Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Every Ninja Walks On Water [Tutor - Nao]


Nov 25, 2021
OOC Rank
It was… strange. Ever since he became a Genin, the young swordsman had felt like time was standing still… maybe it was due to the events outside of the village, but days passed in and out at a rapid rate without anything new occurring to him. He was still sparring with Ibaraki, but he knew that his technique was getting rigid and stale. He had to change that as soon as possible, but…

It required him to seek out someone. Believe it or not, that was a huge challenge for him! He had to speak with someone outside of his small family consisting of his parents and one, outside friend in Ibaraki… thinking about it, man, Take knew so few on a personal level. It was sad to think of, and he finally attempted to change that…

So, zooming forward to a few days later, Take received a message back at home. His parents brought it to him in high spirits, for the letter was from none other than one of the Leaf’s Sennins, and since it was written to him personally, they figured that the Sennin had somehow noticed his potential and desired to train him. They… were awfully enthusiastic about it all, much more enthusiastic than Take himself. He had planned to meet up with Ibaraki today, but it seemed that he’d have to postpone that meeting, since this was what he had aimed for earlier – to expand his room of associates just a bit, so he wouldn’t stand out as a lonely dot on a white piece of paper.

The meeting place was at the Leaf Academy’s grounds, a place Take hadn’t been to ever since he graduated. He didn’t know what type of training the Sennin wanted to put him through, but he still brought his katana with him – the one his mother had forged for him when he was born, Shinryū-ren. A simple-styled but light and easy-to-wield katana with a round collar and a dense blade. It was easier to wield than their family heirloom, so if the training required sparring, then Take was more confident with this one.

Once again, his silent nature made him just stand still in the middle of the rocky floor outside of the Academy, his black-and-violet haori and black pants pulled back by the easy wind while he spaced out…

WC: 391 [MFT]
Everything was in uproar these days, a lot of Ninja's were simply too busy these days. Nao himself wasn't complaining that much, but he knew these days how his body acted and reacted. That is why he took over a class and wrote the boy where he had to go for a study day.
Note said:
"Genin Otakemaru,

Hope this letter finds you well, I will request you to come at the following day towards the academy ground. This for a lesson in Ninjutsu Control. Please bring a fresh set of clothes with you in case of the older set gets thorn up, wet or burned.

Kind regards,

Sazuki Nao
Leaf Medical Sennin"

He remained hidden at the grounds as the student seemed to walk up. Nao first took the moment to study how he would behave, react and everything. " Not much huh.." Nao sighed soft as he would lean on his cheek.

Eventually he would walk out of the shadow of the hall and then walk towards the child. "Good morning." Nao smiled soft as he stopped about a meter away from the other. "Sazuki Nao, your teacher for today." he would mention for the child to walk a little bit backwards with him so that they had space. Rather that he had the space for his idea. A quick set of signs were made and a small stone wall erupted from the ground, creating a barrier of sorts. It was maybe a leg hight for Nao, but for the child it would be a little higher probably. Another set of chakra signs were made and it made a rainfall.

" Today, you will learn to water walk, in other words how to control the chakra in your body. Do you already have any knowledge regards of solid walking and difference of water walking?" In the meantime, the basin was already filled up with water and Nao made a clone just in case, the clone would already jump on to the water and stand on top of it.

… Someone said ’good morning’ to him.

It took a hot moment for him to catch that. A click came out of him like a lightbulb switched on, and just like that, his eyes darted towards his lector for today. Take did not look that friendly, but truth be told, he was feeling very unsure for some reason. And yet, he couldn’t just leave his lector’s greeting unexchanged, so he gathered some willpower and opened his mouth: “… Good morning. Nao-sensei.”

… Wait, was that too awkward? Was his tone off? Arrgghhh, how he wished he was mute instead.

It felt that his training would begin immediately. Nao-sensei had already weaved a few, quick hand signs that Take wasn’t able to catch on to, but the Jutsu comprised of lifting a barrier of stone around to make a sort of mini-arena. With the next Jutsu, Take realized that Nao-sensei was manifesting a pool in front of him, and his eyes widened up. He didn’t get what was going on, but if it had to do with practicing Ninjutsu Control, then Take was up for the challenge…

And the challenge appeared to be walking on water… wait… Take had never tried that before. Was it the same as walking on walls and trees? His gaze switched between the basin where a clone of Nao-sensei demonstrated the art of water-walking and Nao-sensei himself as he asked him about his experience with solid walking, to which Take made a sort of heavy nod in response: “I…” He was about to confirm that he was able to solid-walk, but something braked him… for a few seconds.

“… Difference…?”

WC: 276 [MFT]
Last edited:
"Yes, there is a fast difference in them. One harder than that the other is." He would want to show it off... But now that he thought about it... it didn't seem to be that simple for him.

"In tree climbing, you need to focus your chakra down to your feet. If the stream of chakra is too weak, you will lose footing and fall off. If it is too strong, you will push yourself away from the tree, shattering it and you falling down. Getting these proportions right is already a task for itself. But today, I will train you into walking on water, which is exactly the next level of the past named version. The main reason is that the amount of chakra that needs to be emitted changes constantly. A shinobi under water can focus chakra on their hands or any other body part that makes contact with the surface of the water. If they were submerged, they can climb atop the water as if they were climbing out of a pool."

"At first we will do calm waters, meaning there are no currents, no waves... no nothing on it. At the end of the class, you will get a feeling of moving water. As with water, it isn't a solid object to stand on but it continuously shifts around. All you can do is try to step on. Too weak, you will fall through the water, but too much chakra and you will most likely push yourself off the water into the air to hopefully not make a belly flop... the worst."

This was a lot of talking from him, but he was hoping to make at least a bit of sense for the child standing here in front of him.

[mft: 292]
Take understood the difficulty of just keeping a constant control of your chakra when walking on a solid surface like a wall or tree. It was like constantly balancing a pencil on your index finger, attempting to keep it perfectly balanced so that it wouldn’t’ tip to one side and fall off. What Nao-sensei tried to point at concerning the art of walking on water was that it would be like trying to balance a pencil on your index finger, but the pencil had a thin string attached to each end… and a hand held the other end of each string, gently but intently pulling to their side at irregular times, causing the pencil to constantly lose balance- no, it was more like balancing a pencil on your index finger, but the pencil was constantly pushed to one side – no rhythm – so that the balancing point constantly changed. You’d have to adjust to that quickly, lest you submerge yourself or launch yourself in the air.

… That sounded terrifying! Take’s face whitened a little.

Thankfully, they’d start small – just with calm waters that stood still. Okay… he had to take a deep breath, but Take decided to try it out and climb up on the edge of the pool where the basin was gathered. Once he was up on his feet again, he looked down at the nigh perfectly still water, spotting his own reflection without a ripple or a disturbance.

“…” His feet began to heat up, revealing the infusion of chakra that he was manifesting. Given that he didn’t know where this balancing point would even start, he’d have to just step on the water and see it through. Slowly, he rested one foot on the water’s surface, and he noticed that it easily sank down. Was he not putting in enough chakra? Maybe it was too little… so he tried infusing a little more chakra, and he immediately spotted the difference it made. Now, it felt like his foot was a magnet approaching a repulsive side. Less chakra, less chakra… okay, this balance should be enough. His foot felt like it was standing on a net, but it wasn’t sinking down any further.

Once he allocated for his other foot, he noticed how frustrating it was to keep the balance in check. When he put his other foot on the water’s surface, he faintly used a little less chakra in his first foot, so he began feeling an imbalance that caused him to almost jolt his arms around to try and regain the balance again. “W-W-Ah, Oh, W-Whaaa… W-W-Woah-“ he let out in a slight panic, not knowing for how long he could keep dangling on the surface like this. It was far more than just keeping a pencil on the tip of your index finger! It was like standing on your hand on top of 14 stapled chairs resting on only one foot from the bottom chair.

“W-W-Why can’t I… h-hold on, w-wahh…”

WC: 497 [MFT]
He was glad to see that the kid wanted to have a go at it. He would nod a few times before observing a bit better. 'He really doesn't have much control or idea how to control it seems... Too little chakra here.' his eyes would shift as he himself would make it on top of the water too.
' Still too little... He has issues with it... How to make him realize how to do it right... Have him sit down?' Nao was pondering a few things throughout his mind before he was snapped back to reality because of the yelps of the child.

It was a good thing Nao always took out a clone when teaching these things because the clone was quick to the scene and would grab hold of the child. As comical as it would seem, he was worn bridal style and back to the little platform where you could just stand. There was no other quick way to grab a child out... Grab their arm, you could soon have parents on your back 'because they have a bruise and an adult did that.' Nao left a little sigh and checked him over quickly.

"Just breathe a big time in, stretch out and breathe out while relaxing the muscles." Giving him quickly something else to focus on, to help him think less about the panic moment and get him back in the thought trails of now. "I think you are thinking it too much..." He would comment and think of something else while he would have a thought pondering further.

"Water is a moving object that never really stands still, unlike trees. Water ripples with the wind, thus movement exists. Is there still trouble with tree walking that you are unsure of..? With water walking you need to keep adjusting the chakra you send through because the object is like always changing around." He hoped to give a few clues this way, but he wanted to get through the root of the problem.

[wc; 337]
… Thank the Lord above. Take did not want his parents to witness this embarrassing scene. That would crush him again… and again… and they would keep their previous disdain of him. He had to prove them wrong, but he wasn’t that talented, it appeared. It was saddening, and his face showed that as a small frown formed.

“…” Nao-sensei didn’t have to check him over like a little kid who dramatically fell down from a slide. Even if he was inexperienced, Take could still diligently listen, obey and pick up from his teachings. He did simply as told and took a deep breath to relax himself, thinking that maybe the excitement over learning how to walk on water was the culprit here… or maybe it was pure misfortune, who knew? Nao-sensei wondered if it was simply him thinking too much… hey, that sounded like something Take could work on. He had a habit of spacing out – maybe… that was useful here?

Silently quoting Nao-sensei’s very recent words spoken just moments ago: ”Water is a moving object that never really stands still… water ripples with the wind… always changing around…”

… Panicking wouldn’t help the swordsman here. Water wouldn’t wait for him to catch his breath or get used to one frequency of waving before changing. This required another try, so Take nodded to his sensei and found himself standing on the surface of the water once more. His feet began to sink… and then, all of a sudden, his descent came to a halt as his eyes were closed. It was impractical in combat to do so, but Take had begun constantly changing the flow in his feet. The concentration required was sent to his legs via a strong visualization in his mind, which was empowered by closing his eyes. He walked up the liquid stair and was now standing on the surface’s most top area.

And slowly, as he gathered courage, he opened his eyes to face his sensei again… not moving or taking any steps, he was able to balance on the surface of the water with reasonable effort. And as he slowly realized this, he began to smile… for shinobi used to walk on water all the time. That meant that when he had mastered this skill one day, then he would be definitely be on a whole other level than where he was right now. It was the excitement of reaching new heights that brought a smile on his usually empty face.

WC: 417 [MFT]
He was glad that he had caught the little one as he was in his idea panicking. He then just pointed out that the other may or may not have been overthinking this whole scenario. And with that, he studied the movements of the other once more.

He would slowly walk backward on the water and keep a close eye towards the child as it stepped again on the water. ' That is it... c'mon...' he sounded in his head encouraging but remaining silent. He saw him walking up some sort of stairs and knew that he was getting the hang of things for now.

"Keep on doing what you are doing..." he would try to encourage him with a soft voice and kept out of his way. As soon as their eyes met, he would smile back and nod a few times. "Glad to see you are getting the hang of it this way." He would say and slowly start to form a few handseals and the earth under then would start to shake, resulting in the water starting to shake too. "Earth style jutsu - earthquake." He would mention with an innocent smile and watch to see how this child would fare against this little obstacle.

"Once you go under, I will help you and stop the terrain jutsu." he would comment as last before shifting his stance a little. 'If you can deal with this... I can go one grade stronger, if you manage that, you are free to go with a pass from my side.'

[ so sorry this took me a while]
… W-Wait, too fast! Too fast! Nao-sensei didn’t have to continue immediately after Take just caught the hang of things. Uhmmm… okay, okay, focus, Take. The water was soft, and it felt like he was trying to balance on a string several meters in the air, but he did catch on to how the ripples constantly changed the surface. That meant that he’d just have to up his agility concerning the correct amount of chakra necessary to keep him afloat.

It began to heat up inside of him… the more he tried to focus the flow of his chakra, the warmer it got. Was it a sign? Was he reaching his limit already, or was he just getting started in diving into his pool of chakra? Honestly, this early in life, he had no way of knowing… but he wasn’t paranoid of the future. He’d try and focus a little harder.

It was… quite excruciating, but somehow, Take did well in not falling knees deep into the pool. Yet, it was clear on the look of his face that he was hitting a brick wall and that his stamina would wear out if he didn’t get used to this level of disruption soon. Something came to mind, however, and he performed the hitsuji seal, which appeared to quench his nerves bit by bit…

With that seal intact, he was able to step to the side a bit in an attempt to showcase his skill. “Nao-sensei… give me a b-bit more time, to adjust…”

WC: 253 [MFT]
It seemed like the progress that Nao was going with, was going rather too quick. He would softly frown and stop the Jutsu to let the boy gain footing once more. After all the kid excepted softness. Part of Nao wanted to give in, but a part of it was still a lesson.

"Otakemaru, please take this at heart. The enemy won't have mercy. Won't let you give time to catch that footing. The way I was taught... Was to be just thrown in so deep. I could drown. I already keep things at body height so you all still easily touch the ground. If I failed, my teacher wouldn't just pick me up. I was taught; that if you fail you die. Which almost happened a few times. Now we are going to start again, please take this seriously as in real life... There are no second chances in real life." He would sound and start the jutsu again, but instead of the mastered way the rank 1 way. Still a bit softer but he wouldn't give him the moment of peace.
… Damn it. Nao-sensei was right, Take was expecting too much special treatment despite not having those thoughts run through his head. He’d have to condition himself to realize the gravity of what he was doing, the risks that came with them, and he’d also have to mold himself into a more skilled shinobi… yes, that took time, but maybe he was… holding himself back? Somehow?

Hearing about Nao-sensei’s experience training in this himself also cast some perspective to Take’s standards. He’d have to do better, to risk more, and to show more results – otherwise, he’d be quite a mediocre shinobi, wouldn’t he be?

“…” Take was about to agree with Nao-sensei’s words, but the last phrase hurt. It kept echoing in his head several seconds after his tutor had spoken, those words…

There are no second chances in real life.

As if… as if Take wasn’t taking everything seriously. He had to; Nao-sensei didn’t know how much he struggled, how little his parents regarded his skill, and how- how… just how…

Something like this should’ve been easy, but nothing felt easy for Take. It angered him, and perhaps that bottled-up anger aided him in meshing with the fluxing waters. They felt softer, easier to stand on, but Take wasn’t going to breathe in relief – not just yet.

His feet began to wobble on the water’s surface, but Take’s face looked different. He wasn’t performing a hand seal this time, and instead just felt his way towards the right amount of chakra on his feet that would keep him afloat and still. This really was something that he’d just have to get used to, so in a brave moment, he began stepping to the side…

His heart was shaking a bit, but… he was still afloat. It felt like a struggle between his chakra control and the water’s surface, but the struggle and its tension was lower now. That beckoned Take to request: “Nao-sensei… the water’s not moving enough.” This was to indicate that Take had finally gotten used to walking on the water in this condition, and that he wanted to take it a step up again.

WC: 358 [MFT]
As Nao had given his words, he only hoped that the kid was taking them at heart. Unknown to both of them, they had similarities... Nao was always bullied and often almost died due to the teachings he had granted ánd having no biological parents often made it harder. Not to know, he had led a life here and was a different him now.

Nao had made the Jutsu signs once more and the ground below the water started to rumble, lighter than before, but it was still going. As Otakamuar got better on this level, he had sounded for more. 'It... does kind of surprise me, that he wants to go further. Maybe he needed that speech...' He thought as he would start the hand seals once more, this time pouring more chakra in it and the ground would start to move harsher and thus the water at the same level as the first try.

"If you get this right.. and stay afloat, I can grant it you got the water walking at a very high degree done, not mastered yet of course, that can only be called in a mock battle... You up for that?" He called you to the student, meaning that he would also come charging at him, but meaning that the water rumble would stop.
Upon suddenly feeling the vibrations of the water increase, Take took a deep breath and began focusing. No, as much as the water began to ripple, there was… a certain rhythm to it. It was far from as predictable a rhythm as with the still-standing tree logs and walls, but the way the water’s surface rippled took a rhythm every few seconds… and then changed its rhythm. However, that certain frequency, that certain way the water bounced in all directions kept itself a constant for those brief moments, and Take realized that he could adjust to each one of them before they changed into another sequence. Even the ripples of water had rhythm to them, and he was slowly getting the hang of it.

If he could deal with this level, then he had gotten a big step forward in mastering water walking… and Take began smiling widely at Nao-sensei. It was out of nowhere, that genuine smile of his, a symbol of joy that bubbled up in the young swordsman. However, to truly master water walking, Take would have to fight under these conditions… and that proved itself to be a whole other level of challenging.

He closed his eyes for the briefest of moments, a single blink to reassure himself before he grabbed the sheath of his blade. Fighting while water walking felt like… looking to the right and looking to the left at the same time. He’d have to keep his focus on both things, and the focus requirement was high. “Yes.”

WC: 255 [MFT]
Round Start
Sazuki Nao​


HP: 400
CP: 500
Maintain: Water walking
HP: 400
CP: 500
Maintain: Water walking

Nao would look at the student and nod a couple of times. He was glad to see how he was picking this up and would slowly start to get into a stance. "Alright... Let's see what you can do then. I will go easy on you. Thus handicap me a little. I won't be using any high jutsu or my kinjutsu for that matter." He explained and would afterward also mention that he wasn't going to use his contracts either.

"Come at me." These were the words to start off this mock fight.

This took me a while to come up with, please do let me know if it's OK or not...

We both can use 3 jutsu, doesn't matter the height of the ranks. I know you are E-rank, but I will allow you to use D-rank (R1) also.
A R1 jutsu counts for 1 jutsu.
A Mastered Jutsu counts for 2 jutsu.
You can save the 1 jutsu for the "next" round.

The Hit percentage. In the Discord Bot-Fun we will roll a !dice1d100 for each jutsu to see if they hit or not.
90 - 100 % = Crit hit (200%)
70 - 89 % = Full hit (100%)
50 - 69 % = Partial hit (75%)
30 - 49 % = Partial mis (50%)
0 - 29 % = Miss

We have each 400 HP,

Keeping up Waterwalking will reduce 5% of Chakra points around.
500 ; 100 x 95 = 475
475 : 100 x 95 = 951
Etc. However.THe jutsu's also counted. But let me keep count of those. All you need to do is link the jutsu (the height you use them as) and the rolls you got of it.

I will calculate your CP, HP, my CP, and HP every time.

This is also new for me; so if you have questions or Idea's let me know! I want to use this kind of system more often in my classes/tutors to make it a little more challenging instead of braindead 'oh water walking blegh.'

Current Ninpocho Time:
