Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Do you spot them too? x open

Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
If you had a keen eye, you could see a child sitting half-hidden away in bushes. He had a green blanket around him even with the warm sun. But it did make him blend in a little more than having nothing around him. From the bottle of water next to him, you could notice he had been around the place long enough to be stiff in the muscles. There was a bow with a quiver lying behind him. The boy had a brown-green sweater, brown pants, and soft shoes. He did his best not to stand out... But for who or what? Playing tag, playing hide and seek?

His little scribble book held multiple drawings and multiple notes of certain things. If people got closer, they could see all kinds of fox drawings inside the little book. It seem that the child had been here all day in an attempt to draw each fox individual. All kinds of colors already came across the pages. Dakota Gold White Mark. Silver. Red. Pearl. Pearl White Mark. Marble Sunglow. Cross. Arctic Hybrid. He had drawn them all at this point, but he was sure that there were more around.

After a little more there was finally movement from the boy, he was stretching out big and one fox scooted away from the near bush. "A-ah.. Oh, that is the white plump tail one... I already know that one." He muttered out loud before he would start to get out of the bush and fold the blanket.


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Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Hoshirei hadn't been to Kitsune Park in quite some time. She likely wouldn't have come today, but Kayo was bugging her, saying Hoshirei needed to lighten up a bit. So, on a day when the academy was closed, she made her way to the park. Kayo chittered happily as they made their way into the park. A few foxes would answer her calls and the deeper they went the bolder the other foxes got. One mostly white fox pounced out of a bush and tackled Kayo who rolled onto her back and started kicking her feet all around before twisting around and running off, leading the other fox on a merry chase. The two foxes would rush past where Nova was getting out of his bush.

Kayo noticed the young boy and made a noise that meant "stranger here" to Hoshirei. The silvery-blue horned fox stayed close to Nova's bush but kept playing with the mostly white fox. Hoshirei walked silently forward to where she could just make out the form of the young boy maneuvering himself out of the bush. He looked vaguely familiar to the Head Jounin, but she was fairly certain she hadn't met this young person yet. As she got a little closer, she purposefully scuffed her foot in the dirt to make a noise. She didn't want to startle the young boy too much. It would likely be enough of a surprise that she was even there.
Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
Just as he saw a new fox... He was in awe about it and started to reach for his drawing journal and started to make a few lines till he heard the scuff in the dirt near him. A sound left the young child as he froze up, he didn't notice her at all till she made that sound and he was frankly a little skittish. "S-sorry." He stammered out before looking to her. "Do you also like foxes?" He asked her a second later, already forgotten that he had gotten startled by her and made a few more lines in his book before looking up. "The one with the small hrosn are new around this place. I want to spot them all." He grinned big before sitting down again and offering a spot next to him to her.

Senju Akio

New Member
Mar 28, 2023
OOC Rank
It was a beautiful evening. The day off from the academy's usually rigorous lessons flew by and Akio made a point of enjoying his usual daily stroll through the forest as the sun began to set in hues of orange-gold and pink beneath the now dimming blue skies above the Village Hidden in Leaves. As usual, the sunny young Senju wore his characteristic bright grin as he watched for new plants and animals and kept an eye out for the 'friends' he'd made amongst the denizens of the forest. Today, it was one of those very friends that caught his eye. It was a small green bird with a white ring around its eye, chirping happily on a small branch high up in the forest's canopy. He'd named this one Dori and had decided that he wanted to spend some time up in the leaves with his little buddy.

Leaping up into the treetops as naturally as he ran on the ground, the ease and quietness the young Senju displayed made abundantly clear the amount of time he spent up in those trees. Dori, however didn't quite realize that Akio and he were buddies, and even with how quiet the boy was, as he neared equal elevation to the warbling white-eye, he was caught in the sharp vision of the little bird. With a flutter of leaves the little thing dipped off, flying in a bobbing pattern as it alternated between flaps of its wings and dives through the twisting branches of the trees. Akio, however, wasn't about to give up that easily. He chased the little guy through the treetops, feet springing off branch after branch as he sought to catch up. "Come back Dori! I just wanna hang out!" Akio called, his smile beaming and his voice filled with a childlike jubilance.

As the crafty little white-eye flit past an old and dried out maple, however, Akio knew that the next leap would be a gamble. Old trees like that had a tendency of having dry and brittle limbs and unfortunately for the young Senju, this one was no exception. He was merely a few feet away from the tiny bird when he landed on a limb that had seen better days, and with a loud crack the branch gave way. Tumbling through the air, Akio had but a few moments to shift his momentum into a somersault, managing to land on a foot and a knee on the forest floor. "Dori you little trickster! I'll remember that!" He said, a laugh in his voice. But as the boy took account of where he was, he was met with another familiar sight: the fox friend that he'd made during his stealth class. "Oh! Hiya Kayo!" He exclaimed, his smile tempered by cheeks reddening with sudden embarrassment. "Do you wanna hang out? My bird friend Dori led me on quite the chase." He asked, fully oblivious to Kayo's kunoichi contract-holder or his fellow student who was hiding amongst the bushes.

[MFT .:. 499 Words]


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Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Hoshirei couldn't help but smile at the young one with their notebook apparently full of fox drawings. She watched as the young boy settled back down and patted the ground beside him. Keeping an eye on Kayo, Hoshirei decided to take up Nova's offer to sit beside them. She looked over and was amazed at how detailed Nova's drawings were. She watched as the boy's pencil alighted across the page, drawing Kayo this time. "The one with horns is named Kayo. She's a summon animal who likes to follow me around."

As soon as she finished her sentence, Hoshirei heard a branch break and leaped up to protect Nova. Thankfully the branch landed outside of being able to hit them, but it was apparently brought down by one of her students. Kayo had dashed over as soon as she noticed Akio. She chittered a bit before licking his cheek and asking, "Friend okay?" Hoshirei sighed in relief before turning back to Nova. "Looks like we have another fox admirer. Would you like to meet him?" Hoshirei would then extend her hand to the young boy with a smile.
Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
As the pencil went over the paper to draw the new little creature, someone else started to join in also and he would look up to the female beside him. "Kayo... She... a female foxy. That is cool. She really looks badass, to say the least." He spoke towards her before he heard a snap of something. As he looked finally up again from the branch, he noticed the words friend okay. This fox could even speak. "wow..." he was more baffled by the whole ordeal at this point.

He started to backtrack a little on her words... a summoned animal. This would mean he could learn something like that in the future too, but what would it be for him... A part of him hoped it too would be a fox! That way he could be just like the awesome female. He would look up to her as she spoke and slowly... He would nod, he was a bit skittish after the whole branch ordeal, but he still was going to. If one never took a step forward, one could never grow. At least that was something his mom had said a long, long while ago.

The other child also was blond, he seemed to be sounding cheerful and there was something else with him a small bird. ' Would this also be one of those summoning things?' Nova questioned himself as he would take Hoshirei's hand to stand up again.
As he was now standing he would slowly get closer to the other boy too. "Hi! I am Nova! Do you like foxes too? I have a bunch drawn if you wish to see!" He spoke and blurted his words.

So sorry!! I never had noticed it was my turn.


Senju Akio

New Member
Mar 28, 2023
OOC Rank
"Yeah! I'm alright Kayo! Thanks though." Akio replied with a smile to the young fox that so cutely had asked if he was okay. However, just as the flush fled his cheeks and he began to ask Kayo what she was doing in the woods, Akio heard an unfamiliar voice from behind him, which caused his cheeks to redden with embarrassment once again. Nova was one of his fellow students, but one that he had somehow not come across up until this point. 'Oh no! Did he see me fall?! That's such an embarrassing way to make a first impression!' The sunny Senju thought to himself. Despite his self-consciousness, the young boy's statement that he liked foxes and had been drawing them seemed to put the boy at ease.

He donned his characteristic bright and toothy smile as he turned to reply. "Hiya Nova! I'm Akio! And yeah! I love all the animals." He stated proudly as he walked over toward the boy to get a good look at the array of drawings that Nova had produced in the time he'd spent watching foxes. "Whoa~! You're an amazing artist! How'd you learn to draw 'em so realistically?" Akio asked in genuine awe of the young boy's talents with sketches. Akio was certainly not known for being a tough crowd to impress, but the boy's skill seemed truly to be something to admire.

Akio quickly took note of a voice that had been calling through the woods after him. It was, of course, Grandpa Itsuki. He had noticed him bounding off towards the forest without a word of warning and Akio's patronly grandfather tended to worry when the child got too far ahead of himself. "Oops! I gotta run! Grandpa will be worried and I don't want you to get in trouble like I'm gonna! Good meeting you!! Bye Hoshirei-sensei! Bye Kayo!" Akio said hastily as he departed through the woods.

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Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Hoshirei watched as Nova and Akio met each other. It was rather cute watching the two boys together. She had walked over with Nova and just smiled as they interacted. She did take a peek at Nova's drawings and was rather impressed at the detail he was able to capture. It almost looked like they could leap from the page. It wasn't much longer though and Hoshirei could hear Akio's name being called through the trees. Hoshirei nodded at her student and waved as he raced back to his grandfather. "Take care, Akio. Say hello to your grandfather for me." Kayo stood on her back feet for a moment and sent a wave in Akio's direction as well with a happy yip. She then came and sat in front of the remaining pair.

She then turned back to Nova. "I apologize, Nova, but I must make my way home now. Would you like me to walk you home first?"

[Topic left unless stopped]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
