Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time: Saturday, 15. Mar, 08:19:12

Faint memories carry on (private)

Chigokai Yuna

Faithful Ninja
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Ziren had been looking through the files of some of the people that are in his branch, mainly people who could do well in the combat medic side of the Branch.

That is when he came across a name. It seemed faintly familiar to him. Upon more digging of research, he found that Uchiha Miyako was in the student tournament a while back. She didn't win, but he could see potential, and she could have a very strong will.

He sent a clone out. "Find Uchiha Miyako. Tell her to come to the combat medic chief office." The clone nodded, and walked out of the office. He waited, and listened for any blood flows coming near his office.

Today, he wore a suit that made him almost look like a professor. Tie, with glasses. Blue hair, permanent bloodified eyes.

[This is basically before Ziren makes his big change of appearance]
[Summoning Uchiha Miyako]
It was odd for Miyako to be summoned to the combat medic chief's office, but she was still a part of the branch so she feels as though she's obligated to go. Quickly, she paces towards the Konoha Byoin, tucking her hair behind her ears just before entering the building. She makes her way through the twists and turns of the hallways before eventually pausing and looking up and down the corridor, "Uh..."

It may be true that Miyako has promise, though there's something off about the girl, even since reaching the cusp of adulthood, she's still just a bit childish and maybe overly angsty at times.

There she waits, at the end of the corridor. The girl's visage is off putting due to the eyepatch that covers the right side of her face, from the corner of her lips to well above her eyebrow, "Hello? I'm here to meet with the.. uh.. Combat Medic Chief?" Today, Miyako wears a dress that splits as it runs down both of her legs, her pale skin silhouetted by netted leggings that end just above her ankles.
Ziren had heard a blood flow coming near. He looked up to see a girl, with an eye patch over her right eye, saying that she was here to meet with the Combat Medic Chief.

"Come. Sit down." He gestured to the chair that was in front of his desk. The Chigokai knows the kind of feeling, of having to be summoned by the higher ups, it's nerve racking, and anxiety sets in. "Let's clear the air in the room. You are not here because if some random trouble you may or may not have gotten into. And from reading your files, you aren't the type to get into trouble. No. What you are here for, is something simple. You have been in this branch longer than me, and yet you are still only a medical ninja in training. I want to give you an offer. A place inside my part of the branch. The combat medic side. Even though you may not be comfortable with fighting, you sure have the will to fight. Under my tutelage, I can help you be a better fighter. But I understand your hesitancies, the life experiences of combat medics aren't that great, but that's where I step in. What I plan to do, with not just the combat ready medical ninja, but all medical ninja, is to help them be just as strong, if not stronger than their comrades will fighting the enemy."

He let that sink in for a minute. "If you do so accept, I will put in paperwork for you to be a full fledged Medical Ninja if the Leaf."

[Medical Ninja rank for Miyako if she agrees]
Miyako does as she's told and sits before the man she's never met before, clasping her hands in her lap. She's fairly complacent, but her uncovered eye finds his gaze and holds it tightly. She doesn't speak until she's spoken to, though even after the Chief's spiel she remains near silent. She should have expected this, but she's done nothing for the medical branch as of this point in her life.

She clears her throat and nods, rubbing her fingers together within her lap, "I really do appreciate the offer." She begins, breaking his gaze, "Though I don't know if I deserve it. I haven't been an essential piece of the machine that is the medical branch." She sighs and lowers her head just slightly before continuing, "I do wish to become a better Kunoichi, and I don't think that anyone would mind that my life expectancy would be shortened.. If you'll have me, then I suppose I have no choice but to accept your offer." Miyako gives a firm nod and resumes eye contact.
Ziren waited until the girl was finished speaking. "You can relax. And of course you deserve it. When I joined the branch, they didn't even offer me medical ninja in training, but instead, Mikasa promoted me up to Medical Ninja. And some days later after that, Medical Chief."

There was something about some of her words that he didn't like to hear. "That is where you are wrong, when it comes to nobody would mind if your life expectancy was shortened, cut off. And of course you have a choice, it's not like I'm forcing you to be in this side of the branch."

He let that sink in, before speaking up again. "Part if my job, is to make sure that combat medics make it home. And if they have no home, to reach my hand out to them. To reach my hand out to anyone who might be in need. Part of being a combat medic, is still showing that humanity you have, even while others die around you, or you are forced to kill. Because those people out on the battlefield, need to believe that there is hope. People who care enough for them so that they can fight to keep living. I need you, to not only care for others, but to care for yourself as well. We are all, on one single level. The humanity. Don't lose who you are, of who you want to be." The Medical Chief stopped talking, and then said, "From this day forth, you are a combat medic. If you still so choose. You are granted the Medical Ninja rank, equivalent to Chunin."

[Miyako promoted to Medical Ninja, chunin equivalent]
Miyako bobs her head in response to the man's kind words. She's only ever had two to three people in her life that have actually showed they cared about her. With this form of compassion that Ziren offers her, she can't help but to offer a small grin, blush growing in her cheeks, "Well, then I hope to work alongside you as long as the future may allow." She runs her fingers through her hair and crosses one leg over the other, "If Mikasa would offer you such grand opportunities, then I would assume that you're more than worth the titles you've received."

She pauses for a moment, thinking about what to say next after such an awesome opportunity and promotion. "I hope I do not disappoint you, I'm not the greatest at battling." She smiles a bit wider now and allows her hands to fall back into her lap. "Thank you." Is her final response, her cheeks still pink and her smile far from fading.
The Medical Chief was glad that the newly promoted Medical Ninja is understanding what he has said to her.

And then she admitted that she wasn't all that good at battling. A slight chuckle came from the Chigokai. "I know, I have read some other reports. Namely your battle in the student tournament. One in which, I have been a spectator in. I could tell that you want to help others, moreso out on the field. You accepting this role, even with your current history of battling speaks volumes. I was there for when Sushi fought Maru. I'm good friends with Sushi and Shinzo now. All are amazing fighters."

He stretched his back out and looked out of the window of his office. Everything seemed calm, nice. "I myself have fought before. Plenty of times. Two of which, I fought people I didn't stand a chance against. But all battles and fights after those, I fought against others who I see as equals. Those who could pack a punch and withstand a lot too. My advice? Well, I like to play the waiting game with my opponents. My endurance of withstanding damages is only matched by two others. Even then, if I ever feel like I might be losing, all I do is heal myself back up. And my uncanny control over blood, goes well with how I conditioned myself to actually heal passively. I have found countless ways to keep the fight going, and that might be the best thing a combat medic can do, if they are fighting by themselves. Keep the fight going, watch as the enemy wears themselves out."

He waited, thought about what he was going to say next, then spoke. "Hopefully, I get to see how well you progress through my part of the branch. But, given my position, and amount of missions involving high chance of death, I will be out a lot, especially with the war going on. I need to know that you can still keep going, and keep this part of the branch alive, when I'm out. Make sure other people, not just the combat medics, and people who want to be combat medics, but all medical ninja are at least combat ready. Ready to protect the front lines, or the hospital. Or both."
Ziren’s sort of monologue has her confidence bulking, if these are the things it takes to be a combat medic, then Miyako is willing to take the bull by the horns and become even more powerful than she already is. She doesn’t speak much, not wanting to interrupt Ziren as he offers her the promotionary spiel.

She can’t help but to keep looking into his eyes, feeling some sort of a connection between them due to the raw power of their eyes. While he speaks about his personal battle experiences, her mind drifts elsewhere and she seriously contemplates whether or not she wants to hide her grandfather’s gift.

Her heel taps the ground as she begins her response, “I can assure you, from this point on, I vow to protect the hospital by any means necessary. I know this means I’ll need to get stronger, but don’t you worry.” She affirms her short statement with a nod, her face relaxing soon after.

A long pause sits between the two of them before Miyako decides to ask, “Your eyes. Are you proud of them?”
He listened as the girl spoke, and it was good that she was willing to do this, and see it through, when or if he is not able to.

That's when she asked him about his eyes. His right hand wavered over them. The Medical Chief never really thought about them. The blood swirled around the eyes, with no irises. Well, there was once irises way back when he was younger.

"I've... Never really thought about it before, if I were being honest with you. These eyes themselves hold no actual powers in of themselves. But they define a Chigokai. The more matured, stronger Chigokai have eyes like these. I've met a number of Chigokai, even though kin of my bloodline are almost non-existent, I've met four others. Only one other has permanent bloodified eyes. In some ways, I am proud, you can say of my eyes, for I have matured fast. But other ways, not so much, due to my... History. And what had made me mature at a young age."
Miyako could do nothing but relate with what Ziren had to say, her head slowly nodding as he spoke. He certainly wasn’t far off from explaining just how Miyako felt while growing up. While there’s an excess of Uchiha in the current time, not many, if any, share the same sort of dojutsu that she tends to hide on a daily basis. With a quiet breath at the finale of the history of Ziren’s own dojutsu, Miyako’s hands almost daintily rise to the back of her head. With one swift motion, she unties the knot that holds her eyepatch in place and allows it to fall, with her hands back into her lap.

After a dramatic pause, Miyako looks up to Ziren, opening both of her eyes and revealing her right to him, the ripples dojutsu itself. For some reason, she’s always been self conscious about this eye; perhaps it relates to its origins.

“I feel as though I understand you, Ziren. My history too holds me back from pursuing the future I’d like.” She exhales, not breaking eye contact with the Chigokai. “Would you not consider the things that force us to mature at a young age as source of resentment?” Her questions are quite obviously personally driven, her tone even growing slightly darker as she comments on the experiences they’ve shared through independently developing.
Ziren watched as the girl removed her eye patch to show something he has seen before. The Rinnegan. He has seen only a few people who have this can of doujustsu. And then she talked about the things in the past that made them forced them to mature, to have some resentment in them.

"I understand, Miyako. Of feeling resentment, anger, even loneliness at some points. But I found a light inside of the darkness. I have a wife, and twin children. A girl, who is like a little sister to me. All of them, I would give the world to. Just to see them be happy."

He brought out his right hand, blood came out of his hand and he let it form into a rose. "The Chigokai clan. Not as wide known as the Uchiha. But they've sure made their mark on the world. My blood line, literally controls blood. They weren't thought of as infamous. No, that would be too light. They were thought of, as sinister. With how they can use their own blood, along with the very blood of anyone around them as a weapon. Before I knew who I was. I thought I came from a cursed blood line. My parents died, and then a whole caravan that took me in died too. Once I learned of my power, I had a blood lust, and an evil personality that would take over at every possible chance. I erased it from my mind, more focused, not as blood lust as I have had been. A lot of Chigokai that I've talked to have at certain degrees, depended on their blood lines lust for blood. I have thrown that part of me away, making me an even more scary opponent than ever to fight. Fighting a predator that is only hungry is bad enough, but fighting one that stays out of your range of attacks, is absolutely dangerous, as they think things through, rather than their more aggressive counterparts."

He then said, "Anyways, was going on a tangent there for a second, I've learned to not give into anger all the time, as that will not solve all the problems in the world. So to answer your question. Yes, at one time, I was forced to grow up faster than normal, and I resented it. But now, I have too much to worry about resenting who I could have been. People who I care about, that comes before me."

Current Ninpocho Time: Saturday, 15. Mar, 08:19:12
