Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

[EVENT] RoB: The Unyielding Stone

Leaf Sage

New Member
Dec 27, 2013
The responses came in, and to say the least the old man wasn't thrilled in the least. He was attacked for any and everything. At first, the new possible Kage of the village, Hissori, seemed upbeat and wishing to follow a similar cause, but with him leading it sounded. He spoke of protecting this village with his life, though his tone melancholy at best is how it could be described. No energy, no drive, nothing of the sort could be felt, and that fact bothered the old man greatly, though hardly as much as what followed. The Hokage that once was was out to insult still, though it was in a rather passive aggressive manner. A manner that brought a smile to the girls face. A smile that hadn't been seen since he showed his face, though with a slightly oddity to it. A curve that could be taken as a harsh threat if seen by those of a similar pattern of thinking. She, imagining thoughts and desires that could give all here nightmares for years. She bite her lip though and tried to calm down, fighting a desire to follow such.

The old man scoffed slightly at the words "measuring contest", knowing an insult by an neanderthal when spoken. As the man in red reached his hand out, he grabbed his cane with both hands and just leaned heavily on it, not reaching out. That fact would easily be missed, as another stepped forward between the two groups. The red eyed demon, as the girl tugged on her masters shirt giving hint at the wariness of the situation, they listened for a moment to see what he would have to say. The young looking girl recognized what the man had instantly, having dealt with such in her passed, mostly as allies, though once being enough as a tragic scenario that ended with her barely able to return to her family. She warned of the fact that things were officially beyond a certain measure of success.

His words, seeming despondent, almost to the point of seeming insightful, though again aimed at dejection of the elderly man. Though he changed course, similar to the man in red, trying to reach his own goals perhaps or aiming for a certain outcome that he deemed more appropriate to his wishes. The old man muttered something, "Well...I guess that is that then." He turned around and started to walk away, his cane echoing as the speech of all those present started up again. He looked over at his companion, speaking to the girl with some quietness that only she would hear most certainly, "It seems diplomacy has failed after all..a'shame.." Though a new voice rose above all others, starting quietly and gaining steam as the old man made it to the door. Her voice echoing to the man from the back of the room easily as she spoke of the question the boy from before had asked. Her words, almost gargled by the masses, was still able to be heard thanks to her raised position. Even then, still sounded gargled and forced. She seemed confused and bewildered, though passionate about what she had to speak of. The old man turned around as the rest of his group exited the entry way into the hall.

A smile crept on his face, delighted by the fact that it seemed the younger crowd in this audience, the future seeming brighter then the past in some ways. He stopped and listened as the room grew silent for the tiny girl in the back of the room, standing not to far from Hissori and the, what could be construed as Important people in the room. They would get a front and center show to the girl's most humbling suggestion. Though, the words seeming intelligent and probably wise, could be taken with a grain of salt by those that ruled. The old man waited to see what would come of this suggestion, one he himself wasn't to happy about, but it was a step he would be willing to muse over.

The man's entourage looked back, the men behind the girl as she looked over and watched. She spoke softly enough for the old man to hear alone, "This is getting too dangerous. That last one was a Uchiha if you hadn't recognized the f$%^in insignia. And one at full bore." The old man peeked back and held up his hand open, signalling his wish to see where the girls words would lead. He wanted to know if they would entertain such thoughts or take them as the ramblings of an pre-adolescent girl speaking of things beyond her understanding?


Active Member
Jan 17, 2014
OOC Rank
Quietly maneuvering his way through the crowd, he came to a rest near the right side of the vast marble room. The rays of light pierced through the windows, emanating a warm glow throughout the room. Warm as it was, the mood was dismal. Hearts torn and families ruined... This was a bleak and distasteful meeting. Only hearing the last bit of the conversation, Sabaku decided the keep quiet for the time being... it seemed the room had enough advocates voicing their own opinions. Sabaku scanned the crowd searching for anyone he might know... Yep... seems the only ones I know are Jomei and Hissori... Where are the other sennin though? Sabaku thought to himself. The absence of his mentor, Megami and his Anbu sennin was unsettling to say the least. And did he hear what he thought he did? Hissori as Kage? It had been many months since he last spoke with his old friend... Kage huh? wouldn't be a bad fit if anyone asked me...

It had been nearly a year since Sabaku took his leave of absence, returning to Iwa filled Sabaku with a sense of nostalgia. He was eager to reignite past friendships long past, not to mention getting fresh orders from the Anbu sennin. His steps were light and quick, hinting towards his yearning to return home. It wasn't before to long that he noticed smoke in the distance, the smell of ash and dust clouded the air as he neared the front gate... Or at least where it should have been. Where the once great barrier that stood between the world and Maruishi, now stood only rubble. Beyond that lay only more destruction and devastation. Sabaku's head began to fill with panic as he raced to find the nearest villager. You there! What has transpired here? Sabaku said, his tone greatly reflecting the uneasiness that stuck in his mind.
It was awful!!! An attack... giant lizards, fire....destruction!!! Was all the villager could utter before rushing away in shambles. Obviously what had happened was a horrible and chaotic event to have the villagers in such disarray. Roving his way through the rubble, he saw only pain and suffering in the villagers eyes. This struck a chord deep inside Sabaku's heart... He never should have left... if only he was here to help defend these people from what had transpired. After conversing with a few more villagers he had found out that a meeting was being held within the Spire. Sabaku pressed onwards, eager to learn of the events that had taken place.

[OOC man... gone to long... some crazy stuff... just read the event just now...]
[PS OOC...... Praise Buru... ]


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Ooh, burn!

Umashi hadn’t expected that at all. These non-player types just seemed to be getting the best of him lately. Perhaps it was time that he hit the gym and actually trained for once because people always respected the bmod. Not wishing to throw a pity party for himself though, he instead slowly drew back his hand and smirked. It seemed that the Uchiha had returned once more and there was a nagging desire for the man to throw this whole party into a genjutsu fueled chaotic dance. Opting to fall back in line, Umashi really honestly wanted to get away from the politics of shinobi life. Looking for promotions and believing that one day he could be a Kage . . . he’d achieved those dreams long ago. However, this old timer was really pushing all the right buttons and a certain fire had been rekindled within him. Looking over to Hissori, Umashi merely told him what everybody was pretty much on everyone’s mind anyway. “Just do it . . .” His tone wasn’t overly demanding but it held the baseline point of getting to the meat of the matter. If this meeting lasted any longer than there would most likely be a body count.

Leaf Sage

New Member
Dec 27, 2013
The crowd was in a loud murmur, similar to walking down the old straight and narrow shopping district during late afternoon, or a classroom before the teacher arrived for class. Words being traded about how they wished they could just kicked the man out, and why Jomei and that girl were so interested in the guy, amongst a few other threatening stances. In the crowd, very few shared the thoughts or wishes to know what the old man had to offer, and even less knew whom he was. The chance to gain information and the gravity of the display and wishes of the old man was slipping through there fingers quickly. He watched for another few moments then shook his head looking down and turning away. "A shame.." He turned around and started to storm off quickly. The two thugs that held the doors, closed them easing the quietness of the hallway as they walked off. The old man was in a storm, angered by the whole debacle. As they walked down the stairs the three men were quite, and the woman seeming to be smiles and giggles.

"That was entertaining, wasn't it. At least now we know what the competition is like!" They exited the building and continued down the road, into the smokey remains of the village, the sun rising ahead of them as they ventured into it. The old man, a much more serious look on his face then he had shown those in the room, "Yes, we are still the ones holding all the cards. But...Things would have been a little easier if they would have agreed. We will just have to take more radical actions now." The girl had a giant smile on her face, jumping around as the others marched down the road. He looked over to the young girl and couldn't help but have a smirk creep onto his face...


The room was still electric as the man left the room, people still discussing in fervor what should be done, a few others taking notice the old man left. Soon a voice would be raised in the front of the room where the ground was raised enough to speak over the crowd. The young girl and the future Kage stood, being the first to know what had transgressed. The woman that was the original speaker stirred back to her job. She looked over to the group at the table as they shook there heads in agreement and one of them giving a slight of hand towards Hissori. The individual speaking loudly and with earnest, "Well, a decision has been made then! The future of Iwagakure! of Maruishi. Of The Great and Mighty Earth Country!" The crowd turned towards the stage as the woman from before started speaking. She spoke loudly, though obviously quieter when she spoke of Maruishi, then raising her voice again. The crowd turned towards the stage as the woman from before started speaking. "We will be lead into a prosperous and strong future by our new Sandaime Tsuchikage. Please show your respect and undying loyalty to...Tsuchikage, Ii Hissori!" She raised her hands towards Ii Hissori as she spoke his name. The crowd not surprised, but still enthralled that a choice was made, the same day the news was thrashed upon them. The sun rose just as she made the announcement in the opening, the first light being shown on the new day. A group of administrators walked out of a closed side room, the robes and hat of the Kage in hand. They made there way over to Ii Hissori, bowing their heads as they showed a wish to place the garments onto him.

The woman turned towards the man, and walked to him, bowing as they had and held a scroll out to him. On the scroll, were the names of individuals that showed great promise, a light in such harrowing darkness. It would be up to him if they would gain there new commissions, the first job and decision given to Ii Hissori as the Tsuchikage. The list was comprised by the council, so it had there stamp of approval, but it would be his decisions whether to hand them out.

OOC: I sure hope Umashi was right on that note of number.


Active Member
May 24, 2015
Sara watched as the man left the room, no one wishing for him to join the council. It was a shame, the elderly man must of had some nuance of the situation if he was willing to denote such an effort and willingness to bring about the village from this fallen state. She slowly made her way back to the spot on the wall she had been hugging, prior to her upheaval moments before. Thinking about what the man had said, and having his comrade help Jomei, one whom he had no ties to or reason to even save. The woman began to speak again from before, and Sara payed attention to her words only slightly. In the back of her mind, she heard the woman grow quieter in her speech as she mention Maruishi, but didn't call to that fact as of the moment. The woman was announcing the next Tsuchikage, and it was obvious whom it would be. She was happy though at that fact. She knew of Hissori, ever so slightly, but still enough. He was in charge of the medical program of the village, an art form she was greatly interested in. With him taking charge, perhaps greater knowledge of the medical arts would be gained. Plus, one skilled in the knowledge of healing, regeneration, and helping was something in great need at the moment, given the current states of the village.

Besides all the possibilities and hopes that could be gained from him being in medicine, a prior Kage of another village saw something in Hissori. A man whom ran a village, with earnest in his words, and a seeming prodigious expectation of Hissori, shed a great light on what the next Kage had to offer. As she announced his name, she watched for what the reaction of the people would be. She would back the man in full, she had no reason not to after all. The people that worked in the great hall brought out the gown of the Tsuchikage, almost making it seem like a ceremony of such. She hopped it wasn't that though. It seemed kind of, half heartened really. In her mind, remember back to those imaginary crowning's all children had. Even that seemed to be more glorious then what was being done now.

It made sense of course, given the current state of the village. Certainly this was mostly for those in attendance, a more official one would happen after the village regained some steam. They handed Hissori a scroll, most likely a contract or perhaps a duty he needed to fulfill immediately. Maybe even a customary speech the Kage had to speak prior to taking the position. This was the first time she attended such a thing, and payed more attention as the sun from the opening in the room shown within bring everything to life. Hissori was handed the reigns of a crumbling village, one on the brink of destruction. She knew he had a lot ahead of him, and no one in this room would wish for such to be wrought onto themselves. She was ready to do what the man ordered, ready to begin the day anew.

WC: 532


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Like a leaf in the mist, I breathed fire despite being underwater.

Heh, it seemed that the old man was unable to stand amongst the warriors of the gravel pit. No worries for Umashi though, because he honestly did not want to have to worry about the academy students that might get caught in the crossfire. Fighting in enclosed spaces rarely worked out to his benefit and he had to keep from doing maximum damage to the environment at all times. More adept at ninjutsu that had wide areas of effect, there was simply no way of avoiding a casualty with the elder and his goons, that . . . and the fact that Umashi would have made it his mission to see what the little girl held up her sleeve. Child prodigies were especially annoying to him, even more so when they flaunted their prowess in public.

On to happier news though, Umashi smirked and began to clap when he heard that Ii Hissori was going to be the Sandaime Tsuchikage. Officially the torch had handed off and as long as nobody was dumb enough to try and object to even this, then Umashi might be able to enjoy the rest of the day . . . or night was it . . . to himself. To be fair though, Hissori owed him a game of Go and at this rate Umashi was never going to get that meeting that he wanted. If there was one thought that truly he hadn’t thought of though, it had to be who would be apparently, the sole Sennin of Iwa. There was the Uchiha but Umashi didn’t know enough about him to even mentally vouch for him. Perhaps some of the other ANBU folk? Heck, it might be best to just promote folks to captain and chief before skipping to Sennin. Some people just couldn’t handle to rank up and those were the types that ran their branches into the ground. Now was the time for Hissori’s speech, to say that all present were waiting on pins and needles would have been a most serious understatement.

OOC: I’m definitely sure about that number. Congratz Hissori!

Ii Hissori

Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
So I guess this is really happening. Hissori thought as it seemed the crowd and council was decided to give the former Kiriagakure medical prodigy the control of the village. It was a rather surreal moment for the man that was standing off to the side of the raised platform which the village leaders were standing on.

Since the young age of thirteen, the boy was some kind of leader. First he was a medical chief, then an interim medical sennin, and then finally a medical sennin here in Iwagakure, but was he really ready for the position of Tsuchikage? It seemed people thought he was, but inside Hissori’s mind he was nervous, a feeling when it came to polticas he had not felt for a long time.

It was no longer the handfuls of people that Hissori use to watch over, but it was a whole village. It wasn’t just shinobi, but it was people as well that now Hissori had to look after. His mind would go to the idea of surgery and what the consquences were if he killed someone on the table. It was like this but so much worse. He felt a bite on his hand that jarred him out of it from his loyal companion.

Taking a breath, the man smiled and started towards the councilors on the stage. He would converse quietly before he shook their hands as he seemed to accept what they were saying towards him happily. The strawberry blonde man would grab some papers and headed towards the podium ready to speak.

“Um… Hello everyone.” Hissori said awkwardly as he adjusted the microphone in front of him. He always had days to rehearse his speeches for crowds. Normally he would speak with Buru in front of a mirror until he had the whole speech down color. Now though the man had to make a speech up on the fly, and it needed to leave the right impression. The man would look out upon the crowd of his peers and take a breath before starting on with his speech.

“I apologize, I was not really aware this was going to happen. Anyway, I want to thank you all for your support. Not just in the decision of council, but for giving me a life here. Before arriving at these villages’ gates those years ago, I was homeless. As many you know Kirigakure froze over in an act of vengeance from gods. Many years ago that was the only place would have ever thought about calling home.

As I left those lands, I thought I was going to be resigned traveling the world without a home for the rest of my life, but that was not the case. Instead I found a home. That home was here. When I came here, I only felt it was a short term solution honestly. I was invited here to help this fine village solve the issue of the medical center in Inner Marushi. And boy did we do that.

Never in my life have I been so openly accepted into a place with such a diverse culture. Also never in a place have felt so openly welcomed by the general populous. The work was hard by we as a collective reached new highs. It was truly great. More importantly, as my time as the sennin of the medical branch, has shown so much growth it has left me excited for this village.

Combine with all our help and a strong established leadership we shall lead not only this village, but this whole world into a new direction! To start that though, I want to recognize a few of the young shinobi. Not only without them this village would have no future, but without their hard work we may not have been able to save Inner Marushi from the attack of those creatures.

The first one I would like to recognize is a young girl. She has been a student for quite some time. Furthermore her display of a caring attitude during the battle with those creatures has made me decide that she is truly ready to step out of the academy and do great things for the medical branch. With my last act as medical sennin, I shall promote and honor Yuka Sara to the rank of Medic in Training, and I hope in time she will become a great medic.”
Hissori said as he paused a bit to let the crowd recognize the girl. It seemed the man was finally starting to fall into a more confident position with his voice as he relaxed in front of the crowd looking at them.

“With that being said, as I was informed as well as a couple of announce council wanted me to make as I was accepting the position in front of you. Like I commentated, the village needs a strong established leadership, and without mincing words I believe the village has been lacking that. For some time, I was the only head of the branch…. It is time though to change that. With the decision of council and my personal backing, Kuroyu and Kirishima Sinon are being promoted to the ANBU branch sennin, and Main Branch sennin. Please trust these two will be here to help us in this time of need.” Hissori said pausing again and smiling as he looked out in the crowd.

“Now, the one branch they have not accounted for is my branch. I though know exactly the man for the job. He is not only an accomplished medic, but an accomplished fighter and leader. A man after my own heart I would like to elect and nominate Umashiashikabihikoji to the position of medical sennin, and head of the Hope Hospital.” Hissori said as he smiled to the group before nodding and sighing some. Of course these moments were great ones letting these people being honored in front of people like this, but now it was time for more serious discussion.

“Currently, the village is under threat for something a lot of more ancient and powerful than we ever could have imagined. As the people who stood there at the gates and fought off those beast would tell you, these things are not something to be trifled with. Still though, it is our duty to protect the civilians of this village and keep the village safe. As such, I have to announce three important high ranked missions to work on discovering more about these creatures.

First, we need brave souls to track where these beasts came from to understand if there are more. This is an extremely dangerous mission that I will advise you to be willing to risk your life for if you go on it. Secondly, I will confirm to you the rumors are true. We did capture one of the beats alive when we killed their apparent mother. We will be using it as research to understand how it acts, and what needs to be done. Third, the Village’s gate was serverely damaged by the attack as well as parts of Inner Marushi. All shinobi should help in the reconstructing of the gate and the village. Please consider what you want to do before finally deciding which mission you want.”
Hissori said simply as he looked at the crowd licking his pale lips. “Thank you for this opportunity, I will promise not to let you all down.” Hissori said waiting to see if there was any questions or anything before leaving the stage to get to work.

Ooc council notes:
Umashi offered to the position of Medical Sennin.
Sara promoted to MiT (Already done).
Two NPCs are being promoted to the other Sennin Positions Kuroyu and Kirishima Sinon.
Three Missions will be being put up shortly in regards to Hissori's posts.

Now my Ooc:
Thank you everyone for waiting, I am so sorry for delaying the event. My mother is doing well, and I hope I am forgiven.

Leaf Sage

New Member
Dec 27, 2013
OOC: Congrats to those that were in the topic.

Any here can claim a D rank modded mission reward.


The man of the hour took the stage, and the crowd, having been on edge one moment, seemed to bluster on the side of enthralling enthusiasm for the new Kage. They clung to each word he spoke, almost seeming to not care what he had to say, as long as it was him saying it. Things were going to start being done in the village, and the people were ready to get going. They looked forward to the possible future, and were ready to leave the dismal present as fast as possible. People were getting new leadership, and they expected the best of the situation. Plenty was left to be laid on what needed to be done, and what they would be best at, but all were ready to take action.

Several minuets after Hissori finished speaking, the people ambled out of the building, most ready to take action, some probably ready to go to sleep as they were working prior to the meeting. Many jobs were left to be done, and many more were in the workings to be had.


Active Member
May 24, 2015
She had gotten a promotion! If one looked close enough, one would have seen sparks fly from her head and steam from her ears, possibly one of those literally; wait, no, it was figurative. This morning was quite the odd one. Sara, tired and ready to drop to the floor perked up slightly when she heard her name come from ahead. Everything else before that was becoming a blur. She was irritated at what just happened, combined with the lack of sleep, and then the man just leaving, the new kage being announced. It was all to much for her. Still, she came out of it when she heard her name. 'Wait, what?' Something involving her was happening. The man gestured to her and she looked groggily over the crowd, then gave a short and rather hesitantly confused wave to them. '' Hissori did, oh ya, he was the boss of the medic corps. Did, I get a new job?'

The man continued, and she was still lost deep in thought trying to think exactly what was said. Then she heard the words medical sennin again followed by some jargen like words from the new guy in charge. 'Wait, Kage..New guy is Kage, Kage is boss! Ummamiah...kabi oji? Medical sennin? Wait, promotion to medic in training. Medic corps. Another new boss?'

Her thoughts continued like that until sense was made. Fortunently the party was coming to a close, and she would have time to dwell on it until later. Though, she was wide awake now, and would have some trouble getting to sleep.



Active Member
Jan 17, 2014
OOC Rank
This meeting was short yet interesting. Promotions were to be had all around... It seemed the young were already proving themselves to be valiant warriors to the village and the veterans outdoing their ambitions so much that they are awarded with much prestige. Hissori was now the Kage... what a trip... His dear friend and savior on multiple occasions... Sabaku couldn't have picked a better person to help lead the village towards the light. The crowd thinned as everyone made their way out of the building... Sabaku lingered but a moment to take it all in, fully knowing that everything was about to change...

[OOC Topic left]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
