Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time: Saturday, 15. Mar, 06:13:17

E-Rank Mission|Cat Delivered! [Self Mod]


New Ninja
Jan 13, 2018
Name: Cat Delivered!
Rank: E-Rank
Type: Solo Self Mod
Description: A local woman left her window open with an empty box she was meaning to throw away. Her beloved cat Kuro jumped into the box to play with it and ended up falling out the window with the box landing on him. A local delivery man saw the box and picked it up, cat and all and sent it for delivery. The woman called the delivery service in a panic to find out more information, however the man could not remember exactly where the cat was delivered, he simply stated it was Seki District, not too far from her home though he could not recall the address and had a terrible habit of not keeping track of deliveries. She requests aid to find her beloved Kuro!
The day was relatively warm, what was considered warm in Kumogakure anyway. The gentle breeze of cold air made it feel slightly colder than it actual was, the sun shining its brilliant light upon every crevice of the land and village. Gattsu walked down the streets of The Seki District once again on yet another mission. It gave his troubled mind an activity to distract him from the horrors of the nightmares he regularly suffered, which made it seemingly difficult for him to get a proper’s night sleep. The birds chirped and sand delightfully on the building tops, it made the morning seem more complete and true. The streets were filled with life, people performing chores, chatting, and overall socializing amongst each other. The environment felt uncomfortable for Gattsu who was one to prefer his solitude and enjoyed avoiding others. He reached into his bag and pulled out the mission briefing for the one he had accepted. Reading over the documents carefully, he realized it was a simple missing cat report. Apparently Kumogakure had trouble with owners losing their cats often which Gattsu thought was a rather odd occurrence, based on the sheer number of cat requests they received. Looking at the address and then at a map he had, he hunted down the address of the woman and found the home. A rather contemporary modern home, well maintained and colored in red. It seemed comfortable enough to live in he thought, though since he slept in a tent in the woods, perhaps anything was an improvement.

A heavy knock on the door from Gattsu, though he could have called out he remained silent until his knock was answered. An elderly woman opened the door with a warm smile. She offered for him to come inside as he stepped in quietly, taking notice of the clean and bright interior. She said down and offered her name as Mikasa. Mikasa went to explain the event, how she left the window open with a box and inadvertently her beloved named Kuro jumped inside the box and fell out the window. Unfortunately the box was marked for packaging and the local delivery man confused the box with a delivery, picking up the box and off he went with it. Unfortunately the man was incredibly irresponsible and messy and did not bother keeping a record of the delivery. He mentioned a local neighborhood stating that was all he recalled. A tear went down the old ladies face as she explained that Kuro was basically a child to her and that she loved him with all her heart. She was requesting that Kuro be tracked down and returned to her, showing a photo of her beloved black cat. Gattsu remained silent the whole time, not one for much speeches but he nodded to her reassuringly, basically letting her know that he was going to return her cat. He stood up and walked out of the home, ready to track down the cat’s whereabouts.

He knocked on every home on the neighborhood requested. Time after time, each resident was oblivious to any black cat delivery. He sighed as he finally reached the last home, a smaller house from the others as he knocked on the door. A man opened the door and explained that he did receive a strange box and that a cat had sprung our scaring him half to death. Unfortunately the cat ran from him and escaped into the neighborhood as he wasn’t expecting such a thing to seemingly pop out of a delivery box. Gattsu decided it was best to explore the area in that case and see if he could have any luck finding the cat that was featured on the photo. Unfortunately, he didn’t have a clue where to start or look as he suddenly noticed a cat playfully chasing what seemed to be a piece of trash. Gattsu immediately went to it and low and behold, it was Kuro! However the cat was wary of him and ran off with Gattsu in pursuit. ”Damn he is fast!” he thought, the cat bolting and jumping as if it was ninja trained himself. This wasn’t going to work, he had to think of something else. He decided an indirect approach was best, hiding suddenly in view of the cat. Kuro looked around suspiciously, wondering where the boy went. Suddenly Gattsu jumped from behind the cat and grabbed him quickly. Success he thought! Kuro defensively clawed and scratched at Gattsu, forcing the boy to place the cat in his bag for safety. One cat found, time for delivery.

He returned to the home of the lady with cat in bag. It had been a more tedious mission than he had imagined but not too difficult. Unfortunately, he ended up with claw marks and scratches all over his face and arms. Back an animal into a corner and they will always attack he thought to himself. Upon arriving the woman was in tears at her beloved Kuro’s return. She offered to help Gattsu clean his wounds which he flatly refused, not really one to enjoy physical contact with another human being. He watched the cat lovingly purr against his family, he had obviously missed his mother as well. Gattsu immediately stated that the mission was complete and left the house, not one for socializing. He sighed deeply, wondering how he went from the mercenary life to hunting for missing cats. Upon his return to the Academy, a messenger pigeon arrived from the ladies behalf, stating that Gattsu had successfully completed his mission and with payment to both the Academy and Gattsu. He was a strange mission he thought, but at least he could knock out another mission in his records. He would need far more experience, even with trivial tasks such as this one if he was to move up in the world. He was fine with getting dirty and performing these ridiculous missions if it meant success in his record and improvement in the future. One step at a time he thought. What a strange day.

Word Count: 1014

Current Ninpocho Time: Saturday, 15. Mar, 06:13:17
