Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Finally here, now to search for the sparring partner! [private]

Akuma Kira

New Member
Jan 11, 2013
Akuma was finally in the Sand village, time to search for the Queen of Battle. Even though he was larger than many, being six foot and six inches tall he didn't seem to scare off many people with his large two hundred and forty something pounds; Akuma never really weighed himself. So it was making it a little easier, but Akum was getting almost the same issue that Kyojin gave him. Many women here where claiming to be the Queen of Battle or the mistress of death even, but none shared the name even remotely close to whom he was looking for. He hoped that Kyojin or someone else would find her, or at least have her still in the village. Akuma did not want this to be a waste, although Kyojin said he would spar him too so it wouldn't be a total wash. Akuma would still at least leave here and return to Leaf with some new scars and experiences.

After a long day of searching, Akuma went back to the dojo sitting out where he was before because he was about to call it a night. If they found her or if luck would have it she would be here. While resting here he would still ask the odd person here and there if they knew her or anything about her. He didn't have much to go on after all, a title and an old rank. Resting his head back he would let out a sigh and open his little flask taking a swig out of it and breathing a sigh of relief and relaxation. It was nice here in Sand however, not as hot as he actually thought it would be. Shutting his red eyes for a moment letting his black hair blow in the wind he thought about what his next move was to be tomorrow.

Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
"Wow, I was under the impression that this was the location of the famous Toraono Dojo but obviously I must be mistaken as this seems to be some back ally resort for idle shinobi looking for a good nap. Really now, this sort of lackadaisical behavior is unsightly."

The man would receive this greeting along with the light shoving of his foot just moments after he had allowed his eyes to rest. Her tone was sarcastic in nature and with a faint smile permanently fixed. Standing before him was a woman with jet black hair and emerald green eyes which seem to carry the hue of reflecting sunlight. They softly starred down the bridge of her noise at the stranger sitting before her. Even at first glance, it was obvious that this woman was not a native to Suna as her skin was unphased by that of the burteful climate, smooth, like silk, fair like winter. Her face was like that of an angle though on her cheek laid 3 symmetrical scars, proof that she was not untouchable. The air would pick up and fall, allowing the silence to marinate just long enough to be awkward. At this time Amaya was analyzing the man and sizing him up. In truth, she had been following him around town for the past twenty minutes or so of his search. He wasn't exactly discrete about his search as talk got around fairly quickly. A really large man was looking for someone named the queen of battle was the talk in all the hubs and pubs where shinobi gathered. Though his search bore little fruit until now, he was fairly easy to find. For now, Amaya wouldn't out right declare her identity as she had no clue who he was. He could be a head hunter looking to collect a bounty for all she knew and if so, she needed to maintain the main element of surprise. For now she'd attempt to gain a bit of information from him in the form of light hearted gossip.

"You look nice and brawny, is that a Konoha banner on your band, Mr.?"

Akuma Kira

New Member
Jan 11, 2013
Feeling the light shoving of his foot he opened an eye to look at the woman, "Idle shinobi in the vane attempts of a good nap maybe." He joked as he sat forward sizing her up with his eyes, she definitely was not of sand. Scratching the back of his head as he let out a small yawn, stretching out wide; showing off his many scars from many years of fighting.
Standing up he extended his hand to the woman, "Akuma, Akuma Kira Medical shinobi of Leaf... and I've never had a compliment about my size, so ... thanks? Or was that another shot of sarcasm?" He asked as a smirk pierced his cheek. This was all new to him, he wasn't a subtle person and someone approaching him was almost unheard of. "And you're not from around here either I take it?"
He stopped and thought for a moment, "Does she know the Queen of Battle, or those scars, maybe she is. Don't blow this Akuma, you've traveled to far to scare her away be it her or not." Being friendly to so many people was not easy and was making his hands ting with excitement that this maybe the biggest clue he was going to get.

Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
The man would stand to properly greet the Kunochi in black. He'd tower over Amaya once fully grounded causing her head to tilt back slightly. He'd reach out his hand to her as he introduced himself as a medical leaf shinobi by the name of Akuma Kira and expessed his confusion as to whether or not she was complementing him or ironicly teasing. Amaya would reach out and shake the gentlemen's hand in compliance to the general decorum. She felt a bit more at ease considering he was a medical nin as typically they weren't hunter shinobi. Sure he could be lying but Amaya decided to trust her instincts on this... or her weakness for tall strong looking guys. Nevermind the fact that she had only met two shinobi from that village. One infiltrated the Anbu corps under her watch and gained classified data, the other was a samurai she crossed swords with.

"A Konoha medical shinobi, it's an honor to meet you. I'm Fang, oh, it was neither a compliment nor sarcasm. Quiet close really, I was actually being sardonic."

The man would give her a charming smirk. Most likely amused by Amaya's charming personality. Her face remained unchanged. A simple faint smile rested upon her face as the Kira made light conversation with the kunochi warrior.

"I am not... thankfully. This place is lovely in a blissful oasis resort sort of way and yet, I find it a tad bit dull. I'd not imagine myself being here much longer than a visit but it has its charming points. So what brings one of Konoha's medical nin all the way out to such a humble nirvana? I find it hard to believe you'd come all this way just for a bit of light napping."


Akuma Kira

New Member
Jan 11, 2013
Grimly mocking, when hearing that he chuckled a bit. Fang, though he did not recognize that name at all so he doubted it could be whom he searched for; although it did sound like just a nickname. After that she seemed to speak a little softer although her facial expression wouldn't change, so Akuma assumed his title of doctor may of had something to do with it. He didn't mention how he was going to be in Anbu do to his time being raised by wolves and making him ideal to hunt. Luckily life had different ideas for him, having his adoptive father die on him and he could do nothing but watch; at least he got to tear those thugs apart, that was fun.

After a bit he looked down as their hands where still locked in the greeting, letting go hopefully before it got to awkward as he had plane forgotten because he found this woman charming. Her personality was bold and she didn't care about how big or scared up he was, he liked that. "Me, well I've never traveled before that far from the village. I was born about a day away but that's as far as I got. But I'm here looking for this woman who claims to be the Queen of Battle. Being honest, if you know her tell her I don't wish to seriously hurt her or take her anywhere she doesn't wish. I just need a fight, I'm rusty and being a medical nin has it's disadvantages in that area." He finished before looking around at the Village, "I actually so far like it here, in my one day I've found two others I may like to spar with as well. But I am hoping to face her. I'm sorry, what brought you here; if you don't mind my asking!" Akuma added at the end laughing as he brushed the back of his head, he was not the greatest at talking to people and he almost forgot the manners he learned from Kata, his adoptive father.

Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
So it was true, he was looking for her and yet had no clue that she was stranding before her. It was funny really. It would seem he lacked the proper Intel necessary for a proper man hunt but then again he wasn't hunting her. He simply wanted to test his metal against an opponent he thought was strong. It was charming to say the least. Amaya would be sincerely smiling right now if it were at all possible but instead her face was fixed with the same expression as when their conversation began. He had nothing to go by in his search, nothing but a name and a rumored location and for some reason he had traveled a great distance, further than he has ever traveled before allegedly... He did this to chase a legend, a name, a worthy opponent. It was admirable and inspiring to think there were battle driven shinobi seeking a real challenge. Amaya would blink slowly before replying.

"I see... The queen is the most versatile piece on a chess board, and so the title "Queen of Battle" is to be proclaimed by the most versatile force on the battle field or so they say. Such a pretentious title... one I'd not hope to hear again. But enough of this frivolous fraternization love... you've come all this way because you value a true challenge I assume. Well, draw your blade Mr. Akuma... I as well seeketh a true challenge."

[Ooc: I'm all approved up, call the mod when u are ready good sir]

Akuma Kira

New Member
Jan 11, 2013
Akuma was not a brilliant man but after listening to her he smirked, "Well then, we should move away from the population. I don't know how rusty I am and I don't wish to devisate this little Inn." He smiled as he walked just outside where the gate was so he wouldn't put anyone in harms way. Knowing she would follow suit as she almost seemed as interested in this fight as he was.

Once out and ready he would slide off the top part of his kimono exposing his toned but scared up torso stretching out his arms as he spoke, "If you do not like the pretentious title, what would you wish I call you then?" Asking as he put on his combat gloves after he stretched in a blink of an eye. Nodding if she would give him a name or title, or not even with a smile he would finish by saying "Whenever you're ready!" He would slide into his fighting stance and once she was ready he would begin. He wasn't going to draw his blade, at least not right away.

[Calling b-mod woooo]
[Actions will be sent once we get one]
[Edit: but won't go into first round until you post your actions in a reply naturally lol Just excited]


New Member
Mar 13, 2013
I'll be your B-Mod, PM your profiles, dojos, training, and we can begin.

At any point you feel a move was wrong or incorrect please pm me with details, as no one mod is perfect and lets get this going.

I ask for simplicity, that actions be made within 48 hour window from mod post, and i will have mod up within 24 hours of that, of course if you want a series of posts, please pm me on thursday intentions of marathoning the fight and we can get multiple posts up if both parties are on discord.

Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Amaya would nod and follow the man to a more suitable location. It would be a shame if they were to accidentally vandalize the area even if in good fun. Once they had their location, Amaya would simply stare as the man started to remove the top part of his Kimono. Perhaps she was waiting to see what other article of clothing he was to remove though what she was thinking remained a mystery as her facial expression remained fixed and unchanging, her non verbal ques were non existent. Yes, she was a hard one to read but it was obvious that she was tracing the scars on his upper body with her eyes. The man would equip his combat gloves at abnormal speed. Had Amaya not been starring at him the whole time perhaps she might have missed the gesture.

"You may call me whatever you'd like as most names I have earned just like this. Now, then..."

Amaya would blink real slowly as she took one step back and readied herself.

[Sending actions]


New Member
Mar 13, 2013
Akuma Kira
HP: 51,600 -1471 -189 -1,036 +2,580 (Regen) = 51,600 (Overhealed) Next Round
CP: 30,000 -680 -560 -590 = 28170
AP: 10 - 10 AP = 0 + 10 = 10 AP Next Round
Status: Minor Bleeding - Rank 1[Ignored], Bruised Up, Phantom Pain[-3 Accuracy / 2 Rounds], Hair is Standing up [Electrocuted], "Warmed Up"

Total Bonuses
Electrocuted - 2%Max HP/Round -2 rounds or rebuffed
Rank 1 Bleeding 1% Max HP / Round [Ignored]
55% - Melee Damage [Soft Cap: 50% - Hard Cap: 80%] [40% Melee Damage with Combat Gloves][Broken]
+5 Accuracy to Attacks, Additional (+2) If with 'Combat Gloves'
+5% Physical Damage Received (Damage Reduction /or / Bonus Received)
115% Chakra Costs
-5 Dodge
+5% MAX HP Regen / Round
10% Physical Vamp HP of Dmg Dealt
-1 Genjutsu Save
+10% Medical Jutsu Effectiveness on self
Critical Range (19-20) 2.25x
Ninja Wire - -1 Accuracy / -1 dodge / +0.5 ap Requip Combat Gloves

Active Bonuses
Active Weapon: Combat Gloves - [Unarmed] 3 Augments - 150 Damage, +2 Accuracy, 0% Damage [Broken]/Disarmed
Free flow: All Taijutsu cast with the equipped weapon cost 15% less CP - [Broken]
Recovery: While equipped user regains 2% of their maximum HP each round
Vampiric: User regains HP equal to 10% of all damage deal with the equipped weapon
Fighting Style - [Zakari Style] +30% Physical Damage Dealt, +15% Physical Damage Received, +1 Accuracy, +15% Chakra Costs
Mastered Offensive Stance - +4 Accuracy, -4 Dodge

Passive Bonuses
Class Bonus: +10% Melee Damage
(CA) Huge Power: +15% Melee Damage

28 - (-4) Melee Accuracy
19 - (-1)Melee Dodge
28 - (-1)Ranged Accuracy
19 - (-1)Ranged Dodge
28 - (-1)Ninjutsu Accuracy
19 - (-1)Ninjutsu Dodge
23 - Genjutsu DC
22 - Genjutsu Save
15 - Stealth
15 - Awareness
0- Combat Medic - Medical B Rank - Reflex
1- Weapon Mastery: Slashing
2- Nimble Hands - +15% CP Cost if Nin/Gen 'if Onehanded'
3- Thick Blood +10% Bleeding Resist. Bleeding Pen Reduced (1)
4- Fearless +10% Damage Reduction, -1 Evasion, Gen Save
5- Bloody Mess
6- Human Anatomy +1 Critical Range, Max Crit Dmg Increased: 2.25x
7- Combo Master +10% auto hit if first hits, 2nd attack cannot be auto dodged
8- Weapon Attunement +5% weapon Dmg Modifier, +3% secondary effects
9- Quick Draw
10- Healing Factor +10% Med Jutsu Effectiveness, +3% MAX HP / Round
11- Called Shot +5% Called Shot Chance
Akira Amaya
HP: 40,200 -603 -682 = 38,915
Barrier: 5,000 -777 -420 = 3,803
CP: 34,800 -2,500 -820 -3,300 -492 = 27,688
AP: 10 - 10 AP = 0.0 + 10 = 10 Next Round
Status: Minor Bleeding (Legs) Rank 1, Glowing with Lightning, "Warmed Up"

Total Bonuses
Rank 1 Bleeding -1% Max HP Round
+3 Accuracy ((+5 Melee Accuracy) (+7 If using Freja))
+4 Dodge (+6 if using Freja)
+2 Genjutsu Save
+2 Awareness Rolls
(18-20 Critical Range) @ 2.5x Damage
10% Auto Dodge
+5% Called Shot, (+10% Against Hands/Weapons)
+10% Melee Damage
+2 Stealth

Active Bonuses
Active Weapon: Duke's Dear Freja - [Unarmed] 150 Damage, +2 Accuracy
Swift: Whenever the user attacks with the equipped weapon they receive a +2 Dodge Bonus until the end of the turn
Pressure: Can Inflict Suppression (+5%)
Special Composition: Unarmed Damage/Lightning Damage (Correct me if wrong, wasnt specified)
Storm Mail - Mastered - 3 Rounds Left - 410 CP / Round
While active, the user's melee attacks have a 21% chance of gaining the 'Laser Guided' effect. Additionally, attacks against the user have a 11% chance of activating the 'Flash Motion' effect.
Special Action: While active, the use may choose use this effect. This allows a Ninjutsu or Taijutsu to modded as if it were up to 1.5 Ap faster by paying +20% Cp. Using this special action removes the chance of 'Flash Motion' activating for a full round, and this action cannot be used again during this time.
Natures Guard - 1220 CP / Rnd (3 Rounds Left)
Barrier Placed - Lightning Element
-10% Lightning Damage, +10% Wind Damage, 44% to Occur Electrocuted Effect, 2% HP Per Round
Fighting Style Lightning Combat Stance - [Surge] Current Bonus Null
The user gains +0.5 Dodge per Lightning-based Action done by the user the previous round, stacking up to +3. If the Dodge Bonus exceeds the +3, per 0.5 surpassing the caps grants the user +3% Auto-Dodge instead.

Passive Bonuses
Class Bonus: +4 Dodge
Duelist: Target Kira: +2 Melee Accuracy, +10% Auto Dodge, +10% Damage
Sneak Attack: +1 Critical Range, Crits at 2.5x Damage, 10% sneak attack
Shadow Step: 30% Chance to maintain stealth after sneak attack
Counter Attack: Constant Active
Slippert Mind: +2 Genjutsu Save/ Awareness Rolls
Quick Step: +3 Accuracy

32 - Melee Accuracy (+2 if using Freja)
27 - Melee Dodge (+2 if using Freja)
22 - Ranged Accuracy
27 - Ranged Dodge (+2 if using Freja)
26 - Ninjutsu Accuracy
27 - Ninjutsu Dodge (+2 if using Freja)
23 - Genjutsu DC
25 - Genjutsu Save
15 - Stealth
15 - Awareness
Slot 0: Branch: Sentinel (+5% Damage Reduction (Non-Illusionary)
Slot 00: Shinobi 101: Kinetic Genjutsu(Nin Acc)
1- Lightning Chakra Style: (Surge)
2- Bloody Mess
3- Initiative
4- Called Shot +5% Called Shot Chance
5- Quick Draw
6- Elemental Aura
7- Quick Reaction
8- Technical Pacifist +5% Called Shot against Weapons and Hands
9- Jutsu Expansion
10- Duelist +2 Melee Accuracy +10% Damage, +10 Auto Dodge
11- Cursed Seal
12- Human Anatomy +1 Critical Range, Max Crit Dmg Increased: 2.25x
A Sense of Awe overtook the area as the two crossed they're gazes, both fighters powering up they're abilities, and it was Akuma who made the first move, but Akira took the opportunity to counter attack with a quick flurry of jabs, the two broke apart from each other, in that moment Akuma noticed his gloves were shattered at a runic augment was now scuffed and chipped, and the leather in a padding was falling apart like his hand was placed in a wood chipper, adding to the torment Akuma's arms were sprained and making and effort with his wrists were immediately noticed.

But this did not stop the rage, taking the initiative Akuma repeatedly "spanked" (I just guessed for the lulz) Akira repeatedly as Akuma made eye contact with Akiras legs repeatedly and made many strikes at them some missing, and some making they're mark, the flurry was intense as Akira brought up a lightning barrier and stopped another strike from Akuma, once the barrier was noticed, Akuma shifted his stance and unleashed a flurry of strikes against the barrier as 16 strikes were made but, only a few made they're mark.

Akuma frustrated, well sorta spent remaining amount of his stamina pounding on the barrier protecting Akira like a savage beast smashing his fist on the figurative wall.

Both of them making eye contact in the end, both skuffed up and some bruised, it was a fair warm up.
-be merciful the summary was written at 2:31am and i had, 5-6 ish beers... night night.
Action List said:
0.00 - Akuma Kira Equips Combat Gloves
0.00 - Akira Amaya Prepares 2 Actions (Duelist Buff Applies)
0.00 - Akira Amaya Equips Duke's Dear Freja
0.00 - Akuma Kira Shifts into More Offensive Stance
0.50 - Akuma Kira Enters Zakari Fighting Style
0.50 - Akira Amaya Enters Chakra Stance - [Surge]
1.25 - Akuma Kira Strikes Akira Amaya - 30 + 19 vs 27 + 12 [11 Over][Hit][Active Auto Dodge]
1.25 - Akira Amaya Counter Attack with Flash Counter - 1471 Damage
  • -1 Freya Unarmed Strike 34 + 3 vs 19 + 5 [14 Over][Hit] 196 [24%] - [Ninja Wire -1 Acc] Called Shot Success [Sprained Arms 19%] -1 Accuracy to Akuma Kira
    -2 Freya Unarmed Strike 34 + 20 vs 19 + 17 [Hit][Crit] 491 [32%] - Rank 1 Bleeding [17%][Ignored][Ninja Wire -1 Dodge]
    -3 Freya Unarmed Strike 34 + 8 vs 19 + 5 [19 Over][Hit] 196 [87%] - [Ninja Wire +0.5Ap/Requip] Called Shot Success [Chipped Akuma Combat Gloves 21%] -10% Base Damage to Akuma's 'Combat Gloves'
    -4 Freya Unarmed Strike 34 + 14 vs 19 + 13 [17 Over][Hit] 196 [98%] - Called Shot Success [Cracked Akuma Combat Gloves 11%] -10% Base Damage to Akuma's 'Combat Gloves'
    -5 Freya Unarmed Strike 34 + 9 vs 19 + 9 [16 Over][Hit] 196 [54%]
    -6 Freya Unarmed Strike 34 + 7 vs 19 + 14 [9 Over][Hit] 196 [44%] - Called Shot Success [Broken Akuma Combat Gloves 7%] -15% Base Damage to Akuma's 'Combat Gloves' [Combat Gloves Dropped]
2.00 - Akuma Kira Strikes Akira Amaya 26 + 18 vs 29 + 4 [13 Over][Hit] 210 Damage
2.75 - Akuma Kira Strikes Akira Amaya 26 + 4 vs 29 + 7 [6 Under][Miss]
2.75 - Akira Amaya Counter Attacks 34 + 10 vs 18 + 20 [7 Over][Hit] 189 Damage
Action List said:
2.75 - Akira Amaya Activates Storm Mail Chakra Armor
3.50 - Akuma Kira Strikes Akira Amaya 26 + 20 vs 29 + 5 [Hit][Crit] 472 Damage - Rank 1 Bleeding [1% MaxHP/Round][+.5% MaxHP] [12%]

3.75 - Akira Amaya Activates Natures Guard - Mastered // Lightning AE
4.25 - Akuma Kira Strikes Akira Amaya 26 + 9 vs 29 + 13 [4 Under][Miss]
5.75 - Akira Amaya Activates Hidden Jutsu 26 + 17 vs 22 + 18 [3 Over][Success]
6.50 - Akuma Kira Attacks Akira Amaya with 16 Hit Combo - Total Damage to Natures Guard: 2240 Damage [Akuma was Electrocuted][2%MaxHp/2 Rounds][Arms Broken -3 Accuracy]
  • -1 Attack 25 + 11 vs 29 + 11 [20%] [Arms Break][Electrocuted] [Autohit] 140
    -2 Attack 25 + 10 vs 29 + 13 [Autohit] 140
    -3 Attack 25 + 7 vs 29 + 11 [Autohit] 140
    -4 Attack 25 + 10 vs 29 + 3 [Autohit] 140
    -5 Attack 25 + 3 vs 29 + 8 [Autohit] 140
    -6 Attack 25 + 9 vs 29 + 20 [Autohit] 140
    -7 Attack 25 + 17 vs 29 + 20 [Autohit] 140
    -8 Attack 25 + 10 vs 29 + 13 [Autohit] 140
    -9 Attack 25 + 14 vs 29 + 5 [Autohit] 140
    -10 Attack 25 + 18 vs 29 + 20 [Autohit] 140
    -11 Attack 25 + 15 vs 29 + 6 [Autohit] 140
    -12 Attack 25 + 6 vs 29 + 12 [Autohit] 140
    -13 Attack 25 + 4 vs 29 + 15 [Autohit] 140
    -14 Attack 25 + 11 vs 29 + 19 [Autohit] 140
    -15 Attack 25 + 17 vs 29 + 14 [Autohit] 140
    -16 Attack 25 + 7 vs 29 + 20 [Autohit] 140
8.50 - Akuma Kira activates Skeletal Fortification - Mastered on Self [Partial Success, Arms Still Broken][15 + 17 vs 15 +4] Aware of Illusion
10.00 - Akuma Kira activates Cancel in response to illusion. [Crippled Genjutsu Cleared]
<COLOR color="#BF0000">

Akuma Kira

New Member
Jan 11, 2013
Akuma circled with a smile on his face that would only seem to others as making him a sadomasochist, he loved the little warm up and got a warm feeling of the fight to come. "Finally!" He shouted to the heaven's while keep his eye on her, "Call you anything I want, well if Fang is your real name. May I call you that?" Akuma was slowly getting more social as the fight started, his blood boiling and feeling his joy in life slowly returning. His body breaking and healing quickly as the pain reminded him that he was still alive.

This barrier maybe an issue to Akuma as he wasn't trying to cause to much damage but it may need to go sooner than later. Smirking as he readied himself for the next barrage of hits from the lightning fast woman he said, "Kira, you may call me Kira." Something he's never allowed anyone to call him by expect for Kata and his adoptive son. Mostly because he has never spared any one and this was a real gift for him. Looking at his broken gloves, they still held together and would still do the trick but he moved alone feeling the sword at his hip calling to him almost, was it time?

[Actions sent]


New Member
Mar 13, 2013
Sorry, revised the time table, please see above as 2 changes were made,

1. Akira casted a Genjutsu Crippled - It was spotted and thus added to time table at 5.75, Akuma has prepared actions Skeletal fort + cancel if he went under effects of called shot penalties with reserved ap for end of round

2. Akumas gloves are broken dues to 4 called shot attempts 3 were successful in breaking it, but I only listed 1.. typo.. im great arnt i, gloves were dropped after 3rd called shot as it honestly wouldnt make much sense to keep attacking them as Akuma stated he wouldnt pick them back up and would fight with bare hands no augments.

Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
"Hmm, you're pretty sturdy... I can't say the same for your combat gloves however."

Amaya would tease, having had dismantled the man's offensive choice. He took the first swing but Amaya took the next six. Her face still calm, void of any real expression aside from the faint smile she always wore. Her emerald green eyes remained fixed on the man and his every movement. She was much like a panther, stalking her prey, waiting for the opportunt moment to strike. Snapping Her fingers, her hair would flair violently upon her chakra becoming visible in a burst that slowly subsided. It was time to pick up the pace a bit. Kira must have had the same idea as he continued his relentless assault. With a back flip, a wall of electricity would emerge and yet Kira continued head on. He was stubborn in his actions, unwilling to change course as he had only one thing in mind... punch the crap out of Amaya. Raising an eyebrow Amaya would stare as the man pounded his fist into the electrical field separating them. When he was done, he'd find his fist and arms even more bruised than before. Amaya would watch as the man remedied some of the injuries using his chakra. Perhaps she'd have her work cut out for her.

"Ok, so how do I take him down then?"

Amaya would notice the man's hand reaching for his blade. It would seem he was finally taking her seriously. In truth, she could tell that he was holding back and so her guard remained sharp. Her dark coat would sway in the wind as the sands blew by.

"The fun has only begun... Kira, I hope you're ready."

[Sending actions]


New Member
Mar 13, 2013
Akuma Kira
HP: 51,484 - 1032 - 1350 + 1548 = 50,650
CP: 28,170 - 379 -3162 = 24,629
AP: 10 - 9.0 = .5 AP Carried Over (0.5 Suppressed) = 10.5 AP Next Round
Status: Minor Bleeding - Rank 1[Ignored], Bruised Up, Phantom Pain[-3 Accuracy / 1 Round], Hair is Standing up [Electrocuted], "Mildly Pissed?"

Total Bonuses
Electrocuted - 2%Max HP/Round -1 rounds or rebuffed (-1032)
Rank 1 Bleeding 1% Max HP / Round [Ignored] (-516)
55% - Melee Damage [Soft Cap: 50% - Hard Cap: 80%] [40% Melee Damage with Combat Gloves][Broken]
+5 Accuracy to Attacks,
+5% Physical Damage Received (Damage Reduction /or / Bonus Received)
115% Chakra Costs
-5 Dodge
+3% MAX HP Regen / Round
-1 Genjutsu Save
+10% Medical Jutsu Effectiveness on self
Critical Range (19-20) 2.25x
Ninja Wire - -1 Accuracy / -1 dodge / +0.5 ap Requip Combat Gloves, 0.1AP Handseals

Active Bonuses
Active Weapon: ~None~
Fighting Style - [Zakari Style] +30% Physical Damage Dealt, +15% Physical Damage Received, +1 Accuracy, +15% Chakra Costs
Mastered Offensive Stance - +4 Accuracy, -4 Dodge
Immolation Armor 10% Backlash Dmg to Attackers - 12% Burn Effect - 170 Cp/rnd

Passive Bonuses
Class Bonus: +10% Melee Damage
(CA) Huge Power: +15% Melee Damage

28 - (-4) Melee Accuracy
19 - (-1)Melee Dodge
28 - (-4)Ranged Accuracy
19 - (-1)Ranged Dodge
28 - (-4)Ninjutsu Accuracy
19 - (-1)Ninjutsu Dodge
23 - Genjutsu DC
22 - Genjutsu Save
15 - Stealth
15 - Awareness
0- Combat Medic - Medical B Rank - Reflex
1- Weapon Mastery: Slashing
2- Nimble Hands - +15% CP Cost if Nin/Gen 'if Onehanded'
3- Thick Blood +10% Bleeding Resist. Bleeding Pen Reduced (1)
4- Fearless +10% Damage Reduction, -1 Evasion, Gen Save
5- Bloody Mess
6- Human Anatomy +1 Critical Range, Max Crit Dmg Increased: 2.25x
7- Combo Master +10% auto hit if first hits, 2nd attack cannot be auto dodged
8- Weapon Attunement +5% weapon Dmg Modifier, +3% secondary effects
9- Quick Draw
10- Healing Factor +10% Med Jutsu Effectiveness, +3% MAX HP / Round
11- Called Shot +5% Called Shot Chance
Akira Amaya
HP: 38,915 -520 -804 -201 = 37,390
Barrier: 3,803 - 6,050 Damage = Exploded
CP: 27,688 -410 -1220 -3850 -876 -300 -2500 = 18,532 max cp 31200
AP: 10 - 10 = 0 + 10 = 10 AP Next Round
Status: Bleeding (Legs) Rank 2, Glowing with Lightning, "Visible Bruising on Legs, Bleeding Visible"

Total Bonuses
Rank 2 Bleeding -2% Max HP Round (-804)
+3 Accuracy ((+5 Melee Accuracy) (+7 If using Freja))
+4 Dodge (+6 if using Freja)
+2 Genjutsu Save
+2 Awareness Rolls
(18-20 Critical Range) @ 2.5x Damage
10% Auto Dodge
+5% Called Shot, (+10% Against Hands/Weapons)
+10% Melee Damage
+15% Lightning Damage
+2 Stealth

Active Bonuses
Active Weapon: Duke's Dear Freja - [Unarmed] 150 Damage, +2 Accuracy
Swift: Whenever the user attacks with the equipped weapon they receive a +2 Dodge Bonus until the end of the turn
Pressure: Can Inflict Suppression (+5%)
Special Composition: Unarmed Damage/Lightning Damage (Correct me if wrong, wasnt specified)
Storm Mail - Mastered - 3 Rounds Left - 410 CP / Round
While active, the user's melee attacks have a 21% chance of gaining the 'Laser Guided' effect. Additionally, attacks against the user have a 11% chance of activating the 'Flash Motion' effect.
Special Action: While active, the use may choose use this effect. This allows a Ninjutsu or Taijutsu to modded as if it were up to 1.5 Ap faster by paying +20% Cp. Using this special action removes the chance of 'Flash Motion' activating for a full round, and this action cannot be used again during this time.
Fighting Style Lightning Combat Stance - [Surge] Current Bonus Null
The user gains +0.5 Dodge per Lightning-based Action done by the user the previous round, stacking up to +3. If the Dodge Bonus exceeds the +3, per 0.5 surpassing the caps grants the user +3% Auto-Dodge instead.
10% Auto Dodge: +3% Auto Dodge
[Curse Seal] +4 Ninjutsu Accuracy [Ninjutsu to High Sec]
+15% Lightning Damage

Passive Bonuses
Class Bonus: +4 Dodge
Duelist: Target Kira: +2 Melee Accuracy, +10% Auto Dodge, +10% Damage
Sneak Attack: +1 Critical Range, Crits at 2.5x Damage, 10% sneak attack
Shadow Step: 30% Chance to maintain stealth after sneak attack
Counter Attack: Constant Active
Slippert Mind: +2 Genjutsu Save/ Awareness Rolls
Quick Step: +3 Accuracy

32 - Melee Accuracy (+2 if using Freja)
27 - Melee Dodge (+2 if using Freja)[+3]
22 - Ranged Accuracy
27 - Ranged Dodge (+2 if using Freja)[+3]
26 - Ninjutsu Accuracy [+4 Curse Seal]
27 - Ninjutsu Dodge (+2 if using Freja)[+3]
23 - Genjutsu DC
25 - Genjutsu Save
15 - Stealth
15 - Awareness
Slot 0: Branch: Sentinel (+5% Damage Reduction (Non-Illusionary)
Slot 00: Shinobi 101: Kinetic Genjutsu(Nin Acc)
1- Lightning Chakra Style: (Surge)
2- Bloody Mess
3- Initiative
4- Called Shot +5% Called Shot Chance
5- Quick Draw
6- Elemental Aura
7- Quick Reaction
8- Technical Pacifist +5% Called Shot against Weapons and Hands
9- Jutsu Expansion
10- Duelist +2 Melee Accuracy +10% Damage, +10 Auto Dodge
11- Cursed Seal
12- Human Anatomy +1 Critical Range, Max Crit Dmg Increased: 2.25x
Action List said:
0.0 - Maintains Occur
0.0 - Akira Activates Cursed Seal on Self
1.0 - Akira Activates Raijins Vengeance and Sends Attack Elsewhere
1.5 - Akuma Activates Immolation Armor on Self
2.5 - Akira Activates Lightning Beast and Send Attack Elsewhere
4.5 - Akuma Activates Perfected Odama Rasengan and Strikes Barrier 24 + 19 - 27 + 2 [6050 Damage]
  • Natures Guard - Barrier Destroyed, -3 Accuracy to continue strike[Hit][Auto-Dodge]
4.5 - Akira Activates Flash Counter at Akuma
  • 1350 Damage/Lightning - 148 Recoil Damage
    - 1 Strike at Akuma 27 + 4 vs 18 + 11 [2>][Hit]225[65][40]-Burn Chance[27]
    - 2 Strike at Akuma 27 + 9 vs 18 + 17 [3>][Hit]225[91][52]-Burn Chance[7] +5% Damage Taken
    - 3 Strike at Akuma 27 + 2 vs 18 + 8 [5>][Hit]225[88][21]-Burn Chance[3] +5% Damage Taken
    --- Suppression Effect @ Akuma
    - 4 Strike at Akuma 27 + 5 vs 18 + 3 [13>][Hit]225[22][66]-Burn Chance[50]
    --- Called Shot Hands - Sprained
    - 5 Strike at Akuma 27 + 9 vs 18 + 14 [6>][Hit]225[42][92]-Burn Chance[15]
    - 6 Strike at Akuma 27 + 10 vs 18 + 13 [8>][Hit]225[99][59]-Burn Chance[76]
5.25 - Akuma Strikes Akira 22 + 19 vs 32 + 8 [1>][12]
--- Akira Passive Auto Dodge Activates [QR Ability] Activates Earth Flow River 28 + 2 vs 18 + 17 [<5][Miss]
6.00 - Akuma Strikes Akira 22 + 8 vs 32 + 12 [<14][Miss]
6.75 - Akuma Strikes Akira 22 + 18 vs 32 + 17 [<9][Miss]
7.50 - Akuma Strikes Akira 22 + 8 vs 32 + 11 [<11][Miss]
8.25 - Akuma Strikes Akira 22 + 1 vs 32 + 5 [<14][Miss]
9.00 - Akuma Strikes Akira 22 + 20 vs 32 + 6 [2>][Crit-Hit]520[23][85]
--- Akira Bleeding Raised to Level 2, Akira Called shot to Legs, Auto Dodge Failed. [+0.5% / MaxHP]
The Last 1.0 Reoku flips a table. and Suppresses Akumas last action.

Format in Order for Reference
Time - User - Action - Target - Jutsu: SC + D20 vs SC + D20 [<=>][H/M][Dmg][Called Shot][Suppression~If][Auto-Dodge] + Extras
<COLOR color="#BF0000">

<Preliminary Version><Changes May Occur>

Akuma Kira

New Member
Jan 11, 2013
In the midst of the electrical dome around her a flash of handseals that Akuma did not recognize blurred into obscurity, and while he activated his defenses another. "Well, that will not be pleasant I bet." he thought to himself as he knew it would probably be a lightning technique and probably some big ones he didn't know. Breaking her barrier was not issue with his Odama Ragengan and she vanished like before but every hit was met with a burning touch, what Akuma lacked he made up for with an odd variety in jutsu.

She activated something that Akuma could only understand as a cursed seal, as he was able to perform such a seal he never fought against one before. He obviously didn't know what Fangs curse seal does but he knew it was not going to be good for him; or her. Curse seals always leave a nasty pain on the body and were usually signs of wanting to throw everything one had, or in desperation. The latter being one that he knew she didn't feel currently. "What do you call that curse?" he asked as he moved in for his punches.

Trying to hit this woman with all of her debilitating moves and being light on her feet was proving something of interest to Akuma. Almost enough to make him laugh at what Satou said to him earlier, that this woman sounded like a lass to take on a date. But Akuma although smirking wouldn't stop as finally he landed a perfect strike to her leg. He didn't hear if something broke but he did feel how well it connected. He was still feeling the lingering effects of her jutsu, Akuma had to play it smart if he was going to show her what he could do.

[Actions sent]
[OOC I am so curious what the cursed seal looks like]

Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Amaya would hold her fortified lightening defenses as she had a few new techniques to try and unfortunately, even with her speed, they took time. The barrier would not take much more as it dispersed upon a giant ball of chakra was forced through it revealing Amaya's new transformative state. Her natural dark strands had faded into a golden bright shine, her emerald green eyes were now golden as well. Wing like protrusions were now sticking out of her back, white and heavenly. She had not turned into an angel but perhaps it was the easiest way to describe what was before Kira. She quickly avoided the ball of chakra as she was now faster than before. Though her protrusions were in likeness to wings, they were clearly not nor did they seem capable of flight. They were more like extra large fans that seem to serve another purpose rather than what they initially appeared to have or what people would surmise. Though Amaya could not fly, they did seem to assist her in more aerodynamic motions and also seem to hold a electrical charge. Amaya would immediately attacked with a focused assault to further weaken what she believed to be the man's source of offense before leaping away. It would seem the man had opted to use a bit of defense him self as Amaya found her hands and palms had received damage from an inhuman increase in Akira's outer body temperature. This minor distraction allowed for Kira to move in close for his next assault of punches in which Amaya struggled to avoid. She managed to get her distance again but not without cost. She would look down at her leg and back at Kira who had caused injury to it. She nodded to the man to let him know she understood what he was trying to accomplish.

"Attempting to slow me down and limiting my ability to make physical contact... smart move. As for this curse, I'll tell you... Grind their crowns to dust, La Reina de la Batalla! This is my true power. My apologies for the wait."

[Sending actions]


New Member
Mar 13, 2013
Akuma Kira
HP: 50,650 - 1021 -18184 -18184 -7280 -3162 -487 + 15661 +2580 +1429 = 22002
CP: 24,629 -170 -782 -247 -2375 -2334 +600 = 19,321
AP: 10.5 -10 = 0.5 + 10 = 10.5 Next Round
Status: Bleeding Rank 2, Covered in Blood, Some is Akira's, Some is Akuma's

Total Bonuses
Rank 1 Bleeding 1% Max HP / Round [Ignored] (-516)
55% - Melee Damage [Soft Cap: 50% - Hard Cap: 80%]
+5 Accuracy to Attacks,
+5% Physical Damage Received (Damage Reduction /or / Bonus Received)
115% Chakra Costs
-5 Dodge
+3% MAX HP Regen / Round
-1 Genjutsu Save
+10% Medical Jutsu Effectiveness on self
Critical Range (19-20) 2.25x
Ninja Wire - -1 Accuracy / -1 dodge / +0.5 ap Requip Combat Gloves, 0.1AP Handseals

Active Bonuses
Active Weapon: ~None~
Fighting Style - [Zakari Style] +30% Physical Damage Dealt, +15% Physical Damage Received, +1 Accuracy, +15% Chakra Costs
Mastered Offensive Stance - +4 Accuracy, -4 Dodge
Immolation Armor 10% Backlash Dmg to Attackers - 12% Burn Effect - 170 Cp/rnd

Passive Bonuses
Class Bonus: +10% Melee Damage
(CA) Huge Power: +15% Melee Damage

28 - (-1) Melee Accuracy
19 - (-1)Melee Dodge
28 - (-1)Ranged Accuracy
19 - (-1)Ranged Dodge
28 - (-1)Ninjutsu Accuracy
19 - (-1)Ninjutsu Dodge
23 - Genjutsu DC
22 - Genjutsu Save
15 - Stealth
15 - Awareness
0- Combat Medic - Medical B Rank - Reflex
1- Weapon Mastery: Slashing
2- Nimble Hands - +15% CP Cost if Nin/Gen 'if Onehanded'
3- Thick Blood +10% Bleeding Resist. Bleeding Pen Reduced (1)
4- Fearless +10% Damage Reduction, -1 Evasion, Gen Save
5- Bloody Mess
6- Human Anatomy +1 Critical Range, Max Crit Dmg Increased: 2.25x
7- Combo Master +10% auto hit if first hits, 2nd attack cannot be auto dodged
8- Weapon Attunement +5% weapon Dmg Modifier, +3% secondary effects
9- Quick Draw
10- Healing Factor +10% Med Jutsu Effectiveness, +3% MAX HP / Round
11- Called Shot +5% Called Shot Chance
Akira Amaya
HP: 37,390 -603 -2010 -1394 -1819 -14293 = 17271
CP: 18,532 -1670 -300 -410 -3850 -2750 -2400 = 7152 [Max Cp: 27600]
AP: 10 - 10 = 0 + 10 = 10 Next Round
Status: Bleeding (Everywhere) Rank 5, Glowing with Lightning, Covered in Blood, Some is Akira's, Some is Akuma's

Total Bonuses
Rank 5 Bleeding -5% Max HP Round (-804)
+3 Accuracy ((+5 Melee Accuracy) (+7 If using Freja))
+4 Dodge (+6 if using Freja)
+2 Genjutsu Save
+2 Awareness Rolls
(18-20 Critical Range) @ 2.5x Damage
10% Auto Dodge
+5% Called Shot, (+10% Against Hands/Weapons)
+10% Melee Damage
+15% Lightning Damage
+2 Stealth

Active Bonuses
Active Weapon: Duke's Dear Freja - [Unarmed] 150 Damage, +2 Accuracy
Swift: Whenever the user attacks with the equipped weapon they receive a +2 Dodge Bonus until the end of the turn
Pressure: Can Inflict Suppression (+5%)
Special Composition: Unarmed Damage/Lightning Damage (Correct me if wrong, wasnt specified)
Storm Mail - Mastered - 3 Rounds Left - 410 CP / Round
While active, the user's melee attacks have a 21% chance of gaining the 'Laser Guided' effect. Additionally, attacks against the user have a 11% chance of activating the 'Flash Motion' effect.
Special Action: While active, the use may choose use this effect. This allows a Ninjutsu or Taijutsu to modded as if it were up to 1.5 Ap faster by paying +20% Cp. Using this special action removes the chance of 'Flash Motion' activating for a full round, and this action cannot be used again during this time.
Fighting Style Lightning Combat Stance - [Surge] Current Bonus Null
The user gains +0.5 Dodge per Lightning-based Action done by the user the previous round, stacking up to +3. If the Dodge Bonus exceeds the +3, per 0.5 surpassing the caps grants the user +3% Auto-Dodge instead.
10% Auto Dodge: +3% Auto Dodge
[Curse Seal] +4 Ninjutsu Accuracy [Ninjutsu to High Sec]
+15% Lightning Damage

Passive Bonuses
Class Bonus: +4 Dodge
Duelist: Target Kira: +2 Melee Accuracy, +10% Auto Dodge, +10% Damage
Sneak Attack: +1 Critical Range, Crits at 2.5x Damage, 10% sneak attack
Shadow Step: 30% Chance to maintain stealth after sneak attack
Counter Attack: Constant Active
Slippert Mind: +2 Genjutsu Save/ Awareness Rolls
Quick Step: +3 Accuracy

32 - Melee Accuracy (+2 if using Freja)
27 - Melee Dodge (+2 if using Freja)[+3][-1]
22 - Ranged Accuracy
27 - Ranged Dodge (+2 if using Freja)[+3][-1]
26 - Ninjutsu Accuracy [+4 Curse Seal]
27 - Ninjutsu Dodge (+2 if using Freja)[+3][-1]
23 - Genjutsu DC
25 - Genjutsu Save
15 - Stealth
15 - Awareness
Slot 0: Branch: Sentinel (+5% Damage Reduction (Non-Illusionary)
Slot 00: Shinobi 101: Kinetic Genjutsu(Nin Acc)
1- Lightning Chakra Style: (Surge)
2- Bloody Mess
3- Initiative
4- Called Shot +5% Called Shot Chance
5- Quick Draw
6- Elemental Aura
7- Quick Reaction
8- Technical Pacifist +5% Called Shot against Weapons and Hands
9- Jutsu Expansion
10- Duelist +2 Melee Accuracy +10% Damage, +10 Auto Dodge
11- Cursed Seal
12- Human Anatomy +1 Critical Range, Max Crit Dmg Increased: 2.25x
I Recommend adding "IF THIS ATTACK KILLS, DO THIS "ACTION" in your next message... this may be final round.
Action List said:
0.0 Maintains Occur
0.0 Akira activates Critical Exposure MR at Akuma - 30 + 17 vs 18 + 18 [11>][Hit][68]
--- [+25% - Crit Chance on next attack]
1.0 Akira Activates Raijin's Vengeance MR at Akuma - 30 + 1 vs 18 + 2 [11>][Hit] 18,184 [24%Crit]
--- Akuma Bleeding Rank Increased to Rank 2] + 0.5% Max HP
1.0 Akira Activates Raijin's Vengeance MR at Akuma - 30 + 19 vs 18 + 16 [15>][Crit-Hit] 18,184
--- Akuma Bleeding Rank Increased to Rank 3] + 0.5% Max HP
1.19 Akuma attacks with 4 Hit Combo at Akira - 1394
--- Bleed Rank Increased to Rank 3 + 0.5% Max HP (201)

  • Attack 1 - 29 + 10 vs 29 + 10 [=][50% Hit] 116 [74]
    Attack 2 - 29 + 19 vs 29 + 9 [9>][Crit-Hit] 523 [39]
    Attack 3 - 29 + 10 vs 29 + 6 [3>][Hit] 232 [19]
    Attack 4 - 29 + 18 vs 29 + 11 [6>][Crit-Hit] 523 [69]
    -No Successful Auto Dodge
2.5 Akira's Lightning Beast Attacks Akuma - 32 + 6 vs 18 + 3 [17>][Hit] 3835
2.5 Akira Activates Chidori Control [Spear] at Akuma - 30 + 6 vs 18 + 18 [=][50% Hit][93-Impale] 3162
--- Akuma Bleeding Rank Increased to Rank 4 + 0.5% Max HP
3.33 Akuma attacks with 16 Hit Combo at Akira - 1819 Damage
--- Akira Bleeding Rank Increased to Rank 4 + 0.5% Max HP (201)

  • Attack 1 - 29 + 10 vs 29 + 16 [<6][Miss]
    Attack 2 - 29 + 20 vs 29 + 16 [4>][Crit-Hit] 348 [37]
    Attack 3 - 29 + 7 vs 29 + 18 [<11][Miss]
    Attack 4 - 29 + 11 vs 29 + 3 [8>][Hit] 155 [48]
    Attack 5 - 29 + 9 vs 29 + 4 [<5][Miss]
    Attack 6 - 29 + 15 vs 29 + 19 [<4][Miss]
    Attack 7 - 29 + 4 vs 29 + 9 [<5][Miss]
    Attack 8 - 29 + 4 vs 29 + 19 [<15][Miss]
    Attack 9 - 29 + 3 vs 29 + 1 [2>][Hit] 155 [94]
    Attack 10 - 29 + 19 vs 29 + 10 [9>][Crit-Hit] 348 [73]
    Attack 11 - 29 + 15 vs 29 + 10 [5>][Hit] 155 [95]
    Attack 12 - 29 + 18 vs 29 + 20 [<2][Miss]
    Attack 13 - 29 + 13 vs 29 + 10 [3>][Hit] 155 [57]
    Attack 14 - 29 + 7 vs 29 + 7 [=][50% Hit] 77 [6] Auto Dodged
    Attack 15 - 29 + 11 vs 29 + 7 [4>][Hit] 155 [65]
    Attack 16 - 29 + 20 vs 29 + 10 [10>][Crit-Hit] 348 [41]
5.50 Akira Activates Chidori at Akuma - 28 + 3 vs 18 + 19 [<6][Miss]
5.94 Akuma QD Ketsueki Blade
5.94 Akuma Attacks with Zantetsuken MR at Akira - 32 + 18 vs 27 + 14 [7>][Crit-Hit] 14,293
--- Akira Bleeding Rank Increased to Rank 5 + 0.5% Max HP (201)
5.94 Akuma Sheaths Ketsueki Blade
8.79 Akuma Activates Angelic Blessing on Self - [19][Crit-Heal] 15,661
--- Master Rank Coagulation on Self [-20% Bleed Damage][Healed to Bleed Rank 2], Master Rank Skeletal Fortification on Self [Reduced Called Shot Penalties if Any]
9.50 Akuma Strikes Akira 27 + 9 vs 30 + 18 [<10][Miss]
9.50 Akira Counter Strikes Akuma 34 + 8 vs 18 + 1 [Too Much][Hit] 487
--- Akira Enters Stealth.

Format in Order for Reference
Time - User - Action - Target - Jutsu: SC + D20 vs SC + D20 [<=>][H/M][Dmg][Called Shot][Suppression~If][Auto-Dodge] + Extras
<COLOR color="#BF0000">

<Preliminary Version><Changes May Occur>
Edit 1: Added Dmg Bonus and CP Increase for "Jutsu Expansion" was overlooked
Edit 2: Reviewed all the Lightning Rolls, concluded 10% was missing from 2 Techniques, 2nd Raijin Vengeance and Lightning Beast.

Please continue.

Akuma Kira

New Member
Jan 11, 2013
This had easily became his favorite fight, he had fought people with a curse seal before but never had he fought one that looked so bright before. In this shinobi world of people full of grim hate, depression and death worshipers; even though it was appearance it was a welcomed sight to him. Even as they brutally tore each other apart in the next few seconds. After the two brutal hits from Raijin's vengeance, Akuma looked at her as he darted towards her, "It was worth the wait Fang the Brilliant." He said as he was obviously enjoying himself and everything that was coming his way. The addition to her name in a simple reference of the brilliant light that shown around her, even if covered by blood.

Then more lightning jutsu burned through his body, he could feel his muscles ripping and his skin burning as he punched his way over to her weakening her, he was shocked in a good way that she seemed to almost forgo her speed for brutal damage, which almost worked. Akuma has never taken that much damage before in a fight all at once.

Seeing a move he did know very well, Akuma drew his blade for a moment dashing along beside her just out of reach of her arm he slashed her and sheathed his blade just as fast before flashing the seals required. Turning to face her, "Never has someone made me use my medical jutsu this much," he began saying while she would see his bone reset, muscles reattach and skin heal as it was as if he too was blessed from above "Is there any scar you wish to keep after the fight to remember me by?" He asked with a smile on his face as though he was a simple teen again. Because Akuma was going to heal her and rid her of any wound she didn't want.

[actions sent]

Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
"Fang the Brilliant?" that's what he, Akira, had decided to call her. It was a new one for her, no one has ever looked upon her and said those words. Perhaps it was fitting to give this man a pet name as well. He did managed to gash her pretty well and survive her ultimate attack. Amaya was breathing hard now as the form she took on obviously came with a high cost. She new the man wasn't getting faster which only meant that she was getting slower. She hadn't the years of training with her new found abilities like she did with her old. It was becoming apparent. She watched as the man began healing some of the damage she had inflicted. Her body was acking and at its limit and thus stopping him from regeneration wasn't possible. She'd stumble a bit before flairing her wings up high. Her face still unchanged, void of any expression, no hint of pain or frustration could be seen. Nothing more than a faint smile. Amaya would stand tall raising her right hand up to shoulder level. Electricity would static about before reaching full power in her palms.

"Sigh... I can't hold this form for much longer and I'm sure that I have less than a fourth of my chakra. I'll give it my all Kira and I'll keep as many scars as you can give."

With that Amaya would thrust her wings down and leap high out of sight and into Kira's blind spot. The sounds of crackling could be heard much like it did only seconds earlier when lightening was raining upon the area. Perhaps she would have escaped and regrouped in a live situation however, this was all in good fun. It's not everyday she had an opportunity to go all out.

"I have to finish this now or it's over! Concentrate, find an opening, and strike!"

[Sending actions]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
