daisuke wanted to join in the fight as well, but someone had to manage the confusion, instruct the staff on how to best handle this situation and perform other administrative duties from this catastrophe.

"Just come back alive, you three. For the love of all that is holy in this world, just come out alive." he thought, watching them enter the quarantined building.


Nov 17, 2012
Silence fell just then. In that moment, three low level members of the medical branch were being charged with the duty of handling a high level situation. Whispers began to brew among the large staff. Such whispers questioned the abilities of these individuals, others questioned whether or not Daisuke was competent to make such decisions given what had already occurred in the pasting months, but they were just whispers. Speculation; a pastime for those who were not gifted enough to be trusted with such a task. He was always one to hope for the best, but he also prepared for the worse. He was not naive despite what his personality quirks might have lead others to believe. Daisuke knew the risks and was prepared to burn the clinic down to the ground, with the trio inside of it, if they had failed their mission. Such was a harsh reality given their predicament. An entire village riddled with disease or the sacrifice of three brave shinobi were two possible options.

Without saying a word the trio suitable up as quickly and carefully as possible. No words need to be spoken in that instant. Only intense looks of determination were shared among them. And why would words need to be spoken anyway? They were all competent adults, they read the letters, they knew the stakes, and they chose to participate. Placing on their helmets, they gathered their supplies and entered the structure without any hesitation. They passed the air tight door and had themselves sealed in behind it. From there was only a few feet to the lobby doors.

Nearly immediately, each member had to switch on their helmet light to see in the dark and seemingly abandoned building. Sometimes the things that protected us sometimes hindered us. Such was the case with the protective plastic barrier accompanied by a chakra barrier Daisuke had used to prevent escape. It blocked out the sun’s rays from most of the windows in the building. A happy accident for the light sensitive creatures that lurked within. As they entered the lobby area, Kahako would notice the fresh blood smeared walls first, while Keiji observed his surroundings. The strain was evolving somehow, spreading faster and killing its host quicker than anticipated.

Their breaths were steadily as they began to explore the lobby a bit. Junko leaned over the receptionist counter to find three dead bodies curled into the fetal position. Perhaps it was a sign that these staff members were afraid of what lurked further in the building. Perhaps it was a sign that the victims of Fuji’s dastardly scheme were evolving into something else entirely; rebirthing if you’d please. Kahako placed her supply bag on the ground and removed some swabs to collect samples of the blood on the wall. Once the wall samples were properly secured, she would notice that Keiji had already begun collecting blood samples from the nearby corpses along with saliva and tissue samples. To Kahako, that all too familiar smile on his face might have suggested that he was trying to outshine her. She would have none of that today. Kahako began to pack up her and suggested that Junko follow her to the nearest functioning laboratory. The idea of was sound. No one had the desire to stand around in an open lobby littered with corpses, bodily fluids, and trash. They faster they examined the samples, the better chances they had for survival.

The trio packed up their samples and trekked down a hallway or two, passing several locked doors on the way. Soon they found a room which was decent enough to work in. Keiji, having a bit of trouble working in such a filthy lab, requested that they all quickly clean it. A spit shine was not necessary, however he reminded his teammates that they might not want to collect others samples in this dangerous place because the samples became contaminated. Junko grabbed a broom and swept all that littered the floor to the outer corner of the hallway. If there were others in there with the intent to do the trio harm, then he did not want those lurkers to detect them because of broken glass. Kahako quickly set up the equipment needed to examine the samples while Keiji gathered and searched through the research notes left by the medical staff. Soon they made cultures and began their examination whilst sharing the research notes with each other.

One hour later...

The signs were a bit vague, but the clues were there to be found. A biopsy would be needed to confirm their collective theory. Stepping out of the lab, Kahako noticed a security camera centered on the lab door. Some had been spying on them and they could all guess who. She informed the door of their secret admirer as they left to find a body to dissect. It was rather easy given that there were several bodies located near the entrance...or so they thought. The trio slowed that stride as they all saw what they collectively deemed was impossible. The corpses were gone. Not a trace of them anywhere. The medic’s hearts began to quicken a bit as they heard light footsteps off to their right hand side. They it was, a corpse, walking slowly towards them. Seeing as they were ninjas who could do what many believed to be impossible, they were not frightened at all. They could easily walk out of the building a find a dark sage who could make that happen. Instead, much to Fuji’s surprise, they formed into a circle and performed the best of three rounds of rock, paper, scissors to determine who would kill the corpse.

Losing all three rounds, Junko turned to face the enemy and remained steadfast. Facing a corpse was nothing compared to how Daisuke trained his student in the mountains for a year. Junko did indeed return to cloud stronger, but he also returned a little more darker than before. Harsh reality was a cruel teacher, but it made Junko appreciate life and his blessing more over as well as feel little remorse when killing an enemy out of necessity. Junko took his stance, unarmed and quick, he cut down the enemy using his kekkai genkai abilities. Stating how easy it was, he motioned for the other two to assist him in carrying it back to the lab. Once there, Keiji used his doujutsu to determine what made the corpse move briefly. Soon the answer was clear. Kikai bugs of an Aburame, wedged into the central nervous system of a corpse, made it move. The kikai bugs received their orders telepathically from Fuji himself. It was interesting indeed, but not that impressive.


From his secured room, Fuji hacked and coughed wishing to end the three blind mice lives. He viewed them as mice not because he believed himself to be superior to them, which he did, but because they followed the order of a man he believed to be a rat bastard. Daisuke was the object of his hatred, the reason he lost out on his cushy lifestyle, and the reason his shady business was up in flames. He called them blind because they could not possibly see his vision of kumo. They were mindless soldiers in his eyes. His mental capacity was deteriorating quickly while his insanity grew. The way he saw it, if they wanted to behave like rats then they might as well be killed by their ‘brethren’. Flipping a switch, the heating system turned on and soon after...a scurrying sound was made in the vents. The group stayed on alert as Keiji gave Daisuke the report over the radio.

Daisuke’s specialized medical tent
Outside of the Free clinic, Aesculapium
…1300 hours



"Alright, bring a sample to the front entrance and I’ll have a look. With any luck, we can destroy this thing here and now." he said as the trio made their way to the entrance. The hand off was simple enough and Daisuke’s suit protected him from any airborne germs that might have gotten out. The high pressure hose down helped as well. Getting back to his tent, he and some non combatant medics began their search for the cure. They had everything they needed. Blood, tissue, hair, research notes, cadavers from within the clinic, both living and dead infected rats, etc. The only thing they needed was time.

Meanwhile, back the the clinic the group could hear the scurrying scratches against the floor move clearly. Fuji had had enough of the little rodents messing with his big plan and so he unlocked all the doors to the facility and allowed the remaining corpses along with the rats on the lower levels free to attack them. The scurrying and footsteps became louder and louder, sounding like that of a drum line. They waited in the lobby only to see in the far off distance the platoon charging towards them all. Of course, Keiji saw this coming already and had devised a plan to ambush them. Using Kahako’s water adept abilities and Junko’s swordplay, Keiji made it so when the first wave of enemies charged at them they would be restrained by the water and held in place for Junko to slice them down.

It was a simple plan and simple was what they needed at this time. This was turning into a game of checkers for Fuji, while Keiji was playing chess. It was only needed for the first wave of creatures as it then put the trio at a decent distance from the second and third waves. They ran to the hall with Keiji leading them using his doujutsu. He instructed the team to duck into a stairwell and seal of the doors. Running the the split level area of the stairs, he opened the window and cut a piece of the plastic barrier away so that the sun light could shine through. They did need to save their batteries after all.

Through the small window, the group could see the creatures gathering at the doors, but when the sunlight hit them they began to spontaneously com bust. A most effect indeed. Keiji ordered both Kahako and Junko to seal off the remaining doors and let sunlight into the stairwell. There job was particularly done now was wait. The anbu spying on the top levels would report that the top floor was filled with poisonous gas created by the kikai bugs.

Daisuke’s specialized medical tent
Outside of the Free clinic, Aesculapium
…1800 hours


Hours had past and the group had grown bored of the creatures which still clawed at the doors. The sun was setting, but they need not fear these creatures. They were too smart, too talented to die by their hands. It was just the waiting game they had to endure. Making a water soluble, and airborne cure was hard work. Soon the call came over the air waves. It was Daisuke announcing that he had what he needed and issued an order of return to the team. No one complained for one reason. This clinic was Daisuke’s baby, these people where his patients, and his anger had come to a boil. Fuji stole hospital funds, blew up his office, endangered his employees and patients. This was personal and they knew that. From the outside, Daisuke sent in a path of his, Azusa, to hurry things along. He did not want to prolong things more than he had.

Azusa's description, if needed
The Fourth Path: Path of Omnipresence<i></i>​

Name: Azusa

Clan: Seikon (Link here)

Known Epithets:

Age: 27
Date of Birth: The 3rd of February (approval here)

Gender: Female
Height: 5' 5"
Weight: 120 lbs
Dominant hand: Left

Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Crimson red (ripple pattern)
Alignment: Lawful Good description here

Using her Seikon speed and reality warping powers, Daisuke made her speed into the building in search of his inner circle. It was not all that hard when you had every corpse and disease ridden rat clawing at the same doors. Daisuke knew of the tradition to use fire to kill what one did not understand, but he chose a silently different approach. Daisuke channeled his lava natured chakra into Azusa as she began the attack. The only thing left on them were scorch marks. Bursting open the doors, She grabbed all three shinobi and before they knew it, they were outside in front of the squad prepared to hose them down.

While Junko and Kahako might have been a bit confused, Keiji knew what was at stake. Kushin was his teacher after all. Azusa went through every room on each floor in a matter of minutes, killing all the cursed creatures inside. Before long, she reached the fourth floor and once her lava attack met the poisonous combustible air, A controlled explosion occurred. Daisuke had the explosive affinity as well, meaning that he could absorb and harness the power of explosives and explosive related chakra. Absorbing it and turning it into a small ball of energy, Azusa used the lava chakra one time time to melt down the door. There he sat, the ring leader behind everything...dead from his own disease. Not even reanimated into a zombie. Just dead, and he would have had the last laugh if Azusa had not summoned Daisuke into the room.

Using his medical jutsu, Daisuke managed to temporarily revive Fuji only to gloat then shoved the chakra ball down Fuji’s throat. He would not allow for Fuji to make an appeal to god before dying again. With his kaguyan bones, Daisuke severed his limbs and burned the kikai bugs that dared to defend the traitorous bastard. In the end, Daisuke left that room soaked in blood while an explosion, which he controlled, incinerated fuji’s body. Only the security room was scorched and that was just what he needed. There was no money in the budget to build this clinic, not yet anyway. It would serve as a reminded of what he had to do to be a sennin. Kindness could only get a man so far. Radioing those around him to begin the purification process, Daisuke and Azusa left the building as the clean up crews entered it. Bleach among many many many other cleaning agents were being hauled in without argument. The antidote was being filtered through the vents, solubles were being dropped into the water among other cleaning products, and the rooms were being scrubbed from ceiling to floor repeatedly.

Of course the real problem started just then. Daisuke would have to keep this under wraps, which required subtlety, discretion, and a favorable spin on the situation. Thankfully, a large majority of the patients that died in the clinic were cloud native members of the homeless populous. Most of whom had criminal records. It was Daisuke’s idea to start with them as a test run before involving the decent citizens of cloud. Every test needed a guinea pig. The staff members and patients that could have been saved had already been moved out of the clinic prior to the trio’s arrival. Daisuke was not a man who knew how to think on his feet very well. To compensate for this, he had a propensity to plan ahead like a member of the nara clan. Avoiding lawsuits was one such benefit to his plans. He used his access to a vast majority of medical records to decide who would not be missed. A dark mindset, sure. A simple to cover his ass should something go wrong, definitely. Sure, the media might cry about the violent homeless degenerates (drug addicts and cold hearted criminals) that were abducted from the streets and sent to the clinic, but that would all blow over later.

Finishing up his high pressure hosing down, Daisuke removed his hazard suit and joined the trio. He thanked them all for their hard work and assured them that their participation would lead to their promotion one day, but not today. There was too much he had to deal with for now, but in the future when things calmed down, they would be rewarded.

[Keiji will be receiving a promotion for this completed exam in another topic as this was technically in the past. Kahako and Junko, should they return will also receive the promotion as I am a man of my word.]

[Topic Left for myself and all participants]

[MFT] WC: 2,630

OOC: Okay, this exam pretty much fell apart, but I could not leave it unfinished. I finished it with permission to use Keiji’s character to tie up the story. This was very much a rush job so forgive any plot holes, etc. Lastly, for the sake of continuity I’ll have Keiji promoted in this topic here

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
