Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Requesting Entry Finally back home. At last!

This thread is marked as containing someone requesting/being allowed entrance into the village.

Shinrya Kitsune

11th Raikage
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
They'd finally made it to the gates. Now to wait for customs, papers checking, and all that bureaucratic stuff that was required to keep things running smoothly. "Finally! The airship is comfortable and all, but heavens above I've missed my own bed." she exclaimed, hopping out of her chair and getting her papers ready, after stretching enough to make her back go pop a few times, handing them to whomever would check Kitsunes- and Reis paperwork, to ensure they were who they said they were. She gave a few orders to the staff on board, to ensure her car would be sent via the freight elevator at the airship docking bay at the top of the Torre Empirea all the way down to her private workshop in the basement once they departed the gates and actually arrived at the Torre.

She had a few improvements to make to the suspension, as well as some new ideas for performance enhancements on the engine. Sure most shinobi could outrun a car easily, but could they outrun it while sitting down in a perfectly tempered climate while listening to tunes? Kitsune certainly didn't think so. And it was also rather relaxing for her to work on the car. If her ideas paid off, it'd be equipped with a new cooling system, to ensure the engine wouldn't overheat even in the most extreme conditions. Heh. The engine. A technological marvel. Essentially harnessing the power of micro-explosions to provide propulsion. Marvelous.

[Gib entry, kthx.]

Koga Akane

New Member
Aug 30, 2021
The somber ambience of the gates revitalized itself with a grand entry. A suspiciously luxurious airship maneuvered itself to its dock where shinobi tailed in uniforms fit for high ranking officers lined up in wait. The fancy trim of a handle audibly clicked to unlock, the mechanism shifted to allow the door to swing open and reveal a well-dressed woman with long red tresses. Lazily Akane sat back in her chair, brown eyes caught a glimpse of the arrival of the Raikage. With a frantic jump in her seat she adjusted her posture and rearranged objects on her desk to look neat and clean. Within the shift of her paperwork her attention caught the corner of a note hidden underneath her keyboard. A hastily written note made out to top level officials that had never been delivered.

“Shit should I be the one to…” Distracted by her train of thought a high ranking official loudly cleared their throat. The teen snapped out of her trance only to look up with dread as she came face to face with the woman who oversaw the destruction of her people. Sickened to her stomach she found the courage to speak up. “Uhh… Hello… Do you… have your passport on hand? I know you’re the Raikage but… rules are rules.”

Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
The plan docked with the port and Rei stiffened up as she looked down at the pages before her. The diplomatic trip had taken far longer than either of them had intended, but bureaucracy was a long and arduous process. In the time away, while she did her best to learn more about her new form, there was always that itch in the back of her brain. That creeping realization that everything was going to change once again upon setting foot in Kumogakure; she just didn’t know how bad it would be.

Once she felt the latches put into place the Sennin stood up with the same stressed stiffness. All of the paperwork in her hands that she had been working on during the trip was to address a majority of problems they would normally get hit by after such a long trip. 90% of the pages were simply pushing everything back for another 12hrs so that Rei could go home and say hello to her not-so-forgotten daughter. The trip had brought an odd longing just to see her child’s face. The desire to simply catch up with Sumika’s training, life at school, and adjustment into the Ryuu clan. The time on the airship had been spent meticulously predicting things that would need her direct attention so that she could have that moment with her daughter; sleep wasn’t even a factor. Rei felt like she got plenty of that in the drunken haze that Konoha had mostly been for her.

Upon exit he handed the papers off to the first officer that she could, gave them a nod, and then proceeded quickly behind Kitsune. Rather or not that person she had just handed all her work to actually fell under her command, Rei did not care - they knew full well not doing something with those papers would be a hefty dock in pay. Upon reaching the station built in to welcome air travelers into Kumo, the Sennin’s eyes quickly scanned who was sitting behind the desk and felt her face lift in a smile; ah, her apprentice. This would be quick!

Akane, my dear, it has been a long trip - we need to catch up! Gotta see how far that prowess has matured in my abs…ence…why, why do you look like you’re going to puke? Is there a virus going about that Midori-san hasn’t figured out yet?” She reached up and covered her hand over Kitsune’s mouth with no regard to herself. She dared a virus to mess with her body right now.

It’d be a helluva test for science.

[Requesting Entry and Tea]

Shinrya Kitsune

11th Raikage
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Kitsune took Rei's hand gently and moved it away. She hadn't been sick for many years at this point, and she wasn't worried that it'd happen now. Especially not after what'd happened to her body before leaving. She then used her other hand to hand over her passport to Akane "Yes, yes. Nobody's above the rules that ensure we can live peacefully in this country. Here's my passport." she said with a light chuckle.

Then, she noticed Akane looking very... Uncomfortable. She was about to ask her what was wrong, but then she noticed the way she was looking at her. It looked like... Fear? Perhaps? She wasn't entirely sure but she decided it might be best to not draw attention to it. "I don't believe we've met." she said, and stuck her right hand out to shake Akanes. "Akane, was it? It's good to meet you." she added before looking at Rei "Now, why don't we get this show on the road, shall we?" she said to her friend, as she awaited final processing, and would, if Akane returned the passport, retrieve it and head back aboard the airship so it could go from the gates to the Torre Empirea.

[Still gib entry]

Koga Akane

New Member
Aug 30, 2021
The teen nervously awaited the Raikage to make the next step. The sickness twisted into anxiety every millisecond, that was until a familiar face stepped out of the airship. Rei was a gift from… Akane fumbled about before her excitement overtook her thoughts. Disregarding her supposed professionalism the teen pointed out to Rei. You! Way to freakin’ ditch me! I had to do back to back missions because of you! And another thing-” In that moment she felt the weight of the Raikage’s kind patience on her shoulders. “Ah-ha..” She sat back down in her seat, nervously rubbing her head, “It’s nice to meet you too, Raikage…” Without a thought she shook her hand, softly after taking a hold of her passport. Observing all the correct information she approved the passport. “Welcome home…” An awkward silence filled the air, remembering to return her passport. Soon after, she gently took and processed the passport from Rei. No co-sign necessary, with an approval Akane took the passport and spun it back to Rei.

A glimpse of a letter caught her peripherals again. A hand moved to pull the oddly durable paper letter out from underneath her keyboard, presenting it to the duo. “A letter made out to…” Her eyes comically squinted to look at the signature on the front, “...any Sennin or you Raikage. It’s probably safest in your hands.” The letter in hand shifted more towards the Raikage. Brown eyes turned to sarcastically glare down Rei.

To whomever finds this first. Please redirect this letter to any Branch Sennin or the Raikage.

I, Alpha, hereby revoke my current position and all benefits that come with it.

The malice that resonates within cannot be handled responsibility so as a final act I have decided to remove myself from the Branch, community and eventually my home.


[Passports approved]
[Entry given! Welcome home!]

Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
Rei flashed her passport too, though it was just that; mostly for show. Only reason she even bothered was because her boss in front of her had been made to go through the trouble, a Sennin of the military might as well try to act important. Which, even in that she failed because it was a very quick, flipped open to show the ID and circular hand motion like, “ooooh, look at it,” before the leather was folded back over and shoved into a pocket. Rei was ready to get back inside, take a long bath, and say hello to her family. Before they could go Kitsune was handed a letter, but Rei was far too concerned with ending the trip to give it more concern until the Raikage needed her to be.

As she passed by Akane another slip of folded paper was subtly tossed over and into her student’s lap. It was tightly folded in the shape of a triangle. Once all thirty folds of the paper were undone, it would reveal a crudely drawn picture of a male’s genitalia, and a note at the bottom that just simply stated: Penis. Nothing else.

Rei walked out with a smirk on her face back into the chilly mountain air.

[Village Entered]
[Topic Left Unless Stopped]

Shinrya Kitsune

11th Raikage
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Kitsune nodded to Akane and took the letter, "Thank you, my dilligent guard-chan." Kitsune said, teasing Akane a bit, picking up on the rather informal relationship between Rei and Akane. She slid the letter into an inner pocket in her suit jacket, for later perusal once she'd gotten back to her office.

Once back onboard the airship, she'd ride with it to the Torre Empirea, before she got off and headed to her office. Once there, she'd actually read the letter she was handed, and her facial expression hardened at the words within. Her ANBU Sennin had resigned. Claiming to not be able to handle the malice within, or some other nonsense like that. Kitsune clenched her fists before taking a deep breath. She'd have to pick a new ANBU Sennin to handle the branch. And she'd also have a proclamation to do regarding her successor. She knew it'd be Rei, but it wasn't made official yet. She'd have to do so.

What a mess to return to.
[Entered. Topic Left Unless Stopped]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
