Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Fertilised Conversations (Requesting Migoya)

Feb 21, 2013
Staring out the window of his hospital bed, Hisao found himself staring at a post that was on the street. While he had been thinking about the way his life was going, he had watched a dog walk up to the post, sniffing around it. He wasn’t sure what it was doing, which is exactly how he felt in his life right now, unsure what he will do now that they have told him that he most likely cannot be a Shinobi anymore.

His chest twinged with pain, not letting him forget the source of his problems. The dog was finished sniffing, and was walking around the post, obviously preparing for something. I need to prepare for something myself, I don’t know what, but I will need to do something… Maybe like the old saying, Those who can, do; those who can't, teach? He sighed, and shook his head.

I never had the patience for teaching, and it would be a daily reminder. He shrugged, continuing to stare at the dog as it stopped its movement, and Hisao finally realized what it was doing. Well, that’s one way to do it I suppose, I guess that is the difference between beats and men. The dog finished his business, up against the post. It could be seen that the dog was unwell, from the state the post was now in.

A man from the hospital walked out to shoo the dog away, for making his mark on a shit post. Join the club post, we are all knee deep in shit lately, its just the way to world is lately, and nothing is going to change that.

WC: 256
The figure walked into the hospital room, shutting the door behind him. He was dressed in a clean white robe which matched the shock of white hair he had. Two crimson eyes would look Hisao over as if he were a piece of fish at the fishmongers.

“Hakanai… Hisao. I need to take your blood pressure. Have you passed a motion today? What has been your intake?”

This strange doctor would continue to badger the old coot, asking him questions about his bowel movements. What he ate today.

Reaching into his white coat, a syringe was drawn out, its blue hue glistening in its glass container. Flicking the syringe several times with a finger, the doctor would state briskly.

“This should take some of the pain away. Hold still please”.

The needle was inserted, and soon Hisao would feel… really good.

Looking down on him with red eyes, the doctor would continue.

“What have you eaten today? Have you had any water? How do you feel about the state of the village? Have you exerted yourself today? Is it true about the chakra around your heart? How was your meeting with Hirato Yong?”

Each question seemed… important. The answers… vital.

“Go ahead and answer them”, the doctor stated, briefly screwing up his face at the sight of the pole outside.

Truth serum… I will get the truth out of you Hisao… and I hope for your sake you give it to me.
A strange pale man walked into his room, an albino, which was rare in Konoha, dressed as a Mednin and started pestering Hisao as he laid in his bed.

“Hakanai… Hisao. I need to take your blood pressure. Have you passed a motion today? What has been your intake?”

He answered the basic questions, and raised an eyebrow as the strange man drew a syringe directly from his pocket, and not from the cart that could clearly be seen outside the door, that the other mednin has used. He smirked and said nothing, as the man injected him.

“This should take some of the pain away. Hold still please”.

Taking a breath and relaxing into it, the old ANBU recognised the feeling of Truth Serum, though was unsure why it was blue, and not the normal colourless. Perhaps he makes it himself? We shinobi can do strange things some times, and it technically does have a pain killing component to it, to help relax.

“What have you eaten today? Have you had any water? How do you feel about the state of the village? Have you exerted yourself today? Is it true about the chakra around your heart? How was your meeting with Hirato Yong?”

Thinking about his answers, he continued to relax into the serum in his veins. Enjoying the relief it gave but it was slightly annoyed it didn't take all of his pain away. He was about to answer when the pale man spoke again, “Go ahead and answer them”, He reached his right hand under the sheet to scratch his side, not feeling in any rush.

Frowning, he considered delaying longer, just to spite him, but then started to answer anyway. "If Sake counts as eating I've had sake, otherwise nothing. Sake contains water, so technically yes, but also no, but then that's what this is for," he gestured his left arm with the saline/painkiller drip in it, "You are exerting me now, I assume its true, I have seen the scans."

He smirked and raised an eyebrow, before answering the last question, "My meeting with Hirato Yong, had no witnesses other than who was there, so its interesting that you are even asking about it, as you were not there. But it was fine, we drank some tea and I lost a bet."<i></i>

Slipping his right hand into Shiva, which was concealed under the sheets next to his side, he made some statements of his own. "Now, a Albino red eyed Mednin, asking questions about the Missing-Nin and Ex-ANBU Hirato? I take it I am talking to the infamous Myakashi Migoya, known associate of Yong. Also referred to as Red Eyed Devil, The Kage Oyabun, The Pale Ghost, Shiro Kumo, the Crimson Whisperer, and I think we can add, Shitty Poisoner, as your Truth Serum is weak, it doesn't have enough relaxant in it at all."<i></i>

"Any other questions my pale friend? Come to kill me in my weakened state from some reason? I don't think we had any real association other than you once visited Yong when he was mentoring Doku and I."<i></i> He pointed to the chair by the door, that had his jacket on it, "My daughter, Atsume, she took my flask off me, its in the top inside pocket. I would appreciate you passing it to me."<i></i>

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A small but honest chuckle escaped from Migoya as Hisao, that old fart, spoke. Most of those names were made up ones between Yong and himself, a sort of ‘super-hero’ team thing, and the fact that the ANBU had recorded them was hilarious and telling at the same time. This old crabby guy… we shall get along perfectly.

“Oh - so you do recognise me. It took Doku some time, but eventually the memory exploded in his mind”, Migoya said with a very ban pun. “This Crimson Whisperer… I have no idea where you got that one from… simply wanted to visit.”

Looking down at the medical chart, Migoya scanned its contents expertly. It seemed a lifetime ago that he was a med-nin, and it in fact was. He looked up, his face showing uncharacteristic concern.

“Perhaps I wanted to know the truth of whether the great Hisao had given up on life. Whether he would let someone he knew as a possible foe inject him with something he knew could kill him without resisting. Whether this man, taught by my brother, would simply turn over and die”.

The voice grew sad.

“I see it now. Resignation. I have seen it in many shinobi who can no longer fight for what they believe in.”

Looking once more at the medical chart, Migoya continued.

“Hisao-san. From these reports it is true that the chakra that normally emanates from ones heart, in you, has almost stopped. You do not have much longer left, and even less if you use your chakra.”

He moved closer to Hisao, but extended a pale hand towards the coat on the door to the room.

“I have spoken with Doku and Yong, and out of respect for them, I wish to offer you something. The capability for new opportunities to do what you truly believe in, and not what you have merely pretended to in order to survive.”

“I will give you a new heart, and with it, new life.”

A quick jerk of his hand brought the small flask that Hisao’s daughter had brought in, propelled as it were by chakra strings, into Migoya’s hand which then was given to Hisao.

“The price? Loyalty, friendship, camaraderie, protection. And the replacement of the Myakashi file from the ANBU stores with… something else.” Migoya smirked. “Red-eyed Devil? Seriously?”.
“The price? Loyalty, friendship, camaraderie, protection. And the replacement of the Myakashi file from the ANBU stores with… something else. Red-eyed Devil? Seriously?”

Smirking as he drank from his flask, Hisao considered the offer, not missing the irony of Migoya’s sentence even if he did, Red-eyed Devil indeed, ”Do I get a golden fiddle as well? Or does that require a larger exchange than giving life back to someone, and asking for them to go against everything they believe in, by stealing from the ANBU and therefore betraying Konoha?”

Hisao shook his head, no deal was worth the betrayal of his town, asking favours of himself was one thing, asking him to go against his country was a complete, and unforgivable other. ”And before you say it is a small thing, removing a single file on a the Myakashi clan, an Avalanche starts small at first, but the small seed grows as it gets momentum, and before long you have a mountain of trouble falling down on your head.”

Even if Hisao could no longer serve his village as a shinobi, he would find another way, without losing his soul for it. Looking out the window, he continued to consider the problem before him, and what he can do for the village now. ”I apologise Migoya-san, I cannot accept your generous offer, and I also won’t ask where you obtained the heart either, as I doubt I would enjoy the answer.” Hisao shrugged, ”We get old, life happens. There isn’t always a solution for us all.”

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So many times people found themselves making deals with the devil, not fully understanding the stakes that were at play. It was refreshing to see that sometimes people surprised even the cynical, and clung onto ideals that weren't necessary, but were refreshing nevertheless. It was a cruel question Migoya had aimed at Hisao, but his response brought a smile to his face.

“Good. The Myakashi do not need people who put their own selfish needs above loyalty. You have a good heart, relatively speaking Hisao-san, and you deserve me to be frank. Just to be clear I didn’t mean take the actual file, just… if you could edit the ‘Red Devil’ moniker if you get the chance. I mean… its rather… lame,” he added with a genuine chuckle. “And I have no idea where that came from. “

Migoya's smile changed into a smirk, amusement finally reaching his eyes.

“As for the heart. It was a symbolic gesture Hisao-san. A new heart – a new purpose, a new focus so to speak. You think I would give you someone else’s heart?”, a small chuckle followed. “I can see in your eyes a form of resignation, a look I have seen all too often in many people who feel that what they were ‘born to do’ is no longer available to them.” Migoya’s voice grew quiet, contemplative, as if he was genuinely talking heart to heart, as his crimson eyes looked at Hisao.

“Life continues on – you either move with it, or let it run over you. You are an interesting man Hisao-san, and it would be a shame for interesting people to not undertake interesting… opportunities. You may not be able to fight as you once did, but there are many battlegrounds here in Konoha, and many wars that need wisdom, foresight, and vision rather than a Hyuuga poke, or threats from above."

Migoya turned, walking to the window, and looked outwards as he continued. His arms were clasped behind his back, as if he was going to reveal a deep, dark, secret and needed to support himself.

“Many think negatively of my clan, Hisao-san. You have obviously seen the file. They think we are sneak thieves, assassins, liars, tricksters – the list goes on. What we truly are, to put it simply, are survivors. We ensure each other lives to their potential, despite adversity, and ensure that all people are treated fairly, obtaining what they deserve based on hard work. We do that which other clans cannot do, simply because we need to.”

He turned back, his face showing a rare hint of emotion, though which one was unclear.

“I cannot promise you life Hanakai Hisao, but I can give you a reason for living a little bit longer in service to the true Konohagakure. What are your thoughts? If you could do, or fix, one thing in this village what would it be?”
Hisao watched Migoya as he reacted to his reply, and was pleased to see he did not try to push the issue, and listened as he spoke. Nodding, he knew of the reputation of the Myakashi clan, and sneak thieves and assassins is exactly how they were listed in the ANBU files, a reputation they have earned, and Migoya does little to disprove it, if anything his dealings usually enforce the thoughts.

“I cannot promise you life Hanakai Hisao, but I can give you a reason for living a little bit longer in service to the true Konohagakure. What are your thoughts? If you could do, or fix, one thing in this village what would it be?”

Sitting in thought, Hisao wasn’t sure. He considered the village, and the problems it had. It wasn’t so different from any other. There was trade, crime, commerce and security. There was a general amount of wealth, and the normal divide between classes. The majority of issues were mostly non-shinobi issues, and not something that he had dealt with during his time as an ANBU, but it’s not like I can be an ANBU for much longer, I should be thinking more about the civilian issues.

Looking at Migoya, directly into the burning red eyes of the man, he answered, ”I don’t know, I have only ever looked at Konohagakure from the perspective of an ANBU, all of my answers are on a larger, national scale. I couldn’t give you an answer on how to change or fix the village, I wouldn’t even know what was broken to begin with.”

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"Good... you see that things are not as easy as fixing the village - we have to look on a much wider scale. What happens here ripples, its effects growing until it encompasses the whole country. The problem is, we tend to forget the people at the bottom of the pile whilst we are gazing at the stars".

A large gust of wind flew into the room as Migoya threw open the large window in the hospital room. Migoya came over towards Hisao, his robe swishing behind him as the small puppet seemed to clamber onto his head and gaze through a mess of white hair.

"Let me make myself clear. Yong has trained you, so I assume your abilities are going to be superior. This, along with your ANBU perspective, places you in a distinct place, one which I believe you can benefit the land of fire as a whole. My clan... our Organization needs a representative to work with and deal with certain criminal enterprises in ensuring that their work does not impact on the less powerful within Fire Country. Yes... we do curb illegal activities that injure the innocent." He gave a smirk. "I bet that isn't on any ANBU file".

Siding up to Hisao, Migoya offered an arm in support. "So, if you are up to it, I'd like to show you what I mean. After all - words are wind". Hisao would note a clay bird on the ground, slowly growing in size until it needed to hop out of the window and hover outside.

"Interested in seeing the true Konohagakure?"

Current Ninpocho Time:
