Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Find a friendly face [Open!]


New Ninja
Oct 23, 2012
"Don't go getting into any trouble." His older brother called down the hallway, hearing the foot falls of Darasu as he prepared for a day of adventure among the village. Lately he had been spending every waking moment either studying, training or sleeping so it had been some time since he had actually wandered out into the real world. If it wasn't an academy class or a sparring session with his family, the young Haku was not terribly keen on leaving his home. But, with the sun shining and birds chirping in the air he figured there was no better time than today to get out there!

With a bokken strapped to his hip and his usual attire pressed and clean, the young shinobi hopeful made his way through the sliding door of his house and out into the bustling streets of the maple district. A brief pause and a crouch was held before he jumped up onto a nearby roof and began his ascending leap frog across the roof tops of the village towards the academy. There wasn't any class today, but he wondered if maybe he could find a friendly face in the court yards of the academy, or wandering through the hall ways. One by one he bounded across the surfaces of houses, shops and other clay tiles that gave him excitement of his future as a shinobi. So many things to look forward to!

It wasn't long before Darasu arrived in the proximity of the academy and soared from his final roof top, crashing onto the ground with the graceful demeanor of a cat with nine lives in a blast of dust from the dry dirt beneath.
One could tell that this was a pleasant day as far as Konoha sunny days could get with barely a cloud covering the sun’s vibrant embrace. Days such as this went hand in hand with the normal bustling of the village’s streets, as many would go about their daily routines amongst the whimsical children. As odd as it may be, one said child would find herself on her lonesome at the outskirts of the ninja academy despite the lack of lessons or activity that was on-going at this location. But for Hanako, this was something that was completely normal to her. It was often even prior to attending the academy that she would often find herself in its vicinity, whether it be the yearning to learn here or the occasional peeking into the lessons of those far older than she was, but at this time her reasoning of being at the academy was completely different.

Kneeled down within the glistening grassy pastures, the pre-teens eyes were affixed to the delicate movement of her hands, lightly pouring water from a rusty looking can across a small field of flowers. The small girl seemed serene, almost as if she was in her element as she slowly would work away making sure that each flower would receive and refreshing drink. The scenery that remained outside of the academy was often something neglected and being a daughter of a florist led the wilting plants to catch her eyes. It was this that had led to her gaining the permission to take care of these flowers in her own time as she couldn’t but help feeling sympathy for the unsung heroes that were part of the building that they learnt at. Naturally, once she had finished taking care of the plants that were in-front of her, she’d slowly stand up and relocate to the flowers that were further away from her as the amount left slowly dwindled with her routine.

It was one of these moments where she was relocating to another set of greenery where Hanako was met with an unforeseen scenario, as swiftly a shadow from above dove down with finesse- bringing a plume of dust clouds with them. The same couldn’t be said for the blonde however, as the unexpected event had caused her a loss of balance in her step. Cascading down, as the grip of her watering can loosened, what one would later come to view would be a mouse-sized girl frazzled in expression with a watering can promptly knocking them on the noggin before making metallic clanks upon the ground beside her. Hanako didn’t know what to make of this. She was bewildered. But the didn’t halt her from allowing her muddled expression be directed to the now visible figure of a snow-white haired boy infront of her, delivering not only one blank blink but two as she remained completely silent.
Riku walked through the streets, a hum to his step and a whistle to his lips, his hands playing mindlessly with his deck of cards. The academy appeared in his view, with the same old sun sparkling down on it. It was a nice day out, so of course it was a day to waste at the academy ...

It always seems to glow, Riku thought to himself as he reached the academy, passing by one of the students who was watering the plants. He wasn't entirely sure what classes were on today anyway, the memories of arriving late to the water walking session bringing chills to his spine. He stopped in his tracks at the thought, stopping his shuffling of cards and walking back towards the girl. She seems to like the academy, or atleast the flowers around it, maybe she knows the schedule?

"He-" Riku said, being cut short by the appearance of another student.

The boy landed close by to them, knocking the girl and her watering can down. Riku couldn't help but smile at the scene, you always had a few students try and jump to the academy, Riku found it easier to walk, he hadn't seen one of the jumpers knock another over so plainly however. He had to give credit for that at the very least.

"Well," Riku said, a smile on his face as he looked to the new arrival, "Who are you?"

He turned fully towards the person, his hands resuming their mindless playing with cards as he waited for a response.

Nitish was at his house alone sleeping and dreaming. Then after a little while later Nitish wakes up and says to himself “Another Boring Day.” And then he starts thinking that how can he make his day more adventures. So Nitish decided to go to academy to find new kid so he can play with them without getting bored and thought “If I get bored with them, then I will go to Maru’s place to learn about more and more Darkness.” So, Nitish gets ready and heads towards the academy, he knew that today is no class in academy so he should just go slowly to the academy without hurrying.

After a little walk Nitish arrives academy and then after he has arrived there he see two new faces and one old faces which he meet in oak district but don’t know the name. So Nitish heads towards the faces he never seen and then says “For those who don’t know my name…. I am Uchiha Nitish. Nice to meet ya all.” And then asks “what are you all doing here?” and “What is your names…can ya tell me?” Nitish asks them their names and waits for the answer they give him and also asks “If you guys are playing….. Let me in them… I am bored." And then until they answer Nitish observes the area and tries find what they are doing here.
It's a beautiful day outside, students are out training while some adults were out on missions. Nothing really out of the ordinary.. For the exception of a strange boy who carried with him an air of menace. The boy was extremely pale, a plastic smile stretched across his face with the shadows glooming over his eyes making him look evil. The creepy looking boy was a famed dark shinobi well known around this village, and in certain cases he was known by a few in other villages as well for the trouble he's caused. His crimes involved assaults, attempted murder, destruction of Anbu property, mental scarring of children, looting, arson, vandalism, and even grave robbing. Not to mention he fought two Anbu Senin and the former hokage in which he wasn't as successful, but he was still walking around freely! But he was once a chunin, but because of his bad behavior he was demoted twice then kicked back to the academy. The famed troublemaker and dark shinobi was Dokuso Maru, or as he likes to call himself Maru Of The Darkness.

Maru stepped on to the academy grounds, still wearing a creepy smile on his face as he looked around for new playmates. He noticed that there were children seemingly gathered at an area, one in particular was a boy he gave the curse mark to. Nitish Uchiha. Since he saw the familiar face, the dark puppet master moved closer to the group with his hands in his pockets. Single step by single step. “Well did I hear that their are little kiddies about to play over here?” Maru asked, stopping infront of the group to cast a gaze at each academy student as sharp as a splinter raking on the skin. The boy stood there like a strange doll for a moment, his eyes shifting from student to student. “I don't recognize you kiddies neither. I am Maru of The Darkness, a pleasure meeting you meat sacks. Need heehee!” He giggled an ugly giggle, it sounded like the squeaking of chalk on a chalkboard. Of course, he then turned his attention on Nitish who has been a faithful servant of the darkness. “Howdy, have you Mastered that gift I gave ya Nitish?"

While everyone was busy with their trainings and businesses,Kiramaru,a member of the Inuzuka Clan would lazily flop around of his home and flopped out of his home,he was clealrly not feeling it today,all he would want to do is be a like a lazy pancake,but with the persuasive parents he has,they'd force him to get out and go to school to study,and if not,he will recieve a scolding,and as Kira hated things like that done to him,he walked to the Academy sighing,along with his canine companion,Katsu which is sitting on his head.

As he entered the territory of the academy,he recognizes his partner of crime from afar,not by his sense of sight but with his sense of smell,an ability usually found within members of the Inuzuka Clan,and as he came near,he didn't recognise either of them but Riku and because of thathe wouldn't know of the feared puppet master,or the one with the curse mark.

Because of that he then happily greets them,along with his left hand waving at them.

"Hello everyone! The name's Kiramaru,some of y'all probably know me already".

As he happily greets them,he then looks at what they're doing while gritting his teeth and grinding them against each other,a manerism in which he believes would sharpen his teeth,and as he did so,his sharp fangs would be seen,they'd look like they'd tear flesh off easily and it indeed can.

And his clothing of a brown fur collar jacket with the sign of the Inuzuka clan on each side and the two red fang-like shapes on his cheeks would show people that he's a member of the Inuzuka Clan,if they know what those red fangs mean though,as some people don't know the symbol of some clans so it would seem like just a design on his jacket and face if they don't know what it means.
After his explosive landing, Darasu turned on heel to see a girl who had apparently fallen over directly behind him. He looked down at her while she blinked slowly twice, and he opened his eyes a bit wider in confusion. His hands fell into his pants pockets and he stared down at her returning the two blank blinks.
" You okay?" the boy asked curiously, not sure why a girl would be kneeling in the dirt and grass like that.

Shortly after a few more faces arrived, almost like pigeons to seed they flocked into the area with friendly smiles and one person who was ominously dark with a hideous giggle. Darasu looked at the group and nodded "Yo. I'm Darasu." He said shortly, before returning his gaze at the downed girl and gave her another raise of the eyebrows wondering if she would ever get up off the ground.
Surveying the group, he realized that they had a decent sized party. "We should play a game." he said to the group.
It was an unexpected yet minor accident; one that Hana had needed a few seconds to come to understand the misfortunate event that had befallen her. A comedic late cringe of pain followed by a mouse-like faint squeak occurred now seeming to feeling the sting from being victim to a hit on the noggin, treating her injury with a rub from both of her free hands; she would later come to return the blinks with repetition.

It wasn’t a normal occurrence for someone to drop out of the skies, as her head turned to the direction that he came from. Perhaps he came from the rooftops, least that was the only logical explanation that this girl could figure out and that was the explanation that she stuck with. After all, it wasn’t like she could simply ask him nor would she want to even if she could. All she wanted was to hightail it away from here, but sadly she was a girl with convictions that she needed to uphold.

Slowly, she arose from her encumbered state, lightly dusting herself off paying no heed to the question that was asked to her other than answering it with a nonchalant nod. Stood up, she did come to notice the appearance of others. Quite a lot despite the lack of classes in this day, did the commotion earlier cause sparks of curiosity to fly? Whatever it was, she didn’t like it one bit not being the kind of girl whom was enthralled by the ideal of being around others. They seemed like the standard fare of kids, other than the individual that looked like a troublemaker by the creepy appearance along with the odd laugh.

She chose to simply ignore them for now however, remaining silent as the blonde went back to retrieve her watering can. Not minding the company of others, Hanako would make her way to water the remainder of the plants, but doing so while keeping an ear out. After all, she couldn’t help her tendency to watch and eavesdrop on others.
Riku looked at the spectacle with a grin, the group of people arriving may be enough of an excuse to skip a day of class. The group seemed composed of people around Riku’s age, though one person seemed the odd one out, he decided to disregard him. Among the numbers he noticed two familiar faces, Kiramaru and Nitish.

One of the students, the boy that knocked the girl over, he called himself Darasu. The boy had suggested we newly formed group play a game. Probably to distract us from what happened, Riku thought with entertainment, his eyes noticing the girl moving away. A game would keep him out of class just a little longer however … that was a good enough reason as any.

“Riku,” He said happily, “And yer, I think we should play a game!”

He flicked his cards in his hands, making a small display to catch attention before turning his head towards the streets. The day was still early, the crowds in the area might be small enough for a running game. Riku took the chance to look towards Kiramaru and Nitish, giving a grin towards them to push them into joining.

“How about tag?” He asked with a smile.

And then Nitish sees that the group is getting more and more big group to play some kind of game. And then after a little while later Nitish starts feeling uneasy and then he sees at back and sees Maru is coming towards them and introduces himself and then Nitish says to Maru “Hey, Maru don’t try to scare these kids.” And then after a little pause Nitish waits to get his answer and then Maru says “Howdy, have you Mastered that gift I gave ya Nitish?" And then Nitish whispers to Maru “Not yet but trying to master it and don’t say about that curse in the place like this where many peoples or kid there, Are you really try to scare them tell them about the curse seal you done on me?” and then without any delay Nitish once again makes his attention to the kid so they don’t ask what they are talking about. And then another kid come which Nitish know because he have seen him once.

And then after the group is collected with many face. One of the kid introduces himself as “Darasu” and then Nitish turns his attention to the girl sitting on the ground just at the back of Darasu named kid and then Nitish asks her “Do you need any help.” And then Nitish sees that Riku is also introducing himself. And then Nitish sees faces of every one and then sees there uneasy feeling the same as he meet Maru the first time and says Maru “hey Maru be nice with these kid you really are scaring them now.” And then Darasu says “Let’s play a game.” And then Riku says “Let’s play tag.” And Nitish thinks it’s a good idea to play tag so he says “Okey guys let’s play tag with any kind of jutsu’s or tricks we know….Okey” and then Nitish waits for his answer. And stares at Maru whispers “don’t try to do something Maru and make me to beat you at trash like piece.” And Nitish continues his stare on Maru.
Maru looked from child to child, they seemed interesting enough to play. He rubbed his palms together, chuckling deeply hearing one of his favorite games being called out. A game of tag.. With that suggestion, Maru wasted no time I'm agreeing to it. “Tag! I love tag. I used to play it with an old playmate of mine, I have to say it was wonderful.” He snickered to himself, remembering his extreme game of tag that involved running through the city.. With a living girl inside of a coffin on his back until the girl’s boyfriend came to rescue his chick. Fun times.. Fun times… but of course his thoughts were interrupted by Nitish who was concerned about the kids. "Oh don't worry, the kids won't be hurt. I don't fight children.” Maru said, and truth be told he was telling the truth that he wouldn't fight people of their rank. After all, he was blending into the new generation.

“I call not it though!” Maru already called it, since he agreed to the game. Looking over at the girl who was clearly trying to ignore him, which was pretty natural because he gave off an air menace. He strolled away from the group, his shadow looms over the girl as he halted close enough while she watered the plants. Maru gripped the side of his head with both hands, then kindly asked. “Hey gurl! Wanna see my head come off?!” By the time the girl would answer, he would have already removed his head from his body! Revealing their was no blood, just a hollow neckhole. Holding his head as a ball to his side, he spoke without attaching his head back to his body. "Neat Huh? Don't know a lot of people that can do that.”


As Kiramaru hears about the game suggestion, then smiles suggestion and as he did so,he then comments about it.

"Tag?...Sure! game choice hehe"

As he finished speaking,he then compliments whoever suggested it,as to him,it was a very fun game indeed,and as the game was such a fun one,he then remembers memories when his father's dog used to chase him,and always catch him,and because of that he posseses pretty good skill at the game.

"But I have to warn you all,I am pretty fast...hehe"

He proudly says so himself,as his skill of running on all fours,greatly gives him the needed speed he needs,like the wild wolves that roam around the forest.

As he noticed the other kid take his own head off,unlike other kids that will be scared at the sight,but not Kira,he would be amazed by him,as he sees that taking his head off and being alive while his head is amputated off his own body,and his amazement would be noticed as he said.

"Hey that's pretty cool!....."

He said to the kid as the boy is now holding his head,he then also asks to how can he perform such an act.

"How do you even do that?"

Nitish was feeling not well at the time so he decide to leave those kids and then head towards his house and then after a little pause and says “Everyone I’m not feeling well at a time so I will be going home so play well and Maru don’t do anything stupid and put that stupid head of your on.” And then Nitish starts heading towards his house and shouts “See ya all later.” And then starts running towards his house.


Current Ninpocho Time:
