Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:


Ninpocho Admin

Staff member
Jan 15, 2013

The Earthborn are perhaps the most tranquil of the four elementalist types, although when angered, they hold a grudge like no other. Their use of earth jutsu is both offensive and defensive at the same time, allowing them to be very balanced combatants.
Earthen Barrier - Passive (3 points)
Earthborn with this power have mastered the ability to create walls of earth around them, making them stronger and more resilient than ever before. These walls of earth can be massive, limited only by the energy put into them.
Effect: Whenever the user casts an Offensive Earth Technique, they create a Barrier that blocks Elemental and Physical damage against a single attack, The Barrier’s HP is equal to 1/4 of the Base Damage of their attack. The user may only have one such barrier up at a time. If the user already has an Earthen Barrier on the field, the 1/4 Base Damage of the new attack is instead added to the existing one’s HP. Any Earthen Barriers still on the field disperse at the end of each round. Barriers gained this way are not lost when the user makes an attack. This does not make the Offensive Earth Technique into a Barrier Technique.

Ground Impact - Jutsu Modification (3 points)
Restriction- Requires Gravel Shift
By disrupting the ground when calling upon the earth, the Earthborn causes the ground to shake and roll beneath the enemy’s feet. These impacts seem as small tremors, but are extremely efficient at disrupting the enemy's movements, making them much easier targets for the Earthborn.
Effect: When using Gravel Shift, the user may choose to instead pay 2% of their max CP to target an additional target. Both targets will suffer Gravel Shift's Dodge penalty for a full 3 seconds after the hit, regardless of other factors, and for those hit their next attack will automatically be treated as one rank lower. Cannot be used on Airborne targets.

Care of the Earth - Passive (3 points)
Due to their bond with the earth, as long as an Earthborn ninja is on the ground, they become tireless, constantly regaining strength. Their ability to absorb energy from the earth itself, their ability to do so is increased when nestled in it.
Effect: The user regenerates 2% of their max HP per round. This does not apply if the user is Airborne.

Earth Blessing - Ability Modification (3 points)
Restriction- Requires Weapon Attunement
Earthborn ninja are much like their favored element: steady, tough and strong. With this comes enormous power, giving them the strength to do monstrous amounts of damage in physical combat, limited only by their bond with the element.
Effect: The user's equipped weapon is treated as Earth element and gains all associated damage boosts and penalties, in addition to those from Weapon Attunement.

Wrath of Earth - Dependent Special Move (3 points)
Through their bond, the Earthborn calls upon the power of the earth, summoning strength before hitting with one devastating blow with all the fury of the ground. This takes them some time to perform, but the end result can be devastating.
Effect: By adding .5 AP, the user may 'overcharge' any Offensive Earth Technique in order to double its Base Damage and increase its chances of activating secondary effects by 15%. All normal buffs to the Technique's damage are applied after this. However, the amount of CP used is also doubled, and the Technique cannot be maintained even if it normally could. Techniques overcharged in this way are treated as one OOC rank higher and subject to all associated restrictions. This cannot be used on A-Rank Technique, and may be done once per round.

Gaia Style - Chakra Style (2 points)
The earth grants the Earthborn a great deal of their strength, and this can show up extremely well in their own fighting style. The impacts of their blows backed by the power of the Earth can rattle the bones of any opponent, and the earth itself seems to shield them from any drain on their chakra.
Effect: While active, the user's Offensive Earth Techniques that fully hit cause the victim to suffer a -1 Dodge penalty for 10 seconds. This may stack up to two times per target; additional inflictions reset the timer. Additionally, the increased chakra costs from all effects on the user (both self-inflicted and externally inflicted) are cut in half. (Example: If a Special Action would normally cost +20% CP of the base cost, it now costs the user +10% CP of the base cost.)
Note: Like any other fighting style, this can be turned on or off at the user’s discretion or lack thereof.

Terran - Passive (1 point)
Restriction- Can be purchased three times
Earthborns' natural connection with the earth causes their abilities with it to be heightened and empowered. An Earthborn with this skill will find their Earth jutsu more effective than others', and themselves with an inner peace.
Effect: +5% Earth damage.

Stone Tomb - Dependent Special Move (2 points)
The power of earth can be used to protect or to destroy. This jutsu is the epitome of that, summoning a giant enclosure of stone to trap the enemy or protect the user--or perhaps shield a wounded ally.
Effect: When casting any Offensive Earth Technique, the user may choose to transform it into a stone barrier that encases one single target of their choice, that blocks damage matching the accuracy type used(eg, an Earth Taijutsu gains DR against Physical and Elemental Damage and a Earth Ninjutsu protects against Elemental Damage). Creates a Barrier that has HP equal to 90% of the Base Damage the attack. The user may also choose to use any Earth barrier this way (including Earth-infused Nature's Guard and similar) creating a Barrier that has HP equal to 100% of the Base Damage instead. This technique is cast at the same accuracy and CP cost of the original technique; barriers are cast at +0 accuracy. Barriers gained this way are not lost when the user makes an attack.

Smack Down - Dependent Special Move (2 points)
With their natural inability to target those in the air with so many of their techniques, it isn't surprising many Earthborn have developed an innovative way to put an end to that particular handicap. Even if it does, essentially, mean throwing rocks at their opponent. After all, that's what they're best at.
Effect: When using an Offensive Earth Technique, the user may pay +20% CP in increase set the Offensive techniques Suppression chance to +50% upon a full hit. If the target struck is Airborne, being hit with this removes their Airborne status.

Stone Body - Passive (1 point)
Restriction- May be purchased twice
The superb talent the Earthborn has in shaping the Earth extends to their attempts to animate it. An Earthborn's stone and other associated creations frequently seem as though they simply will not go down.
Effect: The user's Earth Clone and Creation Techniques gain +10% Base HP.

Earth Contagion - Independent Special Move (2 points)
Few think of the Earth as corrosive or degrading, but they would be wrong. While overt strength is one mark of an Earthborn's power, so too is the ability to take a hit and make the opponent wish they hadn't made it, as the Earthborn can force them into leaving themselves open to attack far more easily that way. It isn't safe to take the fight to the earth itself, after all.
Effect: The user activates an aura around themselves for 1.5 AP and 800 CP. While active, the first attack that fully hits them or which they fully hit with every round will decrease the target's Dodge cap by 1, and increase the length of any Dodge penalties active on the victim by 5 seconds. This applies once per round per enemy, and costs 400 CP/rnd to maintain.

Animate Earth - Earth Ninjutsu (1 point, 1 to rank up)
Restriction- A-Rank and up
The connection of an Earthborn with their native element is near-legendary, and perhaps the strongest of any of the elements. This can become extremely apparent with their fine control of the ground itself, enabling them to call it to rise up and shape itself to their advantage. Facing an Earthborn on their own terrain can be daunting indeed--especially since, by definition, any terrain can become their own.
Rank 1: The user transforms the battlefield, taking control of the ground on it. All Offensive Earth Techniques gain +10% damage and +2 accuracy. Enemy Clone and Creation Techniques spawn with 90% of their Base HP. Enemies are +10% more likely to be Suppressed, and have -2 Dodge against Called Shot chances.
Rank 2: The user transforms the battlefield, taking control of the ground on it. All Offensive Earth Techniques gain +15% damage and +3 accuracy. Enemy Clone and Creation Techniques spawn with 80% of their Base HP. Enemies are +10% more likely to be Suppressed, and have -2 Dodge against Called Shot chances.
Cost: 3 AP, 3000 CP, 1500 CP/round to maintain
  • This is considered a Terrain Technique.
  • May be maintained for up to three rounds.
  • Hostile and Allied Targets must pass a Ninjutsu Check against the user at -2 in order to cast an Arena Technique,
  • Hostile and Allied Targets have a -2 to any checks to replace this Terrain technique with their own.

Ninpocho Admin

Staff member
Jan 15, 2013
The Earthborn are perhaps the most tranquil of the four elementalist types, although when angered, they hold a grudge like no other. Their use of earth jutsu is both offensive and defensive at the same time, allowing them to be very balanced combatants. 
[quote][B][U]Earthen Barrier[/U][/B] - [I]Passive[/I] (3 points)
Earthborn with this power have mastered the ability to create walls of earth around them, making them stronger and more resilient than ever before. These walls of earth can be massive, limited only by the energy put into them.
[B]Effect:[/B] Whenever the user casts an Offensive Earth Technique, they create a Barrier that blocks Elemental and Physical damage against a single attack, The Barrier’s HP is equal to 1/4 of the [I]Base Damage[/I] of their attack. The user may only have one such barrier up at a time. If the user already has an [I]Earthen Barrier[/I] on the field, the 1/4 [I]Base Damage[/I] of the new attack is instead added to the existing one’s HP. Any [I]Earthen Barriers[/I] still on the field disperse at the end of each round. Barriers gained this way are not lost when the user makes an attack. This does not make the Offensive Earth Technique into a Barrier Technique. 

[b][u]Ground Impact[/u][/b] - Jutsu Modification (3 points)
[i]Restriction-[/i] Requires [url=]Gravel Shift[/url]
By disrupting the ground when calling upon the earth, the Earthborn causes the ground to shake and roll beneath the enemy’s feet. These impacts seem as small tremors, but are extremely efficient at disrupting the enemy's movements, making them much easier targets for the Earthborn.
[b]Effect:[/b] When using [i]Gravel Shift[/i], the user may choose to instead pay 2% of their max CP to target an additional target. Both targets will suffer [i]Gravel Shift[/i]'s Dodge penalty for a full 3 seconds after the hit, regardless of other factors, and for those hit their next attack will automatically be treated as one rank lower. Cannot be used on [i]Airborne[/i] targets.

[b][u]Care of the Earth[/u][/b] - Passive (3 points)
Due to their bond with the earth, as long as an Earthborn ninja is on the ground, they become tireless, constantly regaining strength. Their ability to absorb energy from the earth itself, their ability to do so is increased when nestled in it. 
[b]Effect:[/b] The user regenerates 2% of their max HP per round. This does not apply if the user is [i]Airborne[/i].

[b][u]Earth Blessing[/u][/b] - Ability Modification (3 points)
[i]Restriction-[/i] Requires [url=]Weapon Attunement[/url]
Earthborn ninja are much like their favored element: steady, tough and strong. With this comes enormous power, giving them the strength to do monstrous amounts of damage in physical combat, limited only by their bond with the element.
[b]Effect:[/b] The user's equipped weapon is treated as [i]Earth[/i] element and gains all associated damage boosts and penalties, in addition to those from [i]Weapon Attunement[/i].

[b][u]Wrath of Earth[/u][/b] - Dependent Special Move (3 points)
Through their bond, the Earthborn calls upon the power of the earth, summoning strength before hitting with one devastating blow with all the fury of the ground. This takes them some time to perform, but the end result can be devastating.
[b]Effect:[/b] By adding .5 AP, the user may 'overcharge' any Offensive Earth Technique in order to double its [i]Base Damage[/i] and increase its chances of activating secondary effects by 15%. All normal buffs to the Technique's damage are applied after this. However, the amount of CP used is also doubled, and the Technique cannot be maintained even if it normally could. Techniques overcharged in this way are treated as one OOC rank higher and subject to all associated restrictions. This cannot be used on A-Rank Technique, and may be done once per round.

[b][u]Gaia Style[/u][/b] - Chakra Style (2 points)
The earth grants the Earthborn a great deal of their strength, and this can show up extremely well in their own fighting style. The impacts of their blows backed by the power of the Earth can rattle the bones of any opponent, and the earth itself seems to shield them from any drain on their chakra.
[b]Effect:[/b] While active, the user's Offensive Earth Techniques that fully hit cause the victim to suffer a -1 Dodge penalty for 10 seconds. This may stack up to two times per target; additional inflictions reset the timer. Additionally, the increased chakra costs from all effects on the user [i](both self-inflicted and externally inflicted)[/i] are cut in half. [i](Example: If a Special Action would normally cost +20% CP of the base cost, it now costs the user +10% CP of the base cost.)[/i]
[i][b]Note:[/b] Like any other fighting style, this can be turned on or off at the user’s discretion or lack thereof.[/i]

[b][u]Terran[/u][/b] - Passive (1 point)
[i]Restriction-[/i] Can be purchased three times
Earthborns' natural connection with the earth causes their abilities with it to be heightened and empowered. An Earthborn with this skill will find their Earth jutsu more effective than others', and themselves with an inner peace.
[b]Effect:[/b] +5% Earth damage.

[B][U]Stone Tomb[/U][/B] - Dependent Special Move (2 points)
The power of earth can be used to protect or to destroy. This jutsu is the epitome of that, summoning a giant enclosure of stone to trap the enemy or protect the user--or perhaps shield a wounded ally.
[B]Effect:[/B] When casting any Offensive Earth Technique, the user may choose to transform it into a stone barrier that encases one single target of their choice, that blocks damage matching the accuracy type used[I](eg, an Earth Taijutsu gains DR against Physical and Elemental Damage and a Earth Ninjutsu protects against Elemental Damage)[/I]. Creates a Barrier that has HP equal to 90% of the [I]Base Damage[/I] the attack. The user may also choose to use any Earth barrier this way [I](including Earth-infused Nature's Guard and similar)[/I] creating a Barrier that has HP equal to 100% of the [I]Base Damage[/I] instead. This technique is cast at the same accuracy and CP cost of the original technique; barriers are cast at +0 accuracy. Barriers gained this way are not lost when the user makes an attack.

[quote][b][u]Smack Down[/u][/b] - Dependent Special Move (2 points)
With their natural inability to target those in the air with so many of their techniques, it isn't surprising many Earthborn have developed an innovative way to put an end to that particular handicap. Even if it does, essentially, mean throwing rocks at their opponent. After all, that's what they're best at.
[b]Effect:[/b] When using an Offensive Earth Technique, the user may pay +20% CP in increase set the Offensive techniques Suppression chance to +50% upon a full hit. If the target struck is [i]Airborne[/i], being hit with this removes their [i]Airborne[/i] status.[/quote]

[b][u]Stone Body[/u][/b] - Passive (1 point)
[i]Restriction-[/i] May be purchased twice
The superb talent the Earthborn has in shaping the Earth extends to their attempts to animate it. An Earthborn's stone and other associated creations frequently seem as though they simply will not go down.
[b]Effect:[/b] The user's Earth [i]Clone[/i] and [i]Creation[/i] Techniques gain +10% [i]Base[/i] HP.

[b][u]Earth Contagion[/u][/b] - Independent Special Move (2 points)
Few think of the Earth as corrosive or degrading, but they would be wrong. While overt strength is one mark of an Earthborn's power, so too is the ability to take a hit and make the opponent wish they hadn't made it, as the Earthborn can force them into leaving themselves open to attack far more easily that way. It isn't safe to take the fight to the earth itself, after all.
[b]Effect:[/b] The user activates an aura around themselves for 1.5 AP and 800 CP. While active, the first attack that fully hits them or which they fully hit with every round will decrease the target's Dodge cap by 1, and increase the length of any Dodge penalties active on the victim by 5 seconds. This applies once per round per enemy, and costs 400 CP/rnd to maintain.

[b][u]Animate Earth[/u][/b] - Earth Ninjutsu (1 point, 1 to rank up)
[i]Restriction-[/i] A-Rank and up
The connection of an Earthborn with their native element is near-legendary, and perhaps the strongest of any of the elements. This can become extremely apparent with their fine control of the ground itself, enabling them to call it to rise up and shape itself to their advantage. Facing an Earthborn on their own terrain can be daunting indeed--especially since, by definition, [i]any[/i] terrain can become their own.
[b]Rank 1:[/b] The user transforms the battlefield, taking control of the ground on it. All Offensive Earth Techniques gain +10% damage and +2 accuracy. Enemy [i]Clone[/i] and [i]Creation[/i] Techniques spawn with 90% of their [i]Base[/i] HP. Enemies are +10% more likely to be Suppressed, and have -2 Dodge against [i]Called Shot[/i] chances.
[b]Rank 2:[/b] The user transforms the battlefield, taking control of the ground on it. All Offensive Earth Techniques gain +15% damage and +3 accuracy. Enemy [i]Clone[/i] and [i]Creation[/i] Techniques spawn with 80% of their [i]Base[/i] HP. Enemies are +10% more likely to be Suppressed, and have -2 Dodge against [i]Called Shot[/i] chances.
[b]Cost:[/b] 3 AP, 3000 CP, 1500 CP/round to maintain
[list][*]This is considered a [b]Terrain[/b] Technique.
[*]May be maintained for up to three rounds.
[*]Hostile and Allied Targets must pass a [b]Ninjutsu Check[/b] against the user at -2 in order to cast an [b]Arena[/b] Technique, 
[*]Hostile and Allied Targets have a -2 to any checks to replace this [b]Terrain[/b] technique with their own.[/list][/i][list][/list][/quote]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
