Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Everyday struggle [Open]

Some people were fighting in the training area outside of the Academy. Normally Tenken wouldn’t take too much stock in such a thing, but lately she’d seen more and more people getting into scraps and getting hurt. While she was, by no means, a teacher in that illustrious school she did have a soft spot for bullying which is all she could think of as one kid seemed to thoroughly dismantle another. Her gold eyes move from one form the next with a frown on her purple-colored lips. Four people total, only two doing anything.

A blue flash off the roof would be the first sign of something happening for those attentive to such things. That blue flash was near-instantly mirrored below as Tenken simply appears as if from thin air among the younger crowd. Younger, but still around her age for the most part. She certainly looked a sight she was sure. She was barely scraping five feet tall and wasn’t sure she’d ever break that boundary, and she was only a bit over a hundred pounds of weight. But if she drew odd looks it would be due to her outfit and what it did, or did not, cover. A pair of shorts reveal only a barest bit of thigh before the skin is suddenly replaced just above the knee on both legs with prosthetics. Similarly, her shirt covers her left arm right down to the wrist…but leaves the bare metal prosthetic beginning at her right shoulder for all to see. It is somewhat baggy, covering well any form hiding under it.

She reaches up and brushes a strand of bright pink hair from her face as she looks at the assemblage before her, wondering what they were doing. Well, one way to find out. Tenken wasn't known for being shy or subtle, indeed she was one told every tool in her arsenal was a hammer so she simply turned every problem into a nail.

”So….what’re ya’ll doing?”
With grating teeth Gaki moved forward, his chest aching with every breath he took. The small boy looked so... insignificant to him and yet his punches felt like kunai, each piercing and striking true. You little gnat... Using the wire around his opponents throat Gaki pulled him in for his counter, casting a single rock at the other boy. His aim was less than stellar and with a low arc the rock hit a foot, barely scraping the bodypart.
"Tch..." He started doing seals again but quickly noticed that his finger had trouble reaching the necessary seals and as his chakra started moving uncontrolled through his body Gaki tried to confront his opponent once more verbally. "!" Eyes wide he realised his lips werent following his commands either, an insult that was almost as grave as the hits before. It was with pure force and by releasing the pent up chakra that he had ment to channel into a jutsu that Gaki managed to move his body after all.
Gotta cut this short... i dont know what the kid did to me but if i dont get rid of it now ill be nothing less than a practice dummy for him... Gaki decided to resort to Tai for the time being, allowing his body weight to move him forward. Flowing into a simple two hit combination he managed to get in a hit of himself, his foot striking clean against the ankle of the other. Heh, gotcha there!
The sudden rush of exhilaration had seemingly freed him off whatever was robbing him of his motor skills and with a quick sign he released the hidden seal on his foot.
The small explosion, no more than a smoke screen with a bit of force added to it, lifted Gaki off his feet and broke his balance almost simultaneously. As he was still trying to regain the same, his opponent reached him, striking him multiple times. "Ack! Stop... moving! " Despite the offensive tone in his voice Gaki couldnt do much but raise his guard as the smaller boy came rushing at him again.
Somehow the boy felt less like a trained shinobi to Gaki and more like a wild boar as he stepped IN Gakis Guard, circumventing his defense and crashing his iron fist against Gakis elbow. The pain was immense and for a moment Gaki had to close his eyes and inhale sharply.
Mistake! Without even looking at what was happening a split second later, Gaki started weaving seals again, his hands flying through one jutsu after another. With a practice lob of his foot he released another rock from the ground and slammed it with his healthy palm forward, towards his opponent.
His eyes had not yet properly adjusted to the speed of his "sparring partner" but he felt the impact nevertheless. A moment later he followed up with a hot stream of steam, more or less blindly shooting the jutsu at the place where he supposed his enemy was.
With a swear on his lips Gaki coughed and released more blood, drenching the front of his green skinsuit with contrasting red hues.
Slowly his eyes where starting to catch up with the other boy and so did his brain.
Hes... just using Tai on me? And not even any advanced form either? Gakis Eyes passed over the background momentarily, taking in the other kids that were watching them and rested on two older shinobi that were carefully watching them from a distance. Not even trying to hide yourself now anymore, eh? What are you waiting for, wanna suspend me again instantly?... juts you wait, i dont need to do this the rough way!
Taking a short breath Gaki wiped the blood of his face and focused on his opponent again. Hed show them he could do this the "civilized" way, there was no need for him to beat the Other unconscious or injure him severely.
As his concentration slowly returned and the wild rush of blood subsided his hands started executing his jutsu more cleanly and faster. His feet almost seemed to dance as he started moving forward, raising one stone after another and releasing it at his enemy. He deliberately picked small stones for his attack, using only the bare minimum of chakra to create a stream of sharp pebbles.
It was only when he saw how the other boys body itself seemed to harden and turn into a stone like substance that he tightened the stream into a continuous barrage of edges and jags that were aiming at the rock boys heart, a point that Gaki surmised would be his weakpoint.
Yet, the stones did little to slow down pebble boy, and with every jutsu that landed Gaki felt an equal impact. However, where his attacks seemed to deflect off of the younger boys skin, he himself felt slowly but surely how one body part after another gave in to the pain.
Until eventually a fist struck him right at his temple. His vision suddenly doubled and with a undecipherable grunt Gaki felt his knee hit the ground.
"Fuck!" Dark silhouettes approached him as his consciousness started fading.

WC: 857
Knocked the f*ck out, id be grateful if someone could carry me to the hospital please
gt: Brevideciduous
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The 'friendly spar', if you could call it that, was over in just a few minutes. The blonde loudmouth had an interesting jutsu he was using, but it seemed futile against the focused barrage from the other individual. While the other, who was giving the potty mouth a beat down, didn't seem to be using any jutsu, he did quite well for himself for not using any. Was it a statement, or was he in the same boat as himself having not learned any yet? It was an interesting fight either way, having no experience at all himself it was all useful data.

Taking a few steps closer towards the newcomer adorned with vibrant pink hair he would give his input; "I think they are trying to establish dominance or something." A weak attempt at a joke. But it might not be too far off from the truth from the blonde's perspective. "It's probably safe to say that blondie found himself a few steps lower on the food chain. Ha ha ha." More jokes, if you could call them that. "On a more serious note I think I'll go see if that guy is hurt bad or not." Without giving his name or waving he walked away from the pink haired individual and proceeded towards the other group.

Upon gaining a closer perspective Shishiwakamaru could plainly see just how messed up this blonde kid was. Looking towards the one that gave the beating he would make a suggestion. "Gratz on your victory! Was fun to watch, I might have learned a thing or two. You got some... really good shots in..." His voice trailed off near the end as his gaze refocused on Gaki who was barely conscious at this point. "Anyway, um... My name is Shishiwakamaru, I'm a new student here. I've been considering training to be a medic, so I suppose this is a pretty good chance for me to get a foot in the door. I'm gonna take this guy to the hospital, make sure he doesn't have a concussion or something bad, if that's alright with you all." Perhaps a little too wordy, but he was kinda excited and it all just spilled out. He was socially awkward at times and this was one of those unfortunate circumstances. Hopefully he didn't come across as a weirdo or something.

If they allowed him he would carefully put one of Gaki's arms over his shoulder and try to lift him up. But with the situation the blonde kid was almost all dead weight. At best he could walk. Having zero training and never working out a day in his life he realized just how out of his league he was. "I'm really sorry, could one of you help me get this guy up? He's sooo heavy right now haha." With a nervous laugh he bid for assistance. Once given he would try and convey to Gaki what was happening, assuming he could hear or comprehend much right now. "Hey, my name is Shishiwakamaru. I'm gonna take you to get checked out, alright? Just take it nice and easy, there's no rush..." The pair would leave the scene and proceed towards the hospital. What an interesting day this turned out to be! A fight, lots of new people, a chance to help. It could hardly get better than this.

[OOC - Leaving topic with Gaki to take him to the hospital, if allowed]
The rush of adrenaline had begun to wear off, his breathing returning to normal pace and controlled rhythm. He gave a small bow to the senior shinobi who had just arrived, her dramatic entrance and bright pink hair impressed the young boy to a huge extent, though she was not much taller than he was not much taller than his own short stature she was the most punk thing he had ever seen! Perhaps it was his farm upbringing but he had been in the village long enough to know she was definitely cooler than him in a good way…

The boy had been standing silent for a few moments, slightly longer than the question truly required but he had been lost in his own thoughts for those moments. She had asked a question, it was only now sinking in that this was the case.

“Sorry, I was lost in my own head for a second there. We were just having a morning training session, though I fear I may have gone a little too hard…”

Ishimoto looked for a moment towards his fallen ‘training partner’, giving an audible wince and ‘Oof’.

“He spoke such a big game, I was expecting more…”

Just as he finished speaking another approached him, introducing himself as Shishi-something-something, explaining that he was a new student as well as aspiring med-nin, offering to take Gaki to the hospital!

“Did I hurt him that badly? Well it is nice to meet you Shishi, thank you for offering your help, I’m sure you will be a mednin in no time!”

Ishimoto gave the younger boy a smile and a small bow.

“Now I might head over to get some breakfast after that workout…”

He looked at his downed opponent, blood flow now beginning to clot as the small med-nin to be assisted him to his feet. Ishi seemed deep in thought, a seriousness coming over his young features before turning to the older, super cool Kunoichi, his finger raised as if asking permission to ask a question, old academy classroom habits died hard.

“Raman is breakfast as long as you eat it at breakfast time right?”

Current Ninpocho Time:
