Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Down but not out [Requesting Medical Attention]

Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi felt pain like never, as the night still hovered over the streets he bumped his way down the road towards the hospital. His eyes focused on making himself threw, though Yuuto had healed the bleeding he was only so good, as he coughed more blood came free from his lungs landing on the pavement. Takeshi cursed out to the world in that split second.

Few more steps, few more steps and hopefully someone will help me

As he stumbled through the gates down the path he saw the lights in on the other side of the door, pain echoed every inch of him. Though part was his own fault for moving quickly and trying to shrug it off. As pain ripped threw him he coughed blood splattered the floor near the door as he felt his body fail, he hadn’t recovered and this didn’t help him at all.

Damn it not again

His vision blurred his knees gave up and the Captain fell hard, slamming into the round he groaned in pain and frustration, he was so close to aid and he knew that he could make it, his hand touched the bottom of the door as his body swung in and out of consciousness. He tried to fight it once more.


The word less than a whisper. It felt bitter in his mouth to be this beaten up.
Yomi was on her way out. Her shift was done and she was going to finally treat herself to dinner. As with any business that’s understaffed with good workers, she was confronted by a choice as she watched a man collapse in the entry way: Pretend that it is not her problem since she had been at the hospital for 24 hours already and this job could go straight to hell, or, forgo her personal life because she has a good work ethic that is being exploited by her employer. Yomi chose the latter.

“GURNEY!” Yomi yelled. She hadn’t even taken off her lab coat yet, so, was she really ready to go home? A nondescript nurse came rushing by with a gurney as Yomi approached the man.

“Can you hear me?” Yomi asked as she kneeled to his level and checked his pulse. He was unresponsive, but he had a pulse; a relatively good sign. She and the nurse gently rolled him onto the gurney and rushed him to the emergency area. The emergency area was fairly empty which was the reason she was going home in the first place. The medical team made their way to an empty room where they transferred this man to a hospital bed. Yomi would triage the new patient herself.

Yomi washed her hands in the sink and pulled on some latex gloves. As she did that, the nurse went to get a clip board to document her findings. She put a thermometer in his mouth to check his temperature while she took his pulse.

“His pulse is normal 42bpm” This was a normal range for physically fit male ninja. She pulled the thermometer out of his mouth.

“98.6” The nurse scratched that down as Yomi dictated. Yomi listened to his strained breathing and didn’t like what she heard. Reaching into the finely stocked cabinet, she pulled out scissors, and cut open his shirt. She could start to see some bruising develop, but, those would be more pronounced later tonight, and fully developed tomorrow. Pressing firmly on his side she felt his ribs for any indication that they were broken, and they were.

“3 broken ribs.” Yomi said flatly as she moved on to place the oxygen mask over his face, to assist him with his breathing.

“Order an X-Ray to see if his lung is punctured and in the meantime, get the IV started and check his blood pressure.” Yomi ordered as she left the room. She was starving and it was clear she’d be eating from the vending machine tonight.

[mft wc: 429]

NPC: Wakahisa Yuri​

Yume: Face of U<3ME​
"Ara. You're not leaving before the patient is stabilised, are you?"

As Yomi went to leave the emergency department, she'd run into Yuri with Yume in shy tow. This had turned into an interesting scene. An idol had no place here in the hospital, unless it was because she collapsed from overworking and exhaustion, and it didn't seem to look like she was here on some show or event. Her hair was tied back neatly and her clothes underneath her doctor's coat was sensible. She was looking around, distracted and noting a couple of radiology staff rushing into one curtained cubicle.

Hazel eyes stared back at Yomi intently, with the owner's arms crossed over her chest. Yuri, or better known as the Medical Sennin Kiseki, didn't like the fact that this hospital was so understaffed either. She sympathised with Yomi's eyebags and grumbling stomach, but unfortunately the patient's safety always came first. That was their philosophy.

She sighed and took a step aside to let her though but not before asking for a handover. "Take a break for as long as you need. What's the situation with that patient over there?"

It was probable that Yomi might ask why Yume was here with her. If/Once she addressed the matter, Yuri would merely look towards Yume and then back at her. "Oh, this girl. I need to talk to you about that. I'll go with you on the way. Yume, check his vitals please."

"Oh..." the idol turned back to the two other medics. "Uh... Okay. Nice seeing you again, Yomi-chan! Too bad the circumstances could have been better, ne?"

It's okay Yume, it's just vitals. She studied this before with Yuri. Wash hands, check. Is there blood involved? Appears so, better get the gloves on. As she stepped through the curtain to see Takeshi, a slight wave on uneasiness washed through her. The actual thing was a lot scarier than in practice.

"Oh, um, excuse me," she called to a nurse. She smiled. "I'm here on Kiseki-sama's order, will you please double check my vital readings for me?"

Yuri would have her head if she didn't follow some sort of protocol. So when the nurse thankfully nodded and watched her like a hawk, Yume moved forward and examined the injured ninja. "What's his name? There's no ID? Well, alright. Umm... Hey! Can you hear me? Open your eyes!" If Takeshi didn't respond to her voice, Yume would have to reach forward and press against his collarbone. It was not overly painful, but should be uncomfortable enough for someone to react somehow.

"What's your name?"

[MFT WC 250+]
Takeshi groaned at the sound of noise, feeling himself ending up in a hospital bed as pain coursed through his veins. To say he had taken a beating was an understatement. He felt exhausted and pain on such a scale that he had never felt before. As he allowed himself a small moment to let the voices echo away. He allowed himself a few seconds to fade in and out of the darkness, never really paying much attention to his surroundings. That was until a voice echoing at first seemed to cur threw the darkness that he tried to surrender himself to.

“Where am I…..who are you”

His voice a whisper as he tried to respond to the questioning, unsure of how he even managed to get there. He allowed a small sigh to escape his lips. He would feel some discomfort suddenly creep from his collar bone. He sighed to himself in that split second knowing that he was still alive, he wasn’t sure if it was a blessing or a curse.

“Uchiha Takeshi…….ANBU Captain…….”

His voice cold as he identified himself to those around him in that split second. His eyes opened slowly, his body still ached to each response he made. Looking around he spotted those that where in the room he let a sigh come from his lips. His eyes focused back on the ceiling. While in the hospital Takeshi knew that those that cared for him shouldn’t be given any trouble. He knew better than that much, as he allowed himself to sigh slightly pondering what question would best suit the question.

“How do I look and who are you?”

He tried to show a little bit of assertiveness, but it was a failed attempt giving his currently condition. He sighed to himself as he lay there waiting to hear some feedback. Inside his body who knew what trouble was happening. His insides felt like they were on fire.
(ooc: Here as Yomi v1. - NPC Yamanaka Med-nin...You know who I mean)

Yomi gasped, as she almost ran into Yuri and what appeared to be Yume. The one time she wanted to go and eat so she didn't die on top of her patient, her Sennin would appear. Of course, because why else would she be here but to inflict eternal torment on Yomi’s poor emaciated soul. At no other time would Yuri pop up accept now. Maybe Yomi was overreacting at the sight of her simply because she never has any kind of supervision ever and now is shocked to be questioned about where she was going at a critical time like this. Who runs this place? Why aren’t they even recruiting more? This was a travesty! Or maybe Yomi was just starving and couldn’t really form a simple thought that perhaps her Sennin happened to be walking by. Either way, she gave a brief rundown of what was going on with the patient.

"He collapsed upon entry to the hospital and was unresponsive to me at the time of questioning. He appears to have some broken ribs. I sent for some x-rays because I am concerned about his ragged breathing; I think his lung might be punctured."

Yomi paused and asked the nurse to give them the paperwork on the patient and looked at Yume. Why exactly was she here? Well, that was none of Yomi's business plus she was too hangry to care. She gave Yume a smile and a nod and as soon as she was allowed to go, she bolted to a vending machine. Stopping and turning on her heel, she called out to the two ladies.

"Definitely a mild concussion!"

Yomi was not sure she was going to return from break, if at all. Maybe she would make her final decision after her blood sugar levels rise to an acceptable level.

NPC: Wakahisa Yuri​
Yomi escaped before Yuri could accompany her. The blonde stood there for a moment, dumbstruck, before shaking her thoughts back in and trailed off to the nearest vending machine. She'd most likely be there. If she managed to find her, then the proposal would be short and succinct.

"I need to assign Yume a preceptor for her medical studies. Can you do it, or not?"

Didn't even acknowledge the ridiculousness that is an idol taking on a second role as a medic.


Yume: Face of U<3ME​
Meanwhile in ED...

"Omomomomo!" Yume gasped, jolting back. Oh, he's awake! She wiped her brow with her forehead-- even though there wasn't any sweat--and peered down at him with a penlight in her hand. Before she started checking his pupils, she tilted her head to the side in slight confusion. "You're not a very good Anbu if you're telling me that you're one! Look at my ear please."

She shone the light on his opposite eye and repeated for the other as she checked the pupil reaction. It was brisk for both, meaning that neurologically he was fine. Switching the penlight off, she smiled. "I'm Yume, or maybe you know me as U<3ME!" Her hands brought themselves together in a heart shape. Her next words were more directed to the medical staff in the room who were eyeing her in either shock, awe or confusion.

"You might be wondering! What's an idol doing here performing medical skills! Well, I'm... how you say... in training? Don't tell anyone, but I might just be in a medical drama! I'd like to be as accurate as possible, so I'm studying."

Okay that was a lie, but it was a believable lie! Yume didn't want to say that she was actually the medical sennin. An untrained medical sennin for that matter! Luckily Yuri's face is what people knew as the sennin, so she could get away from actual medical duties for a while. However, as Yuri nagged, that won't last for long.

"I think how you look right now is the least of your worries, Uchiha-san!" Yume chirped before an x-ray film was shoved in her face. She squinted at it in the light, um-ing and ah-ing at the results before turning to the nurse. "This is totally out of my scope, sorry! I'll call Eonni... Or or... Call for Yomi-chan?"

She could see how much the nurse wanted to roll her eyes at her--a dumb young idol and a newbie medic, who would have thunk it. The nurse sauntered off, having cannulated Takeshi already, to page Yomi to come back.

ED bed 6 awake. X-ray in. Pls come r/v ASAP.

Meanwhile, Yume continued with her examination, making sure to remember if shit hits the fan, all she has to do is hit that big red emergency button. She checked his blood pressure, pulse and oxygen, asking about his pain levels, where it was painful and the type and what not. Medic stuff. She wasn't sure if she was allowed to order for some opioid analgesics for his pain, so the next best thing she could do was distract him. It somehow ended up with some humming and singing as she went through her head to toe assessment.
Takeshi listened to the voices around him, he felt groggy as hell to be honestly. He struggled to understand anything but tried to get a grip of what was going around. He was wondering what was going on at least he was slipping in and out of consciousness. Groaning in pain he tried to focus on the words, honestly, he didn’t recognise it or the singing that was coming from somewhere. He hurt like hell and knew that each moment that the pain continued for would only be his body healing.

“Ribs, stomach, right leg, left arm. My eyes and head feel like they are going to be pounding out of my skull shortly”

Takeshi tried to lift his head back up but it kept swimming as he looked to the women that had been helping him. He had to admit he could be handled by a lot worse people, at least they were not exactly eye sores. Though the pain now was making his mind going crazy. As he lay there his hands tried to come up and hold over his ribs, that failed as his arms became limp once more and slunk back down beside him.

He growled in frustration before turning to the woman with him, he looked her square in the eyes. Though pain was wracking his nerves it was slowly going back. His breathing was still painful and ragged as he tried to take in a deep breath finding it close to impossible to do so. As he allowed himself to grunt out the air in pain.

“Funny, that singing could be considered soothing. What’s your name? sorry I didn’t catch it first time. How do I look out of interest?”
Yomi heard her name being requested over the PA system. This was not happening. First of all, she was supposed to be gone. Now she was supposed to be on break. She barely had time to open her peasant bag of chips before that happened. Why was this her life today? There was only one person in the ED and she knew he wasn’t dying. She would deliberately eat the chips slowly, one at a time, before she went back.

As she walked in a nonchalant way back the room she peeked her head into the room to see what Yume was up to. It was a funny sight to behold, and it took the edge off how hangry she was. The patient was more conscious than when she left, which was good. She heard him say he was a Uchiha, which was a pleasant surprise as she did not come across many of them these days. Too bad her supervisor was lurking, perhaps a very good thing for her patient. A nurse eyed her peeking into the room and shuffled over handing her the X-Rays.

Yomi made a sour face as she hoped to sneak away. Holding up the X-Rays to the light, she could see that he only had 2 broken ribs and nothing appeared to be punctured. Easy peasy! Good news all around! Yomi entered the room holding the X-Ray.

“Uchiha…2 ribs are broken which we can easily fix. Unfortunately, if we treat it the easy way the only pain medicine you get is the voice of Yume.” Yomi looked at her

“But either way, my advice would be to stay out of trouble for about a week.” Remembering her bedside manner, she pulled a black daisy out of her pocket and placed it on the side table. A gesture to…brighten up the room. Very festive.

"My name is Yume," she repeated with a smile. "You look... You'll be okay."

Yuri didn't end up finding her. She sighed. Was it too much to ask for someone to supervise Yume? Yuri herself simply had no time. Then again, in retrospect, it might have been wise that the Yamanaka wasn't assigned as Yume's preceptor. The gossip on her behaviour was... Odd...?

The senior medic returned to the emergency department to see who she was looking for. A film was held to the light, and Yume was ooh'ing and clapping like an idiot. "Oooh, how can you tell that there's no fluid in the lungs or anything like that?"

"Pleural effusion, Princess," Yuri interrupted. "At least use the proper term."

Yume's smile dropped into a mildly annoyed pout. That was only brushed off by the figurehead sennin as she spent no time asking for a report. Yume flustered, looking over to Yomi for help before realising she was on her own.

"Uh, well... He's awake. That's good. GCS is E4V5M6... Um... Pupils are reactive... Blood pressure is... Um..."

Yuri eyed her wearily, sighing and rubbing her forehead. "... If he's awake and talking, have you thought about asking for a history? Actually, have you even considered pain management before even continuing the obs?"

"... Shoot. Ahh, don't be mad! Mr. Uchiha, did you want some medication for the pain?"

The blonde rubbed her forehead again, and decided to distracted herself by checking out the x-ray film in Yomi's herself. "Do you have any other orders to add, Medic Yomi?"
Takeshi tried to keep his focus for a few more minutes, getting an understanding of what all this hassle and noise around him was. His pain seemed to be still just as fluid, stabbing into ever nerve he seemed to have. Listening to the voices and the offer of pain relief he tried to formulate a sentence in his head, debating the best words it took its time to do.

Takeshi allowed his eyes to open fully as he stared into those of his career for a few minutes, listening to the offer of pain medication.

“It wouldn’t be a bad shout………argh”

Pain echoed through his chest as he tried to breath out, coughing slightly blood splattered the uniform of the nurse, it wasn’t intentional nor was it wanted but the involuntary movement happened all the same.

“Sorry about that”

Slumping into his bed he wondered how long he would be staying in this room for, knowing that right now he probably wasn’t going to be getting out of bed anytime soon. It infuriated him to think of himself as selfish, angered him to his very core to say the least. With a deep breath and knowing the pain would come he tried to haul himself out of the bed.

“I’m taking time up, you guys don’t need the hassle”

He tried to persuade him that much as he tried to force himself out of the bed and trying to stand, though he got as far as bringing his torso up before he was gripped by the pain once more. It was clear he wasn't thinking straight, of course, knowing full well that he was trying to do something stupid.
Yomi looked over at Yuri and then back at Yume. What in the world was going on here? Why was Yuri so mean to Yume? Was Yuri just mean in general. Probably. She admonished a…student, for using terms easy for a patient to understand. It was not as if she was treating a fellow medic. Maybe Yuri needed to eat too. Maybe she needed to work on her bedside manner. Maybe Yomi was reading too much into this. It didn’t matter at the end of the day. There was no need to have 3 bodies in here tending to one conscious man. She gave Yuri the X-Rays for her perusal. As she tried to make a stealthy exit, the Uchiha coughed up some blood. Fantastic!

Yomi believed in the practical application of medicine bolstered by medical jutsus. Medical jutsus were not the mainstay of any medical procedure, but, they did help in a myriad of ways. Under normal circumstances she would have wrapped him up and put him on some pain medication, observed him for a few days, and sent him home. This was not that day. She wanted to get the hell out of there. She shooed Yume and Yuri away from her patient and out the door. She was sure she’d hear about it from Yuri later on, perhaps not.

She looked at Takeshi and placed her hands on her hips.

“I’m going to get you out of here, quick fast and in a hurry. Okay? Please be still.” She quickly performed some hand seals and placed it over his ribs. Her hands glowed a feint green color as the healing chakra washed over his body. Mending bones was easy this way, but, it was really only used in the field to get people back to work faster. Hunger was important too, she wanted to eat. Sound reasoning.

She looked at her patient. “How do you feel?”
[ooc: Performed Skeletal Fortification]
Takeshi lay motionless for a few seconds as he listened to Yomi speaking he stayed still and didn’t move. It wasn’t long before he was feeling better at the hands of the Med Nin. It seemed that she knew what to do and it was working a treat. The pain began to subside slowly and gently as she worked her tricks before he finally found that his senses where coming back to him.

“Much better…….thank you nurse?”

It was more a question as he didn’t often come here to know what the branches called themselves, or what they would preferred to be referred to. He probably stepped a line but wasn’t sure as he felt himself getting better. He allowed her to do her thing, she had the experience that he didn’t have in these situations.

Takeshi allowed himself to lay there and accept the assistance that was offered until he was given permission to go. He wanted to make this quick and simple and just leave with ease. He hated being in hospital as much as the next person.
"Doctor." Yomi corrected him with no malice in her voice. She handed some paperwork to the actual attending nurse readying him up for discharge.

"Stay out of trouble for a little while, okay? Those are my orders. Otherwise you are free to go." She was more freeing herself from him so she could clock out. She would be in a much better mood once her sugar levels were stabilized. She left the room before he could respond or ask any questions.

Takeshi hauled himself to the side of the bed, his body ached but other than that he was fine. Knowing that his body would be complaining about a while, he sighed to himself slowly and brought himself up a bit wobbly. The woman was gone already, it was clear she wanted to be elsewhere but he didn’t mind. As he stood there he looked back to the nurse as he limped out of the door just wanting to say a small word to the medical team.

“Tell her thank you when you see her again. She was busy but treated me I am grateful for that one”

With that Takeshi left the hospital in a slow walk as he moved forward.

[Topic Left]

Current Ninpocho Time:
