Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Expected arrival [PVT]

May 7, 2017
He'd made a promise to make this appointment however it still didn't mean Yukio was comfortable talking about his new gift, standing by the door he hesitated in that moment wondering what questions would be thrown in his direction he wasn't sure going over the possibilities in his mind or as many as he could think of but at the end of the day whatever he was asked the truth would have to be told no matter what. He'd already seen the outcome of doing such things the thoughts of which still fresh in his mind as he sighed.

Knocking on the door to be polite before entering he looked around a moment though the gesture wasn't needed his eyes showing him the whole room the moment he entered. "Hyuuga Yukio, arrived as requested?" He pondered once again in that moment, it had been a long time since he'd been to a place like this his body tensing a moment before he shook it off as a simple distraction.

He didn't wear his normal combat gear as he was so used to doing so in pretty much all manner of situations instead wearing much more casual clothing a hoodie covering a white shirt and black jeans. Looking down at himself it was a strange sensation not particularly enjoying feeling so exposed but then again it was to be expected now that he was no longer on a mission during this time.


A faint knock upon the door demands for her attention, Mikasa's gaze settles against the doorway, "Yukio-kun, you've arrived a bit early." she jests, gesturing towards a typical flatbed for the Hyuuga to settle upon. The ANBU wouldn't be able to not take notice of the tan fur beast in the corner, a single dark blue eye fixates on the ivory hair shinobi. "You didn't cancel your appoint with this one, despite me telling you?" Jerfu inquires in his usual baritone, "Of course not." she replies gingerly, settling into a swivel stool.

Childishly the kunoichi scoots across the tile awaiting for the Hyuuga Clan member to lay down so she may closer inspect the optics. "How are you feeling today?" she inquires, "More than fine, he is here to see you after all." the pooch comments from the corner and in turn receives a glare to silence the canine for a moment. "No pain today?" she continues with her questionings, rummaging about through a petite work table to produce a retinascope, "I'll be using this, a light will shine into your eye while I observe for any irregularities. You don't have any issues with lights, correct?" To have the courage to undergo any examination was rare these days, as many shinobi and kunoichi avoid the Byoin to tend to their own wounds on their own accord.

Dismissing the notion, Mikasa readies herself with a few other tests to have the male undergo, "This is fairly standard, not to worry."
"yeah I realised I finished my work early" He scratched the back his head with a smile truth be told he had been somewhat curious of what would occur during his appointment and if there had been any side effects of his eye transplants. Tilting his head he nodded politely at the Canine remembering him from the evening prior to coming here "A pleasure to see you again" his words were said in a rather calm tone not wanting to seem upfront and simply show respect.

Walking over he lay upon the flatbed, as his back hit the bed there was a clear edge of discomfort on his face though he did not say why, his body going tense in that moment before he took a deep breath. His past experiences with being in such places were not the best only having been in this position once before and for all it helped him it was not done in the best way nor was it really all that professional.

"I'm fine thank you, A bit worn down thanks to the daily schedule however coming here has helped me make it through the day" Throughout the words he spoke his tone didn't seem to change, it was gentle as it had always been at least more so than it was when conversing with Maru on their first meeting "I find in recent days I've been able to take it a bit easier than before though that doesn't change how tough it gets but that's to be expected. And you Mikasa? I hope you've managed to catch up on sleep in these recent weeks." A hint of concern lingered in his voice remembering how busy both of them could get even on a good day.

Placing his hand under his right eye and running it across he pondered on the events of the last few weeks any information was probably going to help in that moment in time. "Well as of late it's been getting harder to focus, it may be my over dependence on these eyes but it's become habit to make the most of them. As for the lights I don't mind, I am confident in my safety here thus why I've taken to leaving my combat related gear at home. No need for it in good company."


Listening to the Hyuuga, Mikasa begins her general assessment of the situation, aiming the light directly against the left optic of the ANBU operative. "Look straight upwards, Yukio-kun." she murmurs, inspecting the odd emerald color hue. Nothing significant stuck out at a first glance, irritation for certain, however nothing to truly take notice of as a clear indicator for his inner lining issues. Proceeding to the oppose eye she began to conduct the exact test, "Look directly downwards." the kunoichi instructs, assuming to find similar marks of irritation.

Listing the signs aloud, the chief begins to contemplate, "Pain, irritation, slight redness,and overall decrease in visual accuracy in concerns to colors." she pauses to stare directly at the retina releasing a wisp, "The corneal tissue seems to being rejected, as if it isn't your eye." she settles onto the swivel stool, "Wouldn't be the first time someone has stolen an eye." the canine calls from across the room, curled up in the corner. Turning her attention to Yukio, Mikasa would not judge him, ANBU operated on a different spectrum than the medical branch, "Have any other details I need to know about, before I proceed further?" she inquires, tilting her head to the side ever so slightly. "Is this the portion where you chew him out?" Jerfu speaks in a growing interest. "Perhaps." she retorts.

There were only two possibilities, the initial being that an inexperienced shinobi or kunoichi transplanted the set of optics and the second pertaining to an unknown disease caused by the awakening of the Hakumei Byukugan; however her thoughts dwell on the initial theory due to the absurdness of Konohgakure. Adjusting her spectacles onto the bridge of her nose, Mikasa merely awaits for the tale the Hyuuga were sure to have in store for her.​
Hearing her assessment the Hyuuga freezes in that instant, his head tilting towards her with a look of guilt in his eye. It was true the eyes were not his own however the place he had acquired them from was not of the most reputable means it was the first time in a long time he'd hesitated usually acting with an air of calm and confidence but there was none to be seen in that moment instead being replaced with someone who held no such thing. With a slight pause and a hint of hesitation in his voice, he began to speak. "It is true these eyes are not my own, they were taken just with all powers such as these they came with a price of sacrifice. A burden to bear and one I hold dear not soon to forget, it is as you said I cannot lie for the repercussions of doing so are far greater than that of speaking the truth I still fear to speak that truth of where they came from." As he recalled their origin his hands began to grip on the sides of the flatbed getting tighter as time went by.

"They were implanted by another, though I do not speak their name for it is not my place." Taking a deep breath he shook his head it seemed with the question of where his eyes came from he wanted to get the truth to her with haste lest he attempt to cover it up behind smoke and mirrors, a lie that could not be undone, it would not be the first time he had done so, however, something within him felt it would be wrong to do so here especially in the circumstances he found himself in though he did not elaborate further he had spoken what he wished to say though considering how long they'd known each other the shell he'd created around his past was far from breaking.

The past, something that played on his mind on a regular basis as he lay there moving his grip on one of his hands to hold his trembling arm. It was as if watching someone remember a long lost memory something forgotten and buried in the mind as a way to cope with what had transpired even those not used to seeing such things could tell that much. "I do not wish to be judged for what I have done on the path to doing what I believe is right for my upbringing was not one of great kindness, if there is anything I wish to say before we continue it is I am not who I once was." He did not plead, nor did his voice carry a tone that asked for sympathy simply a request to be heard as the choices he made before this point were laid bare.


The canine merely lowers his maw against the tile floor, rolling his deep azure eyes, "She already knew they didn't belong to you, but I for one didn't anticipate a back story." Jerfu comments in his usual baritone vocals. Instinctively Mikasa rummages about to locate a pen to toss against the beast, attempting to silence the pooch. Truth to be told, the medical chief wasn't able to judge the shinobi for she in a similar situation and merely left it alone, despite Yukio's vague attempt at eluding to being bestowed with the enhancement. "Well, for starters, you should've had professional aid with the transplant and not a Genin - from the looks of it." she mutters, shaking her head.

Clearing her throat the woman motions for the ANBU to sit upright, for she wasn't in the field to be a shrink, "Fortunately eye transplants donors do not need to be of the same blood type." Mikasa begins, taking a brief pause, "The downside in your case is that you didn't receive medication to reduce the rejection, from the looks of it. You are quite fortunate you are of Hyuuga lineage, or your eyes may not have held out this long." she addresses, coming to a stand. In a matter of moments the tan beast trots to her side, resting his maw upon her shoulder awaiting for attention, her digits stroking against the satin texture throat of the pooch. "Don't be jealous." he comments gingerly, staring at the ANBU and resulting in Mikasa flicking Jerfu's ear.

Weighing the options she continues to attend to the canine, scratching the underside of his maw, "You can attempt to take anti-rejection medicine, but it may be too late or you will have to undergo another transplant. Simple as that." she doesn't sugarcoat anything when it came to the medical field. "You don't happen to have your old set, do you? Perhaps buried in the backyard?" the canine chuckles.​
He thinks on her words tilting his head to the Canine at his comment with a deadpan expression in response before speaking scratching his head and sitting up on the bed lifting his knee up to rest his arm on it. "I'll take the medication, I don't wish to lose these eyes they are rather important to me. My original eyes are still with me however and are available if the need arises though how the shift back to them would affect me I am not sure" He couldn't bring himself to mention it was a Sennin who did his implants and may have chuckled at the notion had there not been a more serious atmosphere in the room.

Taking a long deep breath considering his options if it were possible he didn't want to lose the gift he'd received too much had been lost at this point to not attempt to reap the fruits of his labour. "Though I don't exactly wish to increase your work load more than it already is by getting them removed and repaired I think should such a time come I wish for us both to have respite and mostly because I wish to see what difference I can make if I give it time to relax. They have seen overuse these last few weeks." It was true he still needed more time away from the branch than he was getting at the moment with the rate he was going missions were going to run him into the ground sooner rather than later.

Moving back onto the Canine's original comment it was true his outburst had been sudden though safe to say it was something he wanted to get out in the open between the two of them while the moment allowed for it. Though considering they had met on two occasions he felt somewhat rude for not asking his name by now though introductions could wait until the medical examination was over and a solution had been found or as close to a solution as they could get at this moment in time.

"though do not mistake me for not wishing to be here, I find the company outside of work to be much more enjoyable however it's a shame we must meet under such serious circumstances." he attempted to improve the somewhat doom and gloom atmosphere he'd felt he'd brought into the room something he seemed to do frequently the more serious things got when meeting others and was slowly beginning to realise it was a habit he would have to address in the near future.


Mikasa merely holds her left hand upright, "My apologies, Yukio-kun, Jerfu doesn't speak for me . . . despite his remarks." she comments escaping the attention of the pooch to rummage through various cabinets. Frowning, the kunoichi turns to face the ivory hair Hyuuga, shaking her head to indicate, "I will have to go to our lab technicians and have the medication created. It won't take more than twenty minutes or so." she addresses, crossing the room to place her palm against the doorway, "I'll return once it is created, unfortunately I can not allow you into the department side, especially as a patient." the medical chief continues slipping through the doorway, "I have to aid them in this one, this is a bit trickier to concoct." she admits sheepishly.

Meanwhile the silence between the canine and the ANBU become a bit unsettling. Trotting forward the oversized beast stares intently at Yukio, placing his massive snout against the white tendrils of Yukio, inhaling deeply to preserve the scent of the male in his memory for times to come. "Feel free to pet me, I won't mind." he comments dryly, though they both knew that the canine wouldn't take kindly to the act from a stranger, despite the general happy go lucky nature most canine have.

Jerfu soon positions himself with his rear upon the tile, in the typical 'sitting' position and the behemoth breaks the ice, "I saw what you did on the face rock mountain." he describes vaguely, not entirely sure how to address the formal name of the Hokage Rock, "You were quite flushed several times, I could hear the blood rushing to your cheeks." he speaks bluntly, his massive ears acute at hearing even the most minor of details; such a privilege of a contract creature. "She can't join your pack, she is a part of mine." Jerfu finalizes in a prideful tone.​
Nodding as she went to leave there was a gentle smile on his face once more "I understand I shall keep that in mind in the future" he chuckled slightly in that moment the atmosphere perking up slightly at least for him as he watched her go tilting his head slightly to the side "It's ok do what you must it would be the same for me if I had to go into the restricted areas of the ANBU branch" now being alone with Jerfu he moved to Look to the Canine as he spun himself to face him not expecting him to be addressed so forwardly though considering how he had been thus far it shouldn't have been all too surprising as he nodded slowly listening to his words.

"I see, well before we begin I feel there is something we should begin with first" With those words he bowed his head in a sign of greeting and respect. "It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Hyuuga Yukio is what I go by and I apologise for not making introductions sooner however the situation did not allow for such things." He had become accustom to showing signs of respect like this and had done so ever since meeting Kuji, if the way of the sage had taught him anything it was to treat all things the way you would treat any other person and you could get much further in the world than you ever could through ignorance.

Bringing a hand up he ran his thumb and finger across his hair in a rather embarrassed manner at being told how obvious his reactions were on that night. "I mean you can't really blame me for such things, it's the first time i'd ever felt that way I don't even think I can fully understand what it was." lifting his hand up to his face leaning on it a deep sigh escaped him a sign of his admitting defeat and wondering if he had been so obvious to everyone there.

"Part of your pack? I see so you must be her partner, I am not familiar with your pack however I have met other creatures like yourself" He paused for a second on the last part thinking about how Kuji was in reality and realising they were quite different in terms of personality "Well my friend Kuji is not quite like anyone else but it lets him accept the world he sees much easier than he would if it was explained to him." He remembered the day he had made his contract pact with Kuji, he was just a young academy student back then doing his best to move up in the world of Shinobi.

Thinking on what he could speak to Jerfu about it was certainly an interesting moment between the two of them and if possibly the Hyuuga wished to make some form of good impression on the Canine regardless of how things had gone thus far. "I have not seen you around the village before however and though I don't spend as much time here as I should can I assume you have met one another recently?"


The beast gives his undivided attention towards the Hyuuga clan member, settling upon the tile floor once more. In the realm of contracts, interaction between different factions result in either peace or bloodshed, hence Jerfu was not familiar with the name of the pact creature Yukio mentions, "I can not say I have come across as a Kuji." he summarizes, stating his thoughts aloud before contemplating on the response to give the ivory hair shinobi, "How long have we known each other? A difficult inquiry to answer." he speaks truthfully.

In the realm of the canines, it was fabled each creature had a destined companion wandering about in the realm of the shinobi and not all presented with the opportunity with uniting with their significant other. Narrowing his gaze, as best as a creature possible could muster, "Endless full moon cycles, I awaited for her as I scored the lands." Jerfu responds, coming to a complete stand to lessen the distance between the pair. Yukio would be met with a moist nose, short of a few inches from his own features and the breath of the beast humid and heavy. "At times it is better to not understand what you are feeling, to disregard the thoughts." the meaning behind the words crystal clear, "Mikasa's well being is my primary concern, anything or anyone that will jeopardize her well being will be met with a fury they have never experienced." a low growl forms in the throat of the creature, turning about and allowing his bushy tail to swish against the face of the Hyuuga.

Returning to his original 'spot' of choice, Jerfu settles against the floor one final instance, curling up in a huge heap, "Hyuuga Yukio, some roses have thorns you shouldn't touch.", taking notice of the faintest of noises in the background, signifying the medical chiefs return, Jerfu silences himself.

The door creaks open, the platinum mane woman peaks her head in to showcase a bottled liquid. Wiggling the contents around, Mikasa crosses over to hand the bottle over, "Special made eye-drops, no guarantee, but it should lessen the strain in hopes of allowing the tissue to fuse together."
Listening to the words of Jerfu, Yukio nodded his head slowly he understood his words and knew that this was a rather serious individual he spoke with however for all he approached him the growl and threats of the Canine were little in comparison to what Takeshi had done during his academy training those days that could be described by most as being a hellish experience. This did not mean however he made aggressive moves either he remained stationary the emerald eyes focussing on Jerfu's showing he gave no attention to anything around him, his actions was non but his in that moment in time.

"I understand your words, sometimes we are better off understanding little or nothing to save us from the suffering that could come of it however it is Human nature to attempt to understand and adapt. And I wish to do so in what that was back then, Though I do respect where you stand but my counter to that is why would I seek to harm I may be seen by most as an assassin but I have another side that isn't the refined killer the ANBU can make you."

He spoke with confidence and in a tone that matched the integrity of his words, it was true life amongst those in the ANBU branch could make someone as cold as ice and as dark as the void but Yukio was one who refused to let such a persona consume him that was not the promise he had made so long ago. "Some roses have thorns you shouldn't touch as you say it, but after all that is part of the appreciation of such thing. For how can you say you appreciate the rose if you do not accept the thorns." Though it was a strange sensation he enjoyed speaking to Jerfu he had wisdom in his words and experience in his actions such a thing being something deserving of respect a light smile settling on the Hyuuga's face as he joined Jerfu in the silence as Mikasa returned to the room.

"Thank you for your work on this, hopefully this means I can save these eyes before the worst comes of them." Holding his hand out and taking the bottle he peered at the liquid inside pausing for a moment before slowly nodding spinning it in his fingers for a moment.


Mikasa merely shakes her head, gesturing towards the eye drops, "It was a combined effort from our technicians, I merely offered a more suitable form to distribute the medicine." she murmurs. Inhaling lightly, the medical chief points directly against her own eye with an index finger, "One droplet in the morning and one in the evening should suffice. If your strain and visual activity doesn't return to normal you will have to undergo the alternate method as the tissue would be classified as rejected." she states bluntly, returning to swivel stool beside the canine. Extending her hand outwards, Mikasa begins to toy with the fluff upon the ear of the Jerfu, who in return allows his eyes to close to enjoy the odd sensation.

"In one weeks time, I wish to examine your eyes once more, so that I may view any potential mending." she concludes, not needing to speak any more of the medical fantasy and medic-nin role as her treatment method distributed. Gingerly the maiden crosses her legs upon one another, "I believe that covers anything you wished to discuss?" she prods the Hyuuga clan member, staring forward with her ocean blue gaze. Jerfu, being the canine that he is, nudges her legs with his massive snout out of annoyance, "Now there, Jirf, only a few more patients for the day and I'm yours." she chuckles, the canine opening a single eye to stare against Yukio's optics; if a beast could smile menacingly, then in this very moment he would have surely done so.

Reaching towards the table, she begins to jot down a few notes pertaining to the treatment and components of the medicine for future uses. Once done, the medical chief continues to smile gently, awaiting for any potential last exchanges between the duo. Thus far, she finds herself unsure of what to speak of due to their abrupt last encounter.​
Flipping the medication in his hand before pocketing it a nod and a smile was the least he could have given in that moment. "I appropriate this more than you know, but it is nor the time or the place to speak of such things. That will be at a later time when i feel ready to speak of such matters." It was true he had to talk about what happened that day, the sense of regret lurking in his gut was not a pleasant one and at the end of the day it would have to be revealed eventually.

Tilting his head to Jerfu to give him a nod and bow of his head in respect to their earlier conversation his business was done here as much as he would like to stay and discuss things. "I have little in the way of meaningful talk during work hours, same as before there is a time for such things and i would not want to keep you when you still have so much work on your hands. But if ever i can help lighten the load then i will be more than happy to step in." Walking over to the door he stopped in it's opening a moment pondering if there was anything left to speak of.

"Well i will make my appointment with you for a weeks time from now, though if the chance should arise i wish to speak with you outside of work hours some day. Should we get the chance and a moments respite to do so." It was a suggestion he wasn't sure why he asked it. Seeing as they had not known one another for very long but he still felt ease when he spoke to her the same way he did with Takeshi.

[Topic left unless stopped]


Nodding her head, Mikasa merely allows her gaze to trail after the ivory hair ANBU, "You will, otherwise I will have to locate you on my own and that surely will not be pleasant." she responds in a brisk tone. Casually she nods her head politely as Yukio departs from the medical room, "Until we meet again." she calls out as the canine mocks her in turn, "Until we meet again..." he trails off. Spinning about she flicks the snout of the beast, Jerfu reeling his head back to give her a frown as best as a canine could manage, "Girf.." he murmurs, the medical chiefs forehead pressing against the pooch's, "Jerf."

In time the duo would present themselves with a pseudo staring contest, neither one speaking audible thoughts and the occasional growl can be heard emitting from the maw of the beast. After a few moments had passed, the pair separate, crossing her arms triumphantly the maiden leans her head back, "You should know I am stubborn." she jests, crossing the room to the file cabinet to deposit the notes of Yukio's medication, "It as if someone else is controlling your thoughts." he replies snarkily.

Stretching the woman makes her way to the door, "I'm famished, we have enough time prior to my next appointment. You coming?" she inquires, motioning for the companion to follow suite and Jerfu wasting no time in doing so. Trotting down the hallway, her digits caress against the satin texture of his fur, allowing him to guide her through the hallway.

[OOC: Topic Left]​

Current Ninpocho Time:
