Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Disscussion Time [requesting Hokage... like everyone else]


Active Member
Oct 23, 2012

His eyes opened in wonder at the village proper, the civilians roaming through the streets of Konoha seemed so happy, so alien to the life he had perpetually witnessed outside the great walls of the village...

His life had changed so much since walking through the gates of Konoha with the Hokage the day before. He had come seeking work but now, as he approached the entry to the Hokage Mansion, he came to seek so much more.

As Yong moved through the doors to the foyer he gave a warm smile to the waiting secretary. "Good morning my dear, the Lord Hokage has requested my presence... Please let him know Dare no Kodomo is here to see him." The secretary moved her hand to her headset transfered the information he had given to her, though she used far fewer words than he had. She passively indicated towards a waiting area before turning back to her work.

"I guess I will just wait here then." Yong flashed her one last smile before taking a seat in the indicated waiting area, at least secretaries were the same the world over...

[ooc: topic entered with Yong]

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi was stood at the window once more as he allowed himself to watch the environment around him, knowing full well that the world was changing around him as he looked out over the village that he protected, a village that was his to keep an eye over and look after. It was clear that he was still doing a lot of work these days, but he had to keep everyone in check before he did anything irrational. As he allowed his ear to peak at the door he knew instantly that someone was here.

The woman that was here allowed herself to stand up and open the door as she indicated that Yong was not allowed to enter into the office of the Hokage, giving him the chance to enter at his own pace it seemed that he was already expected by the Hokage and he would have to go and enter into this. Takeshi waited patiently for a few minutes as he knew full well that the guest would want to talk to him about the matter that they had to handle, he had already spoken to the man outside the village. Now he would have to speak to him inside of the office.

“Come in, I have been waiting for you to arrive”

Takeshi waited to see if the man would come in so easily, though he pondered on what he would have to do with this conversation and how it would actually go.


Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
Yong moved into the Kage's office with slight hesitation, this was going to be a pivotal moment in his life one way or the other...

"Thank you for seeing me lord Hokage..." Yong bowed before taking a seat opposite Takeshi. "First I must say that much has changed in the short time since our last meeting and I am no longer Dare no Kodomo, no ones child, for within your walls I have found my Clan, long thought lost to me.

"I was not born in your village, but I was born in the country of Fire. I also did not learn the shinobi art in the conventional way my lord, no academy nor teachers to guide my young brain. Through a series of unfortunate events I was sold into slavery at a young age where I learnt the harsh reality of this shinobi world. I was rescued in my teens by a man who became my father, it was he who saw the potential in me and trained me to be what I am today... He thought our clan had been eradicated during the Samurai occupation of Konoha and lived his last days sure that his clan were all at rest and waiting for him on the other side of the veil of death. He thought we two were the last but he was wrong.

"I have met with the head of my clan and had much discussion with him on the path I should take, lord Hokage. This is the path I have chosen...

"My name is Myakashi Yong and I no longer offer my services as a mercenary to the village of Konoha, lord Hokage. No... I come before you now, my armour stripped and my face bare... I offer so much more... If you will have me lord Hokage, I would be your shinobi, a shinobi of clan Myakashi... A shinobi of Konohagakure!"

He would give the Hokage time to comprehend the information he had just delivered, feeling foolish for simply blurting out so much before a powerful man he hardly knew beyond reputation alone. Hopefully Takeshi would feel his sincerity, for he truly thought that Konoha was were he needed to be to make the world a better place...

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi allowed himself a few seconds to sit there and take in the sight of the new comer, he pondered the words as he sat behind his desk, allowing himself a few minutes to accept everything that was being said from the man. He raised his eyebrow at the words of a new clan coming into existence inside of the village, pondering for a few moments he shuffled the paper work back into the draw of his office, it seemed that he was letting his mind ponder all the possible outcomes of this conversation, though what that would be was a different story.

“So you want to join the village as part of the Shinobi force inside of Leaf, while I have no issue with that I must ask which branch is it that you are considering joining, as I would need to summon a Sennin hear to speak to them about how they feel about the matter as well, also why the sudden change of mind, just because of the Clan you wish to not join the village is that correct?”

Takeshi allowed himself to lean back slightly as he pondered on the actions, it was clear that he was still making a decision about the entire situations but wanted to know a few more things before just going ahead and allowing the man to come back to the village, it wasn’t going to be that easy. He had to get to know if there was any side plan first.

“Tell me, what is it that motivates you, what is it that drives you to serve Leaf. You must have a passion and a reason behind it, so what is your reason for the sudden realisation that you want to serve the village. Answer me that Myakashi Yong, and we will see what your future holds.”

[MFT: 307]
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
If he was honest to himself, and lets face it honesty wasn't his forte, Migoya hated being in the Hokage mansion. This palace of pretentiousness, this castle of crappense, this building of BS - it symbolized everything that he despised and desired.

But he was here, and it was because of family. He had watched as his new nephew enter the Hokage’s office, his scrutinizing gaze even searching now for an escape if this Takeshi turned out to be as foolish as some of his predecessors. Still, this was Yong’s decision, and he would support him no matter the outcome. He was family after all.

Migoya sat on the outside bench, seemingly waiting for an appointment. He swung a leg as he nodded towards the receptionist, giving her a flirtatious smile - he was charming when he wanted to be. Mikki rested on his shoulder, unmoving as if waiting for permission to do so.

The conversation taking place would echo into the hallway, at least to ears who had trained to spy - Yong had left the door open as instructed. The Hokage’s questions were apt - after all he just had a strange man walk into his office and declare his loyalty. Migoya knew he could do the same to any other countries leadership if he needed to - loyalty was a fleeting thing, dependant on the true desires of those who gave it, as well as those that took it. Still, Yong was being honest, and as long as Konohagakure protected its people, they would have Migoya’s loyalty as well.

Migoya wondered if the Hokage even knew of the Myakashi - after all they were not one of the great shinobi clans… those uppity, arrogant, inbreeders that valued magical eyes over cleverness. Yong’s declaration of fidelity to the clan was inspiring though.

Moving closer to the receptionists desk, Migoya produced a white rose from within his dirty brown robe. With a smile Migoya placed it on the desk, sitting on its corner. “I dont like cutting roses from their stems - but sometimes… just sometimes… its worth it”.

There was something… attractive about the albino. Perhaps its was the mystery and darkness within - girls liked that apparently. Nice guys always finished last.

“Migoya… Myakashi Migoya, at your service”, Migoya said… timing it perfectly with the silence that followed the Hokages last words to Yong.

Timing was everything after all.

[MFT WC 402]
[Topic Entered... OOC: I was invited!]


Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
He listened intently to the Hokage as he spoke, he absorbed the words, understanding the Hokage's hesitation. As the Hokage finished speaking he heard Myakashi Migoya's voice drift into the office, it gave him comfort to know that his uncle was there, for moral support if nothing else.

"I have wandered the wilds of this world for the past ten years Lord Hokage. My life has lacked direction, purpose... I have never been part of a Shinobi Village, I was trained in the wilds but I have seen the power and the solidarity that a Village brings to the life of a Shinobi.

"I have contemplated joining one of the great Villages of this Shinobi world for some time now but had no way to decide which to swear allegiance to..."

He glanced quickly to where his uncle stood talking to the secretary as if to emphasise his next words, "But to be invited into your village, Lord Hokage, and to find a family I thought lost to me living safely within its walls... It made my choice such an easy one. Their loyalty to this village, your village, show that it is a place deserving of my loyalty also."<i></i>

Yong returned his gaze to the Hokage, his eyes locking with Takeshi's. "I hope you see the sincerity in my words... If you allow me to become a part of your flock I would leave my branch allocation to your greater judgement, to use my skills where you see fit. I have mastery over the arts of the ANBU, skills honed over many years. I understand any hesitation you may have in placing me within such a branch though, until I earn your trust. I also have a working knowledge over the arts of the Mednin, though likewise I expect some hesitation in placing your people's lives into my hands until trust is earned..."<i></i>

Yong smiled at the Hokage, "My uncle has requested that I be allowed to assist him in his service to Konohagakure but I understand that regardless of which branch I belong to it will have no impact on that duty. Wherever you place me I am sure I will exceed your expectations..."<i></i>

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi allowed himself to listen to the mans words as he turned around and looked towards the door raising a small eye brow, it seemed that who ever was talking outside had other things on his mind, though he did not want to quote that out aloud, as he allowed himself to ponder for a few minutes about the matter of the branch, he allowed himself to smile slightly as he grabbed the paper work that was required and begun to fill it out, he seemed convinced by the conversation and there was no point making the man hang around any longer than he had to as he begun to fill it in.

“Report to the current ANBU Captain, Yukio I believe is around now, find him and he will sort you into the branch, with that I am granting you the rank of ANBU hand this paper work to him and he will get it all sorted. Consider this official that you have been given permission to move into the village at once, though I must state if we find that you are stepping across a line that you do not want to cross, it will force my hand to reconsider this offer. Please remember this for the future.”

Takeshi allowed himself to hand the paper work that was required back to Yong, he would have to report to Yukio right away, but for now he was done with moving into the village, call Takeshi sentimental but he remembered doing the exact same thing when he returned to the village, getting his position back and slowly building it back up from the dirt and the ground, he had fought for every inch that he had taken. And he knew Yong had that desire like he did when he came back it brought a smile to his face.

“Welcome home once more”

[ANBU Rank Granted]
[Requesting to report to Yukio]
[I will move all your stuff to Leaf Shortly]
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Well that was… easy. To just turn up and go ‘Im really good’ and then become an ANBU… They must be desperate… or…

Migoya smirked, confusing the poor receptionist who was currently trying to avoid his charms. He gave her a sly wink, making her turn a shade of red, as he mulled the Hokages actions in his head, coming to a conclusion.

Oh… clever Hokage. Good. I enjoy a challenge.

Migoya slid off the desk, landing on his feet gracefully as he offered the receptionist another disarming smile.

It was time for games to take place.

If I kill the Hokage, do I win the game? It was an all-too familiar voice, well - impression, that no-one but Migoya could hear. And this new Yong… now he is an ANBU do we have to kill him?

Migoya continued to smirk as he walked away from the desk, enjoying the simple fact that he now knew something he shouldn’t, much like the name of an ANBU Captain – very dangerous knowledge in the right hands. He continued to walk down the hallway, just in range of any sounds coming from the Hokage’s office, but far enough away to seem disinterested, as if waiting for his nephew. He leant against the wall, kneading a small piece of white clay in his hands absent-mindedly.

“No Mikki.” Migoya muttered quietly to the puppet who rested on his shoulder. “To either of those.”

You are so dull., the puppet responded, pulling on Migoya's hair.

“Oh but Mikki – the fun is about to begin.”

[OOC: Hanging around waiting for Yong… will leave if he does!]


Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
Yong bowed deeply to the Hokage as he received the required paperwork. "Thank you Lord Takeshi, I will find and report to ANBU Captain Yukio immediately. And have no fear... I will do nothing that would bring shame to my clan, my branch nor you Lord Hokage..."<i></i>

Yong stood and moved to leave the office as the Hokage spoke his last words for this meeting, he returned his smile and bowed slightly, "Indeed Lord Hokage, it is good to finally be home."<i></i>

He gently shut the door as he exited, a massive grin over his face as he walked to his waiting uncle down the hallway, "You were right Ojisan, that went a lot easier than I had anticipated but he was no fool, I feel my placement was far more strategic than his words implied..." <i></i>

Yong looked down the hall in both directions and, seeing them empty of other people and security cameras he let his chakra fold around the small seal tattooed on the palm of his hand. A small puff of smoke later and his mask formed out of his chakra. He spoke final words to his uncle as he placed his mask over his face. "...I will see you at home later Ojisan... And you too Miki... Right now I have this Captain Yukio to find..."<i></i>

Yong gave him a playful salute before disappearing in a blur of pure speed...

He had a family. He had a Clan. He had a Village. He was home.

[Ooc: topic left. Thanks Takashi ]

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi allowed himself to nod slightly as he walked Yong leave the office, it seemed that the man was acting with purpose and he knew full well that a lot of information was unknown but the future was always unknown sometimes you just needed to jump and see where you landed and he would be taking a change with this even he knew it but he hoped it was to better the village and not impact it all, he smiled as he went back to the daily duties that was required of him. Knowing he had a lot to do today but would get there in the end.

[Topic Left]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
