Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Finally here, now to search for the sparring partner! [private]


New Member
Mar 13, 2013
Akuma Kira
HP: 22002 -7865 -3575 +4285 -7410 +1908 +6961 +2580 +271 = 19157
CP: 19,321 -170 -1012 -345 -2334 = 15,460
AP: 10.5 - 10.5 = 0 + 10 = 10 Next Round
Status: Covered in Blood, Some is Akira's, Some is Akuma's

Total Bonuses
55% - Melee Damage [Soft Cap: 50% - Hard Cap: 80%]
+5 Accuracy to Attacks,
+5% Physical Damage Received (Damage Reduction /or / Bonus Received)
115% Chakra Costs
-5 Dodge
+3% MAX HP Regen / Round
-1 Genjutsu Save
+10% Medical Jutsu Effectiveness on self
Critical Range (19-20) 2.25x
Ninja Wire - -1 Accuracy / -1 dodge / +0.5 ap Requip Combat Gloves, 0.1AP Handseals

Active Bonuses
Active Weapon: ~None~
Fighting Style - [Zakari Style] +30% Physical Damage Dealt, +15% Physical Damage Received, +1 Accuracy, +15% Chakra Costs
Mastered Offensive Stance - +4 Accuracy, -4 Dodge
Immolation Armor 10% Backlash Dmg to Attackers - 12% Burn Effect - 170 Cp/rnd

Passive Bonuses
Class Bonus: +10% Melee Damage
(CA) Huge Power: +15% Melee Damage

28 - (-1) Melee Accuracy
19 - (-1)Melee Dodge
28 - (-1)Ranged Accuracy
19 - (-1)Ranged Dodge
28 - (-1)Ninjutsu Accuracy
19 - (-1)Ninjutsu Dodge
23 - Genjutsu DC
22 - Genjutsu Save
15 - Stealth
15 - Awareness
0- Combat Medic - Medical B Rank - Reflex
1- Weapon Mastery: Slashing
2- Nimble Hands - +15% CP Cost if Nin/Gen 'if Onehanded'
3- Thick Blood +10% Bleeding Resist. Bleeding Pen Reduced (1)
4- Fearless +10% Damage Reduction, -1 Evasion, Gen Save
5- Bloody Mess
6- Human Anatomy +1 Critical Range, Max Crit Dmg Increased: 2.25x
7- Combo Master +10% auto hit if first hits, 2nd attack cannot be auto dodged
8- Weapon Attunement +5% weapon Dmg Modifier, +3% secondary effects
9- Quick Draw
10- Healing Factor +10% Med Jutsu Effectiveness, +3% MAX HP / Round
11- Called Shot +5% Called Shot Chance
Akira Amaya
HP: 17271 +1146 +1089 -1236 -2010 -2716 -2412 -21 = 11,111
CP: 7152 -410 -2970 -3300 -472 = 0 [Max Cp: 24000]
AP: 10 - 10 = 0 + 10 = 10 Next Round
Status: Bleeding (Everywhere) Rank 5, Glowing with Lightning, Covered in Blood, Some is Akira's, Some is Akuma's, Extremely Exhausted

Total Bonuses
Rank 5 Bleeding -5% Max HP Round (-2010)
+3 Accuracy ((+5 Melee Accuracy) (+7 If using Freja))
+4 Dodge (+6 if using Freja)
+2 Genjutsu Save
+2 Awareness Rolls
(18-20 Critical Range) @ 2.5x Damage
10% Auto Dodge
+5% Called Shot, (+10% Against Hands/Weapons)
+10% Melee Damage
+15% Lightning Damage

Active Bonuses
Active Weapon: Duke's Dear Freja - [Unarmed] 150 Damage, +2 Accuracy
Swift: Whenever the user attacks with the equipped weapon they receive a +2 Dodge Bonus until the end of the turn
Pressure: Can Inflict Suppression (+5%)
Special Composition: Unarmed Damage/Lightning Damage (Correct me if wrong, wasnt specified)
Storm Mail - Mastered - 3 Rounds Left - 410 CP / Round
While active, the user's melee attacks have a 21% chance of gaining the 'Laser Guided' effect. Additionally, attacks against the user have a 11% chance of activating the 'Flash Motion' effect.
Special Action: While active, the use may choose use this effect. This allows a Ninjutsu or Taijutsu to modded as if it were up to 1.5 Ap faster by paying +20% Cp. Using this special action removes the chance of 'Flash Motion' activating for a full round, and this action cannot be used again during this time.
Fighting Style Lightning Combat Stance - [Surge] Current Bonus Null
The user gains +0.5 Dodge per Lightning-based Action done by the user the previous round, stacking up to +3. If the Dodge Bonus exceeds the +3, per 0.5 surpassing the caps grants the user +3% Auto-Dodge instead.
10% Auto Dodge: +3% Auto Dodge
[Curse Seal] +4 Ninjutsu Accuracy [Ninjutsu to High Sec]
+15% Lightning Damage

Passive Bonuses
Class Bonus: +4 Dodge
Duelist: Target Kira: +2 Melee Accuracy, +10% Auto Dodge, +10% Damage
Sneak Attack: +1 Critical Range, Crits at 2.5x Damage, 10% sneak attack
Shadow Step: 30% Chance to maintain stealth after sneak attack
Counter Attack: Constant Active
Slippert Mind: +2 Genjutsu Save/ Awareness Rolls
Quick Step: +3 Accuracy

32 - Melee Accuracy (+2 if using Freja)
27 - Melee Dodge (+2 if using Freja)[+3][-1]
22 - Ranged Accuracy
27 - Ranged Dodge (+2 if using Freja)[+3][-1]
26 - Ninjutsu Accuracy [+4 Curse Seal]
27 - Ninjutsu Dodge (+2 if using Freja)[+3][-1]
23 - Genjutsu DC
25 - Genjutsu Save
15 - Stealth
15 - Awareness
Slot 0: Branch: Sentinel (+5% Damage Reduction (Non-Illusionary)
Slot 00: Shinobi 101: Kinetic Genjutsu(Nin Acc)
1- Lightning Chakra Style: (Surge)
2- Bloody Mess
3- Initiative
4- Called Shot +5% Called Shot Chance
5- Quick Draw
6- Elemental Aura
7- Quick Reaction
8- Technical Pacifist +5% Called Shot against Weapons and Hands
9- Jutsu Expansion
10- Duelist +2 Melee Accuracy +10% Damage, +10 Auto Dodge
11- Cursed Seal
12- Human Anatomy +1 Critical Range, Max Crit Dmg Increased: 2.25x
I Recommend adding "IF THIS ATTACK KILLS, DO THIS "ACTION" in your next message... this may be final round.
Action List said:
0.00 - Maintains Occur
0.50 - Akira Consumes Health Pill [+1146 Health]
1.00 - Akira Consumes Health Pill [+1089 Health]
2.00 - Akira Attacks with Raijin's Vengeance MR at Akuma 30 + 1 vs 18 + 7 [6>][Hit] 7150
2.00 - Akira attempts to maintain stealth [62] - Shadow Step.
2.38 - Akuma Activates Medical Ward R1 on Self 18 [+4285 Health] - Next Hit on Self
3.50 - Akira Attacks with Chidori Control MR at Akuma 28 + 15 vs 18 + 10 [15>][Hit] 3575 [59 - Impale]
3.50 - Akira Attacks with Chidori MR at Akuma 30 + 13 vs 18 + 5 [20>][Hit] 7410 [75][2]
--- Sneak Attack
3.80 - Akuma Activates Mystical Hand on Self [9] [+1908 Health]
6.65 - Akuma Activates Angelic Blessing on Self [17] [+6961 Health]
7.84 - Akuma Attacks with 4-Hit Combo at Akira

  • Attack 1 - 29 + 14 vs 29 + 20 [<6][Miss]
    Attack 2- 29 + 16 vs 29 + 20 [<4][Miss]
    Attack 3- 29 + 5 vs 29 + 7 [<2][Miss]
    Attack 4- 29 + 6 vs 29 + 4 [2>][Hit] 232 [3%] Auto-Dodge
7.84 - Akira Counter Attacks Akuma 34 + 3 vs 18 + 12 [7>][Hit] 210 : 21 Burn Damage
9.98 - Akuma Quick Draws Ketsueki Blade
9.98 - Akuma Attacks with Kill Driver MR at Akira - 2716 Damage + 2412 Bleed Damage

  • Attack 1 - 29 + 19 vs 29 + 12 [7>][Crit-Hit] 689 [79][34]
    Attack 2 - 29 + 20 vs 29 + 20 [=][Crit-Hit] 345 [58][57]
    Attack 3 - 29 + 3 vs 29 + 17 [<14][Miss]
    Attack 4 - 29 + 4 vs 29 + 2 [2>][Hit] 306 [46][31]
    Attack 5 - 29 + 6 vs 29 + 19 [<13][Miss]
    Attack 6 - 29 + 17 vs 29 + 18 [<1][25% Hit] 76 [54][39]
    Attack 7 - 29 + 11 vs 29 + 9 [2>][Hit] 306 [71][7 + Bonus 2% Bleed Damage]
    Attack 8 - 29 + 14 vs 29 + 3 [11>][Hit] 306 [47]4 + Bonus 2% Bleed Damage]
    Attack 9 - 29 + 4 vs 29 + 3 [1>][75% Hit][12 - Auto Dodged]
    Attack 10 - 29 + 20 vs 29 + 2 [18>][Crit-Hit] 689 [55][11 + Bonus 2% Bleed Damage]
9.98 - Akuma Sheathes Ketsueki Blade

Format in Order for Reference
Time - User - Action - Target - Jutsu: SC + D20 vs SC + D20 [<=>][H/M][Dmg][Called Shot][Suppression~If][Auto-Dodge] + Extras
<COLOR color="#BF0000">

<Preliminary Version><Changes May Occur>
Awareness check above was not done on end of previous mod, and was done this mod to keep things fluid

Please continue.

Akuma Kira

New Member
Jan 11, 2013
Akuma was feeling a thrill he hasn't felt in some time, as he now had a smile that looked almost sadistic and his pupil dilated. As he was about to loose control he saw how badly she was bleeding and then slowly coming to, saw her panting, she seemed to be pushing past her limits and Akuma was a doctor first now above all else. He was not however going to ruin this by lowering his guard, if she wanted to fight then they would fight still. Keeping his fighting stance and staying on guard waiting, "We done?" Akuma asked looking at her body, thinking to himself that she may retain consciousness for a minute if untreated, less for any stress she puts on her body.

This was a sparring match after all and Akuma was having the time of his life, her attacks prior seemed to be her big shot to try and end the match, now he was just healing more than she could dish out. Thinking to himself, how badly he would have lost this if he did not have his medical training. Her talents where superior than his, all he had on her was his physical power and toughness. Thinking to himself, just how she would make one hell of an ally in a fight, she was fast and could debilitate people quickly, leaving them easy targets for Akuma's simple but powerful strikes.

Akuma was good with continuing or calling it here, he knew that the next round would be the last if it continued but it would end up all the same as it prolonged unless she had another trick up her sleeve; or behind her simple smirk. If she wanted to keep going, Akuma was going to do his best to end it quickly so she wouldn't be in any prolonged risk to her health.

[Actions sent, unless Akira says she's done]
[If done, then thank you for being our b-mod it t'was fun]

[MFT - 311]

Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
"I must say, you are incredibly sturdy..."

Amaya would say raising an eyebrow with her hand still on the man's back after performing her last lightening blade. She was breathing heavily and gasping to retain air. In truth she was exhausted having depleted all of her chakra and somehow still managing to hold her angelic form. She was opporating on pure will as her tank was empty. It wasn't long before Kira would draw his blade yet again, sending a flurry of attacks her way. She would try her best to avoid mortal injury but in the end his relentless assault proved to be to much for the Kunochi in her current state. Kira seemed to be enjoying this fight, having had out witted the legendary Queen of Battle was a feat and something to feel proud of. Using medical jutsu to out stamina her was a wise and notable tactic. Deception was everything in the shinobi world. Amaya, litteraly on her last leg would force herself up once again, clutching the dirt in her palms. Her face still void of any facial ques and non verbal communication. She would stare at the man as he spoke, "We done?" Amaya would respond with a limp and a cough at first. Then she'd raise her right fist still filled with clutched dirt as her hand crumbled what was held. The dirt gritting between her fingers was grinded down until only a pebble remained in her fingers. She then toss the pebble at the man's chest as if it were a kunai daggering at his heart. That was her response. Her answer. Even without chakra, weapons, or strength, as long as she could stand, she would use any means necessary to win. That's is what it meant to be a true warrior. To never give up, to never surrender, to drive forward even if faced with the impossible. Amaya's feathers would start to molt as her wing like protrusions began to shrink back into her. Bloody feathers surrounded her in a ring and her protrusions were all but gone... "not yet!" One protrusion would shoot out from her back! A single heavily fan like wing holding an electrical charge would flap about.

"Sorry, but I said I'd give it my all... and I intend to do just that."

[Sending actions]


New Member
Mar 13, 2013
Akuma Kira
HP: 19157 - 3966 - 1500 -1500 -5553 - 374 + 2580 = 8,844
CP: 15460 - 15460 = 0
AP: 10 - 7.25 = 2.75 AP Remaining.
Status: Covered in Blood, Some is Akira's, Some is Akuma's

Total Bonuses
Brink of Insanity - 1060 / Rnd
+100% Taijutsu Damage
+2 Crit Range (Max'd)

55% - Melee Damage [Soft Cap: 50% - Hard Cap: 80%]
+5 Accuracy to Attacks,
+5% Physical Damage Received (Damage Reduction /or / Bonus Received)
115% Chakra Costs
-5 Dodge
+3% MAX HP Regen / Round
-1 Genjutsu Save
+10% Medical Jutsu Effectiveness on self
Critical Range (19-20) 2.25x
Ninja Wire - -1 Accuracy / -1 dodge / +0.5 ap Requip Combat Gloves, 0.1AP Handseals

Active Bonuses
Active Weapon: ~None~
Fighting Style - [Zakari Style] +30% Physical Damage Dealt, +15% Physical Damage Received, +1 Accuracy, +15% Chakra Costs
Mastered Offensive Stance - +4 Accuracy, -4 Dodge
Immolation Armor 10% Backlash Dmg to Attackers - 12% Burn Effect - 170 Cp/rnd

Passive Bonuses
Class Bonus: +10% Melee Damage
(CA) Huge Power: +15% Melee Damage

28 - (-1) Melee Accuracy
19 - (-1)Melee Dodge
28 - (-1)Ranged Accuracy
19 - (-1)Ranged Dodge
28 - (-1)Ninjutsu Accuracy
19 - (-1)Ninjutsu Dodge
23 - Genjutsu DC
22 - Genjutsu Save
15 - Stealth
15 - Awareness
0- Combat Medic - Medical B Rank - Reflex
1- Weapon Mastery: Slashing
2- Nimble Hands - +15% CP Cost if Nin/Gen 'if Onehanded'
3- Thick Blood +10% Bleeding Resist. Bleeding Pen Reduced (1)
4- Fearless +10% Damage Reduction, -1 Evasion, Gen Save
5- Bloody Mess
6- Human Anatomy +1 Critical Range, Max Crit Dmg Increased: 2.25x
7- Combo Master +10% auto hit if first hits, 2nd attack cannot be auto dodged
8- Weapon Attunement +5% weapon Dmg Modifier, +3% secondary effects
9- Quick Draw
10- Healing Factor +10% Med Jutsu Effectiveness, +3% MAX HP / Round
11- Called Shot +5% Called Shot Chance
Akira Amaya
HP: 11,111 - 2010 + 1410 - 1102 - 16335 = [-6925] K/O
CP: 0 + 12712 = 12712 [Max Cp: 20400]
AP: 10
Status: Bleeding (Everywhere) Rank 5, Knocked Unconscious, Severe Brain Damage, Seizures, Convulsions, Weakness.

Total Bonuses
Rank 5 Bleeding -5% Max HP Round (-2010)
+3 Accuracy ((+5 Melee Accuracy) (+7 If using Freja))
+4 Dodge (+6 if using Freja)
+2 Genjutsu Save
+2 Awareness Rolls
(18-20 Critical Range) @ 2.5x Damage
10% Auto Dodge
+5% Called Shot, (+10% Against Hands/Weapons)
+10% Melee Damage
+15% Lightning Damage

Active Bonuses
Active Weapon: Duke's Dear Freja - [Unarmed] 150 Damage, +2 Accuracy
Swift: Whenever the user attacks with the equipped weapon they receive a +2 Dodge Bonus until the end of the turn
Pressure: Can Inflict Suppression (+5%)
Special Composition: Unarmed Damage/Lightning Damage (Correct me if wrong, wasnt specified)
Fighting Style Lightning Combat Stance - [Surge] Current Bonus Null
The user gains +0.5 Dodge per Lightning-based Action done by the user the previous round, stacking up to +3. If the Dodge Bonus exceeds the +3, per 0.5 surpassing the caps grants the user +3% Auto-Dodge instead.
10% Auto Dodge
[Curse Seal] +4 Ninjutsu Accuracy [Ninjutsu to High Sec]
+15% Lightning Damage

Passive Bonuses
Class Bonus: +4 Dodge
Duelist: Target Kira: +2 Melee Accuracy, +10% Auto Dodge, +10% Damage
Sneak Attack: +1 Critical Range, Crits at 2.5x Damage, 10% sneak attack
Shadow Step: 30% Chance to maintain stealth after sneak attack
Counter Attack: Constant Active
Slippert Mind: +2 Genjutsu Save/ Awareness Rolls
Quick Step: +3 Accuracy

32 - Melee Accuracy (+2 if using Freja)
27 - Melee Dodge (+2 if using Freja)[+2][-1]
22 - Ranged Accuracy
27 - Ranged Dodge (+2 if using Freja)[+2][-1]
26 - Ninjutsu Accuracy [+4 Curse Seal]
27 - Ninjutsu Dodge (+2 if using Freja)[+2][-1]
23 - Genjutsu DC
25 - Genjutsu Save
15 - Stealth
15 - Awareness
Slot 0: Branch: Sentinel (+5% Damage Reduction (Non-Illusionary)
Slot 00: Shinobi 101: Kinetic Genjutsu(Nin Acc)
1- Lightning Chakra Style: (Surge)
2- Bloody Mess
3- Initiative
4- Called Shot +5% Called Shot Chance
5- Quick Draw
6- Elemental Aura
7- Quick Reaction
8- Technical Pacifist +5% Called Shot against Weapons and Hands
9- Jutsu Expansion
10- Duelist +2 Melee Accuracy +10% Damage, +10 Auto Dodge
11- Cursed Seal
12- Human Anatomy +1 Critical Range, Max Crit Dmg Increased: 2.25x
I Recommend adding "IF THIS ATTACK KILLS, DO THIS "ACTION" in your next message... this may be final round.
Action List said:
0.00 Maintains Occur - Akuma [195 CP] 15460 - 195 = 15265
0.00 Akira Consumes Last Health Pill
2.50 Akira Attacks with Energy Transfer at Akuma - 32 + 6 vs 18 + 18 [2>][Hit] [1875 CP/Dmg] 15265 - 1875 = 13390
2.75 Akuma Unleashes Brink of Insanity. ~ The Skys Darken~ [2375 CP] 13390 - 2375 = 11015
4.50 Akuma Attacks with Dragon Assault at Akira - 1102 Dmg [374 Recoil][483 CP] 11015 - 483 = 10532

  • Attack 1: 27 + 10 vs 28 + 20 [11>][Hit] 630
    Attack 2: 27 + 15 vs 28 + 15 [<1][25% Hit] 157
    Attack 3: 27 + 7 vs 28 + 6 [=][50% Hit] 315
    Attack 4: 27 + 2 vs 28 + 19 [<17][Miss]
5.50 Akira Attacks with Energy Transfer at Akuma - 32 + 18 vs 18 + 6 [26>][Crit-Hit] [12515 CP/Dmg] 10532 - 12515 = 0 CP (3966 HP)
6.50 Akira Maintains Attack with Energy Transfer at Akuma - 32 + 4 vs 18 + 7 [Hit] [750 CP/Dmg] 1500 HP (5466 HP)
7.50 Akira Maintains Attack with Energy Transfer at Akuma - 32 + 5 vs 18 + 2 [Hit] [750 CP/Dmg] 1500 HP (6966 HP)
8.25 Akuma Attacks with Eagle Drop at Akira - 27 + 18 vs 28 + 7 [10>][Crit-Hit] 16335 Dmg [5553 Recoil]
--- Akira is afflicted with Brain Damage [20%]

Final Summary
HP - 12893 Damage - Burn Damage /w Recoil

Format in Order for Reference
Time - User - Action - Target - Jutsu: SC + D20 vs SC + D20 [<=>][H/M][Dmg][Called Shot][Suppression~If][Auto-Dodge] + Extras
<COLOR color="#BF0000">

<Preliminary Version><Changes May Occur>
Awareness check above was not done on end of previous mod, and was done this mod to keep things fluid

Please continue.

Akuma Kira

New Member
Jan 11, 2013
Her final leg to stand on was a great effort to say the least, she linked the chakra's together and took everything he had. Even during his Dragon assault Fang was stealing his energy from him and putting it into her, it was a move he knew he would need for moments like this in the future; because now he was out of chakra and she was bleeding out before him.
Akuma never even thought twice in the moment as she stole his energy making him burn into his own life force for the final blow, hitting her so hard that he caused her brain damage and caused her to hit the ground hard enough to make a large indent into the sand. Standing over her breathing heavily as every muscle in his body wanted to keep going, his blood boiling burning along with his pain he was causing himself. But thankfully maybe, with his chakra burned out the fight in his mind and soul was short lived. Without the energy to keep his inner beast out in the open, he regained his sanity.

"Damn, I wish I knew how to take back the chakra." He said as he knelt over her knowing that this was going to hurt him, a lot. Looking through his holster, he had none of his tools. Rookie mistake, one he would never do again. Holding his hands over her body, he burned into his life force and began to stop her rapid bleeding. He would hold his sword and heal with one hand but if someone came by, they would get the wrong idea and maybe she would too if she woke. Although that didn't look like it would happen anytime soon without his aid. Using his mastered jutsu, Coagulation three times. Burning a good chunk of his life force with it, he knew he had stopped the bleeding internally and externally. Luckily for himself, as he was healing her and burning at himself, he still was healing the right amount over time.

Now he would take a chance and draw his blade, for only a moment. Using his augments to regain more of his bodily energy and his chakra back, because this next bit was going to burn it all away again. After about thirty seconds, he put the sword away and flashed the seals required for two, Angelic Blessings at master rank. Knowing full and well it would be enough to bring her back. But it would leave him pretty vulnerable, hopefully she didn't hate him for wining, or hate him for healing her. Just for her however, he left the scars he made upon her body. Making sure her heart was beating good and strong before he collapsed beside her. Again breathing heavily because he burned away all he got back, closing his eyes for a bit to soak in the fun he just had.

[edit just to say in OOC: that was awesome, so damn close! Thanks for modding this for us too by the way]

Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Amaya's hair had already regained it's color, jet black, and her cursed deformities had already subsided. However, the Kunochi warrior was not out of the fight just yet as she dared to take risky action. Before kira knew it, his chakra was being sapped from him. Her palm jabbed against his chest as she began recovering her own power. Before she knew she was caught in a barehug by the huge shinobi and unable to break free. Not before being lept into the sky and planted overhead into the ground. There the Kunochi remained unresponsive. Strangely, though battered and bloody, the Kunochi's face remained unchanged. Nothing but a faint smile remained, her eyes blank as she slowly slipped into unconsciousness...

Akuma Kira

New Member
Jan 11, 2013
Akuma didn't rest long after healing Fang of her injuries figuring that this was not the best place to rest especially after the commotion they had probably caused. Not to mention that if any one was looking for her as a bounty he would have done the hard work for that ninja. So after a long sigh Akuma got up along with a grunt, picking up his gloves and looking them over with another sigh because he would now have to fix these. Putting them away with all the ninja wire still wrapped around them, that would take time that he did not have at the moment.

Going over to Fang still laying unconscious Akuma wondered what she would say or do if she woke up to him carrying her because that was exactly what he was doing since she was still out like a light. He had to remember not everyone healed as fast as he did, so she'd wake up fine but when was a different matter. So Akuma walked into the little crater he made with her, picked her up, one arm holding up her legs and the other supporting her back. Quickly leaving the scene he went back to where he was to be staying during his visit because he did not know where she would be living currently.

Getting to his room without raising any attention; Akuma placed her on the bed before checking her over to double check she would be okay. He would then leave her side and stay near the window as he began unwrapping the spools of ninja wire from him and his gloves.

(MFT- 273)

Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
The eyes of a dead woman slowly forced themselves open to a hazy sight and a blurry figure. Trapped between consciousness and unconscious was like not something the woman was used to. She couldn't focus nor could she gather her thoughts long enough before slipping back into a comma. She tried to make out words but only slight whimpers escaped her lips. What had happened? What was happening? She could not remember clearly, a fight, a man, survival? Though she could not comprehend her current situation, she knew that something was wrong and that she could not wake fully. This undoubtedly through her into more than just a panic internally but in reality, the full lost of chakra combined with the over use of her cursed seal, a head injury that caused minor brain damage and trauma to the amygdala has forced her into an extreme state of fight or flight. Though she was not fully aware of her surroundings nor was she fully conscious, this triggered brain activity began to spike her heart rate and her breathing became rapid. She was sweating heavily and panting as she lied mostly motionless on the bed she was placed on. Her crused seal would start to travel upon her which seemed to make matters worse. Before long she started catching what looked to be a seizure as her body started jolting back and forth on the bed. She was helpless but not beyond help. Lucky for her that there was a medical nin across from where she laid but would he help her? If so he'd better hurry as time was running out...

[Ooc: felt like being dramatic]

Akuma Kira

New Member
Jan 11, 2013
Akuma had been keeping an eye on Fang, but did not make any real actions until she began to convulse and seize. Rushing over Akuma began speaking in is softest doctor, or friendly voice. "Fang, you're going to be fine. Just listen to my voice and trust me. I'm going to check your air flow, followed by looking you over for any external symptoms." He knowing full and well that he can't stop her from jerking around and shouldn't put anything near her mouth due to her being able to bite quickly. Not that he actually cared, his quick healing would be able to fix that for himself quickly.

He then carefully ran his fingers along her throat checking the air way to be sure it wasn't blocked, soon after gently opening her mouth to look inside and be sure nothing was in there. Once he was sure of those things, he would look over her body. Thankful on how she was dressed and how torn her clothing was due to their fight as he did not need to make her panic by removing any clothing to be sure of any external issues. Upon seeing the cursed mark extending over her body he let out a sigh because although she reverted to her normal state, she had yet to deactivate it consciously and that maybe an issue. He knew because he was able to seal cursed upon people that she wouldn't be able to activate it for at least two weeks due to the strain it puts on the body. "Okay Fang, you're doing great. I'm going to help you regain control and consciousness. When I do; listen to me very carefully if you can, when I do, I need you to deactivate your curse seal."

Once he said that he used in order his mastered medical jutsu's, Anesthetic Infusion to dull her pain, System Restoration as the simple cure all to remove anything that would harm her internally and externally. But quickly after was the the two that would do the most effect, first to be on the safe side he scribes Medical Ward upon her with the special condition written into it so if she would be pushed to death that it would bring her back. Then Resuscitate to help her regain consciousness so she could fight off the curse seal on her. He would use regeneration but he did not wish to shorten her lifespan, she was going to be fine but he did not like seeing her suffer for something he had done and pushed her too.

Gently propping her on her side into whats called the recovery position, he made sure to keep her head elevated even if he needed to use his own hand. "Alright Fang the Brilliant, if you can hear and understand me. I need you to deactivate your curse seal, otherwise you'll take a lot longer to recover." He said hoping that with his jutsu's that she would have the pain dulled and recover her consciousness.

Did he take it to far? He was the one who went looking for a sparring match with someone who called herself the "Queen of battle" he should have known that she would go all out; Akuma was a fool. She pushed herself way to far and he didn't have the wits to end it when he should have. He instead dive bombed her into the ground, it was to much obviously and he needed to make sure she woke up and was fine, the brain trauma would repair itself in a short while but he was nervous he pushed it to far and may need to use regeneration to quickly fix any permanent damage if any.

Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Through the darkness, a voice could be heard. It pierced the black void of despair Amaya's mind was jumbled with in. The voice spoke softly and calm causing Amaya to gain a bit of focus. Once again she would fade in and out of consciousness observing but only for a second, a hazy figure now close to her.

"What's happening to me?"

Amaya's voice was faint and weak. She'd try to gain focus and with luck she would finally grab hold of herself. Unfortunately pain would come with her consciousness and a grunt would escape her lips. Now awake and aware, Amaya's emerald green eyes would trace down to the man's glowing hands stretched over her. Healing ninjutsu? Something she wasn't very good at and something Kira was. It changed the out come of their spar and led Amaya to over exert herself. Her pride and glutton for battle was truly to blame however. Amaya would follow Kira's instructions and focus on deactivating her seal in spite the overwhelming pain. The ruins would slowly retract under her garments and out of sight. Huffing and trying to control her breathing, Amaya's emerald eyes would trace back toward Kira's face which by now started to come into focus. She would continue to breath heavily and stare for a moment. Though he had just nursed Amaya successfully, his face was full with doubt and pleasantry. Perhaps he blamed himself for Amaya's current condition or perhaps something else entirely was eatting at him. Still lying there Amaya would muster the strength to say something. It wasn't a thank you.

"What is with that face love?"

Akuma Kira

New Member
Jan 11, 2013
Seeing the mark finally disappear on her control this time, Akuma breathed a sigh of relief still struck with grief for taking it to far in his opinion. As she spoke to him he looked over her face as she was making the recovery she should have on the battle field now here. Love, she called him knowing it was just a term that people used but no one has really used it for him so he smirked only slightly. Saying under his breath as if for her not to hear but if she was focused enough she could however, "I don't plan to loose anyone else due to my negligence," quickly after as if to mask that reality even to himself, "'love', so is that my name from Fang the Brilliant?" Akuma said playfully.

Looking over her head and feeling around her neck to make sure he didn't miss any fractures or any further damages to her body that he may have over looked. Making sure to also check her leg that he damaged in their fight as well but that was the least of his concerns. Once he was satisfied with his job he would stand up breathing another sign of relief, realizing honestly only now that the top half of his kimono was still hanging from his waist. Giving a slight bow to Fang as an apology in case it came off as rude or perverted. Bringing the top half back up and over his torso; Akuma although clear minded now after the battle was still not the best around people.

"I do have a change of clothes if you need it." Akuma mentioned as he did cut her up pretty good with Ketsueki, not to mention the blood that would be all over her clothing as well.

[MFT - 301]

Akuma Kira

New Member
Jan 11, 2013
Fang seemed to have passed out once more, Akuma didn't disagree with the fact that she needed her rest. Not many would recover as fast as he could. Getting up he took out a some clothes for her as he never got an answer, leaving some on the side table by the bed. He would have left a note but he didn't have any paper with him let alone a pen, he knew she was out of harms way and just apparently needed her rest. Going getting all his things together Akuma then walked to the door, he at least knew her face and a name, whether it was her real one or just a made up one he was given; he did not know.

With that he smiled and walked out the door, leaving for home and to his duties.

[Topic left]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
