Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Filing a Report! We Got Attacked! [Requesting Hokage]

Samsara Saito

May 7, 2017
Saito found himself at the office of the Hokage, awaiting a moment with the Leaf Village's highest ranking ninja. Rushing there after other ninja took care of Kabashi, the pink-haired zealot who attacked him and Miyako at the gates, the white-haired boy now felt nervous all of a sudden. He probably could've filed a report about the incident with another ninja, but going to the Kage with the firsthand experience seemed more correct.

The boy's handwritten submission detailing events occurring at the gate, something he put together in the last hour so as to not forget anything, remained neatly in his hands as he waited to be seen by the Hokage, by the boy's estimate that would be Yomi but some time had passed since then.

[Topic entered, requesting the Hokage]


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Walking up to greet the boy, the secretary to the Hokage was dressed in her traditional red garb of sorts. A woman of high fashion, she never missed an opportunity to show off the latest trends in the Fire Country by means of what she did business in. With Umashi almost nearly ready to exit the village for the Tea Country, and the in charge Sennin not exactly on time for duty, the secretary had no choice but to take it upon herself to get involved in shinobi business. "Can I help you?" The Hokage is currently not in the office." Although she was kind in how she said it, it was clear that with barely a thought she could summon a platoon of shinobi if there truly was a situation that would go down. With a kind smile she waited on the kid to state his case to which she'd then do her best to assist him with it. In the meantime, she tried to remember if the logs had stated that they'd had visitors from abroad because she didn't currently recognize who this kid was.

OOC: NPC Secretary

Samsara Saito

May 7, 2017
"Can I help you? The Hokage is currently not in the office." The kind secretary who had given Saito drinks and snacks while Yomi talked to Tatsuo and the ANBU upon their first arrival to Konoha smiled at the young cloudie, waiting for his report. It appeared that the Hokage wasn't available, which didn't surprise him though it disappointed him somewhat; he'd hoped to catch a glimpse of the beautiful Hokage or have her talk to him, and thought that almost getting killed in her village might bring her out, but no such luck.

The 9 year old Kumo exchange student stood before the clean and fashionable Leaf secretary quite dirty and bloodied, it looked like he'd been in a difficult fight. He bled a bit on the nice floor from two or so rather serious-looking puncture wounds, and he looked truly beaten up, as though whatever travail he had experienced happened recently. Ignoring his body's pain, he mentally shrugged his shoulders. Though he wouldn't get to see the Hokage today, perhaps he might get to go to the hospital before he collapsed in the Hokage secretary's office. "Ahh, yes of course," he says with a formal bow, somehow managed with grace. "I... just wanted to report that Uchiha Miyako and I were attacked just outside the city gates by a countryside zealot who appeared to be specifically targeting the two of us for murder just now. He had some sort of black bow that he summoned out of a seal on his body and shot us a lot of times with it, though we stayed alive long enough to allow his use of the bow to drain his energy. He talked a lot about our deaths being the beginning of a big revolution. After we defeated him, the bow escaped into the woods and I kept the zealot alive with healing ninjutsu until Leaf shinobi could take possession of him, I expect he's either in the hospital or prison now. I know Miyako-san couldn't stay to file a report, but I thought the Hokage should have eyewitness details so I came right away."

After saying what he said, the cloud shinobi hands the leaf secretary his blood-smeared report of what happened on their weeds-trimming mission. The well-written document bears the symbols of both leaf and cloud villages, and bears Saito's signature and indicator of status as an official exchange student from Kumogakure no Sato on the inside. Brave soldier that he is, the little tyke bears up resiliently, waiting for the secretary's response to the communicated information.



Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Nodding, the Secretary pulled out a notepad and a pen from seemingly nowhere and began to write down all that the kid was saying. To be fair, the problem probably wasn't as big a deal to the Hokage overall, but one couldn't stifle the growth of the children and so on she wrote until it seemed like things were well enough done. "Was there more that you wanted to pass on to him?" Without trying to dismiss the guy, the Secretary would do her best to reassure him with a well intended smile. The young ones were precious, and especially concerning Kumogakure, she couldn't screw up such an important alliance. "I'll be sure to get this immediately to the Hokage by the way, he does appreciate shinobi stepping up to the plate to help protect the land." Concerning the Hokage, the woman would no doubt have to also hand the Hokage the news concerning another equally, if not more important matter. One that might just sully his entire trip to the Tea Country. For now though, there was only this kid and their concerns.

Samsara Saito

May 7, 2017
"No, that is all. Thank you," Saito returns respectfully. Having left his own report with her notes of what he told her verbally, the boy saw no need to further take up the Hokage secretary's time or continue to dirty her office with his slow bleeding. He bows, and after whatever pleasantries remain to be had he then exits the office.

Next time I'll leave it to Tatsuo-sensei, he thinks to himself on his way to the hospital. I know he hates that sort of thing too but he's a Jounin so he'll just have to suck it up, it's probably a part of his job to get treated like a nuisance by the higher-ups.



Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Nodding, the secretary took the notes to file and then was off to alert Umashi off the new news about old feuds. Though she may have seemed faceless, she was especially important to the duties of the Hokage and carrying out all that the role entailed. Allowing the child to go on his way, she realized just the sort of people that she'd come to know while serving with Umashi and figured it an honor to do so. She'd not soon forget days like this.

OOC: Topic ended/left

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
