Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Eye of the Storm [Private/PM to join]

Feb 20, 2018
Asuka stood outside of the hospital room feeling out the necessary paperwork, unfortunately she couldn't sign the paperworks since she wasn't actually a close relative, more like.... a make beleive one. She sighed, lowering the pen and paper. She looked at her Kimono sleeves, cut up, burned in some parts, she had been through some stuff. Didn't even bother to change and simply rushed here to the hospital. But now, she wouldn't want to leave. Let anyone try....

With another sigh she stood up, opening the door to the room and walking in watching the sleeping figure of her now.... 15 year old sister. Asuka had taken way too long.... that was her mistake. But a bright smile returned to her face. "All this papers are giving me a hedache." She giggled sitting down next to the open window, in between Kotori and the outside world. She wished she could go get some flowers but she was afraid that if she left again Kotori might dissapear once more. And she wouldn't want that. "Anywhere you would like to go once we get out of here? Out into the country, the hot springs inside the village?" No answer came, and she didn't expect it too Kotori hadn't woken up yet and Asuka didn't want her to. She was probably exsausted from her time in that awful place.

Asuka pinched her nose, this wasn't going to be pretty. Especially since Kotoris parents where coming here, and explaining this to them was going to be a hassle. Worst case scenario.... goddbywe world.
“WHAT!” The sounds of the Haku’s voice echoed around the corridors of the Uchiha Household followed by a smash as one of the servants dropped a tray holding the tea set, Yuki watched as the cup bounce across the floor and smash before turning back to the Hyuuga messenger that Yukio had sent to tell her of what has happened.
“Your daughter is…”
“I know what you said! You do not need to repeat yourself” Yuki got to her feet and rushed out of the room towards the front entrance.
“Lady Yuki, we need your approval on these documents,” The Haku turned to the source of the voice that was foolish enough to speak to her, the air around them grew cold as her angry mounted. “I think they can wait,” Yuki said nothing and nodded before leaving the room. She practically ran to the Hospital her thoughts blaring like an alarm. How could the two of them be so irresponsible to do a stupid thing like this, she dreaded to think what would have happened is Yuki hadn’t had been there. She was sure that her children were conspiring against her to give her a heart attack. Takeshi you pick the worse times to disappear

The female approached to hospital seeing Yukio waiting for her outside of the lobby, Yuki ran to him and embraced him while she wasn’t normally one that showed outward emotion, but this was different. Yukio was the reason that she wasn’t going to see her daughter’s corpse.
“Thank god that you where there, I dread to think what would have happened. God I am a awful mother, I should have watched her closer what with Takeshi gone things have been crazy” Yuki didn’t speak rather than spewed forth information at the male. She stopped and took a breath. “Where is she?”

[Topic Entered]
Seeing Yuki approach the greeting he got was an understandable one who’s knows what could have happened to Kotori had Yukio not been there to set things straight hugging his mother his tone one of understanding. “You are far from that, though I would prepare yourself for what comes next though she isn’t badly injured there’s something much more concerning at hand. She’s inside I brought both her and Asuka in after the whole thing please come with me.” Guiding the lady through the halls of the hospital the serious expression never left the man’s face, after everything that happened dealing with the clan could wait what came now was figuring out how things came to this.

Entering the room, the pair were in the Hyuuga remained silent for a moment a deep breath leaving his lungs as the black substance stretched to the neck like veins, taking the time to calm himself before speaking. “Your mother is here Kotori, if you are awake to hear me.” He stepped out the way certain Yuki would want to see her daughter the Hyuuga moving over to Asuka before taking a seat in the corner his gaze never shifting from the Uchiha even for a second, even Chinatsu usually one to speak was completely silent.

“We will speak about this in a moment Asuka, there are more than a few questions I want to ask of you though I am quite certain I am not the only one.”
Kotori had been fast asleep ever the time they had gotten here. She had been in a sleep-like a state before that... but the main thing that she was already knocked out by the time they were in the real world.
For her time had flown so quick... The persons in the hospital had already placed some temporary clothing for Kotori for when she had woken up. They were even dumbfounded in the way she had been brought back. Only wearing a shirt like substance around her which was filled with holes, cuts and what not more and that was really all that she had worn. Now there was a blanket around her, something that she found warm and convertible, that was easily shown on the way how the small figure was gripping it. There was a small plaster on her arm as she had gotten the needed injections for if she had something under her skin, there was a blood test made to see if it really was her. And indeed her medical dossier was on the side.

It was like a happy dream she was having till that got thorn by that monster of that realm. It was still haunting her in her dreams. It was that she woke up and froze for a moment, slowly her mind took time to get back to where it was right now... Her hairs still a bit tangled up and her gaze wild. She was really the proud haku's child and the mighty uchiha's child. But... Right now she seemed more like rascal then anything else. "W-what..?" She blinked for a moment and sat straight up, not noticing how she was sitting with it and just the blanket over her legs now. "M-mom!" She said and would run out of bed to hug her mother. Yet the quick standing up made her wobbly on her feet.
Asuka lowered her head with a sigh as she saw who came into the room. Yuki and Yukio.... oh this wasn't going to be good. Her sensei alone was enough to send shivers down her spine, who knew how she would react to the circumstances at hand. In reality, Asuka couldn't feel any worse than she already did. But that was not here nor there, her emotional state would all depend on what happened next.

Once Kotori awoke Asuka jumped to her feet, a big smile on her face, Asuka reached out her hand to grab her sisters but... the action never finished. With a sigh she retracted her hand and sat back down, the smile dissapeared. It seemed as though Asuka was afraid to touch her sister, in case something like that happened again.

She looked at Yukio as he sat next to her. He appeared unfeeling but you could never tell with a guy like this. Asuka lowered her head in shame as Yukio spoke to her. Of course he would have questions for her, probably one of those was to explain what exactly had happened. Whatever punishment she was given, she just hoped she would be able to see Kotori again. "Of course sir." Asuka answered Yukio "I'll answer whatever you need."
Yuki followed Yukio through the halls of the hospital, she could feel the anger and fear building inside her was she walked. Yukio had warned her that something about Kotori had changed and to brace herself, this had been playing on her mind, if something had happened to her child she wouldn’t be able to forgive herself. She took a deep breath and tried to fight through the maelstrom of emotions and she was without Mikuze to help her, she felt like she was a drift in a big sea of nothing. The corridor eventually opened to ward, there was bed either side of the housing the sick or injured, every face that she saw she utter a silent prayer in thanks that it was her Kotori’s face, all of a sudden Yukio stopped outside a door of one of the private side rooms.

A knot tighten in her stomach as the male opened it exposing the occupants inside to the outside world, she could see the face of Asuka, her student, well she thought she did there was something about her that was different, she looked older and then she saw her little girl. Yuki stood over at the end of the bed holding the bed frame was she looked over at the sleeping Kotori, the girl that has left the Uchiha mansion this morning was no longer there, the girl in front of her bore her daughters face but not her body. The delicate features of her body and face had become matured, she had aged by at least five year from when she had last saw her. Yuki held the bed frame her fist clenched over the pole as ice crystals formed over the surface as her anger rose again, she fought back tears as she watched the young Uchiha stir from her sleep. At least she is alive and ok, yes she is now older but we still have her. Yuki thought to herself before turning to face the other female that had been remarkably silent since her and entered the room.

“What where the too of you thinking. Do you know what could have happened when you play around with things that you do not understand? What is Yukio wasn’t there and both of you where stuck there slowly weathering away until there was nothing left. Did either of you even consider that before doing some so stupid. Both of you could have died. How could both of you be so irresponsible. Kotori I raised you better than that and Asuka you are older how could allow her to do this, I am incredibly disappointed with both of you” Yuki took a deep breath feeling the temperature in the room was getting rather frosty “At least you are both ok but you had been start thinking of a way of explaining this to your father” . She took a seat on the bed next to Kotori and held her in her arms squeezing her tightly. “I was scared that I had lost you, please don’t do that to me again” Her words to her daughter where quiet as she spoke to her a tear falling down her pale skin
Yukio remained silent for a time, his gaze fixed on Asuka moving slowly to Kotori from time to time looking at the state they were both in now shaking his head slowly. "Though we are pleased to see your both Ok, there is much to speak on here. Losing control of your abilities, aging like this there are many questions to ask though the first of which I want to know is how did you get into my household without my knowledge and how did you get in the situation you did." Blunt and straight to the point as expected though more so than usual.

The Hyuuga wasn't all too interested in excuses the fact of the matter was this was a big mess for all involved the Hyuuga clan house in uproar over the actions of the Uchiha. "We will be taking steps to clean up all of this however that does not mean you are both off the hook. Though another question I do have is for you Kotori, where did you gain such a power and how until this point have you not learned how to use it and remain in control of it?" It was more than a bit concerning that the young girl was capable of what happened.

Where as most learned what they were capable of at a young age kotori was unique being something of a prodigy her powers obvious from a very young age though to what extent he wasn't quite sure something he intended to fix right here right now. "Is there anything else we should be aware of, Take a moment to realise what is going on however we would also appreciate knowing as much as possible before moving forward."
Asuka lowered her head in shame once her Sensei started to speak. She could feel her dissapointed gaze punch through her soul like a knife. Of course she deserved it, but when Takeshi's name was brought up she shivered a bit. Not only would Sensei kill her, but Takeshi as well. There might be some type of dark resurrection ritual involved. But in the end, it had to be done. "I'm sorry sensei...."

Asuka placed her hands together playing with her thumbs as Yukio asked his questions, well.... this was going to be one long talk. "It's going to take a while but... if you want to learn everything." She sighed, gathering her thoughts. "My powers are over space, long story short. I can walk large distances without moving a thumb which is how I get around the village so quickly, also the reason why I was able to.... enter.... the Hyuuga household. Once I found out about Kotoris powers though.... I... studied... trying to figure out how they work... I had a few theories but until now... I couldn't explain it fully."

Asuka looked up, to continue with her speech. "People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but *actually* from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint - it's more like a big ball of wibbly wobbly... time-y wimey... stuff. She stopped for a second, taking a deep breath. "Think about time and space as a doorway that can only be opened by one key. I believe.... somehow.... Kotori copied my abilities and used them in conjuction with her own... hence opening the doorway and shooting herself god knows where. And we wouldn't have been able to get to her but Kotori left a crack... like an opening into the space time continum which I was able to go into."

"Long story short.... took me 7 years to find Kotori travelling from one place to the next, using Yukios ghostly head... thingy as an anchor to get on the highway and my way back. 7 years which were minutes in here. I'm sorry.... I'm sorry..."
Scolded, that was happening right now. She was the one getting scolded along with her older sister Asuka. Her gaze went slowly towards one of the older ones... Yukio also. She knew she was in trouble... But she had no idea how much time had passed... but for her, seeing how much Yukio ánd Asuka had changed... yet her mother didn't... gave her a lot of riddles to follow. "So... erm... I know I am in trouble... But... what date is it today..? How old am I even..?" She asked them, not even knowing those answers herself. "Why am I in the hospital..?"

“At least you are both ok but you had been started thinking of a way of explaining this to your father”
"..." Kotori remained silent at that question... Painfully silent as one was to say. "Erm... G-good one..." The girl stuttered a little. "How... many birthdays would I have missed of you... how old have a dad and you become..?" Trying to dance around it a little and slowly trying to hug her mother. Trying to mention the other two closer also... This was something she was holding deer at this moment, glad her hope wasn't yet broken in that other realm.

[OOC: short post, not really something but didn't want others to be waiting either.]
Yuki looked at the two young women that were in front of her, she took a deep breath. it wasn’t rage that has caused her to reach in the way that she had it was worry. Kotori was her daughter and Asuka was so close to her that she might have as well have been too.
“Asuka, I appreciate your efforts in returning Kotori back to me even though it shouldn’t have been needed in the first place. You put yourself at great risk to help my daughter so we will speak no more of this incident.”

The female looked at the puzzled face of her daughter, she could imagine what she had gone through nor did she want to, she wonder if she was aware of just how much she had changed. She took her daughter into her arms and held her tightly stroking her hair gently.
“That doesn’t matter now little one, All that matters it that you are home and safe” She searched the room for Yukio, he was sat in the corner silently, “Yukio, you have medical knowledge do you think that this is permanent, Kotori’s current state in mean?”
Kotori was listening, the words going back and forth... But being what all had happened, the naps she took in between took more than giving... Even she was one to get exhausted.. She too right now had one of those moments where she would be falling inside this sudden passing out... Like it was the father of sleep hitting her with a hammer. One moment she was still dangling around, hugging and doing... the next moment her muscles relaxed and she was soon to be found with a steady breath sleeping.

[WC: 91]
[Topic Left]
Yuki felt her daughter's body go limp in her arms as she fell asleep, she sighed deeply laying her body on the bed that she was sat on, there was nothing more that she could do. Kotori was safe she just needed time to recover and for that, she needed peace and quiet. She looked at the others that were in the room.

"Can one of you please keep watch on her and let me know if her condition changes. There are some matters that I need to take care off and see if there is anything that I can do revert what has happened." She got up and opened the door once more taking a step outside before turning around to Yukio. "I thank you again, Yukio." She left the room closing the door behind her and leaving the hospital.

[Topic Left]

Current Ninpocho Time:
