Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Edict of the Black Dragon Society [S-Rank]


New Member
Apr 2, 2013
Team Mission said:

Mission Rank: S
Location: Inner and Outer Maruishi ICLY (OOC: Outer Maruishi or Mission Area)
Brief Mission Synopsis:
A hidden and dark society called the Black Dragon Society is known to exist even in the deepest roots of the Iwagakure structure. Search and purge.

Don't ask for any more details. Just trust my creativity. Everything will be explained ICly as the story proceeds which will be more fun.

1. Rabieru (Mission Mod; Guardian)
2. Souji (Guardian)
3. Inu Endo (Leader; Non-branch)
4. Uka (Med-Nin)

Requirements: Epic RPing Skills, S or A Rank OOC, 48-hour Post Rule
OOC Notes: I'll be modding the mission but we might also add in modded battles. I'm still thinking about it!

[Prologue Music Theme – Always a Must]
Spring came forth upon country, greeting the skin with a gentle touch of warmth and the sun smiling its bright rays down upon the earth. The winds danced playfully through the city streets as the new season came about, filling each heart with joys and hopes for the new year. There was a pleasant scent of flowers and freshness that lingered in the air, tingling the senses. It’s was a wonderful day and people began to slowly gather into the enormous courtyard which was outlined by cherry blossom trees and flurries and swirls of pink filled the square, making the children giggle and run about as they tried to catch the petals that flew about them. Yet within this atmosphere of happiness and warmth, there were some who just couldn’t laugh and instead had to clench their teeth to avoid tears. Within the giant building that stood in the middle of the courtyard, with everyone waiting before it, a child held hands with his parents inside a pitch black room with absolutely no light. Reflected off the big, watery pupil of the child kneeled a man and a woman, their faces smeared with blood and dirt, and their hands cuffed behind their backs. They seemed clinging to their lives, barely able to look at their helpless child who now stood in front of them with a red ruby pendant in his hands.

”Stay strong, Hikari-kun.”

The mother said weakly, forcing something that seemed like a smile. Almost exactly after the woman finished her words, the wooden doors opened with a loud creaking noise, the bright sunlight blinding the eyes. A gigantic black silhouette appeared and grabbed the chains that bounded the hands of the mother and father, dragging the two out into the open stage accompanied by the rattling sound of chains that also bound their feet, leaving only the child standing within the room as he now watch his parents put in front of a crowd of thousands like slaves for sale. There was much clamor and whispering in the air as the mass talked about each other, all shooting sharp looks at the child’s parents. It was not long before an old man, appearing to be a noble appeared on the stage, speaking before the audience.

”Criminals Nagami Keitaro and Nagami Reina are to listen! I hereby, under the order of the 22nd Daimyo of the Earth Country, place both of you under public execution for committing treason. Any last words? Carry on.”

Silence filled the scene as thousands of mouths came shut and parents were busy covering the eyes of their children. But the black haired child stood in shock as he now watched the big black silhouette, who now under the sun showed the appearance of a big, muscular, and dirty-looking man, close to a juggernaut than human, slowly unsheathe his sword that looked like a gigantic butcher knife. The grinding of metal could be heard as the sword came out of its house and rose high in the air, glistening as the sunlight reflected off its face. The child did not even blink at this moment and kept silent, his heart beating a pace so fast he could barely stand. It was during the instant that the sun hid behind the clouds, creating a shade over world that the blade came down with a force, cutting two necks at once. Two heads rolled on the stage and a terrifying scream filled the courtyard. The cry came from the young, black-haired child as he just witnessed the death of his parents and the voice was filled with anger and sadness, an emotion that most could not understand. The high-pitched cry gave the chills to the crowd, clawing at their eardrums, and forcing all to cover their ears. It was unbelievable how such sound came from such a small body. Quickly, the juggernaut knocked the kid unconscious, sending him into a world of darkness.


Daimyo Complex (Location: Earth Country Capital)

The Daimyo’s Complex. The day was still bright being only two in the afternoon and sunlight entered the large hall which held a very high ceiling and mosaic windows on both sides allowing colorful sunlight to seep into the area, creating a sort of religious atmosphere. Four beings now walked through this hall, in the very front, Inu Endo, the Tsuchikage himself, followed by Uka the Medical Sennin and two of the finest Guardians of Iwagakure standing at both sides. At the end of the hall was a large golden gate designed with imprints of mythical creatures such as dragons, Kirin, and images of the gods that humans have thought to seen. The doors were shut and its presence would cause those who neared it, to be oppressed by the gigantic size and the feeling of superiority that it emitted as if it protected the path towards forbidden grounds. In fact it would only lead to a deeper corridor, but it remained unwelcoming and was guarded by two men. The man on the left had white hair, loosely tied in a ponytail and wore red armor and the noticeable features were the strange tattoos near his eyes and pale skin. The man standing on the right wore golden armor and his chestplate held the form of a lion’s head and the man himself wore a helmet that represented a lion’s mane. Rabieru’s cold blue eyes scanned both as the group now stood directly in front of them. Just by looking at the way they both stood, he could tell that they weren’t normal guards because there were absolutely no openings and he could sense that they held great amounts of energy. With Inu Endo in the lead, the doors creaked open, showing another corridor with some sort of red curtains seeming to be placed at the very end. That was probably where the Daimyo of Earth Country sat, waiting for her invited guest. [Music at this point!] But as the group advanced with Endo being the first to enter the inner hall, the two guards simultaneously extended their arms, crossing the hilt of their swords to create a barricade, separating Endo from the rest of the team. The lionhead on the right then looked at the remaining three shinobi with an arrogant look that disgusted Rabieru, before speaking to them in a deep voice, ”Only the Tsuchikage shall proceed from here on.” ’What the fuck were these clowns up to?’ Making a step forward so that he was now in front of Uka, the Medical Sennin, Rabieru stood with his brown wooden cane in his hands, staring at the lion guard with his usual cold look. On this day, he wore his strange, overfit white suit as usual, his black monkstraps, and his black gloves. The trade of glances towards each other only lasted a few seconds before the White Guardian slammed the cane onto the ground, sending a force of gravity that repelled everything outwards from him. The push wasn’t too strong but threatening and would have sent normal people flying a few hundred feet. As expected, there were no normal people in the hall and all figures would be able stand their grounds. White bangs on Rabieru’s head fluttered as well and when it settled down gently back to its face, he noticed that two blades were now crossed at his neck. In the very instant that his cane had touched the ground, the two guards had unsheathed their swords and raised it upon the White Guardian’s neck. Not normal swordsman. Yet, not flinching or more a bit, Rabieru spoke, "Wherever the Tsuchikage goes, the Guardians follow. That is the protocol.” There seemed to be a snicker that came in reply as the red-armored guard now spoke, in a tone that was very different from the lion guard’s, almost close to hissing, "Well, you’re inside the House of Daimyo right now. So play along with our rules before things get messy, eh? Shi-no-bi.” The grip on the cane became tighter as the Guardian clenched his teeth. In his personality, he would have already punished the pale samurai and cut his tongue but he suppressed the urge because he was under the presence of his Kage and Sennin and it seemed that they were called for some serious and urgent matter. What would the fellow Guardian Souji do in this situation? The Guardians had duties and pride in their positions and the samurais seemed to be looking down upon them and taunting them. Without anymore words, Rabieru simply waited for the Tsuchikage’s orders.

OOC said:
Okay people, doesn’t matter who posts first. After, we follow a post order and each person should post within 48hours of the previous person's post. Nothing strict, let’s just have some fun.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Dressed in his officially termed, Kage robes, the green based cloak covered all but Endo's equally colored eyes as he himself turned back around and merely muttered a simple command. "They're with me, I'd appreciate it if you allowed them to pass." It was simple enough and if these guards knew much of anything then they'd allow his party to pass. If the Daimyo was the leader of the political head of the country then the Kage was the strongest of the muscle classes needed to enforce its rules. There wasn't much that Endo himself couldn't command outside of the obvious but he still liked to play by the rules. As it stood today, they were being summoned for something rather important and he himself wasn't exactly in the know of what it was but he certainly was all about getting to the task, assessing the situation and handling it. He was a busy man and but even though he was a Kage he still had to do his rounds like everybody else. The team assembled today had some basics covered but how things would turn out would remain to be seen. He was Main Branch front line bred, they had the recently elected Medical Sennin along with two Guardians . . . with oddly coincidental code names. The irony wasn't lost on Endo but he went along with things anyway. Adjusting his glasses from behind the veil of his cloak he really wished that they'd get a mosey on it though, as well stocked as they were, arriving late to the party still yielded no dance with the princess.

OOC: Short, simple and to the point, I love the mission forward though.


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
When was the last time she had left the hospital outside of going home to collapse into a sleep like death? Uka couldn't remember anymore and even less so the last time she had been on a mission, let alone something like this. The fact that the Tsuchikage was a part of it was already something amazing, completely ignoring the fact that they had also asked for the medical sennin to join as well, not that she believed her knowledge was any more than that of her colleagues. They had been given little information and it was starting to irk her. Something as serious as this meant she had to be serious as well, hence her wearing her black suit. For anyone that didn't know the new Uka it would seem like something normal, but to her it meant danger was coming.

The Sennin quietly followed the Kage until the two guards intercepted her. "Calling for our help and then running our mouth are we?"<i></i> She said calmly, a slight grin gracing her lips as she placed a gloved hand onto Raibeu's shoulder. Now wasn't the time to make a scene and even less so to get into an argument, especially one which could turn ugly really quickly. Samurai and Shinobi had never really seen face to face and nothing was going to change that, not now especially. If Raiberu were to look at her she would just lightly shake her head in a gesture to stop. As much as the actions of the supposed guards were completely inappropriate this was neither the place nor the time.

"As you heard we'll be proceeding. If you have any trouble with that take it up with your leader later."<i></i> Uka said quietly after her Kage had given his command. Taking into account the situation every second mattered and leaving the leader of your country later was a stupid thing to do in her mind. The sennin would continue after her kage whether or not the guards liked it. Whether or not she would win a fight against them was far beyond her, but dodging a couple of attacks was something she could do without a doubt no matter how skills the opponent was. If they were to try something stupid that was exactly what she planned on doing - dodging. However there just wasn't any cause for worry. After all it would be on the guards heads if something were to happen here and the people summoned by the Daimyo were to be late.

[Topic Entered]
[I am aware it is a crappy post and I apologize for that. Thank you for your understanding.]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
