Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Farewell, Sensei.

Jul 1, 2018
This had been a long time coming, but, it didn't make Maikeru dread this moment any less. His pen writing the last signature required, he dropped the last piece of paperwork onto the large stack on his desk. Letting out a tired, defeated sigh, he leaned back in his chair. Staring outside the window he saw many things. He saw the village he had once loved more than anything, he saw his birthplace, he saw the home he had once thought he would raise his children in. Konoha, a place heralded for it's beautiful views, and kind hearted people. If only the outside knew what really happened here.

It had been a long time since the deaths of his friends, and it still left a sour taste in his mouth. Through the trials and tribulations that he had suffered on his way to the place he sat now, there were very few who actually stood besides him. Sure, there were a lot who liked to pretend they did, or who would try to push their own motives as his, but, he could always count the people he could truly rely on with one hand. With a deep, remorseful sigh, he rose from his chair. As he crossed his office for what would be the last time, he stopped by the door. Taking one last look back at it, at the life he had built here, he gave a small smile. As much as the leaf had hurt him, as much as it had torn him apart and destroyed his beliefs, there were things he would dearly miss. The thought brought a smile to his lips, even as he removed his medical coat and hung it on the rack next to the door.

Before he left the office today, there was one thing left he had to do. Which was why he found himself outside of the Sennin's office, a bottle of scotch and two glasses in hand. Knocking on the door briefly before opening it, he greeted Mikasa with a small smile.

"Well," He started. "It's my last day. I leave tomorrow. I thought maybe we could have a drink, say our good byes."
Time between individuals passed at opposing intervals, however the last week had become a sufficient blur of time unraveling before her very gaze. Outstretching her hand, the kunoichi attempts to grasp a hold of the unknown, although she dared to dream there were laughter and delight in the imagery waltzing through space and time. Youthful dreams and hopes slip through her fingertips as if mere grains of sand as a faint knocking on her door snaps her back to the reality of the situation.

Migoya had left the village, due to his actions and left a vacancy she had finally filled and an inexperienced medical-nin in training placed into a position he truly had no business in leaping towards so blindly; however orders from a higher source had allowed so. This wasn't to state she didn't have faith he weren't capable of ultimately achieving the status, however one had to take hurdles in order to be successful. Leaning back in her arm chair she lowers her hand, "Come in." she responds in a gentle tone.

A coy grin spreads across her features at the mere thought of indulging herself with a beverage she normally never partook in. "Goodbyes, already?" she inquires in a whimsical tone, "You are sure you mastered enough of the basics to leave?" she muses aloud, allowing her ungloved digits to tiptoe over the empty workspace; a rarity and a sheer sign of the conversation to come. In fact, the office itself was empty, minus the desk and chairs. "Let us not make this heartfelt, Maikeru-kun . . .san." she murmurs with a petite momentary laugh.

Gingerly her arm streaks outwards in an arc to signify for the blossoming shinobi to settle in any seating of his choice; if the Uchiha wished he could very well claim her armchair and she would budge if need be.​
Danii wonders about the hospital trying to find Maikeru. She had wanted to surprise him today at office, but she had arrived to find it empty. Surely he hadn't left already. She figured he would be staying late to finish up the last bit of paperwork he would need to fill out. Luckily a nurse had mentioned seeing him heading down this way. It wasn't long before she heard his voice behind an office door. Looking at the nameplate, she wondered what Maikeru was doing at the Medical Sennin's office. She hesitated a moment and knocked on the door. She waits for an answer before walking in.

“I am sorry to interrupt. I was looking for Maikeru. I am Nanjirou Daenerisu, his little sister.”

She gives the sennin a bow with her introduction. She had heard Maikeru talk highly of her, but she had never met her herself. She turned to Maikeru and spotted the glasses in his hand. She gave him a curious look before returning her attention to Mikasa. It would appear that Maikeru had indeed finished his work early today.
"For someone whose job consists of so much paperwork…" Reicheru's voice trailed off as she picked up her pace through the streets of Maple Town. Time really did fly, and already her few belongings were packed and her paperwork at the academy was in order. She'd spent a great deal of time speaking with parents as of late, careful not to overstep her bounds or allow her personal feelings to spill into her work life when it came to discussing her reason for leaving, but it was no secret. News of the very public incident hadn't taken long to travel all through the village, and many families had taken their leave already. Though she loved the few students that remained, she couldn't stay for a vain hope; instead she could only hope that they followed suit.

Still, one piece remained out of order - the issue of a passport. She'd left that piece to her boyfriend, who had secured the promise of them in the first place. Though she trusted him, coming right up to the day before their departure and still not having one in hand set the young Nanjirou on edge. So she had decided to drop by the Byoin to see how Maik's last day was wrapping up and to see where they stood on this last little detail.

As she entered the hospital doors, she made her way down the hallway toward Maikeru's office before noticing a familiar shock of white hair walking in the opposite direction of where she intended to turn. "Danii?" Reicheru called out, though the young girl didn't seem to hear her. Strange - it was true that Reicheru hadn't often dropped by the Byoin, as ever since that day the sight of blood took her back to a time she'd rather forget. Still, she was sure Maikeru's office was the other way? Shrugging, she followed Daenerisu with a quickened pace to arrive at Tsukasa Mikasa's office only a few steps behind her kin, the door still open from Danii's arrival.

With a light knock on the door frame to alert the rest to her own arrival, Reicheru gave a polite bow. "Apologies for the interruption, Mikasa-sama. It's been awhile; you look well." The last part, while not untrue as the medical Sennin always had a poised air about her, gave Reicheru pause as she spoke the words. She looked at the sparseness of the office, an emptiness which almost dampened the woman herself if it weren't for the quiet strength her presence emitted. "Maikeru, when you're done I just have a question about our passports. I'll wait out here," the kunoichi motioned with her thumb toward the chairs that sat in the hallway outside of the Sennin's office, looking at Danii with a look that served to invite her friend to join her and fill her in on what brought her here today as well.
The young Uchiha gave a tired smile at the Sennin's words. If there was one thing he could count on, it was Mikasa's kindness. He followed her unspoken instruction, sitting at one of the chairs that laid on the other side of her desk. As he sat, he placed the glasses on the table, before pouring a small amount to each and recorking the bottle. He leaned back in the chair, taking a small sip before he spoke.

"Oh come now Mikasa-san." He said, giving her a solemn smile. "This good bye was always going to be heartfelt, even if we both wanted to avoid it. You've done so much for me, and I can never repay that debt. You've truly become one of my closest friends, which I realize may be speaking out of station but.. it's true. I appreciate you, more than you'll know. Now that I've said that, there is a fa-"

Maikeru's words were cut off by the entrance of first Danni, and then Reicheru, who both seemed to be getting the wrong idea of what was going on. Though, that fact was not noticed by the young, oblivious boy. He wasn't even registering why it might be weird for his girlfriend to walk in on him drinking with a beautiful, older woman in the middle of the day. It wouldn't be until years later he understood the gravity of the first impression.

"Speak of the devil and he shall appear." He said, ushering with his head for the two younger kunoichi to join him. "It's good that you two are here, I was just about to talk to Mikasa about you. You see, Mikasa-san, the three of us are leaving tomorrow, but, we haven't received our passports yet. I suppose we could just run through the gates, it's not like the majority of those on duty would be able to stop us. However, I'd like to leave on friendly terms with the village. So, I was hoping that as acting medical Sennin, you could grant us the passports."

He gave her a small smile, before taking another sip of his drink. He had hoped to enjoy a bit more of the good-bye before getting down to the business of his visit, but, when opportunity knocks and all that.
Daintily the maiden crosses her legs, hands pressing firmly against her right thigh as additional visitors would begin to announce their presence. Cautiously does the kunoichi's trained tundra orbs fixate on the shot glass, the golden liquid twirling about in a mesmerizing fashion. "I am a bit offended you didn't place any ice prior." she muses aloud, allowing her gloved hand to extend outwards and ultimately caress against the heated liquid sand.

Ironic that ninjutsu could be used to tease the simplest of pleasures, Mikasa's chakra becomes frigid against the material and turns glosses over the glass with a winter wonderland chill - ice ninjutsu at its finest. Appeasing her Medical Chief, does she partake in a faint sipping, not one to hold her alcohol well, she dares not to partake in too much of the fun. "I am unsure what you are referring to, Maikeru-san. I told you when I accepted you into the branch that I would take you under my wing and show you a true family hidden among the leaves, did I not?" she widens her grin, however only in these moments does the flickering of her once welcoming gaze surface and reflect the vibrant past she once believed in.

Curiously light moss hue locks catch her attention and instinctively she motions for the younger lass to join the duo, "Pleasure, Daenerisu-chan. I wasn't aware Maikeru-san had additional relatives. Silly on me for not inquiring!" she chuckles, glancing towards the Uchiha with a slight pout. "Ah!" the maiden comes to a complete stand, crossing over the room to gaze onto Saitou Reicheru, "We haven't conversed in ages! Reicheru-san, you have certainly grown. I pray you still fancy raspberries?" she inquires with a broadening grin, pivoting about to search her office only to realize the lingering emptiness. "Oh right, I don't have much remaining in here." she murmurs, mostly to herself.

Raising an eyebrow she glances between the trio, "Passports?" she inquiries tenderly before beginning to piece the puzzle together as best as one could with the information provided through a series building events. "You wish for one of my final acts as Sennin to hand out passports? I suppose that is the least I could do. Do you have the necessary documentation I can glance over for the proper approval?" Mikasa questions in her usual whimsical tone.​
Danii gives Mikasa a smile and a bow.

“It's a pleasure to finally meet you. I see you and Maikeru still have some business to finish, so I'll sit outside with Reicheru.”

Danii follows Reicheru out into the hallway and takes a seat next to her.

“So, it's really that time already. Are you ready? It felt like forever, but no time at the same time.”

Danii looks over at her friend with a unusually serious look on her face. She gives off a sense of both nervousness and excitement as she waits for Maikeru to work out their passport arrangements.

“Have you packed yet? I've been working on it slowly, but I don't really have alot of stuff. Most of what I do have my grandfather is going to bring to me later. He's trying to get in with a merchant group. Said the sedentary life is getting to him. He wants to ride the wind or something. I don't know. He always has some weird sayings he claims come from back home, but, honestly, I think he's just making then up.”

Danii laughs, but it is obvious that she is trying to cover up her nervousness spitting out a hundred words a second. She looks down at the ground. The 2 years did seem to take forever, but now that it was here, she couldn't help but wonder if this was the right choice. She knew that she could never call this place home again, but would she even have a home out there? She grows quiet while staring at her feet.
So… he really didn't have their passports yet. This is fine. Reicheru took a deep breath in, exhaling it slowly. This is fine.

Thankfully, she was distracted by Mikasa as the maiden stood and crossed the room to greet her before Reicheru could leave the room. A smile reached Reicheru's face at the mention of raspberries. "Ahh, but of course! Perhaps to Maikeru's dismay; he's not a big fan of sweets. Oh, poor Tobikuma - I still tease him about that day occasionally when I see him. All in good fun though, he takes it in stride!" A quiet laugh followed the memories that the mention of the delicacy brought up. Good memories for once, of a simpler time.

As the conversation returned to business, Reicheru mulled over Mikasa's comment about it being one of her final official acts. So that was it then; the elegant and welcoming woman hadn't struck Reicheru as one to have such an empty office. The rumors of a change in leadership must have been true. The doubts the young Nanjirou had been feeling intermittently about leaving came to an end with this information. Though Reicheru did not know Mikasa well, Maikeru did and had only the utmost respect for her. What remained of the leadership here was… well, while Reicheru trusted Kenshin's heart she didn't always trust his head. He spoke of keeping Takeshi in check, but after the incident at the dojo she could anticipate his judgment becoming clouded. This move was for the best.

"Thank you, Mikasa-sama. Maikeru should have my paperwork, but if there's anything you need from me now please let me know." With a small bow, she turned and moved with Danii to allow the Uchiha lad to have the goodbye he needed.

As her younger friend began pouring out thoughts and questions, Reicheru gave her a smile and grabbed her hand. "It's gonna be alright. This is a good thing. Besides, as long as we've got each other in all of this, it's going to work out no matter what happens." Squeezing her kin's hand, she knew words could do relatively little to calm an anxious heart. In truth, she said them as much for herself as for Danii. Now was the time to be certain, and they all needed to help each other remain that way.
Reicheru wasn't the only one struck heavily by Mikasa's words. Although the office had struck him as odd, his first assumption was that she was just moving to a new one, perhaps a larger one. But, to think that she of all people would truly be leaving the position of Sennin? Well, to say the least Maikeru was glad that he was leaving the village now would be a massive understatement. Mikasa was about the only person he could trust implicitly, despite the good hearted nature of Kenshin. With a sigh, Maikeru reached into the pouch on his waist, producing three sets of papers that he laid on the desk in front of him.

"Aye, I brought all the paperwork." He said in response to Reicheru, giving her a confident smile and a wink, hoping his charm would make up for the fact he had put this off for so long. "I am a chief med nin, equivalent to head Jonin, while Reicheru is a Jonin and Danni is a Genin. I will be escorting Danni as my student, as per is my right as a head jonin level shinobi."

He spoke plainly, while maintaining his professionalism for this bit. It was important to be able to be able to switch between formalities in conversation he found, it made you more likable, which played a huge part in leaf politics. He hoped that would change a bit once he got to cloud, that he would be judged more on his ability than how charming he could be, but, he had his doubts after spending his life here.

"The leaf is worse off for losing you, Mikasa-san. More so than all three of us leaving. You were the last beacon of the will of fire that could spur on the youth, and I am truly sorry that it is losing something so valuable." He said, finishing off the last of his drink in a large swallow. "However, I more than anyone understand what it means to have to follow your heart. To know when a home is no longer a home. I have the feeling this good-bye will not last long, so I won't say good bye."

He stood from his chair, crossing the room to stand in front of the medical senin. He stood there for a moment, before kneeling down, and wrapping the older woman in a large hug, squeezing tightly.

"I'll see you soon, sensei."


With a slight of hand, the Sennin's digits begin to twirl a writing utensil and a faint clicking gives way to the notion of the pen combat ready. Daintily her signature crosses over the required, thrice, "Correct, I am merely following my heart. Eventually the path to return to Konohagakure will resurface, I have plentiful demons to vanquish." pausing a frown would form on her lips, "Maikeru-san, I have never once considered myself valuable, merely a cog doing its utmost in the gear of life." the kunoichi corrects with reassuring grin.

The embrace was in turn assuring to her, prior to his movements her left gloved hand balls, goosebumps bubble to the surface of her quivering flesh beneath the crimson sleeve. In a caring manner, the Sennin returns the gesture, patting his upper back, "Would be a shame otherwise." she whispers, coming to a complete stand when their private moment would end.

Silently she crosses the near empty office, on the rear upper portion of the door was her white medical lab coat, belonging to Lord Umashiashikabihikoji, and the hand me down Mikasa had required near the beginning of her medical profession. Settled neatly on a door hook was the temporary Hokage hat she been given during the absence of Uchiha Takeshi, a precious item she would forever treasure. Downing herself with the items would take mere moments, as she presses past the group with a mixed expression of sorrow and joy. "I look forward to eating sweets once more with you, Reicheru-san, and you as well Daenerisu-chan." the medical nin comments with a crestfallen smile, "Safe travels." she mutters tipping the hat gently as she strolls forward without glancing back.

The Byoin would survive, she had made sure plenty of members were properly trained; however during her entirety as a medical corporation member, Mikasa never knew that her heart would require the most aid.​

[OOC: Passports given / approved of. Topic left unless stopped.]
Danii watches as Maiker and Mikasa leave the office. She hops up from the chair with a smile on her face, comforted by the words of her cousin.

“Alright, Mai-chan! We good to go? You done with your work for the day?”

She follows her friends outside of the hospital as they make their way back home or to wherever they are heading.

“Let's go already. I still have alot of things left to wrap up!”

[Topic Left]
"Yea, me too. I'll hold you to that," Reicheru called out to the Sennin with a smile that was betrayed by a single tear that ran along the side of her nose. Though she hadn't known her well, Mikasa had embodied hope for the younger generation and for those who struggled to make sense of Takeshi's rule. It was assumed by many that Mikasa would one day don the Hokage hat as the Fifth - seeing it worn by the snow-haired woman now, Reicheru's heart tore as she literally watched the image of the hope for the future walk out the door.

It was a path that she too had to walk now. Standing from her chair, Reicheru followed Maikeru and Danii out of the hospital, passport in hand. Freedom had finally come.

[Topic Left]
Maikeru followed the two younger women out of the hospital after saying his good byes to Mikasa. It was surreal, that he was going to leave his home soon, but, it was something he had to do. Partially for himself, but, mostly for the two people who walked beside him now. He wanted to protect them, to ensure that they had a full, happy life. That wasn't something he was sure he could do in leaf, not anymore. The memories, the people who remained inside, they seemed intent on dragging him down to the depths of despair, willing or no.

Still, none of that really mattered. He had the two most important things to him, and he was leaving with them. Tomorrow would not be a sad day, no. Instead, it would be a day filled with hope, with new adventure. With possibilities.

[Topic left]

Current Ninpocho Time:
