Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Private Explanations and Expectations

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi sat in his office, he let a sigh escape his lips as he knew that with the return of Asuaka a not-so-enjoyable conversation would be required after all things had changed and Asuka had left a mess with her disappearance, he knew that much, and was expecting this to happen at some time. He had earlier sent a runner to summon the former Kage to his office, as he sat in the chair, the paperwork has gone and he finally felt like he was back to normality in the world, as he waited for the arrival of the office door open, for the Joinin to enter without needing to knock.

Takeshi looked out past the village as he spun the chair standing from the seat he allowed his hands to be clasped behind his back in those few moments. It was clear that right now he still had to make sure that everything settled down as a plan started to come to his mind he pondered if he could fix a few issues with this meeting, and hopefully get an outcome that would reward the village, though it needed to be clean cut and direct. This conversation would shape the future of the village one way or another.

[Summoned Asuka]

Uchiha Asuka

Izen no hokage
Feb 20, 2018
Asuka walked outside her bar behind the runner. Apparently she was being summoned to see Takeshi. Sending the runner back to where he came she slowly started moving towards the mansion. She knew this was going to happen but she didn't exactly expected it to be so soon. She hoped to run Incognito for a while before having to deal with this. She knew she couldn't lie to him, she also knew the state the village was left in when she vanished. But now, just explaining her reasoning was going to be quite the conversation. She just hoped it didn't turn into a screaming match.

Moving into the Mansion she took a few moments to take in the sights. The building hadn't changed much, nor the people in it which was actually calming. She just hoped the rest of her visit would be as well. Slowly going up the stairs she made sure to keep a low profile. Not wanting anyone to recognize her. She stood in front of his office, her old office. He was just standing her, looking at the village. Just like she used to do. With a heavy sigh she walked in. "I was hoping to remain incognito for a bit longer." She said, not wanting to sit down considering what was coming. "Would've prepared a splendid blend of tea."

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
He sighed as he listened to the words from Asuka, it was like nothing had happened, yet everything had, he felt the rise in his ire his as he knew full well the turmoil that the village had been left in, the state that things had been left in, as he looked out the window his hands clentched into fists as he looked towards the village something so simple, a statement, a oh well, I was hoping to avoid this conversation, it made it clear to Takeshi just how little she understood of her actions, how little she really understood of the world.

As he focused his vision out towards the village his eyes so adjusted and tuned to zooming in and pinpointing something, he found that in that time his vision wavered, he felt every second of that time, what he would have considered something so beautiful something so peaceful as the market, watching the ladies selling product, his vision started to blur as the blood pumped around his veins ignited within him, the red hot flames lashed at his insides as he stumbled forward towards the window, this anger had been quelled for so long, but it roared inside the Hokage wanting to be unleashed.

Pressing his hand up against the glass, he tried to focus his vision once more, he need to focus, his heart pumping faster with each forceful movement of his eyes, as his sight started to escape him, as he slumped his head down closing his eyes and looking down to the floor, the pain that stretched at his eyes, the pure burning that hit him like wave after wave, he tried to focus the stinging sensation that was in his head even his break was screaming at him in the office.

"Incognito, you were the damn Hokage, you failed in your duty, you failed your charge and the protection of the village, I mean I would say you failed me, but no that is too kind, you failed yourself Asuka. You left this village on its knees and I am here to pick the pieces up."

Spinning on his heels his eyes focused on Asuka shooting open in that second, his focus his ability to be one with the range of the world was gone, instead his eyes began to shift as he looked towards the former Hokage, blood trickling down from the corners of his eyes, as they tore themselves apart to instead create a foundation, no that was wrong to create Takeshi's foundations again. The familiar formation began to swirl in his eyes as they came to bear on Asuka.

"You left blood on the streets of the village, a pack with not one but two missing ninjas, they killed citizens of this village and you did nothing, you threatened our allies, and broke our alliances. YOU broke the village in a single bound during my absence, and yet you tried to come back and blend in as if nothing happened."

As the swirling that had started stopped, the clear red eyes of Mangekyo Sharingan stared into the eyes of Asuka. The rage inside of the Uchiha clan whipped and swirled inside his core as the doors of locked knowledge opened and his Clan came back to him in that split second. He advanced on Asuka like a cat finding a mouse, a plaything if you will as he moved past the desk to close the distance between the two of them stopping inches away from her.

"You are going to correct this mistake, or I will make sure that the treaty I sign with the villages will be with your blood. You are lucky this is a dressing down, and I offer a chance of forgiveness and not a charge of treason for what has happened inside of the village. So before you can disappear, before you skulk away like a whipped dog, you will make this right. Do I make myself clear Uchiha Asuka, former Hokage, now a Jounin of Leaf? You will redeem yourself, understood?"

As he waited in those seconds the blood dripping down his cheeks and onto the carpet of the office, the eyes of the Uchiha focused purely on her waiting to see her next move.

[Swap Card Used]
[TWC: 700]
[Bloodline Swap requested from Hawkeye to Uchiha]

Uchiha Asuka

Izen no hokage
Feb 20, 2018
Hearing the dissapointment in his voice was probably the hardest part. She had been yelled at by him before but never like this. The more his spoke the more her emotions of the past started to boil up. She could feel them wanting to come out, the stuff that she was repressing for so long was finally ready to burst but Asuka was keeping it chained up. Making sure the bottle didn't explode. Not now. She did fail her duty, she did fail the village, her fellow Shinobi, her fellow citizens. She failed everyone. Asuka knew it. There was no need to repeat it. But hearing from someone else was entirely different.

As Takeshi spoke, she could feel his anger, memories of their team together flodded into her head. The first time they met. The first beating. First promotion. It was not only anger or dissapointment. She could tell he still cared. But it didn't matter. In the end it didn't matter. The facts spoke themselves and she knew she would have to face them eventually.

But, she could feel herself slipping away. As he spoke she could feel herself loosing control. When he started speaking about the missing ninja, blood on the streets, broken alliances it hit her even harder. She didn't know why it dd. She was aware of the consequences of her actions but for some reason listening to him say was like a truck had hit her at full speed. She started to feel herself tear up, her vision becoming blurry as all her actions from the past started coming forward. Even those she had forgotten.

The refrigerator box. Death

The poison. Death

The accident at the village. Death

The old lady. Death

The Chunnin Exam. Death

The radio tower. Death

Her best friend. Death

Her sister, vanished.

Her first child vanishes.

Her second child....

She couldn't even think it. All her career, all her life her choices had led to death and destruction, without exemption The happiness she portrayed was a mask to hide the truth.

As Takeshi moved towards with with incredible speed she didn't flinch. She just glared back at him, the mangekyou sharingan staring at her. She felt a familiar feeling in ehr eyes. A familiar headache as Takeshi gave her an ultimatum. Fix this shit or die. Tears started flowing down her cheeks as she clinched her teeth. "I did." She finally started, her lips quivering. "You want me to be completely honest? All bullshit aside. No more mask. No more lies. No more censorship. Fine." She clenched her fist "I did run. I did dissapear. I did leave he village and I did know what it meant. I do know what it cost. I did fail in my duty. It most certanly cost lives. Heck, Soku almost died." Her eyes slowly swiffled as they turned into the three tomoe sharingan. "One of those missing-nin proposed marriage to hold a pact which. Did you know? I did take." She dramatically continued "How could you? A missing? The alternative would've been fire and death and I for one wouldn't risk the lives of innocents over something as stupid as marriage. God knows where that bastard is now. But hey, I'm the idiot." She gave a slight laugh

"After that a missing came and not only killed about a dozen Shinobi at the gates but vanished into thin air. Investigating the mess it was painfully clear a Suna shinobi had done it. Was it a missing from sand? God knows. But that's what the evidence suggested. Where the bastard came from. I sent a letter and a delgation to make sure. I don't even know if the delegation arrived." She gave a slight smile "Because that's how we always did things. Strong front. Right? No weakness." Her arms slomped on her sides. "And for all that? Where were you? Half the forces were murdered. Soku had been fataly injured and was fighting for her life. Nao had the hospital to the brink and I was alone. I needed you and you weren't here." She gave a sigh. "I was alone. No one cared to ask if I was okay. But it doesn't matter. Never did. Because that's what we are right? Emotionless weapons of mass destruction. And that's when it happened. The bottle finally snapped. She wouldn't be able to hold her emotions in check anymore. Whether he wanted to hear it or not, he would listen to her reasoning. He was probably the only person left she was comfortable being vulnerable with.

"All of that in less than a year. But do you know what it cost me?" She gave a slight painful laugh. "I was so-" She stopped as the tears started flowing down harder. "I was so conentrated on the village that I failed to notice what was happening within my own circle. The younger one of my daughters vanished. Only a student but she has been able to evade me. Probably dead if I'm being honest." WIth that she turned around "After getting word of her unusual dissaperance from the academy I looked for the older one. Kairi. She was also missing. The idiot decided disregard the retreat order and went off to finish off a band of bandits. The team came back but I was too busy with the whole missing situation to notice my own daughter didn't come home with them. Long story short." Her sharingan tomoe started to slowly spin.

"I got so scared I dropped everything and went to look. Took me 3 days to find her. Or rather, the smell got to me. I found her down a ravine." Asuka cleaned up her nose as she took a few steps back. No matter how much she tried cleaning her tears they kept flowing. Her tomoe spinning faster. "Worst part, she hadn't died on the way down. She died due to terminal dehydration. I could've done something. But... in the end I didn't even notice. Broke after that. I just... don't care anymore. In the end-. In the end I couldn't even keep the people I loved the most safe. All I'm good for is death and destruction. All I am is death. I've killed children over a hijacked radio tower for gods sake. But it always ended the same way" The shape of her eyes changed, changing into her old Mangekyou Sharingan. She could feel the power of space in her fingertips. But none of that mattered anymore. It was pointless. "I. Lost. Everything. "

Asuka cleaned up her eyes. Sniffling. "You want me clean my mess? Sure. Least I could do. Heck, could even teach a class or two. Always enjoyed the academy." Looking back up at Takeshi she held a serious expression on her face. "But don't call me Jounin. I'm not one of your soldiers anymore. I'm a bar owner."

(Bloodline swapped to Void Uchiha)

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi looked down at the former Hokage, the tempest inside of him was like a raging inferno, he tried to control his anger, his annoyance, as he looked towards Asuka, the one who had hurt the village that he had trusted with the village and who had left it in this state, he allowed his mouth to curl slightly, the gun on his hip squirming as well, feeling the anger, the change in its owner rattling through, in the mind of the Hokage the screaming started with the last words Asuka spoke, she was a bar owner and nothing more.

"Stop, your losing control of yourself, of me, you need to focus and control your emotions right now, the pain, the suffering, you're changing its tearing me apart"

The voice was low in his head the pain in the growl that was emanating as the weapon wriggled in its holster, trying to break free, trying to escape the waves of energy that was lingering around Takeshi, whipping at him with ease. Like a lashing that could not be broken from, the weapon rattled harder in that silence that lingered between the two as Takeshi maintained eye contact with Asuka, it not breaking as the Mangekyo sliced into her very being.

His mind raced back in time, to when she was so different, before her life he found himself standing in the academy, the group of students at the desk the eagerness in their eyes, the fresh look that they had in their faces, it was clear that they had so much potential, so much drive, and passion as well. As he stood in what would be considered his past, he remembered the chalk on the board for Asuka, the first time that she had been a student with Soku and the others, the friendships she had brought to pass, and of course, the growth that was still in front of her.

"Takeshi....stop...your losing control"

The voice banging at his head once more as he remembered the memories of laughter the smile on her face, the start of what would be the relationship the two had. As he felt the storm inside of him slowing becoming a small rotation as he watched the lessons slowly going by, the class falling away from his memory in the few moments as the cascade, the change was starting to take hold of him. He knew full well the experience and actions of the future would also be seen.

As he blinked his eyes focused on an older Asuka, one that was out of the Academy and part of the village, watching her in a time of need for the village, this time he could see that she was acting quickly when the village was in trouble, protecting those that couldn't help themselves and trying to spread the will of fire from herself, it was a mission, simple enough and time of trouble but of course, she took it into her strides and provided success from what could have been a failure.

The whirlwind inside the Hokage sparked slightly as everything faded from this vision, it seemed that the path he was walking down would be a long one, as the memories flooded into him with each second, unrelenting and unyielding it was clear that he still had to walk this path the inferno wrapping him in fire, as he stood there, the heat soaking into every inch of him as he stood there consumed in darkness, it seemed that the clashing in his Chakra and emotions was on the inside, as the time passing was meer seconds inside of the Hokage office between the two of them.

As the flames shifted out the way he saw the moment that he had the privilege to stand with Asuka, and promote her to the rank of Chunin, the memory clear as day as he considered those moments between the two of them, how young she had been, how many promises she had and how proud he felt, it seemed that the world would be hers to grab if she wanted, still with the dreams of the world, how the future could be and how everything could still be settled with talking, without blood being spilled.

The next image was the shift, Takeshi watched the image of Asuka standing over the body of dead students, the students she had killed, the ones that had committed treason against the village, and in their stupid thinking, they considered it an option that they could walk away when the village was under attack and they had sided with those attackers, the simple action of a broadcast had caused so much hurt inside of the village and ripped Asuka way from the world that was so innocent before, he felt the heavy burned inside of him, the pain of the loss not only to Asuka but to the village.

The tempest erupted again as his anger became closed fists as he stood there looking at that scene, so much damage had been done and yet it was the damage that it left on the ones who carried out the punishment for the crime that he saw even to this day, a single tear running down his cheek as he stood there watching that moment of silence. The weapon rattled in the fire that lashed at his legs, at the weapon clip, it was clear that it was aiming to break free from him, no that was wrong, it was being stripped from him by his own fire that raged inside.

"Calm......Your slipping and I cannot follow"

The voice once more cried out to him in that split second, trying to hold on to its master, but this was not to be for what was coming had long since slumbered inside of the Uchiha, what had been thought to be crushed and corrupted had once more come back, it was waking like a beast that had been caged for so long, destroying anything that bared it's away and bringing the Hokage back to his place and to his powers that he should have had all this time.

Feeling himself reaching out it was clear that his body was rebuilding itself, though what felt like an eternity was broken when he felt his weapon breaking from his hip, flying into the darkness, his companion vanished into the darkness, before feeling a voice speaking up to him, it was clear that his mind was fighting itself to hold control but losing that grip, as he fell towards the floor, his knees giving way to him as he reached out to stop the fall landing on all fours like a broken child his breathing became heavy as sweat dripped from him.

"You failed to train Asuka, the bond you made with this innocent child, look at her now, broken, ruined, and all because she became a friend with the mightly Lord Forth, we could have done so much more, we could have been so much more Uchiha Takeshi. But look at the situation we are in now, the past, and of course, this is only the tip, we must dive deeper to see the truth behind it all."

"She protected the village, she defended it and did her duty, her actions, her pain, its every Kage's path to walk, we lose, we suffer loss and we must still stand tall. Even now one that I might have considered my own daughter stands and stays she is gone, she stripped me to my core and yet I must stand tall. She failed in her duty not me, I have always done the best for this village, have I failed?"

"Failed well that is in your eyes to decide, but the strength is within you, release your companion, accept the brand that you were always deemed to wear, and stand once more the pillar of stability that is expected of you, your actions and your destiny is yours, she burns and hammers you with words, yet she is still a child, you gave her the opportunity and instead she fell, now will you rise, from the ashes that she has left behind, will you finally let your heart be set on fire, be the one that the village needs, or will you let your emotions control you. Will you allow what has been holding you back to still stand in your way?"

The darkness, the voice it was clear in its tone, its malice in those moments as it spoke, no whispered to him as he allowed his head to look up, seeing the figure in front of him, the colors, the black skin of it, the look in its eyes, a look of weakness, it seemed that he knew the figure, he knew it all too well, it was part of him, his weapon, but broken and weak in a human form as he looked towards the pleading eyes it not speaking instead the look confirmed all he needed to know.

"Let us look into your history more shall we?"

Without warning, he was dragged to his feet in the darkness, the vision becoming faint at first, before snapping him into reality, it was three of them, Asuka, Yuki, and Him, enjoying time together, the words unclear to his fuzzy mind, but the happiness was there the trust. Family. The word stung him to his core, at the betrayal that had been committed in his absence, as his rage burned up inside of him, he screamed out to nothingness the scene of pure love was destroyed now, the trust fractured and broken beyond repair.

Feeling the fire inside rising to his eyes, the burning pain once more lashed at him, it fed on his emotions as he screamed out, clawing at his eyes, the blood trickling down his face as he tried to remove them, as he closed them he felt the build-up of pressure behind his eyes, opening them the black flames ripped free from the world he was in, lighting it as he stood in silence with himself, the pouring sensation lingering as the black flames lapped around him, undying and twisting in unreal forms.

Regaining his vision once more he brought himself back to focus as he watched himself fight with Asuka on the statues, the trial of her becoming Hokage, was one that he made tradition after Umashi had done it with him, it was his proudest moment his life handing the robes to her after this fight, to trust her with the future, as he watched that moment he felt the lump in his throat as he understood the change he was forgoing, she has broken him, Asuka one child had broken Takeshi, his soul, his fire had dwindled, there was nothing that she could do to him that would make this worse.

No, he would retake what was his, he would reclaim everything after these memories, he would come back stronger than before, he would destroy anything that stood in his way, gone was the weak, and back was strong, he knew what these visions were saying to him, he knew in that instant what was being asked of him by the legacy that flowed through his veins. As he watched the darkness come to collect him once more this time the door stood in front of him.

Putting his palm against the Uchiha clan logo he pushed it open, his strength flowing through him as he stepped through, looking into the darkness he saw the standing figure in the middle of what was his past, as he let the power serge into his very being he felt the armor of the giant wrapping around him in that second, covering him in the purple defenses, the arm snapping out and grabbing the figure as he stood there, the two made eye contact for a second before it tried to speak.

"Don't do this...."

"I am coming back with a vengeance, you are passed, my feelings and decisions toward those inside the village made me weak, that will be destroyed today, you will be destroyed today and I will pave the future for me as the Head of the Clan and Head of the Village, begone from my life and I accept this new power."

Susanno formed around the Hokage fully, before the former weapon even had a chance to react, black flames engulfed it in that split second, the two powers of the Uchiha in one being, as he held the weapon there, watching it melt into the ground, the truth of the matter, Asuka had unlocked this dormant power, the trauma of the deepest wound she had carved had unlocked the Uchiha's full potential now. Watching the screaming weapon turn back to its original form, he threw it, to watch it shatter into millions of pieces against the wall, the soul inside destroyed as he stood there, breathing heavily. He was an Uchiha once more and his strength flooded into his very being in those few seconds, he felt the pain, the fire all contained within him as the armored god roared out in anger towards the pitch black.

His heart ached with pain, suffering, and regret he needed to clean the village from the failures he had since being Hokage, this was his shot, his chance at redemption, a new future a new village. An opportunity most would not get in their lifetime, he knew full well that the wound that lashed at his heart would be erased from his memory, as he watched Asuka flashing past the time going back to their first meeting, before it faded from him, as he closed his eyes and prepared himself to open them once more to the real world and back to that office.

As the gap between Asuka and Takeshi came back to him, he felt the weapon beside him shatter into a million pieces and scattered around the office with the metallic sound, its core, its very soul destroyed to make way for the true power of the Uchiha, as his closed eyes opened his Sharingan had changed since reawakening once more, the Mangekyo Sharingan shifting, as they locked onto Asuka, his armor shifting to show the Uchiha crest on the back as he stood in the office, the pure blood of his clan flowing through his very veins.

"That bastard died inside this village, not running from problems, but instead coming back to protect the village, that bastard did something you didn't do. Stand firm and face the fire, no instead he took everything that came at him and he gave his life, that bastard that you called him, was found dead for Leaf. By the same missing that attached the village and vanished, instead of taking the time to find out the truth about what did you to Asuka, no you blamed the other villages, breaking allegiances and causing pain to more people in the process. You didn't do anything bar go on the offensive."

As he walked away from here, he felt the fire inside him, wanting to rip out, wanting to lash out at her and take vengeance for her actions, and the state things were in, he breathed in and controlled himself, it had been a while since this very fire was inside of him, the tornado normally so cool but no Asuka set this blase inside, the wound graved in his heart leaking the will of fire into his veins that threatened to take over him at any second, he needed to keep his focus.

"I was gone Asuka, retired and wanting to live my days in peace with Yuki, do you think I didn't damn well deserve to grow old in peace? No, instead I am brought back to retake the title from my daughter, and what does she do, spit in my face, and tell me that she would rather be the prey than the hunter? That I left her, she was alone, no one cared, and that Shinobi are emotionless weapons? So tell me Uchiha Asuka, if I didn't give a shit about you, why do I feel like my heart is being ripped out by your words, please tell me who the hell you think you are?"

He spun back to face her the rage in his eyes clear at her jabs, her actions, as always Asuka had never seen this inside of Takeshi, no this was nothing but raw emotion from the Hokage right now, the cool face completely gone from the wound she had created to him.

"I have never said we are weapons, no we are people who protect the village and give our lives to do that, the list I have lost is longer than you will ever know, but know this, the list of those that have wounded me this deep is one name, and yes daughter that name is Uchiha Asuka."

As he faced back out the window, he shook from the anger, the pain, and the change his body had undergone, instead now stood the true leader of the Uchiha, his Eternal Mangekyo unlocked, due to the pure wound that Asuka had carved right into his chest, as he put a hand on the window propping himself up, he made sure his head lowered to keep himself steady as he focused on what needed to be done.

"Uchiha Asuka, you are hereby stripped of the rank of Jounin, you will take the rank of Chunin, you want to get that title back, and the right to teach the next generation then you will complete the following mission. You will take this letter, and yourself to Sand, to the Kazekage and beg forgiveness, as they never attacked us, it was the missing ninja playing both sides, and you fell for it, and pray with your words and me begging in writing that they will forgive and once more call us their allies, and you will take a letter to the Raikage as well doing the same. You will be assigned a squad leader and follow their direction, as you need one clearly. Once this has been achieved, then maybe then, I will allow you to teach in the Academy and see if you can find yourself again. Do I make myself clear, I have summoned your squad leader to this office as well".

Takeshi felt a tear run down his cheek, he felt and in that instant in front of Asuka looked old, so tired of fighting, so tired of running, and so tired of hurting. As he waited to hear her response he knew the wound was too fresh to forgive between the two of them.

[Asuka demoted to Chunin]
[Soku Summoned]
[Kinjutsu Removal Card Used]
[Applying for EMS]


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
"There are times when you have to talk less, and smile more..."

Tick-tock-tick-tock-tick-tock-tick-tock... Not exactly intending to sit and wait for as long as he was, Umashi did the polite thing and continued to sit as he heard the tell tale signs of someone being chewed out. Certainly, he had been on that side of the table before. Saddled with so much responsibility, sometime a Kage simply had to do, what they had to do. However, as the minutes stretched on longer and the time was nearing an hour or more, the continuous tick-tock of the clock on the wall began to become simply unbearable. Clearing his throat, he opened an eye to find that the receptionist was just as annoyed as he was, but for different reasons. Still busying herself furiously with whatever it was that she was doing, she met Umashi's gaze and shrug her shoulders in mock defeat. "I'm sorry sir, but the instructions were clear that he wasn't to be disturbed." Opening the other eye to engage in yet another back and forth, Umashi blinked his eyes a few times and crossed his arms. "And, forgive me for asking again, but, did you tell him, who was waiting on him? I'm quite sure that-" "Sir, we know exactly who you are and while it is great to see you in the flesh, alive and well, I recei-", "Yes, as you said, you received clear instructions." Sighing, Umashi hated to resort to juvenile tactics such as speaking over someone, but matching the young woman's tone and very jockeying, he found that his frustrations were beginning to be shown.

Tick-tock-tick-tock-tick-tock... Snickering, the two assigned guards at the woman's side exchanged glances and while it was clear by the gear that they wore, that they were quite adept at their jobs, it was even more clear that they had clearly chosen sides. Their youthful antics aside, they couldn't drown out the now thundering sound of the clock on the wall. How long had it been now? Surely, Umashi had grown at least another grey strand or two in his mustache. Were they trying to time him out in hopes of him going home? It probably would have been more desirable to be on the receiving end of a tongue lashing from Takeshi than sitting in the surprisingly comfortable chair that he was waiting in. Shaking his head and taking a deep breath, Umashi decided that he had had enough and he exhaled with a clear sign of annoyance. Like many, he understood that there were rules, but some rules were sometimes just fine when broken in two. Hearing an equally raised feminine voice from beyond the closed doors, Umashi cocked his head to the side in feigned concern and pointed towards the hallway beyond with a raised thumb. "Is everyone alright down there?" He knew that things were but even before the woman moved to disregard him once more, he stood and shook the proverbial rust loose from his old joints before starting towards the door as he rolled up his sleeves. "Yep, I think that that was a cry for help and it's my duty to help those in need!" Voice raised in alarm, the woman jumped to her feet, no doubt sensing Umashi's intentions. "Sir, you need to wait. Not even the Lord Second is above the law. I could have you arre-"

Tick-tock-tick-tock... The hands on the clock seemed to slow to a crawl and and in that moment, the guards, ever dutiful, reached for their weapons to react, but none could match the swift speed in which Umashi had honed over the years. Whereas they reached for weapons, the sage reached within and should anyone have asked later on, Umashi would swear that he had no intentions of harm, he just merely wanted to talk. In an emerald flash, his modest garments and indeed his very skin were rippling with a charged vibrant energy. Hair billowing out wildly, there was a clear overflowing of natural energy that filled the room with no escape. The guards were fast, but the physical could never match the immaterial. Umashi became very acutely aware that there were other guards stationed further down the hallway that also were alerted, and though he completely intended to defend himself from accusation, he was more immediately annoyed with the clock on the wall and the woman that parroted her ethical mantra. The guards, their weapons, the woman, her pen, the clock and even the birds outside, all of them were much too loud and much too understanding, Umashi was a force of nature and like most natural things, he wanted to just be. Raising an index finger to his lips, he sized the moment and hushed them all. "Shhhhhhhh!"

Tick-tock... Admittedly, Umashi was far from one who understood every wonder of the world, but of what he did understand, one thing was clear, nature always found a way. Though simply intended as the act of an old man to quiet the sound of children on what was no longer his lawn, his lightly uttered command was mixed with enough natural sage energy to carry a near primal command to the world itself. Though normally a very intended action, the forceful nature of imprinting his spoken word with the ancient barely understood power was enough to temporarily, or so he hoped, force those in his immediate vicinity to enter an equally transformed state. With a sound almost like a bubble popping, one by one, each and every one of those intending to hold him back found themselves suddenly and quite shockingly shrinking. Had Umashi the time, he would have been inspired by such a display, and somewhere in the back of his mind, he made a mental note to come back to the moment in order to see if he could replicate the action, but much like him, the shock and awe was one that didn't stop the forced participants in his display from crying out in alarm. Fortunately for Umashi, none seemed to be proficient in the art of being a turtle, and just to keep them from getting into too much trouble, he grabbed the nearest thing that he could find, one of the former guards now much too big shirt, and wrapped the bunch into a nice makeshift nest."Sorry little ones..." Time wasn't exactly on his side and it wouldn't take long before the chakra sensors would notice that something was off, and so without further a fuss, Umashi made his way to Takeshi's office.


Click... The door was surprisingly unlocked. Perhaps Takeshi was expecting another guest, or perhaps he had known that Umashi would find his own way in. Whatever the case, Umashi waltzed into the office as if he still owned the place, which, if anyone ever bothered to read too deeply into the coffers of the Uchiha Clan, they'd find that there was a very clear anagram of Umashi's name listed as an eternal benefactor. Yes, Uchiha Kojishishi Umakabihi, second of his name, was somehow set to inherit twenty-two percent of all Uchiha held properties in the known shinobi world. With as long as Uchiha's tended to stick around, it would probably be his daughter, Michiko who would actually physically be the benefactor. Fortunately for her, she was by birth an Uchiha and had struck it big in the lottery of adopted war orphans. Historical antecedents aside, Umashi found that he had quickly rushed his coming demise by a clear amount when he came face to face with not only Takeshi, the Fourth, and Asuka the Fifth, both Uchiha and both, by the looks of things, not expecting Umashi to have been the person to walk through the door. Eyebrows raised notably, Umashi cleared his throat and shook his head. "Wow, Lady Asuka! Had I known that it was going to be a class reunion then I would have brought my special hat! Where have you been, young lady!"

A terrible joke, but leaning back a bit. Umashi saw that the ninja turtles were beginning to figure out how to crawl which meant that they'd soon be walking and running to get him. There was no turning back. Fully stepping into the room, he followed up with another joke, which wasn't so much a joke as a very good natured oddity in the shinobi world. "Has it ever occurred to either of you that how we list Kage as a society clearly skips using the title Shidaime for the sake of using Yondaime? Heck, it's the same with Shodaime instead of Ichidaime? I guess that we don't want to go around calling people Death Kage and Itchy Kage, right...ha ha?" Another dud... "Ok, I'll cut to the chase. I may have accidentally lost one of the academy students in an interdimensional zone while trying to teach a few of them how to summon a contract creature in a zero gravity environment. That or said kid was forcefully merged with another, or there's a doppelganger running around the village and likely to disappear in a few hours. Oh, and I'm not one-hundred percent sure of it but, I might be in trouble with the Raikage. I sent her a progress report but she hasn't sent word back which could only mean that either somebody intercepted the message or she's pissed and when she's pissed she gets all red eyes, black flames and mass geno..." Wrong target audience for sure. "Anyway..., when's the last time that all of us were in the same room? Never? Imagine that!" Where was Yomi to rein him in? If these two were bickering then somebody other than him had royally screwed up big time.

OOC: Umashi is in his Turtle Sage Mode and RPly used Senjutsu Manipulation to temporarily turn a number of guards and Takeshi's receptionist on duty into turtles.

Nanjirou Soku

Active Member
Dec 25, 2017
OOC Rank
S Rank
As the sun's rays illuminated the bustling streets of the Village Hidden in the Leaves, Soku received an urgent summons. The Fourth Hokage, Uchiha Takeshi, had requested her presence in his office. Intrigued by the sudden summons, Soku's mind raced with anticipation as she made her way through the village, her footsteps echoing against the village walls.


Upon reaching the Hokage's office, Soku paused for a moment to steady her nerves. She took a deep breath, feeling a mixture of dread and curiosity. Pushing open the door, she entered the room, her gaze immediately drawn to the figures present. When the Hokage called you, it was either for something bad or for something good and she wasn't too sure she wanted to find out.

There was Takeshi, the esteemed Fourth Hokage. His stern yet compassionate expression reflected the weight of his responsibilities. To his side, Soku's eyes met those of her sister, Uchiha Asuka, the former Fifth Hokage. Asuka's presence brought back a familiar reminder to her as the imaagery of her defiled clan estate ran through her head. Judging from their expressions however, this was going to be no easy meeting as the questioning look passed across her face.

But the surprises didn't end there. Standing beside Asuka was Umashi, the venerable figure of the former Second Hokage. Soku couldn't help but feel her curisoity increasing in the presence of three Hokages The room seemed to buzz with an air of importance, leaving Soku intrigued and eager to discover the reason behind this gathering.

With a respectful bow, Soku greeted the assembled Hokages. "Takeshi-san, the messenger wouldn't say much. I trust all is well?" Her voice carried a hint of anticipation, the curiosity in her eyes matching the determined spirit within her. Soku was prepared to lend her skills and loyalty to any task bestowed upon her, ready to embrace whatever awaited her in this meeting of esteemed minds.

The more she glanced around, the more her frown got deeper and deeper. Now, Soku didn't claim to be a mind reader or anything but she could read people pretty well and something was nagging at her, Asuka didn't seem to be her rather loud, outgong self and that caused her to raise an eyebrow. There was an energy in this room, an unpleasant energy rippling around as she shifted in place wondering what exactly it was that she had stumbled upon as she waited for their purpose to be declared.

Uchiha Asuka

Izen no hokage
Feb 20, 2018
It was as if time stood still, she didn’t utter a word. Not even made an expression. Blank face through and through. Inside her head though, that was different. She blocked her ears, unsuccessfully trying to drown out the sound. Tumbled over with her knees to her chest. Her mind slowly cracking, the things she had been trying to keep from coming through were slowly infesting her mind.

She was all that he said and more. A failure, a disappointment, a coward. Couldn’t even keep her little ones safe from the world. That’s why she took the job in the first place. Bigger picture, more control. But even that was not enough.

Loss. What a funny thing. It can always make you wiser, stronger, better equipped to deal with the unfair world but it also was hard to get over. Something that could hold power over you. That dictated your next steps. Loss was damage. Loss was pain. Loss was death. Visible white cracks appeared around her mindscape; the shape of a doom could be visible. Each individual piece showing a different memory.

Her first real interaction with others. Running into a poisoned cloud trying to get Soku out and getting healed by an annoyed Yukio. Or the time she had her first class, teaching her that not everything that she could see should affect her. Sometimes letting go was the best path forward. The subsequent punishment and following series of pranks. Learning how to hone her skills by going after the most powerful in the village. A successful prankster career if she said so herself.

Cracks became bigger. Laughter in the distance.

Her first deal with death. A teammate, skewered by bandits. Exactly when she unlocked her bloodline. Funny thing those eyes. Pain and misery make oneself more powerful. As if it’s a battery needing to be recharged with tears. Whoever came up with that is quite the sadist with a very weird sense of humor. But hey, who said the universe didn’t need to crack up occasionally.

Her mindscape shook, like a tremor from a jutsu as the laughter stopped. She remembered her weird promotion. In the span of about a month she skyrocketed to Chunnin. Her Gennin exam and a fight was all it took. How proud people looked. All it took was a bit of effort and lots of talking. It was a happy moment.

Pieces started coming undone, falling into the void. Asuka holding herself tighter. Struggling to keep herself together, quite literally.

The visits to the hospital as her own sister kept getting hurt. Every time wondering if this would be the last time, she would be able to talk to her. The panic attacks she had as Soku was taken away. Wondering why she was only good for one thing.


Asuka’s slowly stopped shaking as her hands slowly fell from her head onto the ground as she slowly stopped sobbing, turning more into a slow whimper.

“What’s with you and visually representing turning yourself into a vegetable.”

That voice. She faintly remembered that voice. A friend. But she was gone. This was just in her head. Her own subconscious fighting for survival. But it didn’t matter anymore. Nothing matter. She couldn’t be redeemed. Mistakes too big to even count. Better for her to just d“$%#

“Y$) $&n #@g(#” Mumbled voices everywhere. Speaking all at once. As if static itself burned inside her head.

“You’re a failure.”

“You failed Takeshi.”

“You failed Yuki.”

“You failed Yukio.”

“You failed Soku.”

“You failed everyone.”

That’s what she could make out. Voices of disappointment being said by those she looked up, cared about. Those she had killed and let be killed. As she laid there it didn’t look like it could be any clearer than that, she never was enough. That was it! She’s weak. She needed to get stronger. Needed to become #($/”&#(“ “#&#$$(“/#/”&#.

Even her own mindscape was failing her. Even her own head had lost faith. As the dome continued to crumble she tried figuring out what was next. Maybe she could just stay here, with her tears.

“It was all for nothing wasn’t it.” Kairi’s voice echoed throughout her head.

Yes. It was all pointless.

It was all for naught.

It was all meaningless.

It w@s @11 &%$#&(

Yeah. That was it. Nothing mattered. And why should it? It’s all going to end anyway. Herself, the village, the continent, the universe was going to disappear one day. All basically turning into dust. Forgotten.

“Isn’t that funny?”

Asuka slowly cracked up a smile. It was funny. Now she got it. The gods did have a sense of humor. That was the joke. The futile effort. Getting more material objects, becoming a force of nature, caring for others. Only to end as dust. What a punchline.

As tears streamed down her head she started to giggle. Reminiscing on THE joke. The world, her own world crumbling around her. Getting up on her knees she looked up at the sky as laughter came out of her. Her mind crumbled, revealing a blood red sky. The ground slowly losing its color, turning into an endless desert. Coughing a couple of times trying to regain her breath, she looked down. Only to find a silhouette. Of her. White in color. Dark outline.

“Well, hello there! Lovely weather we’re having!” The figure said.

“Yeah, never thought I would see a sky of that color. Never really been mine favorite."

“We’re in your head. It was your choice.”

“Not voluntary. You know us. Even we can’t agree on how to break apart.” Asuka swayed from side to side, a big smile on her face.

“An orange would’ve been better.”

“With dango sticks for clouds!”

“Dango &#%”/(!”

“Oh, static again.” She cleaned out her ears, as if trying to get the static out.

“How does it feel?”

“Not really feeling anything. I’m still waiting for the big umph!”

“The big UMPH!” The figure raised its arms as lightning followed it’s direction. Recoiling as soon as the flash started.

“Hey! How do I do that?”

“I got no idea. It’s your head.”

Looking at her own hands she could see the skin slowly peeling off. Slowly transferring to the other being. So. This is how it’s going to be. Lost. Forgotten.

“I never thought I would see you again.”

“Been a while hasn’t it pipsqueak.”

“Where you go?”

“Well, kinda hard to manifest when I look like this.”

Asuka laughed slightly. That was true. Freaky would be the least she would think.

“Where am I gonna go?” The pain was finally too much. Whether others may have lost more. Or may have been more impactful. This finally did it for her. Her Achilles heel had been struck. The last piece of the puzzle.

The being didn’t answer as its face started to take shape, giving her a slight smile. She was seeing herself. So, this was it. As her vision started to blur. She finally felt it. The big Umph. Her vision went dark.

Back in reality her Mangekyou started to spin, turning into the familiar Eternal that she had lost so long ago. She no longer felt another presence as Asuka had gone to sleep. As she finally regained her bearings Asuka gave a bright smile. As if she was a child again. “MAN, has it been a while.” Giving herself a stretch, she was finally read to answer. “Oh, come on. Nobu basically hinted at marriage or death. Asuka just did what she- I mean me. What I thought was right. No need to get your panties in a twist. If he died or Leaf then I wish him a peaceful rest. Or however long that lasts cause at this point necromancy isn’t off the table.” She giggled moving around the room. “Can’t really blame me for that!” She pouted. “All signs pointed to sand so a strong worded letter was sent. Maybe a bit too strong. Man, should’ve sent a tea gift with that.” Being thoughtful for a couple of moments she shook her head.

“It was by your choice to take over the throne. Could've stayed retired but duty is a big thing to move on from.” Asuks looked at the walls with thought. As she paced around the room. “She didn-“ Asuka twisted for a split second. “I didn’t spit on your face. That would be weird and disgusting.” She giggled “I do find it funny how it’s all a cycle. Never been in this office with happy news.” She nodded “Not even on when you gave the news of giving me the title. Kinda sad. You need more Rainbows on the wall. Liven up the place.” Asuka shrugged “At this particular moment? I don’t know. I could be suicidal.” She snapped her fingers. “Been thinking how much I could paint your walls with my blood. Leave a mark!” She laughed. “I did follow you for basically my whole life. Orders and such. Missions, lessons, murders. So.. I don’t know. I think I am a loyal dog who Karma finally decided it had enough of my shenanigans. Or maybe a entertainer!" Shrugging once more. “I guess I’m still trying to figure it out.”

“Oh please.”
Asuka giggled “We can literally drop meteors from the sky, summon dragons made out of lightning! HECK!” She vanished. Appearing a few feet away. “I can drag people to a pocket dimension. We are weapons that use protection as an excuse to avoid thinking too much about our actions.” Asuka shook her head. “Daughter. As if. We’ve never really had a heart to heart. Just arguing and following orders. It’s been an interesting relationship.” Clapping her hands together she smiled. “I’ve never even heard basic human decency from you. Y’know “I’m sorry for your loss.”, “My condolences.”, “I’ve been there.” Fucking “Here. Have a dango stick." Would’ve been enough. But nah, you got mountains of bodies. Who cares about two people your “daughter” just lost, right? Your Grand daughters don't matter!" She screamed, quickly gaining her composure. The smile returning "Better beat her while she’s down. Very smart way of thinking.”

“Jounin, Chunnin, Academy Student. All names to determine how big of a BOOM we can produce.”
Asuka shrugged “Could give less than two shits about where you want to put me. Whatever gives you peace. I ain’t a Shinobi anymore. Too much of this.” She pointed to both, as if suggesting Shinobi were the problem. “Think of me as a nomad who wants to travel the world and see it burn itself to the ground! Heck, I don’t think I am Asuka anymore.” Her head twisted a bit. “God damn this is hard.” Taking a deep breath, she cleaned up her tears. “If people want me to teach them. I’ll teach them. If they don’t. They don’t. I’ll do this favor for you. But after this. I don’t know. Maybe I’ll go to Cloud for an extended vacation. Close up the bar for a bit. Find a new tea blend!” Asuka giggled as she looked back at the door opening. “Kill me, not kill me if you think I’m going to run. I could care less. Heck! Death would be a blessing. Just careful not to get your mind even more fucked up cause of killing your daughter.” Asuka winked as she laughed.

“Oh, gramps!” Asuka vanished, appearing next to Umashi and placing an arm on his shoulder. Which, by their height difference, looked funny. “Oh! You know the usual Shinobi drama. Dead peeps. Broken villages, broken villages, broken villages, broken relations. Kind of like the civil war but in a very small scale and a bit longer. Catching up with my buddy Takeshi here.” Asuka smiled as her head twisted slightly. “OH! Dibs on being called the death kage. It fits!” Listening to Umashi’s story Asuka stared at him wide eyed. “MAN, you are having that much fun at your age. I could get the kid… if he is in my interdimensional zone. The doubleganger, that’s… hard… and time consuming. The Raikage sounds like a badass. WAIT” She suddenly stopped for a few moments. “Is she coming here cause she so pissed?” She asked “Because if she is, then I don’t have to go to Cloud and beg for my life here. To her. Two birds without leaving the village.”

Teleporting as soon as she saw her sister Asuka appeared on her shoulders. Leaning her head on Sokus head. “We’re going on vacation!” Asuka beamed happily. “I gotta go and beg for my life and forgiveness for the whole “YOU DID THIS” thing to sand. And Cloud. And I’m guessing you ma squad boss. Cause I doubt gramps here wants to deal with angry mommy. I need to get the tea ready. And the dango sticks. MAN. So much to prepare and so little time.”

[Kinjutsu Removal Card Used]
[Applying for EMS]

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
"oh Asuka, I was always proud of you, but my weight and pain aren't to be shared, that is always the weight as Hokage we feel."

Takeshi listened as newcomers join the office, sorting himself out, he let a breath out. As he listened to Asuka speaking to him, he knew full well that what had blossomed between them, what they had was now left in the dust. As he ignored Umashi and Soku even entering the room to round on Asuka once more. The fire inside of him threatened to spill over but he needed to fix this mess, and right now Asuka was an issue here, one that would threaten the village, her mission, her words already said enough for him inside of this office, it was not the place for this to become a wildfire.

"Nainjirou Soku, Jounin of Leaf, please remove Asuka from this office, I believe the ANBU cells have a free room at the moment for her to be watched for a while, at least until she has time to call her head down from this situation. Do not mistake this, yes she is being arrested until she can calm down"

His Sharingan turned to face Soku, it was a leap of faith he was putting into her, having never had to question her loyalty to the village before, he wondered how many more days of first this would turn into. As he stood there simply wondering what would come of that statement that he had just released he did allow himself to follow it up with an understanding of the situation.

"Just till she manages to have a calmer perspective on things, as the three of us have other matters to address, mainly fixing this mess and of course, your trip away and what has become of that now"

He turned his attention to Umashi offering the man a seat for a few seconds before allowing himself to turn back and walk behind the desk pulling the chair up he waited to see what the three others would do in this room. He was putting his faith to help calm the situation completely in Umashi and Soku. Asuka needed time to cool down, which gave him time to discuss this further with the two of them and how to repair broken bonds.

"A lot to talk about between the three of us I am sure you would agree when Soku gets back we can then look to the future and discuss the matters at hand and how we want to proceed, Umashi I could use your views for this after all you are a former Kage just like me."

[Asuka arrested, removed to ANBU Compound]


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
"We're not a family, we're a firm."

Shocked, creeped out, afraid...all such emotions emanated from Umashi when the woman known as the Godaime Hokage started to tick. Sensing something off about her chakra, he looked at her questioningly and was doing so when Soku entered the room at the ready. She'd dropped her head, started muttering to herself, and though he couldn't quite see what was going on in her head, he raised an eyebrow in alarm. An Uchiha on the verge of cracking was most often a threat that needed to be addressed. Like a rabid dog, there was only so much that could be done for them before they became a danger not only to themselves but for everyone around them. As a leader in the Uchiha community, Takeshi had the foremost responsibility for taking care of things, but if he didn't act then Umashi would be equally forced to do so. His fingers itching to call something to attention, he was about to speak up when he felt it, that singular moment when things changed. Like the world itself giving exhalation, he grimaced as he watched the woman zip around the room with reckless abandon. Though small in stature, her movements were more than just fluid, they were deadly accurate and he surmised that her teleporting antics were done with exquisite accuracy.

In a word, she was deadly, and though he wasn't quite so ready to throw her away, it was clear that there was an ever growing and present danger. “Oh! You know the usual Shinobi drama. Dead peeps. Broken villages, broken villages, broken villages, broken relations. Kind of like the civil war but in a very small scale and a bit longer. Catching up with my buddy Takeshi here.” He gulped. "Not the strangest thing to hear..." Could she be an asset? “MAN, you are having that much fun at your age. I could get the kid… if he is in my interdimensional zone. The doubleganger, that’s… hard… and time consuming. The Raikage sounds like a badass. WAIT!” Maru was, or rather, had been an asset, but he was just as likely to burn Umashi as he was useful. “Is she coming here cause she so pissed?” Shrugging, Umashi made a motion with his somewhat more relaxed hands. "One could surmise, though I honestly have no idea." “Because if she is, then I don’t have to go to Cloud and beg for my life here. To her. Two birds without leaving the village.” Cocking his head to the side, Umashi grew a puzzled look on his face. "I do not think that means what you think that it means." He was about to go on further but Takeshi interjected with a firm proclamation.

"Nainjirou Soku, Jounin of Leaf, please remove Asuka from this office, I believe the ANBU cells have a free room at the moment for her to be watched for a while, at least until she has time to call her head down from this situation. Do not mistake this, yes she is being arrested until she can calm down" Umashi could neither laugh nor cry. The situation was as perplexing as it was stressful. Whatever bridge had been burned by Asuka was one in which Takeshi wasn't so easily trying to repair. Left with little recourse other than to watch Asuka be carted away, Umashi focused intently on keeping a straight face."A lot to talk about between the three of us I am sure you would agree when Soku gets back we can then look to the future and discuss the matters at hand and how we want to proceed, Umashi I could use your views for this after all you are a former Kage just like me." Nodding his head, Umashi muttered a simple, "Aye." in agreement. Umashi was used to working with scraps, but he'd had his fair share of cursed blades in his arsenal. He truly questioned if he had the stamina to endure yet one more.

Nanjirou Soku

Active Member
Dec 25, 2017
OOC Rank
S Rank

Soku had a knack for sensing things. Things that were amiss, things that should not be as they were.. The woman stood,, rigid as one of the walls that encircled the proud villlage of the Village Hidden In The Leaves as the Hokage rounded on her sister, a fury flickering across his eyes that would have burnt to ash even the most capable ninja and when Asuka started displaying her amusement for all to see, Soku knew that truly, something had happened as the younger sister materialized onto her shoulders.

"Is that so?" She spoke softly, gently even to Asuka. She knew not of what had transpire in this office but the jounin decided that was something that she did not need to know for it had invoked in this office such a tension that it was probably best to leave those stones unturned and unspoken.

However, what she had not been expecting was the order that followed. The command, the missive to take Asuka into custody, her eyes widening a bit as she glanced at Takeshi wavering slightly under the Sharingan that bore a degree of power and responsbility but in this case, the energy that seemed to be rippling off the figure of the Uchiha clan leader seemed to even overwhelm her as she looked back at him and back at Asuka as silence filled the empty gap in the room.

That was when she delivered her own verdict.

"As you command, Lord Takeshi."

The Hokage said and they acted, that was how it had always been, it had never changed. When it came to matters of the village, Soku had killed her own father, lost a mentor to the whims of the village's justice system all in the name of a better life and she had relived that once more when her own father figure had paid the ultimate sacrifice as she stood still and now, Uchiha Asuka, her own sister was slowly being added to that roster.

A roster that seemed to be growing.

Her lower lip seemed to tremble, her eyes shook with the threat of expolding outwards as she spoke the words. "Uchiha Asuka, by order of the Fourth Hokage, you are hereby placed under arrest to be confined to the ANBU's custody effective immediatly until deemed otherwise."

The words screamed at her, tore her down, ripped her apart.

Were those tears? Where had they come from? Suddenly, her flak jacket was stained with moist spots that seemed to be erupting from her eyes as she walked to the door silently pushing it open before turning back.

"I'll ask you to surrender any weapons and belongings you have now, Lady Fifth." She said, a gloved hand extended expectantly keeping that stoic, professional tone, flat, void of the fire that was eruping within her chest.

Tears welled up in her eyes as she faced an impossible task, one that struck at the core of her loyalty and love. It was a decree that shook Soku's world to its very foundation. How could she, a devoted sister, reconcile the fact that she was being tasked with apprehending the one person she held dearest?

The memories flooded Soku's mind, a montage of cherished moments spent with Asuka. They had trained together, laughed together, and faced numerous challenges side by side. Asuka had always been a beacon of strength and wisdom, a leader who had guided the village through some of its most difficult times. How had it come to this? How could fate have led them down this heartbreaking path?

But duty was a demanding mistress, and sometimes it forced the unimaginable upon those sworn to serve.

Tears cascaded down Soku's cheeks, each droplet carrying the weight of her conflicted emotions. She yearned for a resolution that would spare her sister from the fate she had been entrusted to deliver. But in her heart, she knew that duty demanded sacrifice, even if it meant sacrificing the very person who had shaped her into the shinobi she was today.

"I'll escort you to the cells. Lord Hokages, excuse us. I'll return once this matter is resolved." She said trying her best for a smile as after waiting for Asuka to fall into line, they would begin the perilous journey towards the ANBU compound she had once served in and now, she was delivering one of her own.

Every fiber of Soku's being yearned to turn back time, to undo the events that had led them to this sorrowful juncture. But duty had called, and she had answered. The walls of the village seemed to close in around her, whispering their disapproval.

Soku's gaze remained fixed ahead, her steps unwavering, as she struggled to compartmentalize her emotions. The strength she had admired in Asuka for so long now manifested as a shattered spirit before her, betrayed by the weight of the charges against her. It tore at Soku's soul to witness her sister's spirit falter, her former radiance dulled by the chains of her transgressions.

Unshed tears welled in Soku's eyes, threatening to betray the composed facade she had donned for the world. A sob caught in her throat, choked by the harsh reality of their circumstances. But Soku swallowed her pain, refusing to succumb to the emotional tempest raging within her. She had made her choice, no matter how agonizing, and she would see it through to the bitter end.

"Usually, we know how this would end. I would lecture you, a slap on the wrist and all is good in the world."

This was different however, more than a squabble between siblings. "This is different and if you think this is about me being ticked off at whatever you did, it's not. Far from it."

She paused as they approached the familar sighting that betrayed to them that their destination was close.

"I suppose it's an achievement for you, I've never seen someone been demoted that fast and arrested right after." She said letting out a teary laugh. "And then there was the whole stunt that Nibachi told me about at the clan estate but I don't even have the energy to correct you on that."

She paused as two ANBU materliazed out of nowhere, seemingly almost as if they were expecting her and Soku held up a hand. "A moment, please."

All at once, the memories came crashing back to her.

A young girl squealing in delight and joy. A young girl who bravely faced obstacles to ensure the safety of the person arressting her. A young girl now a woman being crowned Hokage.

And now? All it haad taken was words and just like that, she'd been forced to offer her own blood and family to the village's whiim. She turned swinging Asuka down onto her own feet placing her hands onto her shoulders to pull her into a hug, a tight hug accompanied by silent tears in a world where time seemed to stop before pulling away.

"Take this." She reached into her vest pulling out a gently wrapped bundle betraying the outline of some dangos. "I don't know what they feed you in that damned place but it sure as heck isn't this."

"She's all yours."
She finally said turning to the ANBU guards who moved swiftly to take the Fifth Hokage into custody. The sight of it broke her. She watched this scene becuase there was nothing else she could do. "This isn't you, Asuka. This was never you. "
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She moved to leave before turning back for a moment, and this time a sort of different expression was on her face. "Asuka." She said, her voice sharp and cold almost as her fingers brushed over the hilt of her blade which seemed to thrum with a sort of energy.

"I don't know what happened between you and Takeshi but I know one thing, it is an extremely rare thing to get Takeshi so infuriated to such a level and I know of very few things that Takeshi hates the most, one of them being......treason, two-faced people, cowards."

There was a ring as steel left leather, the tip of her sword pointing right at Asuka's face from a safe distance away. "Uchiha Asuka, I swear if I find you are guilty of any of those things, of betraying your own Will of Fire for wordly gains, I will kill you myself."

She had done the same with her father, with a Medical Sennin turned traitor and so many more, what was one more?
Soku turned away, her heart splitting as she left her sister behind those unforgiving bars. Though their paths had diverged, their destinies now locked in stark contrast, Soku silently vowed to keep the flame of hope burning. In the depths of her sorrow, she clung to the belief that one day, redemption and reconciliation would mend the fractures that had torn their lives apart.

Her footsteps echoed as she made the heavy trip back to the Tower. "Inform Takeshi-san I have returned."

Uchiha Asuka

Izen no hokage
Feb 20, 2018
"Weight and pain aren't two be shared." Asuka repeated with a smile on her face. A small giggle escaping her lips. "So, that's why she broke. Always the stoic man. Feel more sad than anything if I'm being honest. Such a pity." Perking up from Sokus head upon listening to Takeshis order. The ANBU cells? Well, wasn't that interesting. Being nice while still being the same bastard she remembered. Could be a lot of things but if anything this man had to be respected. Very weird way to go through things. "AND THERE IT IS!" Asuka beamed. A big smile on her face. "May the specialized doctors suck it. The dark, small and cold cell are a better alternative to keep her! Very helpful! As always!" Her head twisted violently for a moment. As she was turned around, at least Soku felt nice. She knew she had to follow the order otherwise something worse might befall her. So she understood the situation. "I'll see you later Dad!" She yelled out as she felt herself moving. "Let me know whether I'm gonna be free or die!" She paused "For the third time!" Her sharingan disappearing, her eyes returning to her normal color.

As they left the office she a big stack of storage seals in Sokus hand. Rummaging from her kimono sleeves. Keeping a couple harmless items. Just to keep herself entertained. But no one had to know. "Man that was heavy. I don't even remember a lot that happened. All I know is that Takeshi just broke Asuka. Like... a crystal ball being dropped from a mountain POOF." She giggled as they moved out of the mansion and into the streets. "That whole Lady Fifth though was a bit much if I do say so myself. Never really liked the title, y'know you don't have to use it."

Looking over her sisters head she saw how pained she was. Could see the tears welling up. She understood this wasn't easy. Soku always was the one with the cool headed and logic based mindset. Kept her in line more than once. She did feel guilty about it. But at least she would be fine. "Usually, we know how this would end. I would lecture you, a slap on the wrist and all is good in the world." Asuka giggled. She wouldn't call getting zapped a slap on the wrist. But it did teach her Sokus buttons and that she would always be there to correct her ways. Whether via words or actions. "This is different and if you think this is about me being ticked off at whatever you did, it's not. Far from it." Asuka gave a hearty laugh "Yeah, I know. All honesty? I know I left and vanished. But I was expecting to get executed on the spot. Not carried off to a cell. I don't even know what I did this time. But, fighting it would mean fighting you and I'm too lazy for that." Besides, she would get in trouble. Going quietly was the best choice for both of them. Besides, it was not like there could do much to her anyway and she didn't need to give Takeshi and excuse. He already had it and didn't act on it. Emotional connection? Well, that was certainly over. Gods knew what happened now but she did know one thing. She had to stick to her guns. For both of them.

Looking over her sisters head once more she noticed the familiar facility coming into view "I suppose it's an achievement for you, I've never seen someone been demoted that fast and arrested right after." Asuka laughed with her At this point I should get a medal for all the wrong reasons. Am I right? I don't know. Guess the universe gave me bad luck." Giving a warm laugh she relaxed for a few moments "And then there was the whole stunt that Nibachi told me about at the clan estate but I don't even have the energy to correct you on that." Asuka stiffened up. She had forgotten about that little stunt. She waited for a slap or a zap. But nothing came. "Would've stuck around... but..." She sighed. Knowing that the situation didn't call for it. "I'll make it up to you when I-... if I get out." She gave a warm smile. Her sister always knew how to cheer her up, no matter the situation. Maybe it wasn't all hopeless. Maybe she could come back.

Seeing the Anbu made her realize she had less time than she thought. As she was swung off of Soku she patted herself up. "Well I guess this is it." She gave a slight smile as she looked forward. "Better get back other-" Interrupted she was pulled into a tight hug. As she was squeezed the only thing she could feel was warmth. From her sister, from herself. "We'll see each other again. I promise. I'll be fine" Taking the bundle Asuka's eyes gleamed with happiness. "You didn't have to! Thank you. I'll ration! Next time is my treat!" She smiled holding them to her chest.

Felling hands firmly upon her shoulders Asuka took a deep breath, this was it. She took a couple of steps. "This isn't you, Asuka. This was never you. " Hearing that made her stop on her tracks. The ANBU unable to move her. "W-wh..." She didn't understand what she meant. Did she know? No. No she couldn't. "Asuka." She didn't say a word. She simply turned around to face her sister. What did she mean? Was she saying a joke? A sort of statement? "I don't know what happened between you and Takeshi but I know one thing, it is an extremely rare thing to get Takeshi so infuriated to such a level and I know of very few things that Takeshi hates the most, one of them being......treason, two-faced people, cowards." Asuka shook her head slightly, giving a worried laugh. Where was Soku going with this. She understood Takeshi. But this was different. "I.. I don.."

As the sword came out she stared at the tip pointed straight to her head. Then up at her sister The ANBU waiting for Soku to finish. "Uchiha Asuka, I swear if I find you are guilty of any of those things, of betraying your own Will of Fire for wordly gains, I will kill you myself." Her grip on the Dangos suddenly slipped. Falling to the ground as her words sank in. Not a threat. Not an Ultimatum. A promise.

She was wrong before. THIS was the big Umph. A smile slowly appeared on her face. "You too." Her voice cracked and teamed as she slowly broke into a laugh. "You too!" She laughed harder, a streak of tears falling over her left eye as Soku turned. The ANBU starting to forcefully push her back. She resisting. "You don't even know! Blind faith." Her laughter continued. With those who listened they could feel it. The last piece being broken. "This is great! You don't even know and you go too!" Tears continued streaming down her cheeks. "Hope to see you again Nanjirou Soku!" She was able to yell oyu as she was finally dragged into the compound. Into her new home. Alone. Finally truly alone

[Exiting Topic]

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi sat down in the Hokage seat, with the return of Soku it seemed that the matters could now be addressed out of the constant bickering of a child, he had been pushed, beaten, and broken enough to feel numb from it, as he looked to Umashi and Soku he allowed himself to smile slightly, more of a look of acknowledging what had been done had been hard on everyone sat around this room, that never gave room to the things that mattered though after all time never stopped for anyone that was something that he had learned during this life.

"Well then, I suppose I should start by saying thank you Soku, your dedication, and understanding is once more as always a pinnacle of what someone who loves the village should hold themselves to, once more your reliability is commendable and your actions are always done with pure perfection."

As he had known and understood that Soku would be suffering, the acknowledgment was the least he could give her. As he pondered the best way to accept and acknowledge what had happened just now he decided to be honest with those in the room, it was pointless making lies as it never got anyone anywhere.

"Asuka failed in her duty as Hokage at the very end and after doing so well, she vanished and left Cloud and Sand both breaking their allegiance with us, missings invited into the village with promises of allegiances, and death in her wake. For this I summoned her to see her explanation, it seems her mind has snapped in a nutshell. Soku, fear not, she will not be charged with any crimes, she needed time to cool down and assess her current situation, and no punishment will be forced by me instead, I feel she can still be redeemed, we all can be I am sure you will agree the Asuka we both know is in there somewhere, even if denial of her wrongdoing buries it into the shadows?"

As he leaned back in his chair, taking a deep breath in he allowed it to exhale allowing the pause to fill the room between them all as he pondered his next moves after all he found himself against the fence slightly, and with limited time to actually do anything he knew full well that he needed help to do so.

"Umashi, in regards to Cloud have you heard anything back regarding the offer that was presented to you before? Or is there any sign that a bond can be formed with the Raikage, Leaf, and Cloud have been allies for a while now, I would hate for one instance to ruin that entire situation without a chance for a discussion to take place between the two of us?"

His attention shifted back to Soku as he looked toward her.

"You will have to be my envoy to Sand, Asuka sent a letter, threatening them, yet they were not to blame for the actions of missing Ninja, we need to apologize, would you be up for this mission if I entrust this bond between us and Sand in your more than capable hands?"

His points were made, his directions blunt, the details to be resolved once he had managed to get an answer from the two, he allowed one small part of him to open to both of them, as he had changed with time he hoped the two of them had as well. The final words from him before he waited for their answer were ones that rarely he ever offered to anyone.

"Do you want to ask me anything, I will give you the answers as best I can?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
"Keep calm and carry on."

Remaining stoic, Umashi made a show of attempting to remain unbothered as one Hokage was led away to whatever fate remained for her. "Asuka failed in her duty as Hokage at the very end and after doing so well, she vanished and left Cloud and Sand both breaking their allegiance with us, missings invited into the village with promises of allegiances, and death in her wake. For this I summoned her to see her explanation, it seems her mind has snapped in a nutshell. Soku, fear not, she will not be charged with any crimes, she needed time to cool down and assess her current situation, and no punishment will be forced by me instead, I feel she can still be redeemed, we all can be I am sure you will agree the Asuka we both know is in there somewhere, even if denial of her wrongdoing buries it into the shadows?" Nodding, Umashi truly had no recourse other than to shrug. Unfortunately, he had been gone so long that he simply hadn't had the time to truly get to know Asuka other than what he read about in the papers. That was hardly ever a true estimate of who a person was as the bias was always a clear and present danger, but if Takeshi was willing to reprimand one of his own, and by all accounts, a peer and his successor then he only had to believe that she had done some truly dark things.

"Umashi, in regards to Cloud have you heard anything back regarding the offer that was presented to you before? Or is there any sign that a bond can be formed with the Raikage, Leaf, and Cloud have been allies for a while now, I would hate for one instance to ruin that entire situation without a chance for a discussion to take place between the two of us?" Shaking his head, no, Umashi was rather perturbed about why he hadn't heard anything from Kumo. A none answer was worse than a bad one. "Unfortunately I haven't heard from them, but admittedly, from what I can gather, Lady Asuka hasn't done anything that can't be smoothed over with talking and money." Shaking his head and smirking, he threw his hands up in mock alarm. "Let's face it, the economics of war aren't exactly the sort of ledgers that most logically thinking men and women want to pull. On occasion I enjoy poking fun at your Uchiha brothers and sisters but Lady Kitsune is far from a war monger. She's just as likely to sue for peace as I am, maybe not in the same way, but I've ever reason that she'll make the attempt." Nodding in agreement with his own words, he listened on as Soku was assigned to be the envoy for Sunagakure. Turning to the shinobi, he gave a word of advice. "If you're head down south, pack lightly. The sandworms will otherwise hear you coming from a full league or more away." From what he could surmise, Soku's loyalty was second only to her speed, but the sands of the Wind Country were treacherous beyond belief. Takeshi offered to answer questions, and to otherwise lighten the mood, Umashi took him up on the offer. "So what are you going to miss most about retirement?"

Nanjirou Soku

Active Member
Dec 25, 2017
OOC Rank
S Rank
What had she done? Was it the right action? Was it just?

These were the questions running through her head, through Soku as an entitery, her very figure vibrating with a stress, with the evidence of the burden that was on her mind. She had always done what she did for this village. She had lost one too many to the evil that called out to them but she had always been resilient to them. She would not stand for those evils, those evils were the very same thing that had destroyed her family and the thought that Asuka had been confined to the cells fors some grievous sin was something that shook her to a very core as a person.

"The village comes first, Lord Takeshi, no matter what. No matter who it is although if you will allow me, my heart is still at war with me and it seems like I can't differentiate right from wrong anymore but I have faith in your judgement."

That was the best reply she could come up with. The sounds of Asuka's echoing accusatory screams echoing off the dull, emotionless, steel confines of the ANBU cells bouncing around and the sound of the lock clicking into place had torn her to shreds as she came to a new realization. The ANBU would as they saw fit in determinaton of the village's best interests and that was something that scared her to her core knowing full well what that meant.

There were no gurantees in the ANBU, not for anyone. She forced herself to alleivate those concerns for the matter as the attention turned to the other villages, Sand and Cloud and work that needed to be done to repair those realtionships especially after the perilous attack on their gates that had done more diplomatic damage than physical really but given enough time, it was a disease that if allowed to fester, it could turn into a big headache for all of them. A disease that Asuka had allowed to develop according to what she picked up on.

She simply nodded her head in response. "Leave it to me. I have been to Sunagakure before so I'm a bit familiar with the place, might work in our favor." She only hoped the Kazekage would be the understanding type and Umashi's helpful addendum of sandworms made her smile slightly but also nodded her understanding.

"They say by the time you see one of those beasts, it is too late. I don't plan on being their best friends." Not if she could help it at least.

She shook her head in response about the misson at least. She could do that at least although while the desire for redemption bubbled up inside her, it was a fool's errand. The attacker had stolen her life and the village had granted her a new one, she was not about to waste it. The chance would present itself, better to watch and wait.

"Nothing from me, Takeshi. I just ask that.." She paused, the terrible thought flashing through her head but it was a reality, a reality she wasn't even sure that would come to pass but they had to make account for every possbility. She had not before and she was not willing to live through another nightmare and now, it was certainly seeming like that.

"If you're forced to make an verdict about Asuka, I ask that I be allowed to speak to her before any such action is to be carried out." She hoped he would undestand what he meant, her eyes carrying an imploration, an plea almost. She hoped it would not come to that point but if it did, she had to prepare herself.

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi listened to both of them speaking, it seemed with the removal of Asuka what he had expected to happen did in fact come to pass the room settled down and the serious conversation came back to focus, after all, he was trying to sort treaties out and not just throw everything he had worked so hard for away. As he nodded first to Umashi's words understanding that there was still hope with the cloud, after all, no one wanted anything to really get out of hand, and the situation was threatening to do this.

It seemed at the same time Soku was willing to accept the fact that things had happened the way they had, he knew full well that she would do the duty that was required. As he nodded slightly toward her it was clear that he needed to make sure the construction of the letter was clear, but first, he wanted to make sure that the two in the room with him understood the position that he was in with Asuka, after all, he wanted to make sure she wasn't just punished for no reason at all. She did need however time to cool down and come at the situation with a different perspective.

"Asuka needed time to cool off, I will be making sure she gets two options, retire from living inside of the Shinobi world as one option, alternatively the second option would be to come back as a teacher after she has gone to Suna with you Soku, she does need to correct some mistakes. However I feel that these options are fair, and after her little outburst, cooling her down a few nights to consider her actions after returning from abandoning her post, and the reaction I have given I am sure is actually quite light considering her role inside of the village that she left?"

He looked towards the two a small smile on his face as he wanted them to know that he meant the words he spoke and that she would not be punished for her little actions that she had done, even if he wanted to it wasn't the right call. No, he would give Asuka an option, and depending on what she picked he would go from there, she would either retire from public life, or she would then be back and correcting her actions but first of all, he wanted to make sure that those in the office knew the plan.

"We have the opportunity to rebuild treaties I am sure you would agree, the opportunity is one as a village we should be taking?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
"I've got to go see a man about a dog..."

So it was as it was going to be. It couldn't be understated just how much Asuka had messed up but from the look of things, there was thankfully a chance that she'd be able to make out with her life. Perhaps it was Umashi being ever the optimist, or perhaps he was too far removed from this new age Konoha. "Asuka needed time to cool off, I will be making sure she gets two options, retire from living inside of the Shinobi world as one option, alternatively the second option would be to come back as a teacher after she has gone to Suna with you Soku, she does need to correct some mistakes. However I feel that these options are fair, and after her little outburst, cooling her down a few nights to consider her actions after returning from abandoning her post, and the reaction I have given I am sure is actually quite light considering her role inside of the village that she left?"

Umashi had to agree. "Quite light, all things considered. Most people end up being relegated to the annals of history after such situations." Umashi shrugged. It was clear that Soku was loyal, and her consistent preference to be in the room where the action took c=place was unmistakable, but it was quite admirable. A good friend was to be prized, but a great friend was invaluable, and a such friends were worth keeping around. There was a lot to work with and certainly there were other key factors to take into account but it seemed like things were relatively wrapped up for now. There was to be a continued waiting for Kitsune and then after that, who knew what would happen. "We have the opportunity to rebuild treaties I am sure you would agree, the opportunity is one as a village we should be taking?" Nodding in agreement, Umashi looked at the time and decided to take his leave. "For a fact, we have an obligation to those without the power to do what we take for granted." With that being said, Umashi would leave, in far more quite a fashion than he had entered, no doubt, to return later with better news.

OOC: Topic left unless stopped

Nanjirou Soku

Active Member
Dec 25, 2017
OOC Rank
S Rank
She nodded her understanding the situation. Perhaps because it was Asuka that all of them felt the same way. She didn't know what the former Hokage had done to wind herself up in chains but Soku thought that perhaps, it would be better off that she didn't know and like Takeshi had already stated, perhaps more preferable if she took a temporary moment back from what the daily demands of the village required. A simple cooling off as he called it.

Soku might not be a Kage of any sorts but even she could see that they were walking testy waters here and she didn't even want to begin to explore the possibility of what might happen if those options turned out to be less than satisfactory. "It is merciful although it remains to be seen, I suppose whether she understands the olive branch that she was offered."In truth, her arrest had been more of a mercy than a punishment but whether she understood that or not, it was still far too soon to say.

Those screams, accusations as Soku had left her imprisoned there were just a beginning of a painstaking journey that she was sure would not reach it's conclusion quite so easily. "Abandoning her duties, desertation, whatever you want to call it, such things would usually be unforgivable especially when the village was suffering and then having someone else clean up her own mess should be shame enough for her to perhaps see the bigger picture, I would hope, Takeshi-san."

The office of the Hokaage could be a testy one to those who stepped into it and from what Soku had seen so far, Asuka had stepped into it with joy and pride and then fallen off somewhere, perhaps it was not what she was expecting, the attack had come as a surprise to all, it had defined for them a lot of things and this was just one of many fallbacks of that fateful night.

Whatever happened in Sungakure, she was of the understanding that she spoke for the village and like all other things, it came first, before anything. She had proven that by handing one of her own over to the ANBU, it could have been wrong but they did what they did for a better tommorow no matter how outrageous or shocking, it might seem.

"Is there anything else, Takeshi-san before I start making preparations for the travel?"

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi listened to Soku for a few minutes before he reached into his desk to grab a pen and paper, and began to write the letter that he would be sending with Soku it was clear that they had a lot of information to pass across of course he needed to be diplomatic as well, it wasn't every day that he would be sending someone out to the village to come back to terms with each other, and with the recent actions of the previous Hokage damage had already been done and now he needed to make sure to correct that damage.

"You are taking Asuka with you, and babysitting her. Hell if it comes to it you are going to take over the talks, as make no mistake on this matter Soku, I want peace between the two villages fixed, and with everything going on here, you are to give any information Suna wants to the Kage. As well as a deep apology for the actions of Asuka."

His pen continued to flick across the letter as he wrote the letter, making sure not to break from his trail of thought and to make sure as well that his point got across, after all, he was here to mend the damage that had been done, he did not want any more issues caused by this visit that was taking place. Pausing he glanced up from Soku, he needed the last part to stick to her, in her mind, it was an order.

As he finished writing the letter, he folded it and sealed it completely with the Hokage seal of his office, the official letter offered up to Soku at that moment. When she would grab it, the last part of his orders would come out to her, direct and with eye contact to make his point clear.

"Soku, this is the last part of the order, bar getting the peace treaty, if Asuka embarrasses or damages the reputation of the village, kill her. This is her shot at redemption, failing to redeem herself is a death sentence, one that unfortunately she has put you in the situation that you will have to carry out. If she is killed by you, bring back her head as evidence, I am sorry to make this order, but you have never failed the village, and you can understand why this mission is so important. Do I make myself clear?"

[Letter given to Soku]
[Topic Left Unless Stopped]
[Letter Below:]

Dear Kazekage,

I hope you and Suna are doing well during these troublesome times, let me be clear I regret that I cannot be with you at this time in person, however, due to events recently I have been forced to focus on my time in the village and rebuilding the mistakes of the previous Hokage. So let me start with an apology to you, the previous Hokage was mistaken in her rash actions, a child in charge was a mistake, and one that I hold on my shoulders, let me tell you the facts.

We were attacked by Missing Ninja from the village, using blood from a Shinobi of your village to try and implicate you, it was a well-organized attack, and we had deaths from our side, recovering we were then visited by the missing ninja again, seeing if bonds could be rebuilt, instead blood was left after them, they escaped the village and of course are still out there. It seemed a group organization is the one behind this, and we would like to eradicate this headache as quickly as possible.

So I bring you Soku and Asuka, the former to apologize for her actions and irrational judgment, however, Soku is there to make a new bond between our villages, even if temporary until I can visit your village myself and resolve the issues that have come up, that being said I do hope that you can see this letter and its intentions, we are an open book Soku will answer any questions that she can in the name of our mutual friendship and respect between the two villages.

I hope to see Suna soon and of course, I hope this can start to be the rebuilding of the friendship between us.

Uchiha Takeshi
Forth Hokage

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
