Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Don't Choke [Tutor w/Yomi]

Apr 25, 2017
Another week, another lesson from Grandmistress of medicine, the goddess of mercy (at least Kaori would like to think so), and the savior to all of humanity (at least Kaori still wants to think that, even if the contrary would be true), means another thing she gets to learn--1 more step towards an exam to get herself out of the ELO hell that is being a student. Kaori walked casually through the hospital, waving at some of the faceless staff members with a courteous smile upon her face. She got to know quite a few of the daily members; the non-shinobi that run the administrative portions of the medical practice. They were kind and gentle people who seem to genuinely care about the health and wellness of the shinobi within the village. At least someone does. Now if only someone would think of the mental welfare of the shinobi; starting with the mental fitness of the crooked ANBU.

She started small-talk with some of the members of the hospital before politely excusing herself so she wouldn't keep Yomi waiting. It was like a battle of social prowess to just make it towards Yomi's office. One of these days, Kaori should work on her ninja arts of invisibility to dart her way into Yomi's office; or just stick to walls and climb up them to knock on Yomi's window. That would probably be the easiest way to enter Yomi's office without wave after wave of 'hello, Kaori' and 'hello, insert name here' along with small-talk to keep relations firm with the people she would be working with in the future. After fighting off the endless hoards of morning zombies, Kaori quickly ran into Yomi's office and closed the door behind her, locking the door. She took a deep breath before turning to look towards Yomi, who Kaori assumed would be sitting at her desk, and waved to her after releasing the door handle.

"These people are much too friendly in the morning," she said as she tried to gather her breath. She stood up straight, took a deep breath in through her nose and released her breath and her posture. "So, what's up, Yomi? What's on the agenda for today?

WC: 367
WC Total: 367 / 1500
Posts: 1/5
Yomi should have been expecting Kaori, and it would not be a stretch to say she wasn't, however, she had simply forgotten. The Medical Sennin was a little bit more absent minded now that her thoughts drifted to her extensive after work activities with Mr. Man on a regular basis. If she were a normal woman and he a normal man, perhaps she wouldn't obsess over it every waking moment, but, they were not, and so she did. What they did when they were not busy making eyes at each other was something that any lesser being would probably cringe at. Still she would think fondly of those moments, and used them to power through all her paper work and make her self available to all her patients to help her get through the day.

When Kaori entered the office Yomi was signing off on someone's time off request. Of course she allowed her staff to take off, but she had no such luck. Even though Tamashii had extended her an offer to pick up some slack, she would not be able to comfortably do that when she knew there was so much she should have done. It was a thoughtful gesture that still counted even though he offered it as a part of his fishing expedition to find out about her "goings on" with the Hokage. Placing her pen down she smiled at the horned girl and asked her to close the door behind her once she entered.

"Good Morning, Kaori." She said with a small smile looking up at time indicating that she indeed forgot Kaori was coming this morning. she tapped the side of her head in a "duh' motion finally realizing that it was the time they had previously agreed upon. "I'd like to think the liked where they worked so that is why they are happy. Or it could just be because of all the caffeine." Yomi joked as she folded her hands on her desk.

"As for today's agenda. Nothing too heavy, just the 'Heimlich Maneuver'. Have you heard of it?" Yomi would wait for an answer before she would continue. Yomi looked back up at the time. Apparently today was dragging in a twisted game of "lets make Yomi suffer through the day". She was not happy.

[Topic Entered]
WC: 384
It was probably a mixture of both. The fact that they enjoyed their work and the caffeinated beverages probably stimulated them in the morning, making them up and ready to go tackle on the day. Kaori never sampled coffee or anything with caffeine in it as it wasn't necessarily something she needed, disciplined enough to go to sleep at a proper time and wake up at the crack of dawn. It wasn't something she could really relate to. However, the question posed caused Kaori to simply give Yomi a big eyebrow up. "The Him Lick Maneuver? Wha?" she asked as her mind was in a fog at the foreign word, having a difficult time pronouncing it. Kaori tilted her head for a moment and a thought popped into her head.

"Is that something you learned from you 'private lessons' with the Hokage?" Kaori asked as a fox-like expression crossed her face, inching closer and closer towards Yomi with the same goofy and stupid look on her face. "Sounds..." she said with a pause before slowly letting the word, "naaaaaughtyyyyyy..." She cleared her throat and pulled away from Yomi before standing upright and shaking her head. "Nope, never heard of it. You're going to have to explain that one to me in full," she said. She fully expected Yomi to give a proper demonstration of this, forcing herself to choke on some food for practical reasons. Let's hope it doesn't come down to that.

Yes, Kaori enjoyed goofing with Yomi and teasing her for her less-than-ambiguous wording. Yomi's relationship with the Hokage was still unknown to Kaori, but it never stopped her from taking advantage of some miss-worded sentences for a cheap laugh; even if it was at Yomi's expense. Hopefully Yomi saw it as just quick jabbing and not anything serious. Kaori leaned back and placed her hands upon her hips. "So, let's do this. Show me this Heimlich," she said slowly saying the word out syllable-by-syllable before continuing, saying "maneuver" normally.​

WC: 331
WC Total: 698 / 1500
Posts: 2/5
Yomi raked her hair behind her ear and chuckled at Kaori's response. Leave it to Kaori to make that leap in point five seconds. Honestly, it was a joke she'd bring to the Hokage and see if liked this "Him Lick Maneuver". To be fair, is she was in Kaori's shoes, she would grasp at the low hanging fruit as well. What else could she do? Yomi did not want to intentionally deceive the girl because like Umashi, she also was not a target. This was not a mission where she had to do deceitful things in order to get to her end goal. It was bad enough that she was lying by omission especially to someone that was important to her. Lying to her family and those she considered family was not something she did. Telling the truth kept the family close. It left less room for outsiders to break them up, and overall, once the truth did come out, a family feuding left everyone at a loss. So the Medical Sennin would level with Kaori as much as she could. However, this was not just her "secret" to tell and so she was not going to reveal who it was that she was seeing, but, at least let the girl know that she was seeing someone.

"Kaori, I would not joke about the lessons with the Hokage. What if the man I am actually seeing overheard you? You'd put me in quite a pickle." A true statement, even though the man and the Hokage were one in the same.

"And before you get your horns all twisted, I am not telling you who he is. At least not yet." Yomi said this in a matter of fact tone. If Kaori wanted she could bring it up again later, but for now, Yomi was not going to give up the name.

"On to the lesson then." Yomi began. " The Heimlich Maneuver, or Abdominal Thrusts, if that is easier for you to say, is simply a maneuver that forcefully removes obstructions from the upper airway. It helps to remove things lodged in a persons throat to keep them from choking to death." She motioned for Kaori to stand up as she walked over to her.

"To do this you make a fist and place the thumb side of your fist against your upper abdomen, below the ribcage and above the navel. At that point, you would grasp your fist with your other hand and press into your upper abdomen with a quick upward thrust. You continue this until the blockage is removed." Yomi went over to mimic the action on Kaori placing her hands in the appropriate place and gently doing so, instead of forcefully.

"Sometimes people freak out when they are choking so you must work quickly while simultaneously trying to keep them calm. There is no trick for that sadly." Yomi paused. "Would you like to try on me?"

WC: 491
TWC: 875
Well, if the Hokage DID hear Kaori, that would put her in quite the pickle. She didn't know anything at all about the Hokage other than his name. She didn't know if he was an oppressive dictator or if he was a kind and gentle leader. The fact that she didn't know anything about the man made him all-the-more mysterious and not in a good way. Kaori twitched at the idea of the Hokage suddenly walking in and asking her what she said. She cleared her throat and shook her head, perishing the thought. It wouldn't just be Kaori that was in a pickle, but might also put Yomi in a bind. It seems she might have to stop those little jabs.

But Yomi did say something quite interesting. It seemed that she was involved with someone and Yomi wouldn't tell her exactly what it was. It seemed that she might have to do some... investigative journalism to see who it was; or simply wait and time will tell. That thought instantly melted away once Yomi introduced the lesson on the Heimlich Maneuver. With what Yomi mentioned, the Heimlich Maneuver (or the Abdominal Thrust) was used to stop people from choking; most likely from food. As ordered, Kaori stood up straight and she started to pantomime what Yomi was saying with her hand. She balled her hand into a fist, placed it upon her stomach above the navel and pretended to thrust inwards and outwards without actually applying pressure.

Yomi approached Kaori and she lifted her arms and looked down to watch her place her fist in the appropriate place and perform it upon her gently. She kept close eye on the positioning and made a mental note on how to do it. Yomi offered to be Kaori's test dummy once again and Kaori simply nodded. "Well, as long as you aren't going to actually be choking on food, sure!" she said, adding that caveat. She didn't want Yomi to be hurting for the sake of Kaori's training; she was getting a little exhausted about that.​

WC: 345
WC Total: 1043 / 1500
Posts: 3/5
"No, I will not really choke. I do try really hard not to cause you any alarm..." Yomi immediately had a savage thought about all manner of choking and if she were choking it would be of her own choice. The Medical Sennin quickly dismissed that from her brain though. It was entirely too early in the morning for that line of thinking and she had a hell of a lot more hours left to go before she would be able to indulge in such things. The woman stood in front of Kaori and allowed her to reenact the maneuver on her. She aligned the girls hands to ensure they were in the proper place and reminded her that most people would not be as still as she was. People were going to be frantic, loosing oxygen, and scared that they were about to kick the bucket. Yomi would then pretend to be a frantic flailing patient so the young medical hopeful could get a better idea of what she meant and how she would possibly approach said people.

"In the end, it is really about as working as quickly as you can because it may be really hard for the person who cannot breath to focus on staying calm. Of course there are the rare people who can be calm through anything, but, you know what I mean." Yomi paused removing Kaori's arms from around her before returning to her desk.

"So, do you have any questions about this? Or any other topic that you want me to quickly go over?" There was not much left to say about this particular topic, but, The Medical Sennin was quite absentminded these days and so she could have left out a key component or random rule and be none the wiser.

WC: 300
TWC: 1175
Kaori moved behind Yomi and wrapped her arms around her body. Her cheeks flushed red and emitted a little bit of heat from them. This would have been so much easier to do if Yomi's rear end wasn't so damn large! Kaori's hips touched her rear, forcing her to back off a few inches in reaction. She cleared her throat and moved her hands to just below the ribs at the diaphragm like Yomi had demonstrated. She took a deep breath and softly pulled the fist inwards and upwards so to not hurt Yomi. She did this a couple of times before Yomi started to flail around. She felt Yomi's rear grind up on her while she flailed around causing Kaori to perform the actual Heimlich Maneuver in it's entirety, with the proper strength and everything.

"This would be so much easier if your butt wasn't so big!" Kaori shouted out as she did it once more before releasing her grip upon Yomi. She took this time to cool herself off, letting the red-tint upon her face slowly fade away and return back to her normal skin tone. While it was much more difficult with someone flailing around, it just required Kaori to remained focus at the task at hand and to get into proper position. Regardless of if the person remained calm or not, she had to force herself into position and push in on the diaphragm. Certainly a simple punch to the gut would probably yield the same results, but the maneuver wouldn't have been made the way it was if it wasn't effective, so performing it was something she had to do. Thankfully, she wouldn't have to do this on Yomi as it, not only frustrated her in a certain way, but a goddess wouldn't just shovel food into her mouth and breathe at the same time.

After regaining her composure, Kaori waved off the idea of questions. Certainly, there were other ways to perform the Heimlich Maneuver, mainly on small children and babies, but due to not having the proper equipment or test dummy, she would have to just do the research on that and take in the theory of how to do it without the need of practice. Just, hopefully, it'll never need to be performed on someone that small.​

WC: 383
WC Total: 1426 / 1500
Posts: 4/5
Yomi furrowed her brow a bit. She certainly didn't think her butt was too big, but, Kaori certainly seemed to think enough of it to make a remark. The woman shrugged it off and turned it into a part of the lesson

"Yes well. you will also encounter people with bigger assets than mine. Or, perhaps a really large stomach or just something that makes your life much more difficult, so you must take those things into consideration when doing that maneuver or any thing, medically speaking." Yomi eyed the clock on the wall. Apparently only about thirty minutes had passed. Any other time, time was on crack leaving her with very few minutes to breath and get everything done by deadlines. But now, because she wanted to get the hell out of the office, it seemed to be taking its sweet time. She swore the universe was plotting against her.

"Well if you have no questions or comments, I guess today's lesson is over." Yomi looked at the clock again and shook her head.

WC: 177
TWC: 1352
Kaori didn't have much of a response to what Yomi said. Some people would have bigger rear ends, some would have droopy breasts, some would have enormous guts that would make the standard way of doing the Heimlich impossible. Well, someone that big would probably require her to do some form of Frog Splash from the top-rope in order to eject food from their body or even crawl into them and pull the food out manually. But that's strategy that she would have to ponder on when the time comes. Kaori didn't have much else left for this lesson. She turned her head for a moment and moved her hand up to the back of her head, scratching at her crown for a little bit. "Yeah..." she said distantly.

Well, she had the knowledge of the lifesaving technique this time around so she had no other reason to be here. "Oh! My mom said she would like to meet you and thank you for helping me out those many years ago. She wants to treat you and Asuka to dinner. You could even bring Besito too. I mean, no rush on when, but she'd like to show you her appreciation sometime," she said with a big wide smile upon her face. Kaori then lifted a hand to wave to Yomi before bolting out of the office. Until next lesson.​

WC: 229
WC Total: 1655 / 1500
Posts: 5/5
The Goddess looked at Kaori and blinked a few times before she finally responded. She knew that Kaori was back on good terms with her mother, however, The Medical Sennin was not sure she had forgiven the horned girls mother just yet. Of course the woman did not need nor request Yomi's forgiveness, nor did Kaori even know that Yomi harbored some ill will towards her mother. However, the way that Kaori and Yomi came into each others lives forever shaped the way the woman would perceive Kaori's 'mom'. Still, the way Kaori smiled at her, she knew she could not say no to this request.

"Of course, I would not miss it. I will let you know when I am free. Thank you for inviting Besito too, he thinks he's a person and always wants to be involved." Yomi smiled and told Kaori goodbye as she would continue on her long day.

WC: 153
TWC: 1505
Dressed in his best medical whites, Umashi walked down the halls with his hands in his pockets as he approached Yomi's office. Thankful that he'd waiting until a decent hour of the day, Umashi figured that she'd be on her lunch break when he caught site of a student of hers leaving her office. Breathing a sigh of relief, Umashi began to whistle as he continued down the hallway towards the office of the Sennin. If she wasn't busy, Umashi would invite her out to lunch although that lunch would probably have to be in a secluded spot since they still weren't exactly all that open about their relationship. Despite being busy himself, with the months rolling by concerning his and Yomi's relationship, he knew that it was only a matter of time until things got to the point of no return. His days of being a bachelor were long behind him and he was looking forward to more important steps in his life.

His thoughts all over the place, Umashi finally made his way to Yomi's office and paused to collect his thoughts. Though he was far too old to be feeling as he was, he pulled a hand from his pocket and knocked on Yomi's office door. It was slightly ajar but respecting the woman's space, he waited to be allowed in. From what he could tell, she was more than buried in work and it didn't look like his intrusion would help to ease that burden in the least bit.
"Hey, do you have a moment?" He asked the question hoping that she'd say yes but not exactly fearing that she'd say no. If anything, she'd tell him when she was available for chit chatting with him. Chit chatting was good to him, but when it came to their careers, sometimes no matter how much you really wanted a coffee break, you had to do without for the betterment of your patients. Thinking on that illustration, Umashi realized that he probably should have grabbed coffee on his way to her office but by now it was too late to turn around.

OOC: Stopping Yomi from TLUS'ing . . . @_@
Yomi cut her eyes at the door as she heard a light rapping. An instinctual response towards a busy day that seemed to be dragging along. She had cleared her schedule this morning to get some of this paperwork out of the way. As per usual she only requested to be interrupted unless a Sennin/Kage was dead or dying. Noting that the person wouldn't have knocked on the door if it was that level of emergency. The woman looked at the clock, noting that it didn't really change from the last time she checked it. Tossing her pen to the side she sighed and leaned back in her chair.

"Come in."

A fine chocolate specimen entered her office. Donning her second favorite outfit to see him in she gave him a bright smile. With the realization that he was in front of her she furrowed her brow as she quickly thumbed through her stack of papers, wondering if there was note reminding her of a last minute appointment with him. There was nothing mentioning she should have expected his arrival and yet, here he was.

"Of course, Hokage-sama." It seemed that place she longed to get to found its way to her. "I was not expecting you. Please, come in and close the door." It was pure luck that she and Kaori had finished their lesson before he came in. Luckily they avoided the awkwardness that came with hiding something this big from people who shouldn't know.

"What can I help you with?"

Happy to have been invited in, Umashi quickly walked into the room and closed the door behind him as he looked up and sighed in apparent relief that he'd made it in. The truth of the matter was that the Hokage simply didn't want to be caught spending too much time with the Sennin before they fully let their relationship get too much in the public eye. There was already the fact that a number of students and medics in training had caught them in rushed exchanges and locked in arms. True, they weren't ashamed of their relationship but there was the fact that they simply just didn't want overly prying eyes. Finished in his thoughts, Umashi walked towards Yomi's desk and grabbed a seat to sit in. Plopping down as he did, she might have noticed that he was a bit off in his movements. Normally one to be cool headed and calm when going about his daily affairs, he wasn't known for being unsure of himself, at least not when it came to being what most would consider normal. Letting the silence pass between them for a moment, Umashi asked a simply question.

"Well it's more like I came to help you. How's your day been?" Simple small talk, Umashi crossed one leg over the other as he folded his arms and leaned back in the chair. Tapping slightly on the floor, his remaining foot would continue to give off the nervous vibes that he was feeling but one could possibly liken that to the buzz that a decent shot of espresso could bring. His features telling, all over his face was written some sort of concern. In fact, his lively green eyes were quickly reading every movement and twitch of Yomi's. Whereas he should have been relaxed in order to relax her, she was in fact the more calm one and Umashi gulped nervously. Smiling, Umashi raised his hands to stretch before leaning back into the chair and trying to shake the butterflies from his stomach. Looking around for something to take his mind off of things, even if to distract himself, Umashi grabbed a pen and began to fidget with it. Flipping it between his fingers, he listened to Yomi, giving her every bit the respect that she deserved.
Hospital staff is best staff. No matter what they saw, like a traumatized villager of ANBU brutality, they didn't speak of it to anyone. It was one of those things that kept them a close knit group, that and their interpretation of privacy laws. As Umashi sat down, she watched him unsure of what this was about. He would not risk looking like they were canoodling for mere pleasantries and yet he sat down to shoot the breeze. As peculiar as it was she didn't mind his presence so she focused on how glad she was to see him.

"My day has been slow, but, it's better now, since you're here." The woman watched him fiddle with a pen for a bit before she continued."Yeah, unless you are into pouring over time off requests and staffing reports, I don't think you can help me." She continued to watch him twist the writing utensil this way and that as he listened to her. Her antennas immediately went up.

As far as she could remember, she never seen him this anxious before. Even when he was dying he was more calm than this. When the assassins tried to get him, he was more calm than this and yet something bothered him so much that he was visibly agitated by it. This alarmed her a great deal. However, like a mother not trying to rile up their child anymore by fussing over them, she would not outwardly fret. At least not yet.

"But it seems I'm having a better day than you.You seem a bit anxious. Is everything alright?" She asked him in an even tone. Keeping the extra concern out of her voice in case someone was walking by and overheard them. Her mind was running wild with thoughts of what it could be. Did someone die? Was someone kidnapped? Was he leaving the village and leaving her behind? Soon she would know what this was all about.
Nodding his head, he shrugged as she suggested that if he could handle the paperwork side of things that he could help her. "I'd be willing to lend a helping hand if you wanted me to . . " He let the words linger as she finally pointed out how strange he was acting. It was true, he was definitely acting like something was wrong. What it was, he'd soon tell her but stealing attention from the pen, Umashi looked Yomi in the eyes and smiled. "You know, I'd be willing to do a lot for you, and I haven't felt that way in a long time. As I told you before, there was a point in time in which I thought that I'd lost the light that I now see in you. It's a strange thing, to know love and to be in love and right now, right here, with you, I want to stay that way forever." Thinking back on his past life, the things he'd done so long ago. The most trusted thing that anyone could have was a partner who had their back. A proverbial Bonnie to their Clyde as the old stories told.

Reaching into his pocked, Umashi fished out a box and looked at it as he continued talking.
"I found this thing while sailing the seas and at that time I didn't realize what I actually had. I simply chucked it into my old treasure chest like any other thing worth money. My heart was cold and dark then. I wanted nothing but vengeance and anything that didn't get me closer to that wasn't worth considering. It may have been Konoha that melted my heart, but it was you that gave me a new view of things and it is you that I want to be my light going forward from this day on." Opening the small box, a light began to emanate from it as Umashi continued to speak. "It was a beautiful piece before, but I managed to find the right jeweler to really bring out the beauty of it and set it on a nice ring."

Standing up to approach Yomi, Umashi walked around to the side of her desk and took her by the hand and ushered her up out of her seat. What he wanted to do required them to be standing as equals, not as Kage and subordinate. "Yomi, I want to marry you." Feeling the air starting to be sucked out of his lungs, he held the ring close between them as he looked down at it and then back at Yomi. "There's so many that I probably should say but the simple fact of the matter is that you're the woman that I want by my side as I face the world. You're the wind that carries my sails home, and the gentle waves that beckon me to the shore. Like a lighthouse in the darkness, you found me, and with you I know that I'll never be lost at sea again." Turning the ring to allow it to catch the light, Umashi finally asked the question that he'd been pondering over for the past few months. "Yomi, will you marry me?" There were no doubt only seconds that had passed, but to Umashi, they seemed to pass like the longest of eons.

Only a few seconds had passed and yet she had all the time to remember her whole life in a matter of moments. The death, the running, the chaos, the Supreme. That was it, the Supreme guided her here to him now. Yomi’s thoughts on whether or not she was deserving of this happiness paled in comparison to what Rei wanted for her. Should Rei, that is Yomi, had not have blessed this union already, Umashi would have never crossed her path like he did. This is what she had been telling herself all this time in order to be okay with the fact that she was in love with this man. This man. A man. She had hated all manner of men for so long as she knew they could all be like Jashin in one way or the other and there was no allowing them the control that so many of them sought over her. She wouldn’t be their means to a dark end like she was in the past.

Yet, here Umashi was professing that she was his end game. What he wanted was her and all she came with. Her flawed existence, her little family, her deep seated untapped rage. He looked past all that and still sought her to be his bride. There were no ulterior motives or deceit when he was requesting to spend the rest of his life with her.

She looked at him and the ring and then back at him while covering her mouth. For a long time she was without words to say and she felt the tension rise from her lack of response. There was so many things that she wanted to say to him, so many questions she had, but as easily as they came to her, they left as if they never were to begin with. Her stomach twisted into a knot of nerves as she swallowed hard to keep her composure.

Right, it was time to answer him.

Giving him a response in her typical delayed style she slowly placed her hand out for him to put the ring on her finger while nodding vehemently. She didn’t trust her voice to remain calm and even toned as it normally would have been. If she wasn't careful, she'd probably start emoting heavily.
Putting the ring on her finger, Umashi was further relieved that it mostly fit. Of course they could always get it resized but she'd said yes and that's all that had mattered. Grinning from ear to ear, Umashi embraced Yomi, partially hoping that she didn't choke but also wanting to feel her beating heart against his. Words just simply couldn't express how he was feeling now but knowing that Yomi would continue to be at his side was all that had mattered. Feeling as though his heart was going to burst, Umashi leaned back far enough to plant a kiss on Yomi's lips as he began to wipe tears from her eyes. "Hey, save some tears for the wedding, eh?" He laughed at the not so funny joke but seeing Yomi so wrapped up in emotions, Umashi figured that he'd do the talking for the both of them until she got her voice back and was able to speak.

Pondering to himself, he began to think about what sort of wedding that they'd have. Was it best to have a large one or a small one? There was also the issue of whether to make it public or private. Considering that they'd not gone especially public about the affair, the affair was probably going to be private and small. Then there was the whole issue of who to exactly invite. Were they going to have a traditional (not that the Fire Country was lacking in many traditions) or a special wedding, heck . . . did they even want to do that much or were they content to just make it legal what with all the Konoha paparazzi lurking behind every corner.
"You know . . . we've a lot to discuss in the next few days . . . and I haven't had lunch. Shall we grab a bite to eat? You can test that rings eye drawing capabilities in person!"

He laughed at the last statement but all the while that he was talking, he held Yomi close, allowing her her moment. While his jitters were just subsiding, hers were just beginning and if the assumed bridzilla was a true creature, then Yomi wouldn't be the same until well after they were officially married. Letting go of the embrace to simply hold Yomi by the hand and look at the ring on it, he turned her hand every which kind of way as he marveled at how flawless the ring looked on her. "We probably should tell Asuka . . . or else she'll try and kill me in my sleep aaaaaaannd I don't know how you feel about it, but we should probably rope in Tamashii as a legal witness too. The Konoha marriage laws are written kinda funky to prevent shinobi shenanigans. Heck, I'll actually have to fill out paperwork on this too because you'd be subject to the same protections that I get. Bleh, this is going to be a paperwork nightmare!" Opting for small talk, Umashi would just let the moment happen as they stood together in Yomi's office.
"Don't tell anyone..." Yomi said through the tears. "...that you saw me cry." The woman chuckled as she kissed him. Pulling away from him she took a moment to admire her new ring"You had this bauble laying around? It's exquisite" It was a massive rock that rested on her finger now. To heavy to lift without a concentrated effort and its clarity too pristine for it to be any mere gem. If he did just have it lying in his stash somewhere, she would like to see what other untold treasure he had floating about. even it it paled in comparison to the piece she wore now.

He mentioned all the things that they now had to discuss and who they needed to tell and all the things that they came along with a wedding. She never thought about what she would like but she knew who all had to be in attendance for her. Her heart was still brimming with joy and she was exceptionally giddy.

"We can go to lunch. But I don't think I'll be able to keep anything down." She said. "Asuka, yes, we have to tell her sooner rather than later. Perhaps she will finally stop giving you the death glare now. Since she'll finally be sure that you're serious." The talk of Fire Country tradition gave Yomi a thought. There were no religious traditions in her books, regarding joining ceremonies or things of that nature. Since she was here in the flesh, she could create them now in order for those that followed her to have a way to go about it should they choose. Then she remembered that not 5 minutes before, Kaori had left her office. It was weird that all this time Yomi had been practically living a double life trying to keep secrets from the horned Priestess. She didn't want to keep it from her as caring for her for the last 6 or so years, she too was now apart of their family. Actually she had been a member far longer than Umashi had been.

"I have one other person that I wish to tell about all this. I've been keeping you two separate all this time but I want her to know too...Can she come to lunch?" Yomi asked waiting. Kaori wasn't doing anything as far as Yomi knew, so she should be available to sit with them. Whatever he chose she was fine with it, but, it was important to her that she stop lying to her family.

[TLUS..again. >.>]
For the briefest of moments, Umashi thought that Yomi was going to tell him that she had another that she was engaged to, but quickly dismissing the ludicrous though, Umashi instead nodded yes to everything. "Whatever you want, my love!" Helping her to dry her eyes, Umashi swore to not tell anyone that she'd been crying. He'd protect her image if it was the last thing that he did. Lunch plans were in the works, although Umashi would quickly find that he too wasn't too much in the mood for eating. All he really wanted to do was pop a bottle of expensive champagne and let the good times roll. Though it was not exactly a laughing matter, he wondered if things could always be this perfect while Takeshi was away, hunting nuke-nin. If so, then he'd be sure to send him on another mission as soon as possible.

Hopefully Asuka would approve of their union, although Umashi was pretty sure that Yomi wasn't going to so soon part from him over what her friends thought. Then again, he could have very well have been underestimating the power of the sisterhood. Finally making their way out of Yomi's office, hand-in-hand, Umashi walked with his bride to be to a rather wonderful place that could serve just the sort of food that they'd be able to stomach. Spending this sort of quality time with Yomi seemed to cause all the cares and concerns of the world to just melt away like a dream. From here on out, Umashi was going to have to start making some different decisions in life now that he had someone to answer to at home. He'd probably need to start with getting a place to live. Living out of one office or the next certainly wasn't going to work with this relationship.


Current Ninpocho Time:
