Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Mission Escorting the Merchant (C-Rank SSM)

Jun 12, 2020
OOC Rank
Phoenix Gate.jpg

A mission was assigned! Karasu along with Jirou just got the message from the Fourth Hokage that an approved C-Rank mission from the Hokage was assigned to them. A caravan of merchants were traveling to the Leaf Village but they never arrived. No one has seen or heard from them in a couple days. They were last seen entering the outer village. Now it was up to Karasu and Jirou to find them and the goods they were transporting. Karasu was excited that she got a mission. She was also happy that Jirou and Kashikoi were assigned to the same assignment too. They did work well together and the current and former Hokage both probably knew that, which is why they were put as a team. Karasu was on her way home because she had to get ready and gather all her things. Jirou and Kashikoi were not far behind. She opened the door to her home hoping to see her dad and tell him about the mission. She called out to him but no one answered. “He must be working at his shop.” she said with a frown. She then headed straight for her room to get ready.

She took a quick shower and got dressed. She made sure she had her pouch on and a small backpack. She also had her trusty katana with her as well. After she was all set she decided to write a note for her dad stating that she, Jirou and Kashikoi would be going on a mission. Her mind would start to wander about the mission they were assigned. She hoped the merchants were ok. She knew sometimes being on the road outside of villages can sometimes be dangerous. She heard a sound and her thoughts came back to her home. She figured Jirou and Kashikoi must have arrived. They were most likely getting ready. She went to make some sandwiches because she didn’t know how long they were going to be gone. It might be just a day or even longer if the merchants ran into any real trouble. It is quite possible that their wagon broke down and they need help fixing what the problem is so that they can continue to the village with the goods.

Karasu thought she heard a bark and she smiled thinking Kashikoi might be getting a bath too. She grabbed the bread to begin making the sandwiches. She was making extra for Kashikoi thinking he may get hungrier than her and Jirou. He was a growing pup. She filled his sandwiches with extra meat. She also got some juice boxes and water for them. She felt she forgot something then remembered to grab some fruit too. Bananas and apples along with a few oranges. “There I think this is all good. We should be able to stretch this out for at least a couple days. “ she said to herself. She called out to Jirou to tell him that she made some sandwiches for all of them. She hoped he could hear her since she was not too close to his door. She heard a bark from Kashikoi acknowledging that they heard. She imagined the young wolf pup wanting to eat them now. She shook her head thinking she would need to make sure the pup understood that they need to make all the food stretch so they will have enough, just in case their mission extends longer than expected.

She did take a rice ball in hand and started to munch on it. She looked at her rice ball then shouted toward Jirou’s room. “We can get food to go as well. That way we won't be hungry when we arrive.” She placed three bags with food on the table then put her bag in her backpack. She looked around making sure she didn’t forget anything. “Right looks like we're all good. “ She called out once more to Jirou. “I’m gonna head to the Phoenix Gate now. I’ll meet up with you there. Your food is on the table. I’ll see you both there.” With that she took off and headed for the Leaf Village gate where they would exit the village. She passed a few shops here and there and waved to the shop owners. In the distance were the huge green gates. They were so large it made Karasu look like a mouse. She nodded at the guards as she went up to them stating she was waiting for Jirou and Kashikoi and that they were leaving with permission from the Hokage on a mission. Once the gate guards looked over her credentials and certified that she had permission they gave her the ok. Now all she has to do is wait for Jirou and Kashikoi to begin their mission. She was ready more than ever and couldn’t wait to get on the road.

[WC: 812]
[TWC: 812/4000]
[PC: ⅛ ]
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Jirou and Kashikoi were being given a C-Rank mission. He had run all the way to the Hokage Mansion when he got the call. He ran right into the assistant who handed him the scroll at the same moment that she was exiting the Hokage’s office, “This is for you. The Hokage is entrusting you with this very important mission.” The assistant walks away to distribute the remaining scrolls that she has. Jirou and Kashikoi sat down on a bench outside of the Hokage’s office and opened the scroll. Karasu had also been assigned to the mission and they were… ‘tasked with finding what has happened to the caravan and returning it to the village with the merchants making sure they are safe and the goods safe for trade with the village.’ There was a caution to be prepared to meet with resistance. This was an actual C-Rank mission. Jirou was so excited he could barely contain himself. “We need to get home and get ready for our mission, Kashikoi. Karasu is coming too.” Kashikoi yips excitedly as they both start for home.

All the way home Jirou is making a mental list of what he will need for the mission. They would be outside the village and depending on where they found the wagon and the party of merchants it might take them more than a day to return to the village. On entering the house he thought he heard Karasu in the kitchen. Calling out he says, “I am going to shower and get ready.” Kashikoi yips and goes into the bedroom to wait. He was bouncing with excitement and ready to go on the mission. Jirou emerges from the shower getting dressed once he dries off. He double checks the pouch making sure that he has everything afterwards equipping his sword and his chakra blade. He had his village papers in his backpack and a change of clothes. It never hurt to be prepared and a mission was where one wanted to make sure they were prepared for anything. That should be it as he carried the backpack out to the kitchen to pack up the food that Karasu had made for them, “I heard Karasu say that she left food on the counter. Let's get that and head on over to the Phoenix gate. We sure don’t want to be late for our very first mission.” Kashikoi jumped up putting his paws up against the counter hoping to snag his bag of food now. He could certainly eat his bag now. Waiting to eat was simply not the pup’s style. Instead Jirou said very firmly, “No, Kashikoi. This has to last us and we don’t know how long we will be gone.” Kashikoi whimpers disappointed while Jirou packs away their two bags, afterwards zipping his backpack closed and putting his arms through the shoulder straps, “Okay we are ready here. Let’s get going.” Adjusting the leaf headband on his head they both leave the house ready to face whatever they were to face on this mission.

While they walked Jirou could not help but wonder what they would find on this mission. What had happened to the caravan? Were the merchants all right? He started to imagine any number of possible scenarios. He wanted very much to complete this mission successfully, especially after the recent Anbu class. He knew that he could have done better and wanted a chance to prove himself. This would be that chance he hoped as both Jirou and Kashikoi continued down the lanes and past the many shops until they came up before the massive Phoenix gates. The gates had always impressed him. He did think that they could use a fresh coat of paint though. The paint was peeling and it was looking weather worn. He could see that Karasu had already arrived. Taking his papers out he approaches and shows them to the guards, “I am ready to go when you are. Shall we get underway then?” After a moment spent verifying his identity and that permission to leave the village had been given, the guard returned the documents and added. “I wish you both success in your mission.” Kashikoi bounces on his paws happily and makes a last stop to water a bush growing behind the security booth before returning to Jirou’s side. Jirou smiles at Karasu taking his documents back and putting them back inside his backpack, “Let’s get going. We have a merchant’s caravan to find and no idea what has happened to them. It's just us so I don’t really think we need one of us to act as a team leader. Besides, we work well together. Anyway let’s find that caravan.”

[WC: 787]
[TWC: 787/4000]
[PC: ⅛ ]
Karasu was waiting for Jirou and Kashikoi to come to the Phoenix gate. She didn’t have to wait long when she saw Jirou and the young pup trotting along toward her. She smiled at them and petted Kashikoi. “Hey boy you ready for the mission?” she said as she ruffled his fur. The guards wished them well as now they were off. She heard Jirou say there was no need for a team leader. She nodded. “Of course we both are assigned this mission and no one was named to lead. We will communicate with one another and give suggestions to each other when it’s needed.” she smiled as she walked. “We should get there at the end of the day most likely. Hopefully the merchants are ok and it’s just something simple like their wagon has broken down. “ she said hopefully. Still it’s dangerous for them to be out too long which is why we are heading out there.” They continued to walk at a good pace, staying aware of their surroundings. Once in a while they would hear rustling of bushes from animals in their natural habitat. They were going at a good pace only to stop to go to the bathroom. If they got hungry they ate as they walked to not lose any time.

It’s been a while since Karasu has been out of the village. She thought back to when she was a little bit younger with her father on this very road when they were attacked by bandits. If not for some Leaf Shinobi she and her father would have been left for dead. It was the start of a new beginning for them because it was what led them to stay in the Leaf Village. She looked at Jirou “Are you glad you are finally on a mission. I mean it’s not everyday we get to leave the village. I was just thinking about when my dad and I were attacked by bandits and Leaf Shinobi found us. I was never more relieved and then my life changed after we got out of the hospital.” she paused when she heard more rustling behind bushes. She used her sensory abilities to see if there was anyone there. She looked to Kashikoi and Jirou to see if they could smell a scent of anyone. She got out a kunai and slowly stepped toward the bushes. She figured that Jirou and Kashikoi were scoping things out as well. When she got to one of the bushes she saw a startled rabbit who ran away quickly at the sight of them. She looked around to see if there was anyone else but it appeared it was a false alarm. “Looks like it was just another animal in the bushes. Poor little guy was probably scared of us.”

They continued back on the road after making sure they were in the clear. The sun was starting to set and that let them know they were getting close to where the caravan of merchants should be. So far their travels showed no signs of trouble. Karasu was glad but wondered if the merchants were ok now that it was getting later. “We should be getting close now. From the reports they were last seen in the Land of Fire. Let’s try and hurry our pace that way we should get to the merchants sooner rather than later. Hopefully it will before it turns completely dark. I know these roads can be very dark and creepy at night.” she mentioned to Jirou and Kashikoi. The roads were long but Karasu was determined to get there in time. About an hour passed since the sunset and it was now darker than she liked. She thought she heard Kashikoi make a sound. She looked at the young wolf pup and saw his ears spring up and his nose already in action. “Do you smell something Kash?” she asked as it seemed the wolf pup had a scent to go on. She looked to Jirou as Kashikoi led the way.

She followed Kashikoi and in view saw something just ahead. The shadows of the trees inside the darkness made it hard to identify what was ahead until they got closer. She saw people scattered around and a wagon that looked like it had been ransacked. “They must be the merchants." She ran up to each of them to see if they needed any medical help. She would let Jirou and Kashikoi investigate the area. She had a small med kit with her. She wasn’t a medical ninja but she did know how to patch up smaller wounds. The merchants looked like they were beaten up badly. Still Karasu bandaged them up the best she could. “There you go sir.” she said to a man who looked to be in his mid fifties. He was shaken up and his arm was broken. Karasu put a sling on him and used some medicinal herbs to put on the wounds. The man was grateful for the medical aid then asked her “Are you from the Leaf Village? We were supposed to deliver some medical supplies to the village before we were attacked by some thugs.” Karasu nodded to the man and said “Yes we are from the Leaf. We were sent to find out what happened to you. I’m glad no one was killed. Still we need to make sure everyone is taken care first. Was there anything taken after the attack?” she asked. The man nodded “Yes all our medical supplies. The thugs took it all. Our wagon’s legs have been damaged but I think we can fix that. But now that our supplies are gone we won’t get paid for our services.” Karasu looked at the man “Don’t worry sir that is also part of our mission to make sure the supplies are intact and delivered safely.” She looked around and knew that it was too dark to go wandering around at night looking for the perpetrators. “We should make camp and get up right at dawn.” she said then started to make a fire with wood she found after all the merchants were assisted medically.

[WC: 1032]
[TWC: 1844/4000]
[PC: ²/₈]
Kashikoi yips happily when he is petted by Karasu. Jirou was happy that he had been trusted to go out on this mission. When he hears what Karasu says about getting there by the end of the day he nods his head in agreement. “It also depends where they broke down or if they were stopped by force. It could be that the caravan was hijacked. We need to be ready for anything. We should also be prepared for injuries. I hope that there won’t be any casualties among the merchants.” Jirou picks up the pace suddenly feeling an urgency to get to the caravan. Kashikoi moved on up ahead sniffing at the various smells and remaining alert for sounds outside of the normal sounds of animals going about their business. Naturally Kashikoi would also take the opportunity to mark their pathway at various intervals. While they walked Jirou was also observing the skies and the birds for anything that seemed out of the ordinary. Nature could be very revealing if one knew how to read the signs.

Jirou was not hungry. He was focused instead on getting to the merchant’s caravan and assessing the situation. There would be time to stop and eat on the way back. Right now the mission before them was uppermost in his mind. When Karasu asked him if he was glad about going on a mission, Jirou nodded towards her listening to what she said about her own arrival in the village, “I remember being found outside on the road before the village but not much else. I was told that I slept for a week in the hospital. Kashikoi stayed right with me the whole time. After that I got asked questions to make sure that I wasn’t some spy. Once they decided that I was safe, the Hokage gave his permission that I could stay. My whole life had changed almost in the blink of an eye. That is something that I will never forget.” Jirou grew silent while the trio continued following the road the merchant caravan would have taken to get to the village. When Jirou saw Karasu draw her kunai to investigate a rustle in the bushes, he stood his ground sniffing the air to get the scent of what was hiding in the bushes. “Be careful, Karasu. It could be a viper.” Kashikoi is already at the ready sniffing the bushes. Before the startled rabbit can run too far from its hiding place, Kashikoi pounces on the rabbit and with a swift bite breaks its neck. A soft crack of bones breaking can be heard. Kashikoi trots back carrying the limp form of the rabbit in his mouth. He had proudly caught their dinner that he placed before Jirou whose task it was to clean and prepare the carcass for cooking later. Jirou smiles and does exactly that wrapping the carcass up and placing it inside his backpack. He does say to Karasu and Kashikoi, “Great job at defeating the ninja rabbit. We will have dinner tonight.”

As he spoke those words Jirou knew that dinner was not so far off. The sun was setting and they still had not reached the caravan. He was getting a bad feeling about this as he said after checking his map, “We have no real idea where along this route they may have either stopped or been stopped. I can see here on the map that there is a split in the road ahead. They may have gotten lost and taken the wrong road. That split in the road is still a good distance from us. We should stay alert the closer we get.” It was getting even darker now and Kashikoi took the lead. As Jirou’s own eyes adjusted to the growing darkness, he looked over towards Karasu. “We will find them. We should be arriving at that split in the road soon.” It was then that he caught the scent of several in the area. So did Kashikoi apparently as he faced the direction that the scent was coming from. His own eyes peered into the darkness. The pupils of his eyes opened completely and he was able to make out several shapes in the distance. “Karasu, there is something ahead. We need to move forward cautiously. Let’s go Kashikoi.”

It would not be until they got even closer to the scene that they would see a broken wagon on its side with what looked to be clothes and personal belongings scattered across the grounds. There were several who were sitting on the ground, their heads in their hands. It became clear that injuries had been sustained. Jirou took out his own medical kit from his backpack. He holds it out for Karasu to take when he sees that she has already started to tend the wounded, “Take my medical kit as well. You may need the extra supplies.” When Jirou hears the injured man tell Karasu that they were attacked and the medical supplies were stolen he adds introducing himself first, “I am Jirou, this is Kashikoi and Karasu is the one tending your wounds. We are from the Leaf sent to find out what happened when you did not arrive at the expected time. We will find the medical supplies for you. Would you be able to tell us which way they went with the supplies?” The man shook his head and said, “I was struck in the back of the head. I am sorry.” Jirou nods and says to him, “It is all right. You are safe now and we will make a camp for the night here with you.” Turning to Karasu he adds, “Kashikoi and I are going to look around the perimeter and see if we can pick up their trail. We won’t be going far. Even if we do find a trail we will probably have to wait until morning to follow the trail. We need to make sure that the caravan stays safe from any threats tonight. They are injured and will need to rest and regain their strength if they are to fix their wagon.” Jirou and Kashikoi begin investigating the perimeter of the area. With noses to the ground and ears attuned to the slightest movement they followed the road away from where the wagon was. The footprints were less of a jumble and seemed to take off down the road at a run. Based on how two sets of footprints were set further into the soil he could determine that two of the members at least were weighted down. It was those who were likely carrying the stolen goods. The footprints were fresh and headed in the direction of Crater City. He could only hope that the thieves would also stop for the night and that the lead they already had would not be too great by the time the morning came. He would return to the wagon and Karasu to let her know what they had found, “I have some news. We were able to pick up their trail. We also found a pile of cigarette butts in the bushes not far from the road and in perfect view of the caravan as they approached. Pretty sure one or more of the members was there laying in wait. Other than that I counted five sets of footprints. Two sets were set deeper in the soil. That would suggest that they were carrying the stolen goods. The footprints were headed down the road which goes to Crater City. We will need to set up camp and hopefully the thieves will do so as well. Tomorrow we can see if we can track them down and retrieve the medical supplies while the merchants repair their wagon. I will take the first watch. Then Kashikoi and you can. For now we should cook and eat the rabbit that Kashikoi got. We are happy to share our food with the merchants as well.” Kashikoi gives Jirou a mean face when he mentions sharing their food. Jirou adds on to Kashikoi, “Don’t worry boy. Your food is your own.” Kashikoi sits down appeased and waits for his dinner.

[WC: 1366]
[TWC: 2153/4000]
[PC: ²/₈ ]​
Karasu took the rabbit that Kashikoi had killed and put it on a rotating stick above the fire that she made. As the fire crackled she saw Jirou make some rounds guarding the area. It was really dark now and she hoped that the attackers were setting up camp too. If so then they could follow the tracks that Jirou and Kashikoi found. The merchants seemed to be alright and not badly hurt. They were more scared and helpless. The merchants said that the wagon could be fixed. That will have to be done in the morning while She, Jirou and Kashikoi track down the attackers. Once the rabbit was cooked She got out her kunai and cut it up into pieces to share with everyone. She Took a bite of it and giggled “Taste like chicken” she grinned. She could hear the animals moving at night and wondered if the young wolf pup was going to go hunting again. She was appreciative of the food but knew that it might be best if they could get as much rest in for the night before they set off in the early morning.

After everyone ate She went to get some rest since Jirou and Kashikoi had the first watch. She hoped she could sleep. It’s been awhile since she had to sleep outside. Not since she was younger and on the road a lot with her father trying to find a more permanent place to live. She did fall into a dreamless sleep only to wake up later to get up for her round of guard duty. She brushed herself off then then used her sensory abilities to see if she could sense any chakra or people close by. It appeared that no one other than them were around. Only the animals were stirring at night. It was the dead of night but she was wide awake now. She wasn’t going to fall asleep on her watch. It was getting pretty chilly as the wind picked up. She watched as the trees swayed back and forth. The sound of the wind was whipping in the air. Karasu took out a jacket and put it on her. Karasu’s hair was blowing in her face. She was getting colder as the night moved on. She got up and walked around the perimeter to make sure everything was alright. Everything seemed all clear before she went back toward the fire which she kept burning to keep warm.

The darkness was slowly starting to fade and she knew it was time to get Jirou and Kashikoi up. It was best to leave at dawn so that they can catch up to the attackers. The fire was out a longtime ago having died in the wee hours of the night. She woke the merchants and told them that they were going to be off. “We have to track down the attackers and get the medical supplies back.” One of the merchants nodded and said “We will be fixing the wagon while you are away. It should keep us busy until then. I think we will be alright since we don’t have anything of value anymore until you bring back the goods.” She nodded back toward him. “Yes you should be fine. Hopefully it won’t take us too long to get everything back and in one piece.” She looked at Jirou and Kashikoi to see if they were ready to go. They had to get a good start and there was no time to waste.

Once they were on the move she saw the footprints that Jirou and Kashikoi had seen when they arrived on scene. She also saw the cigarette butts on the ground. She made a look in disgust. She hated cigarettes. To her it was a nasty habit. “The footprints do look like they were heading toward Crater City. I've been there and it’s a pretty rough place to be. The city is crime filled but all the crime there is for the city only and not to go outside it. It's some sort of contract they had with the Fire Country." As they headed following the footprints they took an unfamiliar turn. They were heading away from Crater City like a detour until they reached a heavily forested area. Karasu used her sensor abilities to see if she could sense any chakra or people. Her eyes widened when she found someone not far ahead. “There is someone here.” she said quietly. She couldn’t see where they were exactly, only that they were nearby. But at first it looked like a dead end. She figured that Jirou and Kashikoi could smell the scent of them. The problem was that the only thing in front of them was a mountain that was covered in a lot of vines. Karasu once again checked to see if the attackers were close. “I keep sensing they are behind that mountain somehow.” she frowned. She got closer to the mountain and pulled the vines away. There they found a hidden cave and the footsteps led inside. She turned to Jirou and Kashikoi and nodded, giving them a sign to show that the attackers must be inside.


The cave was long and winding and Karasu made sure she was careful to avoid making any noise. She also checked to see if there were any traps that would have notified the attackers that they were located. Karasu put up two fingers to show that there were two people close by. She crept slowly as possible. In the cave there were vines hanging from above. She looked up but nothing was there. She knew that they needed something to take the people by surprise. They were close and she could see them. They were chatting softly to one another. Around them were the medical supplies that they took from the merchants. She listened closely as one of the men spoke. “Oh yea we are going to make a killing off these medical herbs. I’m no medical ninja but these herbs look rare. We can definitely make a good profit off of them. Those merchants didn’t know what hit them." She used hand seals to use a Genjutsu against both men. The Verge of Darkness which made the thieves vision turn all black. She did that so that Jirou and Kashikoi could then attack without the thieves being able to see where they are coming from. She hoped it worked as she waited to see how Jirou and Kashikoi dealt with handling the men.

[WC: 1092]
[TWC: 2936/4000]
[PC: ⅜ ]
Verge of Darkness used
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Jirou smiled and took the pieces of rabbit that Karasu had cooked. It was good and hit the spot after a long day. Kashikoi ate the food that Jirou set down for him. It was their shift to keep watch first and Jirou took up his watch while Karasu and the merchants slept. Jirou stayed at the edge of the camp letting his enhanced senses of smell and hearing keep him alert for possible intruders. He was wide awake and likely would not be sleeping even when it was time for Karasu to take over her shift. He was thinking about following the trail first thing in the morning and hoping that the thieves did not get too far ahead of them. The night air held a chill and Jirou brought firewood to add to the fire so that those who were sleeping would not become chilled. The night rolled on and at about three in the morning it was time for Karasu to take over the watch. While he watched her sleep he hated having to wake her up. What if she woke up grumpy and tried to hit him. As it turned out he wouldn’t have to wake her since Kashikoi was busily licking her face and she woke up at his urging. Raising his cup to her he nodded, “Moorrning there, sleepyhead. Ready for your shift while I get a couple hours rest before we need to start out after those thieves? I want to get an early start. I am hoping that we can get those supplies back today.”

Karasu took over the watch while Jirou and Kashikoi laid down by the fire. These two could sleep anywhere and they did exactly that drifting into a deep sleep while the wind blew around them. Jirou pulled his coat around him and Kashikoi slept right beside Jirou lending his warmth to Jirou. There were even small snores coming from them and one had to wonder how they could sleep so soundly in such rudimentary conditions. As daylight replaced the darkness of the night, the sun’s warmth also drove the chill from the air. Jirou sat up straight stretching his limbs out and giving a large yawn. He looked around and stood up. He needed to go and so did Kashikoi. Both of them went a little distance away from the group to relieve themselves. Jirou was feeling much better when he returned to the camp. He heard what the merchants said and nodded to Karasu, “Once we have the medical supplies we will need to start for the Leaf village as soon as we return to the cart here. I counted five sets of footprints. We really should get going if we are to catch up to them.”

As they started away from the merchants who had already begun working to repair their cart, Jirou got down closer to the ground following the trail that had been left. The tracks moved forward quickly and then came to a stop. Standing up Jirou studies the tracks. The tracks start to follow a path that winds into the forest. That was not all though. He also noticed that some of the tracks were coming back out of the forest and then headed down the road towards Crater City. “Karasu. It looks like all of them went down this trail and then two maybe three of them came out again and are moving towards Crater City again. This could mean trouble if they return before we can retrieve the medical supplies.” Taking his map from his backpack he studies it again. “Crater City is at least half a day’s walk maybe longer. Let’s hope that we can get the supplies before they return. Maybe part of the group went to meet with someone who will buy the goods. Anyway let’s follow this trail and see if we can catch up to at least part of this group of thieves.” He walks on ahead keeping his ears, nose and eyes staying alert for unusual movement. When they reach what appears to be a dead end, Jirou and Kashikoi know that they are still ahead. He can smell them behind the vines. Jirou and Kashikoi follow the scent and find another pile of cigarettes near some stairs heading down into what looks to be a cave. Saying to Karasu quietly and pointing to the cigarettes, “Over here. These guys need to seriously quit smoking. This way.” Jirou and Kashikoi become very quiet as the three of them descend into the cave that had been lit with torches.

After walking down a good distance into the cave that had become a maze of tunnels, Jirou and Kashikoi led the way following the tracks before them. They stopped when they came to an open area with a makeshift camp set up at the opposite end. Jirou could clearly hear what they were saying clearly as he and Kashikoi stayed behind a rock near the entrance and Karasu was on the other side behind her own rock.

“It's about bloody time we get a haul this good. I have debts I need to pay. Those stupid merchants never saw us coming. Did you hear something?”

His partner annoyed and drunk answered back, “Pipe down will ya? There ain’t nothin’ here except some stupid bats. Speaking of which I really hate bats, Idiotic, blind rats with wings. What good are they anyway?”

Jirou was sick of listening to the chatter from these two. He has an idea and hopes that Karasu has the same idea. He gives the signal back to Karasu acknowledging her signal. Once they seem to be under the genjutsu and blind as bats, Jirou moves out from his position making the hand sign for a laser prison that comes down around the two successfully trapping the two thieving rats inside his cage. “I suggest that you not move. We will just be taking the items you stole off your hands. These supplies do not belong to you.”

One of the two blind rats calls out, “You are going to be very sorry. Who do you think you are anyway?”

Jirou answers them, “We are Shinobi from the Leaf Village. Those supplies do not belong to you.”

The other drunker blind rat answers back his tone belligerent and rude, “They are ours now and you will never get out of this cave alive. Our partners should be back at any time.”

Turning back towards Karasu he adds, “We need to focus on getting the supplies out of here and dealing with these men and their partners. He may be right that they are returning soon.”

[WC: 1112]
[TWC: 3265/4000]
[PC: ⅜ ]
Laser Prison used​
Karasu was able to put the Genjutsu on the thieves which gave Jirou and Kashikoi ample time to take over. She could hear the two men shouting. “Hey what’s going on everything went dark? Did the fire go out out? “ one of the men said as he got up to try and feel around him as if the fire was the reason behind their vision problems. Karasu inwardly snickered at them. She watched as Jirou used a laser prison jutsu on both of them. It was perfect as the laser prison surrounded the thieves. The thieves were shouting to let them go. They even threatened them that their partners would be coming back anytime. Karasu smiled and said “We're counting on it, but first we need to take care of all the supplies first. “ She knew the supplies would be too heavy to carry. She thought about the situation for a moment then she got an idea. “Oh the combination transformation would be good to use on the medical supplies. We can transform them into something easily lighter weight then carry them back to the merchants. “

She looked back at the thieves before saying “They are right. Their buddies will be coming back and that means we will probably need to split up for a short time. “ she paused then said “Tell you what. I will head to the merchants with the transformed supplies while you two stay here. We do need to make sure these guys are not in the way. We can’t let them make their buddies aware that they need help. So maybe we can knock them out and stash them somewhere. You might be able to with fang over fang or something similar. That gives a big jolt that should knock them out for a good while.” she grinned at Jirou. “We need to do things quickly as possible so that we can have the jump on the bandits that will be returning. “ she said knowing full well that Jirou was probably thinking around the same lines as her.

Karasu got started right away. She walked toward the supplies and thought about what she wanted to transform them into. She scratched her head thinking out loud. “Something really light.” Then an image came into mind and she snapped her fingers. “I got it.” Using hand seals she performed the combination transformation transforming the medical supply crate that was in front of her into a book. She went to each one there were four in total. Each looked like an ordinary book on travel. Nothing special that would make anyone think twice about taking it. It was also light weighted which made it perfect for Karasu to carry.

“I’ll be off since the merchant camp isn't too far away. I will hurry back as soon as I can.“ With that she picked up the books and started back out to the entrance of the cave. She looked around using her sensory abilities to make sure the other bandits were not around. When she got the all clear she ran out heading back to the merchants. It was not that far, but not too close. Karasu had to keep a good pace so she could get back to Jirou in time. She had faith that Jirou and Kashikoi could hold their own against those bandits but she didn’t like leaving them if they had to fight. Her going to the merchants was not abandoning Jirou and Kashikoi. It was an extension of the mission and she was going to return as quickly as possible. She could have stayed behind but she felt that if the supplies were around and they were defeated then they would have failed their mission. So separating the goods from the bandits was necessary. If the merchants were finished with their repairs they could head back to the Leaf Village that way they will be out of harm's way and the supplies will have arrived safely in the village, mission complete. “Don’t worry Jirou and Kashikoi I will be back. Stand your ground until I get back.” she said as she was running on the road.

Her mind was thinking back at the cave but she shook her head to bring her focus back on the present. She didn’t want to get ambushed all alone out here. Then she would be in big trouble. She followed the footsteps that she and Jirou originally used to head to the cave. Crater City was not far but still a good distance away. She calculated in her mind how long it would take if the bandits didn’t leave right away and how far from the cave they were. She also added the difference between the merchant camps and the cave. She knew it was a shorter distance from the cave and the merchant camp. She was counting on that to be a major factor in timing when she heads back to Jirou and Kashikoi.

She felt like she was running for days but she saw that she was near the merchants camp with the fork in the road. When she arrived the merchants were still repairing the wagon. They were almost done but still had a few things to fix before the wagon could be operational. One of the merchants saw her and smiled. “Oh you are back? I’m happy to see you are ok.” he smiled then looked around. “Where is your friend and the wolf? I don’t see them and I don’t see the medical supplies either.” he frowned.

Karasu smiled at him and said “Thank you I am alright and I’m glad you all have not been bothered since we left.” She paused then said “Jirou is still dealing with some of the bandits who took the supplies but not to worry. I have the supplies here.” She showed him the four books on travel. “These are under a jutsu that transforms them into something else. I’m not going to undo the jutsu just yet. I need you to hold on to these books. I see that you are still working repairs. Once you finish, wait an hour for us to arrive. If we do not arrive back at that time, then head to the Leaf Village and report to the Hokage. Tell her that the books are the medical supplies transformed. Also tell her that Jirou and myself were taking care of the bandits who ambushed you. That way the Hokage knows what is going on. Plus you and the supplies being safe and back in the village is the main objective of the mission. We are just tools and subordinates of the Leaf Village. This is our duty even if it means our lives. “

The merchant nodded understanding. “Alright I hope it doesn’t come to that but I do thank you for your service. Please be safe and I hope you come back before we have to leave and tell Jirou and his pet the same.” All of the merchants nodded in agreement and said their farewells just in case it was the last time they would see Karasu. The Genin smiled “I will tell them, Now I better let you all continue with the repairs. I will be heading back now.” With that she handed the merchant the books and took off back toward the cave. She hoped she wasn’t too late. She needed to get back to Jirou and Kashikoi. She didn’t know if the bandits would find out that their partners in crime were taken out of the picture and it really was a trap that she and Jirou had planted. Only time will tell and the faster she got there the better it would be for them. She knew that three bandits went to Crater City probably to find a buyer for the medical supplies. Three on two if she included Kashikoi might be doable but three on three would be better. She ran as if her feet were lightning flash. Karasu could never forgive herself if anything happened to Jirou and Kashikoi. She knew the risks as they do, but still they were family and she didn’t want to lose anymore family.

[WC: 1364]
[TWC: 4300/4000]
[PC: ⁴/₈ ]
Used Combination Transformation
Jirou is studying the boxes and after attempting to lift one he realizes that they are too heavy to lift much less try and carry them all the way back to the merchant's wagon. Picking up four rocks from the cave floor, Jirou sets them down beside the crates of medical supplies. “Before you change the crates into something that will be easier to carry, let me first change these rocks into duplicate crates of the originals. That way when the thieves return they will think that they still have the medical supplies.” Making the hand seals Jirou then turns each rock into an exact duplicate of its corresponding crate. Once he is done Karasu is free to do her own jutsu on the original crates. Having finished transforming the crates into transformed books she picks up the four ‘books’ and starts to make her way out of the cave and back to the merchants. Calling after her he adds, “Leave these two to me. They won’t know what hit them. Oh and be careful.”

Once Karasu has left the cave Jirou turns back towards the two inside his laser prison, “It is time for you two to go to sleep. Don’t worry this won’t hurt… much. Get ready Kashikoi.” The two inside the prison had been silent. It was only now that one of them decided to speak up, “Can’t we talk this over? Maybe make a deal?” Jirou shook his head, “I don’t make deals with criminals.” With that he made the laser prison disappear and without hesitation he and Kashikoi smashed headlong into both of them using their Fang over Fang technique. Both of the thieves were on the ground unconscious before they could even blink. It was a perfect strike with the thieves dropping down like bowling pins. Jirou got to work securing them both with rope and gagging them with two cloths that he secured so they would stay quiet in the unlikely event that one or both of them woke up before their friends returned. It was then that he got an idea of his own. He would make himself and Kashikoi look like the two he had just knocked out. That might buy him some time should their friends return before Karasu does. Once he had them secured Jirou with Kashikoi’s help dragged each of them over behind some rocks. He had chosen these rocks because they were against the farthest cave wall both away from the entrance and where he was going to be sitting at while he waited for their friends. As he was dragging the second chunkier thief behind the outcropping of rocks he said to Kashikoi, “This one really needs to lay off the starches. He is a fat one.” Standing up once he has finished he then makes the hand seals transforming himself and then Kashikoi into twin versions of the thieves. It was a move designed to buy time should the thieves arrive before Karasu. “Remember Kashikoi you need to stay very quiet while we look like this. We just have to wait now.” Kashikoi nodded and yipped back towards Jirou.

While they waited Jirou started running over strategies and scenarios in his head. He hoped that Karasu would make it back to the merchants safely. He hoped that she wouldn't run into the thieves. Three against one would make it a very difficult fight for her and she might be captured or worse. He shook his head not wanting to think about the ‘worse’ option. Still this was their duty and death was something that they faced on any mission that they undertook. He would protect the village and fight any threats to the village and his family. This was his ninja way. Jirou stoked the embers of the campfire while his ears and nose remained alert for the sound of returning footfalls. Kashikoi looked towards the entrance having caught the sound of several voices. Jirou heard them too and knew that it was not the sound of Karasu coming. He really hoped their little ruse worked while he waited for them to arrive. Watching the entrance of the cave Jirou watched and listened. The footfalls and voices became louder the nearer they came to them. It was not long before the remaining three of the thieves' gang emerged from the tunnel opening. The tallest man led the way. He was well dressed and wore a headband with a scratch marked through the metal plate. Jirou could not make out the symbol that was scratched through. Was this a rogue ninja? The man spoke up when he saw them, “Good news. We have a deal. I told you to have faith. Now let’s get these supplies ready to roll out. Was there any trouble?” Jirou shook his head as he studied the three now inside the cave. He needed to buy time. If this was a rogue ninja he certainly could not underestimate his abilities or those of his two friends.

[WC: 835]
[TWC: 4100/4000]
[PC: ⁴/₈ ]
Jutsu Used:
Combination Transformation
Fang over Fang
Last edited:
Karasu was still a ways away from the cave. She was glad that she dropped off the supplies successfully, but now she had to get back to Jirou and Kashikoi. She hoped the bandits didn’t get there until after she did. That way they could plan how they want to ambush them. She was still too far out of range to use her sensory abilities. She ran as fast as she could but it felt like forever. Her heart was beating fast as she continued to run at a steady pace. Dark clouds started to form above showing that rain was going to fall any minute now. Rumbling in the sky could be heard from the thunder. It was a good thing that she memorized exactly where the cave is. She knew the rain would wash the footprints away. Karasu heard something in the bushes and she looked over to see who it could be. Using her sensor abilities she didn’t sense anyone, just animals. The forest was filled with all kinds of animals.

The rain fell down like a tsunami, Karasu’s hair was all drenched. The ground was getting muddy and it was easy to slip if Karasu wasn’t careful. Normally she liked the rain but when she had to get somewhere in a hurry it could be a bit debilitating to the ground and environment, which can hinder her movements slightly. Her mind was focused in front of her moving as fast as she could through the turbulent storm that was coming through. The wind picked up at high speeds which also hindered Karasu. She was unable to go at the faster speed she previously was at. Now was not a good time for the change in weather. She needed to get back to Jirou. She just hoped she could get there in time.

She hated the fact that the weather would be giving her a challenge. The wind must be going at fifty miles per hour. She hoped the merchants were alright, thinking that this weather will impact them as well. This was the time that she wished she knew the jutsu in a children's story her mother had told her when she was very little. The jutsu was a rain repellent and also worked well against the wind too. Karasu shook her head. “That’s just a story” she said as she pushed through the wind and rain trying to make her way toward the cave. She wasn’t even at the fork yet where the road split toward Crater City and the cave. Everything seemed to slow down but Karasu finally made it to the fork. She was closer now but not close enough.

After what seemed like forever Karasu finally saw the cave. She needed to get in there for shelter as well as for Jirou. When she reached the entrance of the cave she shook her hair out of her face. She was glad to be out of the rain. There was a loud sound coming from the tunnel. It was further off but Karasu knew that something wasn’t right. She used her sensory abilities and sensed the chakra of three big men who unlike the first two men they knocked out, had Shinobi abilities according to the chakra that she has sensed. She hoped that Jirou and Kashikoi were alright. In her mind she was telling them to hang on because she was coming. She needed to be very quiet going through the tunnel. She didn’t want to tip the bandits off. The noise was getting louder and louder which confirmed to Karasu that they must be fighting.

[WC: 604]
[TWC: 4904/4000]
[PC: ⅝ ]
Jirou was now faced with the prospect of having a conversation with the rogue ninja and his cronies. Keep things very general and he just ‘might’ get away with it. It was a long shot but he had to at least try. Kashikoi had to stay quiet if they were going to pull this off. This could go sideways very quickly if the gang starts to get suspicious. After a moment's pause Jirou says, “Just bored here outta’ our minds. What took ya’ so long?”

The gang leader answers back after staring at him, “I got you another carton of cigarettes. That is coming out of your cut.”

Jirou answers back with feigned annoyance, “Yea hand it over already.”

The leader is staring at the two and looks briefly at his two cronies on each side of him. Looking towards Kashikoi he asks, “You aren’t talking much. Usually you are chattering on when you run out of cigarettes.” Kashikoi stares at the leader while Jirou thinks quickly and answers back, “Uh I made him a bet he couldn’t stay quiet until he got his cigarettes. He was driving me crazy with his endless chatter.” Kashikoi stares at the one asking questions and manages to stay silent for the moment. A feat that was not at all an easy one for the young wolf.

It is slowly becoming clear that the leader is not buying it. Tossing the carton for Kashikoi to catch, he says. “They didn’t have the unfiltered. Deal with it.” Kashikoi is clearly not expecting the catch and instinctively tries to catch it in his mouth. A catch that in his present form was clearly impossible. The carton falls to the ground and Kashikoi goes to all fours to pick it up. The leader blinks when he sees the move, “What in the hell is wrong with you today, Matsu?” Jirou realizes that this is not going well and tries to cover, “Stop messing around, Matsu. We need to get these crates to the buyer and I need a drink.”

The leader has a smile spread across his face when he hears what Jirou has said, “Yes that is right, Matsu. Enough of this. Who in the hell are you two? Because I know for damn sure you are NOT Matsu and that is definitely not Natsu. So what is it that you two are playing at? My guess is that you must be Shinobi if you look like two of my crew.” The three of them enter into a battle ready stance. Jirou knows full well that the ruse failed as he releases the jutsu revealing themselves, “We are Shinobi and we are here to take back the supplies that you stole.” The leader blinks when he realizes that his crew had been beaten by a kid and his mutt, “You think that you have what it takes to beat me? Let’s just see what you are made of. Shall we then?”

The rogue shinobi made the first move and it becomes clear that he is skilled in using Earth based jutsu. This was not going to be an easy fight. The rogue ninja creates a ripple in the ground like the earth beneath their feet is the surface of a lake. A wave of stone and gravel rises up from the ground. This wave rushes towards Jirou and Kashikoi attempting to crush them beneath the pressure of the stone and gravel. Without thinking about it Jirou and Kashikoi drop to all fours and with their speed and reflexes they initiate a tunneling fang aimed at the three before them. The fight is on as their opponent adds, “Oh this will be fun. It has been a while since I have had an actual challenge. Bring it on then.”

[WC: 632]
[TWC: 4732/4000]
[PC: ⅝ ]
Jutsu Used:
Tunneling Fang
NPC Rogue Ninja Used:
Earth Flow Wave​
Karasu would use the active camo technique to have a stealth presence as she continued through the tunnel of the cave. The closer she got the louder the noise became. She didn’t want to expose herself so she made sure she was very quiet. When she finally arrived on scene she saw that the ground that Jirou and Kashikoi were on collapsed around them. She knew right then and there that these were no ordinary bandits instead they were a rogue ninja and one had the Earth affinity. She also saw the other two rogue ninja who both had swords on them were going after Jirou and Kashikoi to attack them. Karasu then made a hand signs creating three lightning based clones.

The three clones of Karasu went straight for the two rogue ninja that were carrying the swords. The clones then made hand signs of their own and lightning torrents came channeling out of their fingertips toward the two rogue ninja. The real Karasu watched on as she figured that Jirou and Kashikoi will get the Earth style ninja. The two rogue ninja were hit and were disoriented for a bit but it didn’t take them down. They recovered from the lightning torrent and turned to see the three Karasu clones staring at them.

“You...the three of you. I see the real you is hiding somewhere. But we will take care of all of you. “ the rogue ninja with a red scarf said as he grinned at the Karasu clones.

“Yea we were Chuunin from Iwagakure. We aren’t gonna fall so easily to some brats like yourselves. In fact I think you all are pathetic. “ said the other rogue ninja who had a blue shirt on.

Karasu clone one smiled cheekily at the two rogue “Pathetic...You must be talking about yourselves. Being from the Stone village doesn’t impress me. Also you guys had the nerve to steal medical supplies from merchants. Talking about pathetic. To stoop so low as Shinobi to steal from non Shinobi. You don’t know the meaning of being Shinobi. No wonder why you left. You are disgraceful to the world of Shinobi!”

She minced no words as she looked at the rogue ninja. Her words apparently upset them more and they came charging at the clones with fury in their eyes. Each clone moved to try and surround the two rogue ninja. Both rogue ninjas were swinging their swords at the clones. Karasu clone three tried to roll away but the sword of the rogue ninja with the red scarf got her in the abdomen, which made the clone poof away.

Karasu clone two was able to dodge the sword of the rogue ninja with the blue shirt. Which left Karasu clone one eyeing the rogue ninja that made clone three disperse. Now it was the two Karasu clones against the two rogue ninja. The eyes of the rogue ninja were greedy and sinister. The Karasu clones stood their ground as the rogue ninja came after them. They were not as graceful with their sword like Karasu was with hers but she figured it was because they were so much bigger than she was.

“Little girl you are going down!” said the red scarfed rogue ninja to Karasu clone one

Both Karasu clones reached for their sword and got in a defensive stance ready to take on the two rogue ninja. This was no training drill like she had back in the academy. This was the real deal. Karasu was ready and remembered all her lessons for situations like this. She kept her focus steady as fighting was all around them in the cave. She wanted to see if Jirou and Kashikoi were alright but she dare not take her eyes off the two rogue ninjas.

[WC: 633]
[TWC: 5537/4000]
[PC: ⁶/₈ ]
Active Camo Used
Elemental Clone Used
Lightning Torrent Used
Jirou and Kashikoi slammed hard into the rogue ninja who had sent the earth flow wave to crush them both. As they each rolled to one side and got to their feet, the Earth style ninja showed no signs of letting up. He did notice that the other two ninja were occupied with three clone ninjas of Karasu. His sense of smell found Karasu hidden behind some rocks. He gathered that this was a deliberate move to gain the element of surprise. This gave Jirou time to focus on the ninja in front of them. There was no way that this guy was going to get past him and Kashikoi. It would seem that the odds had just shifted in their favor. The Earth ninja noticed this too and made a hand sign for an Earthen Coating that drew up the hardest minerals within the ground beneath his feet to give him an advantage against whatever strikes the Inuzuka and his wolf might throw at him. His skin darkened and he watched as the boy manifested an elemental cloak that surrounded his body. This was an instinctive reaction as the spirit within him moved to protect him from harm.

The Earth Ninja smiled and moved to create an Earth golem from within himself. Expelling the earthen and stone creature from his mouth he would let his large creature destroy the Jinchuriki and the wolf, “You are way out of your depth here boy. None of you will leave this cave with your lives.” Jirou remembered that Earth is weak against lightning attacks and that was exactly what he would fight this ninja with. Making the hand sign for the Zeus flash, Jirou sends a spear of lightning towards the Earth style ninja while Kashikoi charges after the rock golem with a fang over fang. “Do not underestimate us. It will be your undoing.” The spear of lightning struck the Earth style ninja and caused some of his earthen armor to fracture. The ninja faltered and moved to fill in the cracks in his earthen armor. Another hit like that and he might be in some real trouble. The great rock golem attempted to smash the wolf with its massive arm. The rock golem was fast considering its size and composition. Kashikoi managed to escape getting smashed though it was a bit close for comfort. The ground shook from the reverberation of that massive fist striking the ground. This fight was on and Jirou was not about to slow his efforts. They were definitely no longer in the training arena at the Academy.
Earth Golem - Resized Smaller.png

Jirou had not wasted the time he spent waiting. He had examined the cave and the various natural formations. This rock golem was massive and faster than one would think. They were going to need to stay out of range of that creature's massive arms. The Earth style ninja shouted to his cronies, “If you fail you will be answering to me for your failure and you know that I do not tolerate failure.” Turning his attention back to the boy he looks him over, “A wannabe Shinobi, a mutt and a girl with some clones. If this is the future of the Shinobi, then the Shinobi are in serious trouble. That is fine. I will happily bury you and your mutt.” Jirou answers him back, “Not without a fight you won’t. You stole from merchants goods and supplies that do not belong to you. These are not the actions of Shinobi. You are petty criminals and you must face the consequences of your actions.”

One of the other ninja’s overhears and interjects, “Ooh I am scared. These kids think they are the law or something.”

The Earth Style Ninja laughs, “The young believe many things that are simply not true.”

Jirou and Kashikoi were focused on the Earth style ninja and the rock golem as they continued the battle. This was their job and they must not fail the Leaf village and the mission that they were assigned.

[WC: 671]
[TWC: 5403/4000]
[PC: ⁶/₈ ]
Jutsu Used:
Jinchuriki Cloak Activated
Zeus Flash
Fang over Fang
NPC Rogue Ninja Used:
Earthen Coating
Rock Golem​
Karasu’s two Elemental clones were left against the two ninja. The real Karasu came out to take advantage of the numbers against the two rogue ninja. She saw that Kashikoi and Jirou were taking on the leader who created a rock golem. She had to take care of dumb and dumber first before she could go and help out Jirou and Kashikoi. She didn’t think the two ninjas saw her come out of her active camo, so she figured she would be able to get the drop on them while they were fighting her clones. Her clones kept steady going into a defensive stance as both of the rogue ninja stormed after them.

The red scarfed ninja went after Karasu clone one with such speed that he became almost like a blur and it made the clone’s attempt to dodge impossible.. The clone recognized the Taijutsu technique as the Vanishing Slash. The clone knew she was in for it as she tried to get out of the way but she felt the swift slash across her chest before her form dispersed into thin air.

Simultaneously Karasu clone two was fighting the rogue ninja with the blue shirt. She was having a hard time too as the strength of the rogue ninja was evident. He was going blow with blow with the clone but he was backing her up with force. He used a Taijutsu technique against her. It was a bludgeoning style that Karasu recognized as Carpe Diem. From what Karasu could see he binded the clone which in turn not let her escape the punishment that was coming from the blue shirt rogue ninja. Then with a precise strike to the mid section the blue shirt rogue ninja struck Karasu clone two and the clone made a loud pop sound and disappeared.

Now it was only Karasu left. She was hoping to lend Jirou and Kashikoi a hand while her clones fought the two rogue ninja but they have shown that they were stronger than she anticipated. The two rogue ninja looked at Karasu and laughed at her.

“Did you think those pathetic clones would defeat us. Obviously you got a lot to learn. “ The blue shirt ninja said then looked at his buddy with the red scarf. “I think we need to teach this little girl what real ninja’s are. “ they both continued laughing menacingly. The red scarfed ninja looked at Karasu and said “This is no game girl. I would say go back to your mama but you kids are in over your heads and we can’t let what you did just go. Time to meet the reaper. There’s no going home for you.”

They started going after Karasu and the young Genin had to think fast. She clasped her hands together making hand signs as fast as she could before the ninja got to her. “Lightning Beast” she shouted out and a big lightning panther appeared and started to run at the blue shirt ninja. The lightning panther being streamed from Karasu’s hand as the panther attacked the ninja. The screams from the blue shirted rogue ninja was just as loud as the lightning outside the cave. The blue shirt ninja was down and bleeding. He was out of it killed by the panther.

The red scarfed ninja was swinging his sword at Karasu which she successfully dodged. She rolled out of the way but was able to swing her hand toward the direction of the red scarfed ninja, which the panther who had already mauled his buddy with the blue shirt now came after him. The rogue ninja saw his buddy dead on the ground from the panther and quickly tried to get away from the lightning panther.

He was able to dodge the panther making the big cat land on a rock. The dodge may have worked this time but the panther just shook it off and leaped from the rock with such a velocity that the rogue ninja had nowhere to avoid the attack. He swung his sword with desperation but the lightning panther’s teeth gauged into the neck of the rogue ninja. The panther was too strong for the rogue ninja as the blood oozed out from the neck. The rogue ninja had seen his last days and Karasu got up brushing herself off.

“Nah don't think so but it looks like you are the one seeing the Reaper.”

[WC: 737]
[TWC: 6274/4000]
[PC: ⅞]
Elemental Clone Used
Lightning Beast Used

Rogue Ninja Used:
Vanishing Slash
Carpe Diem
The Earth Ninja sent the golem after the brat with its wolf, “You think that you can escape my golem. I would send you home to your playpen, but you will never be leaving this cave alive. It looks like all your training is for naught. Now be a good lad and die already.” Jirou has no intention of dying as he answers him back, “What do we say to the God of Death? Not today. Not today. So do not count us out just yet.” As he says those words he can see that the two who Karasu has dealt with are down for the count, “It is time that we finish this.”

Jirou knows that he has his hands full with the golem before him and the Earth ninja schmuck who created it. Jirou and Kashikoi roll out of the way of the massive swings from the golem. Jirou knew that to take out the golem they needed to take out the ninja that created it. The problem was that the golem was huge and its swings were blocking access to the ninja. He was certain that was exactly the plan. Jirou transforms fully into the Jinchuriki spirit that is within him. He knows that the chakra of his guardian spirit can be incredibly toxic. Jirou plans to make use of this and use this power to corrode and damage the bodies of both the golem and the Earth style ninja.

Jirou gives the signal to Kashikoi who immediately executes a tunneling fang that goes beneath the feet of the golem. The movement causes the golem to lose its balance and fall over like a great lumbering beast. Before it has the chance to regain its footing Jirou charges after the Earth style ninja having channeled chidori lightning into his chakra blade. It was a strategy that would send a lethal blade of lightning straight through the earthen coating and into the flesh of the Earth style ninja.

The Earth Style Ninja watched in horror as his golem went down and the Jinchuriki was upon him. The combination of attacks would prove to be too much for him as the Earthen coating started to fall away. Jirou had sent the lightning blade through the earthen armor and into his chest. He knew that the wound was a mortal one and it felt to him as though his life was being drained away from him. The wolf kept after the golem refusing to let it get to his feet. How had they let these brats get the better of them? The Earth ninja collapsed to his knees, the lightning blade within his chest and the life draining from him. The Earthen armor had fallen away and his golem was collapsing into the pieces of dirt and rock that it had come from.

As the eyes of the Earth ninja closed for the last time, his golem returned to harmless bits of dust, rock and earth. Kashikoi decided to relieve himself on what was left of the mound proud of what he had done. Jirou had done it with the help of Raiden, the spirit within him and Kashikoi. As soon as he was sure that the Earth ninja was indeed dead, he withdrew his blade and returned it to the sheath on his belt. He was exhausted and knew he was going to need some time to recover. He looked around for Karasu and asked her, “Are you alright? You were not hurt were you? Good work taking those two out. We had our hands full with their leader and the golem he had made.”

[WC: 606]
[TWC: 6009/4000]
[PC: ⅞ ]
Jutsu Used:
Elemental Manifestation - Stage 3
Life Corrosion
Chidori Control (Special Action - Chidori Blade)
Tunneling Fang
NPC Rogue Ninja Used:
Earthen Coating
Rock Golem​
Karasu was able to finally finish off the two rogue ninja. She was exhausted as she tried to catch her breath. Her eyes looked on at the dead ninja. This is the first time she killed someone. She didn’t know how she was supposed to feel. She self reflected on it and understood that this was the Shinobi way. Killing would never be something she liked doing, but certain times like today, she knew there was no option. It was her duty as a Shinobi. She saw so much death and destruction growing up but the death of her mother was what affected her most. She used to be angry and set upon vengeance, but her new family along with her dad had taught her that life can be meaningful. As she looked on at the dead ninja, she knew that there is always a choice when it comes to one’s path and they chose wrong in their lives.

She looked over to see if Jirou and Kashikoi needed help. She was surprised when she saw Jirou who looked different than he normally did. She saw the image of a huge Samurai cloaked over Jirou as he just struck the leader of the rogue ninja with a chakra blade. She saw the golem that started to fade away when the rogue ninja was killed and Kashikoi doing his business over the mound of rocks that was formerly the golem. She shook her head at the wolf pup but let out a small giggle. She was in awe of Jirou’s power. She never saw anything like it. She watched as the cloak of the Samurai disappeared and Jirou was there left standing looking normal.

Karasu looked at Jirou when he asked her if she was alright and asked if she was hurt. She smiled and was so happy that both of them were able to make it out alive. She nodded and replied back as she rushed to him. “We did great!” She attempted to give him a hug and a kiss on the cheek. As she was going in for the kiss on the cheek her head accidentally moved to a position and kissed Jirou on the lips. Her eyes widened on the mishap and was about to pull away but Kashikoi the young wolf pup seemed to decide that he wanted in on the action too. He jumped up and gave both of them a big wet kiss making it a three way kiss for all of them.

Karasu pulled back quickly wiping her mouth, “UGGGGGGH Kashikoi what you do that for?” she said as she did her best to wipe the taste of disgusting wet dog tongue from her mouth. She also didn’t look Jirou in the eye because she was really embarrassed. They just kissed but it was an accident. She meant to only kiss him friendly on the cheek yet she accidentally kissed him on the mouth. 'How was she ever going to talk to him again?' She hoped Kashikoi’s stunt made Jirou forget about the kiss. She looked at the fake medical supplies and tried to focus attention on that. “I think we can undo the Combination Transformation on the medical supplies.” she said pointing at the rocks.

Karasu turned to Jirou. “We need to see if the merchants need help getting back. There is a nasty storm outside. I could barely move around in it as I was coming back. If it’s still going on then the merchants will definitely need our assistance. “ Karasu started to walk out of the cave once she felt they finished what they had set to do there. Now it was for them to get back to the merchants. The wind and rain was fierce as she exited the cave. She tried to run as fast as she could but the wind was pushing her back.

What took longer than she wanted they finally reached the merchants who fixed the wagon, only to be restricted by the wind and rain. “We are here now we will help you get back to the Leaf Village” she said through the turbulent weather. The merchants were happy to see them and welcomed the help. It took the rest of the day and in the early hours of the evening when they arrived in the Leaf Village. Everyone gave their identification to the guards who looked miserable because of the weather. Karasu was completely soaked. She turned to Jirou and Kashikoi.

“I think we need to head to the Hokage’s office and give our report. After that we can head home. I need to get out of these wet clothes and I really want food and sleep. I can probably sleep for the whole week. “ she chuckled “This was definitely an adventure but glad we made it back and everyone is safe.” she smiled at both of them.

[WC: 815]
[TWC: 7087/4000]
[PC: ⁸/₈]
Jirou was back to looking like his familiar self as Karasu approached. The body of the Earth ninja lay on the ground where he fell. It was an unfamiliar feeling that he now experienced facing the fact that he had just killed someone. He knew that the Earth ninja would not have hesitated to kill them. Still he felt some sadness that he had been the instrument of another’s death. He had to wonder if the bandits felt anything when they killed others and stole their goods. Those bandits had made a choice to follow that path. Was it for revenge or was there something else that made them take pleasure in causing others pain? Jirou knew that in a battle death was at times inevitable, but that didn’t mean that he would take pleasure from killing or causing pain to others. He was a Shinobi and would do what he needed to. This was his duty and he was determined to protect the village and his family against any and all threats.

Jirou had to laugh when he realized that Kashikoi had taken a crap on what was left of the golem, “Way to dump on the enemy there, Kashikoi. Good job.” Turning towards Karasu he listened to what she said and added, “Yeah though if you hadn’t made it back when you did it may have ended differently. I am glad you arrived when you did. That was shaping up to be a very different fight.” When Jirou saw her rushing over to him he was not at all expecting what happened next. She hugged him and then kissed him on the mouth. His eyes opened wide in surprise as he hugged her back. He had never been kissed before and he didn’t even know what to do except cross his eyes to get a better look at her. He felt the blood rushing to his cheeks and figured that his face was very likely beet red. Within moments he felt the weight of Kashikoi leap up to get into the moment his big wet tongue giving them both big, wet and sloppy wolf kisses. He wasn’t sure whether he should laugh or die of embarrassment as they both backed away their cheeks beet red and Karasu wiping the wet wolf kisses from her face. "Smooth, Kashikoi. Real smooth." He tried to cover but he was ready to die of embarrassment. How was he ever going to talk to her now?”

Jirou hears what she says about the medical supplies and quickly undoes the transformation jutsu. He also checks on the two prisoners still tied and bound behind the rocks where he had left them, “We will also need to let the village know about these two so they can come and get them. We should get back to the merchants then and help them get to the village. Let’s get out of here then.” Both he and Kashikoi ran through the wind and rain back to where the merchants had been left. The merchants were relieved to see the three of them had returned safely and grateful for the help getting the wagon moving against the fierceness of the onslaught from the wind and rain. It was a very long day of travel before they finally arrived at the village gates in the evening hours. Taking his identification out he showed his identification to the guards. Kashikoi shook out his wet coat and gave everyone there an added shower. Like they were not already soaked to the skin. His hair and clothes were plastered flat against his skin.

Jirou nods to Karasu and says to her, “Yes with the coordinates for that cave and the two we left there. After we are done giving our report then I am all for going home and changing out of these wet clothes. I am starving and need to sleep.” Jirou blushes when she smiles at him and looks down still embarrassed. “I think that we can call this a successful mission. After all, we didn’t die.” Except maybe from embarrassment. That was something he did not say out loud and he had to wonder if she felt the same level of embarrassment. Right now he just wanted to make their report to the Hokage and go home. He wasn’t going to even think about any awkward moments on the mission.

[WC: 731]
[TWC: 6740/4000]
[PC: ⁸/₈ ]​
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