"Why did you have to leave me, it's not fair ya know. Nao-San and Keiji-San are great caretakers, but it's just not the same. I wish you were here, father... Please... Help me..." Life is pleasant, death is peaceful. It's the transition that's the troubling part. Shi wished he had more information about how he died and about who it was that did it. If only he could put a name or a face to the bastard that attacked the gates. Shishi was terrified about the notion of never figuring anything out. It seemed wherever he looked he was stonewalled, just dead ends.
Tears now forming in the corner of Shi's eyes the soft bloops of liquid began to hit the ground beneath him. It burned to cry this time, for some reason it just felt more intense than normal. Perhaps it was because of it being the anniversary of his death, or just the numbness fighting to gain control over the boy's psyche. Whatever the reason it plagued Shi to no end. Balling his fists he squeezed his eyes shut tight, his fingernails digging almost to the point of drawing blood. "I miss you so much, father. I just want you back, tell me how to avenge you, tell me something, anything!" The tears came more frequently now as Shi escalated to full on bawling.
Putting his fists to the side of his head he began to hit himself in frustration. He was torn between two realities. On the one hand he was a 12 year old kid who desperately missed his real father, but on the other he was supposed to be a shinobi would didn't back down from anything, a tool to serve the village. "I don't know what to do! Aggghh!" Shi cried out in anguish, caring not that half the neighborhood could probably hear him. Ceasing the self harm he buried his face into his knees and screamed again. Perhaps he was acting too imprudent or doltish about the whole ordeal, but he truly didn't care in this moment. He didn't care about anything, except the fleeting thought of his father.