Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Fat Cat [Mission]

Apr 16, 2015
OOC Rank

Day 1

Akane had received the mission, and had read it over. She held the detailed paper stating on what the mission was as she walked into the Seki district.

"Forty eight hours to find a fat cat? This should be easy." Akane exclaimed to herself as she walked down the main road. She looked at the photo of the cat, memorizing it. It was an odd looking cat, it'd be hard to forget how it looked.

Akane walked casually down the road, her hand playing with her hair, she kinda felt bored. She spotted a few local's and walked up to them with a smile. "Hey, have you seen this cat?" She asked them holding out the photo as she walked up to them.

They both shook their heads, then quickly turned and walked away. Akane shrugged. "Well aren't they nice?" She sighed to herself. Guess people dont like being ran up too, being asked a single question. It made sense, she guessed.
Akane continued walking down the road, looking down every ally, and every crook she spotted. It was no use, she would not find the cat at this rate. Maybe from a higher viewpoint? Akane nodded to herself, that would be easier.

Akane jumped up, and grabbed onto a ledge of a building, and started climbing up the building. She had barely practiced climbing, seeing as she has had her head in the books for a the last few months.
Once akane got onto the top of the roof top she looked over all the buildings. No wonder why the roof tops were a common place to find ninja, she had a much wider view.

"Now if I were a cat, where would I be?" Akane mumbled to herself. Shen she sniffed as she caught a wiff of grilled fish, a food stand?
Akane blinked a few times before she started moving towards the smell. She jumped over the rooftops in order to reach her goal. Some of her steps were clumsy, but she was able to to catch her lost balance once she got moving. "Hmmm... To find a cat I should become a cat!" Akane commented quietly to herself before she stopped in her tracts, she was right above the fish cart.

"Cat's like fish right?" she wondered to herself. Akane jumped off the roof, and landed near the cart. She looked at the fish. Her stomach grumbled lightly. "Hmmm.... I have forty eight hours. A snack wouldn't harm a fly." She said to herself. She then ordered a grilled fish on a skewer. She sat down and started munching on the fish as she pondered where she could find this cat.

While she was munching, she heard a 'mew' noise. she looked to her side, there was a cat next to her, begging for her food. She narrowed her eyes and turned her body away in a protective manor while glaring at the cat. After taking a second thought about the cat, Akane realized that was the cat she was looking for!

Before akane could grab the cat, the cat jumped up, grabbed her fish, and took off running. It moved fast! Akane stumbled to her feet, baffled by the speed of the cat. She quickly chased after it, running close behind it. She jumped up onto a few boxes at full speed to launch herself up onto a roof top in order to follow the feline better.

It must have been on hour of running before Akane lost sight of the cat. Frustrated, Akane slowed to a walking pace. She was out of breath, and becoming tired from that run. She looked around, she was now in an unfamiliar place. Akane walked slowly as she regained her energy. But it was no use, she had lost sight of the cat. She yawned lightly, and sate down on a bench to catch her breath. He shouldn't have gone far right?

Akane started to rest, closing her eyes slowly, and relaxing. Before she knew it, she slipped off to sleep.

Day 2

Akane woke up slowly, and then jumped up as she realized where she was. The sun was rising!, how long was she asleep for, and how the hell did she stay asleep that long!. Akane blinked suddenly as she felt something on her lap, she looked down, it was that cat! why was he on her lap asleep too! Akane grabbed the cat, waking it up suddenly. She cat freaked out and started scratching at her, escaping her grasps! it took off running again! Akane stood and sprinted after it, without realizing how badly the cat scratched her up. It ripped some of her clothes too, and you'd think it would have been a bigger deadly cat with how much bleeding the tiny scratches were doing.

Akane was ignoring that as he goal was to get that cat. She kept dead on his tail, and then leaped forward to try to tackle it, it turned right right before she could grab it! making akane tumble into the dirt , and roll into a few boxes, breaking them on contact. Akane was quick to her feet again, running after the cat and catching up to it again. Damn this cat, that was the only thing running through Akane's mind currently.

The chase proceeded on, Akane loosing the cat three times, then finding him, this endless circle lasted a good four hours, all up and down the Seki district.Soon enough Akane decided to makeshift a net, this time planning out a trap, and a route to chase the cat into. She made a few back up plans as well, she was through playing chase.

Akane set up a few net traps in different areas, planning every possible route the cat could take. Throughout the chasing, Akane learned the cat's pattern, he wasn't running in random places, he stayed in the seki district though. She had the cat's route mapped out in her head, and soon she would run into him again.

Akane spotted that cat again, and the chase started once again, this time, it would not end with her loosing sight of him again. She chased the cat down the roads, keeping a good distance away from him, waiting for him to take the left turn. She made sure to set up a trap on the right turn just in case he decided to switch things up.

Left, her turned left and ran right into the net trap Akane had set up. The cat was trapped and caught. Akane made sure the cat was alright before she secured the netted cat, and carried him away. "Got you now." She started with a grin, she had won this battle.

Akane took down all the traps she had set up on her way to return the cat to its owner. She didn't want to forget them after all and have a citizen run into it. Soon she made it back to the owner's home, Koni was the owners name. Akane unnetted the cat, before she knocked on the woman's door. She had a firm grip on the cat to make sure it did not run away again.

A butler answered the door and looked down at Akane. "I have come to return the lost cat." She stated to the butler, as he stared at her. Akane lifted the cat up to him, just wanting to go home and wash all her scratches, and scrapes she had acquired during the chase. Silently, but with a hint of annoyance, the butler took the cat and closed the door.

Akane sighed softly and headed to go report she had completed the mission.

WC: 1352

Current Ninpocho Time:
