Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Fix it with Fire. More Fire [Open]

Feb 13, 2013
OOC Rank
Sarunishi's body moved gracefully through the temple as people stared at him in wonderment, awe, and fear. This walking incarnation of stone and fire was something to be stared at for sure, but he was but a simple mortal as all were. Swiftly entering and exiting the inner temple of the Void, Sarunishi moved himself to the temple of Fire. It would be exceedingly warm for someone other than Sarunishi in such a place. His bright gemstone quality eyes darted about before locking themselves upon the main altar. Setting himself down before it in seiza, he closed his eyes and brought himself internally. Within, a conversation would begin between himself and his ageless demon. One of the few times in Sarunishi's life since being bonded with his familiar would the area around him actually cool. His breathing slowed every so slightly and the cracks in his body dimmed. The area around him was mildly colder than usual. It would be bearable and like that of a normal person.

Curiously, people stared from the edges of the doorway until a few trickled in and followed Sarunishi in practice, however, instead of facing the altar they faced him as they prayed or meditated. It didn't matter to Sarunishi. He had no idea either way. He was lost in thought with himself as it were. Their conversation was on various topics. Ages past. Stone. Shamans before they were shamans as people knew them now. All of it resonating and filling him in ever the more on his purpose here. Perhaps he was truly home. Maybe this was all a mockery or something better. He knew not. All he knew was that it was time to finally become one with his darker rider.

Rakujo Yumeko

Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Ayumi, along with her paths, wandered throughout Iwagakure until she eventually found herself at some sort of temple. She was a bit in awe about how the village had been built, more or less, completely out of stone. She decided to enter the temple as she wondered exactly what would be going on within it, should anything that wasn't boring going on. While Ayumi and her paths entered the temple, she would have her Blonde haired path lean again the doorway, without actually blocking it, while she had her blue haired path walk alongside her. The only thing the two shared that one could see if they were truly observant would be their rippled eyes, otherwise, at a simple glance it would seem as if they were just able to 'read' each others minds.

Ayumi would be scanning the area within the temple, only to notice a couple people praying or meditating around some guy. Ayumi had her blue haired path quickly, and as silently as it could, move towards the guy, before speaking through the path when it was close enough. "Excuse me, but have you noticed the people around you, doing whatever it is they're doing?" Ayumi said, through the path that was closest to him. Even though Ayumi controlled each path, they had their own vocal cords, so of course their voiced would be different... right?
Feb 13, 2013
OOC Rank
"I've noticed you. Interrupting one's meditation is quite rude I will have you know. How many of you are there? Three, four? Two perhaps. Too many distractions."<i></i> Sarunishi mumbled something under his breath as he lifted himself from his rest and meditation. Some of the people standing around him either lifted themselves up and scurried away or they stayed prostrated. His eyes opened somewhat slowly as he turned around to face the being that spoke to him. He stood a good portion over six feet in height. His muscular body moved with the grace of predatory cats and otherwise slinky creatures. Weasels, perhaps. Some sort of animal. His bare moved without a sound for most, lest they had above average hearing, and he felt the world around him. Those who'd arrived and left. All of it. Now that he was in motion, the area began to become heated once more. Those in his immediate area seemed to gasp at the sudden change and scurried off as well.

"Any reason you care? Something wrong with your eyes with all them ripples that you can't see things yourself?"<i></i> Sarunishi's fingers flexed a bit. He was already ready to handle a situation were it to be provoked or unwarranted. His lips curled back to expose his toothy grin, venom dripping from upper daggers to lower blades. His bright red eyes locked then darted to the secondary figure with the same style of eyes. Something wasn't right and he really did not like it one bit.

Rakujo Yumeko

Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Ayumi listened to the man as he spoke with a slight sigh. "Many apologies. I didn't know if you knew that you had people surrounding you or not." She said, through the path that stood closest to the man. She avoided the question in which how many of her were there, and listened to him as he asked if there was any reason she cared, and if there was something wrong with her eyes that she couldn't see for herself.

"I purely asked for the fact that I'm not all too religious, and this seems to be a building that deems to warship such. I've not cared much to learn much about so, nor do I much care to learn about such any time soon..." Ayumi spoke, through her original body. She took a few steps forward. Ayumi's white hair, along with canine-like ears and tail didn't move much as she waited for the man to speak once more. Though he towered over her shortest path by a bit. Ayumi controlled the path and brought it closer to herself, so that it wasn't so close to him and should the man be hostile, it wouldn't be right next to him.
Feb 13, 2013
OOC Rank
"Well, aren't you something special. Some sort of gestalt? Telepathy? But I digress. You ask if I noticed people around me due to religious connotations. Yet, you don't care about the religious aspect. Why ask at all?"<i></i> Venom in his words like the every other part of him. His tongue snapped out for a singular moment to glide along his upper lip. His eyes moved from one to the other. What a weird little thing. Inhuman, to say the least. Well, partially inhuman. At least Sarunishi was all human, despite his genetic variation. His bones popped in various places as he took a step forward. He wondered if they all tasted different given their different bodies. He was ever so curious as to what he could do with separate bodies. Questions, questions, but never the answer. You just couldn't have both most days.

Once more he licked his lips, deeper in thought that he intended. "So, are you here to kill me? I suspect these people are praying to me, given my embodiment. In a place meant to worship the elements, wouldn't you worship a man made of earth and fire like an avatar of godliness? I'd suggest choosing wiser words."<i></i> His nose flared as his throat pulled down what one could only assume to be toxic mucus or phlegm before gulping it down so as not to spit in this holy place. Even he had manners. He was rusty. How could he manage to take on two, let alone four, other individuals? Especially if they were all linked by the same mind.

Rakujo Yumeko

Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Ayumi listened to the man speak as she had sensed the venom in his words. She brushed it off as he finished speaking and spoke herself. "No, nothing like that. And simply out of curiosity." She spoke, shrugging slightly, as she waited and soon heard the man speak once more.

"What about the other said elements? Like Wind or Water, or even Lightning? The body that was next to you a moment ago was, more or less, an embodiment of water. But I digress. If I was one who war-shipped anything, then my answer would be 'yes'. But personally, I'll pass on an answer." She said, having her original body cross her arms and her two paths lean against the door. She wasn't trying to show any hostilities towards the man.
Feb 13, 2013
OOC Rank
"You come and disturb myself and these people and you're rude enough to avoid answering questions? You're really starting to piss me off."<i></i> Sarunishi spat before he took one step towards the three individuals near the door. He'd tilt his head a bit and snort. "Get out of here, civilians."<i></i> Sarunishi's muscles tightened underneath his skin as his fingers clenched into fists. His toes dug into the stone beneath his feet as the spit began to bubble and hiss. With this, the few remaining people would attempt to scurry or run out of the chamber. They had no reason to remain. They could tell as the heat increased that this was not the place for them to remain.

"Lots of bodies are water. That's how it works. Apply enough heat and that stops being the case. Now, I might suggest you take a few steps back, turn around, and then go back to wherever you came from. I may look like a monster, but at least I only have one body. Whatever you are is completely unnatural."<i></i> Sarunishi's tone had become more guttural and relatively deep in comparison to what it had been at his baritone-tenor range. Every fiber of his being was poised for conflict. The question was if the other would spark the tinder.

Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
I didn't notice it at first but eventually felt something strange and ominous about. I was not the only one as priest and others in worship and prayer began to look up. Was it getting hotter? No not just hotter but in the air was something dark. Most continued praying as they should, some feared something evil was admist and began fleeing scared ground as if this was not a sanctuary to protect them from the dark. I rose from my posture and sought out this disturbance. In no time I came across a few people facing what did not look human. A servant of the dark here? No, something about it was a bit different. As if it had a soul, something about it was human and not quite forsaken like it's outward appearance suggests. What's more, the ones before him... what where they? I approached the situation wearing my black rob and sun hat. My head was bowed so my face was hidden initially and my hands holding together. A fight would not take place here and they would not disturb these people further.

"Oh... what do we have here? These civilians aren't going anywhere I'm afraid... This is a sanctuary for those seeking peace and tranquility to find it ever after. Here they will find it, in prayer and in song. If you seek to sully this land with your violence and wickedness, then I suggest that you three leave. I nor anyone of the Fayth will allow wickedness here... Servants of the dark are not welcomed to run a muck..."

Rakujo Yumeko

Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Ayumi listened to the man and sighed a bit as she watched him spit before telling the civilians to leave the buildings. She had noticed the temperature of the building had risen from what it had been and listened to what the man said after he had paused. She listened to the entirety as he spoke, and slightly shook her head. She opened her mouth to speak, but was interrupted by someone who had just arrived, speaking about how the civilians wouldn't be going anywhere.

She sighed as she listened to the person speak from within a black robe and underneath a hat. "Ok, first things first, you." She spoke, pointing to the man who was there before she was. "It's true. This is unnatural. I only got these eyes from a surgery back from where I originate from." She said without much pause. "Now onto you. I'm sure you have a bit of trouble with your eyes, considering that there's this man here, and myself, as well as my two paths. So, either you need to go to a medic of some sort and get your eyes checked out, or you're just some sort of stupid..." She said, as she sat down in a nearby seat, while her two paths continued to lean against the doorway, though they didn't obstruct it at all.

So, with all that said and done, she didn't know what either would do, but she stayed calm, and waited for the other two to react to what she said.

Feb 13, 2013
OOC Rank
"As weird as this one is, I am inclined to agree. You must be exceptionally blind or exceptionally stupid to realize it's just us in here...and that if you were to prevent civilians from leaving that you'd be condemning them to death. As one of the 'Fayth' as you call it, you might take a book from those people who just left, peacefully, who were worshipping me. Lest you don't agree with their religion because it differs from your own"<i></i> This time Sarunishi would spit at the most current addition to their merry band. Were it to land on their person, it would begin to eat through fabric and otherwise, but do no harm to flesh."Or you can leave, spread your 'heresies' elsewhere, and let those people worship as they wish, you facist."<i></i> Sarunishi would chuckle, body still poised for action. His mind bounced a bit. He had witnesses that could vouch for him being accosted. The person watching was likely not even a member of the village.

"Your eyes interest me, young one. Today, you were lucky."<i></i> Quickly, a coin was flipped into the air. Today, Sarunishi was going to see if he could end this fight before the coin hit the ground and he would keep it aloft, best he could, as long as he could during the whole ordeal. Quietly, outside the room, people peeked and gathered to observe the increasing violence. With it all, Sarunishi's body pushed off.

[Bmod called. Should definitely read better.]


New Member
Jan 31, 2013
Bmod here, please send the following:
  • Stats
  • Class
  • BL/CA/Kin
  • Abilities
  • Jutsu
  • Equipment

1. Link Abilities/Jutsu you are going to use.
2. Quote Round 1 action when sending Round 2+
3. Read the rules of engagement if you are not familiar with it:
4. Make sure to specify a target if a jutsu/ability calls for it (ie: Duelist)

Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
"Well now, name calling this early? I thought I said that this was a sanctuary for peace but maybe I didn't say it loud enough. Oh excuse me ma'am, there is nothing wrong with my eyes, I assure you... I didn't realize that you were with this lot is all. Also no, I am not exceptionally blind, exceptionally stupid, a fascist, or condemning anyone to death in anyway. In fact quite the opposite. However, this temple does not belong to you or I. You and your followers are free to fancy yourself as a god and promote any thing you please... as long as you don't bring violence here or any malice for that matter. Prayer, worship, peace is this place calling and purpose... and it will remain that way... *takes a few steps forward* Stand down in peace or..."

That's when I removed my hat and placed it to my side before letting it slip from my fingers and allowed the wind to carry it away. I was smiling and welcoming as my words were sincere. It was not wise to anger the gods by disturbing them and discriminating their temples. This man would stand down without violence and in peace. It was by my will that this to be true. Looked him in the eye as he flipped a coin... I wonder what it was for. Perhaps to distract me? Was he ignoring my words? Which ever the case, he would see things my way by the time the coin fell. No blood would be spilled and no malice of any kind would defile this temple...

[sending actions]

Rakujo Yumeko

Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Ayumi sat in the same place that she had been, with a sigh as she listened to both the man and the new arrival. "Definitely a strange beginning to a vacation..." She said, with yet another sigh as she continued to sit where she was, as well as having her other two paths sit next to her.

[Stuff Sent]


New Member
Jan 31, 2013
Received PM from Admin:

Ryujin Koyoko has an ability he cannot use for this battle despite the fact that council has approve the ability. Koyoko will inform to council about this error and fix this as soon as this battle ends.

From me:

Since the blame goes to council, Koyoko is free to swap the invalid ability for this battle. Furthermore, to make this fair, both Ayumu and Sarunishi can also swap out one of their ability for this battle as long as they meet the requirement. (PM me even if you don't need to)

Hopefully this is the end of it... please make sure to double check your work from this point on to avoid things like this.


New Member
Jan 31, 2013
Another word from admin:
Hoshikata said:
The blame is not just on Council, but on Koyoko himself for several things, not the least of which that he applied for an ability he didn't qualify for. Allowing him to swap an ability at this point violates the rules of engagement.
Unfortunately, he simply has to go into this fight missing an ability.

Mod will be up in an hour.
Round 1 said:

HP: 42000-825-8470+1260 = 33965
CP: 39000-450-1260-661 = 36629
AP: 10-2-2-2.5 = 3.5 (11 next round)
Maintaining: Demon Cloak Alpha, Demonic Howl


[Ryujin Koyoko]
HP: 33000
CP: 42000-405-1237-2970-360 = 37028
AP: 10-1-3-3-2-1 = 0 (10 next round)
Maintaining: Defensive Technique, Sharingan


[Yukiko Ayumi]
HP: 39000
CP: 36000-6426 = 29574
AP: 10-3-1-1 = 5 (12 next round)
Maintaining: Summoning: Demonic Statue of the Outer Path

Demonic Statue of the Outer Path
HP: 7560

0.0s - Koyoko selects her target.
0.0s - Koyoko enters Defensive Technique.
0.0s - Koyoko activates Sharingan.
0.0s - Koyoko focuses on her target.
2.0s - Sarunishi activates Demon Cloak Alpha.
3.0s - Ayumi summons Demonic Statue of the Outer Path (Koyoko's unaffected)
3.0s - Koyoko does a hidden action (Success! Sarunishi is aware, but does not recognize.)
4.0s - Sarunishi uses Demonic Howl.
5.0s - Ayumi attempts to enter stealth (Fail)
6.0s - Ayumi disappears from Sarunishi and Koyoko.
6.0s - Koyoko uses Vaporization on Sarunishi! (Hit!)
6.2s - Sarunishi uses Fist of Tremor on Ayumu! (Blind shot, Miss!)
8.0s - Koyoko does a hidden action (Success! Sarunishi can't move.)
9.0s - Koyoko uses signal flare.
10.0s - Sarunishi is freed!
Notes said:
  • Battle-wise Ayumi does not have any path summoned
  • Yes, I did do all the DR and Damage Buffs
  • Edit: adding quotes around to make it more visible
Feb 13, 2013
OOC Rank
Sarunishi's body reeled a moment due to unknown forces. His mind wandered as a deeper red chakra began to pour from the cracks in his body. The young lady had slipped away to wherever knows and left a statue in her place which was beginning to make him quite annoyed. Deep within him, something hungered. He lurched forward, sputtering blood and bile upon the floor before him as his laughter began to escalate. This was only the beginning. Sarunishi knew the ability that struck him. He was all too familiar. Perhaps he'd use it in response. Perhaps he'd simply ignore it and proceed with his current agenda. Something had bound him briefly and momentarily. It was enough to make his blood boil. The dark chakra about him began to boil and worm its way into the very landscape of the temple. "You're ridiculous stupid! Those people were praying to be for safe journey and otherwise and you come in spouting your heresy! Look in the mirror, you garbage! And above all else you insult your own leader's guest!"<i></i> Inu Endo wouldn't like this very much, most likely, in the grand scheme of things. Those damned eyes. Sarunishi was beginning to hate them. His muscles bulged and his body cracked as more chakra began to seep through his body. Mere seconds. The coin was spinning. Maybe he wouldn't get to end this before it hit the ground. Maybe he'd be ended. All he knew was that the rage inside of him was working to come out. It was too much. It was always just too much when someone pushed him too far.

[Actions Sent]


Active Member
Nov 1, 2012
[Topic entered with full Dragon Crew and DNPC: Yamda Suki]

So we were still in the City of Stone right, and in normal circumstances we would be lost,... but our guide the Shida-Man was simply leading us on a tour. What we didn't realize was that there was a party going on somewhere, and where ever there is a party, the Most Epic One is always invited. They even had fireworks going and stuff.

PT:(Surprised) "Hey look at that... fireworks!! Come on peoples."
Replay:(Relaxed) "Hmm, looks like a temple. An odd place for that kind of stuff but, it would be nice to watch a show."

And with that, the Dragon were off to show the wallflowers the definition of cool. If they were luck, they might blessed enough to catch the Shida Square Dance!!

[Entering for battle]
[Signal Flare response]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
