Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Do you have an Appointment [Calling Endo]

Ryujin Shouta

Oct 23, 2012
It was amusing that the foreigner showed a bit of suspicion and distrust for the Tsuchigakure. Funny how people seem to question him and his motivates sort of like Souji did awhile ago. Even I questioned his motives at one point but just like us all, the foreigner seem to eventually given in to the Tsuchigakure's diplomatic ways. The Tsuchigakure had a way with words and such... that and a nice smile, ninjas seem to like those. The sun seem to beam on me pretty brightly however the ocean breeze kept the heat at a nice tempo. As Kamaru-sama took his leave, I waved him good day disguising my true feelings. He was a foreigner too and somehow he gained power to lead the main branch as it's sennin. Nothing against the man personally but what a joke. The one fit to lead the Stone main branch's finest warriors should have been one of our own. I gave the man a smile to seal the goodbye as well... As I said, ninjas love smiles. I turned my smile to the other foreigner requesting resources. This one was kind of cute in all with his demanding. He must be used to leading or even ruling. His tone suites it so. He spoke with authority in my own personal opinion... sounds strong. The Tsuchigakure's responds was just however. It was the only responds to a foreigner who was asking for unrestricted access to our village. Did not matter the reason, it was a complete security risk to trust so easily with so many lives at stack. Perhaps the foreigner would find this all ironic as I do. The foreigner expresses his trust to the Tsuchigakure and the Tsuchigakure responds in distrust to him. Haaahaahhaaaaaa, I love it...


Senju Kazuki

Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2012
"Fair enough." Kazuki simply stated as he nodded. "I will earn the rest through the results I will show you." he added seconds later. Umashi's words were not unexpected. The man was doing his best to please Greeks and Trojans, and that was no easy task. He was playing a dangerous game, though if successful, the gains would outweigh the losses many times over. The time to leave Endo's company, and his bodyguard, had come. There was little else to talk about. It was time to act. "Do you have something that will me identify myself as an Emissary of Stone? Something that will show to others that what I speak is true? If not, I will make do with what I have." the Overlord would ask.

Regardless of the outcome, the White Wolf would turn around and leave the beach. "I will head over to Kumogakure in case you need to find me." he would add without turning around. It was important that his allies knew where he was in case problems were to arise.

[Topic Left unless stopped]

Ryujin Shouta

Oct 23, 2012
Well that was that, a rather short lived meeting, the sort of meetings I liked. Short and to the point. Lucky for me that it wasn't a long drawn out political debate or anything or I'd have to stab myself. Anywho, since the meeting was over and I was at the beach, I saw no harm in sticking around a bit. I looked to the distance and watched as the waves crashed the shores and ran back like it was a game of tag. Shinobi and civilians alike, enjoying the freedom and privileges granted. It only reminded me of what I must do to keep things this way... Once the foreigners were out of sight I'd turn to my kage and start to remove my armor.

"That went well! Now then, a moment of your time please?"

Once I had removed most of my armor, I pulled out my headband. I haven't worn the thing since I was a gennin but now was the time to show a bit of patriotism. I was planning to do something great for my country today but did wonder if I had the support of my Kage. A dangerous mission was before me but I had no qualms with my decision as it needed to be done. Truth be told, my decision was also based off of the insult to the Ryujin name inflicted by Ayumi of Kumogakure. Letting her go would be... gracefulness to my people.

"We have lost contact with Ayumi of Kumogakure. My guess is that she slipped out of the village unnoticed which is less of the problem. Her report could potentially cause Iwagakure some major issues. I have come up with a plan to remove any negative attention from our village and place it on another... I'll be heading out to execute this plan in a few days but wanted to here your opinion first."

Most of my armor laid by my feet in the sand... my head band also resting but in my palms. I waited to here what he had to say, what he would say, what fancy words would be thrown my way...


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Nodding to Kazuki, Endo thought for a moment and then formulated a plan in his mind. "We're not commonly a people of fancy banners and super special member only rings . . . well, those of us with Arcadian lineage are, but none the less, you're name will be updated in our archives by my secretary. Should you have issues at the gates you need only mention who you are and either they'll let you go or they'll answer to me. Travel well my friend." A curt smile and Endo was sucked into another issue as two of the "Warriors Three" approached him. Who'd done it this time? He soon got his answer though as he rubbed his temple and sighed. Aye ye ye! Another stretch of trying to figure out and he cut to the chase rather bluntly in his answer. "Honestly speaking . . . and this is completely off the record, Kumo doesn't want to pick a fight with us on our worst day so I doubt that the issue will go far . . . especially with us denying things. However, with respects to keeping our name free of all contempt, what is your suggestion? I'd hate to start a fight but I'll punch a wolf in the throat if it kept it from alerting the pack." With that he gave up the floor as he waited to see what would come of all of this sudden brainstorming of plans. War over one incident wouldn't go over well with the Daimyo but being bullied by a smaller nation simply wasn't in his tentative plans for the day.

Ryujin Shouta

Oct 23, 2012

"The plan is simple... I sneak in with a team of my choice disguised as Sand shinobi. Once inside, we will not only lace several structures with explosives but also we will locate and hijack their communications tower where we will make false demands in the name of Sunagakure. Simple right, I will be leading the task force in this operation. In the unlikely event that we fail, captured or killed... Ha haaahaa, sorry sorry it's just ha haa phew ok ok I'm done. Phew, anywho where was I... oh yes, grant me new forged documents stating that I'm dissociated with Iwagakure and that I'm a simple terrorist. Once I succeed, reinstate me. See... easy."

I had my doubts about Inu Endo but who knew he was the "do what needed to be done type." I handed my hand out with my head band in it. This was to show that I was serious in my decision. I wasn't asking for his faith in me, no not at all. I had given him my plan and would now see what he would do with it. Would he refuse me... or will he support me in my decision? The kunai was in his court now, time to see how he would use it. Times were indeed changing. The people of Mist and Leaf now know this best. Their homes ripped from them. Their lives forever changed. They now fill our streets as refugees, wondering when this temporary home will suffer the same fate as their once permanent. They must not have had people like me and Inu... People who will stop at nothing to preserve our way of life. My eyes shifted once more to the people having fun and enjoying their home... This is what I fight for, this is why I must do what I must do...

[ooc: Faceless Npc's or Dnpc's will aid me so technically this is a one woman operation. Unless, people want to volunteer.]


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Taken back a bit, there was no hiding the look of shock and then of sorrow on Endo's face as he thought about her request. He really didn't want to honor it, as a matter of fact he wanted to forget that it had even been asked but unfortunately he couldn't run away from the fact that this was one of those things that needed to be done. Sighing, he looked to the waves, the birds in the sky and marveled at their freedom for a bit before he finally turned his attention to giving the shinobi an answer. "You'll have your papers, wanted poster stuff really, but you'll have them. They'll be discreetly sent to a convenient location for you on the half moon." Yeah, he really didn't want to do something like this. As crazy as it was sounding, there was simply something that was tugging at his heart and making him really want to be anywhere but here right now. Perhaps it was the simple feeling that no matter how much he might have loved what his job allowed him to do, he simply couldn't so easily send a person to their potential demise. Wishing to be left to his own thoughts, he nodded to the girl and turned back to watching the tide. "Do your best to return . . . please." War was an ugly thing, and the ones you couldn't rally the troops to hurt the most. The truth was simply that, the truth.

OOC: TOpic Left

Ryujin Shouta

Oct 23, 2012

"Wow... are you? Are you concerned for my personal safety? That's erm... sweat. If I didn't no any better, I'd say that you fancy me."

A bit of some teasing on my part but per usual, my teasing was harmless. Just a bit of fun to lighten the atmosphere on a nice day. It was true that this may very well be the last time him and I ever have a conversation and what a shame it would be if our last words were of the finer details of my demise. On such a beautiful day, why not share a laugh? If this was the last time that I was ever heard from again... I'd would like to be remembered as me, as Kyoko... Kyoko the prick. Hmm, not sure I'd like to be remembered as that either. To late now I guess. I am what I am I suppose. Quite the sentimental one, this Inu Endo. He seemed to have fallen in deep thought once he had given me the go ahead. Reflecting on his choice? A tousle with the tides of ones demons? I approached the thinker and embraced him from behind. If I die, it wasn't his fault or his decision that'll be the cause. I made a choice and I was glad he supported my decision in all of this. Being in his position was tough, I see that now. How would he know if the decisions he made were the right ones? If I die, would he blame himself for not stopping me or was it okay that I died for my country? Face with so much, he still stands tall. Hmph, for a slick talker he was quite the warrior...

"I will return..."

[topic left/ unless stopped]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
